FOR SALE DECADES, COACH & HORSES & CHAPLINS CONSETT DH8 5AB RATING We understand from the Valuation Office Agency that the Rateable Value is as follows: Decades: Chaplins: Coach & Horses: £17,250 £21,800 £12,250 Accordingly interested parties should verify the actual figure payable with the Local Rating Authority. PRICES • 3 established trading leisure units • Main circuit location • Offers invited in the region of £550,000 • Subject to Contract LOCATION The premises are located in a prominent position on Front Street in the Town Centre of Consett. Front Street is considered the main leisure circuit in the area of Consett which is situated approximately 12 miles south west of Newcastle upon Tyne, 11 miles north west of Durham City and some 8 miles west of the A1(M). The properties are available as a portfolio with offers invited in the region of £550,000, subject to contract, for the benefit of our client’s leasehold interests. Alternatively our client may consider selling the business separately. Further information available upon request. VAT All figures quoted are deemed to be exclusive of VAT. ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE EPC ratings as follows; Decades Band D, Chaplins Band E and Coach & Horses Band C. A full copy of the EPC’s are available for inspection if required. DESCRIPTION COSTS There are three separate premises which are currently utilised as two trading bars and an established nightclub in Consett Town Centre. Each party to bear their own costs incurred in this transaction. All three properties benefit from consistent trade and there is potential to increase income going forward. Trading accounts are available upon request. SERVICES We are informed that the property is connected to all mains services including gas, drainage, electricity and water. Prospective tenants should make their enquiries as to the state of the current supply of such services. KMM/132034 UPDATED OCTOBER 2014 VIEWING Strictly by appointment with the Commercial Department of Sanderson Weatherall, contact: Kevin McGorie 0191 269 0174 Mark Convery 0191 269 0103 mark.convery@sw, 22-24 Grey Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6AD 0191 261 2681 Fax 0191 261 4761 BRISTOL LEEDS LONDON MANCHESTER NEWCASTLE TEESSIDE Chartered surveyors and property consultants Note: For conditions under which particulars are issued see over Properties located all within a 100m stretch on Front Street, Consett OCTOBER 2014 Misrepresentation Act 1967: Messrs Sanderson Weatherall LLP for itself and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: 1) These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract; 2) None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the properties are to be relied on as statements of representations of fact; 3) Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars; 4) The vendor(s) or lessors(s) do not make or give and neither Messrs Sanderson Weatherall LLP nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property; 5) None of the building’s services or service installations (whether these be the specific responsibility of the freeholder, lessor or lessee) have been tested and are not warranted to be in working order. Finance Act 1989: Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008: Every reasonable effort has been made by Sanderson Weatherall to ensure accuracy and to check the facts contained in these particulars are complete. Interested parties are strongly advised to take appropriate steps to verify by independent inspection or enquiry all information for themselves and to take appropriate professional advice. Sanderson Weatherall LLP Registered in England company number OC 344 770 Registered Office 25 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 4WG
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