FIRST CIRCULAR INSTITUTE OF RAW MATERIAL PREPARATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSING, UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC, HUNGARY INSTITUTE OF GEOTECHNICS, SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, KOŠICE, SLOVAKIA INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, VSB-TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC AGH - UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, CRACOW, POLAND CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, CRACOW, POLAND in cooperation with the HUNGARIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY HUNGARIAN COMPOST ASSOCIATION HUNGARIAN MINING AND METALLURGICAL SOCIETY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF THE SILICATE INDUSTRY, HUNGARY HUNGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY HUNGARIAN NATURAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION AND THE TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0005 – CRITICEL RESEARCH PROJECT have a pleasure to invite you to participate the 18th International Waste Recycling Conference to be held on 9-10 October, 2014 at University of Miskolc, Hungary WR BOARD MEMBERS Imre Gombkötő, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Vladimir Cablik, VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic Miroslava Vaclavikova, IGT SAS, Kosice, Slovakia Zbigniev Wzorek, CUT, Cracow, Poland SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Wieslaw S. Blaschke, PAN, Cracow, Poland Ljudmilla Bokányi, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Vladimir Cablik, VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic Slavomir Hredzak, IGT SAS, Kosice, Slovakia Andrzej Jarosinski, CUT, Cracow, Poland Vitazoslav Krupa, IGT SAS, Kosice, Slovakia Radmila Kucerova, VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic Anna Nowak, CUT, Cracow, Poland Imre Gombkötő, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Rudolf Tomanec, UB, Belgrade, Serbia Barbara Tora, AGH, Cracow, Poland Miroslava Vaclavikova, IGT SAS, Kosice, Slovakia Hong Nguen Vu, IChT, Prague, Czech Republic Dorota Wawrzak, JDU Czestochowa, Poland Zbigniev Wzorek, CUT, Cracow, Poland Barnabás Csőke, UM, Miskolc, Hungary János Földessy, UM, Miskolc, Hungary ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIR PERSON Imre Gombkötő, UM, Miskolc, Hungary MEMBERS Ljudmilla Bokányi, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Gábor Mucsi, UM, Miskolc, Hungary József Faitli, UM & MKE, Miskolc, Hungary Csaba Baksa, MHFT, Budapest, Hungary György Füleky, MMKT, Gödöllő, Hungary István Havasi, OMBKE, Miskolc Hungary László Kárpáti, SZTE, Budapest, Hungary Mária Vidó Hámor, MTT, Budapest, Hungary Katalin Bohács, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Tamás Magyar, UM, Miskolc, Hungary Nóra Gonda, UM, Miskolc, Hungary CONTACT ADDRESS Waste Recycling 18 Institute of Raw Material Preparation and Environmental Processing Egyetemváros, H-3515, Miskolc, Hungary; e-mail: GENERAL INFORMATION The main topics of the18th Waste Recycling Conference include: Critical raw materials from secondary sources. Recycling and utilisation of industrial wastes (metallurgical, powerengineering, mechanical engineering, chemical industrial, WEEE, end-of-life vehicles, plastics, demolishing waste, mining waste and tailings, etc.). Recycling of bio waste (agricultural, forest, food-processing and municipal waste). Decontamination and remediation of contaminated areas. Business activities in waste recycling. Legislation issues of recycling and waste utilization. Conference language is English, thus all papers, presentations and communication are required in English. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings distributed among the participants. Some papers selected by the scientific committee will be offered for journal publication. The space for advertising of companies active in waste recycling will be provided in the proceedings supplement. GENERAL INFORMATION The WR18 conference will take place on October 9-10, 2014 on the Campus of University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary. REGISTRATION All participants are kindly required to complete the registration form on the official web site of the 18th Waste Recycling Conference until 31 July, 2014. Date Early payment Regular payment On-site cash payment 31 July 2014 8 October 2014 9-10 October 2014 Standard registration Student registration Accompanying person 110 EUR 80 EUR 30 EUR 130 EUR 110 EUR 30 EUR 150 EUR 130 EUR 40 EUR The registration fee covers participation in the conference, conference proceedings, coffee breaks and refreshments, lunches and participation in the gala dinner. Active BSc, MSc and PhD students are considered as students. For accompanying persons, the registration fee includes participation in gala dinner and a guided sightseeing tour on 9 October, 2014. Detailed registration and paper submission information and the conference web site will be available soon!
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