YOUR GUIDE TO GROWING SAVINGS REWARDS HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR REWARDS. REWARDS STEP 1 DETERMINE YOUR QUALIFYING ACRES Purchase two or more of any of the following crop protection products. These acres will determine your qualifying acres. Clearfield® crops* Herbicides AgCelence® *Matched with Clearfield chemistry Inoculants STEP 2 DETERMINE YOUR SAVINGS The more qualifying acres you have in STEP 1, the more you save. You will receive the following discounts for: 400 – 1,999 acres 2,000 – 5,999 acres 6,000 + acres All seed treatments 12% 14% 16% All herbicides 3% 4% 5% Headline & Caramba fungicides 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% Lance fungicide DOUBLE YOUR ACRES FOR HEADLINE, CARAMBA AND LANCE FUNGICIDES, MULTIPLY YOUR QUALIFYING ACRES BY TWO TO CALCULATE YOUR SAVINGS. BASF CROP SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS Wheat Canola Peas Lentils Clearfield Ares™ Altitude FX® Nodulator® XL Nodulator N/T Heat® Viper® ADV Distinct® Odyssey® DLX Solo® Insure™ Cereal Headline® Priaxor® DS Twinline® Lance® Caramba® Other Clearfield crops matched with Clearfield chemistry Inoculants AgCelence fungicide seed treatment and fungicides Fungicides Herbicides Other REWARDS 2014 Terms and Conditions Confidentiality of Personal Information: 1.BASF Canada Inc. o/a BASF Canada (“BASF Canada”) will require grower transaction information in order to calculate rewards under the 2014 AgSolutions® Rewards Program. BASF Canada is not able to collect grower personal information without a signed PIPEDA and CEM (Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act and Commercial Electronic Messaging) consent form (“Consent Form”). Growers must submit the completed Consent Form to BASF Canada, either directly or through their retail, by November 30, 2014 in order to be eligible to receive 2014 BASF Canada grower program payments. 2.If you have signed a Consent Form, BASF Canada may disclose your personal information to BASF Canada’s affiliates, your retailer, authorized seed sellers or BASF Canada’s third party service providers for the purposes outlined below and in the Consent Form and in accordance with the terms of the Consent Form. Except as provided in the Consent Form, BASF Canada will not sell or disclose your personal information to any third party without your prior consent. 3.Your personal information will be used by BASF Canada for the purposes of: (i) verifying BASF Canada marketing program payments to you; (ii) developing and administering BASF Canada’s marketing programs (for example, to notify you of new product releases and BASF Canada special offers); (iii) developing, promoting and offering additional information, products and services, and (iv) BASF Canada internal use. If you do not wish for us to use the information for such purposes, please notify us, and we will mark your file accordingly. 4.If you wish to: (i) know what personal information we have in our files about you; (ii) request a change to the personal information in your file or; (iii) wish to be removed from our mailing list, please notify AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273). You may find out more about BASF Canada’s privacy practices by viewing its Privacy Policy, which is available on the BASF Canada website. Program Qualifications: 1.To qualify for program rebates, you must purchase a minimum of 400 acres combined of two or more of the following qualifying products: ARES™, BASAGRAN® FORTE, HEAT®, VIPER® ADV, DISTINCT®, HEADLINE®, NODULATOR® XL, NODULATOR N/T, NODULATOR, NODULATOR PRO, ODYSSEY® DLX, TWINLINE®, PRIAXOR® DS, INSURE™ Cereal, Clearfield® canola (including Nexera™ and XCEED®), Clearfield wheat, Clearfield lentils, or Clearfield sunflowers. 2.In order for Clearfield canola (including Nexera and XCEED), Clearfield wheat, Clearfield lentils, or Clearfield sunflowers acres to qualify, you must sign a Clearfield Commitment Form AND purchase matching acres of a BASF Canada herbicide that is registered on that crop and the soil zone in which the applicable acres are located. 3.To obtain information about the Clearfield Commitment Form, and to complete a Commitment Form, you should go to the BASF Canada secure grower website at or visit your retailer. Signed Commitment Forms must be submitted by mail, fax or online via BASF Canada’s secure grower website no later than July 9, 2014. See Clearfield Commitment Form for mailing address and fax number. 4.To qualify for program rebates you must purchase a minimum of two qualifying products listed in point #1 under ‘Program Qualifications’. These qualifying products are used to determine your rebate percentage and maximum payment acres, for seed treatments, herbicides and fungicides. Acres are calculated based on recommended full label application rates and seeding rates for Clearfield canola (including Nexera and XCEED), Clearfield wheat, Clearfield lentils or Clearfield sunflowers. 5.Subject to adjustment based on the multiplier set forth in section 8 below, to determine your rebate percentage on herbicides, fungicides and seed treatments, add up your total qualifying acres from the products listed in point #1 under ‘Program Qualifications’. 6.To determine your rebate percentage on seed treatments, add up your total qualifying acres from the products listed in point #1 under ‘Program Qualifications’. These acres also determine the maximum seed treatment payment acres. By way of example, if total qualifying acres are 2,000 and seed treatment purchases acres are 2,500, the rebate percentage would be 14% and the maximum payment acres would be 2,000. The following products are eligible for a seed treatment rebate: INSURE Cereal, CHARTER® RTU, and GEMINI®. 7.To determine your rebate percentage on herbicides, add up your total qualifying acres from the products listed in point #1 under ‘Program Qualifications’. These acres also determine the maximum herbicide payment acres. By way of example, if total qualifying acres are 2,000 and herbicide purchase acres are 3,000, the rebate percentage would be 4% and maximum payment acres would be 2,000. The following products are eligible for a herbicide rebate: ABSOLUTE®, ADRENALIN® SC, ALTITUDE FX®, ALTITUDE FX2, ARES, BANVEL® II, BASAGRAN, BASAGRAN FORTE, DISTINCT, DYVEL®, DYVEL DSP, EQUINOX®, FLAXMAX® DLX, GLADIATOR®, HEAT, ODYSSEY, ODYSSEY DLX, POAST® ULTRA, PURSUIT®, TENSILE®, VIPER ADV and SOLO®. 8.To determine your rebate percentage on fungicides, add up your total qualifying acres from the products listed in point #1 under ‘Program Qualifications’ and multiply by two. These acres also determine the maximum fungicide payment acres. By way of example, if total qualifying acres are 2,000, multiply by 2 for a total of 4,000 acres. The rebate percentage for CARAMBA, HEADLINE and/or HEADLINE DUO would be 8%. The rebate percentage for LANCE would be 14%. If fungicide purchase acres are 6,000, maximum payment acres would be 4,000. The following products are eligible for a fungicide rebate: CARAMBA®, HEADLINE, HEADLINE DUO and LANCE®. 9.Rebate percentages will be determined using recommended application rates based on the following qualifying acres: Acre Ranges 400 – 1,999 acres 2,000 – 5,999 acres 6,000 + acres All seed treatments 12% 14% 16% Rebate: % of SRP HEADLINE and All herbicides CARAMBA fungicides 3% 6% 4% 8% 5% 10% LANCE fungicide 12% 14% 16% 10.All rebate calculations will be based on a Suggested Retail Price (SRP) in Western Canada multiplied by the corresponding rebate percentage. Retailers have complete autonomy to determine the resale pricing for the products described herein and may choose to sell such products at prices which are different from those suggested by BASF. General: 1. The program qualifying and rebate acres will be calculated using the following label rates: Product Seeding Rate† Acres / Case ABSOLUTE 40 ADRENALIN SC 40 ALTITUDE FX 20 ARES 40 BANVEL II 200 BASAGRAN 20 BASAGRAN FORTE 20 CARAMBA 40 CHARTER RTU 160 Clearfield canola (includes Nexera) 11 acres/bag Clearfield wheat 0.67 acres/bushel Clearfield lentils 0.012 – 0.026 acres/lbs Clearfield XCEED 9.1 – 11 acre/bag Clearfield sunflowers (confectionary) 5 acres/bag* Clearfield sunflowers (oilseeds) 1 acre/22500 seeds* DISTINCT 80 DYVEL 40 DYVEL DSP 60 EQUINOX 40 FLAXMAX DLX 20 GLADIATOR 80 GEMINI 80 HEADLINE 80 HEADLINE DUO 40 HEAT 640 INSURE Cereal 160 LANCE 40 NODULATOR XL Liquid Tri Pack 135 NODULATOR XL SA Peat 50 NODULATOR XL Solid Core Granules 15 NODULATOR N/T Liquid 140 NODULATOR N/T SA Peat 117 NODULATOR Spherical Granules 8 NODULATOR Solid Core Granules 10 NODULATOR PRO 140 ODYSSEY 40 ODYSSEY DLX 40 POAST ULTRA 80 PURSUIT 80 PRIAXOR DS 160 SOLO 40 TENSILE 40 TWINLINE 80 VIPER ADV 40 2.Rebates will be calculated on a per acre basis, using all product purchases, including partial cases. 3.Grower purchases must be made between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014. 4.All qualifying and eligible products must be purchased from a Western Canadian retailer. 5.Retailers will submit transactions on behalf of growers to BASF Canada and all program payments will be calculated using this data. All grower transactional data must be submitted to BASF Canada by October 9, 2014 to be eligible for 2014 BASF Canada grower program payments. 6.Any of the eligible products purchased as part of other grower programs or offers are not eligible for any further savings as part of the AgSolutions Rewards Program. 7.This offer does not apply to any products returned for any reason whatsoever or for any products purchased for resale. 8.If a grower returns product to their retailer after the sales period, the grower should reimburse BASF Canada the over payment amount by contacting AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273). Failure to do so will result in a deduction from the applicable grower’s future year’s program rebate. 9.BASF Canada reserves the right to verify the information provided by the grower and/or the retailer. 10.Cheques less than $50 will not be processed. 11.Allow a minimum of eight (8) weeks for reward to be paid from the time the final transactional data is sent to BASF Canada by a retailer. 12.BASF Canada reserves the right to modify or withdraw any or all of the terms of the grower program if required by law or for any other reason at the sole discretion of BASF Canada. Any of such terms are void if prohibited by law. † Seeding rate varies depending on variety. *Seeding rates are subject to change, please visit for updates. Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions, BANVEL, DISTINCT, DYVEL and HEADLINE are registered trade-marks of BASF Corporation; ARES is a trade-mark, and ABSOLUTE, ADRENALIN, Clearfield, the unique Clearfield symbol, ODYSSEY, PURSUIT, TENSILE and VIPER are registered trade-marks of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; CARAMBA is a registered trade-mark of BASF Agro B.V.; INSURE is a trade-mark and AgCelence, ALTITUDE FX, BASAGRAN, EQUINOX, FLAXMAX, GEMINI, HEAT, KIXOR, LANCE, POAST, PRIAXOR, SOLO and TWINLINE are registered trade-marks of BASF SE; NODULATOR and BIOSTACKED are registered trade-marks of BASF; and CHARTER is a registered trade-mark of BASF Agro Trademarks GMBH; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. GLADIATOR is a trade-mark of Univar Canada Ltd. Nexera is a trade-mark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. XCEED is a registered trade-mark of Viterra Inc. All other trade-marks are the properties of their respective owners. INSURE Cereal, HEADLINE, LANCE, CARAMBA, PRIAXOR DS, and/or TWINLINE should be used in a preventative disease control program. © 2013 BASF Canada Inc. v1_W_09_01_2013 205103-13
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