Noelani Elementary School Craft and Children’s Fair Dear Prospective Vendor: On behalf of the Noelani Elementary School Craft and Children’s Fair Committee we would like to thank you for your interest in participating in the Noelani Elementary School Craft and Children’s Fair on Saturday, November 8th, 2014. 1. APPLICATION/BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS: Noelani School parents and faculty will be given first preference. Booth assignments will be done on a first-come, first-serve basis and cannot be guaranteed. A particular space may be requested. However, if the space you are requesting is not available, we will make every effort to place you in a space near your original request. 2. NEW VENDORS: Applications will be processed beginning August 1, 2014 on a firstcome, first-served basis and in the order your application is received. 3. PRODUCT(S) TO BE SOLD: All products sold at the Craft Fair must be handcrafted by the crafter/vendor. NO RESALE, OLD, OR USED ARTICLES MAY BE SOLD! Only items listed on the application may be sold. Additional items may be added after submission of your application with the approval of the Craft Fair Committee. 4. PARKING: Parking passes will be issued at check-in on the morning of the fair. One parking pass will be issued per booth. 5. CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS: Booth fees and/or deposits will be returned to you if you meet all specifications as stated in #4 of the Vendor Agreement. 6. Noelani School Craft and Children’s Fair Committee reserves the right to refuse participation to any crafter/vendor. Thank you again for your continued interest and support in our Craft and Children’s Fair. The Noelani PTA and Craft and Children’s Fair Committee is made up of parent, family, alumni and community volunteers. Please keep in mind that we are all volunteers and we will do our best to answer your calls and/or e-mails and accommodate your requests as soon as we can. We appreciate your support in such a worthy cause. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at Thank you, Noelani Craft and Children’s Fair Committee NOELANI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CRAFT AND CHILDREN’S FAIR VENDOR AGREEMENT Effective 07/11 These conditions have been established to protect the safety, health, and welfare of the public and to promote the best interests of all crafters/vendors and Noelani Elementary School (“Noelani School”). THE CRAFTER/VENDOR AGREES TO READ AND ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS GOVERNING THIS CRAFT FAIR: 1. BOOTHSPACE- Booth space measurements are as follows: • Inside Cafeteria 6’ x 2’ – One (1) Cafeteria table provided – Booth #’s 1 – 42 • Outside Covered Lanai 14’ x 3’ – Sidewalk/Bring Own Table – Booth #’s 43 – 54 • Outside Tent Space 11’ x 11’ – Grass Area/Bring Own Tent & Table – Booth #’s 55 – 125 2. EQUIPMENT – Vendors are responsible for providing their own equipment. This includes tents, tables, chairs, display racks, etc. All equipment must not exceed your allotted space. Tent size must not exceed 10’ x 10’ and must be tied down securely. Cafeteria tables will be provided, unless we are notified. Please do not drive nails, tacks, screws or other items that may puncture floors, walls, sidewalks, benches, tables, or trees on Noelani School’s campus. 3. FEES – Booth fees are as follows: • $100.00 – All booths are the same price. • $ 20.00 – Additional fee for booth sharing (Two vendors in one booth) • $ 20.00 – Late Fee – Applications received after October 31. • $ 20.00 – Service Charge per item for checks returned by the bank. Repayment must be made by cashiers check or money order and must include the $20.00 service fee per item returned. 4. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS – Please provide a written statement of cancellation postmarked by the last Friday in October to receive a full refund. After the last Friday in October, you will forfeit your booth fee. 5. BOOTH SHARING – Booth sharing will be allowed only if application and fees are submitted. 6. PARKING PASSES – One parking pass will be issued to each paying vendor the morning of the fair. Parking passes allow the Vendor to park in designated Vendor Parking Areas. After unloading, Vendor’s Vehicle must be moved to the designated Vendor Parking. Parking passes must be prominently displayed on your vehicles rear view mirror upon entering the parking area. Once the parking lot is open to the public, you are not guaranteed a space even if you have a pass. 7. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE – If you are accepted to participate, you will receive a Confirmation Notice with your booth assignment, and additional information/flyers. 8. PRODUCTS FOR SALE – All items sold at the Noelani Craft and Children’s Fair must be made by crafter/vendor. NO RESALE, OLD OR USED ARTICLES CAN BE SOLD! The crafter/vendor may only sell items listed on the application. NO FOOD AND/OR DRINK SAMPLING IS ALLOWED. OUTSIDE FOOD/DRINK IS PROHIBITED AND IS RESERVED FOR SALE BY NOELANI SCHOOL. 9. CRAFTER DONATION – Noelani School welcomes and gladly accepts donations that will be used for Teacher Appreciation Week which is held toward the end of the school year. You will receive a letter acknowledging your donation. If you would like to donate an item(s) to our teachers, please drop-off your donations at the time of check-in. 10. SET-UP – Doors to the cafeteria will open and tent set-up may begin no earlier than 6:00 a.m. All crafters/vendors must be set-up by 8:00 a.m. Outside tents may be set up after 4 p.m. the day before the fair. Overnight security will be provided by Phoenix Security Hawaii from 6:00pm Friday night to 5:30am Saturday morning. Noelani School shall not be held liable for any Crafter/Vendor property left overnight. 11. UNLOADING – On the morning of the Fair, you will be directed to your designated unloading area. If available, student and adult volunteers may be available to assist you. Due to liability, our volunteers will not be responsible for carrying heavy or bulky items. Please note that parking lot gates will open no earlier than 6:00 a.m. 12. BOOTH HOURS – Booths are expected to remain open for the duration of the Craft Fair; 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. unless you sell out of products. 13. CHECK-IN TIME – Check in by all crafters/vendors is mandatory at the Registration/Information booth no later than 8:00 a.m. At check-in, you may receive last minute instructions. 14. CLEAN-UP – Vendors are responsible for cleaning up their assigned area. Please do not leave large boxes, or rubbish on school campus. Please take all your rubbish with you. 15. CAMPUS SECURITY – Security will be provided by a security officer during the Craft and Children’s Fair to assure mutual safety of all participants on campus. Overnight Security will be provided. Page 1 of 2 NOELANI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CRAFT AND CHILDREN’S FAIR VENDOR AGREEMENT Effective 07/11 16. FIRST AID – Treatment will be available on campus by a qualified health professional from 9am to 2pm. 17. TAX RULES – Tax clearance certificates are required from crafters/vendors who participate in craft fairs held at DOE schools. Crafters/Vendors without proper State Tax Clearance will be denied the use of school facilities or grounds. Tax clearance certificates are free and good for six months. For questions regarding State Tax Clearances please contact the State Department of Taxation at 587-4242. Tax clearance certificates are needed by the last Friday in October. Send tax Clearance to: Noelani Craft Fair c/o Noelani Elementary School 2655 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 18. SMOKING – Smoking is not allowed and is prohibited on campus. 19. FUTURE CRAFT FAIRS – Applications for next year’s event will be available in July 2015 via snail mail and/or e-mail. st Please note that new vendor applications will be processed after July 31 . All returning vendors will have 1st priority until July 31st. After the deadline, your booth will be open to all vendors and you will be assigned a booth upon receipt of your application. The Crafter/Vendor shall be personally liable for all taxes whether excise, income, or any other levy related to income earned by the Crafter/Vendor at this Craft Fair. This agreement shall not be changed, altered modified, or otherwise transferred by either party without written consent and shall not be considered as a joint venture or partnership between the Crafter/Vendor and Noelani School. Noelani School shall not ne held liable for any damaged, lost, or stolen items brought to the premises by the Crafter/Vendor. Crafter/Vendor shall defend, indemnify, and hold Noelani School, along with its officers, employees, or agents, harmless from and against any and all claims and actions for personal injury, death, and property damage arising from or resulting from or in anyway connected with the operation of the booth of the Crafter/Vendor at the Craft Fair, including claims by the employees of the Crafter/Vendor against Noelani School. GOT QUESTIONS? PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL! E-mail us at: PLEASE NOTE: Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement and may result in the forfeiture of your security deposit and the removal of your name from our mailing list. Page 2 of 2 BOOTH # __________ NOELANI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CRAFT AND CHILDREN’S FAIR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. NEW VENDOR APPLICATION PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY, INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY CAUSE A DELAY IN PROCESSING Vendor Contact Name: Company Name/DBA: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Contact Phone (Cellular): E-mail address: Will you be sharing a booth?____ no, continue to next section ____ yes, please complete this section Sharing Vendor Contact Name: Company Name/DBA : Sharing Vendor Phone Number: Sharing Vendor E-mail Address: BOOTH # REQUEST: 1st choice _____ 2nd choice _____ 3rd choice _____ You will be placed in nearest open booth BOOTH FEES: $100.00 each # of booths booth fee due $ BOOTH SHARING FEE: $20.00 each booth fee due $ (Please enclose separate check) total due $ LATE FEE: (If application received after 10/31/14) $20.00 due $ Total amount enclosed: $ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NOELANI PTA Please indicate the category that best describes the products being sold ____Jewelry ____Baby Items ____Pre-designed Items ____Women's Apparel/Accessories ____Men's Apparel/Accessories ____ Spices ____ Seasonal Items ____ Household Items ____Pet Friendly Items ____Other Please list all items to be sold (attach separate sheet if necessary) Please provide two (2) legal-sized, self-addressed stamped envelope so that we may send the following: 1. Instructions/your confirmation/ booth assignment 2. Next year's Application Mail Application, Tax Clearance, Checks and Envelopes to: Noelani Craft Fair c/o Noelani Elementary School 2655 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 I/We certify that I/We have completed the above application to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We have thoroughly read the attached Vendor Agreement and I/We agree to abide by the rules and terms set forth. Primary Vendor Signature: Date Sharing Vendor Signature: Date Please keep a copy of this Application and Craft Fair Agreement for your records. Application good only for the 2014 Craft Fair Handicap Parking requested_______ ___Please provide Placard # ________________________ FOR PTA USE ONLY: Date received: booth fee recd: $ Tax clearance recv'd received by: ck # Tax clearance needed confirmation mailed pass # donation no donation donation letter mailed Booth # ____________ Jumper JUMPER RIDE JUMPER SHADE TENT PORTABLE 131 130 129 128 KEIKI GAMES SCRIPT BOOTH PORTABLE "B" BUILDING 127 126 125 PORTABLE 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 56 57 59 61 62 S T A G E LIBRARY L U N C H FIRST AID SNACK SHOP 55 58 63 64 K.C. WAFFLE DOG 60 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 P L A N T S S T A G E T E N T S BEVERAGES 42 31 30 19 18 7 6 41 32 29 20 17 8 5 40 33 28 21 16 9 4 39 34 27 22 15 10 3 38 35 26 23 14 11 2 37 36 25 24 13 12 1 C A F E T E R I A Unloading Zone A COFFEE "A"BUILDING OFFICE Unloading Zone B REGISTRATION K I T C H E N
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