Ten Presentations to choose from: 8:30-9:45 35 Years – Building on Our Successes for an Exciting Future Keynote Speaker: Anna Gilmore Hall, Executive Director of the Hearing Loss Association of America 9:45-10:15 Morning break and SPONSOR DEMONSTRATIONS 10:15-11:30 What the Future Treatment of Deafness Might Look Like, Dr. S. Gubbels, MD, FACS Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Deaf/Hard of Hearing in WI, Eve Dicker Eiseman, M.A. Gallaudet University, and Dan Millikin, Director of Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing What Can ODHH Do For Hard of Hearing People, Bette Mentz-Powell, M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology 11:30-1:00 Lunch Buffet, SPONSOR DEMONSTRATIONS, and a great time to visit the Exhibit Hall ACCESSIBILITY The facility will be equipped with hearing loops and all presentations will be captioned. Sponsor demonstrations will not be captioned. The hotel is fully accessible for those who need mobility assistance. If you need an interpreter or other accommodations to access any of our programs, services, or activities, please contact us by October 4th so proper arrangements can be made. Ask a Doctor of Audiology Student Students from the UW Speech and Hearing Clinic will answer questions one-on-one all day. 1:00-2:15 Implantable Devices & Solutions for Single-sided Deafness, Jennifer Ploch, MA, CCC-A & Kimberly Sowers, MS, CCC-A Current State of the Art in Hearing Aids, Amanda Mravec, AuD, CCC-A Get in the Hearing Loop! Veronica Heide, AuD 2:15-2:45 Afternoon break and SPONSOR DEMONSTRATIONS 2:45-4:00 What’s So Hard About Hearing . . . huh? Julie Olson, M.S., HLAA Advocate Cochlear Implant User Panel Hearing Aid User Panel SEE YOU THERE! EXHIBIT HALL Visit the sponsors and exhibitors from 8:00-4:00 for hearing loss information and technology. Questions or comments: Jack Spear jhspear@gmail.com Lisa Zovar lzovar@hlaamadison.com 608.838.6617 Registration: Kathy Johnson KathyLJohnson8475@gmail.com. REGISTRATION ACCOMMODATIONS Please complete this form and return it to: Kathy Johnson 102 Oak Ct, Verona WI 53593 For reservations made by October 1st, the room rate for Friday and Saturday evenings is $79 per night, including a complimentary breakfast buffet. Use a separate registration form for each attendee and include a check or money order for $35 made payable to HLAAMadison with each registration form. Lunch and a.m. and p.m. snacks included. Attendance will be limited to the first 125 registrants. After that date, availability and rate cannot be guaranteed. Call the hotel directly at 608.244.2481 for reservations and Registration closes on October 10, 2014. request a room in the Madison HLAA block. First Name_________________________ http://www.madisonwihotelhj.com/ Last Name _________________________ Email _____________________________ Presents the 2014 Wisconsin HLAA Conference: Hearing Loss in the 21st Century Address ___________________________ City ______________________________ State_______ Zip Code______________ Phone ____________________________ The presentations that interest me most are: (please circle) October 18, 2014 8:30 Anna Gilmore Hall 10:15 Gubbels Ploch & 1:00 Sowers 2:45 WI Mental Hlth Prjct ODHH Mravec Heidi Cochlear Hearing Aid Implant Olson User Panel User Panel This is not a commitment to attend any particular event. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Incidentally, There will not be a Badger game in town the weekend of the conference. Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel 3841 East Washington Avenue Madison WI 53704 Go to www.hlaamadison.com for more details.
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