Weekly Market Report Issue: Week 40 | Tuesday 07th October 2014 Market insight Chartering (Wet: Firm+ / Dry: Soft- ) By Yannis Olziersky SnP Broker In the movie “Life Of Brian”, a character on a nearby cross was singing the famous “Always look on the bright side of life” in order to cheer up Brian, who had been sentenced to death by crucifixion. In shipping the “dry side of life” doesn't seem very bright and unfortunately the fundamentals are not there to support the industry and sing to us to “look on the bright side of an upcoming rise...” The much anticipated Q4 is here and market hopes for a dry bulk market rally have not yet materialized and it doesn't see like they will soon. A snapshot comparison of today's BDI with that of the same time last year reveals that by no means, and especially for the bigger sizes (Capes & Panamaxes), are we on the same track; the chart below can prove same and can show the completely different picture between present levels and those of last year. From this comparison the only size/segments which is relatively close to last year’s figures, are the Supras and the Handysizes. These two sizes have man- 5,000 Dry Bulk Indices 4,000 3,000 07/10/2013 2,000 07/10/2014 1,000 - BDI BCI BPI BSI BHSI aged to find support mainly by the US Gulf – Continent route which remains strong due to the record high predicted US grain export season. On the Pacific, although the Indonesian ban of unprocessed ore exports is weighing on Supras and Handies, strong Chinese steel exports managed to support these sizes in the backhaul trade to Continent, US and within Intra Asia. On the other hand, the situation on the bigger sizes (Capes, Panamaxes) is not the same and their rates have plummeted compared with that of last year. Capesizes have been impacted by the drop in Brazilian iron ore exports and news that Chinese authorities are cutting coal imports by 50Mt this year in order to support the domestic coal market. Along with this, the Chinese government is formulating a new series of anti-pollution measures that may affect imports from Australia. So is there any bright side on the Dry bulk segment? Apparently not in terms of healthy charter rates and good returns. On the other hand the crisis has given birth to opportunities in the dry bulk market; opportunities to invest! Asset prices are falling and we have seen deals concluded at attractive new lows. As a benchmark the sale of panamax BC m/v Mishima (2002 blt JPN) which has been reported sold for region USD 12,5mill is setting up a new era on asset values, since this price is in line with values we witnessed back in the end of 2012/beginning 2013 were dry bulk assets had hit bottom. More deals on the same pace will likely follow, since the market has lately been flooded with sales candidates and market prospects remain the same. At the same time the YEN to USD exchange rate is also assisting towards this direction since Japanese owners are traditional Sellers of second hand Bulk Carriers. What dry bulk owners with appetite to invest should be doing is to be well alerted and ready in order to manage to acquire the right tonnage at the right price! The Dry Bulk market closed off on the red once more on Friday, while the Capesize segment was for yet another week the main receiver of the downward pressure with no visible signs of a positive reversal ahead. The BDI closed today (07/10/2014) at 1,015 points, down by 15 point compared to Monday’s levels (06/10/2014) and a decrease of 48 points compared to previous Tuesday’s closing (30/09/2014). Strong European demand combined with the stable activity across key trading areas has offered a big boost to the crude carriers last week. The BDTI Monday (06/10/2014) was at 649 points, an increase of 36 points and the BCTI at 571, an increase of 10 points compared to previous Monday’s (29/09/2014)levels. Sale & Purchase (Wet: Firm+ / Dry: Soft - ) The disappointment in the performance of the Dry Bulk market has started to be more than evident on the SnP front as well, with dry bulker sales clearly being outnumbered by those on the tanker side which remains receiver of firm buying interest. On the tanker side, we had the enbloc sale of the “DAEWOO 5402” (114,900dwt-blt 15, S. Korea) and the “DAEWOO 5403” (114,900dwt-blt 15, S. Korea), which were picked up by Scorpio for a price of US$ 58.0m each. On the dry bulker side, we had the sale of the “KOHJU” (172,498dwt-blt 01, Japan), which was picked up by Cargill for a price of $ 25.5m. Newbuilding (Wet: Stable+ / Dry: Stable- ) Large Tankers have been the flavour of the week, with a number of orders coming to light, as well as several other orders that have been rumoured for months now finally reaching a full conclusion. This seems to have been fuelled by the lack of cheaply available secondhand tonnage in the market, in combination with the overall promising performance both by the Suez and the VLCCs, in terms of freight rates, these past months. After last week’s reported large orders though, there has been some nervousness amongst many market players as they see the orderbook swelling once more and this time by a small number of individuals and without the orders being substantiated by a good performance in the freight market, nor by historically low newbuilding prices. This could spell danger going forward as speculative ordering of this nature, which might be taking into consideration a rejuvenated freight market come delivery date, could inevitably lead to the exact opposite of a self fulfilling prophecy, were the market is always swamped with just enough excess tonnage. In terms of recently reported deals, Frontline 2012 has placed an order for 4 firm and 4 optional Suezmaxes (160,000dwt) at New Times, in China, for a price of US $ 59.5m each and with delivery set between 2016 and 2017. Demolition (Wet: Stable- / Dry: Stable- ) With a number of holidays close to starting in the Indian Sub-Continent, it seems that everyone was in haste to buy, rejuvenating much of the buying appetite and pushing for quick conclusion of deals. This has been in contrast to what was experienced in previous week and what one would anticipate. It seems the pessimistic view regarding earnings has played a catalytic role and in fear of losing these firm offers candidates were given the go-ahead to head to the scrap yards a bit earlier than planned. Prices have been hitting close on the USD 500/ldt mark for some time now and it seems that we may start to see ever more bullish and speculative buys going forward if movements in foreign exchange continue to favor breakers. Average prices this week for wet tonnage were at around 300-500$/ldt and dry units received about 280-475$/ldt. Wet Market Spot Rates Routes WS $/day points WS points 2014 2013 ±% $/day $/day $/day $/day 265k MEG-JAPAN 39 19,221 34 9,856 95.0% 24,554 21,133 280k MEG-USG 20 2,388 19 -3,667 165.1% 13,940 7,132 260k WAF-USG 50 31,427 48 25,341 24.0% 35,406 26,890 130k MED-MED 78 28,619 60 14,037 103.9% 26,536 17,714 130k WAF-USAC 75 25,523 65 18,264 39.7% 20,591 13,756 130k BSEA-MED 75 27,092 63 14,770 83.4% 26,536 17,714 80k MEG-EAST 80 14,043 90 17,128 -18.0% 17,262 11,945 80k MED-MED 78 12,966 73 9,690 33.8% 24,286 13,622 80k UKC-UKC 98 23,834 93 16,165 47.4% 32,658 18,604 70k CARIBS-USG 95 13,955 80 8,273 68.7% 24,105 16,381 75k MEG-JAPAN 105 19,948 105 19,354 3.1% 13,770 12,011 55k MEG-JAPAN 110 14,267 118 15,828 -9.9% 12,325 12,117 37K UKC-USAC 140 14,699 110 8,056 82.5% 7,216 11,048 30K MED-MED 130 15,045 130 14,154 6.3% 14,029 17,645 55K UKC-USG 115 17,056 115 16,798 1.5% 22,383 14,941 55K MED-USG 115 16,457 115 16,349 0.7% 19,893 12,642 50k CARIBS-USAC 118 15,675 118 15,660 0.1% 25,147 15,083 TC Rates $/day VLCC Suezmax Aframax Panamax MR Handy size - 12 mos - - 'ELLINIS' - $ 30,000/day 2007 306,507dwt - BP - 12 mos (ext.) - - 'BAREILLY' - xs $ 18,000/day 2005 106,061dwt - Navig8 TD3 TD5 TD8 TC2 TC4 TC6 DIRTY - WS RATES TD4 220 170 120 70 20 200 CLEAN - WS RATES TC1 180 WS poi nts Dirty Clean Aframax Suezmax VLCC Vessel Indicative Period Charters Week 39 WS poi nts Week 40 160 140 120 100 Week 40 Week 39 ±% Diff 2014 2013 300k 1yr TC 30,750 31,250 -1.6% -500 26,788 20,087 300k 3yr TC 34,250 34,250 0.0% 0 29,175 23,594 150k 1yr TC 24,750 24,750 0.0% 0 21,250 16,264 150k 3yr TC 26,250 26,250 0.0% 0 23,288 18,296 110k 1yr TC 19,500 19,250 1.3% 250 16,619 13,534 110k 3yr TC 21,250 21,250 0.0% 0 18,238 15,248 75k 1yr TC 16,250 16,250 0.0% 0 15,556 15,221 75k 3yr TC 16,750 16,750 0.0% 0 16,406 15,729 VLCC 300KT DH 74.0 52k 1yr TC 14,000 14,000 0.0% 0 14,819 14,591 Suezmax 150KT DH 52k 3yr TC 15,250 15,250 0.0% 0 15,706 15,263 Aframax 110KT DH 80 60 Indicative Market Values ($ Million) - Tankers Vessel 5yrs old 36k 1yr TC 13,250 13,250 0.0% 0 14,219 13,298 LR1 36k 3yr TC 14,250 14,250 0.0% 0 15,081 13,907 MR Oct-14 Sep-14 ±% 2014 2013 2012 74.0 0.0% 72.6 56.2 62.9 50.0 50.0 0.0% 48.8 40.1 44.9 42.0 41.8 0.6% 37.5 29.2 31.2 75KT DH 32.5 32.5 0.0% 32.8 28.0 26.7 52KT DH 25.5 25.5 0.0% 27.9 24.7 24.6 Chartering Sale & Purchase Its been quite a while since we last saw so much green on the tankers freight rates board. It seems that the increased activity we witnessed the week prior in the MEG has finally paid off for crude carriers and while a lot of the steam was lost during this past week, the negative trend was nonetheless reversed as sentiment had already firmed amongst market players. VL rates were the first ones to take a deep breath following the very poor performance of the past weeks. The rate for the Eastbound voyage noted the most notable increase on WS points, while the WAF region proved to be very supportive of VL activity as well. In the Aframax sector, we had the enbloc sale of the “DAEWOO 5402” (114,900dwt-blt 15, S. Korea) and the “DAEWOO 5403” (114,900dwtblt 15, S. Korea), which were picked up by Scorpio for a price of US$ 58.0m each. In the small tanker sector we had the sale of the “AYFER KA” (3,791dwt-blt 07, China), which was sold to Russian buyers. The Suezmax market continues to be the strongest link across the market, with rates resuming their stable upward trend from the previous weeks. Fresh gains were noted across all key routes, with cross-Med rates more than doubling. Activity ex-WAF was slightly down this past week for Suez tonnage, but rates still firmed as the recently boosted European demand has allowed owners to increase their ideas further, while enquiry for more forward dates has also allowed stronger figures. Rates for the Aframax segment also moved higher on a weekly basis, following the overall market trend, while both cross-Med and cross-UKC rates firmed on the back of stable demand from Europeans. The Caribs Afra noted the biggest rate increase as fresh business was ample in the region. © Intermodal Research 07/10/2014 2 Dry Market Baltic Indices Indicative Period Charters BDI 1,037 1,049 BCI 1,758 $12,009 1,852 $12,880 -94 BPI 887 $7,101 807 $6,462 80 BSI 1,028 $10,745 1,053 $11,009 BHSI 530 $7,724 526 $7,676 2014 2013 Index Index 1,097 1,205 -6.8% 1,928 2,106 9.9% 937 1,186 -25 -2.4% 941 983 4 0.6% 534 562 Point Diff $/day ±% -12 - 4 to 7 mos - 'CHRISTINA J' 2010 - zHANGJIANG 09/13 Oct - $ 15,000/day - 3 to 5 mos - Longkou prompt Capesize Handysize Supramax Panamax Week 39 18,500 ±% Diff 2014 2013 -10.8% -2,000 23,966 17,625 170K 1yr TC 17,250 18,250 -5.5% -1,000 24,094 15,959 170K 3yr TC 17,500 18,000 -2.8% -500 23,175 16,599 76K 6mnt TC 10,750 10,375 3.6% 375 12,859 12,224 76K 1yr TC 10,750 10,500 2.4% 250 12,779 10,300 76K 3yr TC 12,625 13,375 -5.6% -750 13,594 10,317 55K 6mnt TC 12,000 12,000 0.0% 0 12,394 11,565 55K 1yr TC 11,250 11,250 0.0% 0 12,044 10,234 55K 3yr TC 11,000 11,250 -2.2% -250 12,063 10,482 30K 6mnt TC 8,500 8,500 0.0% 0 9,450 8,244 30K 1yr TC 8,750 9,000 -2.8% -250 9,546 8,309 30K 3yr TC 9,500 9,500 0.0% 0 9,838 8,926 75,884dwt - cnr Baltic Indices 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 BCI 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 AVR 4TC BCI Period Week $/day 40 170K 6mnt TC 16,500 177,832dwt - SwissMarine - 'ALPHA LOYALTY' 2007 - $ 10,000/day Index Week 39 26/09/2014 Index $/day $/day Week 40 03/10/2014 Index $/day BPI BSI BHSI BDI Average T/C Rates AVR 4TC BPI AVR 5TC BSI AVR 6TC BHSI Chartering The Dry Bulk market remained under pressure last week, with rates for Capes remaining on the red while those for Panamaxes managed to outperform the rest of the market, which overall displayed a mixed picture. Whether this past week marked the slowdown of the negative trend or whether this was just a slowdown before another round of losses might be too early to say. From the looks of it though, we can surely say that sentiment still appears very fragile, with notably soft activity and fresh rate losses being noted across all segments in the beginning of this current week as well. Rates for Capes continued softening throughout last week, on the back of uninspiring activity persisting across both basins, while further losses were noted in the period market as well, bring the 6 months T/C closer to the $15,000/day level. The rate for the W. Australia to China voyage moved to below $8/mt, while previous talks of higher figures on more forward October dates never materialized, while activity ex-Brazil also remained uninspiring. Indicative Market Values ($ Million) - Bulk Carriers Vessel 5 yrs old Oct-14 Sep-14 ±% 2014 2013 2012 Capesize 180k 48.0 48.0 0.0% 48.6 35.8 34.6 Panamax 76K 22.0 23.0 -4.3% 25.6 21.3 22.7 Supramax 56k 23.0 23.6 -2.6% 25.5 21.5 23.0 Handysize 30K 18.5 19.0 -2.6% 20.1 18.2 18.2 Sale & Purchase In the Capesize sector, we had the sale of the “KOHJU” (172,498dwt-blt 01, Japan), which was picked up by Cargill for a price of $ 25.5m. In the Handysize sector we had the sale of the “NIKOL H” (24,159dwt-blt 97, Japan), which went for a price of $ 4.5m. Rates for Panamaxes noted the only substantial increases last week, pushing the average TC for the segment to back above $7,000/day, while the period market also witnessed improvements from the last dones. Activity in the USG was particularly supportive for Panamax tonnage, while things in the Pacific remained overall quiet. Rates for Supras and Handies moved slightly down and slightly up respectively, while the absence of the Chinese from the market was only felt positionally by both segments. © Intermodal Research 07/10/2014 3 Secondhand Sales Tankers Size Name Dwt Built Yard M/E MR SPP GOSEONG RESALE 50,300 2016 SPP GOSEONG, S. Korea MAN-B&W MR SPP GOSEONG RESALE 50,300 2016 SPP GOSEONG, S. Korea MR HYUNDAI MIPO 2447 50,000 MR HYUNDAI MIPO 2446 MR SS due Hull Price DH $ 36.5m Buyers Comments Fa r Ea s tern MAN-B&W DH $ 36.5m 2014 HYUNDAI MIPO MAN-B&W DOCKYARD, S. Korea DH $ 37.3m 50,000 2014 HYUNDAI MIPO MAN-B&W DOCKYARD, S. Korea DH $ 37.3m HYUNDAI MIPO 2448 50,000 2015 HYUNDAI MIPO MAN-B&W DOCKYARD, S. Korea DH $ 37.3m SMALL SUNNY IRIS 7,849 2000 FUKUOKA FUKUOKA, Ja pa n B&W DH $ 6.9m undi s cl os ed StSt tanks SMALL MEDKEM ONE 6,049 1994 MORINI, Ital y Wa rts i l a DH undi s cl os ed Turki s h StSt tanks Ma y-17 Fa r Ea s tern Bulk Carriers Size Dwt Name Built Yard M/E SS due B&W MAN-B&W Gear Price Buyers Ma y-17 $ 12.5m Greek (Bul kSea s ) Ja n-17 $ 18.3m Norwegi a n (ADS) 4 X 30t CRANES $ 20.8m Greek PMAX MISHIMA 76,598 2002 IMABARI MARUGAME, Ja pa n PMAX BELMONTE 75,395 2007 UNIVERSAL SHBLDG - MAI, Ja pa n SMAX BULK LEO 55,679 2008 SMAX SEA ELEGANCE 51,097 2002 OSHIMA SHIPBUILDING, Ja pa n MAN-B&W Ja n-17 4 X 30t CRANES $ 12.5m Greek HANDY PANTANASSA 39,110 1992 IHI - TOKYO, Ja pa n Sul zer Ma r-17 4 X 25t CRANES $ 6.2m Syri a n (Na vcra tor) MITSUI TAMANO, MAN-B&W Ja pa n Comments MPP/General Cargo Name Dwt Built Yard M/E MARINE VICTOR 10,320 2003 HIGAKI, Ja pa n B&W SHINLINE 5 7,059 1985 KOCHI JYUKO, Ja pa n B&W © Intermodal Research SS due Aug-14 07/10/2014 Gear Price Buyers 2X36t CRS, undi s cl os ed 1X30t DRS Vi etna mes e 3 X 20t DERRICKS undi s cl os ed $ 1.2m Comments 4 Secondhand Sales Containers Size Name Teu POST PMAX MOL PRIORITY 6,402 2002 IHI - KURE, Japan Sulzer undi s cl os ed POST PMAX MOL PERFORMANCE 6,402 2002 IHI - KURE, Japan Sulzer undi s cl os ed POST PMAX MOL PROGRESS 6,402 2002 IHI - KURE, Japan Sulzer undi s cl os ed SUB PMAX HS SCOTT 2,846 FEEDER ARIES 1,835 FEEDER VEGA 1,835 Built Yard M/E SS due STX 2007 SHIPBUILDING - MAN-B&W JIN, S. Korea GDANSKA 2001 STOCZNIA GRUPA, B&W Poland GDYNIA STOCZNIA 2001 SA, Poland B&W Gear Price undi s cl os ed Buyers Comments Greek (Marinakis) Turkish 3 X 45t undi s cl os ed CRANES German 3 X 45t undi s cl os ed CRANES Reefers Name ECUADOR STAR Dwt 10,581 © Intermodal Research Built Yard 1992 GDANSKA STOCZNIA SA, Pol and M/E Sul zer Cu Ft Gear 14843 2X32t CRS, 2X8t CRS 07/10/2014 SS due Price Buyers $ 4.3m undi s cl os ed Comments 5 Newbuilding Market Indicative Newbuilding Prices (million$) Vessel Gas Tankers Bulkers Capesize 180k Kamsarmax 82k Panamax 77k Ultramax 63k Handysize 38k VLCC 300k Suezmax 160k Aframax 115k LR1 75k MR 50k LNG 160k cbm LGC LPG 80k cbm MGC LPG 55k cbm SGC LPG 25k cbm Week 40 55.3 30.0 29.0 27.5 23.0 98.0 65.5 54.0 46.5 37.0 186.0 79.0 68.5 45.0 Week 39 55.3 30.0 29.0 27.5 23.0 98.0 65.0 54.0 46.0 37.0 186.0 79.0 68.5 44.5 ±% 2014 2013 2012 0.0% 56.2 49 0.0% 30.4 27 0.0% 29.2 26 0.0% 27 25 0.0% 23 21 0.0% 98.9 91 0.8% 65 56 0.0% 54 48 1.1% 45.8 41 0.0% 36.9 34 0.0% 185.8 185 0.0% 78.2 71 0.0% 66.5 63 1.1% 43.9 41 47 28 27 25 22 96 58 50 42 34 186 71 62 44 Large Tankers have been the flavour of the week, with a number of orders coming to light, as well as several other orders that have been rumoured for months now finally reaching a full conclusion. This seems to have been fuelled by the lack of cheaply available secondhand tonnage in the market, in combination with the overall promising performance both by the Suez and the VLCCs, in terms of freight rates, these past months. After last week’s reported large orders though, there has been some nervousness amongst many market players as they see the orderbook swelling once more and this time by a small number of individuals and without the orders being substantiated by a good performance in the freight market, nor by historically low newbuilding prices. This could spell danger going forward as speculative ordering of this nature, which might be taking into consideration a rejuvenated freight market come delivery date, could inevitably lead to the exact opposite of a self fulfilling prophecy, were the market is always swamped with just enough excess tonnage. In terms of recently rumored deals, Frontline 2012 has placed an order for 4 firm and 4 optional Suezmaxes (160,000dwt) at New Times, in China, for a price of US $ 59.5m each and with delivery set between 2016 and 2017. Bulk Carriers Newbuilding Prices (m$) Tankers Newbuilding Prices (m$) VLCC Suezmax Aframax LR1 MR Capesize 110 Panamax Supramax Handysize 90 140 mi l lion $ mi l lion $ 180 100 70 50 60 30 20 10 Newbuilding Orders Units Type Size Yard Delivery Dalian Shipbuilding, 319,000 dwt 2016-2017 China Shanghai Waigaoqiao, 318,000 dwt 2016-2017 China 2+1 Tanker 2 Tanker 4+4 Tanker 160,000 dwt New Times, China 2 Bulker 38,800 dwt Jiangsu Hantong, China 2017 U.S. based (Progress Bulk Carriers) $ 24.0m 2 Bulker 37,800 dwt Imabari, Japan 2017 Singaporean (Berge Bulk) undisclosed 2 Gas 155,000 cbm Kawasaki, Japan 2016-2017 Japanese (Mitsui OSK) undisclosed 1 Gas 83,000 cbm Mitsubishi, Japan 12/2016 Japanese (Lino Kaiun Kaisha) $ 80.0m © Intermodal Research Buyer Price Comments Chinese (China Merchants) $ 97.4m Eco design Chinese (China Merchants) $ 97.4m Eco design 2016-2017 Norwegian (Frontline 2012) $ 59.5m 07/10/2014 declared options LNG 6 Demolition Market Indicative Demolition Prices ($/ldt) Dry Wet Markets Bangladesh India Pakistan China Bangladesh India Pakistan China Week 40 490 485 500 300 470 455 475 280 Week 39 490 485 500 300 470 455 475 280 ±% With a number of holidays close to starting in the Indian Sub-Continent, it seems that everyone was in haste to buy, rejuvenating much of the buying appetite and pushing for quick conclusion of deals. This has been in contrast to what was experienced in previous week and what one would anticipate. It seems the pessimistic view regarding earnings has played a catalytic role and in fear of losing these firm offers candidates were given the go-ahead to head to the scrap yards a bit earlier than planned. Prices have been hitting close on the USD 500/ldt mark for some time now and it seems that we may start to see ever more bullish and speculative buys going forward if movements in foreign exchange continue to favor breakers. Average prices this week for wet tonnage were at around 300-500$/ldt and dry units received about 280475$/ldt. 2013 2012 2011 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 422 426 423 365 402 405 401 350 440 445 444 384 414 419 416 365 523 511 504 451 498 484 477 432 The highest price amongst recently reported deals, was that paid for the Gas Tanker ‘ACF ARCTIC’ (40,585dwt-19,472ldt-blt 69), which received a very firm price of $ 565/ldt basis delivery “as is” Gibraltar and including about 1,200 tons of IFO and 50 tons of MGO remaining onboard. Dry Demolition Prices Wet Demolition Prices Bangladesh India Pakistan 550 China 500 500 450 450 $/l dt $/l dt 550 400 Bangladesh India Pakistan China 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 Demolition Sales Name C. CORSIER Size Ldt Built 158,537 19,160 1991 YIALIA 69,458 10,862 1990 ARENA 69,235 10,467 1987 SINO GRACE 68,337 12,253 1989 ISLA DE CEDROS 60,732 12,648 1982 ZIM IBERIA 46,850 12,000 1997 SCF ARCTIC 40,585 19,472 1969 XING HUA 27,476 6,622 1977 © Intermodal Research Yard SASEBO SASEBO, Japan NKK CORP - TSU, Japan IMABARI MARUGAME, Japan NAMURA IMARI, Japan KOYO MIHARA, Japan HDW AG - KIEL GEU, Germany KOCKUMS MEKANISKA, Sweden OSHIMA, Japan Type $/ldt Breakers BULKER $ 500/Ldt Pakistani BULKER $ 504/Ldt Pakistani BULKER $ 505/Ldt Bangladeshi BULKER $ 480/Ldt Bangladeshi BULKER $ 485/Ldt Indian CONT $ 525/Ldt Indian GAS $ 565/Ldt undisclosed bss "as is" Gbraltar, incl 1,200T IFO & 50T MDO ROB BULKER $ 405/Ldt Bangladeshi bss "as is" Keelung Taiwan 07/10/2014 Comments Green recycling 7 Commodities & Ship Finance 2-Oct-14 1-Oct-14 10year US Bond 2.450 S&P 500 1,967.90 Nasdaq 4,475.62 Dow Jones 17,009.69 FTSE 100 6,527.90 FTSE All-Share UK 3,485.96 CAC40 4,281.74 Xetra Dax Nikkei 15,708.65 Hang Seng 23,064.56 DJ US Maritime 377.75 $/€ 1.26 $/₤ 1.60 ¥/$ 109.26 $ / NoK 0.15 Yuan / $ 6.14 Won / $ 1,061.07 $ INDEX 92.60 2.440 1,946.17 4,430.20 16,801.05 6,446.40 3,442.20 4,242.67 9,195.68 15,661.99 371.91 1.26 1.61 108.71 0.16 6.14 1,061.96 91.60 2.400 1,946.16 4,422.09 16,804.71 6,557.50 3,498.96 4,365.27 9,382.03 16,082.25 371.29 1.26 1.62 109.63 0.15 6.14 1,060.77 92.10 30-Sep-14 2.510 1,972.29 4,493.39 17,042.90 6,622.70 3,533.93 4,416.24 9,474.30 16,173.52 22,932.98 386.85 1.26 1.62 109.64 0.16 6.14 1,054.20 92.00 29-Sep-14 2.490 1,977.80 4,505.85 17,071.22 6,646.60 3,544.91 4,358.07 9,422.91 16,310.64 23,229.21 392.20 1.27 1.62 109.39 0.16 6.15 1,050.92 91.70 W-O-W Change % -3.5% -0.8% -0.8% -0.6% -1.8% -1.7% -2.6% -3.1% -3.2% -2.6% -3.2% -1.0% -1.6% 0.2% -1.1% 0.1% 1.7% 1.1% Maritime Stock Data Company Basic Commodities Weekly Summary Oil WTI $ Oil Brent $ Gold $ 110 1,250 105 1,240 100 1,230 oil 95 1,220 gold 90 1,210 85 1,200 80 1,190 Bunker Prices MDO 3-Oct-14 380cst Currencies Stock Exchange Data Market Data Rotterdam Houston Singapore Rotterdam Houston Singapore 3-Oct-14 26-Sep-14 771.0 914.0 795.5 535.5 547.5 552.5 790.5 938.5 819.5 541.0 547.5 561.0 W-O-W Change % -2.5% -2.6% -2.9% -1.0% 0.0% -1.5% Finance News Stock Curr. 03-Oct-14 Exchange 26-Sep-14 W-O-W Change % AEGEAN MARINE PETROL NTWK NYSE USD 9.06 9.60 -5.6% BALTIC TRADING NYSE USD 3.88 4.23 -8.3% BOX SHIPS INC CAPITAL PRODUCT PARTNERS LP COSTAMARE INC NYSE USD NASDAQ USD NYSE USD 1.10 9.83 21.77 1.24 10.01 22.70 -11.3% -1.8% -4.1% DANAOS CORPORATION NYSE USD 4.91 5.29 -7.2% DIANA SHIPPING NYSE USD 8.50 9.14 -7.0% DRYSHIPS INC NASDAQ USD 2.21 2.54 -13.0% EAGLE BULK SHIPPING NASDAQ USD 0.89 0.76 17.1% EUROSEAS LTD. FREESEAS INC GLOBUS MARITIME LIMITED NASDAQ USD NASDAQ USD NASDAQ USD 1.11 0.17 3.36 1.11 0.23 3.36 0.0% -26.1% 0.0% GOLDENPORT HOLDINGS INC LONDON GBX 350.00 351.00 -0.3% HELLENIC CARRIERS LIMITED LONDON GBX 37.06 38.05 -2.6% NAVIOS MARITIME ACQUISITIONS NYSE USD 2.87 2.85 0.7% NAVIOS MARITIME HOLDINGS NYSE USD 5.81 5.85 -0.7% NAVIOS MARITIME PARTNERS LP NYSE USD 18.12 17.30 4.7% PARAGON SHIPPING INC. NYSE USD 3.34 4.12 -18.9% SAFE BULKERS INC SEANERGY MARITIME HOLDINGS CORP STAR BULK CARRIERS CORP STEALTHGAS INC TSAKOS ENERGY NAVIGATION TOP SHIPS INC NYSE NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ NYSE NASDAQ USD USD USD USD USD USD 6.36 1.71 10.54 8.78 6.25 1.89 7.13 1.79 11.38 9.13 6.48 1.87 -10.8% -4.5% -7.4% -3.8% -3.5% 1.1% “Frontline buys bonds John Fredriksen’s Frontline has spent $17.8m on buying back its own bonds as the payment deadline looms. The deals were carried out in the open market on Monday at 91.65% of face value, the tanker owner said. This gives the shipowner $52.8m or 23.5% of the issue. The 4.5% convertible bonds worth $190m are due in April and Frontline admitted in August it faced a “challenging situation” as it sought a way to meet the final payment The owner has $1bn in debt and said that, based on the current tanker market outlook, it was “doubtful” whether it could generate sufficient cash from operations to meet its obligation. It said it was considering raising equity or selling assets, establishing new loans or refinancing existing arrangements. A full restructuring of the company, including lease obligations and debt agreements, might be the only alternative, however. Bjorn Kristian Roed, an analyst at Danske Bank, said at the time the company could avoid selling its prized asset, a $108m stake in spin-off Frontline 2012, if it sheds two new suezmaxes and raises a further $40m from an at the market (ATM) offering.” (Trade Winds) The information contained in this report has been obtained from various sources, as reported in the market. Intermodal Shipbr okers Co. believes such information to be factual and reliable without making guarantees regarding its accuracy or completeness. Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the above review, no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage incurred in any way whatsoever by any person who may seek to rely on the information and views contained in this material. This report is being produced for the internal use of the intended recipients only and no reproducing is allowed, without the prior written authorization of Intermodal Shipbrokers Co. Compiled by Intermodal Research & Valuations Department | research@intermodal.gr Analysts: Mr. George Lazaridis | g.lazaridis@intermodal.gr Ms. Eva Tzima | e.tzima@intermodal.gr You can contact us directly by phone or by e-mailing, faxing or posting the below form completed with all your details: Tel: +30 210 6293 300 Fax:+30 210 6293 333-4 Email: research@intermodal.gr Intermodal Shipbrokers Co. 17th km Ethniki Odos Athens-Lamia & 3 Agrambelis street, 145 64 N.Kifisia, Athens - Greece Select Price in US$ Annual Subscription □ Free Shipping Monthly Recap - free summary Annual Subscription - 12 issues □ Free version Shipping Monthly Recap - full report Annual Subscription - 12 issues □ $ 1,000 Annual publication - 1 issue □ $ 500 Weekly Publications Weekly Market Report Monthly Publications Sector Reports The LNG Market 2013 - An overview analysis on the state of the LNG market in 2013 Your Contact Details Full Name: Title: Company: Position: Address: Country: Post code: E-mail: Telephone: Company Website: Fax: Name and address to appear on invoice (if different from above): □ I will be paying by bank transfer (please contact us for our bank details) © Intermodal Shipbrokers Co 07/10/2014 9
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