RKMSM–Introduction to Guidance and Counselling–PGDIGC 101 05/09-14/S1 Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling 1st Semester Examination - 2014-15 INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING First Paper (PGDIGC 101) (To be submitted by 30th November, 2014) Full Marks - 100 Weightage of marks: 20% The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own languages as far as practicable. 1. Answer any ten questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Define Counselling. Write the full name of NIOH and SVNIRTAR. What is intra-personal and inter-personal counselling? Define „empathy‟. Fill up the gap: “Counselling is a __________ way interaction”. Make difference between guidance and counselling. What is the difference between family counselling and marital counselling? Mention importance of guidance in health sector. Why guidance is essential in educational institutions? Who can provide guidance and counselling services? What is group counselling? Why good communication skill is essential for a counsellor? 2. Answer any six questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) Discuss in brief the functions of educational and vocational guidance. 5+5 Discuss the functions of NIMH and NIHH. 5+5 Discuss in brief the structure and functions of child guidance clinic. Mention its role in guidance services. 3+3+4 What is crisis intervention? Mention different types of crisis and their role in guidance and counselling. 2+4+4 What are the differences between Directive and Non-directive Counselling? 10 Mention what is ice-breaking and its role in educational and vocational guidance and counselling sessions. 10 What is family counselling? Discuss the importance of family counselling in the different phases of family life. 2+8 What are the differences between guidance and counselling & counselling and psychotherapy? 10 What are the specific functions of guidance at secondary and H.S. stages? What role does a „school counsellor‟ play in order to facilitate various functions? 5+5 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 210 106 3. Answer any one question from the following: (a) What is psychological trauma? Discuss about the causes and symptoms of trauma. Suggest some treatment options for those going through psychological trauma. 2+6+8+4 Discuss in brief about career counselling, marital counselling, gerontological counselling, rehabilitation counselling. 5×4 (b) 201 2 RKMSM–Educational and Vocational Guidance–PGDIGC 102 05/09-14/S1 Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling 1st Semester Examination - 2014-15 EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Second Paper (PGDIGC 102) (To be submitted by 30th November, 2014) Full Marks - 100 Weightage of marks: 20% The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own languages as far as practicable. 1. Answer any ten questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) What is C.G.C.? What do you mean by follow-up service in guidance? Define Counselling. Differentiate between Guidance and Counselling. How can you guide a class XI boy in career selection? Name three different types of counselling. What is career counselling? What are major areas of Guidance? What are vocational options? Mention one social and one psychological needs of guidance. What is CRC? What do you understand by occupational information fair? 2. Answer any six questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Show how Cumulative Record Card (CRC) is important in school guidance programme. What are the needs of Guidance? How can you organise a career talk in school? What is guidance? How is counselling related to guidance? Why we need vocational guidance in school? How is vocational guidance related to educational guidance? What do you understand by remedial service and research service associated with guidance service? Why is group guidance necessary for school students? Give an example of an information schedule to be filled up by class XI science students attending a career fair. (h) (i) 3. Answer any one question from the following: (a) (b) State the ways of organizing Child Guidance Clinic in school. How can Career Guidance Cell be established in a school? 210 106 201 3 RKMSM–Tools and Techniques of Guidance and Counselling –PGDIGC 103 05/02-14/S1 Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling 1st Semester Examination - 2014-15 TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Third Paper (PGDIGC 103) (To be submitted by 30th November, 2014) Full Marks - 100 Weightage of marks: 20% The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own languages as far as practicable. 1. Answer any ten questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) What do you mean by non-testing technique of guidance? What is called as testing technique of guidance? What is anecdotal record? What do you mean by aptitude test? Define „personality‟. What do you understand by the word „attitude‟? Define creativity. What do you mean by interval scale of measurement? Mention the important features of psychological test. Who are called special needs children? Define the concept „adjustment‟. Mention the purpose of maintaining personal data bank. 2. Answer any six questions from the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Discuss the uses of psychological tests. What is called attitude scale? Construct an attitude scale with 8 (eight) items that measure attitude towards science of class X students. Discuss the characteristics of creativity. Delineate the important features of Bell‟s adjustment inventory. Discuss the criteria of a good test. Give a brief account of anecdotal record. Write a note on Snell‟s Clinical Anger Scale (CAS). Describe important features of any two creativity tests adapted in India. What is interest inventory? Mention the salient feature of three interest inventory adapted in India. 3. Answer any one question from the following: (a) What is intelligence test? Mention the classification of intelligence tests. Describe any intelligence test in detail. 2+4+14 What is Sociometry? A, E, I, O, U are five students who are asked to name three others with whom they prefer to play in order preference. Make a fictitious relationship data and draw a sociogram. According to the calculation (mathematically) who is the most favoured? Describe in detail the technique you adopted. 3+17 (b) 210 106 201
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