THE ARAB SOCIETY TUNISIAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY OF NEPHROLOGY AND RENAL TRANSPLANTATION st th PAN-ARAB CONGRESS TUNISIAN-BELGIAN MEETING PANARAB CONGRESS OF TRANSPLANTATION The 27,28 and 29th of November 2014 Items: Hotel Royal Kenz Guest : Immunosuppressive therapy Specificities in pediatric kidney transplantation Immunologic monitoring in kidney transplantation Update in BANFF classification Surgical features in kidney transplantation Immunosuppressive therapy and liver Abstract Submission: before 30th September 2014 Exclusively via the E-mail Congress Secretary Department of Nephrology –Sahloul hospital 4054 – Sousse - TUNISIA : (+216) 73369430 - 73369411 Post 1558 - : (+216) 73367451 E-mail: Symposium SANOFI - NOVARTIS Dear Colleague, We are proud to announce the The 8th Tunisia – Belgium Meeting and the 1st Panarab th congress of Transplantation taking place in Soussa, Tunisia from the 27 to the 29 of November 2014. th The 8 Tunisia – Belgium Meeting and the Panarab congress of Transplantation is a scientific event hosted by the Tunisian Society of Nephrology in partnership with the Arab Society of Nephorology and Renal Transplantation (ASNRT). During the rich program, our distinguished international speakers provide updates and global advancement of kidney transplantation. This scientific event will bring together practicing physicians, academics, scientists involved in organ transplantation offering a global forum for an exchange of science and medical strategies aligned with local and regional reflections under the overall congress theme. The main Key scientific Items are: • Immunosuppressive therapy • Specificities in pediatric kidney transplantation • Immunologic monitoring in kidney transplantation • Update in BANFF classification • Surgical features in kidney transplantation • Immunosuppressive therapy and liver th The 8 Tunisia – Belgium Meeting and the ASNRT aim to advance the education of physicians and other professionals, support the development of renal research, and facilitate the delivery of high-quality healthcare worldwide. • For more information about The 8th Tunisia – Belgium Meeting and the 1st Panarab congress of Transplantation, please visit this website : • For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please email Coordinator PHD Abdellatif Achour CONGRES PANARABE DE TRANSPLANTATION / PANARAB CONGRESS OF TRANSPLANTATION WELCOME MESSAGE The organizing committee of the 8th … Tunisia – Belgium meeting and the first Panarab congress of Transplantation is pleased to invite you to leading congress on transplantation, biology and medicine which will be held in Sousse- Tunisia from 28 to 29 th of November 2014. SOUSSE is an exceptional location of this congress. This meeting will provide a wonderful form for you in order to refresh your knowledge base and explore the innovations in especially kidney transplantation, biology and medicine. It’s an opportunity to meet, discuss and interact with the leading scientists, physicians and surgeons in the field of transplantation. We hope you will join us for a symphony of outstanding, science and take a little extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of this region. With warmest regards Pr ACHOUR Abdellatif CONGRES PANARABE DE TRANSPLANTATION / PANARAB CONGRESS OF TRANSPLANTATION Programme scientifique Préliminaire / Preliminary scientific Program Dates : 27, 28 et 29 Novembre 2014 Dates: the 27, 28 and 29 of November 2014 Jeudi 27/11/2014 Thursday the 27 November /2014 Après-midi / Afternoon Accueil des participants et Inscriptions Welcome and Registration Vendredi 28/11/2014 Friday the 28 November /2014 Matin Morning 8h 30 - 9h : Cérémonie d’ouverture / Opening Ceremony Mot d’ouverture des présidents / Welcome message of presidents ERA-EDTA : Prof Raymond VANHOLDER TSN : Prof Jamil HACHICHA ASNRT : Prof Saeed El GHAMDY , MOHAMED BAKR 9h - 10h 30 : Conférences plénières / Plenary conferences 9h - 9h 30 : Recent Advances in Transplantation (M MASRI) 9h 30 - 10h : Particularités de la transplantation rénale chez le sujet âgé Features and specificities of kidney transplantation in the elderly (M GHONIEMAT) 10h - 10h 30 : Trends in induction therapy to cover important issues and sure to focus on thy moglobulin (M BAKR) 10h 30- 11h : Pause Café Coffee Break 11h - 11h 30 : Immunologic monitoring (M MASRI) 11h 30 - 12h : Transplant Bone Disease (S EL GHAMDY) 12h - 13h : Communications Libres Free communications 13h - 14h : Déjeuner - Lunch Après midi After noon 14h - 16h : Controverse / A controversy 14h - 15h : Controverse : Quelle technique d’implantation du greffon Intra péritonéale (Prof A SHOKEIR )/Extra péritonéale (M. JAIDANE) 14 - 15h : A controversy : Which technique (surgical method) of graft implantation Intra peritoneal (Prof A SHOKEIR)/ Extra peritoneal (M. JAIDANE) 15h - 15h 30 : Protocole d’immunosuppression chez l’enfant (M BAKR) Immunosuppression regimen in children (M BAKR) 15h 30 - 16h : Greffe pédiatrique à partir de donneur vivant (T GARGAH) Pediatric transplant from living donor 16h - 16h 30 : Pause Café Coffee Break 16h 30 - 18h 30 : Symposium : SANOFI Controverse / A controversy Traitement Immunosuppresseur d’induction : Anticorps poly clonaux ( ……) versus monoclonaux (P PEETERS) Induction immunosuppressive treatment : Poly clonal versus (……..) monoclonal anti bodies (P.PEETERS) Traitement Immunosuppresseur d’entretien : Minimisation de l’Immunosuppression / augmentation de l’Immunosuppression Immunosuppressive Maintenance Treatment : Minimisation immunosuppression / increasing Immunosuppression : the controversy of immunosuppression (S EL GHAMDY / R DERANIA) Samedi 29/11/2014 Saturday, 11/29/2014 9h - 10h : Immunosuppression et foie I / Immunosuppression and liver 1/ Quels Immunosuppresseurs utiliser en cas de maladie hépatique ou d’hépatite virale ( P.PEETERS) What Immunosuppression treatment can we use in hepatic and viral disease (P.PEETERS) 2/ Hépatopathie post greffe rénale : quelle conduite? (N KAMAR) Hepatopathy after kidney transplantation : Which therapeutic attitude? (N KAMAR) 10h - 10h 45 : BANFF 2013 UP to date Spécificités du rejet aigu humoral (LINA ASAAD) Specificities of antibody mediated rejection (LINA ASAAD) Cas Clinique / Clinical Case (RIM GOUCHA) 10h 45 - 11h : Communications libres / Free Communications 11h - 11h 30 Pause café / Coffee break 11h 30 - 12h : Syndrome métabolique et transplantation rénale (F JARRAYA) Metabolic syndrome and renal transplantation 12h - 13h 30 : Symposium NOVARTIS MMF and transplantation (NASSIM KAMAR). CLOTURE/CONCLUSION DEJEUNER/LUNCH Call for Abstracts Thank you for all your contributions to create an exceptional scientific program Important Dates to Remember Abstract submission closing date: 30th September, 2014 Authors will be notified (via email) about the Scientific Committee’s decision from October 30th, 2014. Abstract Submission Instructions email: Please read the instructions carefully, as abstracts submitted not according to these instructions will not be accepted. abstracts. Please contact the Congress Secretariat if you do not receive the acknowledgement. post or fax will not be accepted. Abstract Format 1. Word limit is 300 words. Word limit of 300 words includes tables which must be in text format, not graphic format. 2. Do not include figures or graphs with the abstract. Any figures or tables in graphic format will not be published. 3. Abstract title must be in Title Case. Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content of the abstract. 4. Author and co-author names [first name, middle initial(s), and surname] institutions, cities and countries are to be typed in appropriate boxes. Do not include degrees or professional titles (Dr, PhD, Prof, MD, etc.) Abstract Content Make the abstract as informative as possible. Conclusions must be supported by data. Organise the body of the abstract as follows: (a) objectives (b) methods (c) results (d) conclusions Use standard abbreviations generic drug names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after first use. Do NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in text.
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