News and Announcements

8:30 AM
The Seed
October 12
Kingdom Builders
Sunday Worship
10:15 AM
605 Harvest Park Drive, Brentwood, CA ◊ (925) 513-2970
Reverend Dr. Ralph E. Howard, Senior Pastor
“Saving Lives While Saving Souls”
News and Announcements
Bake Sale
Today after worship service
there will be a bake sale that
will support the women’s
ministry of the church.
Please stop to purchase a few
backed goods.
Bible Study
7:30 PM
1st & 3rd
7:30 PM
Live Prayer Line
Tuesday 6:00 AM
Access: 145236#
Beginning October 5th
Our Pastor will begin a
new three part sermon
series that he has entitled
“Dance to the Music”. Be
sure to invite someone to
join you each week in
October to hear this timely
powerful sermon series.
You will want to get a CD
at our bookstore to share
and replay.
Bible Study This Week
Come out on Monday in
Pittsburg 1251 California
Avenue or Tuesday here at
the church as we continue
to explore the design and
structure of our bible.
Why it is organized the
way that it is and how to
locate the things of interest
to you that it contains. We
should know what it has to
say about living a life that
is pleasing to God.
Sunday, October 26th
Family And Friends Day
Be sure to mark your
calendar now to invite your
family and friends to join
you in worship on this date.
families are in desperate need
of hope and togetherness.
We believe that when we
pray and worship together we
can truly experience the joy
and fulfillment that the Lord
promised that we would
have. This is another casual
dress Sunday as well. Please
sign up to bring your favorite
dish for a potluck meal
The Church Covenant
Having been led, as we believe, by
the spirit of GOD, to receive the
SAVIOR, and on the confession of
our faith, having been baptized in
the name of the FATHER, and of
the SON, and of the HOLY
GHOST, we do now, in the
presence of GOD, angels and this
assembly, most solemnly and
joyfully enter into covenant with
one another as one body in
CHRIST, to walk worthy of the
vocation wherewith we are called.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of
the HOLY SPIRIT, to walk together
in Christian love; to strive for the
advancement of this church, in
knowledge, holiness, and comfort;
to promote its prosperity and
doctrine; to faithfully attend its
services of worship; to contribute
cheerfully and regularly to the
support of the ministry, the
expenses of the church, the relief
of the poor, and the spread of the
Gospel, through all nations.
things both spiritual and temporal.
.We further engage to watch over
one another in brotherly love; to
remember one another in prayer; to
aid one another in sickness and
distress; to cultivate Christian
sympathy in feeling and courteous
in speech; to be slow to take
offense, but always ready for
reconciliation and mindful of the
We also engage to maintain family rules of our Savior to secure it
and secret devotions; to educate without delay.
our children in the Christian faith; to
walk circumspectly in the world; to We moreover engage that when we
be just in our dealings; faithful in remove from this place, we will, as
our engagements, and exemplary soon as possible, unite with some
other church, where we can carry
in our deportment; to be zealous in
out the spirit of this covenant
our efforts to advance the cause of and the principles of the
our Savior; to make Christ first in all Word of GOD.
Other Events and Announcements
Spiritual Guide for Giving
WHY shall we Give to God
(Deut. 16:17)
We give as we are able
because our blessings come
from God.
WHEN shall we Give to
God (1 Cor. 16:2)
We give weekly as an act of
faith for He provides our
daily needs.
WHAT shall we Give to
God (Mal. 3:10)
We give the fruit of our
increase as a tithe offering.
We trust this act of faith to
honor God who has
promised to pour out
blessings beyond measure.
HOW shall we Give to God
(2 Cor. 9:7)
We give cheerfully from our
heart for God loves the
cheerful giver.
Prayer List
Sister Catherine Smith
Mother Mary Curry
Mother Ruby Robinson
Brother Ellis Bradford
Deaconess Pat Hawkins
Sister Gloria Glenn
Brother Aubrey Wallace
Sister Mary Young
Angela Booker – Daughter of Brother
John and Gloria Glenn
Valeria Lanier – Sister of Sister Kathy
Helen Carry – Mother of Sister Sarah
Tracy Rice - Niece of Brother John
Pamela Young – Friend of Sister
Cynthia Perkins
Melvin Brown – Father of Sister Cynthia
Perkins and Lita Merrit
Lorena Corbett – Mother of Brother
Eddie McDouell and Sister Pat Hawkins
Carolyn Quillens – Aunt of Sister Linda
Clara Ann Langston – Cousin of Deacon
Rodell Langston
Hallelujah Night For Kids
Friday, October 31st at
7:30PM we will have a fun
night of activities, games,
food and more for kids of all
ages. We will also have a
costume contest for those in
costume (no violent or
demonic costumes please).
You do not have to be a
church member to attend so
bring or invite as many as
you can for this fun event.
We are asking for donations
of candy for the event from
our church members. Please
bring a few bags of candy to
the church office by October
Women of Faith
WHO IS MY DEACON? Healthy Living Ministry
Each member has a Deacon Six hours sleep enough?
wh0 the Pastor has assigned Think again. Researchers
to assist you in your needs as at the University of
a member of The Seed. Here California, San Francisco
that some
is the list of Deacon discovered
assignment based on the first people have a gene that
letter of your last name.
enables them to do well on
six hours of sleep a night.
Berry – (A-D) (H-K)
This gene, however, is
Gaines – (S-U)
very rare, appearing in less
than 3% of the population.
Hawkins – (L-R)
For the other 97% of us,
Langston – (E-G) (V-Z)
six hours doesn’t come
close to cutting it.
Women Conference Coming!
Saturday, September 27 Saturday, October 25
at 9:30AM, The “Women all the women are invited
of Value” small group
ministry will be meeting at
Sylvia’s Restaurant 2799
Lone Tree Way Antioch.
This ministry offers open
bible reading, discipleship,
and group outings. Woman
of all ages, single or
married are welcomed.
Everyone who attends will
gain and grow!! It is just
to take part in a conference
here at the church that is
being planned for you to be
enriched and strengthened.
There will be gifted
presenters who will be
present to pour into your
life with life lessons that
will get you to a new level.
Don’t you think it is time
for you to get what God
has in store for you?
for you.
Men of Valor
Saturday, October 18th at
9:00 AM we are asking that
the men come join us for
monthly breakfast
gathering in the Kairos
Café. This is a time when
the men can come together
to grow and encourage one
another in God’s word and
live in the fullness of who
we are and live life the way
God has planned for us.
Called To Service For God
We Need Volunteers
Convalescent Ministry
At this time we are asking
you to consider serving in
our nursery, or children’s
ministry or as an usher or
greeter volunteer. Please
step forward now. There is
a great need for you to
please God and serve
others by helping carry the
work of the Lord. Stop by
the church office and leave
your contact information
and ask how you can help!
We visit the residents of
Windsor Manor in Concord
on the third Sunday of each
month at 3:00 PM. We
share the love of Jesus as
we visit with them and give
them the hope of our faith.
Every person who has a
relationship with the Lord
should consider coming to
open your heart and hand to
help in this outreach for one
hour. Speak to Deacon
Langston for information.