BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M A R T I N C O U N T Y, F L O R I D A C O U NTY A D MIN I S TRATO R ’S M O N TH LY RE PO RT OCTOBER 8, 2014 M O N T H LY R E P O RT OCT OB E R 8 , 2 01 4 A N I N T R OD U C T I ON TO T H I S R E P ORT This is the monthly report by the County Administrator to the Board of County Commissioners providing information about the progress and successes of County activities. The report details projects by Commission District and also contains progress updates on activities of interest to all Districts and Commissioners. Please note that this report is a companion to other publications, such as the Parks and Recreation Department Monthly Report and the Capital Projects Update. If you have any questions regarding this report, please direct them to the Office of the County Administrator by calling (772) 288-5677 or e-mail TA B L E O F C ON T E N T S District 1 ..........................................................................................D1-1 District 1: Engineering/Utilities Projects ............................................ D1-1 District 1: Development Applications in Review ................................. D1-1 District 2 ..........................................................................................D2-1 District 2: Engineering/Utilities Projects ............................................ D2-1 District 2: Development Applications in Review ................................. D2-1 District 3 ..........................................................................................D3-4 District 3: Florida Department of Transportation Projects .................. D3-1 District 3: Engineering/Utilities Projects ............................................ D3-1 District 3: Development Applications in Review ................................. D3-2 District 4: Upcoming Meetings & Events in District 3 ...................... D3-4 District 4 ..........................................................................................D4-1 District 4: Engineering/Utilities Projects ............................................ D4-1 District 4: Development Applications in Review ................................. D4-1 District 5 ..........................................................................................D5-2 District 5: Florida Department of Transportation Projects .................. D5-1 District 5: Engineering/Utilities Projects ............................................ D5-1 District 5: Development Applications in Review ................................. D5-2 District 5: Upcoming Meetings & Events in District 5 ...................... D5-3 Fiscal Year Budget Status Report ...................................................... MC-1 COUNTY ADMI NISTRATOR’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 COMMISSION DISTRICT REPORTS DISTRICT 1 Honorable Doug Smith, Commissioner District 1 Includes Northeast Martin County: Hutchinson Island, Jensen Beach, North River Shores, Ocean Breeze Park, Rio, Sewall's Point and sections of the City of Stuart. D I S T R I C T 1 : E N G I N E E R I N G /U T I L I T I E S P R OJ E C T S Ocean Breeze – Roadway improvements/beautification including traffic calming and drainage improvements on Indian River Drive in Ocean Breeze. Status: Project was awarded to Lynch Paving. Contact: Ken Vreeland, Engineering, 288-5927 US 1 Bus Shelters – Construction of 15 Bus Shelters in Martin County, St. Lucie County, and the City of Port St. Lucie. Five of the Bus Shelters will be constructed in Martin County. Status: Preliminary Design and 30% Construction Drawings have been reviewed and 60% Construction Drawings are in progress. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 DISTRICT 1: DEVELOPM ENT APPLICATIONS IN REVIEW Langford Landing – Request for final site plan approval for the Langford landing project consisting of 60 single-family lots on approximately 53.33 acres, located south of NE Palmer Street and east of NE Sago Drive in Rio. Included in the application is a request for a certificate of public facilities reservation. Status: Application entered 10/31/13. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Pisani, Robert J. – Request for a variance to reduce the setback requirements of Article 3, Zoning Districts, LDRs, Martin County Code, specifically the centerline setback requirements of Section 3.16.C.1b, to permit the construction of a single-family residential dwelling on the vacant subject lot located at 1042 MacArthur Boulevard in Stuart. Status: Application entered 6/24/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Stuart Harbor – Request for major master site plan approval for a mixed-use project bounded by SR 707 on the north, the St. Lucie River (South Fork) on the south, NE Martin Avenue on the west and NE Glass Drive on the east encompassing approximately 11.64 areas; also requesting major final site plan approval for phase 1 of the project which will consist of approximately 20,000 square feet of retail, 25 multi-family residential units, 8,000 square feet of office and 149 parking spaces. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Status: Application entered 5/15/14 (master) and 5/12/14 (final). Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Treasure Coast Square Mall-Rooms to Go – Request for a revised PUD final for Rooms to Go to expand the existing building by approximately 10,200 sf and the addition of 7 parking spaces in front of the building. An additional 44 parking spaces are proposed on the outparcel adjacent to the south. The two subject parcels are approximately 2.8 and .65 acres in size and are located on the easterly portion of the Treasure Coast Square Mall property between Federal Highway and Mall Circle. Status: Application entered 3/17/14. In post-approval processing. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 West Jensen PUD Phase 1B (Aldi Supermarket) – Request for PUD final site plan approval for a proposed 17,169 sf Aldi supermarket with associated parking and infrastructure on approximately 2.01 acres. The undeveloped site is located approximately 600 ft south of the intersection of Westmoreland Boulevard and US 1 on the west side of US 1 within the West Jensen PUD. Status: Application entered 4/24/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Wigley Office Building – Request for revised minor final site plan approval to increase the parking and upgrade the existing driveway. The project is located at 882 NE Jensen Beach Boulevard. Status: Application entered 6/13/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 DISTRICT 2 Honorable Ed Fielding, Commissioner District 2 Includes: East Martin County, Stuart and East Stuart. D I S T R I C T 2 : E N G I N E E R I N G /U T I L I T I E S P R OJ E C T S Health Department/Sailfish Splash Bus Shelters – Construction of two bus shelters on Willoughby Boulevard at the Martin County Health Department/Sailfish Splash Waterpark. Status: Construction drawings and bid package is complete. The project will be put out for bids in Octoberand construction is scheduled to begin in late November. This is an FTA Grant-funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 Martin Memorial Hospital-IRSC Bus Shelters – Construction of two bus shelters at Martin Memorial Hospital-IRSC. Status: Bids were received, the bus shelter structures are being ordered and fabricated, and on site construction is scheduled to start in December. This is an FTA Grant-funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 SR-76/I-95 – I-95 interchange improvements at SR-76 (SW Kanner Highway) to include widening of SR-76 and other intersection improvements. Status: Construction is anticipated to begin in November 2014. Contact: Bobby Byrd, Engineering, 288-5927 Willoughby Boulevard Extension – A two-lane extension of Willoughby from Monterey Road to US 1. Status: Right of way acquisition in progress. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 D I S T R I C T 2 : D E V E L OP M E N T A P P L I C A T I O N S I N R E V I E W Alexander, Dale – Request an administrative variance for a pool encroachment of .78 feet or 9 inches into the side setbacks. The property is located at 3332 Inlet Harbor Terrace in Stuart. Status: Application entered 5/28/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Bayley Products Inc. – Request for a zoning change from Category “C” R-3A zoning district to a Category “A” Waterfront Resort Commercial (WRC) zoning district. Status: Application entered 2/4/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 C&C RV Resort – Request for a timetable extension with concurrency review. Status: Application entered 2/26/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Delaplane Preserve – Request for major final site plan approval to for a six-space shellrock parking area off Gaines Avenue. At the riverfront, proposed improvements are a kayak launch and reconstruction of an existing wood dock. Status: Application entered 9/19/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRAT OR’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Kanner Business Park – Requesting plat approval to record a plat consisting of a four-lot commercial subdivision containing 9.171 acres of land. The minimum lot size is .80 acres. The property is zoned GD (General Commercial). The parcel is located at the northwest corner of SW Kanner Highway and SW Gaines Avenue. Status: Application entered 6/17/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Kanner Business Park – Requesting a timetable extension to the May 23, 2013 Development Order for minor final site plan approval for a four-lot commercial subdivision on a 8.958 acre site at the intersection of Gaines Avenue and Kanner Highway. Status: Application entered 5/28/14. Application withdrawn. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Lost River Addition – Request for major site plan approval to construct 39 single-family homes (3.4 units per acre). The property consists of a 11.5-acre parcel located on the east side of I-95 and Lost River Road, north of the SR 76/I-95 interchange. Status: Application entered 1/21/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Osprey Ridge – Request to amend the Osprey Ridge PUD zoning agreement and revise the approved 17-lot PUD master and final site plan by splitting lots 1 and 13 into two additional lots which will increase the number of lots to 19. The development is located on the west side of S Kanner Highway approximately 2,000 feet south of SE Pomeroy Street in Stuart. Status: Application entered 2/10/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Racetrac – Request for minor final site plan approval for a 5,928 sf gas station with 20 fueling stations and associated parking and utilities on a 2.4-acre parcel located on the west side of Kanner Highway, between SE Salerno Road and SW Gaines Avenue. Status: Application entered 7/3/13. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 River Glen – Request to replat a portion of Tract A within the plat of River Glen. The replat is necessary to reflect the revised building locations and to allow the fee simple conveyance of the individual townhome units. All required infrastructure for the project has been completed and inspected by the County. The property is located on SW Lost River Road on the east side of I-95 and immediately north of the Marriott Hotel. Status: Application entered 7/10/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Sailfish Marina Stealth Communications Tower – Request for approval of a revised major master and final site plan to add a stealth communications tower. Status: Application entered 2/4/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Shulman, Arthur and Anne – Request for a zoning district change from A-1 to RM-5. The property consists of a 11.5-acre parcel located on the east side of I-95 and Lost River Road, north of the SR-76/I-95 interchange. Status: Application entered 2/4/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Tamagni, Henry and Judith – Request for a variance to reduce the setback requirements of Article 3, Zoning Districts, LDRs, Martin County Code for the WE-1 Waterfront Estates District to permit the existing and proposed improvements on the subject lot located at 3342 SE Inlet Harbor Trail in the Inlet Harbor subdivision in Stuart. Status: Application entered 9/25/14. Application process complete. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Willoughby PUD/DRI Parcel U Phase 3E – Request for revised PUD zoning and master approval to develop the site with one and two story buildings consisting of assisted living and memory care residents. The project is located at the intersection of Willoughby Boulevard and Pomeroy Street; also requesting revised PUD final site plan approval. Status: Application entered 3/11/14 (zoning/master) and 6/25/14 (final). Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 DISTRICT 3 Honorable Anne Scott, Commissioner District 3 Includes Southern Martin County: Hobe Sound, South County, a portion of Tequesta and Indiantown. D I S T R I C T 3 : F L O R I DA D E P T. OF T R A N S P ORTA T I O N P RO J E C T S Big John Monahan Bridge – Street lighting will be installed along Big John Monahan Bridge on SR 710/Warfield Boulevard from SW Trail Drive to east of the entrance ramps to SR 76/Kanner Highway. Construction cost is $337,659.30 and completion is expected in early 2015. Status: Intermittent lane closures may occur between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm for light pole installation on the bridge. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 Rest Area and Weigh-in-Motion Station Improvements – This project consists of the reconstruction of the exit ramps at the northbound and southbound rest areas in Martin County, the restriping of the northbound and southbound rest areas in St. Lucie County, and the restriping of the northbound and southbound weigh-inmotion stations in Martin County. The approximate locations are as follows: Martin County Rest Areas, 3 miles south of SR 714/Exit 110; St. Lucie County Rest Areas, 2 miles north of SR 68/Exit 131; the northbound Martin County Weigh-in-Motion Station, 4 miles south of Bridge Road/Exit 96; and the southbound Martin County Weigh-in-Motion Station, 2 miles north of SR 714/Exit 110. Construction cost is $786,542 and completion is expected in spring 2015. Status: All lanes are currently open. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 SR 710/Beeline Highway – Ten-mile project consisting of widening the existing two-lane roadway from east of the FEC railway crossing to east of SW Fox Brown Road to add two 1.5-mile passing lane segments, one in each direction. Other improvements include milling and resurfacing of the existing lanes and construction of new shoulders, guardrail installation and drainage modifications. Construction cost is $6.92 million and completion is expected in early 2016. Status: Intermittent lane closures on SR 710 may occur Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm for maintenance repairs. A flag crew will maintain two-way traffic. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 D I S T R I C T 3 : E N G I N E E R I N G /U T I L I T I E S P R OJ E C T S Bridge Road Bike Lanes and Resurfacing – Add bike lanes and resurface Bridge Road from Kanner Highway to Pratt Whitney Road. Status: 100% Construction Drawings are complete. FDOT Plan review is in progress. Construction is scheduled for July 2016. This is an FDOT grant-funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 Bridge Road Sidewalk – Sidewalk project on Bridge Road from Flora Avenue to Plandome Drive. Status: Construction Drawings are 90% complete. Construction is on hold pending a funding source. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Hobe Sound Drawbridge – Painting and restoration of the Hobe Sound Bascule Bridge over the Intercoastal Waterway located on Bridge Road. Status: Painting/construction is approximately 90% complete. The bridge may be closed to vehicle traffic at night three or four times during the project. Night-time bridge closures are currently scheduled for 10/12, 10/13, 10/14, 10/15 and 10/16. The project is anticipated to be substantially complete by October 31. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 Hobe Sound Town Center (f/k/a Bridge Road Improvements) – CRA streetscape project on Bridge Road between US 1 and Dixie Highway including on-street parking, landscaping, .and underground utilities. Status: 90% Drawings have been submitted. Property acquisition in progress. Utility coordination for placing FPL power lines underground has been designed and is ready for relocation later this year. Limits of scope for street-scaping is being determined with the remaining budget. Contact: George Dzama, Engineering, 288-5927 Indiantown Connector Sidewalks – Installation of missing links of sidewalk on: SW Manatee Street; SW Martin Avenue; SW Okeechobee Drive; SW Little Indian Avenue; SW Seminole Drive; SW Cherokee Drive; SW Shawnee Avenue; SW Johnston Avenue; SW Lee Avenue; SW Yalaha Street; SW Chickee Street; SW Tigertail Court; SW Trail Drive; SW Seminole Drive; SW 151st Street; and SW Osceola Street in Indiantown. Project to be funded with FDOT Safe Routes to Schools grant. Status: In design and permitting phase. Plans are currently at 80%. Construction anticipated to begin in the spring of 2015. Contact: Ken Vreeland, Engineering, 288-5927 Kitching Creek – This stormwater project is one of three measures to redirect flows of Kitching Creek back to their historic flowways. Work consists of installation of culverts, berms, and control structures under and south of Bridge Road to restore flows and rehydrate wetlands. Status: Excavation of the lake is 60% complete. Hauling of the material/debris to the old South County Landfill site continues. Drainage work, including a road crossing and subsequent road closure on 138th Street, will commence later this month. Project is currently on schedule to be complete by May 2015. Contact: George Dzama/Greg Nolte, Engineering, 220-7114 Pratt Whitney Road – Add bike lanes and resurface Pratt Whitney Road from Kanner Highway to south Martin County line. Status: 100% Construction Drawings are complete. Site reviews and approvals from SFWMD and ACOE staff are completed. FDOT Plan review is also complete. Construction is scheduled for July 2015. This is an FDOT grant funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 SE Island Way – Road widening work on SE Island Way to add turn lanes into SE Red Root Way and adding sidewalk along the west side of the road. Status: Work is underway. Contact: Aaron Stanton, Engineering, 288-5927 D I S T R I C T 3 : D E V E L OP M E N T A P P L I C A T I O N S I N R E V I E W Crystal Cove – Requesting revised minor final site plan approval to allow for the construction of a three story multi-family apartment building consisting of 20 residential units with parking on the ground floor underneath the proposed building. The 2.16 acre subject property is located on the east side of US-1, along the Intracoastal. Status: Application entered 5/20/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Dorta, Carlos and Lisa – Request for a variance to reduce the setback requirements of Article 3, Zoning Districts, LDRs, Martin County Code for the HR-1 Single-Family Residential District to permit the construction of a single-family dwelling and appropriate accessory structures on Lot 69, Treasure Cove, according to the map or plat thereof. The subject lot located on the north side of SE Mangrove Street approximately 950 feet east of the intersection of SE Gomez Avenue in Hobe Sound. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Status: Application entered 9/25/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Floridian Natural Gas Storage – Request for an administrative amendment to the approved final site plan. The primary change to the storage tank area is the reduction in height of the first storage tank from 175 feet to 102 feet. The primary change to the administration complex is the elimination of several buildings, parking spaces and other impervious areas. The project is located on SR 710 west of Indiantown. Status: Application entered 2/27/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Indiantown Commerce and Technology Park PUD – Request for a timetable extension with concurrency for Indiantown Commerce and Technology Park PUD. The property is located adjacent to the west side of the CSX railroad and SR 710 and north of the Booker Park community in Indiantown; also a request for an administrative amendment to make minor revisions to the approved construction plans. Status: Application entered 4/3/14 (ext) and 10/2/14 (adm). Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Jupiter Hills Club Driving Range – Request for Minor Revised Final Site Plan approval for a proposed 2,700 sq. ft. golf training facility on the existing Jupiter Hills Club driving range. The subject property is approximately 20.6 acres and located adjacent to the west side of Federal Highway (US1) north of the Martin County boundary with the Village of Tequesta. Status: Application entered 5/16/14. Under review. Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Jupiter Pointe – Request for a rezoning of a 2.7-acre parcel of land from WRC to WGC. The parcel is located on SE Federal Hwy in Hobe Sound. The property is bordered on the west by SE Federal Hwy, on the north by Blowing Rocks Marina, on the east by the Intracoastal Waterway, and on the south by Jupiter Pointe Marina. Status: Application entered 4/4/13. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Jupiter Pointe Resort – Request approval of a revised major master site plan for an expansion to the existing Jupiter Pointe Marina. The proposed expansion is to add a new hotel with 54 units in the main building, a new accessory attached restaurant building and a modification of the previously approved club building. The project is located at 18701 SE Federal Highway in Hobe Sound. Status: Application entered 10/14/13. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Olympia Plaza – Request for a non-administrative timetable extension with concurrency. The property is located on the east side of US 1, north of Bridge Road in Hobe Sound. Status: Application entered 2/26/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Pennock Preserve PUD Phase 1 – Request for approval of a revised final site plan for Phase 1 as per the pending 3rd Amendment to Pennock Preserve PUD that includes a revised master plan and phasing plan. The project is located on SE Island Way which extends from southern Martin County into Palm Beach County. Status: Application entered 6/4/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Pennock Preserve PUD 3rd Amendment – Request for approval of the third amendment to the PUD agreement that includes a revised master plan and phasing plan. The project is located on SE Island Way which extends from southern Martin County into Palm Beach County. Status: Application entered 10/15/13. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Seabranch/US-1 – Request for major development final site plan approval for 194 multiple-family units consisting of 66 townhomes within eleven 2-story buildings and 128 condominium units within four 3-story buildings. The subject property is 33.6 acres in size and is located on the east side of Federal Highway (US1) at the intersection of Seabranch Boulevard and Federal Highway between Port Salerno and Hobe Sound. Status: Application entered 7/1/13. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Trailwinds Tower – Request for major final site plan approval to construct a 120-foot tall camouflaged facility to accommodate multiple four service providers. The proposed co-location telecommunications facility is to be located on a 4.25-acre parcel on SW Pratt Whitney Road; also a mandatory rezoning from A-1 to RE-2A for property located at SW Pratt-Whitney Road. Status: Application entered 2/5/14 (final) and 7/8/14 (rezoning). Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Village Square Two – This is an application for a commercial, minor development Final Site Plan approval to construct a single-story 1,745 sf coffee shop with a drive through facility and a detached single-story 3,167 sf building with one or two tenants. The subject property is approximately 1.03 acres and is located at 15935 SW Warfield Boulevard. The site is vacant other than an existing building currently occupied by the Indiantown Chamber of Commerce. Status: Application entered 7/22/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS IN DISTRICT 3 Hobe Sound Neighborhood Advisory Committee Date: Wednesday, October 22 at 6:00 pm Location: Hobe Sound Community Center, 8980 SE Olympus Street, Hobe Sound Contact: Community Development, 288-5495 Indiantown Neighborhood Advisory Committee Date: Wednesday, October 8 at 6:00 pm Location: Indiantown Civic Center, 15675 SW Osceola Street, Indiantown Contact: Community Development, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 DISTRICT 4 Honorable Sarah Heard, Commissioner District 4 Includes East, Lower Central Martin County: Port Salerno and Tropical Farms. D I S T R I C T 4 : E N G I N E E R I N G /U T I L I T I E S P R OJ E C T S Kanner Highway Utilities – Design and construction of adjustments to remove existing water mains and reclaimed mains to allow widening of existing Kanner Highway (SR-76) roadway bridge across the South Fork of the St. Lucie River. Status: Design is 90% complete. Working with the Engineer and Parks Department on design of pipelines. DEP permit has been receive and are waiting on the ACOE permit. Additional design required due to conflicts involving the DOT project. Contact: Jim Christ, Utilities, 320-3034 Salerno Road Sewer Enhancement – Sanitary sewer and streetscape project on Salerno Road between Commerce Avenue, and on Railway Avenue between Salerno Road and Seaward Street. The project will include sanitary sewer improvements, on-street parking and landscaping. This project is a CRA project that is being managed by Capital Projects. Status: 30% Construction Drawings are being reviewed. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 SR-76/I-95 – I-95 interchange improvements at SR-76 (SW Kanner Highway) to include widening of SR-76 and other intersection improvements. Status: Design is 90% complete. Construction is anticipated to begin in September 2014. Contact: Bobby Byrd, Engineering, 288-5927 D I S T R I C T 4 : D E V E L OP M E N T A P P L I C A T I O N S I N R E V I E W Coastal Health Park PUD Parcels C & D – Request for revised final site plan approval for a building addition of approximately 8,885 sf to increase the building area from 49,141 sf to 58,026 sf. The parking will be expanded from 120 paved spaces to 160 paved spaces. The property is located on SE Community Drive within the Coastal Health Park PUD. Status: Application entered 9/26/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Ocean Master (f/k/a Andy’s Truck) – Request for revised final site plan approval to expand the existing industrial building for the purpose of incorporating a marine manufacturing use. The project is located at 8751 SW Old Kansas Avenue. Status: Application entered 7/2/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Summerfield PUD Phase VI – Request for PUD final site plan approval for a 13-lot single-family subdivision on approximately 7 acres. The project is located on SE Summerfield Way at the project’s entrance on US-1 and is the final phase of Summerfield PUD. Status: Application entered 5/12/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 DISTRICT 5 Honorable John Haddox, Commissioner District 5 Includes Western Martin County: Palm City, and sections of Indiantown. D I S T R I C T 5 : F L O R I DA D E P T. OF T R A N S P ORTA T I O N P RO J E C T S Big John Monahan Bridge – Street lighting will be installed along Big John Monahan Bridge on SR 710/Warfield Boulevard from SW Trail Drive to east of the entrance ramps to SR 76/Kanner Highway. Construction cost is $337,659.30 and completion is expected in early 2015. Status: Intermittent lane closures may occur between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm for light pole installation on the bridge. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 Rest Area and Weigh-in-Motion Station Improvements – This project consists of the reconstruction of the exit ramps at the northbound and southbound rest areas in Martin County, the restriping of the northbound and southbound rest areas in St. Lucie County, and the restriping of the northbound and southbound weigh-inmotion stations in Martin County. The approximate locations are as follows: Martin County Rest Areas, 3 miles south of SR 714/Exit 110; St. Lucie County Rest Areas, 2 miles north of SR 68/Exit 131; the northbound Martin County Weigh-in-Motion Station, 4 miles south of Bridge Road/Exit 96; and the southbound Martin County Weigh-in-Motion Station, 2 miles north of SR 714/Exit 110. Construction cost is $786,542 and completion is expected in spring 2015. Status: All lanes are currently open. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 CR 714/Martin Highway – This 1.879-mile widening project, extending from west of Mapp Road to west of the Florida’s Turnpike entrance, consists of adding one-lane in each direction and constructing a raised median with access points throughout the corridor. Additional improvements include: constructing an 8’ sidewalk and a 5’ bike lane on both sides of the roadway; milling and resurfacing of existing lanes; drainage improvements including building two retention ponds; sound wall installation at Sunset Trace; replacing the box culvert at Danforth Creek; and signage, signalization, landscape and lighting improvements. Construction cost is $15.7 million and completion is expected in fall 2016. Status: All lanes are currently open. Contact: FDOT, 489-7064 D I S T R I C T 5 : E N G I N E E R I N G /U T I L I T I E S P R OJ E C T S Citrus Boulevard Bike Lanes and Resurfacing – Add bike lanes and resurface Citrus Boulevard from SR 714 (Martin Highway) to Hemmingway Estates. Status: 100% Construction Drawings are complete. FDOT Plan review is in progress. Construction is scheduled for July 2015. This is an FDOT grant-funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 High Meadows Avenue Bike Lanes and Resurfacing – Add bike lanes and resurface High Meadows Avenue from SR 714 (Martin Highway) to Murphy Road. Status: Design Survey work is in progress. Construction is scheduled for January 2019. This is an FDOT grantfunded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Mapp Road Town Center – Multi-way boulevard with the center portion of the right of way containing the roadway and bike lanes. A tree-lined median will be provided on the outside center of the roadway to provide separation for side access lanes with parallel parking and sidewalks. The project is being designed to incorporate stormwater treatment modules within the existing right of way. This is intended to reduce off-site construction and maintenance costs. Status: Design and engineering of the multi-way boulevard is in progress. The 50% Construction Drawings submittal has been received and reviewed. The engineer is now preparing the 90% Construction Drawings. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 Martin Highway and CR 609 Resurfacing – Resurfacing of Martin Highway from I-95 to Fox Brown Road and resurfacing of CR 609 from Martin Highway to the north County line. Status: 90% Construction Drawings are complete. Construction is scheduled for July 2016. This is an FDOT grant-funded project. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 Murphy Road Bridge Replacement – Replacement of bridge on Murphy Road at the C-23 Canal. Status: 100% Construction Drawings have been approved. Permitting is complete. Construction has been deferred until funding is available. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 SW Martin Highway/CR 714 – Utility relocation work associated with FDOT’s road widening project on SW Martin Highway, between the Florida Turnpike and SW Mapp Road. Status: Work is underway and will necessitate intermittent lane closures between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on weekdays. Advanced utility work is expected to be complete in September. After utility work is complete, roadway widening work is expected to begin. Contact: Paul Bangs, Engineering, 288-5927 SW Martin Highway/CR 714 – Work to replace median trees as required by warranty. Status: Intermittent left lane closures on SW Martin Highway may occur on beginning September 15 between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. Work is expected to be complete by September 19. No lane closures will occur on Veterans Memorial Bridge. Contact: Darrell Wright, Engineering/Field Ops, 288-5927 Timer Powers Park Arena – Revision of the arena layout to include a roof structure with auxiliary facilities and connection to public utilities. Status: Project has been funded to construct the arena cover with lighting, a new restroom, replacement of the existing septic system, connection to Public Water Supply and new bleachers. The awarded contractor for the building construction is Ahrens Companies and the awarded contractor for the water main extension to the park is Underground Construction Management, Inc. Construction is anticipated to being this month after the annual rodeo event. The project is expected to be complete in May 2015. Contact: George Dzama, Engineering, 288-5927 D I S T R I C T 5 : D E V E L OP M E N T A P P L I C A T I O N S I N R E V I E W Florida Superior Sand – Request for final site plan approval for a 47-acre lake with a 7-acre processing and stockpiling area. It also includes a construction trailer/weigh station with potable water and wastewater service via well and septic system, along with a 5,160 sf site for a storage shed. The property is located west of I-95 and south of SR 714. Status: Application entered 7/12/12. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 The Floridian Golf Club – Requesting final site plan approval for Phase 3 which includes 18 riverfront lots with river frontage including the construction of the upland retaining wall and creation of shoreline protection zone easements that require restoration with native plant species. The final site plan application for Phase 3 includes a request to obtain a certification of public facilities reservation. Status: Application entered 5/19/14. Under review. COUNTY ADMINISTRATO R’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Contact: Catherine Riiska, Senior Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Hartfield, Anthony and Patricia – Request for an administrative variance for property located at 1975 SW Oakridge Road in Palm City. Status: Application entered 6/30/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Lenhoff, Walter and Kristen – Request for an administrative variance for Lot 25, Hammock Creek, 4433 SW Long Bay Drive. Status: Application entered 6/13/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Loggerhead – Request for minor final site plan approval for 13 single-family lots with a minimum width of 50 feet and depths that range from 103 feet on the east up to 249 feet on the west side of the parcel. Status: Application entered 6/13/14. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Martin Downs PUD/DRI Business Park – Request for revised PUD zoning, master and final site plan approval on a project that is located at the intersection of SW Corporate Parkway and SW Armellini Avenue within the Martin Downs Business Park. The applicant is proposing to repurpose the existing two-story 30,000 sf office building and construct two wings totaling an additional 35,000 sf of building area. The applicant is also requesting a land use amendment from industrial to limited commercial to allow the conversion of the existing building from a professional office building to an 88-bed assisted living facility. Status: Application entered 1/21/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Martingale Commons (f/k/a Palm City 95 PUD) – Request for approval of a commercial PUD final site plan to enable the 10-lot subdivision to be platted and lots sold to final end users. Final site plan will allow construction of the road infrastructure and streetscape, swales, and lake and utility treatment plant site. The property is located on the southeast corner of the I-95 and SR 714 interchange in Palm City. The subject property is located within the Expressway Oriented Transient Commercial Service Center Land Use Overlay. Status: Application entered 7/12/12. Under review. Contact: Nicki van Vonno, Director, Growth Management, 288-5495 Osprey Ridge – Request to amend the Osprey Ridge PUD zoning agreement and revise the approved 17-lot PUD master and final site plan by splitting lots 1 and 13 into two additional lots which will increase the number of lots to 19. The development is located on the west side of S Kanner Highway approximately 2,000 feet south of SE Pomeroy Street in Stuart. Status: Application entered 2/10/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Palm Cove Golf and Yacht Club PUD – Request for approval of a revised PUD final site plan to make improvements to the existing tennis courts located within Parcel 18 of the Palm Cove Golf and Yacht Club. Status: Application entered 1/16/14. Under review. Contact: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 Sands Commerce Center I – Request for an administrative amendment to provide additional parking spaces to a light industrial center on SW 42nd Avenue in western Palm City. The owner is proposing to provide an additional 139 parking stalls for the center and is also proposing to relocate 1.17 acres of on-site upland preserve to an area adjacent to Bessey Creek and next to an existing preserve area that will be regulated by a Preserve Area Management Plan. Status: Application entered 7/2/13. Under review. Contact: Paul Schilling, Principal Planner, Growth Management, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS IN DISTRICT 5 Indiantown Neighborhood Advisory Committee Date: Wednesday, October 8 at 6:00 pm Location: Indiantown Civic Center, 15675 SW Osceola Street, Indiantown Contact: Community Development, 288-5495 COUNTY ADMINISTRATO R’ S MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 FY 14 BUDGET STATUS REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 Current Adjusted Budget Current % of Collections Budget 135,322,763 137,837,546 101.9% Revenues Ad Valorem, Delinquent & Other Taxes Local Sales & Use Taxes 8,776,522 7,924,712 90.3% Communications Tax 2,050,000 1,771,074 86.4% Licenses/Permits/Franchise Fees 7,269,308 6,864,235 94.4% State & Federal Grants 43,107,124 29,759,710 69.0% Charges for Services 82,818,286 82,174,121 99.2% 771,600 743,259 96.3% Fines and Forfeits Interest Earnings & Misc Revenues 11,710,770 Interfund Transfer, Debt Proceeds 8,398,149 4,939,848 58.8% 21,738,593 20,054,588 92.3% Transfers 12,860,918 109.8% Fund Balance 158,113,072 158,113,072 100.0% 463,043,083 Expenditures 480,076,188 Current Adjusted Budget Personnel 75,081,828 69,456,721 92.5% Operating 161,209,153 128,417,488 79.7% 74,190,381 47,396,225 63.9% Transfers & Reserves 169,594,826 88,172,958 52.0% Total 480,076,188 333,443,392 Capital Outlay Components of the various revenues listed above: Ad valorem Local sales and use taxes Licenses and permits Interest earnings and miscellaneous revenues Includes: Delinquent taxes and other taxes Fuel, discretionary and tourist development taxes Building permits and occupational licenses Rents, royalties, disposition of fixed assets, contributions COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’ S MO NTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 8, 2014 Expended/ % of Committed Budget
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