honorable order of the blue goose international, new york city pond 2014-2015 Meeting Dates Date Oct 15th Wed Time & Place Slattery’s - Noon RSVP to Rmastrocinque@cgmaa.com Officers: MLG - Liz Wilcoxen liz@dgpa.com Supervisor - Ed Reilly Ereilly@reillyand co.com Guardian - Everett Berger eberger@hvc.rr.com Custodian - Ian Ward ianski72@yahoo.com Keeper - Rich Mastrocinque rmastrocinque@cgmaa.com Wielder - Michael Nardulli michaeln@iacus.com Just the Facts: 2013 - 2014 Donations Made by the NYC Pond $1000 St. Jude’s children Hospital $3100 Wounded Warrior Project $500 Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund $2000 L/Cpl Robert J. Slattery Det 206 MCL $1000 WTC Memorial Fund $500 A Day for Dez Bring a Guest!! Non-member are always welcome, though may be asked to join the pond. Member join in the fund raising for charity, networking, and socializing, and good times! Get the vibe on the industry with good food and education www.bluegoosenyc.org Website News: Be sure to check out the website for up to date meeting information, pond information and sponsorship. We would like to thank our generous sponsor’s for the 2014 booster year. To become a sponsor contact Mike Nardulli Get more Blue Goose Get more info and pictures by Like us on Facebook at - Blue Goose New York City Pond Join us on linkedin at - Blue Goose New York City Pond Contact Information: Mike Nardulli - michaeln@iacus.com Mailing Address: HOBGI C/O IAC - P.O. Box 1066 Patchogue, NY 11772 Tel: (631) 289-0200 ext 12 or Fax: (631) 289-0223 Website: www.bluegoosenyc.org Hey I Can’t Find the Meeting! Well we are going to try something different this year. We are going to Move the meeting around so pay attention to where you will have to go and when. Some people like this place some people liked the other better and some people want to go back to the Merc. Well the Merc. is gone so get over it. That said it should be fun to meet at a few different spots and days. Here are the upcoming meeting spots. NYC Meeting Address: Killarney Rose 127 Pearl St. New York, NY Cost: $45.00 Checks can be made out to: Honorable Order of the Blue Goose You May also use your Credit Card at the Killarney Rose NYC Meeting Address: That Meatball Place 45 w Main st. Patchogue, NY (yes Patchogue) Cost: $?? + Cash Bar Checks can be made out to: Honorable Order of the Blue Goose NYC Meeting Address: Slattery’s Midtown Pub 8 East 36th st. New York, NY Cost: $45.00 Checks can be made out to: Honorable Order of the Blue Goose You May also use your Credit Card at the Slattery’s Pub A synopsis of Meatball at Patchogue We had 20+ folks in attendance, including ganders from Bay State and Hartford. Attendees included all disciplines of insurance Sponsors included, H2M engineers, RCF Salvage, IAC, and one other, haven’t gotten the check yet so I will fill in this blank when I get it. With a cash bar, we had meatballs, focaccia, and various sauces for toppings. In Italian style, no one left hungry, and yes we had leftovers. Mom always said better to have too much than not enough. I am pretty positive that no one ever sponsored a meatball before. My fault for not taking photos. Brian Martin of Advanced restoration offered to find the next place for October. I was thinking Babylon. We garnered a few new faces which was the intention. Michael Nardulli wielder, NYC pond. Eastern Region Meets in Salt Lake City The Ponds of Blue Goose’s Eastern Region met in Salt Lake City on Thursday afternoon July 24, 2014. Grand Supervisor Bill Olson of the National Capital Pond called the meeting to order and announced plans for a “Star Spangled Weekend” in the Baltimore Harbor on September 11-13, 2014. The weekend will feature a Raven-Steelers and Oriole-Yankee game. Bill gave a status report on next Summer’s 2015 Baltimore convention. It will be held from Saturday July 18 to Wednesday July 22 at the Marriott Renaissance in Baltimore where the room rate will be $170 per night. The Pond has raised approximately $100,000 and should be on target with their revised budget. The NYC Pond will present the Model Initiation in Baltimore. Grand Nest news included plans for the October “Rush for Ganders”, a membership growth initiative from Grand Nest Officer Randy Wilson. Bill will send details to the Ponds. In looking at the Region, Bill observed that it would help the Garden State Pond if they created a website, while Hartford, National Capital, Penn, and Westchester’s websites would benefit from updating content. Some of the current issues discussed were that the Eastern Region increased it’s membership this year, next year’s Mid-Year will be in the Philadelphia area, the East Regional PLRB in November will be in Providence and a Meet and Greet has already been arranged, membership dues are being increased by $5. PMLGG Jerry Hale spoke of a possible problem where Grand Nest fundraising via sponsored advertising on the GN website might possibly conflict with local Pond fundraising. Blue Goose is also looking into acquiring cyber liability insurance. Garden State Pond- reported by Phil Sbar YOUR PLRB VISIT STARTS HERE! JOIN US FOR A HONKING GOOD TIME When: Monday, November 17, 2014 Time: 6:00 P.M. -8:00 P. M. What: Free Food ! Where: RÍ RÁ Irish Pub 50 Exchange Terrace in Providence, RI 02903 (Just down the street from the Omni) Calling all GANDERS, GOSLINGS, or FRIENDS OF THE BLUE GOOSE Organiza•on to meet for an evening of fellowship and fun on November 17th. The Eastern Region PLRB Conference will swing into session at the Omni Hotel in Providence, RI on November 18th. Prior to the conference ge•ng underway, the Blue Goose members or poten•al members are looking to gather for an evening of fellowship. Any Gander, Gosling or Guest, in the area wan•ng to know more about Blue Goose are invited to gather at the RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB for good cheer and fellowship. Food will be provided by the Ocean State Puddle, Har!ord Pond, and the Bay State Pond. This fellowship social will be to meet and greet each other from far and near and spread Blue Goose fellowship. Good Eats…….Cash Bar …. Free Fellowship! Sponsorship Opportuni"es are available- see next page. Please let us know if you’ll be a#ending so we can get an accurate count. Questions: contact Dan Rich at dsr23@comcast.net or (860) 841 7833 BLUE GOOSE - PLRB MEET & GREET SOCIAL A New Goosling! Luke DeNivo Was born to Jason and Heather DeNivo last Month 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches. NEWYORK CHAPTER CPCU 2014 GOLF OUTING When: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Where: Galloping Hills Golf Course 3 Golf Drive, (just off the Garden State Parkway), Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033 Format: 4 Person (team) Scramble Appropriate Golf Attire T I M E Come join the NY CPCU Chapter for a round of casual golf, networking, and good cheer! Skill prizes will be awarded and everyone will bring home a gift bag! Breakfast and post-golf lunch are included. If you don'tgolf, come enjoy the afternoon "apres golf" barbecue. Please contact Carolyn Eldracher at cmeldracher@gmail.comif you are interested in sponsoring a E V E N T 7:30 AM Breakfast/Driving Range hole. Outing is payable bycheck or credit card online 9:00 AM Shot Gun Start http://www.cvent.com/d/s4q42l/1Q 2:00 PM BBQ Lunch & Prizes Individual Golfer before 10/1 $175 BBQ Lunch Only $50 Individual Golfer after 10/1 $200 Hole Sponsor $100 Foursome prior to 10/1 $675 Beverage Cart Sponsor $200 Four some after 10/1 $775 PRIZES Player Name Company/Address Phone/Email 1 2 3 4 *Make checks payable to: “New York Chapter of CPCU”* *Return this portion with your checks to: Jaclyn Nowicki, 165 Broadway, 32nd Fl, New York, NY 10006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please detach and keep this portion for your records **REGISTRATION RECEIPT** SOLD BY: __________________________ Amount Paid: $_____________ NY Chapter CPCU 2014 Golf Outing Tuesday, October 14, 2014 GALLOPING HILLS GOLF COURSE 3 Golf Drive, Kenilworth, NJ 07033 (908) 241-8700 Schedule of Events: 7:30 am Breakfast/Driving Range 9:00 am Shot Gun Start 2:00 pm BBQ Lunch & Prizes Outing to Benefit Bunkers for Baghdad Thank you for your support! Place your ad here starting at only $15! Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International Application for the NEW YORK CITY Pond (Dues Payment of $50.00 must be attached) New Reinstatement (Reinstatement Date) Membership Flight (New M embership Date) (Flight Date) Personal Information Last Name: First Name: MI: Birth date: Spouse's Full Name: Home Address: City: Home Number: Home e-mail address: Nickname: State: Zip: State: Zip: Professional Information Employer Name: Work e-mail address: Work Address: City: Work Number + ext: Fax Number: I prefer mail being forwarded to my HOME Have you ever been a member of another pond? [ ] YES [ ] NO Flight to _ _____________________ pond from ___ Fiscal year ending _ _____. If officer, position held: _ If "YES" where? ___ WORK ____________ _________ and has paid dues for the ____________ Dates: __ __________ Applicant's Signature: X New Member Vouched for by Three Ganders (1) ___ ______________________ ___________________________________________________ PRINT SPONSOR'S NAM E (2) ___ SPONSOR'S SIGNATURE ___________________________ ___________________________________________________ PRINT SPONSOR'S NAM E SPONSOR'S SIGNATURE (3) ___ ________ ________________ ___________________________________________________ PRINT SPONSOR'S NAM E SPONSOR'S SIGNATURE Pond use Only: Dated: ________________________ Approved: _____________________________WGQ Please mail this application to the Pond Wielder: Michael Nardulli, c/o IAC, 22 West Main Street STE 14, Patchogue, NY 11772
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