11th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2014 POWERED BY DVS-Tour Bund / Friends of the Earth Germany BirdLife South Africa Albatross Task Force SANCCOB PSA APPROVAL - Special Recognition FIAP PATRONAGE 112 – 113 – 114 – 115 – 116 / 2014 VOEAV PATRONATE 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 / 2014 DVF PATRONAT 4 / 2014 Entrants are encouraged to enter NEW WORKS ! ( new pictures, new views, new techniques, new locations, new ideas …….. ) MINUMUM 25% ACCEPTANCE RATE GUARANTEED ! Awards: 15 Best of Show PSA Gold Medals ( 5 each per section ), each 5 Fiap Gold, Silver, Bronze and each 5 VOEAV Gold, Silver, Bronze medals, 3 DVF Medals, 30 FIAP HMs, 120 AC-FOTO gmc HMs, 5 FIAP Blue Badges for Best Authors ( 1 per salon ). Salons / individual chairmen / judges ( from Germany, if not noted otherwise ) / jury dates & locations: 11th Laupheim International ( Chairman: Otto Marx ), POWERED BY KOENIG Photobags, Berlebach, Kodak & Lastolite Jury: Otto Marx, Thomas Muth, Zheng Gong ( China ), 11.10.2014, Laupheim 11th Swabian International (Chairman: Gunther Riehle), POWERED BY REALLY RIGHT STUFF, GO DRUCK MEDIA, datacolor & gps-camera.eu Jury: Ulrich Flogaus, Alfred Reichel, Karina Suleymanova ( Russia ), 10.10.2014, Kirchheim 10th Main Spessart International ( Chairman: Alfred Preuss ), POWERED BY NOVOFLEX & Adobe & globell Jury: Alfred Preuss, Lothar Amtmann, Stefan Sattler, 18.10.2014, Veitshoechheim 6. BSW Wuerzburg Fotosalon ( Chairman: Alfred Soehlmann ) POWERED BY Highland Musikarchiv, Nik, m.objects & photographerbook.de Jury: Alfred Soehlmann, Hugo Strohmenger, Daduan Deng ( China ), 12.10.2014, Veitshoechheim 4th Black Forest International ( Chairman: Markus Gruber ), POWERED BY Canon, www.bildagentur-online.com, SanDisk & Heritage Expeditions Jury: Stephanie Schwenk, Regine Bruehl, Rosa Soles Valmayor ( Spain ), 19.10.2014, Kirchheim 1 2 3 4 5 z 11th german mega circuit 2014 Calendar Closing Date / Einsendeschluss ....................................................... 29. September 2014 Judging / Jurierungen ....................................................................... 10. – 19.Oct. 2014 Report Card Mailing / Versendung der Ergebniskarte...................... 27.October 2014 Exhibitions / oeffentliche Vorfuehrungen .......................................... tba Slides / Catalogue / Awards Mailing / Ruecksendung der Dias / Katalog 27.December 2014 Public showings of accepted works / Oeffentliche Vorfuehrungen: Karlstadt Karlstadt Laupheim Wuerzburg Kirchheim Volkshochschule Fotoclub Aquarienfreunde Mainspessart tba tba tba tba tba tba tba tba Further public showings will be announced in local media and on our website. ENTRY CHAIRMAN Gunther Riehle 11th AC-FOTO german mega circuit Haydnstr. 3 73230 Kirchheim / Teck Germany Email: Gunther.Riehle@t-online.de 5 Salons / 3 Sections: ALL sections: Digital NATURE Division ( 1 ) : Nature open COLOR Division (PID) ( 2 ) : PID Color: Open, PID Mono: “Black & White, Monochrome, BW Infrared “ An entry consists of maximum four files per section. Photocopies of the entry form are accepted. Regular updates of this Entry form can be downloaded from http://german-mega-circuit.de/ and www.fotoinsekt.de Entry Fees: Entries received without proper fees will neither be judged nor returned. Cheque fee additional 10 USD for ALL CHEQUES ( incl. IMOs ! ). No IRCs accepted. Entry fee preferred by cash or via PAYPAL; if you choose paypal, send fee to: Gunther.Riehle@t-online.de 1 section 2 sections 3 sections Europe ( incl. GB ) 40 EURO 55 EURO 65 EURO International 50 USD 75 USD 90 USD z DVD: For additional 10 Euro / 15 USD a DVD ( with AV presentations of gmc 2012 - 2014 ) can be ordered. To be shipped together with the catalogue. z PSA Nature Definition: Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict observations from all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements enhance the nature story. The presence of scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals is permissible. Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, mounted specimens, or obviously set arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. No techniques that add to, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to grayscale monochrome. Infrared images are not allowed. z Definition of FIAP Nature Photography: Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena, from insects to icebergs. Photographs of animals, which are domesticated, caged or under any form of restraint, as well as photographs of cultivated plants are ineligible. Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks, adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it. The original image must have been taken by the photographer, whatever photographic medium is used. Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and must not alter the content of the original scene. After satisfying the above requirements, every effort should be made to use the highest level of artistic skill in all nature photographs. z PSA BW Definition: A monochrome image is defined as having varying shades of no more than one color (various shades of that color from very light to very dark) but it may be any single color. Multi-toned images (various shades of two or more colors) and greyscale images with added an accent color are not acceptable in Monochrome Class sections and must be entered in Color Class sections. z FIAP Definition of the black and white photography (monochrome): A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in black and white in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage. On the other hand a black and white work modified by a partial toning or by the addition of one colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) to stand in the colour category; such a work requires colour reproduction in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage. z The two PID sections can be every topic ... the imagination of the entrant is the limit ….. ALL techniques are allowed …. incl. computeroptimisation. Monochrome images are also acceptable in the color open section, acceptances of such images in the colour open section will however only be eligible for Color Class star ratings. z Digital entries in the two PROJECTED IMAGE DIVISION SECTIONS: Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates. z Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a web site. The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright. z z An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging for that section. z Accepted entries will be eligible for PSA Who is Who and Star Ratings, for FIAP and VOEAV Distinctions. Acceptance cards and gmc HMs will not be issued. z The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and conditions. z Entries will be treated with care, but the organizers of this circuit are not responsible for loss or damage to entries. CDROMS / files will NOT be returned. z z Images almost to be identical to previously accepted works in GNMC / gmc - regardless of title - may not be re-entered in any division of this gmc. Also unacceptable is entering similar images in different sections in the same year. Please do not use frames around your digital images. Please keep titles short. DIGITAL entries can be submitted in three ways: a) by mail ( CDROM / DVD ), b) by email and c) PREFERABLY via direct upload to our website. The website will be available from mid July 2014 onwards and you will be notified via email about the links in July. Alternatively the links will be published on our website http://german-mega-circuit.de/ and www.fotoinsekt.de in due course. The image files must be in JPEG format, max 1400 pix. horizontal and max 1050 pix. vertical, max 3 MB per file. For EMAIL or CDROM shipment ONLY files must be coded as follows: Last Name_first name_Section abbreviation ( see entry form )_number of file.jpg For example: Riehle_Gunther_B1.jpg For direct website upload files do NOT have to be coded in a special way, the system will automatically rename your files acc. to our specific requirements. IMPORTANT: File-naming and upload system allows only English letters A-Z ! Teilnahmebedingungen: Eine Einsendung besteht aus maximal 4 Files pro Sparte. Photokopien des Einsendeformulares sind zulaessig. Regelmaessige Updates dieses Einsendeformulares koennen von folgenden websites heruntergeladen werden: http://german-mega-circuit.de/ und www.fotoinsekt.de Einsendegebuehren: Einsendungen ohne Teilnahmegebuehr werden weder juriert noch retourniert. Keine Schecks. Bezahlung bar oder via PAYPAL - hier Teilnahmegebuehr bitte an: Gunther.Riehle@t-online.de Europa 1 Sektion 2 Sektionen 3 Sektionen 40 EURO 55 EURO 65 EURO z DVD: Fuer zusaetzlich 10 Euro kann eine DVD ( darauf AV Praesentationen des gmc 2012 - 2014 ) bestellt werden. Zusendung mit dem Katalog. z Natur Definition: Auf den Fotos sollten keine menschlichen Einfluesse zu sehen sein. Aufnahmen von Haustieren und landwirtschaftlich angebauten Pflanzen sind nicht zulaessig. Ausnahmen bestaetigen die Regel, zB beringte Voegel sind akzeptabel, dito Tiere, welche sich an die menschliche Umgebung angepasst haben zB Stoerche auf Daechern oder Eulen in Scheunen etc. Der Einsatz von Computerbearbeitung ist nur sehr restriktiv erlaubt und beschraenkt sich auf minimale Aenderungen, wie Farbsaettigung oder Ausschnittsvergroesserungen. Der Charakter der Bildaussage darf nicht veraendert werden. In der Natur Sparte koennen auch Fotos aus Zoos und Tierparks eingeschickt werden, vorausgesetzt, obige Bedingungen werden eingehalten. S/W ist erlaubt. Nicht jedoch Infrarot. z z Ein monochromes Bild besteht aus mehreren Schattierungen von nicht mehr als EINER Farbe. Jede Farbe ist akzeptabel. In den zwei PID Sparten: OFFEN und „Schwarz/Weiss, Monochrom, S/W Infrarot“ gilt: …. Der Phantasie des Einsenders sind keine Grenzen gesetzt ! ALLE Techniken ( incl. Computerbearbeitung ) sind in dieser Sparte erlaubt. Es koennen auch Schwarz/Weiss Bilder in der FARBsparte eingereicht werden, Annahmen dieser SW Bilder in der Farbsparte zaehlen jedoch nur fuer die Color Division. z z Alle Einsendungen muessen vom Einsender selbst fotografiert oder bearbeitet worden sein. z Dieser Wettbewerb wird weltweit ausgeschrieben und nach PSA Richtlinien durchgefuehrt. Jeder kann teilnehmen. Es gibt 3 Sparten: Natur, “S/W, Monochrom, SW Infrarot“, Farbe Offenes Thema. Die eingereichten Files koennen in Zusammenhang mit dem Circuit und der Werbung fuer dieses Ereignis in verschiedenen Medien wie zB im Ausstellungskatalog, auf CDROMs / DVDs, in Zeitungen, Magazinen und im Internet kostenlos verwendet werden. Der Autor akzeptiert durch seine Teilnahme am Wettbewerb diese Bedingungen. z Alle Sparten haben PSA, FIAP, VOEAV und DVF Patronate. Aehnliche Bilder, die in frueheren german ( Nature ) mega circuits angenommen wurden, duerfen generell nicht noch einmal eingeschickt werden. Gleiche oder aehnliche Bilder in unterschiedlichen Sparten im gleichen Jahr sind ebenfalls nicht erlaubt. Bitte vermeiden Sie Rahmen um die digitalen Bilder. Bitte verwenden Sie kurze Bldtitel. Alle Einsendungen werden selbstverstaendlich mit groesster Sorgfalt behandelt, aber die Organisatoren dieses Wettbewerbs koennen keine Haftung fuer Verlust oder Beschaedigung der Einsendungen uebernehmen. DIGITALE Dateien koennen auf drei Arten eingereicht werden: a) per Post ( CDROM / DVD ) b) per email und c) IDEALERWEISE via direktem Upload auf unsere Website. Die Upload-Webseite wird ab Mitte Juli 2014 freigeschaltet sein, Sie erhalten per email automatisch Nachricht. Ausserdem werden die Links rechtzeitig auf unserer website www.fotoinsekt.de publiziert. Die Bilddateien sind im JPEG Format einzureichen, max 1400 pix. horizontal und max 1050 pix. vertical, max 3 MB per File. NUR fuer Post- oder email-Einreichung muessen die Namen der Bilddateien wie folgt erstellt werden: Nachname_Vorname_Sektion (siehe Teilnahmeformular)_Nummer der Datei.jpg Zum Beispiel: Riehle_Gunther_B1.jpg WICHTIG: Fuer Dateinamen und sonstige Angaben auf der Upload-Seite NUR Buchstaben A-Z verwenden, keine Umlaute, scharf s oder sonstigeZeichen ! Fuer die direct Upload Variante muessen Sie Ihre Bilddateien NICHT umbenennen, dies macht das System automatisch. Medaillen: 15 Best of Show PSA Gold Medaillen; je 5 FIAP und je 5 VOEAV Gold, Silber, Bronze Medaillen, 3 DVF Medaillen, 30 FIAP Urkunden, 120 gmc Urkunden, 5 Blaue FIAP Abzeichen fuer die besten Autoren ( je 1 Band / Salon ). Annahmen in diesem Circuit zaehlen fuer das “Who’s Who” und Star Rating der PSA, sowie auch fuer FIAP und VOEAV Ehrentitel. Annahmekarten und gmc Urkunden werden nicht verschickt. Entry form / Teilnahmeformular: First name / Vorname Family name / Nachname Street / Strasse Zip code / Postleitzahl City / Stadt Country / Land PSA Star Rating Email address B PID Mono: Black & White, Monochrome, BW Infrared ( Titles / Bildtitel ) 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C PID Color: Open Section ( Titles / Bildtitel ) 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D Nature Open Section ( Titles / Bildtitel ) 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Return labels/Adressaufkleber: Slide return / Catalogue next entry form report card / Ergebniskarte ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Please pass this info on to photographers you know. Copies will be accepted. In case you enter gmc for the first time: where did you hear / read about the gmc for the first time ? ________ PLEASE TICK – Bitte Ankreuzen: 0 entry fee sent via paypal / Teilnahmegebuehr unterwegs via paypal 0 entry fee sent cash / Teilnahmegebuehr beiliegend Werkzeug für Naturfotografen. Jetzt Kaufen, Leasen, Finanzieren oder mit Se unserem Service mieten. www.AC-FOTO.com AC-Foto Handels GmbH - Annuntiatenbach 30 - 52062 Aachen - Telefon: +49 (0) 241-30007 - Foto: Tomas Sereda - Fotolia.com 18 SPECIES OF ALBATROSS IN THE SOUTHERN OCEAN 16 THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION 20 327 000 SQ. KMS OF SOUTHERN OCEAN 1 ALBATROSS TASK FORCE Why are we smiling? Despite seemingly overwhelming odds facing seabirds, the Albatross Task Force (ATF) began work in South Africa in 2006, with just 1 instructor. Since then the SA team has grown to 4, working in tuna and hake longline and hake trawl fisheries. The ATF has also grown, and is now active in 8 countries, 6 in South America, 1 in Namibia and 1 in South Africa. ATF instructors are specialists in seabird-fisheries interactions; they work to save albatrosses (and other seabirds) from extinction through implementing cheap, practical and effective solutions to prevent seabird bycatch. These include setting lines at night (when most seabirds cannot see baited hooks), or adding specially designed weights to sink hooks faster, out of reach of seabirds, and using bird scaring streamer lines (tori lines). By working collaboratively with fishermen to implement solutions and test new technologies, they have achieved an impressive number of successes. After all, fishermen want to catch fish not birds. We will be taking the lessons learnt and the model of the ATF to the large number of vessels in the Asian fleets operating on the high seas. Working through multilateral agreements, such as the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, and implementing best practice, we believe we can achieve similar successes. We have reduced seabird mortalities by > 85%in SA! To continue our important work, you can help us by donating to the ATF contact Bronwyn Maree bronwyn.maree@birdlife.org.za or, for more information visit: www.birdlife.org.za
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