Diary Dates B R I G H T O N B O W L I N G C L U B N E W S Ladies Gala Day All day Measuring refresher Sunday October 2014 13 October 2014 12 October 11am for official measurers Pennants - Men Wednesday 8, 15, 22 & 29 October 2014 5, 12, 19 & 26 November 2014 3, 10 & 17 December 2014 14, 21 & 28 January 2015 4, 18 & 25 February 2015 4 March 2015 Pennants - Ladies Thursday 9, 16, 23 & 30 October 2014 6, 13, 20 & 27 November 2014 4, 11 & 18 December 2014 15, 22 & 29 January 2015 5, 12, 24 (Tuesday) & 26 February 2015 Pennants - Open Saturday 11, 18 & 25 October 2014 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 November 2014 6 & 13 December 2014 10, 17 & 31 January 2015 7, 14, 21 & 28 February 2015 14 March 2015 Club Dinner Friday 31 October - Halloween Dress up & have fun Bowls SA State Fours Sunday 23 November all day Xmas Family Party Sunday 30 November 2014 New Year’s Day Breakfast Thursday 10am on 1 January 2015 Bowls SA State Singles Sunday 18 January 2015 all day Men’s Country Carnival All day Monday 2 Feb 2015 - Fours Tuesday 3 Feb 2015 - Singles Wednesday 4 February 2015 - Pairs Champion of Champion Singles Sunday 15 March 2015 Women’s Country Carnival All day Monday 23 March 2015 - Fours Tuesday 24 March 2015 - Singles Wednesday 25 March 2015 - Pairs President’s Corner I would like to welcome all the new members who have joined the club over the last few months; we look like having good quality teams throughout the whole pennant competition and have increased Wednesday back to 6 teams. We still have the largest number of pennant players in SA. On behalf of the club, we wish Sue Coultas every success in her quest, as she will be representing our Club and SA for the right to be Champion of Australia at Taren Point Bowling Club in Sydney on 14th October, good luck. It has taken “C” Green longer than expected to recover from the laser levelling due to the cold wet winter, as the grass needs around 24oC for it to grow. As a result, the scarifying of B and C green are running behind schedule. We have not been able to accommodate any visiting teams over the last couple of weeks due to insufficient greens availability. We have just completed running a “Learn to play bowls” course. The main aim of the course was to increase the Night Owl numbers although we have also gained several new pennant players from the course. 14,600 flyers were distributed by Aust Post into 4 post codes which also included information about the club as an advertising medium, hopefully gaining additional hall hire bookings. The course participants have all enjoyed themselves and I believe most will play in our Night Owls games. I wish to thank those coaches who gave their time to run this course and they included Ben, Linda, Penny, Bob, Bruce, Keith, Allan Hughes and Alan Jackson as well as myself. We were successful with receiving a partial grant for the purchase of a cardiac defibrillator and funds to manufacture a chemical boom sprayer for the greens. I will involve a small interested group to choose which defibrillator to purchase and then once purchased, anyone who is interested can be trained in its use. We also received a grant to cover the cost of the rail along the main path to the club between “A” and “B” greens. Graham has done a fantastic job with the installation, making this now safe for next year when we go East/West again, as well as for people walking along the path. We have tried to be more open and democratic this year with the process for choosing Wednesday and Saturday selectors, so that where required there was a vote by those within that division. We decided that 2 selectors per division should be about the right number, and if a selector gets moved for any length of time, they will need to be replaced to ensure team representation. This procedure has been available on the notice board since May. The role of a selector can be very time consuming and normally a thankless role, please be considerate of the selectors trying to do the best job that they can. They will endeavour to make the minimal changes each week to try to get some consistency with the teams, but this is very hard with the number of teams that we have. Ray Isherwood who has been a member of our club for many years until moving home earlier this year passed away on Tuesday evening 23rd September from a heart failure. His friendly happy demeanour will be sadly missed at the club. Even though Ray moved to Holdfast Bay Bowling Club last year, he still played at our club every Tuesday and Friday. Ray’s other love was cricket and he had enjoyed being a National Cricket umpire for many years in his career. At this time, we wish his family our sincere condolences; he will be sadly missed at the club, a memorial service will be held on Wednesday 8th October at Holdfast Bay BC at 6pm. I hope that you all have an enjoyable bowling season this year with good comradeship along with your fellow bowlers. John Kirby Measurement Day For all official measurers & umpires, there will be a refresher session on Sunday 12 October at 11am. Get back up to speed with the measuring devices now the pennant season is starting. Bowls SA Heat Policy Saturday Pennant (Major League formally Premier 2) If the temperature for Adelaide on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) at 4:30pm on Thursday is forecast to be 38 degrees Celsius or above for Saturday all Premier & Major League matches will be played on the Friday night. However, if the Thursday forecast for Saturday is below 38 degrees but increases to be 38 degrees or above at 7:30am on the day of play (Saturday) then all Premier & Major League matches will be played on the following Friday night. For all Friday night matches : Practice ends will commence at 6:00pm. Metro League If the forecast temperature at 7:30am on the day of play (Saturday) on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) is 38 degrees Celsius or above, all games will be cancelled. Wednesday Pennant If the temperature for Adelaide on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) at 4:30pm Monday is forecast to be 38 degrees Celsius or above on Wednesday all Premier League, Major League and Metropolitan Pennant matches will be played with practice ends commencing at 9:15am. However, if the Monday forecast temperature for Wednesday is below 38 degrees but increases to be 38 degrees or above at 7:30am on the day of play (Wednesday) then all games will be cancelled If games are played on Wednesday mornings: it is recommended that mid-game breaks are only to be taken upon mutual agreement between Side Managers to ensure that all matches are completed as quickly as possible before the hottest part of the day. Thursday Pennant If the forecast temperature at 7:30am on the day of play (Thursday) on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) is 36 degrees Celsius or above, all games will be cancelled. TRADING TABLE Please we need good quality goods to sell. DVDs, CDs, Jewellery, Bowling accessories, Jigsaw puzzles, Games etc. Thank you Ann Duddy Vice-President, Men’s Facility Firstly I would like to welcome all our new members for season 2014-2015. We have gained bowlers from other clubs and new bowlers from the ‘Learn to Bowl’ series being conducted by the club. To our existing members please make them feel welcome especially if they are in your pennant team. The club has entered 9 pennant teams in the Saturday open competition, 6 teams for men on Wednesday and 4 ladies teams for Thursday. We have registered all these teams making us the biggest bowling in South Australia. As you can imagine, selecting teams will not be easy for the selectors, so please be considerate towards them. If you are not happy with selection there is a form called a ‘grievance form’ to fill in. It is available from the office. When filled out please return it to the office and it will be handed to the chair of selectors. Please do not hassle your selectors on pennant days as they want to enjoy their game. Bowls SA have changed the extreme heat policy for 2014-2015 and is in the book titled ‘Rules and Conditions of Play 2014-2015’. Pages 20 & 21. See the extracts under Bowls SA Heat Policy. (on Page 3) I hope you all have an enjoyable season. Graham McNamara Finance We have 185 full members (and 32 associates) that have been registered this week so they will be eligible to play in the Bowls SA Pennant competition when it commences in the week following the Labour Day public holiday. If you have not paid your subscription fee by the end of September, you have not been registered & therefore will be unable to play in the competition. Payment in full is required first. All members not financial at the end of September will have their membership cancelled as set out in our Club Constitution. Payments may be made by cash, cheque or from your bank account to the Bowling Club. Last receipts will be issued on Wednesday 1 October. Late registrations will need to be arranged with the Secretary, David Dowling. At the AGM the pennant fee was increased to $6 due to the short fall listed below. Team Entry Payment to Bowls SA $ 1,700 Bus Hire $ Catering Costs $ 8,300 Bar Vouchers $ 1,300 Total Pennant Cost $ 12,100 Total Income from Pennants $ 8,519 Next newsletter comes out in December Please get all articles to Linda by 30 November Thank you. 800 Editor: Linda Kirby Coaching News Bowls being dropped while being delivered onto the bowling green, are being banned by Bowls SA due to damage especially to synthetic greens. One answer is a bowling arm. We have a bowling arm in the office for those who would like to try using this device before they buy. We have a simple form that needs to be signed by your GP that says he recommends using a bowling arm due to health problems. Ladies are being coached on Tuesday mornings at 10am & men on Thursday afternoon at 5pm. Coaches have been very busy during September with the “Intro to Bowls Course”. Following this course, we have received much interest in Wednesday & Thursday night owls. Also several participants have joined our club as full & associate members. Our 2014 Club Champions Sue Coultas & Colin Davies Congratulations Uniforms New stock has arrived this week. Doesn’t the uniform look great? What to do if someone suffers a major trauma or accident at the Club. Here are some suggestions:• Keep them comfortable and safe • Check to see they are breathing or conscious • Call for a first aider • Phone for an ambulance. • Later attend a Red Cross first aid course Please notify the club if you have any change of contact details - including phone, address or email. TAYLOR BOWLS SUPER CHALLENGE The Club has entered a side in this season’s Taylor Bowls Super Challenge What’s the format? ♦ 10 a side, open competition ♦ Evening matches, starting around 6.00pm ♦ Side consists of teams as follows: ◊ Singles (1) ◊ Pairs (1) ◊ Triples (1) ◊ Fours (1) Competition divided into 3 sections (North, Central, South) Brighton will play in South section in the Silver & bronze divisions. When is it played? ♦Matches are to be played mainly on Friday and Sunday ♦Note there is no clash with pennant matches Where is it played? ♦Matches are hosted by participating clubs ♦All sides play at the host venue ♦Brighton will host one match in each division What’s the cost? $5.00 per player to join SA LBL (one off payment required) $5.00 per player per match This is a great, fun competition open to all registered players. We get to play against some top sides and some sides that aren’t so accomplished. The only condition of entry is that players must join the SA Lawn Bowlers League. SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship Team: please support our sponsors Holidays of Australia LJ Hooker Brighton Foodland Weslec Electrical (Laser Electrical)
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