The idings of Peace October 2014

The idings of Peace
October 2014
Peace Lutheran Church
Church Office: 755-2515 or
Find us on facebook!
Where to find it!
October Servant Schedule
Message from Pastor Valerie
Parish Nurse Notes
Peace Harvest Dinner
“Christmas in October”
“Seek God” Jeremiah 29:13
Church Contacts
Valerie Peterson
Executive Secretary
Pat Adam
Council President
Dale Cotch
Parish Nurse
Karen Fossum
Education News & Upcoming Events 9-11
Youth Ministry
October Birthdays & Baptisms
Peace Shirt Orders and
Birdseed Orders
Jodi Swenson and Cindy Doiron
Kathy Vesperman
Interim Process Update
Things to Do!
Director of Christian
Ronda Haley
Financial Secretaries
Dorothy Lindholm and
Bonnie Crary
Servant Duties October
8:30 am
October 5th-Children’s Sunday
Ushers: Craig & Danielle Nelson
Acolyte: Kyle Kobernick
Lay Reader: Children will read lessons
Greeters: Children will greet
10:45 am
Ushers needed to help children
Cory Puterbaugh
October 12th
Ushers: Steve & Karrie Swenson
Acolyte: Karter McNutt
Lay Reader: Melissa Hall
Greeters: Jeff & Melissa Hall family
Chris & Claire Chinander
Sean Burrows
Danielle Nelson
Dale & Lori Getschel
October 19th
Ushers: John & Pat Adam
Acolyte: Anna O’Hare
Lay Reader: Pat Adam
Greeters: Don & Linda Meixner
Jim Kirby & Paul Smith
David Koch
Ilene Chapman
Bjorn & Jamie Neumann family
October 26th-Annual Meeting at 9:30 am
Ushers: Bob & Denise Todd
Acolyte: Hunter Robinson
Lay Reader: Mary Drinkwine
Greeters: Mavis Lindahl & Angie LaMirande
Alan Puterbaugh family
Tray Scott
Andrea Puterbaugh
Barb Hanson
Communion Helper: 8:30-Julie Riemer
Altar Guild: 8:3010:45-
10:45-Susan Mayer
More Ushers/Greeters/Lay Readers are
needed- especially for 2nd service. Contact the
office if you can help!
Message from Pastor Valerie
The change of seasons is coming! As we left home, we saw the early maples turning a beautiful orange, and some trees beginning to be tinged with reds - and it
looks like they will be very bright this year. Beautiful! And the last two weeks at
Peace Lutheran have carried that excitement of autumn, with children starting
back to school and Sunday school; with our middle school students starting a year
of confirmation studies; and the high school youth signing up for the mission trip
and getting into the schedule of another year. How blessed we are to have all this
excitement of children and youth filling our church, and their families committing
themselves again to be nurturing them in faith, and growing with them as disciples. And we as a congregation have committed ourselves to continuing to do our
part to pray and support this ongoing discipleship.
By the time you read this, you will have elected your call committee, and had a
chance to review and respond to the Profile that our Profile Committee has prepared so well. Thus it is time to move into the next steps of the call process, with
synod staff orienting the call committee to their task and the process the ELCA
uses. Then they can begin to look at resumes (Rostered Leader Profiles or RLP's)
and choose which candidates they would like to interview. For the rest of us, it's
a time to commit ourselves to be praying for this process, humbling ourselves and
admitting our need for God's guidance and direction, asking for wisdom and discernment through the process, and praying for strength and patience and endurance for the call committee as they give much time and energy to this short-term
task that has such great and long-term impact. This time in your history is as
significant as the time when you merged two congregations and called Pastor
Wayne Deloach. Those decisions have shaped you for decades. And this call
process will shape you for the next decade and beyond. It needs our prayers!!!!
The third section of Isaiah is speaking to me, and I encourage you to read and
ponder especially chapters 55 and 62, as well as these verses from 57:14-15:
"Thus says the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with those who are contrite
and humble in spirit…"
From chapter 55:
"Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near…
For my thought are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says
the LORD.
Continued on next page
For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so are my ways/thoughts higher…"
"Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good…
Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live."
And from chapter 62:
"You who remind the LORD, take no rest, and give him no rest until he
establishes Jerusalem and makes it renowned throughout the earth…"
These chapters from 54 to 66 give us much to pray about as we watch the
Middle East and the unfolding of God's plans for Israel, but these promises are
also in some senses for the Church, which God has grafted into Israel spiritually. And there is in these chapters a call to pray, to be a part of God moving to
fulfill God's plans! It seems God wants us involved, and doesn't plan to do it
without us!
So I am calling you to special times of prayer in October, this critical month. We
will gather on Wednesday, October 1, at 5:30 p.m., on Sunday, October 5, at
9:45; and again on Wednesday, October 15, at 5:30 p.m. for prayer times, each
with a different emphasis. Please gather with us as you are able to lift up this
congregation's call and future to the Lord. God honors it when we take special
time and make a special effort to seek God with fasting and prayer. Some of
you may want to consider fasting along with these prayer times.
My last Sunday with you will be October 19, and I will be in the office until
October 24. On the 26th, you will move on to business for the next year with
budget and elections, and I will be doing continuing education the last week of
October, my last days as your interim pastor here at Peace Lutheran Church.
We're moving on! (Fram! Fram! for those of you who are St Olaf grads, or
Norwegian speakers. It's "Forward!")
Pastor Valerie
The Model for Healthy Living focus in October will be on MEDICAL.
When it comes to your medical care, you can build a partnership with your
health care provider that lets you participate in managing your medical
care. However, being your own advocate comes with
responsibility. That means educating yourself on your diagnosis by asking
questions. It means following your prescribed treatment plan -- be it abstaining from a habit, taking prescribed medications or following through
with home exercises. It also involves communicating openly and honestly
with your health care team. Yes, they have education, training and experience you don’t have, but you know yourself better than any doctor or nurse
(ahemmmmm) ever will.
Please stop by the table in the narthex for more information on all
things Medical. If you’re someone who’s 68 and you haven’t seen the
inside of a clinic since you were 12, I’m glad you feel great and appear
so healthy but pay attention to the information that’s just for you regarding
those silent killers+.
This month’s tip for communicating with someone who has
Alzheimer’s disease or advanced dementia:
Provide the solution rather than the question. For example, say, ”The
bathroom is right here,” instead of , “Do you need to use the bathroom?”
being held: Oct 7th from 4-5 pm at Amery; Oct 23rd from 4-5 pm at
Balsam Lake; Oct 27th from 1-2 pm at Balsam Lake. Call Gail Peavey,
UW Extension Family Living Agent at 715-485-8600 to register.
Wishing you a blessed fall season, Karen
Peace Harvest (Ham) Dinner
Saturday, October 4th, 4:30-6:30 pm
Serving: Baked Ham, Baked Potatoes, Squash, Green Beans,
Rolls, Coleslaw, Relishes and Apple Crisp
$8 Adults, $4 Children 5-12, 4 and under free
Bazaar items such crafts, woodworking, baked goods, small gift items).
Proceeds of the Bazaar given to the CRA (Women’s Shelter in Milltown).
Thank you for your help and donations for the Harvest Dinner fundraiser.
This is a great community fellowship event and the proceeds will be given
to Peace Missions. Enclosed in this Tidings is an envelope for monetary
donations to help offset the costs of the food we purchase (ham, potatoes,
squash, beverages, etc.).
This will be our 6th and final year of coordinating the dinner. Please
consider stepping forward to organize next year’s event. We have
great planning notes and schedules to pass along!
Barb Hanson & Pat Adam, Ham Dinner Coordinators.
Serenity Home Meals
Thank you to everyone who signed up and made a meal for the Serenity Home
Shelter this past year! Peace members provide the supper meal at Serenity
Home located in Balsam Lake the 4th Monday of each month. This meal should be
enough to serve 22 people and a variety of foods are suggested: casseroles,
meatloaf, lasagna, chili, spaghetti, roastbeef and more! The shelter currently
has only 7 meals per month brought in by other agencies, churches, etc. Please
consider signing up as a family or with a friend in the year 2015. This is a great
service to those in our community!
Beginning Sunday, October 12th
We invite you to help fill shoeboxes for children around the world or fill
a Military Carebox at home with your family. We encourage you to pick up either a plastic
shoebox (60 have been ordered) or a US Postal Box in the narthex and fill the box at home.
Boxes will be available on Sunday, October 12th and should be returned the week of
November 9th-16th. A special blessing of all the boxes will take place at worship services
on November 17th.
If you would prefer to make a cash donation, shipping costs are needed for each box:
$7 per shoebox Monetary donations can also be made in the Narthex.
Military CareBox Project
The Out Reach Ministry is currently looking at options on what
we can do during the holidays for our military and/or veterans.
Children’s Shoebox Project:
Plastic shoeboxes will be in the Narthex and contain
the Operation Christmas Child information of what to
do to fill the box. Children can use a plastic box for
many purposes and it becomes part of the gift. Plastic
boxes do not have to be wrapped. Pick up a box in the
narthex and take it home to fill with your family. We
ask that you begin praying for the child who will
receive your box (you will choose whether a boy or girl
and the age of the child on the form included inside).
Share the love of Christ…through a box!
“Seek me with your whole being. I desire to be found
by you, and I orchestrate the events of your life with
that purpose in mind. When things go well and you
are blessed, you can feel me smiling on you When
you encounter rough patches along your life-journey,
trust that My Light is still shining upon you. Seek me
in good times; seek me in hard times. You will find Me
watching over you all the time.” (Jesus Calling Devotional)
As we begin to SEEK GOD together this year, a challenge is extended to every
member of our church family: Memorizing a Bible verse each month (in addition to our theme verse) to help teach us to Seek God with our whole heart.
October Memory Verse
“Seek first the kingdom of God…”
Matthew 6:33
“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
Prayer Time
A Call to Prayer in October
We have set aside October to be a time of prayer for
Peace, our Call Committee, our Bridge Pastor, and the
Pastor and Youth Director that God is preparing to bring
to our church family. Please plan to come one or all of
the times...
Wednesday, Oct 1st, 5:30—6pm
Sunday, Oct 5th, 9:45—10:15am
Wednesday, Oct 15th, 5:30—6pm
Page 1
Adult Education Opportunities
Classes, Bible Studies, Conferences
Join us for…
Men in Mission -- Bible Study
Thursdays, 6:00am, Our Place Café SCF
Call Bill Stevenson (263-853-5439)
Rachael Circle -- Bible Study
Wed, Oct 23rd, 1:30pm, Chapel Library
Call Ramona Paulson (294-2665)
Women’s Wednesday Bible Study
Joyful Morning, Dresser 10:30—11:30am
Call Ronda (755-2515)
Join us for one or both studies:
...all are welcome!
“Kingdom Building”
a 4-week study… $8
Oct 1, 8, 15, 22
A study on the Kingdom of God,
here-but-not-fully. Author Grace Biskie
helps us understand what this means
and shares ways in which God calls us
to bring the Kingdom to others.
Looking for spiritual refreshment?
God Pause email devotions are short,
meaningful reflections delivered
directly to your email box.
“One Thousand Gifts”
A 5-week study…$7
Oct 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26
A video-based study by author Ann
Voskamp that teaches us to have an
attitude of gratitude. Embark on this
personal, honest, and fresh exploration
of what it means to be deeply fulfilled,
wholly happy, and fully alive.
The devotion writers are Luther Seminary alumni. Their reflections are a gift
to you and to the church.
Books are available at the Welcome Center.
Please be prepared for Lesson 1 on
October 1st and/or October 29th.
Page 2
PreK—12th Grade
Learn in Faith. Grow in Faith. Serve in Faith.
Peace Lutheran provides opportunities for people of all ages to grow in their faith and
relationship with Jesus Christ each Sunday morning. All members and visitors are
invited to join a class or discussion group.
Sunday School hour (9:30—10:30am)
PreK & Kindergarten Kidz
First—Fourth Grade Kidz
5th & 6th Graders
7th & 8th Graders
PreK – Room 10 K –Room 11
Fellowship Hall
CLUB56 Room (Room 12)
Youth Room
PARENTS: please turn in your registration forms and pick up a “Family Sunday
School Events” pamphlet and a magnet with our schedule at the Welcome Center.
Children’s Sunday
October 5th
Fall Family Event
during Sunday School
on Children’s Sunday
OCT 5th
8:30am & 10:45am
We encourage all families to join us
for a special worship service geared
to our children and involving our
children as being ushers, greeters,
lay readers, and musicians.
Family Movie
In Fellowship Hall or CLUB56
Page 3
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
Many thanks to our 2012 Mentors:
8th: Angie Gorres, Kathy Ulrich,
Dirk Anderson, Alan Puterbaugh, Brandon Robinson
7th: Trinity Greenquist. Jessie Link, Katie Raddatz
Jill Hinze, Paul Smith, Jason Swanson, Andy Willeman
Many thanks to our Supper Teams:
To all the parents and friends helping to cook and
serve and clean up our fabulous meals each week!
October Schedule
Oct 1: Lesson Night
Oct 8: Lesson Night
Oct 15: Test Night
Parents are invited to Lesson Nights
to learn along with your Confirmand!
Join us for supper...
Oct 17-18: 7th & 8th grade to Luther Point!! (see info on the Youth Pages)
Oct 22: Special Topic Night
Oct 29: Fellowship Night
Preschoolers , Toddlers, Adults
October 7th and 21st
We love keeping in touch with
our college students! Parents
please notify the office with the
new or updated mailing addresses
of your college kids...Thanks!!
9:30– 10:30am
Education Wing
Jesus loves the little children!
1 10:30am Women
Study @ Joyful Morn
5:30 pm Peace Pra
6-7:30 pm Confirma
HS Youth Group
5 Children’s Sunday!
8:30 & 10:45 am Worship
Services, 9:35 am Sunday
School, Choir Practice,
Prayer Shawl Ministry
9:45 am Peace Prayer Time
Noon-Trollhaugen Bake Sale
8:30 am Staff Mtg.
9:00 am Quilting
10:00 am Tot Time
10:30am Women’s B
Study @ Joyful Morn
8:30 & 10:45 am Worship
Services, 9:35 am Sunday
School, Choir Practice
9:45 am New Member Class
9:00 am Quilting
10:00 am Staff Mtg.
10am-6pm WIC Prog.
15 10:30am Wom
Study @ Joyful Morn
5:30 pm Peace Pra
6:00-7:30 pm Confi
and HS Youth Group
7:00 pm New Memb
19 New Member Sunday & 20
Pastor Valerie’s Farewell
8:30 & 10:45 am Worship
Services. 9:35 am Sunday
School, Choir Practice
8:30 am Staff Mtg.
9:00 am Quilting
10:00 am Tot Time
2:00 pm Caregiver
Support Group
10:30am Women’s B
Study @ Joyful Morn
1:30 pm Rachael Ci
6:00-7:30 pm Confi
and HS Youth Group
8:30 & 10:45 am Worship
Services, 9:35 am Sunday
School, Choir Practice
9:45 am Annual Meeting
9:00 am Quilting
10 am Staff Mtg.
10:30am Women’s B
Study @ Joyful Morn
6:00-7:30 pm Confi
and HS Youth Group
6-7:30 pm Confirma
HS Youth Group
Youth Ministry
Peace Lutheran Youth Ministry Mission Statement:
To be an instrument used by the Holy Spirit to bring youth to faith in Jesus Christ. The
strategies by which we accomplish this purpose are: Worship, Service, Learning and
Youth Ministry Team: Julie Reimer (Chair), Robin Ekstrom (secretary), Tammy & Brian
Breault, Angie Gehrman, Alan Puterbaugh (Treasurer), Audre Breault (youth rep), Jason and
Sonya Swanson
Sunday Morning Opportunities
(9:35-10:40 a.m.)
(For youth 9-12 grade)
We meet in the Haven room in Ed Wing
(For youth 7 & 8 grade )
Each Sunday morning a group of your friends meet in the Youth Room for
treats, games, study, and tons of fun!
Club 56
(for youth in 5-6th grade)
This is a Sunday morning club (Sunday School) just for 5th & 6th graders.
Wednesday Night Youth Group
9th-12th graders - please join for HS Youth Group. We meet from 6:00-7:30
pm. Supper is at 6:00 pm ($2 each night). We gather in the Youth Room to
eat, share exciting & challenging devos and just veg out. Bring a friend!
Upcoming Youth Events
Bake Sale Fundraiser at Trollhaugen Fall Fest
Sunday, October 5th, noon-4pm.
Donations of baked goodies are welcome-please bring
them to the church kitchen by 11am.
Luther Point Camp Jr. & Sr. High Weekend Camp
Jr. High: Grades 6-8, Sr. High: Grades 9-12
Oct. 17 & 18
Begins Friday at 7pm, until Saturday at 7pm
Meet at Peace at 5:45pm on Friday to load the bus and go from here. We
will return to Peace by 8pm on Saturday.
7th & 8th graders, THIS IS FOR YOU!! Join other students your age for
this weekend event of Faith, Friends and Fun at Luther Point Bible Camp!
Cost is only $30 per person. Deadline to sign up is Weds. Oct. 8th
Please call the church office or contact Sonya Swanson 715-483-3895 with any questions.
Mission Trip Coupon Sales will begin on Saturday, November 1st.
Please support our youth and also community businesses.
October Birthdays
Celebrating Your October Baptism!
Peace will be selling T-Shirts, Polo Shirts
and Sweatshirts from Sept. 7th-Oct. 12th.
The order form is available at Peace in the
Narthex. There will also be shirts on display at
Peace so you can look at colors and sizes. The
drawing on the left is the logo the shirts will
have on them. The polos and jackets will only
have the Peace dove on the front. The sweatshirts
and t-shirts will have the dove on front and the
words on the back.
The shirts will be delivered to church by the end of November. (Great Christmas
gifts.) Come and check them out!
Bird Seed Orders
Orders will be sent in on the 10th of each month and will be at Peace for pickup by
the 15th of each month. The orders are filled by Endeavors Adult Development
Center, Balsam Lake. Checks payable to Peace Church and must accompany your
order. Any proceeds from the sales will go to the PLC Home Mission Fund which
helps Peace and community members in financial crisis.
We are selling the following birdseed:
♦ Songbird Buffet, 10#, $10.50
♦ Songbird Buffet, 20#, $19.00
♦ Cardinal Fancy, 10#, $10.25
♦ Cardinal Fancy, 20#, $18.25
♦ Nyger Seeds, 10#, $12.25
♦ Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, 20#, $19.50
♦ Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, 40#, $40.00
♦ Wild Game Bird Mix, 10#, $8.50
The order forms are located on the east side of the narthex and there is also a bin
there where the birdseed will be put when delivered.
New Members will be welcomed into
our family at Peace on Sunday, Oct.
19th. New Member Class will be on
Sunday, Oct. 12th at 9:45 am or Weds.,
Oct. 15th at 7:00 pm. (You need to
attend only one.) If you have been
visiting Peace and wish to become
a member please talk with Pastor
Valerie. Letters were sent to prospective
members on Sept. 26th.
Inclement Weather Rule
If St. Croix Falls or Osceola Schools are
closed or release early due to the winter
weather, there will be no events at church
that evening. If there is a large snowstorm
on a scheduled worship day, we will post a
decision to stay open or close on the PLC
website, facebook page, send out a group
email and have the message on the office
answering machine.
As much as we want to have YOU at our
worship services, we want you and your
family to be safe!
Congratulations to the following young
members of Peace who were recently
married. May God bless you with a
healthy and happy life together!
Aug. 9th-Stephanie (Nelson) and
Brandon Whitaker
Aug. 23rd-Kelly (Springer) and Jason
Sept. 13th-Nicole (Martell) and Chad
Sept. 27th-Megan (Beuth) and Ryan
Thanks to all good friends, including
quilters, for your kind thoughts and
prayers in the recent death of my son,
Kaylor Teig, (brother to Kellen Teig);
your support has helped a lot. Mary
Lou Koosman
Train Ride Fundraiser!
Saturday, October 25, 11:00 am
Adults $15, 5-15 yrs $10, 4 yrs & under are free
Join us for a scenic 90 minute ride from Osceola to Marine and back. Enjoy
the last of the autumn leaves and view water falls. The cars are heated. Treat
your family to lunch (or snacks) provided by the Polk County MobilePack.
All proceeds of this event will go to the Feed My Starving Children event,
April 10-11. Tickets are available at Peace and must be purchased from
church for the money to be credited to the MobilePack event!
Only 300 total tickets will be sold by several area churches so don’t delay!
Peace Free Clothing Share
Feed My Starving Children
(FMSC) Quarter Tubes
In August the kids and congregation
were given “M & M” coin tubes to take
home and fill with quarters. Then the
tubes may be put in the offering basket
or left on the table by the office where
there are empty tubes to take back
home. If you don’t have a quarter tube
please feel free to take one soon!
who helped make the Fall Annual Clothing Event a great success. A special
thank you to those who helped set up and
clean up, to Breault's and F&A for hangers, and to Diane Moser for the event
press releases. The items that were left
were donated to the SCF Family Pathways. Thank you so much for your generosity and continued support of this ministry to our community.
Alice Moris & the Outreach Committee
Paul and the Early Church in Greece and Turkey
During the first 50 years after the resurrection of Jesus the Early Church experienced explosive growth as the Apostles and Paul moved out into their world
to share that good news. Much of that growth took place in the churches that
were planted in modern day Greece and Turkey and their story is fascinating. We invite you to join us in discovering that story and being inspired by
it during a journey to Greece and Turkey next April 16-27, 2015.
An informational meeting about the trip will be held at Fristad Lutheran
Church in Centuria on Thursday night, October 2nd, at 7:00 pm. The meeting
will be about an hour and will be an opportunity for you to hear about the trip
and have your questions answered. Lori Moline of Seminars International will
be with us to share all the details. In the meantime, a full informational brochure and registration form can be secured by contacting us at: or by calling us at 715-483-1377.
We would love to have you join us and invite you to think and pray about doing
so. It promises to be a very inspirational journey!
Wayne and Mary Ellen Deloach
Help Wanted:
PLC Annual Meeting
Sunday, October 26th, 9:45 am.
All confirmed members of Peace are
encouraged to attend. The purpose of
this meeting is to review the 2014
budget and the proposed 2015 budget,
approve nominations for council.
PLC Council Meeting Minutes are
posted on the bulletin board on the way to
the kitchen. These minutes are
“unapproved” until the next meeting.
Funeral Luncheon Coordinator.
In the event of a funeral this
entails contacting the work
group leader to let her know
how many we are serving, calling 4-5 “funeral workers” to
help in the kitchen and also
calling our food purchaser.
So approximately 6-8 phone
calls every month. Contact Pat
(current Funeral Luncheon
Please consider this if you are
looking for something YOU can
do for Peace!
Men’s Warm Clothing Needed for
Serenity Home Shelter!
While visiting with a staff member of
Serenity Home it was mentioned that the
guys there are in need of clothing such as:
sweatshirts, underclothes, socks, hats and
gloves. I was able to collect some items
from our Fall Clothing Share and would
like to be able to give them more. During
the month of October I am collecting these
items at Peace and will deliver them. If
you can donate any items please leave
them in the labeled bin by the office. The
undesignated Noisy Offering from June
will be used to purchase some new underwear and socks for them. Thank you for
your help! Pat Adam
People to sign up to make the
coffee and put it into carafes on
Sunday mornings. This can be
done before 8:30 service if you
wish. The directions for the
coffee pot are posted. Pat is
willing to give more detailed
instructions if you can help! If
you are a person that is always
here early for church-this job
may be for you!
Interim Process Update
The Ministry Site Profile was presented to the congregation at a special
meeting on Sunday, Sept. 21. The Profile Committee completed this document with the help of members who participated in their discussion groups
and also completed the online survey that was available. Thank you to the
members of this committee for their time spent on this important document.
At this meeting, we also approved the following members for the Call Committee: Sara Carlson, John Haley, Jeff Hall, Clayton Hanson, Diane Moser,
Shellee Mierow, Pete Peterson, Andrea Skinner and Sonya Swanson.
Pastor Valerie’s last Sunday at Peace will be Oct. 19th. Her
last day in the office will be Oct. 24th. Please be with us
on Oct. 19th as we say Thank you and God Bless to Pastor
Valerie for her time with us. In lieu of gifts, a donation to
China Service Ventures (
or The Jesus Film Project ( would be
appreciated by Pastor Valerie.
PLC Council members are in the process of interviewing prospective Bridge
Pastors to serve Peace when Pastor Valerie leaves and until a permanent
pastor is called. Please keep PLC Council members and our newly elected
Call Committee in your prayers as we move forward in the call process.
Financial Report
Budget for 2014 $ 445,584.98
Received to Date: $ 290,207.35
Needed to Date: $ 325,619.72
( $ - 35,412.37)
Sept. 7th: 204/84
14th: 180/142
21st: 169/65
Bible Studies/Groups:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st Sunday of each month
in the Sanctuary
West Immanuel Lutheran
Fall Bazaar
Sat., Oct. 4, 8:30-noon
Crafts, produce, plants, lefse.
Serving Breakfast/Brunch
Men in Mission
Meets every Thursday at
6:00 am at Our Place Café,
Hwy. 8, SCF
Men’s Bible Study is open to
all men of Peace Lutheran
Casserole & Salad Supper
North Valley Lutheran, Milltown
Thurs., Oct. 9th
5:00-7:00 pm
Serving: casseroles, salads, bread,
desserts and beverages.
Suggested donation $8. Proceeds to
North Valley Service Projects.
(Mothers of Preschoolers and
School-age Children)
3rd Tuesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
SCF High School
Optional meal @ 5:30 & child care.
MOPS is looking for interested
individuals to help with childcare
during their meetings. Please contact
Sara Haase 715-294-1566
Rachael Circle
Weds., October 22
3rd Thursday Group
Thurs., Oct. 16, 9:00 am at
Water Shed Café, Osceola
Weds. Women’s Bible Study
Weds. 10:30-11:30 am
Joyful Morning, Dresser
New members are always
welcome to join in any of the
above opportunities!
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Dresser, WI 54009
Permit No. 3
Peace Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 655
2355 Clark Road
Dresser, WI 54009
Address Service Requested
PLC Annual Meeting
Sunday, October 26, 9:30 am
Peace Lutheran Church of Dresser, Wisconsin, is a family
of people, called by the Holy Spirit through the Word and
Sacraments, to pray for the world and the coming of God’s
kingdom, to care about the needs of others in God’s name,
and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Peace Lutheran Church….
Called to Prayer, Called to Care, Called to Share.