The Vlerick Healthcare Conference Finance & innovation in the healthcare system 6 November 2014 vlerick Campus Brussels WHY this conference? Who Will you meet? The Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre, is pleased to present the first edition of the Vlerick Healthcare Conference Expand your network and connect with the major decision-makers in healthcare: Building and expanding upon its many years of expertise in hospital management Vlerick Business School has recently set up the Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre (HMC), a European base for innovative thinking and executive education related to the management and public policy of life sciences, health care services, -technology, and -financing. The HMC will be officially opened at the annual Vlerick Healthcare Conference, The first Vlerick Healthcare Conference , entitled ‘Finance & innovation in the healthcare system’ is targeted towards professionals from healthcare and life sciences, and features distinguished speakers, a dynamic panel discussion and various networking opportunities. In alignment with the Centre’s research and executive education agenda, this will be offered via three consecutive tracks: ‘Healthcare Provider Management and Finance’, ‘Translational Medicine and Clinical Trials’ and ‘Innovation and Business Models in Healthcare’. How is this conference organised? All participants start and end the day together. After the official opening of the Vlerick Healthcare Management Research Centre, the conference will offer you three consecutive tracks, in line with the centre’s research agenda. • Top & middle management in hospitals, elderly homes, pharmacies, etc., • Medical doctors and healthcare professionals, • Professionals, managers and staff members in care organizations, • Professionals and managers in (bio)pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, • R&D experts and managers in the (bio)pharma and life sciences industry, • Professionals and consultants working in a specific part of the healthcare value chain, such as information and technology systems, medical devices, logistics providers etc. Programme 8.30AM Registration & welcome coffee 9.00AM General Welcome Prof Dr Leo Neels Chairman of the Advisory Board Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre 9.05AM Official opening Vlerick Healthcare Management Research Centre Prof Dr Philippe Haspeslagh Dean Vlerick Business School 9.20AM 11.15AM Prof Dr Walter Van Dyck Director Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre Track 1: ‘Healthcare Provider Management and Finance’ Chaired by: Prof Dr Marc Decramer Managing Director UZ Leuven Chaired by: Prof Dr Eric Mortier Managing Director UZ Gent Geert Gielens PhD, Chief Economist Belfius Bank Prof Katrien Kesteloot PhD, Financial Director UZ Leuven Track 2: ‘Translational medicine and clinical trials’ Chaired by: Dr Denis Lacombe Director Headquarters, European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Prof Dr Michel Goldman Executive Director, Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Prof Dr Lieven Annemans Senior Full Professor Health Economics, Ghent University 12.40PMLunch 2.00Pm Track 3: ‘Innovation and business models in healthcare’ Chaired by: Prof Dr Koen Kas CEO InBioVeritas Jan De Kerpel PhD MBA, Senior Equity Analyst, Pharma & Biotech KBC Securities Johan Van Helleputte Senior Vice-President Strategic Development Imec, a micro- and nanoelectronics research centre Kurt Hertogs PhD, Head Platform Innovation & Incubator Strategy, Johnson & Johnson Innovation Centre, London 3.20PMHealthcare insurance in Europe in times of austerity Jo De Cock CEO Rijksinstituut voor ziekte-en invaliditeitsverzekering (RIZIV-INAMI) 3.50PMA Research Agenda Prof Dr Walter Van Dyck Director Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre Prof Dr Brecht Cardoen Head of MINOZ research centre 4.05PMGrand Closing Prof Dr Leo Neels, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Vlerick Healthcare Management Centre 4.10PMNetworking Practical details Date & location 6 November 2014 From 8.30AM until 4.10PM, with closing drinks afterwards. Vlerick Campus Brussels Pay Parking available under the Manhattan Tower Language All sessions will be held in English. Price €495 (excl. 21% VAT), including lunch, coffee breaks & reception and all conference documentation. €415 (excl. 21% VAT) as from 3 or more registrants per company. Financial benefits for you? • SME portfolio: subsidies for Flemish SMEs • Vlerick Social Profit Grants for organisations active in the social profit sector. For more details, check: This programme is acknowledged by the Riziv for accreditation in the section ethics and economy. Registration & information You can register online: More information Astrid De Wael Vlerick Business School Reep 1, 9000 Gent 09 210 97 66 sponsors Smart solutions for clever decisions. Partners
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