l e h i g h v a l l e y h e a l t h n e t w o r k 19th Annual Nite Lites Gala Sponsorship Opportunities n $ 50,000 Sponsorship Four tables of 10 or two tables of 20 (premium seating), two premium journal pages (each 5” x 7.5”), sponsor listing in the journal, sponsorship of the Grand Dining Tent, special recognition at the event, framed limited edition Nite Lites print and inclusion in the Nite Lites newsletter to more than 1,300 guests n $ 35,000 Sponsorship Three tables of 12 (premium seating), two premium journal pages (5” x 7.5”), sponsorship of the Grand Dining Tent, framed limited edition Nite Lites print and inclusion in the Nite Lites newsletter to more than 1,300 guests n $ 25,000 Sponsorship Two tables of 12, one platinum journal page (5” x 7.5”), sponsorship of the Entertainment area, framed limited edition Nite Lites print and inclusion in the Nite Lites newsletter to more than 1,300 guests 5 p.m. • Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 n $ 20,000 Sponsorship One table of 20, one gold journal page (5” x 7.5”), sponsorship of the Entrance to the event n $ 15,000 Sponsorship One table of 12, one silver journal page (5” x 7.5”) and sponsorship of an area TBD n $10,000 Sponsorship One table of 10, one bronze journal page (5” x 7.5”) n $ 7,500 Sponsorship Eight reservations, one full journal page (5” x 7.5”) n $ 5,000 Sponsorship Six reservations, one-half journal page (5” x 3 ¾”) n $ 2,500 Sponsorship Four reservations and one-quarter journal page (2 ½” x 3 ¾”) n $ 1,500 Sponsorship 2 reservations and a sponsor listing in the journal Please use the response form on the next page to choose a sponsorship package. All proceeds will benefit our community through support of Lehigh Valley Health Network. Lehigh Valley Health Network is a not-for-profit tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 9482-update 11/2013 For sponsorship, reservation and event information please contact: Amy Burrows Director, Special Events Phone: 484-884-9223 Fax: 484-884-9222 E-mail: amy.burrows@lvhn.org –OR– Sandi Marsh Sr. Director, Special Events Phone: 484-884-9119 Fax: 484-884-9222 E-mail: sandra.marsh@lvhn.org l e h i g h v a l l e y h e a l t h n e t w o r k 19th Annual Nite Lites Gala Response Form 5 p.m. • Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 n $50,000 Sponsorship n $10,000 Sponsorship n $35,000 Sponsorship n $7,500 Sponsorship n $25,000 Sponsorship n $5,000 Sponsorship n $20,000 Sponsorship n $2,500 Sponsorship n $15,000 Sponsorship n $1,500 Sponsorship Name/Company______________________________________________ Authorizing Representative/Title___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________ Fax__________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________ Phone_________________________ Fax__________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________________ $125/reservation will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. nN o, we will not use our reservations. We will take a full tax deduction. Please make your check payable to Lehigh Valley Health Network and mail to the Development Department, 2100 Mack Blvd., P.O. Box 4000, Allentown, PA 18105-4000, or use charge card option below. Lehigh Valley Health Network is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Tax ID#23-1689692. Please charge $ __________ to my: n VISA n MasterCard n Discover n American Express Credit Card #________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____/______ Security Code:_______________________ This is a n personal n corporate donation. Sponsorship pledge requested by Sept. 12, 2014. Payment due in full by Sept. 19, 2014 to ensure placement in the Nite Lites Journal. n Please charge my credit card n Yes, we will use our reservations. The amount of your donation over reservations after Sept. 26, 2014. We appreciate your support and understanding. Name_____________________________________________________ n Please invoice me listed in the Nite Lites Journal) BECAUSE OF EXPENSES INCURRED, we cannot make any refunds for cancelled Follow up contact name (for guest name if different from above) n Check enclosed (Please print exactly how you want to be Month/Year Name on card________________________________________________ Phone number of cardholder_____________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________ Billing Address_______________________________________________ (if different from above) All proceeds will benefit our community through support of Lehigh Valley Health Network. For sponsorship, reservation and event information please contact: 9482-update 11/2013 Amy Burrows, Director, Special Events Phone: 484-884-9223 Fax: 484-884-9222 E-mail: amy.burrows@lvhn.org –OR– Sandi Marsh, Sr. Director, Special Events Phone: 484-884-9119 Fax: 484-884-9222 E-mail: sandra.marsh@lvhn.org
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