October 2014 ths.alpineschools.org Mr. Murphy’s Memo: School Improvement Projects: Spread the Word, We need your help! Timpanogos High School is now in its nineteenth year of operation. Although we believe we have the best-maintained edifice and grounds in the state, there are many areas that need attention. We are currently working to raise funds for the following three projects: 1) THS auditorium, 2) Main Gym, and 3) Football Field. Our school district will match funds raised. Please visit our website homepage @ http://ths.alpineschools.org/ and locate the images below to view details. Our students deserve the best! All donations at whatever amount will help us move forward. Spread the word if you know someone positioned to make a large donation. We welcome your involvement and contribution at whatever level. ~ Mr. Murphy (tmurphy@alpinedistrict.org) College and Career Readiness Day http://ths.alpineschools.org/wpcontent/uploads/sites/8/2014/09/PLAN-and-college-dayschedule-20143.pdf We believe high school graduation is a minimum. It is our vision that all students not only graduate from, but that plan for post-secondary education or specialized training. Sophomores: PLAN test, 7:45-11:25 a.m. Check in at the Media Center or THS Commons Juniors: Campus/College Tour, 9:00-11:25 a.m. in the main gym –OR– Job Shadow, 8:00-11:25 a.m. (complete and submit form to THS counseling office) STERLING SC HOLAR Sterling Scholar applications for Seniors will be available on the school website beginning October 13. The submission deadline is October 31. For information about the application and selection process, see "Sterling Scholar FAQ's" link on the Counseling Department website under Sterling Scholar. Contact Ms. Barrus (mbarrus@alpinedistrict.org) with questions. Seniors: Best dress and parents are welcome, 8:45 a.m. in the Main Gym GAMEDAY FRIDAY! We ar TH S app arel ev ery F rid ay and s how y our SPIRIT! http://ths.alpineschools.org/wpcontent/uploads/sites/8/2014/09/Sacre-poster-1.pdf Dates to Remember- October 2014 Follow THS on… October 8: College and Career Readiness Day (PLAN testing and Senior College Day) October 9: Fight the New Drug Parent Night @6:00p.m. in the Auditorium https://twitter.com/WeAreTimpanogos October 10: School Picture Make Up Day @ 8:0011:00a.m. www.facebook.com/TitanTimpanogos October 14: Deadline to register for PSAT online at MySchoolFees.org (select PSAT), or see Mrs. Johnson in the Finance Office. October 15: PSAT Test @ 7:45-10:45a.m. SCC Meeting @ 2:30p.m., open to the public TitanTimberwolf Use #timpyearbook to authorize your pictures to be used in the THS Yearbook October 16-17: Fall Break (No School) October 20: No School (Professional Development Day) October 24: Term 1 Ends October 25: ACT Test, Sadie Hawkins Dance @ 8p.m. Fight the New Drug Parent Night and Assembly Fight The New Drug is a non-profit organization that informs students of the harmful effects of pornography, and provides help to teens who struggle with pornography addiction. Presenters carry their anti-pornography message across borders of religion, political beliefs, and social backgrounds by presenting the issue as a public health concern, rather than as a moral, political, or religious argument. Parents can find more information about Fight the New Drug @ http://www.fightthenewdrug.org/ A school wide assembly is planned for October 30, in which teenagers will examine overwhelming research detailing the highly addictive nature of pornography and its damaging effects on individuals, relationships, and society. Parents are invited to attend an informational session regarding the assembly on Thursday, October 9 at 6:00p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information contact Assistant Principal Kyle Robinson. Coming soon! Hats, beanies, t-shirts, socks, hoodies, shorts, sweats, and ties will be available online through Titan’s Den. Look for the link on the THS Website soon! October 27: Term 2 Starts October 28: Utah Futures (10th Grade Health Classes) October 31: Halloween Costume and Pumpkin Carving Contest @ Lunch, THS Commons Who’s New at Timpanogos? Meet Coach Alex Nicho les Alex Nicholes was born and raised in Pleasant Grove, Utah. He attended Pleasant Grove High School where he won an individual state title while wrestling at 152 pounds his senior year. He served a mission for the LDS Church in the Missouri, Independence Mission. He is currently studying Physical Education Teaching and Coaching at Brigham Young University. This past year, Alex wrestled for Brigham Young University's club wrestling team, who placed second in the West Coast Conference and lead the country in NCWA All Academics in their first year. Individually, Alex placed second in the West Coast Conference, qualified for nationals, and was named to the NCWA AllAcademic list. Alex and his wife Annie love the sport of wrestling and are excited to be involved at Timpanogos High School. Timp ano gos H igh Sch oo l “A Co mmunity o f One S triv ing f or Exc ellence!”
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