From the Editor Sandy (Perry) Knox Ermington … B R A V O O O Issue 26, 2014 Oct 2014 Term 3 has seen Ermington achieve a great many accolades. Inside this issue: My Time at Cubs 2 Comet Cast 3 Spurway Cubs 4 Campfire Night 6 Venturer Report 7 Adult Teams 8 Committee 9 Congratulations to Ermington Scout Troop: Fundraising Report 10 Development 11 Upcoming Events 12 Awards Day 13 Community Fair 14 AJ2016 15 Hall Hire 16 State Rally Success Dingoes—1st place in GWSR and 6th in the State Panthers—4th place in GWSR and 46th in the State Parramatta District Campfire Competition Ermington Patrol came 1st—the last time we won the competition was back in 1987 Congratulation to the following adults from Ermington Scout Group who have been honoured in the 2014 Adult Recognition Awards: Peter Barber (Special Service Award) Michelle Hose (Special Service Award) Michael Majoor (Meritorious Service Award) Last term Our Committee submitted a Community Building Partnership Grant application for the new pathway and ramp. It has been some time since we submitted a grant—the last one was back in 2011 by Tracey Hansford our then Group Leader. In the September school holidays Ermington Joeys participated in the 1st GWSR Mob Holiday. Lots of fun for all. This term the celebrations continue with our 1st Group Awards Presentation Day on Sunday 16th November—we hope you can join us on this important Group Day—for more information see page 13 of this newsletter. Group Meeting Days & Times—Term 4 If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. JOEYS (6-7 yrs) Monday 6.30—7.30 pm CUBS (8-11 yrs) Tuesday (Blaxland) Thursday (Spurway) 7—8.30 pm 5.00—6.30 pm SCOUTS (11-15 yrs) Thursday 7—9 pm VENTURERS (14-18 yrs) Wednesday 7.30—9.30pm - John Quincy Adams Girls and Boys Welcome My Time at Cubs by Corelle My name is Corelle and I will tell you about my time at Cubs. At Cubs I was in 1st Ermington, Blaxland group. The leaders were Akela, Mao, Mang, Zazu, and Kaa and also by their side was Pirate the Scout helper, with names from The Jungle Book. At Cubs there were lots of fun nights like Father's Day and Mother's Day nights. Once for Father's Day, all of the dads sat on chairs and the Cubs got whipped cream and rubbed it on their dad's cheeks like we were shaving them. On one Mother's Day night, we had all the mums put on shower caps. With sticky tape and crêpe paper, the Cubs decorated their mum's shower cap to make them look hideous or lovely. Lots of games were fun as well. There was a game where about four people would hide with a message like "stinky bum", "snotty nose", or some silly message and everyone else had to find someone who was hiding with the same message. But not everything was done in the Scout hall and sometimes there were weekend activities or camps with other Cub groups. I think the best camp was Cuboree. That was four nights and five days. It was In 2014. There were mud activities, games and even archery. I can't wait to see what it will be like in Scouts! Epilogue from Dad: Corelle joined the Blaxland cubs in September 2011 during a night hike in Vineyard Creek Reserve. Since that time, she has participated in countless games and activities at the hall and many other extra activites such as fishing, swimming, canoeing, camps and campfire nights, hikes, fun-days, billy-karting, flying and climbing as well as visits to places such as the Sydney Maritime Museum and Sydney Wildlife World. One of my favourite times at the hall was the camp blanket badge sewing night. I don't do any sewing and this is not an activity I would ordinarily choose to do, but it was a pleasant activity and nice to hear the various conversations around the hall. Unfortunately I only managed to complete one third of a badge in the alloted time (but it was a fiddly one). Another favourite moment was actually after the Billy Kart Derby day in August 2012. It was most entertaining hearing Akela and Mao ride down that huge hill in a race but at the time I was too busy looking at a small camera screen to notice what was actually going on (trying to catch them in a shot). It wasn't until afterwards when I viewed the pictures on a computer that I could see the expressions on your faces. I'm sorry ladies but at the moment when I clicked, I think I can see a little bit of exhilaration, but mostly petrification and mortification; at that point in time, you both must have been thinking that this wasn't a good idea (and that was only half-way down the hill). Thank you to all of those volunteer leaders and assistants who contribute their time and provide or support these extra-curricular activities for our children. In particular I wish to thank Virginia (Akela), Michelle (Mao), Garry (Mang), Heang (Zazu) and Stuart (Kaa) for all their fun times, leadership and care they have provided to Corelle during her time with the Cub Scouts. While I was not present every single week, I did first-handedly observe a lot of the results of your efforts and appreciate all that you have done for the group. Without people like you, the lives of our children might be a little more dull and boring. I also wish to give a thank you to Chris (Pirate) for helping Akela, Mao, Mang, Zazu and Kaa. It was good to see a Scout come to help the leaders but it was even better to see the Cubs accept and follow you like a leader. With thanks, from Steven. Issue 26, 2014 Page 2 Akela and Mao racing down the hill at Billy Carty Day—August 2012 Congratulations to Natasha—Gang Show Comet Sullivan Cast Congratulations to Natasha from Spurway Pack who performed in Gang Show 2014 as part of the Comet Cast. All the Gang Show performers put on a great show. For more information on Gang Show Auditions for 2015—see page 14 of this newsletter. Issue 26, 2014 Page 3 Spurway Cub Report by Jacala Spurway Pack has had an exciting term. We currently have 21 lively and enthusiastic Cubs. This term we had an art night where we practised our drawing and painting skills. We had a Pyjama night - Jacala needed an excuse to show off her new hot pink onsie. We brushed up our compass and navigation skills at Eccles Park. The Cubs enjoyed their joint Scouts in Action night. It was a good opportunity to practise our new campfire skits. Four Cubs attended the District Campfire and sleepover at Carlingford Hall. Stilts gave us a wonderful talk about his work in Antarctica. Who knew penguin poo was so funny? Congratulations to James Ryan and Bella Star Avery who have completed their Grey Wolf Awards. This takes a lot of organisation and dedication of both the Cubs and their families. We wish them all the best as they link to the Scout Troop. We are focusing on Science and Discovery this term. Our Spurway Christmas Party will be on Thursday 11 December. Sadly this will be the last report for Spurway Pack. Mowgli is moving on to become a Scout Leader and Jacala is no longer available due to work commitments. We have both enjoyed our time with Spurway Cubs. Cubs that are not linking to Scouts can join Blaxland Pack (Tuesdays from 7pm to 8.30pm) or Rydalmere Cubs (Mondays 6.30pm to 8pm). I would encourage parents to consider becoming an assistant leader at one of these Packs as the more leaders the lighter the load for everyone. Ann (Jacala) McCredden Fun at Cubs Issue 26, 2014 Page 4 Fun at Cubs Issue 26, 2014 Page 5 Rydalmere Public School—Family Movie and Fun Night —12 Sep 2014 Thanks to Ann (Jacala) McCredden—CSL of Spurway Pack who ran a Scout promotion at the Rydalmere Public School Family Movie Night and Fun Night on Friday 12th September. Jacala had the kids busy with a compass activity and a knotting activity—a great way to promote Scouting. The more opportunities we have to promote Scouting in the local area the healthier our Group will be. Family Campfire Night by Perry—13 Sep 2014 On Saturday 13th September Ermington together with Rydalmere and Parramatta joined forces to run the Family Campfire Night at our hall. As well as inviting existing members and their families we sent notes to local schools to invite year 1 and 2 children and their families to attend. Although during the week we had a bit of rain, the skies were clear on the night, and we were able to hold the campfire night outside and have a real fire. Thanks to Count from Parramatta and Parramatta Scouts for setting up and maintaining the campfire. Thanks also to Andrew McCredden for chopping wood for the fire. The night was well attended and we had a range of skits and songs run by Epping Guides. It was great to see all those budding actors in action. Thanks to Peter Barber (Magpie) and Virginia Klomp (Akela) for leading the campfire—with support from Ann McCredden (Jacala), Melissa MacAulay (Rydalmere), Annette Douglass (Parramatta) and Donna Dawson (Parramatta). Ermington Venturers ensured that we didn’t go hungry—thanks for running the sausage sizzle for us. We ended the night with supper in the hall. Thanks to everyone for their support of this event. Issue 26, 2014 Page 6 Venturer Report by Perry Term 3 During term 3 we continued to meet with Kellyville Venturer Unit. Our weekly nights at Kellyville included Venturer Skills Award Night, Iron Gut, Kidnap Night, Tenting, a Mystery Dinner—organised by Hobbes and run at Ermington Scout hall, and a Soap Swap Night. Our two remaining Venturers continue to work on the Venturer Award Scheme. Deborah Ewings is working on the requirements of the Queen’s Scout Award. Now that Rachel Ewings has completed her Queen’s Scout Award, she is working on the Endeavour Award. Ermington Venturers have one more fundraising BBQ scheduled for the end of term 4—we have been working hard to fundraise for AV2015—most of the fees for our Venturers that are participating in this event have been paid for via fundraising—which is a really good result. We look forward to hearing about all the fabulous adventures you have in South Australia— it is guaranteed to be HEAPS GOOD. Term 4—2014 We wish our two remaining Venturers well for the HSC exams. We plan on ending the year with lots of fun—term 4 sees our Venturers participate in Waratah—this is one of the events that Venturers always look forward to. Our Unit will be in recess in early 2015—we hope to be able to offer a great Venturing experience once again at Ermington after AJ2016 (Jan 2016). Congratulations to Ermington Venturers who have been presented with the following during term 3. Activity Area Tape Level Outdoor Activities Outdoor VA = Venturer Award Level QS Attained By Rachel Ewings QS = Queen’s Scout Level Congratulations to Rachel Ewings who has now completed all the requirements of the Queen’s Scout Award. Rachel’s Queen’s Scout Award will be presented at the Group Awards Presentation Day on Sunday 16th November—we would love to see as many people from the Group as possible at this event. Issue 26, 2014 Page 7 2014—1st Ermington Leaders Joeys Leader: Toby (Croc) O’Hara Assistant Leader: Kanlaya (Echidna) Tantisaldchai Assistant Leader: Phieleen (Kookaburra) de la Roche Leader: Virginia (Akela) Klomp Assistant Leader: Michelle (Mao) Hose Assistant Leader: Garry (Mang) Collins Assistant Leader (Trainee): Stuart (Kaa) Bragg Leave of Absence—Term 4: Heang (Zazu) Cheng Spurway Cubs Leader till end 2014: Ann (Jacala) McCredden Assistant Leader till end 2014: Max (Mowgli) Avery Scouts Leader: Diane (Hazard) Higgins Assistant Leader: Grant (Stilts) Hose Assistant Leader (Trainee): Tallia (Panda) Joel Assistant Leader (Trainee): Peter (Magpie) Barber Venturers Leader till end 2014: Nerida (Hobbes) Ewings Assistant Leader till end 2014: Sandy (Perry) Knox Other Group Leader: Mark (Kiwi) Richard Assistant Group Leader: Mark (Ghost) Andrews Assistant Leader (Trainee): Xavier Calder Blaxland Cubs Assistant Leader: Josie (Demon Duck) Botto In 2015 the Group will have one Joey Mob, one Cub Pack and one Scout Troop. Some of our existing Leaders are resigning, some are taking on other roles at Ermington, or changing Groups. We thank you for all your hours of service and wish you well in the future. 2014/15—1st Ermington Group Support Committee President: Daniel Coughlan Vice President: VACANT Secretary: Heidi Cleary Treasurer: Michael Majoor Trustee #1: Michael Majoor Trustee #2: James Fisher Trustee #3: Andrew McCredden Quartermaster: Steve McMaster BBQ Roster: Karen Andrews BBQ Shopping: Anna van Rooyen Development: Sandy Knox Newsletter: Sandy Knox Webmaster: Bruce Knox General Committee: Steven Spagnolo Hall Bookings: Michael Majoor Grant Writer: VACANT We still need to fill some vacancies—please help our Group by volunteering to carry out a role. Contact for more information Issue 26, 2014 Page 8 Hall/Grounds Improvements For some time the Group has been planning to install a pathway from the pedestrian entrance gate to the water tank, and replace the existing ramp. These improvements will address identified trip hazards making our hall a much safer place for all. We have been fundraising for sometime and had planned for this to be installed in the September school holidays. Unfortunately, at the last minute Sydney Water imposed some additional requirements on the project. These requirements will cost a minimum of $2500. We do not have these extra funds currently available so the project is temporarily on hold. In July 2014 the Committee applied for a Community Building Partnership Grant for the cost of the installation of the path. Successful applicants will be advised in December. If our application is successful we hope to have the footpath and ramp installed in early 2015. Group Committee Meetings—Term 4 All Groups need an active Group Support Committee to ensure that the Leaders have all that they need to run the Scout program. Having the hall, grounds and equipment in good condition helps us to support the Leaders and the great programs they are running for our children. If we can have a parent representative from each section attend and help with the work of the Committee, this will help us in building a strong Group. All parents are welcome to attend Committee meetings and assist with the work of the Committee. Committee meetings are now held on the 1st Monday of the month at the Scout hall from 7.45pm. Committee meetings for term 4 are: Wednesday 8th October 7.45pm at Scout hall Monday 3rd November 7.45pm at Scout hall Monday 1st December 7.45pm at Scout hall We would love to welcome you to our next meeting. Issue 26, 2014 Page 9 Fundraising Report Bunnings BBQs Bunnings BBQs continue to be an essential fundraiser for our Group. Funds raised through this activity ensures that we can cover any major hall maintenance, train Leaders, purchase equipment, and help defray the costs of participation at major events— Joey Woonona, Cuboree, Jamboree and Venture. This year we have managed to secure some Bunnings BBQs at the new Rydalmere store. This store is much closer for us, and we are clearing $1000 profit at most BBQs that we have run at Rydalmere Bunnings this year. There is a lot of competition to get a spot at this store and we are hoping to be able to secure some dates in 2015. Our last Group Bunnings BBQ that we have been booked in for this year was on Sunday 14th September. Thanks to the following families that staffed the BBQ at short notice: Andrews, Barber, Chidambaram, McCredden (Ann & Iain), Ottawa and Khoosakun. The profit from this BBQ was $1091.80 Thanks to all the families in 2014 that were able to spend some time serving on the BBQ. Without the money from the BBQs we would need to find an alternative way to raise funds so that we can pay for major hall maintenance, purchase new equipment for use on camps, and train our 20 strong Leadership team. We appreciate all the help you have been able to provide in 2014, and look forward to your continued support in 2015. Fertiliser Drive—24 August 2014 Although orders were down compared to 2013, we still managed to raise a good profit—approx $2000. Many of our customers are very appreciative of our efforts to run this annual fundraiser. As well as raising money for the Group, we are providing a great service for older members of the local community. Thanks to the small band of families that assisted with the deliveries on the day: Andrews, Ball, Chidambaram, Coughlan, Cottam, Ewings, Knox, Majoor, McCredden (Ann & Iain), Richard and Winter Issue 26, 2014 Page 10 Development Youth Welcome to the new families that have joined the Group in term 3—Chidambaram and Semler (Joey Section). Our numbers are steady at the moment—but we need to start promoting Scouting to the local community as much as we can so that the local community is aware that Ermington Scout Group is a great place to experience all that Scouting has to offer. Please feel free to invite your friends along to your section night and show them just how much fun we have. All our sections have vacancies, we have a good number of Leaders in all the sections, so we are now ready for an influx of youth members Leaders Welcome to our new Trainee Joey Leader—Xavier Calder. Xavier was a Youth Helper at Joeys and enjoyed it so much he has come back to our Group to serve as a Joey Leader. WOW—4 Joey Leaders for the Mob—that is fantastic. As we were unable to find new Leaders for Spurway Pack, term 4 will be the last term that this Pack will be operating. Akela and her Leader team are looking forward to welcoming you to Tuesday night Cubs in 2015. Contact for information on other local Packs if you are not able to attend Cubs on a Tuesday night in 2015. Thanks to Mowgli and Jacala who have been running Spurway Pack over the last few years. They make a great team. Returning in 2015? We hope that you are enjoying your Scouting and are eager to join us again in 2015. If you will not be returning in 2015 please let your Section Leader know by the end of November so that we can ensure that we submit the required paperwork in time so that we can avoid being billed for members that are no longer at our Group. Having some advance knowledge of your plans will assist our Section Leaders with the organisation of their activities, programs and team structures. Issue 26, 2014 Page 11 Upcoming Events DATE SECTION ACTIVITY 2014 12 Oct Cubs Visit to NSW Lancer Barracks 26 Oct Run by GWSR Scout Canyon 1-2 Nov Cubs Cub Baanya 2 Nov Joeys Wentworth Falls 7-9 Nov Venturers Waratah 9 Nov Scouts District Wide Game 16 Nov Group Group Awards Presentation Day 22 Nov Group Dundas Community Fair at Yates Ave 23 Nov Cubs Parramatta District Out and About Day 23 Nov Run by GWSR Scout Top Rope 30 Nov Joeys Blaxland Park Scout History Museum 5-7 Dec Venturers Hunter and Coastal Region Venture—Monopoly 6 Dec From 7 years—GWSR Cumberland Gang Show Audition Day 7 Dec Run by GWSR GWS 2014 Water Scoutlympics 13 Dec Venturers Bunnings BBQ at Lidcombe 21 Dec Scouts Bunnings BBQ at Rydalmere 2—14 Jan Venturers AV2015 Feb or Mar Group Family Camp Early March Scouts Applications & $825 due for AJ2016 17 May Joeys Joey Fun Day 2015 Check out our website for more information on upcoming events. Issue 26, 2014 Page 12 Group Awards Presentation Day—Sun 16th November 2.45pm for 3.00pm start Ermington youth members have recently achieved major section awards—we invite the whole Group (families welcome) to come and show their support of these talented youth members by supporting our Group Awards Day on Sunday 16th November. Members from Cubs, Scouts and Venturers, and a Leader will be honoured at this event. Please arrive at 2.45pm for a 3.00pm start. 2.45 pm Arrival time 3.00pm Opening Parade and Presentations 4.30pm Afternoon Tea 5.30pm Finishing Time After the official presentations we will be holding an afternoon tea. We would appreciate families bringing along a plate of food to share for afternoon tea. This will also be a great opportunity to meet other families in the Group—this will also be our end of year Group get together. We are hoping that by holding the event in November we can encourage family attendance and avoid adding another event to your very busy December schedules. For more information contact: Issue 26, 2014 Page 13 Dundas Community Fair—Sat 22 Nov 2014 11am—3pm at Yates Ave Public School Come along to the Dundas Community Fair at Yates Ave Public School—bring your family and friends for a great Community Day out. There will be various Scout activities—including the Scout Climbing Wall, Cirque de Scout workshops and performances, scavenger hunt, and other traditional Scout activities. Other community Groups will also be in attendance. With Yates Ave being one of our feeder schools Ermington Group is planning on attending and helping out on the day. We would love some help running some of the activities. The Scout Climbing Wall has been booked for the Dundas Community Fair— can you reach the top? For more information contact: Gang Show Auditions—Sat 6 Dec 2014 Issue 26, 2014 Page 14 AJ 2016—2—14 Jan 2016—Leap to Adventure In order to attend AJ2016 as a Scout you must satisfy the following criteria: Must be a registered Scout section member by the end of 2014. Have reached Pioneer level in badge work. Have completed ten (10) nights under canvas as a Scout, at a Scout camp, with three (3) of those nights being consecutive. Have approval from your Scout Leader, Regional Commissioner Scouts, and Contingent Leader. Have consent from your parents/guardian. Not have had your 15th birthday before the opening day of Jamboree. The Jamboree is being held at Cataract Scout Park, near Appin, approximately 80km south west of Sydney. The cost for youth to attend the Jamboree is $1385. Applications are open now— Families that satisfy the Major Event Fund Policy (see below) will receive partial funding to attend the event. In the past Major Event Fundraising has covered the last payment for eligible families. Payments are made via instalments: $825 is due with your applications early March 2015 $290 is due mid June $270 is due mid August. This is a great not to be missed event. Parents may form a Jamboree Fundraising Sub-Committee to raise extra funds for attendance at Jamboree. Major Event Fund Policy (Apr 2014) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Essential Leaders required for youth to attend major events are fully paid for. The Committee maintains the Major Event Fund and apportions money as appropriate. Eligible major event funding includes, but is not limited to, Joey Mob Holiday, NSW Cuboree, Australian Jamboree and Australian Venture. Families that have contributed a minimum of 10 hours assistance to the Group over the last 12 months are eligible to access the Major Event Fund. Assistance to the Group includes, but is not limited to, leadership roles, Bunnings BBQs, fertiliser drive, working bees, lawn mowing, and other assistance as determined by the Committee. Only fully paid up members may access the Major Event Fund. Parents may form a fundraising sub-committee to raise extra funds to support attendance at major events. Issue 26, 2014 Page 15 Hall Hire—1st Ermington Scout Hall 1st Ermington Scout Hall is available for hire. We welcome kids birthday parties, family gatherings and club meetings. The hall is not available for 18th or 21st parties. Hall capacity is 50 people. Facilities tables (10) chairs (60) 2 separate toilets, each with own shower large kitchen with fridge, freezer, oven, microwave, urn, and lots of bench space small deck area with outdoor table setting well maintained grounds, fully fenced outdoor power points - ideal for jumping castle set up Additional Hire Fee Costs We also have a BBQ and a Data Projector that can be hired - available at extra cost - POA. Your Responsibilities you must take away all your own garbage wipe down table tops and kitchen benches put away any chairs or tables that you have used sweep the floor any spills need to be mopped up please advise of any items that need repair For enquiries contact Issue 26, 2014 Page 16 THE SCOUT PROMISE 1st Ermington Scout Group On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to my God, and to Australia To help other people and To live by the Scout Law 1st Ermington Scouts Cnr Bartlett St and Kissing Point Rd Ermington NSW PO Box 6 Ermington NSW 1700 THE SCOUT LAW A Scout is trustworthy A Scout is loyal A Scout is helpful A Scout is friendly A Scout is cheerful A Scout is considerate A Scout is thrifty A Scout is courageous A Scout is respectful A Scout cares for the environment Issue 27—Submission Deadline To ensure inclusion of your report/ article please email to: by Friday 19th December 2014 1st Ermington—Now on Facebook 1st Ermington now has a page on FaceBook. Do you have some great photos of our Ermington youth members enjoying some fun Scouting events? Please send any information and photos to:
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