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Transfirst Aps
18--20 DK
DK-- 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark - this is 200 km north of Hamburg,
Kilen 18
1 - Our own bonded warehouse is Aabenraa, Denmark
2 - Ocean & Airfreight - import and export.
3 - If your have needs in Denmark please contact us.
4 - Danish Ports are Copenhagen and Aarhus and Fredericia
5 - Danish Airports are Copenhagen and Billund.
6 - We have traffic via Hamburg World Port. - FCL and LCL consolidations.
EU-- Wa
7 - Shipping – Airfreight – Logistics – Customs clearance – Bonded & EU
rehouse –
8 - European trucking
We sell
tlf. ++45
7462 4940
Fax ++ 45 7462 2440
click on www.transfirst.dk
Lagerplads udlejes i Aabenraa
500 kvm i rampehøjde.
Gaffeltruck udlejes.
tlf. 7462 4940 - mail@transfirst.dk - Knut Erichsen