Clear Leadership and Dialogic Organizational

Udviklingsforløb med fokus på aktionslæring og aktionsforskning i praksis
En invitation til at deltage i innovativ praksisudvikling
Som et led i ambitionen om at være med til at videreudvikle den relationelle – systemiske
tilgang til at arbejde med at udvikle ledere og organisationer, tager vi initiativ til endnu et
netværksforløb, for erfarne systemiske praktikere.
Initiativet til at etablere et netværksforløb med fokus på aktionslæring og aktionsforskning,
sker ud fra en ambition om at skabe et innovativt læringsforum for praktikere, hvor vi
gennem både konkrete cases og med input fra spændende internationale forskere, kan
være med til at udvikle nye horisonter indenfor den relationelle ledelses-tilgang.
Til hvert netværksmøde vil der være relevant litteratur fra en række aktuelle internationale
forskere. Desuden vil der på hvert møde være et oplæg (via Skype) fra en af disse
Vi satser på denne meget spændende række af internationale forskere, der alle er med til
at videreudvikle den relationelle ledelsestænkning.
Bekræftede oplægsholdere:
Kevin Barge, Professor Texas A&M University. Kevin er forfatter til en lang række
artikler og bogkapitler om systemisk ledelse og organisationsudvikling.
Jody Hoffer Gittell, Professor ved Brandis University, Boston. Jody er
ophavskvinden til begrebet Relationel Koordination og hun er bl.a. forfatter til
bogen: Effektivitet i sundhedsvæsenet.
Sonja Ospina, Professor ved Wagner School of Public Policy, New York. Sonja er
forfatter til en lang række artikler og bogkapitler om relationel ledelse.
Jeg arbejder desuden på at få fat i disse tre:
Mila Baker, Professor ved New Your University. Mila er bl.a. forfatter til bogen Peer
to peer Leadership – why the network is the leader.
Danielle Zandee, Professor ved Nyenrode Business University. Danielle er –
sammen med bl.a. David Cooperrider forfatter til en række artikler og bøger om
Appreciative Inquiry.
Kenneth J. Gergen, President of the Taos Institute og Mustin Professor of
Psychology at Swarthmore College.
Du kan læse mere udførligt om de forskellige oplægsholdere nedenfor.
Målgruppen er erfarne praktikere - ledere og organisationskonsulenter, der er interesseret
i at fastholde og videreudvikle deres faglige kompetencer. Det er en forventning, at
deltagerne har et godt kendskab til og arbejder ud fra en relationel systemisk tilgang til
ledelse og organisationsudvikling.
Forløbet består af 6 netværksdage fordelt over ca. 8 måneder med ca. 6 uger mellem
hvert møde. Dagene gennemføres på Koldkærgaard Konferencecenter i Aarhus.
Dato & tid
1. Kevin Barge (Bekræftet)
22.10. 2014, 10 – 17.
2. Jody Hoffer Gittell (Bekræftet)
8.12. 2014, 10 – 17.
3. Sonia Ospina (Bekræftet)
28.1. 2015, 10 – 17.
4. Mila Baker (Bekræftet)
10.3. 2015, 10 – 17.
5. Danielle Zandee
23.4. 2015, 10 – 17.
6. Ken Gergen
1.6. 2015, 10 – 17.
Prisen for at deltage i forløbet er kr. 29.500,- (+ moms).
Yderligere oplysninger og tilmelding
Hvis du har brug for oplysninger, er du velkommen til at kontakte Carsten Hornstrup, som
er ansvarlig for forskningsgruppen.
Carsten Hornstrup,
Tlf: 25329141
Uddybende om oplægsholderne
Kevin Barge is a Professor of Communication at Texas A & M University and an
Associate with the Taos Institute. He is also a member of the planning team for the Aspen
Conference, a community of engaged organizational communication scholars focused on
developing practical theory and collaborative research that bridge academic-practitioner
Kevin’s major research interests center on developing a social constructionist approach to
leadership, articulating the connections between appreciative practice and organizational
change, as well as exploring the relationship between discourse and public deliberation,
specifically practices that facilitate communities working through polarized and polarizing
issues. Other research interests include investigating the role of reflexivity in leadership
and management practice, examining ways to develop effective academic-practitioner
collaborations, and developing practical theory. Kevin’s research is inspired by
interpretive and discursive research approaches and he is keenly interested in how
collaborative research methods can be used to generate usable knowledge and forward
movement in organizations and communities.
Jody Hoffer Gittell is Professor at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy
and Management. As Executive Director of the Relational Coordination Research
Collaborative, she brings scholars and practitioners together to help organizations build
relational coordination for high performance. She also serves as Chief Scientific Officer of
Relational Coordination Analytics Inc., offering measurement, evaluation and
visualization of relational coordination networks to organizations seeking to improve their
Dr. Gittell's research explores how coordination by front-line workers contributes to quality
and efficiency outcomes in service settings. She has developed a theory of relational
coordination, proposing that work is most effectively coordinated through relationships of
shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect, and demonstrating how
organizations can support relational coordination through the design of their work systems.
Sonia M. Ospina is Professor of Public Management and Policy in the Robert F. Wagner
Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. She is also co-founder and
Faculty Co-Director of the Wagner affiliated Research Center for Leadership in Action
(RCLA). She has a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Masters in Public Policy and Management
from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
A sociologist by training, she applies organization and management theories to public
problem solving and governance, in the United States and in Latin America. These
interests are reflected in three areas of scholarship: leadership and social transformation
(exploring the civil society side of governance); change in public management systems
(exploring the State side of governance); and the craft of qualitative research (exploring
research solutions to studying these areas and their intersections). She is the author of
numerous referred journal articles and book chapters on these areas, and has produced
six books, among them, Illusions of Opportunity: Employee Expectations and Workplace
Inequality (1996), Results-oriented Evaluation for a Modern and Democratic Public
Management: Latin American Experiences(2003, in Spanish; co-authored), and Advancing
Relational Leadership Research: A Conversation Across Perspectives (2012, co-edited).
Over the past decade, Professor Ospina directed a Ford Foundation-sponsored multi-year,
national research project, partnering with 92 social change organizations in the United
States to study their leadership and contributions to democracy. Using traditional and
participatory research, this work yielded practitioner booklets and pedagogical materials,
as well as peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, including a co-edited book on
relational leadership, and another, in process, on social change leadership in the nonprofit
sector. During this time Ospina also explored governance and accountability issues
associated with public management reform in Latin America, using comparative research
methods to study the institutionalization of national public management evaluation
Mila Baker is Associate Professor, Academic Chair and Director of the M.S. Human
Resource & Organization Development program and Interim Director, M.S. Management &
Systems program at New York University – School for Continuing & Professional Studies.
She has over 20 years experience in leadership roles in large multinational organizations
including Ethicon Endo-Surgery a Johnson & Johnson company, Pfizer Inc., Dana
Corporation and the World Bank in Washington, DC. She lives in New York City.
She holds an MA and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Organizational Behavior from the
University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a Past Chair of the Organization
Development Network and a past Board member of Human Resource People
& Strategy. She is a member of the Academy of Management, the NTL Institute and the
Society for Human Resource Management. She is also a licensed psychologist.
Danielle Zandee is Professor of Sustainable Organizational Development at Nyenrode.
Together with professor Anke van Hal she is the academic leader of the Nyenrode Center
for Sustainability. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western
Reserve University. Danielle studies and facilitates organizational change processes that
enable the emergence of sustainable enterprise. She designs and facilitates OD
processes in which action learning and action research approaches are often combined
with an appreciative stance. She also teaches about the dynamics of organizational
change in Executive Education programs.
Kenneth J. Gergen, Ph.D., is a founding member, President of the Taos Institute and
Chair of the Board, and the Mustin Professor of Psychology at Swarthmore College.
Gergen also serves as an Affiliate Professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and
an Honorary Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. Gergen received his BA from
Yale University and his PhD from Duke University, and has taught at Harvard University
and Heidelberg University. He has been the recipient of two Fulbright research fellowships,
the Geraldine Mao fellowship in Hong Kong, along with Fellowships from the Guggenheim
Foundation, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Alexander
Humboldt Stiftung. Gergen has also been the recipient of research grants from the
National Science Foundation, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and the Barra
Foundation. He has received honorary degrees from Tilburg University and Saybrook
Institute, and is a member of the World Academy of Art and Science.