12/10/10 Indhold Henrik Bjarke Madsen Fysioterapeut MSc Pain Management Smertecenter Syd, OUH • Smertens historie • Pain in Europe. • Prædiktorer for udvikling af kroniske smerter. • Smertefysiologi. • Undersøgelse af i klinikken • Behandling og håndtering af kroniske smerter. IMDT’s stormøde, København 12. oktober 2010 Milesten Aristotle 350 BC ”a passion of the soul” Descartes 1649 AD Milesten Clifford Woolf 1990 Neural plasticity and central sensitizations Patrick Wall 1965 Gate Control Theory Findings – The shocking truth A widespread problem To af mange definitioner Prævalens When considering only moderate to severe chronic pain, the overall prevalence across Europe is just under one-fifth, with the highest prevalence in Norway, Poland and Italy, the lowest in Spain. Prevalence of Chronic Pain by Country – European Summary Based on Complete Screener Data "Smerte er en ubehagelig sensorisk og emotionel oplevelse, forbundet med aktuel eller truende vævsbeskadigelse. Eller som beskrives i vendinger svarende til en sådan beskadigelse.” (IASP 1994) 100% 21% 19% Fin lan Po 23% Au rw No 26% Be 27% ly Ita 30% 18% 18% 0% an ds (n ) 3) 7) ,19 =3 ,56 ) 1) 4) 4 ,00 =2 =2 (n ) ,00 49 ,45 =2 =2 (n (n n erl th Ne e ed Sw d ia lan (n ) 18 2 ,81 ,0 =2 =3 (n (n ,8 =3 m (n iu str lg d ay Pain is better defined as an awareness of a need state rather than a sensation. It serve more to promote healing than to avoid injury. It has more in common with the phenomenon of hunger and thirst than with seeing or hearing. The period after injury is divided into the immediate, acute and chronic stages. In each stage it is shown that pain has only weak connection to injury but a strong connection to the body state (Patrick Wall 1979) 100% Overall Prevalence (n=46,394) 19% Isra De 15% 13% 13% 11% Sp Ge 16% UK 16% Ire 17% Fra 17% 0% ,80 =3 (n 1) 2) 6) ,72 0) ,80 ,84 =2 =3 (n 9) 3) ,08 ,16 ) 32 =2 (n =2 (n nd (n =3 (n ain d lan e nc rla ark 4) ,8 =3 ,24 =2 y (n (n an e itz Sw nm el rm • Just under one in five adults in Europe (19%) suffers from chronic pain. • Just over one third of European households interviewed in the first questionnaire were found to have at least one member aged 18 or over who suffers from pain (chronic or otherwise). • Over 19% of households who reported having pain sufferers contain more than one sufferer. • When asked about their most recent pain experience 67% or respondents said they had "moderate pain" (rated as levels of 5, 6, and 7 on a pain scale) and 33% severe pain (rated as levels of 8,9,10 on a pain scale). Pain in Europe 2003 12 Pain In Europe – A Report 1 lowest in Spain. Prevalence of Chronic Pain by Country – European Summary Based on Complete Screener Data 100% 30% 27% 26% 23% 21% 19% 18% 18% 12/10/10 0% 3) ) 97 3,1 n= s( ,56 =2 (n ) ) 04 4 ,00 =2 ,0 =2 (n (n 9) 1) ,45 =2 d lan er th Ne d en lan ed Sw Fin ia str Au (n 4 3,8 8) 1 2,0 n= 2) ,81 =3 (n m iu d = (n ly lg Be Ita lan Po y( wa r No 100% Comparison highlights The prevalence of chronic pain in the population was highest in Norway (30%) and lowest in Spain (11%). Overall Prevalence (n=46,394) 19% 17% Prævalens 17% 16% 16% 15% 13% 13% • Norway, Poland and Italy have the highest proportion of moderate and severe chronic pain sufferers relative to total country populations. • Highest country prevalence for moderate sufferers: Norway, Poland and Austria • Highest country prevalence for severe sufferers: Italy, Israel and Norway Prævalens 11% Who is suffering? Comparison highlights 0% ain Sp A typical chronic pain sufferer would be a middle aged, married woman who has no children still living at home. =3 (n ,80 =3 =2 (n (n =3 (n ce =2 (n 2,2 3 n= nd k rla ar d lan UK Ire an Fr nm e itz Sw De n= y( an l( rm ae Isr Ge The prevalence of chronic pain in the population was highest in Norway (30%) and lowest in Spain (11%). ,80 0) 1) 2) 9) 2) 3) ,08 6) ,72 ,84 =2 (n ,16 ) ,83 44 • Norway, Poland and Italy have the highest proportion of moderate and severe chronic pain sufferers relative to total country populations. • Highest country prevalence for moderate sufferers: Norway, Poland and Austria Just under one in fiveprevalence adults in Europe (19%) suffers from • Highest country for severe sufferers: Italy,chronic Israel pain. and Norway Just over one third of European households interviewed in the first questionnaire were found to have at least one member aged 18 or over who suffers from pain (chronic or otherwise). Over 19% of households who reported having pain sufferers contain more than one sufferer. When asked about their most recent pain experience 67% or respondents said they had "moderate pain" (rated as levels of 5, 6, and 7 on a pain scale) and 33% severe pain (rated as levels of 8,9,10 on a pain scale). • • • • • Across Europe the average age of pain sufferers is 50 years of age. • In most European countries slightly more women than men suffer pain - 56% of chronic pain sufferers are female and 44% male. • Pain sufferers are most likely to live with other people (79%), be married (59%) and have no children living in the household (71%). equal of people between describedmoderate their painand as severe "constant", as opposed "intermittent" •Nearly Gender andnumbers age are consistent pain sufferers, as istothe (46% versusof54%). likelihood children being present in the household. • It appears that severe pain sufferers may be somewhat more likely than moderate sufferers to When asked to their pain, the most frequently used adjective by over a quarter be divorced ordescribe separated. questioned was "aching". Other common adjectives were "annoying", "intense" and "constant" The least common descriptions were "dull", "tingling" and "nauseating". This only highlights the difficulty patients have in communicating their pain to their physicians and their families. Who is suffering? A typical chronic pain sufferer would be a middle aged, married woman who has no children still living at home. 12 Pain In Europe – A Report Where does it hurt? • Across Europe the average age of pain sufferers is 50 years of age. • In most European countries slightly more women than men suffer pain - 56% of chronic pain sufferers are female and 44% male. • Pain sufferers are most likely to live with other people (79%), be married (59%) and have no Pain in Europe 2003 children living in the household (71%). • Gender and age are consistent between moderate and severe pain sufferers, as is the likelihood of children being present in the household. • It appears that severe pain sufferers may be somewhat more likely than moderate sufferers to be divorced or separated. The back represents by far the most common location for pain, with unspecified back pain Stabbing Pain effecting nearly a quarter of all respondents, lower back pain 18% and upper in backEurope pain 5%. Constant Other significant body areas afflicted with pain were: knees, legs, heads, joints, shoulders, Annoying necks, hips, upper back and hands. The most frequent cause of chronic pain was arthritis/osteoarthritis, which effected over one third of respondents, followed by herniated or deteriorating discs and traumatic injury. Less common causes were rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, fracture/deterioration of the spine, nerve damage, cartilage damage, whiplash and surgery. Where does it hurt? Intense Locations and causes of pain Aching The back represents by far the most common location for pain, with unspecified back pain effecting nearly a quarter of all respondents, lower back pain 18% and upper back pain 5%. Other significant body areas afflicted with pain were: knees, legs, heads, joints, shoulders, necks, hips, upper back and hands. 24% Arthritis/osteoarthritis 34% 18% Herniated/ 15% deteriorating discs 16% To be categorised as 15% a chronic pain sufferer, people Traumatic neededinjury to have experienced pain within the Head 12% last month. Amongst sufferers: 14% Leg 8% Rheumatoid arthritis Joints (unspecified) 10% Migraine headaches 7% Shoulder(65%)9% - Two thirds had experienced pain on the day of the questionnaire Back (unspecified) Lower back Where does it hurt ? - 28% in the past 0% week - 7% within the past month Locations and causes of pain Knee Head Leg Joints (unspecified) Shoulder 0% 100% 0% 100% Pain In Europe – A Report 24% 18% 16% 15% 14% 10% 9% Lower back Prævalens Knee The most frequent cause of chronic pain was arthritis/osteoarthritis, which effected over one third of respondents, followed by herniated or deteriorating discs and traumatic injury. Less common causes were rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, fracture/deterioration of the spine, nerve damage, cartilage damage, whiplash and surgery. Back (unspecified) 2003 34% Arthritis/osteoarthritis Herniated/ deteriorating discs 15% 12% Traumatic injury 7% Migraine headaches 0% 100% Pain In Europe – A Report 13 Suffering from chronic pain has anhaving undoubted impact on people’s health:subdivided The median time people reported suffered chronic pain wasemotional 7 years. When severe pain sufferers were found to have experienced pain for one third longer than moderate •pain 50%sufferers. report feeling theoftime Overalltired oneall fifth respondents said they had been in pain for 20 years or more. • 43% said feeling in pain made them feel helpless •On 44% said that their pain kept themexperienced from thinking or for concentrating clearly average sufferers report having pain the past 7 years. • One in five (21%) chronic pain sufferers had been diagnosed with depression as a result of their pain • A staggering 16% said that some days the pain was so bad they wanted to die 8% Rheumatoid arthritis 100% Overall one third (35%) reported experiencing pain every minute of their lives "at all times", as opposed to 31% who experienced it daily and 34% who experienced it several times a week. • 16% had changed job responsibilities •Using Overall, time scale lost byabut chronic pain sufferers from work in the sixasmonths was (a thethe 10 mean point pain two thirds of respondents rated theirlast pain "moderate" 7.8 days score of 5-7) as opposed to "severe" (a score of 8-10). 13 Pain in Europe 2003 One third of people felt their chronic pain had effected relationshipsPain with family, friends and 2003 in Europe work colleagues. Many had negative feelings surrounding pain that had created social isolation. 14 • • • • • 29% said no one believed how much pain they were in 28% said that they felt alone with their pain 23% felt their employers and colleagues were unsympathetic 18% that their families didn’t understand how pain effected their lives 17% that they were treated differently because of their pain Pain In Europe – A Report Most people appear to have fairly positive relationships with doctors, but a sizeable proportion (43%) felt their doctors to be more focused on their illness than controlling their pain. A small proportion were sceptical about their doctor’s ability or even their commitment to treating pain. • 28% said that they didn’t think their doctor knew how to control their pain • 23% didn’t think they were given enough time to discuss their pain • 22% said that their doctor never asked about their pain Varighed ? Impact on life ? Nearly two thirds of chronic pain sufferers were willing to try new treatments, but the same proportion expressed concerns over side effects, and over one third were afraid of becoming addicted to pain medications. The majority said that they’d prefer to use medications that resolved their illness rather than treat their pain. Duration of Pain Reported by Chronic Pain Sufferers – European Summary (n=4,839) 100% Comparison highlights Median Duration of Pain 7.0 Years 22% 4% 8% 6 Months to < 1 Year 1 to < 2 Years 20% 17% • Chronic pain appeared to have the most adverse impact on job retention in the Denmark and the Netherlands, where 29% of people questioned said they’d lost their jobs due to pain. • Swedish and Norwegian employers offered greatest flexibility, with nearly one third of people being allowed to change job responsibilities to accommodate their pain. • The problem of social isolation seems most acute in Denmark where the greatest number of sufferers (50%) felt unable to discuss their pain with other people. 21% 8% 0% 2 to < 5 Years 5 to < 10 Years 10 to < 15 Years 15 to < 20 Years 20 Years or More Doctor/Patient relationships Despite such suffering chronic pain patients in Europe appear a uncomplaining group with nearly a half saying that they felt that they could "tolerate" at least, a little more pain but some Pain in Europe 2003 31% said their pain was so severe they could not "tolerate any more". Overall the survey paints an interesting picture of good doctor/patient relationships with 62%2003 of Pain in Europe people saying they felt "very or extremely" satisfied with the doctor treating their pain and an overwhelming 94% feeling comfortable discussing pain with their doctor. More people discussed pain with doctors than with their partners, other family members or friends and co workers. Comparison highlights • The Finnish had suffered from chronic pain longer than any other country group – a median time of 9.6 years. • A higher proportion of severe pain sufferers report suffering from pain "today," whereas a higher proportion of moderate pain sufferers report suffering from pain "within the past week." • More people in Netherlands (62%) reported suffering constant pain than any other country, followed by Spain (61%) and Denmark (55%). Poland had the smallest proportion of people complaining of constant pain. Quality of life Suffering chronic pain has an undoubted impact on people’s daily lives, effecting their ability to undertake a wide variety of physical tasks. People report that chronic pain effects their ability to undertake certain activities, having an impact on their independence and interpersonal relationships. One quarter of people felt that they couldn’t take as much care of themselves or others as they would have liked. • 27% said that they were less able or unable to maintain relationships with friends and family 16 Pain In Europe – A Report 2 12/10/10 Viden om smerter Mellem ørene ? En skidt barndom • Stort set alle mennesker vil opleve akutte smerter. • Ca. 20 % angiver vedvarende smerter. Ondt i livet ? - et skidt liv! Birket-Smith M. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2001;45,9,1114-1124 Akutte smerter En særlig psyke? Simple kroniske smerter - ”et symptom” (brækket arm, blindtarmsbetændelse) - Leder efter årsagen, behandler/fikser årsagen og derefter evt. smertebehandling. - Prævalens: Næsten 100 % - Ca. 20 % udvikler kroniske smerter. -siger intet om smerteoplevelse Birket-Smith M. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2001;45,9,1114-1124 Udviklingen fra akutte til kroniske smerter Eksisterende smerter - ikke noget med smerteintensitet at gøre. - Smerten bliver hvor den er. - Sover om natten. - Ikke depression. - Ikke hukommelses / koncentrationsproblemer - 50 % bliver smertefri i løbet af 6 år. - ”a disease in its own right” - Biologien opfører sig underligt. - Smerten breder sig (som den vil). - Et hav af ledsagesymptomer. - 90 % har påvirket nattesøvn. - 60 % har behandlingskrævende depression. - Stress - Isolation - Angstfænomener. - Svært kompromitteret hukommelse / koncentration. - Kommet for at blive. - Prævalens: 2-10 % Kronisk komplekse smerter Potentielle risikofaktorer Temporal udvikling Injury Præ-disponerende faktorer Udvikling: Misbrug og andre Persistent traumer Psykologisk: Humør, Uddannelse Somatisering, Illness beliefs, Angst Stress respons Depression Alkohol, Adfærd: Søvnmønster, Psykologisk skrøbelig Self-efficacy Kraftigdisposition stress respons Andet: Genetisk KatastroferingAngst Dårlig søvn Depression Katastrofering Smerteintensitet Dårlig søvn ? Opioid induceret hyperalgesi Rygning ? Sociale support (+/-) Opioid induceret hyperalgesi ? Pain free Pain Chronic Pain 3 12/10/10 Abnorm smerte transmission Psykologiske processer Biologiske processer Genetiske faktorer Willis & Coggeshall 1991; Julius & Basbaum 2001 Noxious stimuli • • • Stimuli/respons i raske individer Køn, alder, etnicitet m.m Miljømæssige påvirkninger (traume, operation m.m) Kroniske smerte tilstande Neuroner Stimulering af specifikke receptorere i vævet (der reagere på potentielt skadeligt stimuli) Aktivitet i Aδ & C fibre, synapse i baghornet og aktivitet i hjernen. Ikke smerte, men nociception. Ion kanaler og aktionspotentialer Neuroner & Synapser Gold & Gebhart 2010 4 12/10/10 Synapser Rexed Laminae Ascenderende baner Pain in the brain Hunt & Mantyh 2001; Bushnell & Apkarian 2006; Fields et al 2006 Nogle af de relevante områder i hjernen Nociception Slugg et al 2000; Magarl et al 2001 5 12/10/10 Sammenhæng mellem nociception og smerteoplevelse ved akut skade Fysiologisk vs klinisk smerte • • • Enten udført på dyr eller uden vævsskade på raske individer. • Modulerende faktorer kontrolleres. Patienters “attitudes, beliefs, and personalities” påvirker markant deres umiddelbare oplevelse af akutte smerter. Indikerer at forholdet mellem vævsskade og smerte er stærkt variabelt og komplekst og at der ikke er noget lineært forhold mellem skade/ nociception og patientens lidelse/smerteadfærd selv ved akutte smerter. Melzack et al 1982 Andre eksempler på ringe sammenhæng mellem tilstanden i vævet og smerteoplevelsen • • • • Krigsskader (stor skade/nociception – lille/ingen smerte) Akut påkørsel (Ofte ingen smerte i op til flere døgn efter skaden) Osteoartrose (Ingen sammenhæng mellem radiologiske fund og symptomer) • I den virkelige verden er smerte ikke en præcis indikation for hvad der sker i vævet eller for vævets tilstand. Fibromyalgi/spændingshovedpine (ingen påviselig nociception – men udbredte smerter) Årsag ? Vævsskade & inflammation • Perifer sensibilisering • • Central sensibilisering • • Smerte modulerende systemer • Abnorm ”smerte” transmission • ? • • • Perifer sensibilisering Ved vævsskade/inflammation responderer de nociceptive neuroner i periferien nu på: Mindre noxious stimuli (mindre tærskel) – primær hyperalgesi Kraftigere fyring mod baghornet Spontan aktivitet. Ex. Meyer et al 2006 6 12/10/10 Ion kanaler og inflammatoriske mediatorer Vævsskade og inflammation Woolf & Salter 2006 • Central sensibilisering Ved vævsskade/inflammation responderer de nociceptive neuroner + WDR neuronerne i baghornet nu på: Aktiveres ved mindre stimuli fra nociceptive fibre samt fra ikke nociceptive fibre (Klassisk heterosynaptisk central sensibilisering) – primær/sekundær hyperalgesi/allodyni Kraftigere fyring mod hjernen (wind up) Synapserne styrkes (LTP) Dannes nye synapser mellem perifere neuron og neuroner i baghornet (refererede smerter). Øget receptor fields Woolf & Salter 2006 Gold & Gebhart 2010 Smertemodulerende systemer SI & SII – Primary & secondary somatosensory cortex; Sensory-discriminative function Ins – Insula; Emotional-affective function ACC, MCC, PCC – anteriore, mid, posteriore cingulate cortex; fear, expectations PFC – Prefrontal cortex; Cognitive-evaluative function, context-dependent behaviour Hunt & Mantyh 2001; Bushnell & Apkarian 2006; Fields et al 2006 Descenderende baner Descenderende baner • Prioritering • Fear of pain (ex. Fields & Price 2006) • Anxiety (ex. McGrath & Dade 2004) • • • PAG – RVM – Dorsal horn On-cells, off-cells, neutral-cells Expectation/anticipation of pain/pain relief (ex. Vase et al 2003; Koyama et al 2005) Catastrophization (ex. Edwards et al 2009) Placebo – reversibelt med naloxon (ex. Voudouris et al 1990; Rhudy & Meagher 2000; Villemure & Bushnell 2002; Ploghaus et al 2003; Sawamoto et al 2000) 7 12/10/10 Hvad spiller ellers ind ? • Drug induced hyperalgesia and allodynia • Diet induced Hyperalgesia or allodynia • • • Changes in the brain • Ændringer i somatosensorisk kortex. Mere reglen end undtagelsen ved kroniske smerter. (Reversibelt ? – ja, oftest ved blok af perifert input, ex. CRPS) Chronic Stress induced hyperalgesia and allodynia (ex. Rivat et al 2010) Sleep deprivation and hyperalgesia (ex. Haack et al 2007; Smith et al 2007; Smith et al 2009) Gliacells, Astrocytter, NGF, TNF (alfa), IL 1, IL6, Gener etc. (Benzon Symposia 2010) SI & SII – Primary & secondary somatosensory cortex; Sensory-discriminative function Ins – Insula; Emotional-affective function ACC, MCC, PCC – anteriore, mid, posteriore cingulate cortex; fear, expectations PFC – Prefrontal cortex; Cognitive-evaluative function, context-dependent behaviour Perifert input ? • Normale biologiske processer, der i langt de fleste tilfælde normaliseres af sig selv. • Hvorfor ikke er de sidste 20 % ? • ? Spread of sensitisation • Årsag ? Spiller sandsynligvis en væsentlig rolle i muskuloskeletale smerter. Mange teoretiske koncepter til at forklare forskellige kroniske muskuloskeletale smerte tilstande, men der er INGEN validerede forklaringer af hvilke mekanismer der driver kroniske smerter når ikke der er inflammation. INGEN link mellem “basic science og clinical practice” i de fleste muskuloskeletale smerte tilstande. Undtagelsen er tilstande med påvist inflammation (ex. RA). Selvom eksperimentelle studier har vist at forskellige væv kan forårsage nociception og smerte så har disse mekanismer ikke blevet endegyldigt påvist hos patienter med muskuloskeletale smertetilstande. Endless hypersensitivity ? Graven-Nielsen & Arendt-Nielsen 2010, Nature Reviews Reumathology, jul. 8 12/10/10 Summen af kardemommen anno 2010 Tilbage til patienterne En meget dynamisk proces/sygdom: Ikke et symptom, men en sygdom i sin egen ret Fundamentale ændringer i det perifere og centrale nervesystem Nervecelle nydannelse / nervecelle død Involvering af støttevæv i smerteprocessen (ex. gliaceller) Større udbredning og flytning af ”perceptionscentre” i hjernen Spotliste i klinikken • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Smerter i mere end 6 mdr. Mennesket er ramt både fysisk, psykisk og socialt Reagerer ikke på sædvanlig behandling Ringe/ingen sammenhæng mellem smerter og evt. udløsende årsag Dårlig søvn. Øget træthed Øget irritabilitet. Depression/angst. Kognitive problemer (koncentrationsbesvær, påvirket korttidshukommelse, nedsat stresstærskel). Mistet arbejde/skiftet arbejde. Problemer i det huslige arbejde. Fritidsinteresser (ophørt/ændret). Isolationstendens (Omgang med venner og bekendte indskrænket). Seksuallivet kan være påvirket. Klinikken • • Smerteanamnese: • Historie, udvikling, ledsagesymptomer Objektivt: Sensibilitet: QST • Kulde Sviende • Børste • Brændende • Pindprik • Stikkende/som at gå på glasskår • • Prikkende/jagende • Sovende Ord: • Wind up Summation – eftersensation (Wind-up) Behandling • På den måde når man ingen steder med komplekse kroniske smerter. 9 12/10/10 Biopsykosocial problemstilling Nyorientering • Skift fokus fra akut tankegang. • Forklaringsmodeller. ? Biopsykosocial behandlingsstrategi • • • • Medicin: Paracetamol, NSAID, korttids opioider, pn medicin, injektioner er yt (abstinens smerter, dækker ikke hele døgnet) At fjerne smerten = Låst Hvordan personen tænker, føler, handler Hvis opioid så depot og kun et præparat. (balance mellem effekt/bivirkninger) i forhold til smerterne Første valg TCA, Antiepileptika, SNRI (efecxor) plastisk og dynamisk ? = 10
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