Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments 701.232.3242 • FAX 701.232.5043 • Case Plaza Suite 232 • One 2nd Street North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102-4807 Email: metrocog@fmmetrocog.org http://www.fmmetrocog.org th The 510 Policy Board Meeting Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments THURSDAY, October 16, 2014 – 4:00 p.m. Metro COG Conference Room OVERALL AGENDA A. Call to Order and Introductions 1. Approve Order and Contents of the Overall Agenda 2. Approve Minutes of the September 18, 2014 Board Meeting (Attachment 1) 3. Approve October 2014 Bills (Attachment 2) Action Requested Action Requested Action Requested B. Consent Agenda 1. Approve Items a‐d (Attachment CA‐1a through CA‐1d) Action Requested a) b) c) d) Consider 2015‐2018 TIP Amendment #1 (Attachment CA‐1a) Consider Addendum #5 to ATAC Master Agreement (Attachment CA‐1b) Consider updated TAP and Transit Project Evaluation Criteria (Attachment CA‐1c) Consider Contract with City of Fargo regarding Food Systems Implementation Efforts (Attachment CA‐1d) C. Regular Agenda 1. Consider 3rd Quarter Progress and Financial Report – William A. Christian (Attachment RA‐1) Action Requested 2. Consider Job Offer of Executive Director to William Christian – Chairman Frank Gross (Attachment RA‐2) Action Requested 3. Consider Changing Signatories for Financial Institutions – William A. Christian (Attachment RA‐3) 4. Discussion on the Status of Indirect Costs – William A. Christian / Steve Aune Board Information (Attachment RA‐4) 5. Discussion of 12th Avenue and North Broadway Bridges and Elm Street in the El Zagal Area – David Piepkorn Board Discussion 6. Other Business and Citizen Comment Board Information D. Announcements / Committee or Staff Reports / Correspondence Board Information E. Adjourn F. REMINDER: The next Metro COG Policy Board Meeting will be held Thursday, November 20, 2014 in the Metro COG Conference Room at 4:00 p.m. NOTE: Full Agenda packets can be found on the Metro COG Web Site at http://www.fmmetrocog.org – Committees Metro COG is committed to ensuring all individuals regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, sexual orientation, income status have access to Metro COG’s programs and services. Meeting facilities will be accessible to mobility impaired individuals. Metro COG will make a good faith effort to accommodate requests for translation services for meeting proceedings and related materials. Please contact Kate Wurtzler, Metro COG Executive Secretary at 701.232.3242 at least five days in advance of the meeting if any special accommodations are required for any member of the public to be able to participate in the meeting. A PLANNING ORGANIZATION SERVING FARGO, WEST FARGO, CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AND MOORHEAD, DILWORTH, CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Attachment 1 509th Policy Board Meeting Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Thursday, September 18, 2014 – 4:00 pm Metro COG Conference Room Members Present: Frank Gross, Policy Board Chairman, Clay County Commission Chad Peterson, Cass County Commission John Q. Paulsen, Fargo Planning Commission Dr. Tim Mahoney, Fargo City Commission Dave Piepkorn, Fargo City Commission Mike Williams, Fargo City Commission Steve Gehrtz, Moorhead City Council Roger Buscher, Moorhead Planning Commission Jeffrey Morrau, Fargo Planning Commission Members Absent: Julie Nash, Policy Board Vice Chair, Dilworth City Council Brenda Elmer, Moorhead City Council Mark Simmons, West Fargo City Commission Melissa Sobolik, Fargo City Commission Jan Ulferts Stewart, Fargo Planning Commission Others Present: Wade Frank, Horace Representative Wade Kline, Metro COG Bill Christian, Metro COG Adam Altenburg, Metro COG Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Kate Wurtzler, Metro COG A. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER, WELCOME, AND INTRODUCTIONS, convened The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm, on September 18 by Chairman Gross noting a quorum was present. Introductions were made. A1. Approve Order and Contents of Overall Agenda, approved Chairman Gross asked for approval for the overall agenda. MOTION, passed Dr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Morrau to approve the contents of the Overall Agenda of the September 18, 2014 Policy Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. A2. Past Meeting Minutes, approved Chairman Gross asked for approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 2014 Meeting. MOTION, passed Dr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Buscher to approve the August 21, 2014 Policy Board Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. A3. Monthly Bills, approved Chairman Gross asked for approval of the August 2014 bills as listed on Attachment 2. MOTION, passed Dr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Piepkorn to approve the August 2014 Council Bills List (Attachment 2). Motion carried unanimously. B. B1. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Gross asked for approval of Items CA-1a and CA-1b on the Consent Agenda. B1a. Consider Final Policy & Process Regarding Linking Planning & NEPA within in Metro COG’s UPWP (Attachment CA-1a, Parts 1 & 2) To approve the Final Policy & Process Regarding Linking Planning & NEPA within in Metro COG’s UPWP. B1b. Consider Recommendation regarding Account RFP (Attachment CA-1b) To approve the Recommendation regarding Account RFP. B1c. Consider Job Offer to Principal Planner/GIS Coordinator (Attachment CA-1c) To approve the Job Offer to Principal Planner/GIS Coordinator. B1d. Consider Amendment of Metro COG Bylaws to add Barnesville and Hawley, MN and Casselton, ND, as Associates Members of Metro COG (Attachment CA-1d) To approve the Amendment of Metro COG Bylaws to add Barnesville and Hawley, MN and Casselton, ND, as Associates Members of Metro COG. B1e. Consider Revised Growth Projections for Fargo and West Fargo (Attachment CA-1e) To approve the Revised Growth Projections for Fargo and West Fargo. B1f. Consider 2% COLA for CY 2014 Effective 10/1/2014 (Attachment CA-1f) To approve the 2% COLA for CY 2014 Effective 10/1/2014. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Gehrtz moved, seconded by Mr. Williams to approve items B1a –B1f on the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. C. C1. REGULAR AGENDA Consider August Month-End Budget Report (Attachments RA-1 and RA-1a) Mr. Kline presented the budget report. Mr. Kline stated Metro COG is monitoring overhead costs, but otherwise has no concerns regarding the budget. MOTION, PASSED Dr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Morrau to approve the August Month-End Budget Report. Motion carried unanimously. C2. Update Regarding Recruitment for Executive Director Position (Attachment RA-2) Mr. Kline stated the Executive Committee meeting on September 10, 2014. At the time of that meeting there were approximately eight (8) applicants for the position. Now there are 12. The Executive Committee requested Metro COG conduct some internal evaluation and a scoring matrix. The information gathered was distributed to the Executive Committee by mail or at the meeting. On September 23, 2014, the top three candidates will be interviewed by the Executive Committee. 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 2 Thursday, September 18, 2014 Mr. Morrau asked if there will be overlap between the current Executive Director, Mr. Kline, and the new Executive Director. Mr. Kline stated there would be no overlap. Mr. Peterson asked if KLJ is still aware that Metro COG may need help occasionally from Mr. Kline. Mr. Kline stated his new employer is aware that he will need to help with the new Executive Director over the course of the next few months to year (specifically, at year end and at audit) to help facilitate any issues that Metro COG may encounter. NO MOTION REQUIRED C3. Consider CY 2015 Health Insurance & Benefits Program (Attachment RA-3) Mr. Kline presented the CY 2015 Health Insurance and Benefit’s Program. Metro COG’s health insurance plan for Calendar Year 2014 is now up for renewal, as it expires as of 12/1/2014. The 2015 budget for health insurance assumed a 15% increase over 2014 primarily due to our need to come into compliance with an Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant plan. We renewed one month early in December 2013 (as opposed to January 2014) to avoid transition to an ACA compliant plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has provided Metro COG with a price for our 2015 renewal; and we have analyzed two (2) comparable plans, Blue Direct Gold Plan and Blue Direct Silver Plan, for Policy Board consideration. The first option provided is 1900/100 Blue Direct Gold. This high deductible plan requires the policy holder to reach the deductible ($1,900 single or $3,800 family). Costs incurred after the deductible is reached will be covered 100%. The second option provided is the 1900/80 Blue Direct Silver. With this high deductible plan, after the deductible is met ($1,900 single or $3,800 family), the policy holder would still be required to cover 20% of costs incurred until out of pocket maximums are met. Under the Blue Direct Silver Plan, employees are still liable for an additional $4,450 (single) and $8,900 (family) in additional out of pocket costs even after the plan deductible is satisfied. Approved health insurance budget for 2015 is $65,780. The Blue Direct Gold is a 7% increase over our 2014 plan. The budget impact of the Blue Direct Gold plan to Metro COG is $6,084.96 less than our approved budget for CY 2015. The recommended Blue Direct Gold Plan is amenable to staff and reconfirms our approach of maintaining a high deductible health plan coupled with a cooperatively funded health savings account. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Paulsen to approve the proposed CY 2015 Health Insurance & Benefits Program, Blue Direct Gold. Motion carried unanimously. C4. Consider Amendment to 2014 UPWP and a Contract with City of Fargo for Staff Support on Food Systems Planning & Implementation Efforts (Attachment RA-4) Mr. Altenburg presented the Amendment to the 2014 UPWP. This plan establishes a framework for understanding the local food system and lists issues, objectives, and desired outcomes as they relate to food access & food infrastructure, health outcomes & community health indicators, food security, and urban agriculture & land use. The Metropolitan Food Systems Plan 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 3 Thursday, September 18, 2014 was supported/approved by the City of Fargo, Clay County, and Fargo Cass Public Health, entities which are responsible for public health in the FM Metropolitan area. In response to the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan and the growing relationships between MPOs and public health officials, the City of Fargo and Clay County have requested Metro COG amend its 2014 UPWP to include a new item under Program Area 1100 – Community Planning & Technical Assistance. The proposed new item, #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts, would be funded 100% locally by the City of Fargo for an amount of $7,000 (a separate contract for this funding is currently in development between Metro COG and the City of Fargo). In tandem with these efforts, a contract is being drafted between the City of Fargo and Metro COG which would define a more detailed scope of work and the tasks and activities to be performed by Metro COG. This work effort is 100% locally funded and will not use federal planning funds. Fargo has applied for and received a grant from the North Dakota Department of Health to implement larger local food systems initiatives and includes dollars to reimburse Metro COG for work on this effort. Mr. Kline stated he suggested to staff from Fargo Cass Public Health, there needs to be substantial buy-in as how this group would come together, what role it would have, and who would be on it. This Contract gives the Fargo Cass Public Health group a Metro COG Process as to how to implement the food systems advisory committee. This Motion is to approving that Metro COG put time into the UPWP to help with the implementation and planning of this advisory committee. Mr. Altenburg stated if this motion is approved, this amendment would take effect on October 1, 2014. MOTION, PASSED Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Piepkorn to approve the amendment to the 2014 UPWP which would support Project #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts to be funded with 100% local funds. Motion carried unanimously. C5. Consider Recommendation Regarding One-Time Transfer of Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) funds to the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO (Attachment RA-5) Mr. Kline recommended a one-time transfer of funds to the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO. As part of Metro COG’s midyear review by the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) in May of 2014, concern was expressed by NDDOT regarding our large balance of unused Federal planning dollars, known as Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) funds. CPG funds provide nearly 78% of Metro COG’s total overall funding, with the remainder coming from local units of government and MnDOT. On average, Metro COG receives about $1,100,000 in CPG funds. Metro COG annually spends about $920,000 in CPG funds (since 2005). As such, Metro COG has amassed a fairly large uncommitted balance of CPG funds. To illustrate our current condition, once all existing CPG commitments in Metro COG’s 2014 program are met, Metro COG would retain a CPG balance of $779,880. Based on our recently approved 2015-2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Metro COG would have a year-end balance for CY 2015 and 2016 respectively of $892,507 and 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 4 Thursday, September 18, 2014 $969,507 in uncommitted CPG funds. As a point of reference, MnDOT has recently developed strict policies which involuntarily reallocate CPG funds left uncommitted by MN MPOs. To date, NDDOT has yet to develop similar policies. Mr. Kline requested approval of this one-time transfer in CPG funds of $300,000 to the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO. Even with this one-time transfer, Metro COG will have adequate uncommitted CPG funds over the next two years to address unanticipated project needs. Mr. Paulsen asked if a transfer of funds like this has happened before. Mr. Kline stated it was quietly done once from Bismarck to Grand Forks-East Grand Forks, when NDDOT told Bismarck to transfer funds. Mr. Piepkorn asked if it can be used on other projects within our area. Mr. Kline stated the problem is that we can only administer so many projects at a time. We are unable to pass Federal dollars through to communities. Mr. Peterson asked why Grand Forks. He wondered if there is any other place in North Dakota which might need it. Mr. Kline stated these dollars are limited to urbanized areas. These dollars can only be spent in cities with a population over 50,000, and Bismarck is in the same situation we are. He also stated these funds are set aside for MPO planning, and there are only three places in North Dakota. Chairman Gross asked if Grand Forks is spending that much more money. Mr. Kline stated they spend the money that they get. Of the three MPOs in North Dakota, Grand Forks-East Grand Forks is right on the edge. They have four FTEs and they are getting 70% or less of what Metro COG gets. MOTION, PASSED Dr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Piepkorn to approve the Transfer of $300,000 of Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) funds to the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO. Motion carried unanimously. C6. General Update on Ongoing Sub Area Studies & Plans Mr. Christian presented an update on the Moorhead Grade Separation. At this point in time, Metro COG and KLJ are looking at previous studies to gather background. They are finalizing the existing needs and conditions report. There is a question as to what will be used for the train count, as Metro COG’s count is different than the Federal Railway’s count. First public involvement meeting will be in October. The project will hopefully be completed by this time next year, with a purpose of needs statement identified and preferred alternatives. Mr. Buscher asked if the original 20th Street project from 6 or 8 years is tabled. Mr. Christian stated that this is a different project. Chairman Gross asked how many trains come through. Mr. Christian stated officially on the KO line it is recorded 60 to 67 trains per day. Metro COG has done counts and found closer to 40 to 50 trains per day. Metro COG asked MnDOT which number is correct to use and was told to use the FRA count, as it counts other places than what Metro COG counted. MnDOT advised the number is closer to 100 trains per day for both Tracks. Mr. Farnsworth presented an update on the West Fargo Sheyenne Corridor study. There is demand for bicycle/pedestrian facilities along the corridor. Sheyenne Street acts as a dike during floods, so it will need to stay the same height. The hope is to have environmental 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 5 Thursday, September 18, 2014 documentation in preparation for NEPA documentation. There was a study review committee and a public input meeting. The next step is to compile the public input and move on to gather environmental data. This corridor does include the interchange of Sheyenne Street and I-94, and the hope is to include the construction the ramps and the corridor of this at the same time. Mr. Farnsworth also reported on the Heartland Trail. Metro COG is working with Clay County on the Heartland Trail. MnDNR put together plan in 2011 to have the Heartland Trail to extend to Moorhead from Park Rapids. The Clay County Heartland Trail Task Force is working together with the DNR to administer this Trail and discuss the best routes that could be used. Mr. Altenburg presented an update on the SW Metro Transportation Plan. This summer a land use plan was prepared with the City of Horace and a land use update for the City of Fargo. Mr. Altenburg stated Metro COG and SRF held a Brown Bag Presentation on August 20 and had a third study review committee on August 22. Mr. Mahoney asked how far south Fargo can extend. Mr. Altenburg stated 100th Ave S. Mr. Kline stated that is contingent along a line of protection. The SW Plan is to give us a better idea regarding the infrastructure footprint. Mr. Mahoney asked regarding West Fargo as well. Mr. Kline stated with the Sheyenne Street Study, it looks to be built out in the south by 2021 and 2025. The SW Plan has a direct impact on Sheyenne Street. Mr. Mahoney asked about Horace as well. Mr. Frank stated Horace is trying to figure out what the best strategy will be for the sewer/lagoon system. Until that is addressed, Horace development will be limited. There was discussion regarding Veteran’s Boulevard as a major arterial in the future as well. Mr. Frank stated it was good that West Fargo and Fargo seem to be in agreement as to what types of buildings will be along that corridor. Mr. Altenburg also stated the next step include a Transportation Planning Workshop with the City of Horace on September 29 and a public input meeting on October 8 from 5:30 – 7:30 at Davies High School, as well as, stake holders and property holder’s meetings with dates and times TBD. NO MOTION REQUIRED C7. Other Business and Citizen Comment Chairman Frank wished Wade Kline good luck in future endeavors. Of all the committees he has been on, he this has had the best direction with Mr. Kline. Mr. Paulsen stated he has been on this body through four directors, and Wade is by far the best director. Mr. Gehrtz said he appreciates that Mr. Kline is very punctual and keeps everyone on task and schedule. Mr. Buscher said Wade has given him a great education in a short period of time. Mr. Kline thanked Metro COG for the discussions, bonding, and decisions that have been made in his presense. D. Announcements / Committee or Staff Reports / Correspondence E. Adjourn The 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board held Thursday, September 18, 2014 was adjourned at 5:00 pm. 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 6 Thursday, September 18, 2014 F. THE NEXT FM METRO COG POLICY BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014, 4:00 P.M. AT THE FM METRO COG CONFERENCE ROOM, ONE NORTH 2ND STREET, CASE PLAZA SUITE 232, FARGO, ND. Respectfully Submitted, Katherine T. Wurtzler Executive Secretary 509th Meeting of the FM Metro COG Policy Board – page 7 Thursday, September 18, 2014 10/10/14 Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Council Bills Approval List Attachment 2 As of November 1, 2014 Vendor Name Invoice Date Vendor Number Description Due Date Accounting Description Amount 702 Communications 10/10/2014 Telephone Estimate October 2014 Internet / local telephon 10/20/2014 900i · 900i - Telephone Total 702 Communications 250.00 250.00 Blue Cross Blue Shield Of ND 11/01/2014 11/01/2014 6561 · Health Insurance Premium Total Blue Cross Blue Shield Of ND 4,931.51 4,931.51 Business Essentials 10/02/2014 637683-0 10/12/2014 900d · 900d - Office Supplies Total Business Essentials 154.73 154.73 Case Plaza Office Park 11/01/2014 Office Rent 11/01/2014 900g · 900g - Office Rent Total Case Plaza Office Park 2,761.91 2,761.91 Christian, Bill 10/04/2014 Expense Reimbursemt Expense Reimbursement - Computer 10/14/2014 900j · 900j - Network Support (softwar Total Christian, Bill 182.41 182.41 DiscoveryBenefits 09/30/2014 488207-in HSA / FSA monthly fee 10/10/2014 6565 · Flex Plan Admin Expense Total DiscoveryBenefits 49.50 49.50 Howard Johnson 09/22/2014 Burns, David 10/02/2014 900a · 900a - Travel / Registration Total Howard Johnson 331.52 331.52 JOBSHQ 09/30/2014 Order #1989268 Executive Director 10/10/2014 900f · 900f Advertising Total JOBSHQ 835.00 835.00 Kadmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. 09/16/2014 10028443 09/26/2014 1007 · Moorhead Dwntn Grade Sep Total Kadmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. 10,961.28 10,961.28 Laser Systems Total Laser Systems 08/25/2014 333574 09/30/2014 335196 CPP charge 09/04/2014 900m · 900m - Equpmt Rental / Printing 31.00 10/10/2014 900m · 900m - Equpmt Rental / Printing 274.57 305.57 Page 1 of 2 10/10/14 Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Council Bills Approval List As of November 1, 2014 Vendor Name Invoice Date Vendor Number Description Due Date Accounting Description Amount SRF Consulting Group, Inc. 09/22/2014 08468.00-4 SW Metro Transplan 10/02/2014 1009 · SW Metro Trans Plan 18,581.55 09/22/2014 05135.00-5 SW Metro Transplan 10/02/2014 1009 · SW Metro Trans Plan 20,518.24 Total SRF Consulting Group, Inc. 39,099.79 The Forum 10/05/2014 clo1726251 Notice - Public Meeting - Metro TIP 10/05/2014 900f · 900f Advertising Total The Forum 83.18 83.18 Vogel Law Firm 09/19/2014 138629 Services for 9/19/14 09/29/2014 900n · Legal Fees Total Vogel Law Firm 220.50 220.50 Your CFO Inc 10/01/2014 11/01/2014 Accounting Services CFO / Bookkeeping Services 10/01/2014 900p · 900p - Accounting Service 821.00 CFO / Bookkeeping Services 11/11/2014 900p · 900p - Accounting Service 821.00 Total Your CFO Inc 1,642.00 TOTAL 61,808.90 Payroll Liabilities (September) : Federal Withholding Federal Social Security ‐ ee Federal Social Security ‐ er Federal Medicare ‐ ee Federal Medicare ‐ er North Dakota Withholdiong Minnesota Withholding Other Withholdings ‐ Simple, etc. Total Grand Total 5,706.00 2,513.86 2,513.86 587.92 587.92 524.00 0.00 5,391.54 17,825.10 79,634.00 Page 2 of 2 Attachment CA-1a, Part 1 Suggested Motion: “Approve the proposed amendments to the 2015-2018 TIP.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board William A. Christian, Metro COG October 9, 2014 Amendments to the 2015-2018 North Dakota Transportation Improvement Program The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) held a public meeting as part of the Transportation Technical Committee at the Case Plaza Conference Room at One 2nd Street North, Suite 232, in Fargo, North Dakota on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to consider public comments regarding proposed amendments to the Metro COG 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the FM Metropolitan Area. Proposed amendments to the 2015-2018 TIP are as follows: 1. Addition of project 9152605, I-29: Christine Interchange north to Wild Rice River. Concrete pavement repair, milling, ramp improvements. Total cost: $550,000; $495,000 Federal IM funds, $55,000 NDDOT. Project year 2015. 2. Addition of project 9162606, I-94: Casselton to Mapleton Interchange. Concrete pavement repair, milling. Total cost: $1,352,000; $1,217,000 Federal IM funds, $135,000 NDDOT. Project year 2016. 3. Addition of project 9162607, I-94 (EB): Mapleton Interchange to Raymond Interchange. Concrete pavement repair. Total cost: $623,000, $561,000 federal IM funds, $62,000 NDDOT. Program year 2016. 4. Addition of project 9162608, I-94: lift station east of 5th Street South (West Fargo). Total cost: $253,000, $228,000 federal IM funds, $25,000 NDDOT. Program year 2016. 5. Addition of project 9182609, I-94 (EB): Horace Road Interchange (Sheyenne Street in West Fargo). Median crossovers, PCC paving, ramp revisions, structure replacement. Total cost: $15,000,000, $13,500,000 federal IM funds, $1,500,000 NDDOT. Project year 2018. 6. Addition of project 9182610, I-94(WB): Horace Road Interchange (Sheyenne Street in West Fargo). PCC paving, ramp revisions, structure replacement. Total cost: $10,000,000, $9,000,000 federal IM funds, $1,000,000 NDDOT. Project year 2018. 7. Project 318010, Sheyenne Street: 32nd Avenue to 19th Avenue. Project scope and local cost change. Total cost: $8,000,000, $5,680,000 federal STP funds, $2,320,000 West Fargo. Program year 2018. 8. Updated costs and miscellaneous changes on NDDOT projects programmed in 2015, project numbers 914032, 914033, 915050, 915030 and 915060, as well as project 417010 in 2017. Upon review of the approved TIP, NDDOT and FHWA-ND have asked for some minor changes and the inclusion of a fiscal constraint table in the document. The requested changes have been incorporated as part of this amendment. TTC members at their October 9, 2014 meeting recommended Policy Board approval of the above amendments to the 2015-2018 TIP. Attachment CA-1a, Part 2 Attachment CA-1b, Part 1 Suggested Motion: “Approve Addendum #5 to ATAC Master Agreement.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG October 9, 2014 Consider Addendum #5 to ATAC Master Agreement Metro COG is seeking assistance from NDSU’s Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) in completing this fall’s requested turning movement counts. Due to Metro COG’s current workload, Metro COG will be pressed to complete the requested counts in a timely manner and is therefore seeking assistance from ATAC. Seventy-two (72) hours of turning movement counts have been requested throughout the metro area. Metro COG will plan to record 72 hours of video at the requested locations and is seeking ATAC’s services in processing the counts using the video. Metro COG is seeking to have the counts completed by January 30, 2015. Attached is an addendum to Metro COG’s master agreement with ATAC, for which ATAC agrees to process 72 hours turning movement video for a contract amount of $3,925. If approved, this work would begin on October 17th and would be billed to item number 1001 – ATAC Technical Assistance. Attachment CA-1b, Part 2 Page 1 To: Wade Kline, FM Metro COG From: Kshitij Sharma, UGPTI/ATAC Re: Turning Movement Count Data Collection Assistance (2014-2015). Date: September 11, 2014 Background/Purpose Fargo Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) plans to record videos for traffic data collection at various locations in the area. Their intent is to use the recorded videos to create intersection turning movement count data files. Metro COG has solicited help from ATAC for counting approx. 72 hours of video. Project Tasks This project would consist of the following two tasks: 1. Counting and Classification of Vehicles a. The Metro COG will provide ATAC with the videos (.avi format) recorded at different intersections. b. ATAC will use equipment such as clicker counters or JAMAR countboards to create intersection turning movement files from the videos provided. The counts per approach will be divided into the following classes: a. Passenger Cars (will include motorcycles) b. Trucks (will include buses) c. Pedestrians (will include bicycles, if applicable) c. ATAC will randomly check the files created for QA/QC purposes. 2. Data Transfer a. ATAC will transfer the collected data to Metro COG in the desired format. Deliverables ATAC will provide the Metro COG with the intersection turning movement counts in either .xlsx/.xls or .ppd format. NDSU Dept. 2880, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108‐6050 Telephone 701‐231‐8058 Fax 701‐231‐6265 www.atacenter.org Attachment CA-1b, Part 3 North Dakota MPO Planning Support Program Master Agreement Fargo‐Moorhead Metro COG Addendum #5 to the Master Agreement Upon execution by the parties below, this Addendum and any attachments shall become attached to and incorporated into the 'North Dakota MPO Planning Support Program Master Agreement' between 'Fargo‐Moorhead Metro COG’ and North Dakota State University. 1. Project Title: Turning Movement Counts Data Collection Assistance (2014‐2015) 2. Effective Dates: October 17, 2014 to January 30, 2015 3. Statement of Work: Assist in creating intersection turning movement count data from already recorded video files (approx. 72 hours in length) at locations in and around Fargo‐Moorhead. This project would entail the following tasks: Task 1: Counting and Classification of Vehicles a. Fargo Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) will provide ATAC with the videos (.avi format) recorded at different intersections. b. ATAC will use equipment such as clicker counters or JAMAR count‐boards to create intersection turning movement files from the videos provided. The counts per approach will be divided into the following classes: i. Passenger Cars (will include motorcycles) ii. Trucks (will include buses) iii. Pedestrians (will include bicycles, if applicable) c. ATAC will randomly check the files created for QA/QC purposes. Task 2: Data Transfer a. ATAC will transfer the collected data to Metro COG in the desired format. 4. Principal Investigator: Kshitij Sharma 5. Desired Deliverables: ATAC will provide the Metro COG with the intersection turning movement counts in either .xlsx/.xls or .ppd format. 6. Contract Amount: $3,925 AUTHORIZATION: Fargo‐Moorhead Metro COG ________________________________ Authorized Signature ________________________________ Name and Title Date BUDGET: North Dakota State University ______________________________ Authorized Signature ______________________________ Name and Title Date ND MPO Planning Support Program 2012-2015 Addendum # 5 TMC Data Collection Assistance (2014-2015) Cost Item Staff Salaries Benefits Grad Student Salaries Undergrad Student Salaries Benefits Operating Total direct costs NDSU overhead (38.1%) Total project cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount 402 129 2,266 45 2,842 1,083 3,925 Attachment CA-1c, Part 1 Suggested Motion: “Approve the proposed revised TAP Evaluation Criteria and Transit Project Evaluation Criteria.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG October 9, 2014 Consider updated TAP & transit project evaluation criteria In July 2014 the update to the Fargo-Moorhead Metro Area’s Long Range Transportation Plan, Metro 2040, was approved and adopted. During development of Metro 2040 public input was gathered and goals, objectives, and project evaluation criteria were developed. Seven goals were developed which the public ‘weighted’ to show their preference of each goal. The goals and the ‘weight of each goal is as follows: Metro 2040 Goals and Goals’ Weight Goal Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system Goal 3: Maximize the cost effectiveness of transportation Goal 4: Promote consistency between land use and transportation plan to enhance mobility and accessibility Goal 5: Provide safe and secure transportation Goal 6: Support economic vitality Goal 7: Protect the environment and conserve resources Weight (per public input) 20 19 14 16 11 13 7 Metro 2040 developed project evaluation criteria for roadway projects, transit projects and bicycle / pedestrian projects. Each of the seven goals has project evaluation criteria with an equal number of points which are then multiplied by the goals’ weighted numbers to achieve a final score for each goal. Proposed Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Evaluation Criteria Metro COG is proposing revising the existing TAP criteria to incorporate many of the evaluation criteria developed by Metro 2040 and to adopt the point/weight system as developed by Metro 2040. Attached is a table showing the existing TAP evaluation criteria, the Metro 2040 bicycle and pedestrian project evaluation criteria, and the proposed revised TAP project evaluation criteria. Please note that the proposed TAP evaluation criteria was recommended for policy board approval by the Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee in July 2014. Proposed Transit Project Evaluation Criteria Metro COG is proposing revising the existing transit evaluation criteria to incorporate many of the evaluation criteria developed by Metro 2040 and to adopt the point/weight system as developed by Metro 2040. Attached is a table showing the existing transit evaluation criteria, the Metro 2040 transit project evaluation criteria, and the proposed revised transit project evaluation criteria. Attachment CA-1c, Part 2 Existing & Proposed TAP Evaluation Table Metro 2040 Goal Goal 1: Maintain the Existing Transportation System Current TAP Evaluation Question Does the project make repairs to an existing bicycle or pedestrian facility? Does the project construct or make improvements to any part of the Trans Metro Area Bikeway or Campus Connector routes as identified in the 2011 Metropolitan Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figure 6.1 & 6.2) Goal 2: Improve the Efficiency, Does the project fill a critical gap or identified short‐ or long‐range project in the bike‐ped network as identified in the 2011 Metro Performance and Connectivity of a Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figures 4.1 to 4.6) Balanced Transportation System Does the project demonstrate connectivity to other bike/ped facilities or parks or other public facilities? Does the project implement a specific recommendation of a corridor, comprehensive, or other planning study? Does the project construct or make improvements to any part of the Trans Metro Area Bikeway or Campus Connector routes as identified in the 2011 Metropolitan Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figure 6.1 & 6.2) Does the project fill a critical gap or identified short‐ or long‐range Goal 3: Maximize the Cost Effectiveness project in the bike‐ped network as identified in the 2011 Metro of Transportation Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figures 4.1 to 4.6) Does the project demonstrate connectivity to other bike/ped facilities or parks or other public facilities? Does the project implement a specific recommendation of a corridor, comprehensive, or other planning study? Goal 4: Promote Consistancy between Is the project located within the buffer zone of the medium or high Land Use and Transportation Plan to trip generator map from the 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan? (see Figure 2.8)? Enhance Mobility and Accessibility Is the project designed to address safety issues at a location where crashes involving a motor vehicle and a bicyclist or pedestrian are occurring? (see: Figure 2.7 or Pages 68‐69 in the 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan OR use more recent data from the DOT) Goal 5: Provide Safe and Secure Transportation Does the project improve the ability for students to safely cycle or walk to school? Does the project improve safety or mobility for non‐automotive users with disabilities? Does the project include way finding and/or other signage that will help users find their destination OR enhanced signage for safety? Goal 6: Support Economic Vitality Goal 7: Protect the Environment and Conserve Resources Does the project construct or make improvements to any part of the Trans Metro Area Bikeway or Campus Connector routes as identified in the 2011 Metropolitan Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figure 6.1 & 6.2) Does the project fill a critical gap or identified short‐ or long‐range project in the bike‐ped network as identified in the 2011 Metro Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figures 4.1 to 4.6) Does the project demonstrate connectivity to other bike/ped facilities or parks or other public facilities? Does the project implement a specific recommendation of a corridor, comprehensive, or other planning study? Does the project support livable and sustainable communities by including one of the six livability principles as defined by the Partnership for Sustainable Comunities (www.sustainablecommunities.gov)? Does the project meet the intent of the Complete Streets Policy Statement? (see www.fmmetrocog.org, Home ‐> Resources ‐> Policies ‐> Complete Streets Policy) Does the project meets one of the 7 less common TAP funding opportunities? (Construction of turnouts, overlooks or viewing areas; Control or removal of outdoor advertising; Historic preservation or rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities; Vegetation management practices to improve safety, prevent against invasive species or provide erosion control; Improved stormwater management or improved water pollution; Improved wildlife connectivity; maintenance, restoration or construction of new recreational trails) Points 1 2 2 Question Metro 2040 Bike/Ped Evaluation Weight The project is to rehabilitate a trail or sidewalk that is in fair condition, OR The project is to rehabilitate a trail or sidewalk that is in poor condition The project completes a low demand missing link, OR Points Weighted Pts 20 5 100 20 10 200 19 4 76 The project completes a middle demand missing link, OR 19 7 133 The project completes a high demand missing link 19 10 190 2 The project resulted in a minor system connection or completion of missing link, OR 14 3 42 2 The project resulted in a moderate system connection or completion of missing link, OR 14 7 98 The project resulted in a major system connection or completion of missing link 14 10 140 The project will provide new bicycle or pedestrian connections to medium trip density demand areas, OR 16 5 80 1 Question Proposed TAP Evaluation Weight The project is to rehabilitate a trail or sidewalk that is in fair condition, OR The project is to rehabilitate a trail or sidewalk that is in poor condition Points Weighted Pts 20 5 100 20 10 200 Does the project implement a specific recommendation of a corridor, comprehensive, or other planning study? Or does the project fill a critical gap or identified short‐ or long‐range project in the bike‐ped network as identified in the 2011 Metro Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figures 4.1 to 4.6) 19 10 190 Does the project implement a specific recommendation of a corridor, comprehensive, or other planning study? Or does the project fill a critical gap or identified short‐ or long‐range project in the bike‐ped network as identified in the 2011 Metro Bicycle‐Pedestrian Plan? (see Figures 4.1 to 4.6) 14 10 140 The project will provide new bicycle or pedestrian connections to or from projected (year 2020) trip density areas of 25 to 50 trip ends/acre. (see 2020 trip density figure (M:/TIP/2015/Evaluation Forms/TAP Evaluation supporing material)), OR 16 3 48 The project will provide new bicycle or pedestrian connections to or from projected (year 2020) trip density areas of 50 to 100 trip ends/acre. (see 2020 trip density figure (M:/TIP/2015/Evaluation Forms/TAP Evaluation supporing material)), OR 16 6 96 The project will provide new bicycle or pedestrian connections to or from projected (year 2020) trip density areas of 100 or more trip ends/acre. (see 2020 trip density figure (M:/TIP/2015/Evaluation Forms/TAP Evaluation supporing material)) 16 10 160 Is the project designed to address safety issues at a location where crashes involving a motor vehicle and a bicyclist or pedestrian are occurring? (see: Figure 2.7 or Pages 68‐69 in the 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan OR use more recent available data) 11 3 33 11 3 33 2 1 2 1 The project will provide new bicycle or pedestrian connections to high trip density demand areas. 16 10 160 2 The improvement is for a facility that is within the 25% to 50% pedestrian/bicycle crash cost per mile or intersection, OR 11 3 33 2 The improvement is for a facility that is within the 50% to 75% pedestrian/bicycle crash cost per mile or intersection, OR 11 7 77 The improvement is for a facility that is within the highest 25% of pedestrian/bicycle crash cost per mile or intersection. 11 10 110 Does the project increase bicycle and pedestrian connections to high density residential areas? 13 5 Does the project increase bicycle and pedestrian connections to locations of high commercial and industrial development, the river corridor, or connection to the Heartland Trail? 13 Does the project include landscaping or beautification, which may include street furniture, lighting or public art? Does the project provide bicycle and pedestrian connections that will increase active transportation modes and decrease vehicle miles traveled? 11 3 33 Does the project include way finding and/or other signage that will help users find their destination OR enhanced signage for safety? 11 1 11 65 Does the project increase bicycle and/or pedestrian connections from residential areas to industrial or commercial centers? 13 5 65 5 65 Does the project construct or enhance any major recreational trails (i.e. River Corridor, Milwaukee Trail, Heartland Trail, etc.)? 13 5 65 7 5 35 Does the project meet the intent of the Complete Streets Policy Statement? (see www.fmmetrocog.org, Home ‐> Resources ‐> Policies ‐> Complete Streets Policy) 7 5 35 7 5 35 Does the project include any landscaping to improve aethitics, water quality or animal habitats? 7 5 35 2 1 2 Does the project improve the ability for students to safely cycle or walk to school? Does the project improve safety or mobility for non‐automotive users with disabilities? 2 1 2 1 1 1 Attachment CA-1c, Part 3 Existing & Proposed Transit Capital Evaluation Table Metro 2040 Goal Current Transit Capital Evaluation Question Points Question Metro 2040 Transit Capital Evaluation Weight Points The project is not to replace a vehicle, OR Goal 1: Maintain the Existing Transportation System Does the project include replacing a vehicle that is reaching the end of its useful life? Will this project increase bus frequency on at least one fixed‐route where demand for service is high? Goal 2: Improve the Efficiency, Performance and Connectivity of a Will this project improve intermodal connectivity between Balanced Transportation System transit and other modes? (e.g. providing bike racks on bus 16 8 6 shelters or on a bus) Goal 3: Maximize the Cost Effectiveness of Transportation Goal 4: Promote Consistancy between Land Use and Transportation Plan to Enhance Mobility and Accessibility Does the project implement a route or project identified in a regional planning document? 3 Does the project meet the intent of the Complete Streets Policy Statement? 10 Is this project expected to help relieve congestion in an area where peak‐hour roadway level‐of‐service is 'D', 'E' or 'F', as shown on map 1.12 of the LRTP? 10 Goal 5: Provide Safe and Secure Does the project improve transit safety? Transportation Does the project improve transit security? 5 5 Will this project provide or improve transit service within Goal 6: Support Economic Vitality one‐quarter mile of a larger employer? (i.e. 50 employees 6 or more) Goal 7: Protect the Environment Does the project include the purchase of an electric hybrid, flex fuel, or other low‐emissions vehicle? and Conserve Resources 7 The project is to replace a transit vehicle that is nearing the end of its life, OR The project is to replace a transit vehicle that has exceeded its life Improves intermodal connectivity between transit and other modes (e.g., providing bike racks at bus shelters or on a bus.) Increase transit service (new routes, frequency, extended hours of operations in locations with medium demand (Medium trip density)), OR Increase transit service (new routes, frequency, extended hours of operations in locations with high demand (High trip density)) 20 0 Weighted Pts 0 20 5 100 20 10 200 19 2 38 19 4 76 19 8 152 Bottom 1/3 of increased transit ridership divided by cost 14 0 0 Middle 1/3 of increased transit ridership divided by cost 14 5 70 Top 1/3 of increased transit ridership divided by cost 14 10 140 16 0 0 16 5 80 16 10 160 11 5 55 11 5 55 13 5 65 13 5 65 7 5 35 7 10 70 The project will provide new or increased transit service to low trip density demand areas, OR The project will provide new or increased transit service to medium trip density demand areas, OR The project will provide new or increased transit service to high trip density demand areas. Does the project improve transit safety? Does the project improve transit security? Does the project increase transit service to low income areas? Does the project improve transit service to locations of high commercial and industrial development? Does the project moderately increase transit service and reduce vehicle travel? OR Does the project significantly increase transit service and reduce vehicle travel? Question Proposed Transit Capital Evaluation Weight Points The project is not to replace a vehicle, OR The project is to replace a transit vehicle that is nearing the end of its life, OR The project is to replace a transit vehicle that has exceeded its life Improves intermodal connectivity between transit and other modes (e.g., providing bike racks at bus shelters or on a bus.) Increase transit service (new routes, frequency, extended hours of operations in locations with medium demand (Medium trip density)), OR Increase transit service (new routes, frequency, extended hours of operations in locations with high demand (High trip density)) Does the project implement a route or project identified in a regional planning document? The project will provide new or increased transit service to low trip density demand areas. The project will provide new or increased transit service to medium trip density demand areas. The project will provide new or increased transit service to high trip density demand areas. Does the project improve transit safety? Does the project improve transit security? Does the project increase transit service to low income areas? Does the project improve transit service to locations of high commercial and industrial development? Does the project increase transit service and reduce vehicle travel? OR Does the project include the purchase of an electric hybrid, flex fuel, or other low‐emissions vehicle? Weighted Pts 20 0 0 20 5 100 20 10 200 19 2 38 19 4 76 19 8 152 14 10 140 16 0 0 16 5 80 16 10 160 11 5 55 11 5 55 13 5 65 13 5 65 7 5 35 7 5 35 Attachment CA-1d, Part 1 Suggested Motion: “To approve the contract with Fargo Cass Public Health to support Project #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board Adam Altenburg October 9,2014 Consider Contract with Fargo Cass Public Health for Project #1102 - Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts In September 2014, the Policy Board approved an amendment to the 2014 UPWP to add Project #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts. This item is in response to the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan and the growing relationships between MPO’s and public health officials in areas such as urban agriculture, food access, and food infrastructure and economic development. The scope of work for this project includes providing technical assistance in the creation of the Food Systems Advisory Commission to serve the FM Metropolitan area, as well as general consultation and planning work as needed. Total direct and indirect costs shall not exceed $7,000 and will be funded through a grant from the North Dakota Chronic Disease program. Funding for this program will run from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. Metro COG is currently awaiting a decision by the Fargo City Commission which will discuss the contract at their upcoming meeting on October 13, 2014. Attachment CA-1d, Part 2 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, effective the 1st day of October, 2014, by and between Fargo Cass Public Health ("FCPH"); and Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Independent Contracting Consultant. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: A. Term of Agreement: The parties entered into a written agreement for the period of October 1, 2014, through September 30, 2015. B. Services to be provided by independent contractor: Provide guidance to the Cass Clay Food Systems Initiative (CCFSI) in forming the Cass Clay Food Systems Advisory Commission. Work with CCFSI to finalize a Joint Powers Agreement document and assist with presenting the Food Systems Plan to remaining jurisdictions. Schedule, plan and administer Food Systems Commission meetings - send meeting notices, work with CCFSI to prepare meeting agendas and materials, keep meeting minutes and prepare preliminary reports. Provide consultation and expertise to the Food Systems Commission on effective ways to incorporate food systems issues with community planning efforts. C. Reimbursement: The contracting consultant shall be reimbursed $7000 for services and will submit an invoice quarterly. D. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon the giving of thirty (30) days written notice. E. Confidentiality: The contracting consultant agrees to not, directly or indirectly, disclose, make known, divulge, publish or communicate any individually identifiable health information or other confidential information to any person, firm or corporation without consent unless that disclosure is authorized under North Dakota law. Special Considerations: A. It is understood and agreed that the relationship created by this Agreement shall be that of independent contractor and contractee that shall not be deemed to be an employee of Fargo Cass Public Health for any other purpose. B. This service agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Dakota. I hereby certify that the above assurances and provisions of service have been reviewed and our agency has agreed upon the conditions as set forth. C. It is understood any forms or paperwork required by Fargo Cass Public Health and the City of Fargo to receive payment for services will be completed as needed. In Witness thereof, this purchase of service agreement has been executed between the Consultant and Fargo Cass Public Health on the date-executed below. FARGO CASS PUBLIC HEALTH CONSULTANT By By Ruth Bachmeier Director of Public Health Date Frank Gross Chairman, F-M Metropolitan Council of Governments Date By Dennis R. Walaker Mayor, City of Fargo Date P:\Contracts\2014\FM MetroCog Agreement ND Chronic Disease Sub-contract Program.docx 10/02/2014 City of Fargo, North Dakota and Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Project #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts Scope of Work Background. In October 2013, the Fargo‐Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) completed the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan. This plan establishes a framework for understanding the local food system and lists issues, objectives, and desired outcomes as they relate to food access and food infrastructure, health outcomes and community health indicators, food security, and urban agriculture and land use. The Metropolitan Food Systems Plan was approved by the City of Fargo, Clay County, and Fargo Cass Public Health, entities which are responsible for public health in the FM Metropolitan area. Following the completion of the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan, the Cass‐Clay Food Systems Initiative (CCFSI) Steering Committee requested assistance from Metro COG regarding the development and implementation of a Food Systems Advisory Commission to serve the FM Metropolitan area which would, among other activities, oversee the implementation of the plan. Intent. The purpose of the Food Systems Advisory Commission is to establish a public entity to advise policy makers and elected officials in the FM Metropolitan area on how to assure that residents have access to safe, nutritious, and affordable foods. Among other activities, this Commission shall: 1. Assess the food system in the FM Metropolitan area with consideration of state and national trends and issues; 2. Educate policy makers in all local jurisdictions on food systems issues; 3. Provide language for policies and codes based on research; 4. Support community wellness through various activities related to healthy food consumption; 5. Cultivate partnerships and foster collaborative communication between local jurisdictions and other public and private partners; 6. Encourage inquiries from local jurisdictions on food systems issues; 7. Propose recommendations on ways to improve the food system in the FM Metropolitan area; and 8. Oversee the implementation of the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan. Scope of Work. Project #1102 – Food Systems Planning and Implementation Efforts would be inclusive of the following specific work tasks and related deliverables: 1. Food Systems Advisory Commission. Metro COG shall provide technical assistance in the creation of the Food Systems Advisory Commission to serve the FM Metropolitan area. Once initiated, Metro COG shall be responsible for the ongoing administration and management of the Commission and ancillary tasks related thereof. a. Joint Powers Agreement. Metro COG, with the technical support of the CCFSI Steering Committee, shall be responsible for finalizing the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between the applicable Parties to create the Food Systems Advisory Commission. Metro COG shall also be responsible for requesting time at area city council/commission meetings to inform local jurisdictions of the Commission prior to the execution of the JPA. b. Scheduling and Planning. Once Food Systems Advisory Commission members have been selected, Metro COG shall work with members to determine a regular meeting date and time in accordance to the needs of the Commission. Thereafter, Metro COG shall be responsible for scheduling and reserving the meeting venue (the Fargo City Commission Chambers or approved alternate venue). Whenever possible, Metro COG shall coordinate with the appropriate technical specialists to ensure that Commission meetings are rebroadcast on government‐access television (GATV) channels in the FM Metropolitan area. c. Notices. Metro COG shall be responsible for contacting Food Systems Advisory Commission members prior to Commission meetings. Metro COG shall do its utmost to confirm that each Commission meeting has a quorum in advance of the meeting date. If it is determined that a Commission meeting will not have a quorum, Metro COG shall be responsible for communication between Commission members and the CCFSI Steering Committee to determine an approved alternate meeting date. d. Contacts. Metro COG shall keep an up‐to‐date contact list of all Food Systems Advisory Commission members, CCFSI Steering Committee members, CCFSI Task Force members, public and private partners, and additional interested parties. Metro COG shall encourage additional parties or individuals interested in the actions and activities of the Commission to submit their contact information to be added to Metro COG’s contact list. e. Meeting Materials. Metro COG shall be responsible for the Food Systems Advisory Commission agenda and the prearrangement of all memoranda and attachments for each Commission meeting. Metro COG shall coordinate with the CCFSI Steering Committee to determine each agenda and the items to be brought forth at each Commission meeting. Metro COG shall be responsible for mailing hard copies of meeting materials to Commission members in advance of each Commission meeting. In addition, Metro COG shall send an electronic copy of meeting materials to each contact in Metro COG’s contact list. f. Preliminary Reports. Metro COG shall produce and present preliminary reports, technical memoranda, and analyses as requested by the Food Systems Advisory Commission and the CCFSI Steering Committee. g. Minutes. Metro COG shall be responsible for summarizing matters discussed at Food Systems Advisory Commission meetings. Metro COG shall prepare all meeting minutes to be approved by Commission members at subsequent Commission meetings. h. Consultation. Metro COG shall provide guidance and expertise to the Food Systems Advisory Commission and the CCFSI Steering Committee on ways to incorporate food systems issues with community planning efforts in the FM Metropolitan area. Metro COG shall serve to advise the Commission and the CCFSI Steering Committee on administrative procedures, planning processes, and best approaches as they relate to the Metropolitan Food Systems Plan and executing requested actions by the Commission. Metro COG shall also do its utmost to be informed of food systems efforts by other Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and provide details and recommendations on food systems planning efforts based on both current knowledge and best practices throughout the United States. 2. 3. Additional Document Preparation. Metro COG shall produce, organize, and format any additional documents or applicable planning work at the behest of the Food Systems Advisory Commission. Fees for Service. The total cost to Metro COG for the performance of work pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed a total of Seven thousand dollars (US $7,000). This amount shall include all project costs including labor, general and administrative overhead, fixed fees, materials, supplies, and miscellaneous. a. b. c. Direct Costs. Direct costs under this Agreement shall be total direct labor hours (124 hours) multiplied by staff hourly rate (US $33.00 per hour) for a total of Four thousand and ninety‐ two dollars (US $4,092). Indirect Costs. Indirect costs are recouped via the Indirect Allocation Rate (IAR) and are calculated by multiplying the IAR and total direct costs. Indirect costs under this Agreement shall be the IAR (70.395 percent) multiplied by the total direct costs (US $4,092) for a total of Two thousand, eight‐hundred and eighty‐one dollars (US $2,881) Invoices. Metro COG shall submit an invoice quarterly for eligible costs incurred during that period. Attachment RA-1 Suggested Motion: “To approve the 3rd Quarter Progress and Financial Report as presented.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board William A. Christian, Metro COG October 9, 2014 Consider 3rd Quarter Progress and Financial Report Please find attached the 3rd Quarter Progress and Financial Report. The 3rd Quarter Progress and Financial Report summarizes the budget activities of Metro COG through 09/30/2014 by each major program area of the Unified Planning Work Program. At this point I have no major concerns regarding information include within the report. If you have information or questions regarding the information included herein, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. A Attachme ent RA‐1a a Fargo o‐Moorh head Me etropoliitan Coun ncil of Go overnm ments P Progress Rep port for the Period: Presented to Policy Board A Approved: This Metro COG Progress Report provides a brie ef description and overview of the various pla nning activities completed by tthe Fargo‐ M Moorhead Metro opolitan Council of Governmen nts (Metro COG)) from January 1 1, 2014 – Septem with the mber 30, 2014 in accordance w approved Unified d Planning Workk Program (UPW WP). Planning activities compleeted during this period, and budget summaries are described ng charts. acccording to specific work tasks on the followin For more information n or if you have e questions regaarding the inforrmation presentted, please con ntact Metro COG G: Metro COG PPhone: 701.232 2.3242 uite 232 FFax: 701.232.50 043 Case Plaza, Su One North Second Street Fargo, ND 581 102‐4807 Web: www.fm mmetrocog.org Email: metroccog@fmmetrocog.org 2014 100 101 Public Input / Education & Committee Coordination Public Input / Education Metro COG annually sets aside resources to attend to miscellaneous public involvement efforts throughout the community. Metro COG Newsletter Metro COG publishes the Metro Connection at least three (3) times annually. Metro COG released Metro Connection in February and again in May. Both newsletters were dedicated to the update of Metro 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Metro COG released a third newsletter in late July. This had elements regarding the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), the LRTP, and touched on other studies Metro COG is working on. Committee Coordination Traffic Operations Working Group met twice in the first quarter and once in the second quarter. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee met one time each in the first, second, and third quarters. MAT Board February 26, May 27, June 18 and August 20. GIS committee on April 29. Transportation Technical Committee met every month (9 times). Policy Board met every month (9 times). Executive Committee met 9 times, but only achieved quorum 8 times. Website Development / Management Metro COG continues to maintain the bikefm.org website. Metro COG provides ongoing monitoring and maintenance of its website www.fmmetrocog.org. Cleaned up miscellaneous items that were no longer needed on the website; created and arranged folders on our host webserver for organizational purposes moving forward. Uploaded 2040 MTP and 2015‐2018 TIP to Website. Updated staff directory. 102 103 104 2014 Budget $3,893 Amount Billed $6,524 % Billed $6,055 $1,317 21.8% $51,129 $35,063 68.6% $13,540 $3,795 28.03% 167.6% FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 Page 1 100s Total Task Budget $74,617 $46,699 62.6% 200 201 Data Development & Management GIS Systems Mgmt./Operations/Mapping & Graphics Developed template in cooperation with LSA for the LRTP. Completed approximately 15 maps for illustrative purposes in the LRTP report. Gathered various datasets for mapping purposes, crash and freight data primary. Continue overall update and maintenance of Metro COG’s GIS data sets. Two staff meetings to discuss reorganizing and restructuring the data directory of GIS files. Census / ACS Updates Calibration / Env. Justice Reviewed current (2011) Environmental Justice mapping for support of the TIP and LRTP. Traffic Counts / Analysis Completed 8 traffic counts as requested by Cass County and 3 speed studies as requested by West Fargo in the second quarter. In the third quarter Metro COG completed the remainder (6) of the traffic counts requested by Cass County. Completed 4 counts for the City of Dilworth/Clay County. Bicycle & Pedestrian Counts / Analysis Completed the assembly of the 6 permanent bicycle and pedestrian infrared counters in the second quarter. All the permanent bicycle and pedestrian counters were installed in the third quarter. Metro COG also conducted the annual manual bicycle and pedestrian counts at 12 locations during the third quarter. FM Metropolitan Profile Cataloging and compiling of data for the 2014 Metropolitan Profile began in the 1st Quarter. Development on the 2014 Metropolitan Profile ‐ Annual Transportation Surveillance and Monitoring Report began in late April. Development included updates to the community profile, roadway system, transit system, bicycle and pedestrian network, freight and air, ongoing or upcoming efforts, and completed projects. Work on the 2014 Metropolitan Profile was ongoing as of the end of June. The profile was submitted in July for preliminary review, however technical errors required final approval to be scheduled in $19,767 $17,589 89.0% $5,819 $414 7.1% $20,791 $7,954 38.3% $6,459 $3,216 49.8% $9,763 $9,680 99.2% 202 203 204 205 FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 Page 2 206 300 301 400 401 402 403 August. The 2014 Metropolitan Profile was approved in August. Metro Existing Land Use Map (2014) Following completion of the 2014 Aerial project, Metro COG will be able to update the current (2011) existing land use map. This map will be useful in developing the 2015 base year travel model for the next LRTP update. 200s Total Task Budget Travel Demand Modeling Development & Mtce Travel Demand Model Maintenance / Operation Attended 8 meetings of the ND Travel‐Demand Model Review Team Meeting to develop a white paper and provide discussion, evaluation and suggestions on purchasing new TDM software for NDDOT and ND MPO. Coordinated modeling efforts among the consultants contracted for the Southwest Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Sheyenne Street projects. 300s Total Task Budget Transportation Planning & Program Development, Impl. & Mtce. Metropolitan Long Range Plan Impl. & Mtce. No activity. Transit Development Plan Update (Issue ID / Scoping) No activity. LRTP Update – Plan Development Metro 2040 Roundtables to discuss alternative projects and investments were held in late February at three (3) locations through the community. Working Draft LRTP released in late March. Final Draft set for release in early May. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $4,225 $397 9.4% $66,824 $39,250 58.7% $11,677 $3,102 26.6% $11,677 $3,102 26.6% $9,952 $6,888 $32,917 $347 $431 $37,309 3.5% 6.3% 113.3% Page 3 405 406 407 MnDOT management presentation in mid‐March; NDDOT presentation in early April. Local approvals pending for May and early June. Final MPO approval July. Met weekly by phone with consultant on MTP development. Worked on revenue and expenses for the MTP update. Developed draft LRTP chapters on introduction; existing conditions; security; safety; growth trends and forecasts; financial analysis and environment. Presented the MTP, and received approval of the plan from local member jurisdictions. Initiated public involvement #3 and forwarded draft copies of the MTP to FHWA, FTA and North Dakota and Minnesota DOTs for review. Sent letters to interested federal, state and local agencies seeking input on the MTP. Approved the final MTP: Metro 2040: Mobility for the Future in July. Forwarded final copies to cognizant agencies, posted final version to the Metro COG website and produced hard‐ and CD‐ copies of the plan for public distribution. UPWP Mtce. & Progress Reporting The UPWP was amended in February, April, May and June to reflect changes to existing projects and additional projects. All outstanding UPWP amendments have been approved by NDDDOT and FHWA. Process year end amendment in December (2013). 2015‐2016 UPWP Development In the 1st Quarter, Metro COG continued to work on the 2015‐2016 UPWP based on initial meetings with area jurisdictions in October and November 2013. Metro COG held additional meetings with area jurisdictions in late April and early May to seek additional input on potential projects and finalize project scopes to be included in the 2015‐2016 UPWP. A final draft of the 2015‐2016 UPWP was approved by the Policy Board in June, and forwarded to state and federal agencies for review. The final 2015‐2016 UPWP was approved in August. Metro / State / Fed Policy Development Metro COG attended the two MPO Directors Meetings in Bismarck, the MNDOT ATP Meeting in Fergus FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $9,085 $5,757 63.4% $8,450 $5,794 68.6% $11,209 $10,635 94.9% Page 4 408 409 410 Falls, the Clay County Intergovernmental retreat in Moorhead, MN, the ND Strategic Highway Safety Plan Conference (Bismarck) in June, the 2nd and 3rd quarter Minnesota MPO Directors’ meeting in Arden Hills, Minnesota, and the North Dakota DOT public meeting on statewide Freight Plan update. Hosted FHWA Freight Forum. Metro COG participated on a panel of state and federally‐elected officials, transportation groups and local transportation experts to discuss with Transportation Secretary Fox transportation and federal funding issues in our region. Metro COG also developed with the Bismarck‐Mandan and Grand Forks‐East Grand Forks MPOs a letter to NDDOT Director Levi soliciting non‐federal transportation funds for the North Dakota MPOs. Finally, Metro COG had a mid‐year review with the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Attended the Mn MPO Workshop in Duluth, Mn. Met with representatives of ATAC, as well as the City of Fargo to discuss city infrastructure needs, collected information from the City of Fargo and forwarded to ATAC the information. Met with ATAC on the status of the ITS Architecture update and their involvement in the development of the Concept of Operations for local operations center. Plan / Project Review affecting MTP / MPO Program During the second quarter Metro COG staff attended various meetings pertaining to local and statewide plans/projects. These meetings included a ND Strategic Highway Safety Plan meeting, MN Statewide Bicycle System Plan meeting and NP Ave Reconstruction meeting. MAP‐21 Compliance (Incl. Transit Memorandum) No activity. Functional Class Update Metro COG attended MN Statewide Functional Classification Review Advisory Committee Mtg #1 in Mankato, MN and MN Statewide Functional Classification Review Advisory Committee Mtg #2 in Roseville, MN. Metro COG reviewed new federal guidelines on FFC. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $2,661 $967 36.3% $13,778 $333 2.4% $7,762 $9,633 124.1% Page 5 411 500 501 Metro COG started initial review of MnDOT draft FFC map for the Moorhead‐Clay County portion of the metro area. Metro COG corrected errors in FFC GIS base map, generated a FFC map for all of Cass County, and made preliminary changes to Cass and Clay County FFC maps. Meetings with local jurisdictions will be scheduled for the 3rd quarter to update each jurisdiction with proposed FFC changes. Met with representatives from the City of Moorhead and Clay County to provide suggested changes to the MnDOT draft FFC map. Provided suggested changes to MnDOT. Met with Moorhead and Clay County again to resolve remaining issues for FFC update. Additional cooperative actions may be required to finalize the FFC for the Moorhead and Clay County areas of Mn. Updated ND base file of Cass County with current FFC and initiated preliminary list of changes to be incorporated into a FFC update in the future. Still waiting on NDDOT decision related to including or not including Minor Collectors in the FFC update. Contracted Planning Mgt & Oversight Metro COG developed and initiated an RFP for the Southwest Metro Transportation Study in January 2014. Procurement complete (see #606 and #1009). Metro COG interviewed and selected a consultant for the Sheyenne St Corridor Study. The study was kicked‐off in April (see #607 and #1010). Metro COG developed and initiated an RFP for the Moorhead Downtown Grade Separation: Alternatives Development and Evaluation in March 2014. Shortlisted, interviewed and selected consultants for the Moorhead Grade Separation Project in May. Negotiated, and had approved at the June Policy Body, the contact for the Moorhead Grade Separation Project. 400s Total Task Budget Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Ongoing maintenance of 2014‐2017 NDDOT and MNDOT TIPs. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $10,494 $7,590 72.3% $113,197 $78,796 69.6% $21,915 $21,874 99.8% Page 6 600 601 Draft 2015‐2018 TIP pending for June or July. Final MnDOT ATIP prepared through ATP in April. Awaiting NDDOT Urban Program. Maintained TIP database and programs. Wrote new modules for the TIP database program to check costs, generate and assign project control numbers, add length of project to output reports, track TIP amendments and administrative adjustments, record advance construction projects and conversions, and other misc. changes to the database and reports. Attended meeting with Fargo Transit and NDDOT to discuss funding. Met with Moorhead Transit and MnDOT transit staff to coordinate MATBUS, TIP and STIP projects. Added project to TIP database to amend the TIP to include a project for Fargo Transit and Moorhead Transit. Revised the MNDOT portion of the 2015 TIP to reflect changes to MNDOT project lists. Developed and had approved a TIP Administrative Modification for Moorhead Transit. Developed and had approved a TIP Amendment for Fargo Transit. Metro COG assisted local units of government with TAP application process. Metro COG met with ATP 4 to rank TAP projects within ATP 4. Processed and Policy Board approval of two TIP amendments. Completed work on the 2015‐2018 TIP and presented it to the Policy Board in August for approval. Approved TIP forwarded to cognizant agencies and uploaded to the Metro COG website. Met with ND and MN STP Subcommittees to discuss project prioritization and application process. 500s Total Task Budget Transportation Technical Assistance / Subarea Planning Metropolitan Transportation Technical Assistance FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $21,915 $6,022 $21,874 $7,420 99.8% 123.2% Page 7 602 604 605 Metro COG sets aside a limited number of hours each year to respond to miscellaneous request for information, data, or assistance/consultation from local units of government. ITS Plan / Traffic Ops Technical Assistance Coordinated meetings on ITS architecture update process. Met with ATAC and local representatives from MAT, Fargo, West Fargo, Moorhead, MNDOT and NDDOT to discuss ITS issues for the update to the TOC Concept of Operations plan and regional ITS Architecture. Met with ATAC to review progress of the ITS Architecture update as well as the Concept of Operations for a Traffic Operations Center. Developed revised Final Draft ITS Deployment Plan for review in June; coordinating final changes and edits with local traffic operators and MATBUS. ATAC has delayed delivery review Regional Architecture and Concept of Operations. Final approval of Plan, Regional Architecture and Concept of Operations schedule for early Fall. W Fargo / Fargo 12th Ave Project Concept Report Attended SRC Meeting #5 and public input meeting #3 for FW: West Fargo/Fargo 12th Ave N project. Metro COG work is complete. Categorical Exclusion was approved by FHWA in July. Metro COG will review and revised MOU regarding cost shares once a more finalized project costs. Moorhead Downtown Grade Sep. Feas. Met with the potential RFP bidders to discuss Moorhead Grade Separation Project Met with City of Moorhead officials to discuss Grade Separation. Shortlisted, interviewed and selected consultants for the Moorhead Grade Separation Project in May. Negotiated, and had approved at the June Policy Body, the contact for the Moorhead Grade Separation Project. Facilitated two Study Review Committee meetings and reviewed preliminary Existing Conditions report. Contacted MnDOT Rail Section to provide guidance on some outstanding issues relating to the Existing Conditions report. Worked with consultant to finalize the Existing Conditions Report and to schedule a public input meeting (sometime in mid‐October). Received and paid Invoice #1 in the amount of $5,853.10. Received Invoice #2 ‐ to be paid in October. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $13,790 $5,847 42.4% $5,709 $914 16.0% $14,484 $4,695 32.4% Page 8 606 607 Southwest Metro Transportation Plan Metro COG solicited Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the Southwest Metro Transportation Plan in mid‐ January. In early March, the Selection Committee met with potential consultants and selected SRF Consulting Group as the consultant for the Southwest Metro Transportation Plan. The Policy Board approved the contract on March 20 and notice to proceed was given on March 21. Metro COG met with the City of Horace and Stanley Township to discuss the plan and solicit additional members for the Study Review Committee (SRC) in early April. Addendum #1 for an optional land use update for City of Fargo was approved by the Policy Board in April. The first SRC meeting was held on May 9 to discuss base conditions, issue identification travel modeling methods, and the public involvement process. A joint meeting with consultants on the West Fargo Sheyenne Street Corridor Study and the Southwest Metro Transportation Plan to review draft 2020 and 2040 models was held on May 14, with an additional follow‐up meeting on capacity thresholds on June 4. Additional meetings were held with the Horace Planning Commission on May 27 and the Horace City Council on June 2 to discuss an optional land use plan for the city. Addendum #2 for an optional land use plan for the City of Horace was approved by the Policy Board in June. A second SRC meeting was held on July 16 to discuss study area household and population growth, land use updates, travel demand modeling, and future public involvement. A public input meeting for the draft Horace Land Use Plan was held on August 18. A project update was given at the Fargo Brown Bag Luncheon on August 20. The third SRC meeting was held on August 22 to discuss draft land use plan updates and socioeconomic data generation, volume/capacity analyses, and details for the first public input meeting. West Fargo Sheyenne Street Corridor Study Contract was executed in April. During the third quarter Metro COG worked with the consultant in progressing the Sheyenne Street Corridor Study. The Existing Conditions Report was completed during the third quarter. On August 13 the first Study Review Committee meeting was held which discussed and reviewed the Existing Conditions Report. On August 28 the first public input meeting was held at FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $9,273 $8,913 96.1% $15,135 $4,886 32.3% Page 9 700 701 702 703 704 705 708 Triumph Church in West Fargo. The public meeting displayed the existing conditions along the corridor and asked the public’s input on issues, needs and needed improvements. 600s Total Task Budget Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Planning Transit Technical Assistance Metro COG completed the Moorhead / Dilworth Fixed Route Expansion in the second quarter. The Study was approved by the MAT Board in May. Fargo South & West Route Expansion Memo Metro COG completed the Southwest Fargo Fixed Route Expansion Study in the second quarter. The Study was approved by the MAT Board in August. Moorhead Oakport Service Expansion Analysis No activity in the 1st or 2nd quarter. Initial data collection on the Moorhead Oakport Service Expansion Analysis began in August. Bike & Pedestrian Technical Assistance During the third quarter, Metro COG completed and submitted the Bicycle Friendly Communities application. Provided pedestrian and bicycle counts at several locations in the metro area. Coordinated/Specialized Transportation Plan Met with MATBUS on two (2) occasions to review scope of work and timeline. No measurable progress during the 1st and 2nd quarters. Moorhead River Corridor Study (Phase II/III) Metro COG was involved in a final Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting regarding the development of the draft River Corridor Plan in January. Metro COG participated in a River Corridor Advisory Committee (RCAC) meeting and River Corridor Residents Workshop in early March. Metro COG and the City of Moorhead presented the draft River Corridor Plan to the Committee of the Whole and the Park Advisory Board in mid‐March. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $64,413 $32,676 50.7% $5,829 $2,597 44.6% $3,712 $8,903 239.9% $9,118 $697 7.6% $10,739 $6,480 60.3% $10,090 $64 0.6% $5,518 $2,622 47.5% Page 10 709 710 711 712 800 A final open house on Phase II/III of the Moorhead River Corridor Study was held on April 15 at the Hjemkomst Center. The Moorhead River Corridor Master Plan was completed on April 30. The Master Plan was approved by the Moorhead Planning Commission on May 6 and was approved by the Moorhead City Council on May 12. A letter was sent by Mayor Del Rae Williams thanking the RCAC for their involvement on May 27. Metropolitan Bike Summit Two Valley Bicycle Summit events were held during the third quarter. The first event was held on July 13th and the second event was held on August 24th. Both events were held at the Streets Alive events. The July Bicycle Summit had 63 people participate in our survey/prize drawing while the August Summit had 75 people participate in our survey. Metropolitan Bike Map Update No activity in the first, second, or third quarters. No map updates anticipated for 2014. 2013 version still valid. Existing supply of maps appears to be sufficient. Metropolitan Bikeway Signage Study Metro COG continued to work on the Metropolitan Bikeway Signage Study. Study is 60% complete. Heartland Trail Extension (County‐wide Coordination) The Clay County Heartland Trail Task Force met once in the first quarter, twice in the second quarter, and twice in the third quarter. The Clay County Heartland Trail Task Force was officially designated in May. Since the Clay County Heartland Trail Task Force began meeting, the group has identified route alternatives, coordinated with stakeholders, discussed planning process with the MN DNR and discussed funding for the trail. Metro COG created a series of maps to help identify trail alternatives. Metro COG currently is working with the group to evaluate the group alternatives and identify a preferred trail alignment. 700s Total Task Budget Administration / Internal Management FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $3,226 $2,434 75.4% $3,914 $126 3.2% $6,463 $1,428 22.1% $6,542 $5,585 85.4% $65,151 $30,936 47.5% Page 11 801 802 803 804 General Administration Prepared monthly budget reports for Policy Board. Prepared 2013 Annual Report (January 2014). Prepared monthly billings for NDDOT. Completed reconciliation of CY 2013 Indirect Costs; received approval from NDDOT on CY 2014 indirect rate. Completed CY 2013 Audit, which was approved in June. Developed preliminary budget for 2015, pending approval at the May Policy Board meeting. Interviewed and hired a new Executive Secretary. Met every month with the Executive Committee. Interviewed and hired a Principal Planner/GIS Coordinator (starting November 3, 2014). Interviewed and will hire a new Executive Director pending action by the Policy Board in October. The new Director will start November 1, 2014. Employee Development / Training Staff attended various trainings, workshops and webinars. Information Technology (IT) Mtce / Management Provided day to day maintenance of network an internal IT/IS infrastructure; including updates and fixes to address security and server access issues. Loaded new and upgraded versions of ARC GIS on two computers. Worked with local computer company to reformat and reload operating systems on two platforms in preparation of using those platforms for computer file backups and GIS file server. Met with representatives from the City of Fargo to discuss options related to moving Metro COG email account to function through the City’s email system. Intern Labor No interns were on staff in the 1st quarter. Hired University of North Dakota summer intern to work on Metro COG GIS/IT, June through August. FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $57,413 $63,323 110.3% $10,345 $3,061 29.6% $10,435 $4,633 44.4% $5,500 $397 7.2% Page 12 900 900 900a 900b 900c 900d 900e 900f 900g 900h 900i 900j 900k 900l 900m 900n 900o 900p 901 901a 901b 1000 1001 800s Total Task Budget Overhead & Capital Expenditures Overhead & Capital Expenditures (federal eligible) Travel / Registration Vacant Dues / Subscriptions Office Supplies Postage Advertising / Newsletter Office Rent Insurance Telephone Network Support (Software) Audit Office Equipment Equipment Rental (including printing) Attorney Fees Traffic Count Equipment Accounting Services (contracted) Subtotal Overhead & Capital Expenditures (locally funded) Miscellaneous Dues / Subscriptions Subtotal Pass Through / Contracted Planning ATAC Technical Assistance Paid on Addendum #2 (2013 video counts) and annual maintenance agreement. Approved Addendum FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $83,693 2014 Budget $10,000 $500 $900 $4,500 $4,100 $4,750 $33,200 $5,200 $3,000 $2,200 $5,500 $3,500 $10,750 $500 $750 $10,835 $99,435 $500 $2,000 $2,500 $50,930 $71,414 85.3% Amount % Billed Billed $4,632 46.3% $0 0% $1,034 114.9% $4,080 90.7% $4,760 117.0% $6,109 128.6% $24,857 74.9% $5,381 103.5% $2,105 70.2% $4,360 198.2% $6,200 112.7% $3,042 86.9% $8,925 83.0% $15,694 3138.8% $844 112.5% $7,368 68.0% $99,393 100% $110 22.0% $1,435 71.8% $1,545 61.8% $17,541 34.4% Page 13 #3 for updated TOC Concept of Operations ($24,250). Addendum #1 still outstanding regarding 2020/2040 Model. 1006 Moorhead River Corridor Study (2013 carryover) See #708. 1007 Moorhead Downtown Grade Sep. Feas See #605. 1008 LRTP Update (2013 carryover) See #403. 1009 SW Area Transportation Plan See #606. 1010 West Fargo Sheyenne Street See #607 1014 12th Avenue Coop. Cat Ex. (2013 carryover) See #604. Processed addendum #1 to the contract in January 2014. 1015 Aerial Photography Total CPG share in the projected reduce to $101,284; balance moved to Undesignated Federal Funds. Fargo and Metro COG jointly contracted with Merrick. Federal aid share paid directly to contractor by Metro COG to avoid sub recipient issues, per NDDOT. 1016 GIS System Upgrade Project allows for upgrade of Metro COG GIS System software. 20% of these costs will be collected from local units per dues formula with the 2015 assessments. Undes. Undesignated Federal Funds $37,600 transferred to 12th Avenue (#1014) in January; $16,000 transferred to ATAC Tech Assistance (#1001) in February $75,000 transferred to Moorhead Grade Separation (#1007); $6,400 transferred to FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 $29,486 $29,486 100% $300,000 $16,814 5.6% $88,643 $88,620 100% $308,000 $89,958 29.2% $214,600 $22,470 10.5% $51,159 $49,936 97.6% $101,284 $127,230 125.6% $14,630 $14,630 100% $1,547 n/a Page 14 1100 1101 1102 SW Tran Plan (#1009) in June. The balance of CPG in this line item provides no guarantee on approval of work. Any use of these funds to add to or amend a UPWP project budget is subject to NDDOT and FHWA review and approval. Total Community & Technical Assistance (locally funded) Dilworth Zoning Ordinance (cost + Indirect) Food Systems Planning & Implementation 1100s Total Task Budget No activity in the first three quarters quarters. $1,160,279 $7,937 $7,937 $456,685 $129 $129 39.4% 1.6% 1.6% FM Metro COG 3rd Quarter 2014 Progress Report / January 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 Page 15 Attachment RA-2a Suggested Motion: “Approve Job Offer of Executive Director position to Mr. Christian.” To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board Chairman Frank Gross, Metro COG October 10, 2014 Consider Job Offer to Executive Director On September 23, the Executive Committee, as well as Mr. Kline and Mr. Farnsworth, interviewed three candidates for position of Executive Director. After the three interviews were conducted, they deliberated both on the afternoon of September 23, and further the afternoon of September 26. The result of this discussion was the recommendation from the Executive Committee to the Policy Board to offer the position to Bill Christian, currently Senior Transportation Planner at F-M Metro COG. On October 1, Chairman Gross presented the offer letter (Attachment RA-2a) to Mr. Christian. Mr. Christian signed and accepted the offer. Chairman Gross recommends the Policy Board approve the job offer to Mr. Christian. Attachment RA-3 Suggested Motion: Approve the change of accounts at Bell State Bank and Bremer Bank to remove Wade Kline as signatory to those accounts and install William A. Christian as the new signatory to those accounts. To: From: Date: Re: Policy Board William A. Christian, Metro COG October 9, 2014 Consider Changing Signatories for Financial Institutions Metro COG currently has its checking and savings account at Bell State Bank as well as its money market and Certificates of Deposit accounts at Bremer Bank. Contingent on the appointment of William Christian as Executive Director, the signatories to these accounts will need to be updated to reflect the change in the Executive Director position. Wade Kline, former and well respected Executive Director, will need to be removed as signatory to these accounts and William Christian will need to be added. Both institutions require evidence of Board action to initiate the change in signatories. Approved Policy Board meeting minutes will be sufficient. Staff therefor recommends that a formal motion, a second, and a vote be made and recorded into the official minutes to reflect the pleasure of the Policy Board on this issue. Attachment RA‐4 Suggested Motion: None. To: Policy Board From: William A. Christian, Metro COG Date: October 9, 2014 Re: Status of Indirect Costs In the past year, Metro COG has incurred indirect costs above the normal due to legal fees and severance packages related to the dismissal of two employees. Wade Kline, former Executive Director, initiated contact with North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to discuss the best means to resolve the spike in indirect costs that would be beneficial to all parties concerned. After continued dialog between Metro COG, NDDOT, and FHWA, the issue will be resolved by submitting a one‐time reimbursement adjustment for the severance costs and legal fees. This will be accomplished through a separate invoice. Since these costs would be directly reimbursed, they would NOT be included as indirect costs when Metro COG completes their indirect cost rate calculation next year. With this approach, Metro COG would continue to use their approved indirect rate of 70.394% for the remainder of calendar year 2014. Steve Aune will be compiling the information to submit to NDDOT through the process identified above. Steve will also be available at the October Policy Board meeting to address any financial questions related to this issue. Attachment RA-4a Bill Christian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Johnson, Michael E. <mijohnson@nd.gov> Saturday, October 04, 2014 9:00 PM christian@fmmetrocog.org Hanson, Stacey M. FW: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification Bill, Please see the guidance below from FHWA on Metro COG's indirect rate issue. Please make sure you understand the information being provided and then you may submit a one‐time reimbursement adjustment for the fees noted below. This would be a separate invoice from your monthly reimbursement. Thanks, Michael E. Johnson, P.E. Local Government N.D. Department of Transportation 608 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505 Phone: 701‐328‐2118 Email: mijohnson@nd.gov From: Kari.Steier@dot.gov [Kari.Steier@dot.gov] Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:23 PM To: Johnson, Michael E.; Splichal, Daryl A.; Hanson, Stacey M.; Sandy.Zimmer@dot.gov; stephanie.hickman@dot.gov Subject: RE: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification After discussing with Sandy, we feel the best approach is for Metro COG to request direct reimbursement from NDDOT for the severance costs and related legal fees, based on 2 CFR 200.431(i)(2)(ii). It appears from the documentation provided that the severance costs and related legal fees originated from an isolated, abnormal incident. Since these costs would be directly reimbursed, they would NOT be included as indirect costs when Metro COG completes their indirect cost rate calculation next year. With this approach, Metro COG would continue to use their approved indirect rate of 70.394% for the remainder of calendar year 2014. Based on the year‐end projection of indirect costs provided by Metro COG, they do not anticipate providing services to any entity, other than NDDOT, during 2014. However, if Metro COG does provide services to an entity other than NDDOT during 2014, NDDOT would need to ensure that the other entity is charged their fair share of the severance costs and related legal fees. Kari Steier Financial Specialist Federal Highway Administration North Dakota Division Office 4503 Coleman Street North, Suite 205 Bismarck, ND 58503 701.221.9470 1 From: Johnson, Michael E. [mailto:mijohnson@nd.gov] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:50 AM To: Splichal, Daryl A.; Hanson, Stacey M.; Zimmer, Sandy (FHWA); Steier, Kari (FHWA); Hickman, Stephanie (FHWA) Subject: RE: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification Daryl, Thank you for the response and as you note below, there were no insurance or other reimbursements as part of this issue; I did verify that with Metro COG and forgot to mention it in the previous email. Michael E. Johnson, P.E. Urban Engineer & MPO Coordinator Local Government N.D. Department of Transportation 608 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505 Phone: 701‐328‐2118 Cell: 701‐989‐1165 Email: mijohnson@nd.gov From: Splichal, Daryl A. Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:46 AM To: Johnson, Michael E.; Hanson, Stacey M.; Sandy.Zimmer@dot.gov; Kari.Steier@dot.gov; Hickman, Stephanie Subject: RE: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification Mike, I reviewed the information provided. The legal bills appear to support the fact that all legal expenses were incurred for this isolated case. The projected expenditures at year end are what I anticipated based on current spending year to date. I do not have details of the severance agreement or other subsequent events such as responses from FHWA, possible breach of settlement agreement with employee, Job Service determination, MGDPA request, or other items referenced in the legal work completed, so I do not have any further comments regarding the employee actions taken by the COG. Costs to date related to the severance agreement and related legal fees approximate $49,500. I do not see any reference to insurance or other reimbursements so I will assume there are none. Let me know if you need me to review any other items. Daryl Splichal Director of Audit Services North Dakota Department of Transportation (701) 328‐2486 dasplichal@nd.gov From: Johnson, Michael E. Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 9:37 AM To: Hanson, Stacey M.; Splichal, Daryl A.; Sandy.Zimmer@dot.gov; Kari.Steier@dot.gov; Hickman, Stephanie Subject: FW: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification Hello all, Please see the email below and the information attached as a response from Metro COG on our review of their indirect rate issue. Please review the end of year estimation documents and the information provided by the legal firm and let me know if any additional information is required to make a determination on a potential one‐time adjustment. 2 Thanks, Michael E. Johnson, P.E. Urban Engineer & MPO Coordinator Local Government N.D. Department of Transportation 608 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505 Phone: 701‐328‐2118 Cell: 701‐989‐1165 Email: mijohnson@nd.gov From: Wade Kline [mailto:kline@fmmetrocog.org] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 9:08 AM To: Johnson, Michael E. Cc: wurtzler@fmmetrocog.org; steveaune@yourcfoincfargo.com; christian@fmmetrocog.org Subject: Indirect Discussion - Requested Clarification Michael, Please find attached information requested pursuant to your meeting with FHWA. Attachment 1 – Is our estimate of reconciled indirect cost for CY 2014. Please see the notes at the bottom of the page which demonstrate how we attempted to make full year estimates based on actual indirect costs incurred through 8/31/2014. Based on our analysis, our projected year CY 2014 indirect rate would be 123.494% Attachment 2 – Is our estimate of billing to actual by month. You will note that these numbers correspond to the information shown in Attachment 1. We have estimated a monthly reimbursement of indirect costs from NDDOT for the months of September through December based on our monthly average through August, which was $20,030.15. Attachment 3 – Is correspondence from our legal counsel regarding the recent personnel matter and efforts which lead to the incurred legal fees. Attached, you will find the actual invoices which provide substantiation to the legal fees in question. Once you have reviewed this information with FHWA, please let me know if you have any further questions on this matter. If you are not able to provide a response on this item by close of business 9/30/2014; or require additional information on this matter after that date, please coordinate directly with those staff members included in the cc. They are apprised of this issue and can respond to any additional requests you may have after 9/30/2014. Thanks Wade E. Kline Metro COG 3
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