VIT CHENNAI REGISTRATION DETAILS Industry Personnel/Academicians : Rs. 500/Research Scholars & PG /UG Students : Rs. 300/Re g i s t ra t i o n c h a rg e s i n c l u d e L u n c h a n d Refreshments. Participants are requested to send their filled in registration form (photocopy is also acceptable) to the organizing secretary on or before 15th October 2014 along with the Demand Draft drawn in favor of VIT Chennai payable at Chennai. TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATION Participants are requested to make their own arrangement for travel and accommodation. DATES TO REMEMBER Last date for receipt of registration form with DD : 15-10-2014 ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION Organizing Secretaries Prof. V. Sailaja Mobile No: 9841180686, Prof. P. Vijayakumar Mobile No: 9894727271 th V Floor, Academic Block, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg, School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road, VIT Chennai, Chennai - 600127. Phone No: +91 44 3993 1424 / 3993 1026 VIT University for the past 25 years has made a mark in the field of higher education in India imparting quality education in a cross cultural ambience, intertwined with extensive application oriented research. Established by well-known educationalist and former parliamentarian, Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor is a visionary who transformed VIT into a center of excellence in higher technical education. His dream has taken the shape of VIT Chennai. Dr. V. Raju, Former Professor of State University of New York, USA, currently the Vice Chancellor, strives to internalize the world class educational standards. Dr. Anand A. Samuel, Pro-Vice Chancellor leads the team in Chennai with the following objectives: Ü To maximize the Industrial Connectivity Ü To Create Centers of Excellence in niche areas of research Ü To enrich technological and Managerial Human Capital nurtured in a multicultural ambience VIT R UNIVERSITY (Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956) Vellore - Chennai CHENNAI CAMPUS Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road, Chennai - 600 127 One Day National Level Workshop on TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT 18TH October 2014 (Saturday) in association with Ü To provide a common platform for the agglomeration of ideas of personnel from various walks of life for learning enrichment Ü To create opportunities and exploit the available resources to benefit industry/ society Ü To encourage participation in the National Agenda of knowledge building Organized by Ü To foster International collaborations for mutual benefits in areas of research Prof. V. Sailaja Prof. P. Vijayakumar School of Electronics Engineering VIT Chennai Campus Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road, Chennai - 600 127. VIT - A place to learn; A chance to grow ABOUT SENSE The School of Electronics Engineering at VIT University Chennai was established for imparting the state-of the- art education, training and research in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied areas. The School offers Bachelor's level programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Master's programmes in VLSI Design, Communication Engineering and Embedded Systems, M.S (By research) and PhD in all the areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied fields. The School of Electronics Engineering has state-of the- art laboratories in the areas of Communication Engineering, Digital System Design, Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Analog Circuit Design, Digital S i g n a l P ro c e s s i n g , M i c ro p ro c e s s o r s a n d Microcontrollers, Microwave and Optical Engineering, Computer Networks, VLSI Circuit Design and Cadence Labs. The School has the latest industry standard simulation tools to cater to various specializations, and is equipped with facilities for measurement, characterization and synthesis of experimental and theoretical results. ABOUT THE WORKSHOP All disciplines of Science and Engineering programmes invariably use test and measuring instruments to acquire and process the information. The industry demands their personnel to possess prior knowledge on the operation of these instruments and their application to the specific problems. However, to the choose instruments appropriately for the given specifications and to process and interpret the results is still imprecise. This workshop is aimed at providing a basic knowledge and hands-on the measuring instruments such as CRO, DSO, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer jointly with Agilent Technologies. VIT TOPICS TO BE COVERED R UNIVERSITY (Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956) v Spectrum Analyzer Vellore - Chennai v Vector Network Analyzer v Logic Analyzer CHENNAI CAMPUS v Digital Storage Oscilloscope Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road, Chennai - 600 127 WHO SHOULD ATTEND? One Day National Level Workshop on TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT The workshop is aimed at the multi-faceted audience from Academics, Researchers and PG Scholars from Science and Engineering Colleges and Universities. Final year and Pre-final year B.Tech students of any stream can also participate. Participants limited to only 45 and participation will be based on first come first basis. Name RESOURCE PERSON Designation : ............................................................................... 18TH October 2014 (Saturday) REGISTRATION FORM : ............................................................................... Organization : ............................................................................... Address for Correspondence : ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ELMACK ENGG SERVICES Plot W-14/47, 8th St, I Avenue, B-Sector Annanagar Western Extn Chennai - 600 101 ROUTE MAP PIN Code : ............................................................................... Phone : ............................................................................... E-mail : ............................................................................... PAYMENT DETAILS : Amount : ............................................................................... DD No. : ............................................................................... Date : ............................................................................... (In favour of VIT Chennai, payable at Chennai) Name of Bank & Branch : ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Date : Authorised Signatory of the University/College
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