Christian Keller (1989) The Eastern Settlement Reconsidered. Some analyses of Norse Medieval Greenland. University of Oslo, Unpublished PhD Thesis, 372 pp. 331 BffiUOGRAPHY Please note: Icelandic authors are listed under their surnames, and not under their first names (which is the local tradition in Iceland). Icelandic and Old Norse names are normalized to English lettering. The Icelandic letter "a" is listed alphabet, as normally used in Iceland. after tbe letter "a" in the Tbe letter "4" was in older Danish /Norwegian orthography written as a double a . "aa and is listed as the modem Scandinavian letter "4", i.e. at the end of the alphabet. M • In some references, Christiania (Kristiania) is given as the place of publishing. Christiania was tbe official narne of Oslo between 1625 and 18?6, and Kristiania from 1877 to 1925. 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