Pastoral 18 Diocesan Council Meeting: Will include a talk by Fr James Hanvey SJ and prayer workshops at St Brendan’s College, Brislington, 10-30am to 3-30pm. See poster in the porch Server’s 18 Altar Formation Day There is a special formation day for servers on Saturday 18th October, and all servers are invited and asked to attend. Please collect a letter from the Sacristy. on the Icon: On 22 More 22 October, following 7pm Mass, Sr Petra Clare and Fr Michael Fountaine, Director of the Diocesan Liturgy Department, will come to talk about icons and to facilitate our discussions on the proposal to have an icon commissioned for the church. : Retreat in 26 Retreat Brittany from 26 October to 1 November. n Chilli: At 08 Quiz 7-30pm Bring your friends and family out for a night of brainteasers, skilled challenges and a plate of chilli. £10 a team. All proceeds to the HCPT taking children with additional needs to Lourdes every Easter. Bar available. Contact Tom Osman ( to enter team or speak to Fr. Tom. 15 Permanent Diaconate: Parishoners are invited you to join Mario Kossman for his ordination to the permanent diaconate at Clifton Cathedral in Bristol on Saturday 15 November at 11am, followed by a reception with light refreshments in Clifton High School. Please let him know if you wish to attend MARCH 2015 diary date: 17 Advance Tour of the Butcombe Brewery and as much beer as you can drink! Book with the St Joseph’s parish office or JUNE 2015 14 Parish First Communion DECEMBER Friary Repository 04 Kay Nash took over the running of Walsingham Pilgrimage: 4 to 6 December. the Repository at the end of July, and is offering a selection of cards (birthday/special events/seasonal NOVEMBER etc) and a varied range of items presently sold in the shop to the parish more regularly than just at 08 Christmas Fayre: There will be a Christmas Fayre from 12noon onwards at St Joseph’s Home, Cotham Hill, Bristol. Admission 50p (Children free). Sunday 12th October 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time the Friary visits. These will be displayed in the parish hall for sale during 11.00am coffee Mass on time after Sundays. Please feel free to browse and buy if need. you see something you St Francis of Assisi OCTOBER St Francis of Assisi RC Church, Ash Hayes Road, Nailsea, BRISTOL BS48 2LP A Parish within the Weston-super-Mare Deanery of Clifton Diocese. Priest: Fr Tom Dubois, Tel: 01275 851530 e-mail: Deacons: Rev Paul Reddington, Tel: 01275 858485 Rev Ivan Reynolds, Tel: 01275 858639 Parish Newsletter Ó 2014 The Word this Week The Church’s year is drawing to a close: in a few weeks we will be thinking very clearly about the end of time - but here we have a preview. The parable of the banquet is a link between the Gospels of recent weeks (which have as their theme: ‘Just who is going to be saved?’) and the looking forward to the end times which will follow. The big danger is complacency: we are baptised, we go to Church, we’ve got our invites to the wedding. But when the big day comes, will we be ready for it? Or will our thoughts be on the other things of life? Jesus speaks of himself as the Bridegroom, and today points out to the chosen people that they are in danger of missing the celebration. Mass Times this week Our faith is that the Bridegroom will come again; let us be careful that the Cycle: A (2) Liturgy of the hours: PS4 same parable is not addressed to us. St Francis Entrance Antiphon If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel. Psalm Response In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia (sung) The Word was made flesh and lived among us; to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God. Communion Antiphon The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. 11am # Sun 6pm ( + Rec. from 5-15pm) Mon 9am Tue 6pm + vigil 9am 7-15pm Wed 7pm *+Rec from 6-15) Thu 9-15am Fri Sat St Joseph 9-30am 10am * Exposition before Mass +(Rec) Reconciliation before Mass # Coffee/tea after Mass NOTICES Offertory Our Offertory Collection last week amounted to £186.47 plus £750 by Standing Order. Diocesan Prayer Link Dulverton St Stanislaus / Minehead Sacred Heart with Watchet Cleaning Rota Team C Hall Bookings Helen & Chris Long Tel: 01275 856402 Other Contacts John Edney - Tel.01275 854372 Doreen Wyatt - Tel. 01275 851591 Day by Day The Day by Day Booklets for October are now available at the back of the church. Cost £1. Rosary and Benediction There will be rosary and benediction for the month of October every Sunday at 5pm except 26 October. Visit dates for Parents of children due to start Reception 2015 St Francis Catholic School warmly invite parents of children due to start school in 2015, to visit and have a tour of the school, meet the Head Teacher and see the school in action. There are three visit dates before Christmas: 16th October at 2 pm, 19th November at 2pm and 4th December at 2 pm. Please contact the school office to ‘book’ a place. Tel 01275 855373. We look forward to welcoming you. Lost property Several items of clothing have been left in our hall for many months, including some winter coats. If these are not claimed in the next 2 weeks they will be given to a charity shop. They are currently on the pegs in the hall please check to see if they belong to you! First Holy Communion Nailsea Our First Holy Communion Programme for 2015 will begin on Jan 6th with Reconciliation on 24th March and First Holy Communion on 14th June. Further information and applications will be available in early November. Deacon Paul. Thank you! To everyone who helped in any way with the Mass for the Sick etc on Saturday 4th October. Several of you gave up your time to assist with transport, making cakes, helping in the hall and it all contributed to a successful afternoon. Due to the popularity of these Masses Father Tom has agreed that we will increase the number held to four times a year in 2015. The dates will be circulated in due course! Thanks again, Clive Collins Calling all Non-Catholics! Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Are you perhaps married to a Catholic and would like to know about their beliefs, but don’t like to ask? Please come and join our sessions in Portishead. They are very informal and you might even enjoy the experience. We meet on Tuesday evenings 7.45pm. until 9.00pm in the parish hall at St. Joseph’s, Portishead. For more information call Gill on 01275 882211 or speak to Fr. Tom." A Quick Journey through the Bible This course has started but it is not too late to join in if you missed/couldn’t make it. Just come along after Mass this coming Wednesday. PRAYER BOARD Please remember in your prayers the following who are sick/housebound: Bob & Dorothy Close, Molly Hill, Muriel Marks, Theresa Parkes, Christine Broderick, Tony Madden, Brenda Clarke, Betty Brooke, Nessie Burbridge, Kathleen McGhee and Rupert Ridge. Anniversaries: 14th Edith Martha Thomas, 15th Michael McGurk and Jack Grant and 18th Gillian Houghton. Altar Server’s Day – Mass next Saturday All St Joseph’s and St Francis’ parishioners are invited to come to a special Mass next Saturday (18 th October) for 10am at St Francis Church. This is also the start of a day for altar servers to help them understand the meaning of their ministry. Can all servers ensure the signed form has been returned to Fr Tom today, and come along next Saturday by 9-45am to prepare for the Mass. Churches Together in Backwell Events 12 Oct: The UK Gold at Curzon Community Cinema, Clevedon 7:30pm only £2.50. A new award-winning documentary exploring global tax dodging through the eyes of an east London vicar. 25 Oct: Charity Christmas Card Sale. 10:00 – 12:00 Backwell Parish Hall. Numerous charities will be represented. Vocation Matters Julian Trust Night Shelter for the homeless. “There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength” A new list of current requirements is above the Julian Trust basket in the Church porch. Your monthly donations are greatly appreciated. They are currently having to buy tuna, tinned veg, sugar and UHT milk so would be particularly gratefully to receive any of these items. Help Wanted We have a vacancy on one of our transport rotas and need a driver to take 2 ladies from Nailsea to 11 a.m. Mass once every 4 weeks. Can you help? Please speak to Father Tom or Paula Swift (phone 853526) In Mike Horn’s book, Conquering the Impossible, he recounts his incredible solo 12,000 mile journey around the globe at the Arctic Circle. He recalls perilous sailing journey, treacherous hikes over ice and hair-raising encounters with polar bears. It’s amazing how we humans can have the mental and physical toughness to conquer in such a way as this. Spiritually too, we have that capacity. In whatever way God is calling us to step out of our comfort zone and follow him, the grace to persevere is on offer. After all, as St Paul says, “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us”. If that’s the case then there really is nothing we cannot master for Jesus if he is the One who calls us to it.
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