M A N O N M A N I A M S U N D A R A N A R U N I V E R S I T Y TIRUNELVELI-627 012, TAMIL NADU, INDIA (RE-ACCREDITED WITH B GRADE BY NAAC) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF FRESH AFFILIATION OF COLLEGE FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 1. Name and Address of the College (including Phone, Fax and Email) 2. Whether the College is for Men or Women or for Both 3. Name and Address of the Educational Agency 4. Whether the Educational Agency is a registered body? (If so, furnish the Register No. and date and copy of the Bye-Laws) 5. Composition of the Managing Committee/Governing Council of the Educational Agency 6. The extent of land held in the name of the College by the Educational Agency in Acres (Attach copy of the document) 7. Financial Status of the Educational Agency c) d) e) 8. a) Endowment required for all the proposed Courses in the College b) Endowment provided by the management with details Income from property i. Land ii. Buildings Income from Hostel Fixed Deposits Share Certificates Bonds Expected annual recurring expenses for the college including staff salary for the proposed courses (Give indepth details) Expected annual income for the college (Give itemwise details) How the management is going to provide the balance (d-c) amount Need for the opening of the College in the Locality 9. (a) Building space available (*) Sl. No. Room Code Carpet Area (in Sq. Feet) Room allotted to which Class /Office/Staff room Roof Type RCC/Madras Terrace/Tiles Furniture availability 1. 2. *Attach sketch along with the building plan approval copy (b) Building under construction (*) Sl. No. Room to be allotted to Carpet Area (in Sq. Feet) Time schedule of Completion Roof Type 1. 2. * Attach sketch along with building plan approval copy Flooring Type 10. Hostel Facilities available in the College (Attach Sketch along with the building plan approval Copy) a) b) WOMEN’S HOSTEL: No. of Rooms available No. of Toilets available No. of Students accommodated No. of Cots available - GENT’S HOSTEL: No. of Rooms available No. of Toilets available No. of Students accommodated No. of Cots available - a) Hostel under Construction (Give details) 11. b) Recreation facilities - Television - VCD - Indoor games (Give details) 1. 2. 3. - Outdoor games (Give details) 1. 2. 3. c) Whether Gym is available Yes/No d) Any other special facilities (Give details) 1. 2. 3. a) Laboratory Space available (including Store room, dark room, balance room, Museum, Herbarium, etc.) Sl. No. Laboratory Name Carpet Area (in Sq. feet) 1. 2. b) Laboratory under Construction: Sl. No. 1. 2. Laboratory Name Carpet Feet) Area (in Sq. Time schedule of Completion 12. Toilet facilities for Staff and Students Total For No. Total Area Room Number Gents Staff Ladies Staff Boys Girls 13. Library (Mention number of rooms and carpet area – in Sq. feet) a) Dimension of the halls b) Reading room c) Stack room d) Reference room e) Research section f) Office g) Librarian’s Chamber h) Photo copier make and model (for student’s usage) 14. Play ground – provide details of various court and space for Athletic Events Sl. No. Purpose Court area in Sq. Feet Remarks 15. Whether drinking water facility is available, if so provide details: 16. Compound wall details: 17. Facilities available for Differently abled students/person a) Ramp facility b) Braille library for visually challenged person c) Parking facility for physically challenged person d) Barrier free access to all places 18. Fire extinguisher availability 19. Anyother facilities available 20. a) Courses in which affiliation is sought Proposed Strength Order of Priority Major Subject Allied Subject Medium Men Women b). Name of the College 21. Distance from the College Provide complete details of the Class rooms, Laboratory space earmarked for the proposed Courses along with the list of equipments, books purchased for each course separately. 22. STAFF PARTICULARS: List of Teaching Staff Members (Department wise) Sl. No. Name D.O.B. D.O.B.-Date of Birth, Qualification Designation Department D.O.J. D.O.Q.A. D.O.J.- Dt. of Joining, D.O.Q.A.-Dt. of Qualification Approval 23. Staff Salary Payment Details Sl. No. Name of the Staff Department Staff Bank A/c. No. Salary Paid per month (in Rs.) Staff Provident Fund A/c. No. 24. List of Laboratory Technicians/Attenders (Department wise) Sl. No. Name D.O.B. Qualification Designation Department D.O.J. D.O.B. - Date of Birth, D.O.J. - Date of Joining 25. Details of G.O./AICTE/NCTE approval obtained for starting the college (a copy of the same may be furnished) 26. Details of payment of fees for consideration of application DECLARATION I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and that admission of students in the College shall be made only after the affiliation is granted by the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. I also certify that the staff members are paid as per the norms of UGC/Government/University and PF/IT/Professional tax are deducted from their salary and remitted to the authorities concerned. I also declare that no capitation fee or donations of any will be collected from students/parents/guardians anyone else in consideration of admission. I also hereby declare that the Management of the college shall abide by the conditions to be prescribed by the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University while granting affiliation for the courses and from time to time there after. Place: Date : Signature of the President of the Educational Agency (with seal) Checklist of Annexures (Enclose Photostat copies only) Educational Agency Registration Certificate Title deed of the land Building Plan Approval Proof for the financial status mentioned in sec.7 Bank account transactions for the past six months INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Educational Agency shall be a registered body and copy of the bye-laws (in duplicate) shall be furnished along with the application. 2. The Consideration fee of Rs.14,000/- per UG or PG or M.Phil. and Rs.1,400/for each Certificate & Diploma course should be sent along with the application by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, payable at Tirunelveli. 3. The application for grant of fresh affiliation of college shall be taken up by the University for consideration only if a copy of the G.O./AICTE/NCTE approval permitting the Educational Agency to establish the college is produced. 4. The Endowment prescribed by the University will have to be provided by the Management in the form of Fixed Deposit in the joint names of the Secretary of the college and the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University before fresh affiliation is granted. 5. The Affiliation Fee prescribed by the University will have to be provided by the Manangement in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, payable at Tirunelveli before fresh affiliation is granted. 6. The Educational Agency shall provide in the name of the college an extent of land prescribed as a minimum in the G.O. Ms. No.356, Higher Education (E1) Dept. dt.29.09.2009 & G.O. Ms. No.40, Higher Education (E1) Dept. dt.28.02.2014. 7. Last date for submission of application (Two hard copies and one Soft copy) to this office is 31st October 2014.
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