October 2014 Vol. 63 Issue 10 Sermon Topics in October CONTACT INFORMATION Minister Rev. Jennie Barrington Office 501-225-1503 Home 501-313-4445 rev@uuclr.org Office Admin Sue McDonald 501-225-1503 uuclr@uuclr.org Director of RE Rachel Finley 501-225-1503 rfinley5@yahoo.com Music Director John Perez 501-225-1503 jwperez1@yahoo.com Board President Kater Renolds katerviola@gmail.com Minister Emeritus Rev. Alexander “Scotty” Meek a.meek@att.net STAFF HOURS Minister’s hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30 am - 2:30 pm Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am - 2 pm Call 442-6623 before coming Phone 225-1503 E-mail: uuclr@uuclr.org Program Council Team Liaisons Adult Faith Development Joe Meehan Children & Youth RE Vacant Communication Sue McDonald Facilities Miranda Keith Faith In Action vacant Fellowship Nell Matthews Membership Cas Rifkin Worship Arts Margaret McLellan 1818 Reservoir Rd., Little Rock, AR 72227 www.uuclr.org uuclr@uuclr.org Theme for October: Resistance Oct 5 Coming Out Day Sunday and Gay History Month Rev. Jennie Barrington Oct 12 Gandhi and the Practice of Non-Violence Rev. Jennie Barrington Oct 19 Surviving Sons of Attu Guest Speaker: Devin Keith Oct 26 Unitarian Universalist Martyrs Rev. Jennie Barrington News from the Search Committee Team Thanks for everyone‘s help with the surveys and group discussions. As a result we are better prepared to create the information packet that will invite someone to join us as our new settled minister next spring. During this stage of work we are open to interaction with the congregation. These results will provide a snapshot of who we are, and then perhaps even allow this congregation to have a better idea of who we want to be. We are still working on ‗the information‘ packet. Is there something you forgot to say on the survey, or you said it but want to be sure that we heard you? Or do you have a new thought? We have nametags now, so you can remember who we are. Feel free to talk with us at coffee hour, send an email, or even ask for a bit of private time from one of us. We are good listeners. When we begin the procedure of contacting prospective ministers is the time we must keep our contacts and deliberations private. Dawn Harris (Chair), Bill Goolsby, Tucker Steinmetz, Kate Dokter, Edith Bradberry, Rich Roy and Jerry Blackburn Dear Members and Friends, Recently I watched a few episodes of the new TV show, ―Utopia.‖ I wouldn‘t want to turn you against it. The topic has been of interest to me for a long time. I once wrote a paper on Liberal Utopian Communities and the future of Unitarian Universalism. You are welcome to read it. So if you would like to, please ask me for a copy. The TV show follows fourteen strangers who have been set up to start a new utopian community in a lovely spot of rural California. As individuals they each have a vision and desire to live in a new, different, better, and counter-cultural way. But what bothers me most is that there isn‘t one vision or mission at the core to unify them and their efforts. Your excellent Search Committee is currently soliciting your answers to the question, ―What is the burning coal at the heart of UUCLR?‖ through their survey and Focus Groups. I hope you will let them know your answers as to why, uniquely, UUCLR is here, so they can provide prospective ministers with one clear answer, instead of several disparate ones. In our recent Board Retreat, which was very pleasant and productive, the board expressed that ―To Be the Best We Can Be‖ and ―To Be a Good Neighbor‖ are two core things for which UUCLR is here. A utopian community must answer for itself many human questions and basic issues, as must a congregation. Questions such as: ―Why are we here?‖ ―Why don‘t ‗they‘ agree with us?‖ and establishing goals, objectives, work, sustenance, ownership, and authority. As I tried to watch the ―Utopia‖ TV show, I dearly wished those fourteen souls had worked out many of these things before the taping began. The TV show is called Reality TV. But the scenes, many of which were overly dramatic, seemed stagedlike fake arguments that resolved with scripted reconciliations. But when a congregation has worked out their own collective answers to questions of their values, priorities, covenant with each other, and ways they want to be in relationship with the wider community, there is great good they can do, for and with neighbors near and far. And the world is in great need of our liberal principles and ethos. UUCLR has clarified its answers to many of these questions. But the question of how we want to be in relationship with the wider community is the one UUCLR has met with some hesitancy in its history. So in the coming year, we all will be working on that question. Why has UUCLR been hesitant about reaching beyond its walls in church-wide social justice efforts? Perhaps it has felt shaky confidence, or not wanted to feel too vulnerable or uncomfortable. And perhaps the myriad of ways ―social justice‖ can be defined has held UUCLR back, as well. But in the coming year we will have many opportunities to show the wider community our principles and values through the work of our hands (and feet!) The Gay Pride parade on Sunday afternoon, October 5th will be joyful chance for us to do that. I hope many of you will join us in walking or staffing a UUCLR table that day. I and your leadership want members, friends, and neighbors to walk side by side with us. Groups large and small follow utopian type visions to live as if a better world is already herea world that values reverence for human beings, democracy, inclusiveness, the beauty of the natural world, and greater heights in education, the arts, and non-violence. To so live is to practice resistance to the ways of the dominant culture, and resistance is our theme for the month of October. There are many ways our individuals and small groups are practicing resistance to a dominant culture which treats people and the earth with indifference rather than reverence. These range from being vegetarian to believing prisoners can have a fresh start. But collective action is always more effective than individual action. It creates more support, camaraderie, and synergy. And collective action is necessary in so many arenas. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said, ―There are some things in our social systems to which all of us ought to be maladjusted.‖ I look forward to exploring possible collective responses to these things. As Marge Piercy writes, in her poem, ―the Low Road:‖ Page 2 ―Two people can keep each other sane, can give support, conviction, love, massage, hope… Three people are a delegation, a committee, a wedge. With four you can play bridge and start an organization. With six you can rent a whole house, eat pie for dinner with no seconds, and hold a fund raising party. A dozen make a demonstration. A hundred fill a hall. A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter; ten thousand, power and your own paper; a hundred thousand, your own media; ten million, your own country. It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do it again and they said no, it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you mean one more.‖ With love and faith, Rev. Jennie Be the Best that We Can Be That saying is going to be my motto for a long time. It seems simple and, perhaps, obvious. But it was presented to us by the Unitarian Universalist Association as our tool for surviving and thriving. I hear people talking about how our membership numbers have dropped and how we better get them up and fast. We DO have very real challenges with our budget and, most likely, raising our membership would bring in more pledge money. But sheer numbers won‘t necessarily pay the (larger) bills–and we want to be cautious about how we raise those numbers. Many of us are convinced that by being the best that we can be, we will attract (and keep!) lots of people who will become members. At any rate, working towards excellence is a good thing by itself. Ah, but HOW to be our best – that‘s the real question. And that‘s where we begin our work. Taking a hard look at what we do and how we do it is a good start. On September 5 and 6 your Board of Directors participated in a leadership retreat. The focus of the retreat was ―The JOBS of UUCLR‘s Board of Directors‖ and what we can do with those. The theme of the retreat–and, I think, of the year–is “Be the Best that We can Be” Rev. Jennie Barrington talked to us about Social Justice. She also gave us an extensive list of the things that UUCLR is already doing in this area. It was such a thrill to be reminded that this church is very involved already. We have nothing to apologize for in that work. When discussing how we might put our values to work in the outer community, the board came up with three main areas of focus: Neighborhood Outreach - Climate Change - Homelessness We also talked about a possible big event (ideally making some money) that might be a kind of Earth Day Festival. We additionally put together an Ad Hoc Committee to study and recommend ways that the church can better address the needs of our young families. Barbara Fuhrman and Miles McCullough will be heading that up. Lastly, we started work on what we are calling the ―QUUik Action Team‖ which would be a group (probably an email-response group) of folks interested in getting out there to put our values in front of the public. This might mean answering the call to participate in a protest, walk, or rally; answering a call to help after a tornado; or maybe even putting on your Standing on the Side of Love T-shirts and showing your support of our minister as she performs same-sex marriages! Be Proud – Be a UU! Kater Reynolds, Board President Page 3 Religious Education Update As we explore our theme of ―Resistance‖ this month, our Religious Education classes will consider our second Unitarian Universalist source, the words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love, guided by our Fifth UU Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process. We are looking for workshop leaders or teachers to lead children‘s classes on October 5, 19, and 26. The commitment is to work with one group of children for at least two Sundays on one or two projects. You may also present the workshop to one group one week, and again to the other group the next week. Activists and martial arts practitioners are especially encouraged to volunteer! CaYRE Registration Is your child/grandchild/niece/nephew registered for UUCLR Religious Education? Please be sure and register any children who will be spending time in the nursery and/or RE classes. Having registration information for each child allows us to communicate more effectively with you and create a safe, nurturing environment for each child. Register online: http://uuclr.org/faithdev/fd_cayre.html Volunteer for CaYRE This church year will bring many opportunities for you to use your gifts to deepen our children's engagement with the church and our monthly themes. We want to offer workshops in drama, art, nature, gardening, cooking, music, movement...there are so many fun and engaging skills and practices that we can use as a medium for exploring our monthly themes! Perhaps you would like to tell stories, play games, or teach from the curricula instead. Or, maybe you want to guide and mentor the children on Sundays, while another volunteer leads a workshop or teaches from curricula. How might you serve through UU children's religious education? Contact Rachel Finley, DRE, to volunteer or for more information: rfinley5@yahoo.com Unitarian Universalist Association Fall Training 2014 November 7-9, 2014 Glen Lakes Camp and Conference Center Glen Rose, Texas Featuring …. Introduction to Leadership and Spiritual Practice Advanced Conflict Management Congregational Stewardship with UUA Consultant Bill Clontz Creating Vibrant and Meaningful Young Adult Ministry Renaissance Module: Youth Ministry The Ongoing March to Selma with the Regional Right Relations Specialists RETURNING: Children‘s EvolUUtion Camp for Children 5 to 14 and INTRODUCING: Infant and Toddler Childcare. For more information go to: uuasouthernregion.org Page 4 IllUUmination Celebration This year IllUUmination has been scheduled for January 10 & 11. Rebecca Roetzel is the Coordinator this year and is bringing us new ideas, experiences and meanings. Look for a more "theatrical" and "sensual" IllUUmination Celebration than ever before! IllUUmination is a UU holiday begun at UUCLR by the Lovelace Chandler family. While it celebrates "The Light," its meaning is still unfolding. IllUUmination is always a very good time! Endowment Fund Donations The Endowment Fund of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock gratefully acknowledges a memorial contribution in honor of John Howard‘s 95th birthday from Shirley Jo Pine. Young at Heart Thanks to all for coming out to our September meeting, where we were fortunate to hear Kater Reynolds and Miranda Keith pass along their most meaningful and worthy gleanings from their participation at General Assembly and at Dwight Brown Leadership Experience in June and July. And special thanks to both of them! Just so you know, all our lunch proceeds collected beyond expenses go to the Phyllis Bartlow Fund that helps pay for district leadership training and education for our church leaders. We think Phyllis, our long time church member and the originator of Young at Heart, would be pleased with our small but important contributions. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next Young At Heart luncheon and program on Tuesday, October 14. Please come before noon for visiting and eating. Jeannie Brown and her kitchen crew will serve lunch ($5), and Jeanne will also lead a Readers‘ Theater presentation after lunch for our program that day. Put it on your calendar, and be sure to bring friends and guests. Sounds interesting, doesn‘t it? YoUUrs, Selma Blackburn Expand Your Mind… Read a Book! The Between the Lines Book Club will meet Monday, October 6 at 7:00pm to discuss: Isaac Newton by James Gleick For information: Contact Allan Ward 664-5921 or e-mail alward@ualr.edu Work Day in October On October 4 we will work on the usual projects inside and outside UUCLR, 9:00am to noon. Come and join the fun. Yes, work can be fun when it‘s shared with church family and friends. Caring Coordinator for October The Caring Coordinator for Oct. is Shirley Jo Pine. Please contact her if you need assistance with a family emergency or know of someone who needs assistance. Contact Shirley Jo at 225-6766 or by email: shirleyjpine18@att.net. Exploring UU The next Exploring UU class will be on Sunday October 12 from 12:30pm-3:00pm following coffee hour. This class is for newcomers and those wanting to understand more about Unitarian Universalism. We share our journeys and learn what opportunities are available at UUCLR. Please consider coming if you are looking for a place to call your spiritual home! Please plan on eating with us at the ve g e t a r ia n p o t lu ck that Sunday—you will not have to bring a dish as membership team members will bring extra food. Please sign up for the class by Sunday October 5 so that there will be enough packets and please note if you will need childcare. You may sign up at the visitor's table in Thompson Hall or email uuclr@uuclr.org . page 5 October Birthdays Nell Matthews .............. 2 Frankie Beers .............. 3 Margarette Taylor ........ 5 Bill Tremor ................... 9 Donald Mock ............... 9 Rachel Haman........... 11 Denay Hawk .............. 15 Janet Bowen.............. 15 Terry Bean ................ 19 John Haman ............... 22 Hazel Wilding ............. 23 Philia Hill .................... 23 Patrice O'Donoghue ... 25 Roy Mellor .................. 25 Rochelle Kaskowitz .... 27 Lydia Nelson .............. 29 Cathi Hollis ................. 31 Lucy Anderson ........... 31 Contact the church office at 225-1503 with corrections or additions. No Time to Volunteer? Sometimes Membership Is Enough No organization can exist on just money or just time. It takes a combination of both contributions (donations, pledges, etc.) and volunteer timethis is true whether we are talking about UUCLR or the Audubon Society. Don't let your busy schedule stop you from supporting good works. Find an organization whose goals and works are in alignment with yours and send in your dues. Volunteers are essential, but being able to say that your group represents 100 or 200 or 2000 concerned members is important, too. Nell Matthews, Member of the League of Women Voters, American Association of University Women, ACLU, and regular contributor to Planned Parenthood and Oxfam Arkansas UU Cluster Fall Training This training will be held at the UU Village Church in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas on Friday evening, October 31, and Saturday, November 1, 2014. Friday evening will be an organizing meeting of the Arkansas UU Cluster, and Saturday will be a seven -hour training session on Stewardship and Fundraising. Rev. Susan Smith, Southern Region Consultant will facilitate both sessions. Contact Nancy Kimpel at nkimpel@att.net if you‘re interested in going or would like more information. page 6 UUCLR Presents... Poverty Part I: Homelessness Poverty is the theme for UUCLR Presents this year. Instead of bimonthly events, we will host three events during the church year. The first event, which will explore the homelessness issue of poverty, will be on Saturday, October 25 from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Thomson Hall. Based on post-event surveys, poverty and homelessness were popular topics. Because the need is so great in these areas, we anticipate a high attendance. Email uuclrpresents@gmail.com to make your reservation. Game Night The Young Adult Group will be hosting a game night on October 11 at 6:00pm in Thompson Hall. Because of the wonderful turn out and the great fun that was had over the summer we intend to continue the theme of all ages for the foreseeable future. Please attend one and all and don't forget to bring food, drinks, and board games! We look forward to seeing you there. Contact Kate Dockter at basbone.nlr@gmail.com for more info. Drumming Circle The Drumming Circle will meet on Sunday, Oct. 12 at 9:30am. Come join us in the Sanctuary. Please bring a drum or other instrument if possible. No experience is needed, just a willingness to listen and join Visit Our Library The UUCLR Library is open for members and friends, adults and children, in the Pehrson Room except when RE classes are meeting. Visit and browse for books on topics including Unitarianism Universalism, comparative religion, social action and public policy concerns, other cultures and customs, personal growth, meditation and spirituality. Books are checked out on the honor system. To offer help in maintenance of library or for information, contact Shirley Jo Pine at shirleyjpine18@att.net or call her at 225-6766. FORUM RE-Questors for October Sundays at 10:00 am ~ Thomson Hall Oct 5 Oct 12 Arkansas Humanities Council Paul Austin Share-The-Plate: Arkansas Coalitiion Against Domestic Violence Rebecca Bennett Oct 19 Arkansas Interfaith Power and Light Scharmel Roussel Oct 26 Topic: TBA John Adams RE-Questors Schedule for October 2014 A discussion of the varying fortunes of nations Primary Reference: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Baron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson You do not have to read the book to join the discussion. Book Exchange & Recycle Sunday October 4 Bring your electronics, batteries, 4‘ & 8‘ fluorescent light bulbs, ink cartridges and CFL light bulbs. Bring your books and magazines to share. Remember to bring your aluminum cans and metal every Sunday. Leave recycling outside the side door of Thomson Hall. Lance Scott recycles these items every week. October Calendar 10:00am Pilgrims and Strangers Forum (Thomson) (Emerson) Pilgrims and Stranger (Emerson) 10:00am RE-Questors (Pehrson) Friday, October 3 RE-Questors (Pehrson) 11:00am Worship (Sanctuary) Prison Literacy (Offsite) Worship (Sanctuary) 1:00pm Americans United against the Exploring UU Class (Pehrson) Saturday, October 4 Death Penalty (Thomson) Vegetarian Potluck (Thomson) 9:00am Work Day Tuesday, October 21 5:00pm Little Rock Folk Club Tuesday, October 14 4:00pm Our House Meal (Offsite) (Thomson) 12:00pm Young at Heart Luncheon 6:00pm Strategic Planning Comm (Thomson) Sunday, October 5 (Pehrson) 1:30pm Daytime Covenant Group 8:00am Recycle Sunday and Book 7:00pm Choctaw Crawdads (Thomson) (Emerson) Exchange (Thomson) 4:00pm Stewardship / Finance Meeting Friday, October 24 10:00am Children-Youth Programming (Pehrson) Prison Literacy (Offsite) 10:00am Forum (Thomson) 5:30pm Program Council Meeting 10:00am Pilgrims and Strangers `` Saturday, October 25 (Thomson) (Emerson) 8:00am UUCLR Presents (Thomson) 10:00am RE-Questors (Pehrson) Wednesday, October 15 Sunday, October 26 11:00am Worship (Sanctuary) 9:00am Watercolorists (Thomson) 10:00am Children-Youth Programming 1:30pm Caring Committee (Pehrson) Monday, October 6 10:00am Forum (Thomson) 5:00pm OUTER CIRCLE DEADLINE 7:00pm Between the Lines Book Club 10:00am Pilgrims and Strangers 5:00pm Transition Team Meeting (Office) (Pehrson) (Emerson) Thursday, October 16 10:00am RE-Questors (Pehrson) Tuesday, October 7 9:00am Watercolorists (Thomson) 11:00am Worship (Sanctuary) 2:30pm Membership Meeting 7:00pm Choctaw Crawdads (Thomson) Friday, October 17 Monday, October 27 Prison Literacy (Offsite) 5:30pm Board Meeting (Thomson) Friday, October 10 9:00am Watercolorists (Thomson) Prison Literacy (Offsite) Friday, October 31 Saturday, October 11 Saturday, October 18 Prison Literacy (Offsite) 6:00pm Young Adult Game Night Small Group Dinners (offsite) (Thomson) 9:00am Watercolorists (Thomson) Sunday, October 12 9:30am Drumming Circle 10:00am Children-Youth Programming 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:30pm 12:30pm Sunday, October 19 10:00am Children-Youth Programming 10:00am Forum (Thomson) See the Online Calendar for Updates - uuclr.org page 7 Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock 1818 Reservoir Road Little Rock, Arkansas 72227 Phone: (501)225-1503 http://www.uuclr.org Outer Circle Policy: The Church Office reserves the right to edit all Outer Circle articles for content and length. Deadline for publication usually falls on the 15th of the month unless holiday considerations apply. No articles will be accepted by telephone or verbally. Articles must be submitted in writing in the church office by fax (423-6666) or via e-mail (uuclr@uuclr.org) by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. Any articles received after the deadline may be omitted due to limitations of time and printable space.
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