the THE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF N ORMANHURST B OYS H IGH S CHOOL NORMANHURST NEWS 10 OCTOBER 2014 | VOLUME 23 ISSUE 31 A Normanhurst Boys High School Pennant Hills Road Normanhurst NSW 2076 SCHOOL EXECUTIVE Mark Anderson T F W E +61 2 9489 1077 +61 2 9489 5722 Asli Harman Principal Deputy Principal Frank Abas Deputy Principal IN THIS EDITION HSC written exams commence Monday 13 October P&C meeting, Tuesday 14 October, 7.30 p.m. Red Cross Ebola Crisis Appeal, Thursday 23 October Left: Year 12 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Mark Anderson B. A. Dip. Ed. Congratulations to Keita Richardson (Year 11) who was successful in the Australian Biology Olympiad Competition and is now invited to attend the 2015 Biology Olympiad summer school for International Biology Olympiad at ANU between 9th and 22nd of January 2015. A fine achievement. Well done Adam Halmy who represented NSW at the National Cross Country championships in Albany. In the U18 race he placed 42nd from a field of 60 runners. Sorry for the late acknowledgement Adam. Skills for Life: While this achievement is not at the pinnacle of academia it is worthy of recognition. Bright boys often have the reputation of being lacking in some of the more grounded life-skills- but not at Normo! Year 7 successfully completed their textiles project "Felt Mobile Phone Cases". Despite being a simple hand sewing task it proved to be extremely difficult for some. They acquired some basic hand sewing, button and velcro sewing techniques which everyone should have by the time they leave mum’s (or dad’s) care. This was followed up with an assessment task called the "Rip Challenge" which is a task that requires them to use their sewing skills to fix a tear or a rip in a piece of fabric. Let’s hope they get their sewing a little neater before they continue their pursuit of Medicine related study. Congratulations to our school leaders who raised $1184 for Legacy at the end of last term. This is a great cause and their efforts are much appreciated. Well done boys. Congratulations to Victor Zhu who has been selected to perform at ENCORE at the Sydney Opera House. This is a real tribute to the calibre of his talent and the great work done with Victor by his teachers to assist him in reaching such a high standard in the HSC course. Well done Victor. ENCORE is a program of outstanding performances and compositions by students from the Higher School Certificate Music examinations. Year 11 2014 (HSC 2015): Thank you to all of the parents and students who attended the information evening on Thursday night. We do attempt to keep the number of these evenings to a minimum and only hold them when there is a real need and this was one such occasion. The release of the HSC Assessment Schedules and the associated policies that need to be followed will provide students and parents with detailed information related to tasks that will take place over the next 12 months. The information from the “Sleep Doctor” on the needs of adolescents in relation to sleep was great information for parents, many of whom are attempting to come to grips with the conflict between fostering quality study over the quantity of study needed to optimise student performance. Thank you to our presenters and to all of the parents and students in attendance. In particular thanks to Mr Abas, Ms Harman, Mr Rumbelow, Ms O’Neill, Ms Woodhams and Ms Barbeler for their time and input into the evening. Thanks also to the P&C who, as always, graciously provided supper at the end of the evening. It was a long night but there was nothing covered that did not need to be covered. Despite the excellent attendance there was a small group of parents and students who did not attend. These boys will be asked to attend Mr Abas to obtain and sign for the information delivered on the night. For parents who wish to have their own copy of the booklet it can be obtained from the Year 12 HSC page of our web-site. Good luck Year 12! Not that any of you need luck as you are well prepared. The written exams commence with English on Monday 13 October. I do wish you all the best for what we know is a harrowing time. No regrets! The harder you work the luckier you will be. ► P&C NEWS Mr Sade Kalasabail, P&C President Our next P&C meeting is on Tuesday 14 Oct 2014 at 7.30pm (finish by 9.30pm) in the School Library. Please do join us, we have some interesting topics from parents of high achievers. Further information about P&C is available on the School web site , under the “P&C” tab along with details of the previous meetings. Our P&C Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month during school terms. All are welcome. ► FIRST ROBOTICS Mr P Davis, Head Teacher Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) On Wednesday 8 October a small dedicated group of Normo boys visited Marsden High School to discuss robotics and demonstrate to an enthusiastic crowd of primary school students the workings of our robot. James Groom, Jacob Jordison, Harry Jackson and Michael Burrows were impressive ambassadors for our school, for FIRST and for STEM in general. A discussion by Professor Heimlich of Macquarie University revealed that next year’s contest will be bigger and better than ever with 8 teams from China , a team from Brazil and teams from across Australia. This is Australia’s first regional competition and the rookie winner will be offered a trip to St Louis for finals. 40 teams will participate in March 2015 at Homebush Stadium. Dr Heimlich also spoke of the very between FIRST robotics and university learn to make things happen not simply to happen. They are creators instead strong correlation success. Students wait for something of spectators and develop skills in problem solving and group work that is lifelong. Our Normo school team (the third established in Australia) # 4739 is hoping to attract sponsorship in the form of money or expertise. We need your help. If any Normanhurst Boys mums or dads have a background or interest in any field of science, technology, engineering or skills in marketing, business and fundraising OR if they are involved in a company that might like to be involved please contact Mr Davis on 0423254682. Our sponsors will decorate the robot and our shirts and be seen by hundreds on the day and thousands on-line. This is sport for the brain and is the most engaging fun for students (and adults) imaginable. Please enjoy the links below to get some more information: ► PREFECT NEWS Ms D James, Prefect Coordinator 1) Mufti Cultural Day (India) – Friday 17 October Dear Parents, On Friday 17 October the Prefects are holding a cultural day to fundraise for the provision of outdoor exercise equipment and additional seating. As part of this fundraising, fine restaurant quality butter chicken is being sold for lunch. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR SON TO PURCHASE BUTTER CHICKEN TO ASSIST WITH RAISING FUNDS TOWARDS INCREASING THE PROVISION OF A HEALTHY AND PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT AT NBHS! The Prefects will be collecting orders early next week. The cost is: $6.00 for butter chicken, $7.00 for butter chicken and drink combo and $2.00 for drink. 2) Prefect Peer Tutoring – Tuesday Lunchtimes The Prefects are providing tutoring on Tuesdays during lunch in the mathematics classrooms for Years 7 and 10. The subjects being tutored are English, Mathematics and Science. Years 7 and 10 students, please feel free to attend. A big thank you to the Prefects and Mathematics Staff for so generously giving their time and resources towards improving student learning outcomes! ► CAREERS NEWS Ms Kay Woodhams, Careers Adviser Important Information – Calendar of Events Check this calendar for upcoming University Open Days, Parent/Student university nights plus more Go to: We also have additional information including a comprehensive calendar on the MhsCareers website User name: nbhs - Password: careers SCHOOL INFORMATION: Year 12 (2014) All the best with your HSC Exams. Remember nerves are normal, after the first couple of exams you will just want the rest over. Interviews – for scholarships & courses For students where there is an interview component to their course &/or scholarship application please email me if you are successful. We will have an interview information and practice session on Friday 14 November 11.30am HSC Test Yourself App Released The HSC Test Yourself App makes HSC material more accessible by providing multiple-choice questions from HSC exams. The app’s content comes direct from the Board of Studies and is based on the most current HSC syllabus for each course. It is a mobile app that works on Android phones and tablets, iPhones and iPads. 9/12/HSC-Test-Yourself-App-released-by-Minister Year 11 Year 11 Information Evening ‘Assisting your Child to Succeed at University’ It was pleasing to see so many boys and parents last night. The evening included information on support, careers, moderation and scaling, subject changes and an explanation of HSC assessment policy, documents and procedures. Dr Carmel Harrington gave a very insightful presentation on sleep and academic performance. Students who were unable to attend can collect their folder of information from Mr Abas. I urge year 11 parents to use the careers information in their folder to explore the Normanhurst Boys Careers website ‘All about UAC for Parents’ & All about UAC FAQs about the ATAR can be downloaded from the Careers website . Go to HSC/RoSA – UAC for Year 12. ‘Team Normo’ Meeting yesterday The boys received information from Mr Abas, Mr Rumbelow, Ms O’Neill (School Counsellor) and Ms Elliot. This session was very constructive and it was designed to give the boys information to help prepare them for the next twelve months. The key is not luck it is good management. There was a small careers section and the boys received a careers handout. I will outline the coming year’s careers program in more detail with Year 11 at an upcoming year meeting. Subject Selection for the start of the HSC year Completed paperwork is to be returned to the Office. UNIVERSITIES ANU Engineering and Computing Special Admission Scheme Applications close Mon 3 November. A new special admissions scheme has been introduced by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science for domestic students who achieve a minimum ATAR of 80, but do not achieve the required ATAR for direct admission to Engineering, Software Engineering, or Advanced Computing. The new scheme provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate aptitude, motivation, and interest in these disciplines if they believe they won’t meet the direct admission requirements. ANU: New Bachelor of Laws (Honours) From 2015, the Bachelor of Laws will be offered as an embedded Honours program. This means all students commencing from 2015 onwards will graduate with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) – LLBHons – degree. Students will be able to undertake the degree as a single degree, or as part of a Flexible Double Degree. UTS Course Update for 2015 Arts and Social Sciences Master of Teaching in Secondary Education: This degree will replace the existing Bachelor of Teaching in Secondary Education. After completing an undergraduate course of their choosing, students can apply for the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Diploma of Languages: New sub-bachelor diploma program that allows students to study languages in addition to their undergraduate or postgraduate program. Business Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies will replace the existing courses outlined below: Bachelor of Management in Events and Leisure Bachelor of Management in Tourism Bachelor of Management in Tourism and Hospitality Bachelor of Management in Tourism Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Management in Events and Leisure Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Engineering All Engineering course titles have changed from B Engineering, Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice to B Engineering (Honours), Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice. The following three Engineering majors will be available in 2015: Bachelor Engineering (Hons) Environmental, Dip Professional Eng Practice Bachelor Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic, Dip Professional Eng Practice Bachelor Engineering (Hons) ICT Eng (Network Security), Dip Professional Eng Practice Health Science The following new courses will be available in 2015: Bachelor Advanced Science (Advanced Materials) Bachelor Advanced Science (Environmental Biotechnology) Bachelor Advanced Science (Infection and Immunity) Bachelor Advanced Science (Pre-Medicine) Bachelor Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor Biomedical Physics Special Tertiary Admissions Test The Special Tertiary Admissions Test is a required test for students wishing to study the Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney. It is also for students that have no formal qualifications on which to base their application to a tertiary institution. Tests are held throughout NSW & ACT. Contact: 1300 275 822 OTHER NEWS Australian Defence Force Information Sessions Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) – Monday 13 October Army Reserve Information Session – Tues 14 Oct Defence University Sponsorship Information Session Monday 20 October Royal Military College (RMC) Information Session – Tuesday 28 October All information sessions will be held at Defence Force Recruiting Parramatta – Level 4, 9 George Street, Parramatta, at 6.30pm Years 10 & 11 have received an email with more detail Australian Defence Force Online Information Session Online: Thu 23 October, 6.00pm – 8.00pm (AEST) Chat live with midshipmen and officer cadets to learn about their experiences, life at ADFA, and how they find balancing military training with their university study. Hobsons Course Finder Tips for using higher education pathway: Australian Universities Excel in QS World University Rankings: What’s been happening in the education sector? Contact: 1300 008 008 or The Queen’s Young Leaders Program Applications close Fri 10 October Exceptional people aged 18-29 who are taking the lead in their communities and using their skills to transform lives are invited to apply for a Queen’s Young Leaders Award, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen. The Award winners will receive a unique package of training, mentoring and networking, including a one-week residential program in the UK during which they will collect their Award from The Queen. This will support winners to develop the amazing work they are already doing in their communities. Antipodeans Abroad Information Sessions UniBreak Information Night Tue 14 October, 6.00pm – 7.00pm, 303A / 282 Victoria Ave Chatswood UniBreak Online Information Webinar Thu 16 October, 5.30pm – 6.30pm (AEDT) Matrix 2015 UMAT Preparation Course Sun 26 October – Sun 16 November, Sydney City Campus All of the information is emailed in good faith and it is the responsibility of the reader to confirm all details with the appropriate institution. Make sure you research any relevant websites. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. ► SUMMER SPORTS RESULTS, ROUND 5 Mr Peter Edwards, Sports Coordinator Sport 1st 2nd 15A 14A 14B 1st 2nd 15A 14A 1st 2nd 15A 14A 1st Grade 2nd Grade 15A 14A Senior Junior 1st Grade 2nd Grade 15A 14A 1st Grade 2nd Grade 15A 15B 1st Grade 2nd Grade 15A 14A Volleyball (3) ► CALENDAR Wk 2 Monday Opponent Winner Cricket (1st week of 2 Dayer) Homebush Washed out Homebush In progress Homebush In progress Epping In progress Epping In progress Basketball Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Normanhurst Ashfield Normanhurst Ashfield Normanhurst Tennis Randwick Normanhurst BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE Volleyball Ashfield Normanhurst Epping 3’s Normanhurst Ashfield Normanhurst Ashfield Ashfield Baseball Randwick Normanhurst BYE BYE Oz Tag Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Normanhurst Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Normanhurst Futsal (Indoor Soccer) Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Normanhurst Ashfield Ashfield Ashfield Normanhurst Waterpolo BYE BYE Randwick Randwick Randwick Draw BYE BYE Extra Teams Randwick Normanhurst Tuesday Wednesday Result Bonus points/Comments 1st Innings Outright 1 day next week Homebush - 5/211 Normanhurst – 1/201 Normanhurst 5/70 Epping 3/172 50-35 30-22 40-25 53-21 6-6(26-24)CB BYE BYE BYE 2-1 2-0 2-0 2-0 10-2 BYE 12-9 9-5 10-4 7-4 2-0 6-4 4-2 3-1 BYE 11-2 3-3 BYE 2-0 Thursday Friday 13 Oct WEEK B 14 WEEK B 15 WEEK B 16 WEEK B 17 WEEK B HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations Year 7-10 SRC Bowden Brae Fete Set Up Year 10 Photographic & Digital Media Assessment Year 10 Music Assessment Year 10 Music Assessment Year 10 Music Assessment Year 8 Music4 Assessment Year 10 English Assessment Task Year 8 Music1 Assessment Year 8 Music3 Assessment Multicultural Day (Indian Culture) Year 8 Music2 Assessment Year 9 Maths Assessment Task Prefect Peer Tutoring P&C Meeting, 7.30 p.m. 3 20 Oct WEEK A 21 WEEK A 22 WEEK A 23 WEEK A 24 WEEK A HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations Knockout Water Polo Year 9 Japanese Yearly Exam Year 10 Music Assessment Red Cross Ebola Crisis Appeal Global Dignity Day Excursion (2 students) Year 8 Science Exam Year 10 Industrial Technology Engineering Assessment Task School Assembly – Quad Year 10 Photographic & Digital Media Assessment Year 10 Music Assessment Year 8 Geography Assessment Task Year 8 Visual Arts Assessment Year 8 Visual Arts Assessment Year 7 Maths Assessment Task Year 7 Science Exam 7BUK, 7WAR Music Assessment Year 7 Music Assessment Year 9 Industrial Technology Electronics Assessment Task Year 10 Photography Assessment Task Year 9 Photographic & Digital Media Assessment Year 9 Geography Assessment Task Year 8 Music3 Assessment Prefect Peer Tutoring 7DIN, 7BUK Music Assessment 4 27 Oct WEEK B 28 WEEK B 29 WEEK B 30 WEEK B 31 WEEK B HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations Year 10 Non-Excursion Week Year 10 Non-Excursion Week Year 10 Non-Excursion Week Year 10 Non-Excursion Week Year 10 Non-Excursion Week Year 8 Music Assessment Year 9 Young Men’s Program Year 9 Science Exam RUOK? Day 7WAY Music Assessment Year 8 Music Assessment 7DIN Music Assessment Year 11 HSC Visual Art BOW Workshop Year 10 Visual Arts Assessment Task – BOW2 Post-modern Year 9 Music Assessment Year 9 Geography Assessment Task Year 9 History Assessment Task Year 8 Music4 Assessment Year 8 Maths Assessment Task Year 8 Japanese Yearly Exam 7BUK Music Assessment Year 7 Geography Assessment Year 8 Geography Assessment 7WAR Music Assessment Year 7 Visual Arts Assessment Prefect Peer Tutoring Year 7 Visual Arts Assessment Task 5 3 Nov WEEK A 4 WEEK A 5 WEEK A 6 WEEK A 7 WEEK A HSC Examinations HSC Examinations HSC Examinations Year 10 Assessment Week Year 10 Assessment Week Year 10 Assessment Week Year 10 Assessment Week Year 10 Assessment Week Year 8/9 Circus Skills and Picture Book Roadshow Year 8/9 Circus Skills and Picture Book Roadshow Year 8/9 Circus Skills and Picture Book Roadshow Year 8/9 Circus Skills and Picture Book Roadshow Year 8/9 Circus Skills and Picture Book Roadshow Year 11 Individual Support Interviews Year 11 Individual Support Interviews Year 11 Individual Support Interviews Year 11 High Achievers Morning Tea Year 9 English Assessment Task Year 8 Geography Assessment Task Year 10 Visual Arts Assessment Year 7 History Test Year 9 Visual Design Assessment Task School Assembly - Quad Year 8 Geography Assessment Task Prefect Peer Tutoring 6 10 Nov WEEK B 11 WEEK B Year 10 Peer Support Training 13 WEEK B 14 WEEK B Year 10 Peer Support Training Year 10 HSC Geography Fieldwork English Extension 2 HSC Study Day Remembrance Day Year 7 Digital Thumbprint seminar Prefect Peer Tutoring P&C Meeting, 7.30 p.m. 12 WEEK B
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