Happy 5 Anniversary HSD!!! th T I G E RB E A T A WEEKLY READER FOR PARENTS & STUDENTS HARMONY MISSION STATMENT Our mission at Harmony Public Schools is to prepare each student for higher learning in a safe, caring and collaborative atmosphere through a quality learner-centered educational program with a strong emphasis on math, science, engineering and technology. OCTOBER ACTIVITY DATES 10.9-Honor Society Induction @ 6pm 10.10-10th Grade Field Trip Breakfast Muffins with Parents @8am 10.11-SAT/PSAT Prep 9am – 2pm >>>>Parent Volunteers Needed<<<< 10.13-No School: Professional Training 10.14-5th Grade Field Trip Forms Due OCTOBER 8, 2014 YEAR v Issue vIII OCTOBER IS NATIONAL PRINCIPALS MONTH!! PRESENTING MS. COLE….Meet Our Elementary Principal! What made you want to pursue a career in education? I have always wanted to be a teacher. My family is a family of teachers-aunts, grandfather, and mother were teachers. How long have you been in education? I have been in education since 1997-17 years. Ms. Cole Which superpower would you like to have and why? I would HSD Elementary Principal like the ability to fly, so that I would not have to deal with Houston traffic! What is your favorite way to relax? I have several ways I like to relax: working out at the gym, reading a good book, and knitting or cross stitching. It depends on my mood on which one I will do. What is your favorite quote? The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions- Ralph Waldo Emerson PRESENTING MS. DANCER….MEET THE AP OF ACADEMICS What made you want to pursue a career in education? I believe I always wanted to become a teacher at a very young age when I used to play school with my dolls and stuffed animals. How long have you been in education? This year makes my 15th year in education. I don't foresee me doing anything else. Ms. Dancer Which superpower would you like to have and why? If I had HSD AP of Academics one superpower it would be the ability to read minds. Sometimes I just want to know what people are REALLY thinking. What is your favorite way to relax? I enjoy going to the beach with my family and sleeping on the sand. What is your favorite quote? I have quite a few of favorites but the one I personally use the most is "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." 10.15-Senior Breakfast 7:25am Rm 216 10.15-CLOSED CAMPUS (see pg. 3) 10.16-Teachers vs Student Volleyball Game Time: 2:15pm – 3:00pm HARMONY SCHOOL OF DISCOVERY 10.17-1st Nine Weeks of School Ends 10.18-Saturday Detention th 10.22-7 Grade Field Trip Forms Due 10.24-4th Grade Field Trip to Aquarium 10.25-Chicago Trip Departure 6270 Barker Cypress Road Houston, TX 77084 281.861.5105 www.hsdhouston.org OCTOBER 8, 2014 T I G E R B E A T PARENT PLAYS IT FORWARD HSD would like to extend a very warm THANK YOU for an extreme act of kindness. One of our parents, who wishes to remain anonymous, picked up the tab of lunch costs of a couple of students with balances on their account. This parent showed a kind heart to others and this makes us proud! We truly have wonderful and caring parents at HSD. Thank you Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous! YOU ROCK! FALL FESTIVAL UPDATE! We have begun collecting bagged candy for the Fall Festival, for teachers to pass out to students in K-3 during this special event. We need your help parents! We beg of you: WE NEED MORE BAGGED CANDY!! Students may wear costumes to school on October 31st. Simply send the $2 fee to school with your child. We do, however, have costume guidelines: 1. Refrain from masks, swords and hats. 2. Refrain from tight and/or revealing clothing. If you are in doubt about your child’s costume, please send an extra set of clothing. Otherwise, you will receive a call if the costume is inappropriate. SAVE THE DATE!!! Tomorrow evening, October 9th, the Induction Ceremony for the National Honor Society and the National Junior Honor Society will take place. This ceremony will be held in the large cafeteria and will begin promptly at 6pm. Students that have demonstrated outstanding academic excellence and leadership will become part of these prestigious organizations. We are so proud of their accomplishments. Congratulations, students! MUFFINS WITH PARENTS UPDATE Muffins with Parents is this Friday morning at 8am! Students who have turned in a reservation form will meet parents in the small cafeteria. Future events that require a form to be returned to school, we as ask that parents return it to school on time. We do not want you to miss out on these special moments with your child. Note: no siblings will be admitted to this event. CHICAGO TRIP REMINDER ATTENTION parents of Chicago trip participants! The final payment for the trip is due this week. Also, a photo ID and birth certificate must be submitted. Contact our front desk for info. ~~NEW HSD STUDENT COUNCIL~~ HSD Congratulates its New Student Council! President – Shiv Gakhar Vice President – Nery Chavez Treasurer – Ankit Nanda Historian – Laura Botero Public Affairs – Brianna Shakur Secretary – Carolina Aguado Grade Representatives: 10B – Victoria Peguero, 10A – Victor Bermudez 9B – Zainab, Siddiqi, 9A – Zavier Dorre 8C – Julio Arroy, 8B – Ibrahim Abdulla, 8A – Yousuf Khan 7C – Jada Wesley, 7B – Edin Sehic, 7A – Augusto Zapata 6C – Lance Arbilo, 6B – Shaina Magon, 6A – Linda Maldonado Staff Advisors: Makenzie Vitarius, Diana Lapagilia, Isabel Williams and Jade Wangdi ALERT! ALERT! KICKBALL TOURNEY COMING SOON! TEACHERS VS PARENTS! DON’T MISS THIS! DETAILS IN NEXT ISSUE! “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” ~Albert Einstein~ BE IN THE KNOW WITH SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: PLEASE FOLLOW CORRECT TRAFFIC FLOW! Parents and/or guardians, we ask that you PLEASE follow the proper flow of traffic on our campus. It was recently witnessed that a parent driver drove OVER the cones we use to block off areas that prohibit traffic. The driver then exited out of our main entry. This is not acceptable. This driver’s plate is TX tag PZY 554. Please pay attention to these marked off areas and here is how we want you to do it: 1. Exit at the small gate facing West Little York where the Police Officer is directing traffic only! No, you may not exit at Barker Cypress. Nor may you exit at the ENTRY on Barker Cypress. One exit for all vehicles is what we have deemed to be safe. 2. If you are on our campus to pick up a student, please PARK YOUR VEHICLE if that student has not exited the building. If you park in front of our building, a great and earnest effort will be put forth to have your vehicle towed. CLOSED CAMPUS FOR ALL GRADE LEVELS On 10.15.14, our campus will be closed for all grade levels. College Board and prep testing will be taking place. Eighth grade students will be engaged in online testing, while 9th – 11th grade students will be taking PSAT/MSQT tests. Seniors (12th graders) will be taking the SAT. We want our students to do their very best. Therefore, we will keep distractions to the strictest minimum. Please make sure that students have a nutrition packed breakfast that morning. Regular campus visitations will resume the following day. PTO ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Parent/Guardian, please join the PTO Board for a general meeting on the evening of 10.22.14 at 6pm in the large cafeteria. It is not too late to join! We have many ideas of how we can better connect to HSD to support our students/teachers. We are sure you have ideas as well. We would love to hear them. Join us for light refreshments. The meeting will begin promptly at 6pm and end at 7pm. We hope to see you there! REMINDERS! *Don’t forget to LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! We can be found at www.facebook.com/hsdhouston. *Chocolate sales are STILL going on! Sales do not end until December. Get your chocolate today! UNIFORM VIOLATIONS Recently we have noticed a relaxed and lenient attitude in school attire among high school students. Tight jeans and skinny jeans violate the HSD dress code. Back to school orientation made it clear that such attire is unacceptable at HSD. If this trend continues all high school students will be mandated to wear khaki pants as do students in elementary and middle school grades. CARPOOLING INFORMATION Parents, are you interested in carpooling? Please send an email, with CARPOOL in the subject line, to eventsforhsd@gmail.com if you are interested in making a connection. Perhaps another HSD family lives in close proximity to you! You will never know unless you inquire.
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