Shoreline UU Weekly News October 8, 2014 This Sunday EMAIL ADDRESS FOR REV. LYN October 12, 10:30 AM WORSHIP: "What the Dalai Lama Taught Me" Please do not write to Rev. Lyn at the email address It is not working correctly. Please contact her at: A reflection on experiences with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan exiles in India, and basic Buddhist thought. Coffee: Vicky Clark & Barb Francese Flowers: SUUS Decorating Committee Childcare: Cara Moraitis & Sue Schaedler From Your Administrator Got News? Deadlines for Submission! Wednesday News: 10:00 AM on Tuesday. Sunday Announcements & Order of Service: 10:00 AM on Wednesday. Please send all submissions OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-CLOSED TUESDAY-9:30-4:00 WEDNESDAY-9:30-4:00 THURSDAY-9:30-4:30 FRIDAY-CLOSED From Your Communications Chair Have you "liked" Shoreline UU Society on Facebook? Just click on the FB icon below and get updates on the week ahead, news from the New England Region and the UU World, and even some inspirational words to take with you during your day. If you have already "liked" us, but are not receiving any posts, you may need to go back and "like" us again. We New to SUUS? NEW TO SHORELINE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST? The SUUS Membership Committee welcomes you to a luncheon on Sunday, October 19th at 12:00 PM in the downstairs Coffee Room. This is an opportunity to meet with our Interim Minister, Rev. Lyn Oglesby, Nate Pawelek, our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, and SUUS member to share information with you and answer any questions you may have about our faith community. Additionally, we have two gatherings designed for learning and discussion about the Unitarian Universalist faith. Thes will be faciliated by Rev. Lyn and Nate Pawelek, and will be held after coffee hour at noon on Sunday, October 26th. and November 2nd in the Minister's Study. If you are interested, or have any questions please contact: Jennifer Farmer-Etzel, or 203-430-4950, or Suzanne Dudley at 203-453-3265. From Your Interim Minister From your interim minister... Finally settling in, still not completely unpacked, and haven't unearthed the spices, cords to a couple of television sets (amazing, I can get by with only one!) and a big bunch of files -- the ones I need most are still buried in some box, but it's livable and I'm beginning to feel at home at home. Mostly because you all have been so friendly, welcoming and kind to me. I struggle to keep up with all the work I need to do, but am loving being with you and getting to know you and working with you. You are an amazing group of people, and (in my humble opinion) your congregation is in much better shape than you seem to think it is! You work hard, do what needs to be done, build playgrounds, weed, install new access features, produce chili and great soups in a whisper, sing, take care of my needs on Sunday mornings, plan farther ahead than I can barely think about, greet visitors warmly, and are a joy to be with on Sunday mornings and other times. I'm having fun. You are nurturing my spirit and feeding my soul and providing a beautiful learning environment where our children and youth are developing their characters, values and spirits. The way you care for each other warms my heart. Many thanks from a happy camper. Give yourselves a pat on the back and spread some hugs around, because you deserve them! In faith, Lyn If you have already "liked" us, but are not receiving any posts, you may need to go back and "like" us again. We a pat on the back and spread some hugs around, because you deserve them! In faith, Lyn hope you do! THIS WEEK AT SUUS THURSDAY, OCT. 9 1:00 PM MAH JONGG 4:00 PM BOOK CLUB 6:00 PM SMALL GROUP SATURDAY, OCT. 11 9:00 AM HOUSE & GROUNDS CLEAN-UP 10:00 AM COORDINATORS WORKSHOP 10:00 AM STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE SUNDAY, OCT. 12 10:30 AM worship: What the Dalai Lama Taught Me/Rev.Lyn Oglesby Ph.D. MONDAY, OCT. 13 7:00 PM FINANCE COMM. TUESDAY, OCT. 14 7:00 PM WORSHIP COMM WEDNESDAY, OCT 15 7:00 SPIRITUAL CINEMA LAST SUNDAY October 5, 2014 ATTENDANCE MEMBERS & FRIENDS: 51 VISITORS: 4 YOUTH & CHILDREN: 22 STAFF: 3 WANT A LINK TO LAST SUNDAY'S REFLECTIONS CLICK HERE Calendar Board Of Trustees Update From Your Board of Trustees Last call to committee chairs to submit your Annual Reports for 2013 - 2014, or we'll be calling you! If you were chair of a committee during the last fiscal year from 2013 - 2014 please submit the annual report for your committee, if you haven't done so already. The reports will be compiled and available at the November 9th Congregational meeting. Please send your report to Marc at SUUS Office or ;Neil Schultes . Upcoming events you will want to remember: Spirituality retreat offered by our UUA district is coming up on Saturday 10/25, so far there are 4 of us going from SUUS. It's not too late to register, see the posting on the bulletin board in the coffee room for more information. Let Sue Schaedler know if you are interested in attending. . On 11/2 our UUA Director of Transitions, Rev Keith Kron will be joining Rev Lyn for the Sunday service with a discussion on Interim Ministry after coffee. Sing-a-long Website Facebook Office STAFF Interim Minister Rev. Madeline "Lyn" Oglesby, Ph.D. Director of Lifespan Religious Education Nathan Pawelek Congregational Administrator Marc Deaton Director of Music Jill Walthall EXECUTIVE TEAM President Sue Schaedler Vice-President Neil Schultes T.G.I.F Sing-a-long th October 17 . at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a rousing "Sing Along" in the meeting room. Please bring a snack or finger food to share. No nuts, please. Beverages will be available. Our Music Director, Jill Walthall and others will play. Come one, come all and have a glorious time! Guitarists, we hope you will bring your instruments and join in! hymns, pop, folk, show tunes, etc. Please send song suggestions, sheet music, lyrics, etc. to Maria Puziello BOARD MEMBERS Committee Event Secretary Linda Russell House and Grounds Treasurer Eric Munro Finance Chair Art Belanger Member at Large Liz Miranker Deb Pascale Steve Ernst A SUUS Music Let's fix up SUUS!!!!! Are you tired of looking at the nasty stained drywall on the ceiling in the foyer? So am I!! This Saturday is your chance to make a difference in our own home and help replace the drywall to make it pretty again!!! We also plan to move back the plants transplanted during the construction of the ramp. So whether your thumbs are green or you prefer to help with a tool belt, please join us this Saturday, Oct 11, from 9:00am-12:00. Refreshments served. Please let me know if you can attend at and THANK YOU!! Martha Howard, Chair Building and Grounds COUNCIL Associational Affairs: Mary Strieff Caring: Barb Francese Communications: Religious Education There will be no religious education classes this Sunday, due to Columbus Day holiday. Those children and youth who will be attending church this Sunday, are invited to make Halloween decorations for the October 26th. party. The First Congregational Church of Madison (FCC) is sponsoring their annual Homelessness Awareness Week with several events planned. Here are the events of interest: Saturday, October 11, 7:00 pm Susan McDevitt, local homelessness Mary Strieff Decorating: Jenny Lee & Tracy Ernst Hospitality: Tracy Ernst & Margaret Fikrig House and Grounds: Martha Howard annual Homelessness Awareness Week with several events planned. Here are the events of interest: Saturday, October 11, 7:00 pm Susan McDevitt, local homelessness activist and 2014 New Haven County Beacon Award recipient, and her family will show a video highlighting their work with local homeless people and share anecdotes and information with our community. Recommended th for children and youth 4 grade and above, and the Madison interfaith community. Adults also welcome! Membership: Suzanne Dudley & Jennifer Farmer-Etzel Saturday, October 11, 10:00pm Interfaith youth sleep on the Green in refrigerator boxes to experience a typical night for homeless people who are unable to secure temporary shelter. Memorial Garden: Stephanie Warren Sunday, October 12, 7:30-9:00am Youth collect food donations from Stop & Shop customers to benefit Madison Food Pantry. If you would like to contribute to the FCC Homelessness Awareness Week, we need the following food items: Pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, pasta, pasta and rice sides, cake and brownie mixes, peanut butter, canned veggies (peas, sweetcorn, potatoes, carrots and green beans) , lrg and sml boxed rice, tuna and soup. You can drop your donated items in the large bin at the top of the stairs leading to the basement. Music: Maria Puziello Nominating: Mary Jo Ross, Chair Jennifer Farmer-Etzel Yann van Heurck Personnel: Jere Armen Olga Albren Dana Eggert Program: TBA Religious Education coChair:: Karen Pawelek Social Action: Jere Armen Bill Cash Yann van Heurck Stewardship: Lily Rojas Transition Worship Team: Liz Miranker Way & Means: TBA The First Congregational Church of Madison (FCC) is sponsoring their annual Homelessness Awareness Week with several events planned. Here are the events of interest: Wednesday, October 15: Interfaith Community Soup and Bread Dinner at 6:30pm (at FCC) with speakers Faces of Homelessness. Steve Ernst and I have started up the SUUS children's choir!!! We had our first rehearsal before church this past Sunday. The song is called "Give Us Hope." If you'd like to learn this song at home, CLICK HERE. Our first performance for the congregation is going to be Sunday, November 23, just before Thanksgiving. Parents, if you have not already done so, please register you children or youth to participate in the SUUS RE program. Registering helps us keep track of our numbers, keep in contact with you about important upcoming events and information, and helps us plan and budget. I invite you to visit the new Religious Education pages of the church website CLICK HERE Here is the link to the registration form: CLICK HERE New England Region Workshop OCTOBER 25, 10AM -4PM FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF WORCESTER, MA. Unitarian Universalist Spirituality: A Wellspring for Congregational Leaders Imagine a sustained, daylong experience of your own Unitarian Universalist spirituality. The Rev. Jen Crow travels from Minneapolis to offer us retreat-style practices of UU adult spiritual development. Don't miss this outstanding Regional offering! SUUS has four people Universalist spirituality. The Rev. Jen Crow travels from Minneapolis to offer us retreat-style practices of UU adult spiritual development. Don't miss this outstanding Regional offering! SUUS has four people going at this time. If you would like to attend, contact Mary Strieff or Sue Schaedler to reserve a space. For more information, click here SUUS Auction Coming Soon! THE AUCTION IS COMING! SUUS SERVICE AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 5:30-8pm The auction is one of SUUS' biggest fundraisers of the year. We are currently looking for donations. Can you offer a dinner, treasure, service, or a tasty item for our food table? Auction donation sheets are available in the coffee room or by CLICKING HERE. Contact Dana Eggert at or call at 203-215-2356 for more information. From Your Nominating Committee FROM THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Our Program Committee The purpose of the program committee is to provide social, educational, and/or enrichment programs that foster friendship and fellowship among SUUS members, and between members and the shoreline community at large. Maria Puziello chaired this committee last year and offered us TGIF dinners, drumming workshops, Vesper services and more. She has moved on to chairing the Music Committee for this year. This committee can offer the fun, creative, educational and social element of the life of our faith community. If you would like to learn more, or would be interested in working with others on these events, please contact Jennifer Farmer-Etzel at 203-245-7027 or Yann van Heurck at 203-245-9720. Programs at SUUS Join In An Upcoming Tour! The Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, the first chartered burial ground in the U.S., is a National Historic Landmark. Join our tour of this unique site and learn about the founders of New Haven, the nationally and internationally known men and women who are buried there, and the iconography and architectural styles marking the grave sites. Mark your calendar for the morning of Saturday, October 11 (time to be determined.) If we have a sizable group we will have a private tour; otherwise, we'll join the scheduled public tour at 11:00. There is no charge, and heavy rain will cancel. To reserve, contact Maryann Bracken by October 5 so the tour can be arranged. Phone 203-453-4032, or email . Let her know if you would like to car pool, and also if you'd like to join the group for lunch at a New Haven restaurant. Creative Hands Let her know if you would like to car pool, and also if you'd like to join the group for lunch at a New Haven restaurant. Creative Hands Please note that Creative Hands will meet on the Third Tuesday of the month from now on... therefore, in October the date will be Tuesday the 21st . The first recipient of the newly established Standing on the Side of Love Fund has been announced. The Fred Keefe Standing on Side of Love Fund was created last year to help marginalized people. hawkwing is a local organization serving the Lakota Sioux. Rochelle Ripley, Native American storyteller and founder of hawkwing, led the service on October 5th. In support of this, SPIRITUAL CINEMA CIRCLE meets this Wednesday, October 15 at 7 PM. This month's film will be Taos -- a fast-track lawyer stranded in the mountains near Taos, New Mexico when his car breaks down, has the opportunity to review his life. Once he sees the light, there's no turning back. Shoreline CUUPS The Life and Horrors of HP Lovecraft Sunday, October 19th at 2pm in the Library Join us to learn about the bizarre and fascinating man that was HP Lovecraft, author of such maddening horrors such as Cthulu and the Necronomicon. We'll explore his life, his monstrous creations, and hear one or two of his haunting tales. Haunted Tales From Around the World Sunday, October 26th at 2pm in the Library We're celebrating the Samhain season this year with a spooky storyshare. Bring a scary story from some culture other than main-stream America to share, or just sit back to be regaled with haunting myths and legends from around the globe! Book Club Look at these exciting books for the coming months! Starting on October 9th. Burden of Desire by Robert Mac Neil Set in Nova Scotia during World War II. November Code Talker by Chester NEZ Original Navajo Code used during World War II to help win the war. December Zealot by Ashan The life and times of Jesus of Nazareth written by a Muslin who writes what can be historically documented. Zealot by Ashan The life and times of Jesus of Nazareth written by a Muslin who writes what can be historically documented. January The Samurais's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama Beautifully written about complicated issue (Japan and China) February The Invention of Wings by Sarah Monk Kidd
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