From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 86: 3575-3582 Molecular analysis in three cases of X91- variant chronic granulomatous disease HN Bu-Ghanim, AW Segal, NH Keep and CM Casimir Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Molecular Analysis in Three Cases of X91- Variant Chronic Granulomatous Disease By Hanan N. Bu-Ghanim, Anthony W. Segal, Nicholas H. Keep, and Colin M. Casimir Defects in gp91-phox, the large subunit of cytochrome bm (b& give rise t o X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a rare inherited condition characterized by an extreme susceptibility t o bacterial and fungal infection. In the majority of cases, the phagocytes are unable t o generate any superoxide owing t o complete absence of the flavocytochrome. However, a small minority of these patients do have somephagocytic oxidase activity. We describehere an analysis of the molecular basis ofthe disease in three such variant patients with lesions in the gene coding for gp91phox on the X chromosome. Threedifferent genetic lesions were found, resulting in thesubstitution of tyrosine for cysteine 244, a deletion of oneof three lysines 313 through 315, and the deletion of the six C-terminal amino acids, respectively. The functional consequences of these defectson oxi- dase activity was a reduction t o 12%. 3.6%. and 2.1% of the normal levels, respectively. Corresponding levels of gp91phox were 20%. 8%. and 16% of normal classifving these patients as X91-. Microbicidal assays showed that killing of Staphylococcusaureuswasgrossly impaired in cells in which there was 12% normal activity. This implies that if gene therapy is t o be applied, it must restore oxidase activity t o a much higher level than that present in the cells of this patient. The sites of two of the mutations were analyzed on a model of the C-terminal half of the gp9l-phox, based on the crystal structure of the homologous protein ferrodoxin NADP reductase. Possible structural consequences of the mutations were examined. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. C in the right axilla. Over the past 2 years he has spent 6 weeks in the hospital because of severe infections of the skin and scalp. His mother and only sister were identified as carriers, and he has one affected brother who has also had numerous infections, most notably of the nasal sinuses, some of which required hospitalization. Patient 2 was born in 1982 to healthy unrelated parents. He developed skin abscesses at 3 weeks of age, and subsequently a colitis resembling Crohn's disease. He has had repeated skin abcesses and chronic mouth ulcers, and at the age of 9 years, he developed a liver abcess. Patient 3 was born in 1976 to healthy unrelated parents. He developed axillary lymphadenitis after a Bacille Calmette-Gukrin (BCG) vaccination and developed an axillary abcess at the age of 3 years, which required surgical drainage. At the age of 4.5 years, he developed a bilateral interstitial pneumonia. Nitroblue-tetrazolium slide test was performed as described by Borregaard et al.'* Superoxide generation was measured by the superoxide dismutase inhibitable reduction of cytochrome c.~' Neutrophils were purified from peripheral blood taken into 5 IU/ mL heparin by dextran sedimentation, followed by separation on Ficoll-Hypaque (Lymphoprep; Nycomed Pharma AS, Oslo Norway) and hypotonic 1ysk3* Western blotting. Neutrophils were suspended in (6% [wUwt] sucrose; 1.8 mmoVL NaCl; 60 mmoliL KCI; 2.3 mmoliL M g Q ; 6 mmol/L Pipes, pH 7.3) supplemented with 1 p m o K diisopropyl flourophosphate, 1 pmoVL phenylmethylsulphonyl flouride, 1 pmoV L chymostatin, and 1 p m o m leupeptin and were disrupted by sonication on ice for 3 to 5 seconds in a sonicator (MSE Instruments; Sanyo Gallenkamp, Middlesex, UK) at 8 pm amplitude, and centri- HRONIC granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inherited disorder in which phagocytic cells are unable to generate superoxide, resulting in the defective killing of some ingested microorganisms and an increased predisposition to bacterial and fungal infections.' Superoxide is produced by a membrane-bound NADPH oxidase system that is assembled from both membrane and cytosolic components. The membrane-bound component is flavocytochrome b558(also b-245)rZ.3 a heterodimer composed of a 22-kD ( a ) subunit, p22-phox, and a heavily glycosylated 76- to 92-kD (p) subunit,4.'gp91-phox. gp91-phox is a member of the flavin nucleotide reductase (FNR)family of reductases, having binding sites for NADPH and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactors.6 The location of the heme is uncertain. The cytosolic factors that are required for the activation of electron transport and translocate to the membrane upon tim mu la ti on^.^ include p47-phox,p67-phox, 1 4 3 and p40phox.I6 The system also requires a small guanosine triphosphate binding protein, p21'".'7,'8 Genetic lesions in any of the oxidase components (other than p40-phon and p21'" for which lesions have not yet been identified) result in CGD, but defects in the X-linked gene for the p chain of the flavocytochrome are the most prevalent, leading to about two thirds of cases." The classical Xlinked phenotype is characterized by total absence of NADPH oxidase activity and both subunits of the flavocytochrome, which are required for mutual stability." In addition, several cases of a less common form of X-linked CCD, which is referred to as "X-variant" CGD and which differs from the classical phenotype in having reduced rather than absent oxidase activity, have been de~cribed.'"~'We have studied the molecular defect in three unrelated X-variant CGD cases with different levels of residual oxidase activity and variable abundance of the two subunits of the flavocytochrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients. Patient 1, a male,wasbornin 1980 to two healthy unrelated parents. At the age of 2.5 years was treated for an abscess in the occiput. He had continuous ear infections between the ages of 5 and 9 years but was otherwise fairly well until the age of 10 years, when he developed an abscess and then a chronic infection Blood, Vol 86, No 9 (November l), 1995:pp 3575-3582 Fromthe Division of Molecular Medicine, University College London; and the Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, Institute of Child Health, London, UK. Submitted February 21, 1995; accepted July 6, 1995. Supported by the Welcome Trust, Medical Research Council, NETHRA, and EC BIOMED I program (PI-1321). Address reprint requests to Anthony W. Segal, MD, PhD, Division of Molecular Medicine, University College London. 5 University St, London WClE SJJ, UK. The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8609-07$3.00/0 3575 e From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 3576 BU-GHANIM ET AL Table 1. Primers Used for the PCR Amplification of gp9l-phOX cDNA DNA, where 2 pg was used to amplify the region from base 1.573 (exon 12) to 1,746 (exon 13), thus amplifying intron 12 in the process using primers @7-/36 (Table I ) . The resulting PCR product of = l .2 Oligonucleotide kb was blunt ended by the addition of S U Klenow fragment to I 81 5' CCT CTG CCA CCA TGG GGA AC 3' 1 p g amplified DNA i n a reaction containing 1 X PCR buffer and 6 P2* 5' GAC l T C A A A GTAAGA CCTCCG GATG 3' 624 mmol/L deoxynucleotide triphosphates. The reaction was incubated 83 5' GCA TCA CTG GAG TTG TCA TCA 3' 539 for 20 minutes at room temperature, The tilled DNA was agarose CCT CAT AGC TGA ACA CA 3' 1,222 84* 5' CCA gel purified and precipitated with ethanol. The purified DNA fragp5 5' ATA AGC AGG AGT TTC AAG AT 3'1,127 ment was ligated to Snlu I cut blue-script plasmid (Stratagene, La 86* 5' TTT CCT CAT GGA AGA GAC AAG 3' 1,746 Jolla, CA) using T4 DNA ligase (NBL, Northumberland, UK). The 5' AAG ACA ATT GCA AGT CAA CA 3' 1,573 87 products of the ligation reaction were used to transform XLI-Blue (Stratagene)competentcells that were plated onampicillinagar Oligonucleotides 81 through 87 were used for PCR amplification plates. Positiveclones were picked by screening plate lifts with (01 and 82;83 and /34;85 and 86;and 87 and 06).They were derived to this region. Patient 3 radiolabeledDNAprobescorresponding from the gp91-phoxcDNA ~ e q u e n c e . 3Position ~ within the cDNA seand eight positive clones from each normal control were used for quence of the most 5' nucleotide of the primer is indicated sequencing by US Biochemicals' sequenase method. * Antisense primer. protecfion experimenfs. Probeconstructs used forthe RNase protection experiment were madeby digesting a cDNA clone fuged at 250g at4°C for 5 minutesin a microcentrifuge. The resulting (extending from the Psf I site at base number 179 to the Kpn I site at 3,654) in pGEM-4 vector (Promega) with restriction enzymes that postnuclearsupernatant(PNS)wassubjectedtosodiumdodecyl cut once in the vector and once in the coding sequence to eliminate sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a 12.5% gel (30 to 40 unwanted cDNA sequences at the3' end of the cDNA, thus bringing p g protein per track). The proteins were then transferred to a reinthe SP6 RNA promoter into proximity with different regions of the forcednitrocellulosemembrane (0.45 pm, Schleicher & Schuell, cDNA,for the synthesis of antisenseRNAprobes. ASuc I was Dassel, Germany) using the semidry transfer system (LKB prepared by digesting with Suc I, which cuts the cDNA insert of the 00.8 mA/cm' for120 Multiphor;LKB,Uppsala,Sweden)at gp9 1 -phox at base number 1,903. The clone was then recircularized minutes. The blots were blocked with (5% dried skimmed milk,I % and digested with the Stu 1 restriction enzyme, which cuts at base bovineserumalbumin, 5% fetalbovineserum,1 m o m glycine, number 1,523. The other probe, A5.w 361, was made in three steps 0.01% Tween, in TRIS-buffered saline), incubated with monoclonal of digestionandligation: ( I ) the Pst I-Kpn 1 clone was cut with antibodies (MoAbs) 449 or 48 reacting with p22-phox and gp91EcoRI, which cuts once in the polylinker and once in the insert at phox, respectively(agiftfrom A.J. Verhoeven3'), anddeveloped 1,567 bp. andrecircularized:(2) this was then cut with Hindlll with horseradish a peroxidase-conjugated goat-antimouse IgG (polylinker) and Avu 1 (insert S' end 398 bp) and recircularized; ( 3 ) ( 1 :3500; Promega, Madison, WI) by enhanced chemiluminescence the product of step 2 was cut with EcoRI and Bsu 361 (insert 3' end detection (ECL; Amersham Ltd, Bucks, UK). The flavocytochrome 1,049 bp). and recircularized; and (4) finally. the product of step 3 level in each patient was estimatedby densitometry (Enhanced Laser by was cut with Ncn I (insert 675 bp). The precise areas covered Densitometer; LKBPharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) of Western blots thetwoprobesareasfollows: ABsu 361 probe,nucleotides 67.5 and developed by ECL. A standard curve was prepared by loading through 1,049; ASuc I probe nucleotides 1,523 through 1,903. serial dilutionsofthenormalPNS,where 40 pg of normalPNS Radiolabeled cRNA probes, ASuc I , and ABsn 361 were prepared corresponded to 100%. Forty micrograms of the patient's PNS was using 1 p g of the linearized cDNA clone and SP6 RNA Polymerase loaded on the gel and comparedwith the normal standards by densiunder conditions recommended by the manufacturer (Promega). Five tometry of both subunits bands. Care was taken to ensure that the nanogram!, of each cRNA radiolabeled probe was mixed with 1 5 to signal produced by the patients cells fell within a linear region of 20 pg of total cellular RNA and 20 pg of yeast tRNA and incubated the standard curve. under oil overnight at 42°C. Theresultinghybridsweredigested Mutationanalysis. Thenumbering of nucleotidesandamino with 4.2 p.g/mL RNase A and 200 U/mL RNase T I . The reaction acids used in this paper was according to the system of Orkin." productwereseparatedona6%denaturingpolyacrylamidegel, Total cellular RNA was isolated from Epstein-Barr virus-transdried,andautoradiographed with Hyperfilm MP(Amersham) at formed B-Iymphocytes3'~'' as described by Chomczynski and Sac-70°C with intensifying screens for up to 1 week. chi." Avian myeloblastosisvirusreversetranscriptase(Promega) Iodinationreactionswereperformedasdescribed by Klebanoff was used for the synthesis of the first cDNA strand using l p g total and Clark.'" The reaction mixture consisted of 4 mmol/L sodium RNA primed with (dT),z~,x or sequence specific primer 0 6 in 20 pL phosphatebuffer pH 7.4;128mmol/L NaCI; 12 mmol/L KCI: 10 I .7-kb reaction as described by the manufacturer (Promega). The mmol/L CaClz; 2 mmol/L MgCI,; 80 pmol/L Nal (40 nmol in 0.5 open reading frame of the flavocytochrome b wasamplified in three mL reaction; 0.8 pCi of "'1); 2 mmol/L glucose; 3% normal serum; overlapping fragments (1-624, 539-1222, and 1127-1746 bp) using 0.5 mg of Zymosan boiled, washed, and resuspended in phosphatethree pairs of synthetic primerswith one primerof each pair biotinylbuffered saline (PBS), and 2.5 X 10' polymorphonuclear leukocytes ated at its 5' end (oligonucleotides pl and p2; p3 and p4; and 05 (PMNs) in a final volume of 0.5 mL. Iodination by resting cells was and 8 6 , Table I). For each pair of primers, 5 p L of the reverse measured in theabsence of zymosan.The reaction mixture was transcriptase reaction was amplified by polymerase chain reaction incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes before starting the reaction by the I (PCR)in a 50 pL reaction(40cycles of 30 secondsat93°C additionofthePMNs.The reaction was terminatedaftervarying minute at 60°C. 2 minutes at 74OC)." times by the addition of 0. I mL of 10 mmol/L sodium thiosulphate Solid phase sequencing3' was performed on the biotinylated PCR and I mL of cold 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The precipitate product adsorbed to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (Dynal AS, was pelleted by centrifugation at IS,000g for 5 minutes in a microOslo, Norway).Sequencingwasperformed as describedin the centrifuge at 4"C, was washed four times with I .0 mL of 10% TCA, Sequenase manual (US Biochemicals, Cleveland, OH) and the reactions analyzed on standard 6% polyacrylamide denaturing gels. Tem- and the radioactivity was counted in a gamma counter (Universal Gamma Counter; LKB). plate for DNA sequencing on the 3' end of the gp91-phox coding Phagocytosis and killing. Staphylococcus uureus, isolatedfrom sequence of patient 3 was preparedby PCR amplification of genomic ~~ ~ ~~ From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. VARIANT Table 2. NADPH Oxidase Activity, Levels of gp91-phox and p22-phox, Site of Mutationin the cDNA for gp9l-phox, and the Predicted Conseauences on Its Primarv Structure Oxidase Activity Superoxide Produced (nmol/lO' cells/rnin) (mean SD) = Patient 1 16.9 2 3 2 % Normal. 2.3 (n = 5) -t p22-phox 96 Normal Mutation 30 Deletion of one of three AAG repeats starts from base 949 G743 A Duplication of bases 1,672-1.702. StOD codon 20 12 5.1 (n = 2) 3.0 (n = 2) Mean gp91-phox % Normal 3.6 2.1 Deletion 315 of Lys - 9 24 8 16 Amino Acid Change CysZu Tyr Deletion of C-terminus 6 amino acids 565-570 + SD of four normal subjects is 143 2 30 nmol/107 cells/min. an abscess i n patient I , was grown overnight i n Luria-Broth (LB) supplemented with 25 pCilmL 'H-glucose (ICN Radiochemicals. Costa Mesa, CA). These were washed and opsonized as described previously.'' The reaction containing S X IO7 PMNs and I X IOx bacteria i n 5 mmol/L glucose PBS was incubated i n a rapidly stirred chamber at37°C. Aliquots ( S O pL) were taken at intervals into I m L ice-cold Hanks' buffer (GIBCO-BRL, Gaithersburg. M D ) containing I mmol/L N-ethylmaleimide and 1 0 0 pglmL lysostaphin (Sigma Chemical Co. Poole. UK), incubated at 37°C for 15 minutes, and centrifuged at 7.000~at 4°C for 4 minutes. Radioactivity remaining in the supernatant was estimated by scintillation counting (LKB). A second aliquot (50 pL). was taken at the same time into I O m L o f ice-cold H,O, incubated for I hour at4°C and dilutions were plated for colony counts onto blood agar plates. Patient 2 had very little oxidase activity (3.6%)and a similarly reduced flavocytochrorne b (8% to 9%). In patient 3, there was a discrepancy between the very low oxidase activity (2.1%) and proportionally greater amounts of flavocytochrome (16% to 24%). Killing of S aureus by cells from patient 1 was markedly defective and comparable with the levels observed in cells from a patient with classical CCD (Fig 2) despite normal phagocytosis (not shown). 1 RESULTS All three patients showed weakly staining cells on the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) slide test with a mosaic pattern of weak and strong staining of cells from their mother, confirming the X-linked pattern of inheritance. Table 2 and Fig 1 show the levels of the NADPH oxidase activity and the two subunits of the flavocytochrome b on Western blots. Patient I retained significant levels of oxidase activity (12%) and flavocytochrorne protein (20% to 30%). a b ~ .- c- d e f gp9 l -phox I 2o 0 l 5 ' " - l ~ IO ' " l ' ' ' 15 Tlme (min.) Fig 1. Western blot of neutrophil postnuclear supernatant with MoAbs 48 and 449. (a) normal control; (b) patient 1; (c) affected brother of patient 1; (dl patient 2; (e) patient 3; and (f) a classical Xlinked patient. Forty micrograms postnuclear of supernatant protein were loaded in each track. The location of p22-phox and gp9l-phox are indicated. Fig 2. Killing ofS aureus by neutrophils fromtwo normal subjects (0.0); the heterozygotecarrier mother of patient 1 (A);two measur1 at two different occasions (0,.I; and a patient ments from patient with classic X-CGD l*). The mean t SE of 3 t o 5 measurments are shown where errorbars are included. Other points indicate theaverage of duplicate measurements. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. BU-GHANIM ET AL 3578 A- . . Patient 1 A C GT -e L 3' Lys 31! 5' B Control A CGT Patient 2 A C G T Fig 3. Sequence analysis of cDNA of segments of thegene coding for gp9l-phoxfrom patients. A, B, and C correspond t o sequence obtained from patients1.2. and 3, respectively. The sequence ladders on the leftin each figure were obtained from a normal control.The deleted bases in (A) are indicated by threesquares, and they correspond t o L ~ S ~(B) , ~Cys,, ; is mutatedt o Tyr; In (C), the duplicated region is indicated by a bracket in thenormal, and is shownt o be repeated in patient 3. Patient 3 ladder shows theantisense strand reversed and inverted t o clarify the interpretation of the amino acid sequence. Iodination by PMNs in patient 1 was found to be reduced to approximately the same level as superoxide production. In the patient 5.4 2 0.8 (n = 3 ) nmol of iodine were incorporated/107 cellsh, amounting to 1 1 % of the normal levels of 49.0 2 4.4 ( n = 3) nrn0l/l0~hcomparable with the 12% of oxidase activity. Northern blot analysis of mRNA showed the presence of a normal amount of a normal sized transcript in a l l the patients (data not shown). The mutations found in thethree patients are shown in Fig 3 . In patient I (Fig 3A), three nucleotides wcre deleted from an AAG trinucleotide repeat in bases 949 through 957 in the cDNA resulting in the loss of one of a group of three lysines at positions 313 through 3 IS. In patient 2 (Fig 3B). From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 3579 VARIANT CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE a single base G A substitution at nucleotide 743 predicts the nonconservative replacement of cysteine 244 by a tyrosine. In patient 3 (Fig 3C). a tandem duplication of the 31 bases between 1.672 and 1.702 generates a premature stop at codon 565. deleting six amino acids from the C-terminus. The position of the two mutations thatlie in theregion modeled by Taylor et al" are shown in Fig 4. A and B. The mutations detected in the PCR-based analysis were confirmed by RNase protection (Fig S). using mRNA from B-cell lines established fromthe patients peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Probe AR.w 361 extends from nucleotide position 675 through 1.049. A cut at position 949 in patient I should generate two fragments of 274 and 100 bases. + B Sac1 1 2 3 7 ' - i 2311 A T- 149 NADPH C terminus FAD 1oc Fig 5. RNase protection experiment. (A) Lane 1, the ABsu 361 probe (bases 675 through 1.049); lanes 2 and 3 represent patients 1 and 2, respectively; lane 4, normal RNA. (B) Lane 1 is ASac I probe alone (bases 1,523 through 1,903); lane 2, patient 3; lane 3, normal RNA. The partially protected fragments of the patients are indicated with thesmall arrows, whereas the large arrow indicates the normal fully protected product. Lys 3 15 deleted Fig 4. (A) The modeled positionof the lastsix amino acids, which are missing from patient3, is shown relative to theNADPH and FAD cofactors. (B) Ribbon diagram of the whole modeled region of the flavocytochrome (residues 277 to theC-terminus) in the same orientation asA. The residues deleted in patient 1 (Lys 315) and 3 (last six amino acids of the C terminus) are shown in black on the wildtype model. Diagrams were drawn withMOLSCRIPT?' whereas a mutation at position 743 in patient 2 generates two fragments of 306 and 68 bases. The ASm I probe consists of the antisense cRNA of the gp91-phox nucleotide sequence 1,523through1,903. In patient 3, a cut at position1,672 generates two fragments of 231 and 149 bases. In all cases, fragments of the size predicted from PCR analysis were detected, except for the 68-bp fragment, which was probably too diffuse to visualize on a 6% gel. DISCUSSION The structure of the flavocytochrorne b of the NADPH is of considerable interest. Its function requires access of the substrate, NADPH, from the cytosol, and it must also allow From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 3580 BU-GHANIM ET AL for hydrophobic, membrane-spanning helices to permit the translocation of the product, superoxide, to the exterior. From a structural point of view, gp91-phox can be divided roughly into two halves; the N-terminus contains a number of hydrophobic helices,42whereas the C terminus is much more hydrophilic and contains the FAD and NADPHbinding sites.' The functional interaction of the two subunits remains to be established. Both are required for correct processing in the Golgi, targeting to the vacuole, and ~tability.~' Analysis of mutations that produce CGD provides important information as to the structural organization of the flavocytochrome. This has been facilitated by the construction of a model of the C-terminal half of gp91-phox based uponthe crystal structure of ferrodoxin NADP reductase. Most of the mutations result in complete instability and loss of both subunits. Occasional mutations have been described in which there is high level of expression of the proteins Gly) in with total loss of function. A mutation (Asp,, gp91-phox in the region of a helix predicted to overly the nucleotide binding groove is characterized by failure of the translocation of the cytosolic phox proteins,44 giving credence to the theory that these proteins might activate electron transport by attaching to and moving this helix aside, thereby providing NADPH access to the FAD moiety.42A mutation in the Proline-rich segment of the C-terminus of p22-phox (Prolsh Gln) leads to CGD," this mutation prevents the binding of the p47-phox protein SH3 domain in ~ i t r o . ~ ~ Mutations resulting in variant CGD with a partial loss of oxidase activity are of interest because they either result from structural disorganization leading to incomplete loss of protein, to partial functional disorganization, or to a mixture of the two. The model of the C-terminal hydrophilic half of gp91-phox provides a template upon which to start examining the impact of some of these mutations upon structure and function. To date, the precise molecular defect has been identified in seven patients with variant CCD4*of which five involved amino acid substitutions in gp91-phox (at amino acid positions 56, 156, 244, 309, and 389).4K.49 The substitution at position 56 located in the N-terminus resulted in a 75% to 80% loss of oxidase activity, and a loss of 40% of the flavocytochrome.The remaining four resulted in a greater loss (70% to90%) of the flavocytochrome and a concomitant (80%to 97%) diminution of NADPH oxidase a~tivity.~' These mutations appear to have their effect through destabilization of the proteins rather than altering the electron transport. Other variant patients have been described in which the function of the molecule is disturbed to a much greater extent than the stability. For example, deletion of amino acids 488 through 497'" resulted in a normal level of the cytochrome, but only 6% of oxidase activity. In all three of our patients there was a loss of most of the flavocytochrome proteins. In addition, in patient 3, and probably also in 1, there is a disproportionate loss of oxidase activity suggesting an additional functional impairment of the residual protein. Although patient I had 12% of normal oxidase activity, this wasnot associated with a muchless severe clinical presentation, and both he and his affected brother were repeatedly hospitalized with frequent and severe infections. In contrast, the patient described by Schapiro et also had only + + 6% oxidase activity, but did not present until the age of 69 years. The basis of the increased susceptibility to infection in our patient was confirmed as being caused by an inability of his neutrophils to kill S aureus, which was comparable with the levels of killing observed in classical X-CGD. This is important because it indicates that if the gene therapy approach to treatment isto be effective, it mustresult in the reconstitution of oxidase activitywell above the 10% observed in this patient. The results in this patient also indicate that iodination levels in neutrophils are limited by the levels of substrate. As referredto above, substitution of a cysteine 244 in patient 2 has been described previously. Unlike the substitution seen here, where the cysteine is replaced by a tyrosine, in the previously reported case, a G + C transversion results in the replacement of cysteine 244 by serine."Although both cases showed similar, low levels of PMA-stimulated superoxide production at about 3% of normal, they appear to have different amounts of proteins with about 8% in our patient as compared with 39% in the Cys Ser mutation." Alternatively, because the cytochrome was estimated by Western blotting in our study and spectroscopically in the other, this difference could be methodologic. If indeed the Cys + Tyr is more disruptive than the Cys + Ser, it could be as a result of the large tyrosine aromatic side chain, which is likely tocause greater disruption of the surrounding amino .acids ~ ~ than the smaller aliphatic side chain of serine. In patient 3, the cDNA analysis indicated the presence of a duplication of 3 1 bases (1,672 through 1,7021, in the coding sequence of exon 13, which encodes the C-terminal region of the protein. Although this patient has a sizeable quantity of flavocytochrome (16% to 24% of normal), the activity of the molecule seems more severely affected with superoxide production at only 2.1 % of normal. The structural model of Taylor et ai4* may provide an explanation forthis discordance. Itwas suggested from the modelthatthelast amino acid (570) that is deleted from patient 3 is one of two amino acids critical to the binding of FAD. The juxtaposition of the C-terminus and the FAD and NADPH cofactors is shown in Fig 4A. Therefore, a probable consequence of the deletion in patient 3 could be to increase the K,, for one or both cofactors. Alternatively, the loss of the last six amino acids could serve to prohibit conformational changes in gp91-phox that are necessary for the activation of electron transport. + ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Rodolpho Garcia for some ofthe superoxide production measurements, MargaretChettyfortechnical assistance, and Dr Mary-Christine Bohler and professors Alain Fischer and Claude Gricelli for the cells from patient 3. REFERENCES 1. Holmes B, Quie PG, Windhorst DB, Good RA: Fatal granulomatous disease of childhood. An inborn abnormality of phagocytic function. Lancet 1:1225, 1966 2. 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