Lightning: detection and protection ETH, Zürich Oct. 14th, 2011 Impact of lightning on the reliability of future power systems Prof. Mario Paolone DESL ‐ Distributed Electrical Systems laboratory École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Outline Introduction Lightning performance of distribution networks Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conclusions Outline Introduction Lightning performance of distribution networks Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conclusions Introduction The mission of modern and future power systems is to supply electric energy satisfying conflicting requirements: reliability and security of supply; Economy/rational use of energy environmental protection Massive introduction of renewables at various voltage levels. Introduction Renewable Electricity Generating Capacity Worldwide Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Renewable Energy Data Book, August 2010 Introduction Renewable Electricity Generating Capacity Worldwide Global renewable electricity installations (excluding hydropower) have more than tripled from 2000–2009. Wind and solar energy are the fastest growing renewable energy technologies worldwide. Wind and solar PV generation grew by a factor of more than 14 between 2000 and 2009. In 2009, Germany led the world in cumulative solar PV installed capacity. The United States leads the world in wind, geothermal, biomass, and CSP installed capacity. Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Renewable Energy Data Book, August 2010 Introduction Remark: mismatch between renewables location and demand Wind speed (annual avg m/s) 2010 Population density (prs/km2) Introduction Remark: mismatch between renewables location and demand Daily solar irradiation (annual avg Wh/m2) 2010 Population density (prs/km2) Introduction Impact of renewables on transmission networks: increase of transmission capacity over long distances Example: required number of lines in parallel to transmit ≈6 GW EHV and UHV AC transmission lines + straightforward integration + reliability + investments - stability - voltage control - complexity in power flow control HVDC + power flows control + transfer capacity + stability - reliability on long term Introduction Impact of renewables on transmission networks: HVDC USA future AC‐EHV and HVDC installations Europe future HVDC installations Source: J. A. Fleeman*, P.E., R. Gutman, P.E., M. Heyeck, M. Bahrman, B. Normark, “EHV AC and HVDC Transmission Working Together to Integrate Renewable Power”, Cigré ‐ Integration of Wide‐Scale Renewable Resources into the Power Delivery System, Calgary, Canada. 29 ‐ 31 July 2009 Introduction Impact of embedded generation on distribution networks the Italian example Primary substation minimum power Major issues Voltage control Secure network operation after transients subsequent to the loss of major dispersed generation and subsequent reconnection Protections and short circuit levels Detection and operation in islanding conditions 16 % of the Italian primary substations experience power flow inversions to the sub‐ transmission network (courtesy of ENEL, Italy) Introduction Remarks Transmission and distribution networks reliability is a crucial element for the integration of renewables Revamping of topics related to insulation coordination of both transmission and distribution lines Example – Cigré SC4, System technical performances Lightning protection and insulation coordination, their modeling and analysis with changing technologies (wind turbines, UHV lines, active distribution networks). Outline Introduction Lightning performance of distribution networks Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conclusions Lightning performance of distribution networks Impact of lightning on the power quality of distribution networks Sags / month / bus 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 Lightning Flash Density (flash / km2 / year) Source: E.W. Gunther and H. Metha, ‘A survey of distribution system power quality’, IEEE TPWD, 10‐1, 1995 8 Lightning performance of distribution networks Remark: the different geometry and insulation characteristics of transmission and distribution overhead lines direct or indirect lightning events differently concern the two line types: direct lightning major concern for transmission lines htl>>hdl indirect lightning major concern for distribution lines CFOtl>>CFOdl Overhead distribution lines hdl htl Overhead transmission lines Lightning performance of distribution networks The evaluation of the lightning performance of overhead distribution lines, available “standards’: IEEE Std. Guide 1410; Joint Cigré‐Cired WG C4.4.02; Inherent complexity of distribution systems: number of lines (main feeder with laterals) presence of power components (transformers, surge arresters, groundings, etc.) is well far from the straight line configuration generally adopted in the literature and in the above ‘standards’. Distribution systems insulation coordination Evaluation of the number of annual flashovers due to indirect lightning that a distribution overhead line may experience, as a function of insulation level and line construction design. Number of induced voltages with magnitude exceeding the value in abscissa/100km/yr Number of Flashovers Lightning performance of distribution networks Note: a so called ‘incidence model’ is needed To distinghish between direct and indirect LIGHTNING PERFORMANCE OF A DISTRIBUTION LINE Voltage [kV] CFO [kV] Lightning performance of distribution networks What was available within IEEE Std. 1410-2004 ? Rusck simplified formula U max 1 Z I h 1 v 0 0 1 2 y 2c 1 v 1 2 c Too simple: not adequate in many cases! v return stroke velocity Z 0 1 / 4 0 / o 30 Assumptions: a. single‐conductor b. infinitely long lines above a c. perfectly cond. ground d. step current waveshape h Zswc U' 1 sw U h Zsw 2Rg Lightning performance of distribution networks What is available within the new IEEE Std. 1410-2010 ? i(0,t) RSC i(z,t) Lightning return stroke current model i(z,t) LEMP E, B Lightning ElectroMagnetic Pulse Model E, B EMC ElectroMagnetic Coupling Model U(x,t) I(x,t) Lightning performance of distribution networks What is available within the new IEEE Std. 1410-2010 ? Single conductor line Source: A. Borghetti, C. A. Nucci, M. Paolone, “An improved procedure for the assessment of overhead line indirect lightning performance and its comparison with the IEEE Std. 1410 method”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, pp. 684-692, January 2007. Lightning performance of distribution networks Influence of groundings – spacing Single conductor line plus grounded conductor Source: A. Borghetti, C. A. Nucci, M. Paolone, “An improved procedure for the assessment of overhead line indirect lightning performance and its comparison with the IEEE Std. 1410 method”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, pp. 684-692, January 2007. 50 m 370 m Zc SW gr. point Ideal ground, Rg=0 Stroke location SW gr. point 500 m SW gr. point Zc Lightning performance of distribution networks Influence of groundings – ideal/lossy ground Single conductor line plus grounded conductor 2.2 0.52 Comparison between phase-to-ground and phase-to-grounded-wire flashover rate Comparison between phase-to-ground and phase-to-grounded-wire flashover rate curves calculated for different ground conductivity σg and grounding resistance Rg. curves calculated for different ground conductivity σg and grounding resistance Rg. (Shielding wire grounded each 200 m. A linear model is assumed for the grounding impedance of (Shielding wire grounded each 200 A linear model is wire assumed for the grounding impedance of the m. neutral or shielding ) the neutral or shielding wire ) Lightning performance of distribution networks Influence of surge arresters σg =1 mS/m Single conductor line Lightning performance of distribution networks Influence of network topology 5090 5088 5086 5084 1.3 m b 5082 2347 2349 2351 2353 Coordinate Gauss-Boaga x [km] 2355 c 10 m 5080 2345 a 10.8 m Coordinate Gauss-Boaga y [km] 5092 CFO =125 kV Lightning performance of distribution networks fl.num:30260#4 del 30/8/2007 11:23:36.407205945 -48.4 kA Influence of network topology CESI‐SIRF event n. 30260‐4 Aug. 30, 2007 Ip= ‐48.4 kA Primary 132/20 kV substation ' Ponterosso' 5091 5090 Coordinate Gauss-Boaga y (km) Experimental observations 5092 Venus 5089 Maglio 5088 5087 5086 5085 Torrate 5084 5083 5082 5081 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 Coordinate Gauss-Boaga x (km) Lightning performance of distribution networks Influence of network topology Annual number of events exceeding the value in abscissa 1.0000 straight line H-shaped network (type 1) H-shaped network (type 2) T-shaped network 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 0.0001 50 100 150 Voltage [kV] 200 250 Outline Introduction Lightning performance of distribution networks Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conclusions Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines HVDC typical configuration Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines The designer of a power system needs to know the flashover rate of an overhead power line for a selected insulation level to meet the reliability criteria set for the system. The lightning flashover rate (lightning performance of the line) is the sum of: direct strikes flashover rate; nearby strikes flashover rate (disregarded in view of TL CFO); flashover rate from failures of protective equipment. Only first strokes of negative downward flashes are generally taken into account in lightning performance studies. To predict the lightning performance one needs the knowledge of: the lightning activity (the ground flash density Ng (fl/km2/yr)); the exposure to lightning; lightning consequences. Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Exposure (i.e. lightning incidence) The models applied to calculate lightning incidence on transmission lines are based on consideration of the physical processes involved during the final stages of progression of a charged downward lightning leader (usually assumed negative) in its approach to the earth, or toward structures such as a line or transmission tower. These models, based on downward leader approach, could be divided into: conventional models electrogeometric model; more recent models leader progression model (LPM). Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conventional electrogeometric model: basic concept Single conductor overhead line of a given height h: rc: striking distances to a phase conductor; direct stroke rg: striking distances to ground; dl: lateral attractive distance of the line rc Arc I b rg Arg I nearby stroke r g k rc b rc rc rg A b k Armstrong and Whitehead 6.7 0.8 0.9 IEEE WG 10 0.65 0.55 h dl rg d l r rg h 2 c 2 Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Advanced models: leader progression model Sequential solution of the Poisson’s equation: ( 0 V P) Electric potential iso‐surfaces associated to a downward leader corresponding to a peak current of 20 kA. Downward leader at 360 m from the ground. Inception conditions for the formation of the upward leader from the earthed structure have not yet been reached. Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Lightning leader approaching ground: downward motion unperturbed unless critical field conditions develop juncture with the nearby tower, called final jump. For each electric field streamline connecting the two leaders it has determined whether the electric field exceeds the value of 500 kV/m along the overall streamline length. Peak current of 20 kA located at 23 m from the 30 m high earthed structure: electric field iso‐surfaces and streamlines. Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Shielding failure: basic concept For a specific value of stroke current, arcs of radii rc are drawn from the phase conductors and from the shield wires with the horizontal line at a distance rg from the earth. A shielding failure is a stroke that terminates on a phase conductor, in spite of the presence of overhead ground wires. The flash collection rate is: Dc Dg N s 2 N g L [ Dg ( I ) Dc ( I )] f ( I )dI I min Integrating only the exposure area of the phase conductors, we obtain the shielding failure rate (SFR) rc I max SFR 2 N g L Dc f I dI rc I min Where: Imin is the minimum lightning current (2 or 3 kA); Imax is the maximum current at and above which no stroke will terminate on the phase conductor. rg Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Shielding failure flashover rate: SFFOR If the voltage E is set to the CFO, negative polarity, then the critical current Ic, at and above which flashover occurs. The initial condition of the HVDC could be taken into account into the estimation of Ic. Therefore SFFOR is: SFFOR 2N g L I max Ic Dc f I dI Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Shielding failure on HVDC: experimental observations Source: Hengxin He, Junjia He, Zhang, D., Li Ding, Zhenglong Jiang, Cheng Wang, Huisheng Ye, “Experimental Study on Lighting Shielding Performance of ±500 kV HVDC Transmission Lines”, 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2009). Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Shielding failure on HVDC: experimental observations Source: Hengxin He, Junjia He, Zhang, D., Li Ding, Zhenglong Jiang, Cheng Wang, Huisheng Ye, “Experimental Study on Lighting Shielding Performance of ±500 kV HVDC Transmission Lines”, 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2009). Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Shielding failure on HVDC: experimental observations Remark: it seems that the applied DC voltage on the polar conductor, as well as its polarity, plays a role into the upward streamer inception criterion and, therefore, into the attachment process. Source: Hengxin He, Junjia He, Zhang, D., Li Ding, Zhenglong Jiang, Cheng Wang, Huisheng Ye, “Experimental Study on Lighting Shielding Performance of ±500 kV HVDC Transmission Lines”, 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2009). Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Back flashover: basic concepts When lightning strikes the tower (or the OHGWs), the current on the tower and ground impedances causes the rise of the tower voltage. A small fraction of the tower and shield wires voltage is induced in the phase conductors due to the electromagnetic coupling, nevertheless the tower and shield wires voltage becomes greater then phase conductors voltage. If the voltage exceeds the line CFO, flashover occurs called back flash or back flashover and the corresponding minimum lightning current that produces such a flashover is called critical current. The term “back” refers to the fact that the highest voltage is on a part of the power system normally at ground potential. Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Estimation of the backflash rate Use of the Electromagnetic Transient Program The calculation of the critical current Ic by means of EMTP‐like programs allows to take in account: waveshape of the current source; flashover criteria in the form of volt‐time characteristics; transmission line models including all line conductors (em‐coupling); representation of the soil ionization; frequency dependent grounding models; surge arresters; representation of all the power system components; For HVDC: For HVDC: conductors potential (pre‐lightning DC voltage status); conductors potential (pre‐lightning DC voltage status); frequency dependency of input impedance of HVDC power electronics. frequency dependency of input impedance of HVDC power electronics. Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Calculation of the backflashover rate (BFR) The BFR is the probability of exceeding the critical current multiplied by the number of flashes to the line NL. However, since the crest voltage and the CFO are both functions of the time‐to‐crest tf of the lightning current, the critical current previously determined is variable. Therefore, the BFR considering all the possible time‐to‐crest values is: BFR 0.6N L 0 Ic I fl f f t f dIdt f tf 100km yr Where f(I/tf) is the conditional probability density function of the stroke current given the time‐to‐crest and f(tf) is the probability function of the time‐to‐crest. Note: in order to obtain the BFR for strokes to the tower and stroke and to the spans, the BFR obtained for strokes to the tower is multiplied by a coefficient, equal to 0.6 [Hileman, 1999] Outline Introduction Lightning performance of distribution networks Lightning impact on HVDC overhead transmission lines Conclusions Conclusions Renewables integration is increasing the need of electrical network reliability revamping of the studies on insulation coordination of T&D systems. Distribution: advanced models integrated into international standard for the evaluation of lightning performance taking into account realistic network configurations. Transmission with HVDC: inherent characteristics influence the lightning performance need of more research on attachment process and relevant analytical formulation; high frequency models for line terminations.
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