Gentofte Workshop 2013 Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Denmark Basic course in CT – guided lung biopsy 13th and 14th of June, 2013 Dear colleagues It is a pleasure to invite you to our fourth basic course in CT guided lung biopsy at the Radiology Department of Gentofte University Hospital, Copenhagen. In addition to this, the course will also address institutions that are already doing CT guided lung biopsies, but may lack standardized training. CT guided lung biopsy has proven to be a safe and accurate method for the diagnosis of pulmonary tumours. Especially CT guided lung biopsy is of great value of diagnosing small tumours and infiltrates. New navigational tools have made the procedure more accessible for a wider audience, but implementation and training is still a challenge for the beginner. There is consequently a need for training with demonstrations of the procedure with tips and tricks including a review of the literature. The first courses have been a tremendous success and again we have gathered an experienced panel of experts. The techniques and equipment will be demonstrated with videos showing our experts performing procedures on real patients. Further simulation based training in CT guided biopsy including hands-on practice on euthanized pigs will be conducted. We look forward to seeing you in Denmark on the 13th and 14th June 2013. Paul Frost Clementsen Peter Sand Myschetzky Lars Konge We want to focus on how to implement CT guided lung biopsy and discuss training aspects and the use of navigation tools. The participants will be able to set up the technique in their own respective hospitals upon return. CT guided lung biopsy performed at Gentofte Hospital Information General information: The Workshop is sponsored by: Date: 13th and 14th of June, 2013. Location: Gentofte Hospital, Niels Andersens Vej 65, 2900 Hellerup. Entrance 4, contact the reception for directions. Duration: Two days. Content: Interactive course with lectures, patient case presentations on video and simulation based training for CT-guided biopsies. Hands-on training on pigs. Highlights from 2012 course: • Hands on training of CT – guided biopsy using euthanized pigs • Each participant performs biopsies in the CT scanner • Each participant handles pleural drainage system Course Secretary: Ianina Sohova. Email: • How to handle serious complications Registration: Maximum number of participants are 24. • Individual guidance and supervision Course fee: € 400. Fee includes dinner Thursday evening and lunch Friday. • Video demonstration of live cases • Stands with clinical cases and questions • Pre- and post test Target audience: Chest physicians and radiologists with none or limited experience with CT-guided lung biopsies. Purpose: Provide course participants with up to date theoretical and practical insight in CT guided lung biopsies. Faculty Workshop instructors: Paul Frost Clementsen Consultant physician, MD, PhD, DMSci Department of Pulmonary Medicine Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte Denmark Peter Sand Myschetzky Consultant physician, MD Department of Radiology Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte Denmark Asger Dirksen Professor, MD, DMSci Birgit Guldhammer Skov Consultant physician, MD, DMSci Valentina Minddal Lars Konge Consultant physician, MD, PhD Thoracic Surgeon, MD, PhD, Associate Professor Centre for Clinical Education University of Copenhagen and the Capital Region of Denmark Denmark Henrik Gutte Borgwardt MD, PhD Programme Day 2: Friday 14th of June, 2013 Day 1: Thursday 13th of June, 2013 13:30-14:00 Registration Gentofte Hospital Entrance 4 Consult hospital receptionist for directions 14:00-14:10 Welcome and Introduction Paul Frost Clementsen & Peter Sand Myschetzky 14:10-14:25 Introductory test Lars Konge 14:25-14.45 Paul Clementsen Diagnostic methods in patients with pulmonary tumours. What is the place of CT-guided lung biopsy? 14:45-15:15 Lung cancer staging 15.15-15.30 Coffee break 15.30-16.00 Features of lung infiltrates detected by screening Asger Dirksen 16:00-16:30 Development and progression of pulmonary tumours as seen with CT Asger Dirksen 16:30-16:45 Coffee break 16:45-17:15 CT & laser guided biopsy techniques Peter Sand Myschetzky CT guided lung biopsies Results and complications Valentina Minddal 17:15-17:45 17:45-18:00 Summary 19:30- Course Dinner Hellerup Sejlklub, Hellerup Havn 09.00-09.45 Patient 1 Introduction, video demonstration. Histology and conclusion Paul Frost Clementsen & Birgit Guldhammer Skov 09.45-10.30 Patient 2 Introduction, video demonstration. Histology and conclusion. Peter Sand Myschetzky & Birgit Guldhammer Skov 10.30-10.45 Coffee Break 10.45-11.30 Hands on training Participants are divided into groups to perform CT guided biopsies on euthanized pigs 11.30-12.30 Lunch 12.30-15.30 Hands on training cont. 15.30-16.00 Final test and course evaluation Lars Konge Hands on during course in November 2012 Paul Frost Clementsen, Valentina Minddal, Henrik Gutte Borgwardt & Peter Sand Myschetzky Paul Frost Clementsen, Valentina Minddal, Henrik Gutte Borgwardt & Peter Sand Myschetzky Practical Information Accommodation Directions Course participants are requested to be responsible for their own accomodation. We have negotiated a special price at Gentofte Hotel, which is 820,- DKK (incl.VAT) for a standard single room, exclusive breakfast. Upon booking please mention being a participant at Gentofte Workshop under Rigshospitalet, and that this is a government agreement (statsaftale). • Gentofte Hospital, Niels Andersens Vej 65, 2900 Hellerup, Entrance 4 • From Kastrup International: Take Metro M2 to Nørreport station, take B train to Hellerup station and walk 15 minutes to the hospital. Copenhagen Map Gentofte Hotel Gentoftegade 29 DK- 2820 Gentofte Tel.: + 45 3968 0911 Gentofte University Hospital Registration: Please register by filling in the enclosed registration form (please send by email or alternatively fax to +45 35 45 44 37). • Course language: English • Registration deadline: Friday 17th May • For any questions please contact Ianina Sohova Course fee: € 400,- including: • Course fee • Course material • Coffee and lunch breaks • Welcome dinner Kastrup International Airport Registration Title Last Name* First Name * Institution* Street & Number* Postal Code* City* Country* Telephone* Fax* E-mail* Workshop Registration „Physician“ EUR 400,-Welcome Dinner, 13.06.2013, free of charge The registration fee includes course fee, course material, coffee and lunch breaks, welcome dinner. Please fill out the registration and e-mail to (or fax to +45 35 45 44 37). Please do not forget to indicate your name on the transfer order! Please transfer the participation fee to the following account: Nordea Bank Danmark A/S Store Erhvervskunder Postboks 850 DK – 0900 København C Account holder: Rigshospitalet Address of account holder: Blegdamsvej 9 DK – 2100 København Ø SWIFT code: NDEADKKK IBAN: DK3020005036171563 Account number: 2100-5036171563 Please make a note: Del-AE 75115404, project 94430014, CEKU Please mail a receipt of your transfer to:
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