L 2014 PRACTICE+DESIGN CONFERENCE SCHEDULE CONFERENCE DAY 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 CONFERENCE DAY 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 CONFERENCE DAY 3 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 9 – 10 A.M. 9 – 10 A.M. 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. ELLING MYKLEBUST RED THREAD CREATIVE GROUP __________________________________________________________ 9 – 10 A.M. MARGARET WINCH KERMIT BAKER, PH.D., HON. AIA CHIEF ECONOMIST, THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS __________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATION RESOURCES 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. CRAFT AT UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA __________________________________________________________ MIKE CHRISTIANER, AIA SFS ARCHITECTURE __________________________________________________________ 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. PROF. CALVIN LEWIS, FAIA IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY BEHROKH KHOSHNEVIS __________________________________________________________ 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. BEN WINTNER MICHAEL GRAVES ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. DESIGN BUILD FIRM PANEL SPROCKET DESIGN-BUILD; TRES BIRDS WORKSHOP; HALFANTS + PICHETTE __________________________________________________________ 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. BARBARA J. JACKSON, PH.D., DBIA UNIVERSITY OF DENVER __________________________________________________________ 12:30 – 2 P.M. AIA COLORADO BUSINESS MEETING AND LUNCH __________________________________________________________ 2 – 3 P.M. KAI-UWE BERGMANN, AIA BIG __________________________________________________________ 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. REED KROLOFF JONES | KROLOFF __________________________________________________________ 4:30 – 5:30 P.M. DAN ROCKHILL JINHEE PARK, AIA SSD ARCHITECTURE + URBANISM __________________________________________________________ 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. BRIAN HEALY, FAIA PERKINS+WILL / BRIAN HEALY ARCHITECTS __________________________________________________________ 12:30 – 2 P.M. LUNCH ON THE EXHIBIT FLOOR __________________________________________________________ 2 – 3 P.M. KIRSTEN RING MURRAY, AIA OLSON KUNDIG ARCHITECTS __________________________________________________________ 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. KRISTA NINIVAGGI K&CO __________________________________________________________ 4:30 – 5:30 P.M. DAVID BAKER, FAIA, LEED AP DAVID BAKER ARCHITECTS STUDIO 804 / ROCKHILL AND ASSOCIATES __________________________________________________________ 7 – 10 P.M. PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION WITH EXHIBITORS __________________________________________________________ AIA COLORADO AND LOCAL SECTION 2014 DESIGN AWARDS GALA *separate registration required 5:30 – 8:30 P.M. KIMON ONUMA, FAIA ONUMA, INC. __________________________________________________________ 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. BOB BORSON, AIA LIFE OF AN ARCHITECT BLOG / MALONE MAXWELL BORSON ARCHITECTS __________________________________________________________ 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. ROBERT MCCARTER RUTH AND NORMAN MOORE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE, WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS __________________________________________________________ 11 A.M. – NOON BRIAN KORTE, AIA LAKE | FLATO __________________________________________________________ NOON – 2 P.M. LUNCH ON THE EXHIBIT FLOOR/PRIZE DRAWINGS __________________________________________________________ 2 – 3 P.M. THOMAS PHIFER, FAIA THOMAS PHIFER AND PARTNERS __________________________________________________________ 3:30 – 5 P.M. THOM MAYNE, FAIA MORPHOSIS ARCHITECTS, INC. + AIA COLORADO 2014 PRACTICE+DESIGN CONFERENCE REGISTRATION BROCHURE REGISTRATION FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY) AIA and Professional Affiliate Members Associate AIA Members Students (AIAS Members) Exhibit Floor Pass (for meals on Friday/Saturday, no session access) NON-MEMBERS Licensed Architects and Other Design Professionals Architectural Interns and Pre-licensed Design Professionals Non-member Students Spouse/Guest of Member of Non-member (not eligible for continuing education credit) Exhibit Floor Pass (for meals on Thursday/Friday, no session access) BY SEPT. 12 AFTER SEPT. 12* BY SEPT. 12 AFTER SEPT. 12* $425 $475 $275$325 $120$120 $40$50 $700$750 $400$450 $200$200 $155$175 $50$60 *Starting on Monday, October 6, all registrations must be made onsite and will incure an additional $50 late fee FLEXIBLE BLOCK SCHEDULING** Can’t attend the full conference? Purchase half-day blocks instead! MEMBERS One Block: AIA and Professional Affiliate Members One Block: Associate AIA Members One Block: Students (AIAS Members) BY SEPT. 12 AFTER SEPT. 12* NON-MEMBERS One Block: Licensed Architects and Other Design Professionals One Block: Architectural Interns and Pre-licensed Design Professionals One Block: Non-Member Students BY SEPT. 12 AFTER SEPT. 12* $75$85 $55$65 $25$25 $130$140 $75$85 $40$40 AVAILABLE BLOCKS Block A (Thursday, 8:15 a.m. – 2 p.m.) Block B (Thursday, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.) Block C (Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.) Block D (Friday, 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) Block E (Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.) Block F (Saturday, Noon – 5 p.m.) **This registration option is not available for Spouses/Guests of Members and Non-Members. All guests will need to pay the Spouse/Guest registration fee listed above. PAYMENT PLAN Attendees may participate in a two-part payment plan to help ease the burden of registration costs. Payment plan participants pay one half of the listed conference registration total on Monday, Sept. 15, and the remaining half will be charged on Monday, Oct. 6. Attendees wishing to take part in the payment plan will need to clearly mark this option on their registration form and turn it in by Friday, Sept. 12. Any registrations received after Friday, Sept. 12, will not be eligible to take part in the payment plan option. If choosing the payment plan option, you CANNOT register online. CONFERENCE DAY 1 THURSDAY, OCT. 9 7:30 A.M. – 5 P.M. 8:15 – 8:45 A.M. 8:45 – 9 A.M. REGISTRATION CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST WELCOME/OPENING REMARKS Join AIA Colorado 2014 President Kevin Eronimous, AIA, and the conference co-chairs as they kick off this year’s event. BLOCK A (Choose One) 9 – 10 A.M. A. PERMANENT BETA: ADVICE FROM SILICON VALLEY FOR YOUR CAREER AND BUSINESS (1.0 LU) ELLING MYKLEBUST Red Thread Creative Group This session focuses on the new realities of your career and business, informing you how to apply new thinking, and new tools to maximize your impact and success in a crowded and increasingly complex marketplace. 9 – 10 A.M. B. WINNING THE SHORT-LIST: PROPOSAL AND PRESENTATION SUCCESS IN TODAY’s COMPETITIVE MARKETPLACE (1.0 LU) MARGARET WINCH Communication Resources This seminar will focus on research from hundreds of debrief interviews with selectors to inform a broad range pursuit types. We will cover the life-cycle of the interview preparation process, presenting a logical, streamlined model for teams to be successful in the preparation and delivery of exceptional short-list interviews. 10 – 10:15 A.M. BREAK (Choose One) 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. A. SFS ARCHITECTURE: 40 YEARS OF LIGHT AND SPACE (1.0 HSW) MIKE CHRISTIANER, AIA SFS Architecture 40 years span careers and in this day and age, monumental changes. How does one architectural firm contend with these changes in regards to their design philosophy? Design principles which hold fast in a changing environment and economy. 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. B. URBAN AMENITIES: A STRING OF PEARLS (1.0 HSW) PROF. CALVIN LEWIS, FAIA Iowa State University The evolution of architectural thinking in our profession has generally become more sensitive to the existing context and has attempted to be responsive to the scale and spatial organization of the place and people being impacted. Another critical impact of any new architectural insertion is the evolving context and organizational momentum that it creates, which can stimulate and empower future opportunities. Although architecture is most commonly considered to be represented by buildings, the spaces that are shaped and influenced by those buildings may have an even greater public impact. 11:15 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. BREAK Choose One) 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. A. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DESIGN BUILD FIRMS (1.0 LU) Sprocket Design-Build, Tres Birds Workshop and Halflants + Pichette This panel discussion will discuss the challenges, benefits, and success stories of design build firms. 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. B. GENERATING VALUE THROUGH INTEGRATED ENGAGEMENT (1.0 LU) BARBARA J. JACKSON, PH.D., DBIA University of Denver, Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management Traditional benchmarks for value generation are often connected to program and project results such as cost per square foot. But real value generation happens at the people performance level. New research indicates that “space” and physical environment have a significant impact on how people perform at work. Tying design and space to the business bottom-line helps owners connect the dots between short term project performance and long term people performance to significantly impact productivity and profitability of their core business operations. This session will highlight ways to generate real value through integrated engagement. 12:30 – 2 P.M. AIA COLORADO ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AND CONFERENCE LUNCHEON Participate and learn about the state-of-the-chapter through the president’s report, treasurer’s report and executive vice president/CEO’s report. The meeting will include an update on state advocacy efforts from the AIA Colorado Government Affairs Committee. 2014 President, Kevin Eronimous, AIA, will update members on AIA’s repositioning efforts on the national, state and local levels. Members also will have the opportunity to meet the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA staff and have a chance to network with other professionals. BLOCK B 2 – 3 P.M. SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE (1.0 HSW) KAI-UWE BERGMANN, BIG AIA Through a series of recent projects this presentation will expand the bandwidth of architecture to include infrastructure projects that infuse a social agenda to the benefit of all. 3 – 3:15 P.M. BREAK 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. HOW TO TALK ABOUT ARCHITECTURE (1.0 LU) REED KROLOFF Architectural Critic and Commentator Former Director of the Cranbrook Academy of Art and Art Museum For most architects, talking about architecture is easy. It’s making people understand what they’re saying that can be the hard part. It doesn’t have to be. In this fast-paced, direct, and often humorous address, architectural writer and commentator Reed Kroloff uses the state of contemporary practice to share strategies that have helped him inspire audiences—both casual and professional—about architecture for more than two decades. Twice a dean, a critic and editor, and a professional who helps architects find their clients, Kroloff speaks about architecture to many kinds of audiences. His insights may be just what you need to secure that next project. 4:15 – 4:30 P.M. BREAK 4:30 – 5:30 P.M. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: HAND AND MIND, THE WORK OF ROCKHILL AND ASSOCIATES AND STUDIO 804 (1.0 HSW) DAN ROCKHILL Studio 804 / Rockhill and Associates This session will give a brief overview of the origins of a modern vernacular from the work of Rockhill and Associates. Their work is tightly bound to the natural milieu and culture of the Kansas region. In the spirit of regionalism, the area’s archetypal forms, Spartan aesthetics, frugal methods, and relationship to nature permeate the results. He will explain the importance building has in architectural education and why he feels “having their hands in the concrete” is critical in the development of young professionals and why he teaches the course Studio 804. 7 – 10 P.M. AIA COLORADO AND LOCAL SECTION 2014 DESIGN AWARDS GALA COCKTAIL GALA AND AWARDS PRESENTATION Separate registration required Join colleagues and guests for this new combined gala event featuring award winners from the AIA Colorado, AIA Denver, AIA Colorado North and AIA Colorado South Design Awards programs. This year’s event will feature the winning entries presented by the jury chairs that awarded them in each area and will recognize the AIA Colorado 2014 Honor Award winners, including Architect of the Year and Firm of the Year. CONFERENCE DAY 2 FRIDAY, OCT. 10 7:30 A.M. – 5 P.M. 8:30 – 9 A.M. REGISTRATION CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST BLOCK C 9 – 10 A.M. THE 2015 CONSTRUCTION OUTLOOK AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR ARCHITECTS (1.0 LU) KERMIT BAKER, PH.D., HON. AIA Chief Economist, The American Institute of Architects What does 2015 hold in store for Colorado architects from a business perspective? This presentation will provide an analysis of the outlook for key residential and nonresidential building sectors. It will touch on emerging trends in our economy, and discuss how they are likely to affect the construction industry in general and the architecture professions specifically. Particular attention will be focused on how construction trends in Colorado will play out in comparison to different regions and metro areas across the country. 10 – 10:15 A.M. BREAK (Choose One) 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. A. AUTOMATED CONSTRUCTION BY CONTOUR CRAFTING (1.0 HSW) BEHROKH KHOSHNEVIS Director, Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies (CRAFT) at University of Southern California The nature of construction has remained intensely manual throughout recorded history. Unlike in manufacturing, the growth of automation in construction has been slow. A promising new automation approach is Contour Crafting (CC). Invented by the speaker, Contour Crafting is a mega-scale 3D fabrication process aiming at automated onsite construction of whole structures as well as subcomponents. Using this process, a single building or a colony of buildings may be constructed automatically with all plumbing and electrical utilities imbedded in each; yet each building could have a different design which can include complex curved features. The technology also has astounding environmental and energy impacts. The entry level implication is especially profound for emergency shelter construction and low income housing. NASA is exploring possible applications of CC in building on other planets. CC has received international attention and could soon revolutionize the construction industry. 10:15 – 11:15 A.M. B. FROM TOWERS TO TEAKETTLES: ORIGINAL THINKING, COURAGE AND CONTROVERSY(1.0 HSW) BEN WINTNER Michael Graves Architecture + Design Michael Graves Architecture + Design (MGA+D) is driven by a core belief that humanistic design delivers transformative results for clients. This session will show how this design philosophy has been applied in an integrated manner to both architecture and industrial design. Mr. Wintner will share, through case studies and anecdotes, how Michael Graves’ personal health crisis contributed to the firm’s ethnographic approach to design resulting in the practice becoming an expert in patient- centered healthcare design. This session will share how MGA+D applies its design philosophy to its product design and architecture projects. Most importantly, learn how you can transform your practice from a project-based transactional model to a strategy-driven design firm. 11:15 – 11:30 A.M. BREAK (Choose One) 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. A. MICRO-URBANISM (1.0 HSW) JINHEE PARK, AIA Single Speed Design (SsD) The main topic, Micro-Urbanism, is about new modes of operation in the city and architecture’s ability to change the way we live and work. The concept is not necessarily about size, but more about relativity between program, perception, and questioning the very elements of architecture. The concept will be demonstrated in a series of design projects. 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. B. COMMONPLACES (1.0 HSW) BRIAN HEALY, FAIA Perkins+Will / Brian Healy Architects This session discusses a series of specific project examples that demonstrate the responsibilities architects have both socially and environmentally in addition to different technologies architects can use in the design process. 12:30 – 2 P.M. LUNCH ON THE EXHIBIT FLOOR Join fellow conference participants for a networking opportunity and lunch on the exhibit floor. This is a chance to walk the floor and determine the booths you want to come back and see during the evening reception/exhibit hours. BLOCK D 2 – 3 P.M. EVOLUTION IN PRACTICE (1.0 HSW) KIRSTEN RING MURRAY, AIA Olson Kundig Architects Nationally award-winning Murray manages to integrate a passion for design with mentoring, community outreach and a vision of how architecture can engage with art and culture. Murray will reflect on her firm’s culture, how the firm works to integrate art and architecture, and how it has continued to evolve through its five decades of practice. 3 – 3:15 P.M. BREAK 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. 20/20/FUTURE/FOCUS (1.0 LU) KRISTA NINIVAGGI K&CO Over the last 12 years, Ninivaggi has had the opportunity to design and provide leadership at three influential firms: The Rockwell Group, AvroKo, and SHoP Architects. Each experience has profoundly influenced her opinions and methodologies of design. Distilling the lessons learned at each firm created a road map in the founding of her own practice. 4:15 – 4:30 P.M. BREAK 4:30 – 5:30 P.M. THE MULTIPLIER OF GOOD (1.0 HSW) DAVID BAKER, FAIA, LEED AP David Baker Architects David Baker, FAIA, is a leader in local, sustainable, affordable design, with three decades of urban housing experience and an optimistic eye on the future of city development. In this talk he will share concepts and strategies to inform the dense, livable approach that will be required for future successful housing design. Through examples of his own work—ranging from affordable multi-family housing, boutique hotels, and urban planning case studies—he will illustrate and propose creative, positive, collaborative approaches to design and new metrics for visualizing density clearly. 5:30 – 8:30 P.M. PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION WITH EXHIBITORS Join fellow members and exhibitors for this annual event. Relax, unwind and discuss the day’s events with colleagues while enjoying drinks, food, entertainment and prize drawings. In the past, prizes have included vacation packages, software suites, golf clubs, gift baskets and free AIA memberships. The reception will be located on the exhibit floor and attendees must be present to win all prizes. CONFERENCE DAY 2 SATURDAY, OCT. 11 8 A.M. – 3 P.M. BLOCK E 8 – 8:30 A.M. REGISTRATION NETWORKING BREAKFAST WITH KEYNOTE SESSION Meet colleagues and make connections with fellow conference attendees and exhibitors at this networking breakfast. Breakfast will be followed by an exciting keynote session from Kimon Onuma, FAIA. 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. BUILDING INFORMED ENVIRONMENTS(1.0 LU) KIMON ONUMA, FAIA Onuma, Inc. This session will demonstrate how architects work in the cloud. Transparency enables communication and decision making with processes that did not exist a few years ago. Social networking tools have caused revolutions across the globe, and similar tools are creating revolutions in how projects are conceived managed, designed, constructed and managed. Meanwhile, sensor technologies are bringing buildings to life, as the complexity and cost of these sensors continue dropping -- making it possible to have buildings “talk” to us. 9:30 – 9:45 A.M. BREAK (Choose one) 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. A. MAKING A CONNECTION (1.0 LU) BOB BORSON, AIA, LEED AP Malone Maxwell Borson Architects / Life of an Architect blogger Digital Communications is here to stay and as more and more architectural firms decide to enter the landscape of social media, it’s hard to know where to start and what to do. This presentation will show you how to focus your efforts and make real connections that will benefit your architectural practice. 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. B. THE ARCHITECTURE OF CARLO SCARPA: RECOMPOSING PLACE, INTERTWINING TIME, TRANSFORMING REALITY (1.0 HSW) ROBERT MCCARTER Ruth and Norman Moore Professor of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis An overview of the career and works of the architect Carlo Scarpa (1906-78), a unique figure among secondgeneration Modern architects, at once deeply imbedded in the archaic and anachronistic culture of Venice, yet simultaneously transforming that ancient city by weaving modern spatial conceptions into its material fabric. At once ancient and modern, Scarpa joined these two worlds by constructing an interpretation of architectural preservation, renovation and intervention that integrates, engages and transforms its historical place. Seven major works will be examined: the Accademia Museum, the Canova Gipsoteca, the Olivetti Showroom, the Castelvecchio Museum, the Querini Stampalia, the Banca Popolare di Verona, and the Brion Cemetery. The concluding section will focus on Scarpa’s redefinition of architectural interventions in historical places through the engagement of Vico’s aphorism, Verum Ipsum Factum, “we only know what we make,” as exemplified in Scarpa’s works through his actions of recomposing place, intertwining time, and transforming reality. 10:45 – 11 A.M. BREAK 11 A.M. – NOON SIX DEGREES OF PREPARATION: A CASE STUDY IN RESILIENCE (1.0 LU) BRIAN KORTE, AIA Lake|Flato The presentation will examine a 10 year timeline of work, starting with a winery project in 2005 that is now finally under construction to be completed in 2015. The timeline will focus on the importance of cultivating relationships with clients, consultants, and contractors, resilience as a critically important quality for an architect with the ups and downs of a service industry, and case studies on several projects that were completed during the lifespan of the featured project. NOON – 2 P.M. LUNCH ON THE EXHIBIT FLOOR WITH PRIZE DRAWINGS Join fellow conference participants for a networking opportunity and lunch on the exhibit floor. All final prize drawings will be held during the lunch and attendees must be present to win. BLOCK F 2 – 3 P.M. THOMAS PHIFER AND PARTNERS - CURRENT WORK (1.0 HSW) THOMAS PHIFER, FAIA Thomas Phifer and Partners In this session, participants will gain an insight in the current work of Thomas Phifer and Partners. The lecture will be held by Thomas Phifer, founding principal of the New York-based firm. Phifer approaches modernism from a humanistic standpoint, connecting the built environment to the natural world with a heightened sense of openness and community spirit that is based on a collaborative, interdisciplinary process. “In all of our work, we seek a natural economy of elements through order grounded in nature and predicated on conservation. We shape the character of our architecture through passive solar and ventilation strategies; incorporating ancient and modern principles of air movement. We consciously aim for simplicity - in planning, our use of light and air, building organization and circulation - because it is our experience that simplicity leads to economy, efficiency, and improved performance.” The projects of Thomas Phifer and Partners have been repeatedly honored, published and exhibited extensively in the United States and overseas. 3:15 – 3:30 P.M. BREAK 3:30 – 5 P.M. W.I.P. #182 (WORKS IN PROGRESS) (1.5 HSW) THOM MAYNE, FAIA Morphosis Thom Mayne has been a committed educator in architecture for over 40 years. His firm, Morphosis, is engaged in broader social, cultural, urban, political and ecological issues which he brings to his teaching. This session will be an overview of the recent work of Morphosis. AIA Colorado and Local Section Design Awards Gala Thursday, October 9 DETAILS Location: Silverthorne Pavilion 400 Blue River Parkway Silverthorne, CO 80498 Time: 7 – 10 p.m. Attire: JURY CHAIRS AIA Colorado: Dan Rockhill Rockhill and Associates AIA Denver: Kai-Uwe Bergmann BIG AIA Colorado North: Cocktail Prof. Calvin Lewis, FAIA University of Iowa Included: AIA Colorado South: Food and Drink TRANSPORTATION New This Year! There will be a free shuttle that will transport guests from the Keystone Lodge and Spa hotel to the gala venue. Discounted lodging is available at the Keystone Lodge and Spa hotel, in conjunction with the Practice + Design Conference. Info on rates and registration can be found at www.aiacoconference.org. Mike Christianer, AIA SFS Architecture PRICE $55 AIA, Assoc. AIA and PA Members $65 Non-members and Guests Register using the Practice + Design Conference online or PDF registration form. Why a new format for the Design Awards gala this year? In an effort to celebrate the work of our members on a larger scale, AIA Colorado and the Local Sections chose to have a separately-juried, but jointly-presented Design Awards. The main goal of this newly-formatted event is to bring greater awareness to the award-winning work of our members throughout the state. LOCATION Keystone Resort & Conference Center (0633 Tennis Club Rd., Keystone, CO 80435). To preview the property, visit www.keystoneconferences.com. PRACTICE AND DESIGN CONFERENCE LODGING Exhibitor and attendee lodging has been arranged at properties throughout Keystone Resort. Guest room rates vary based on property and room size, from $119 to $189 per night for standard guest rooms. Gateway Efficiency - $99 Inn at Keystone - $119 Keystone Lodge & Spa - $129 Keystone Lodge & Spa Loft - $189 Conference Village Studio - $ 129 Conference Village 1 Bedroom - $139 Conference Village 2 Bedroom - $179 Rates are subject to all state, county and city taxes, resort fees and assessments in effect at the time of meeting. Attendees must make their own lodging reservations directly with the reservations department at the hotel online at bit.ly/pdcrooms or by calling 800.258.0437 and referencing group code CK2IA4. All reservations must be received no later than Friday, Sept. 12, to be guaranteed the negotiated room rates. CANCELLATION POLICY Registration cancellations prior to Friday, Sept. 12, will receive a 75 % refund of fees paid. After Friday, Sept. 12, no refunds will be given. No-shows will not receive refunds. CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS FOR FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: 23.5 AIA/LUs 13.5 HSW AIA members are required to complete a total of 18 learning units (LU) per year to maintain membership status. Architects licensed in the State of Colorado are also required to complete 12 HSW continuing education hours (CEH) per calendar year to maintain licensure. ATTENTION ARCHITECTURAL INTERNS: LOOKING FOR IDP HOURS? Interns may earn IDP supplemental experience hours by completing approved AIA continuing education programs. 1 AIA LU is equal to 1 IDP supplemental experience hour. When submitting to NCARB, Learning Units must be documented on the intern’s AIA transcript. Any intern in the Intern Development Program can request a free AIA transcript at www.aia.org/getIDPcredit. DESIGN CONFERENCE SPONSORS Exclusive Conference Sponsor ADOLFSON & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION AMBIENT ENERGY ANCHOR ENGINEERING, INC. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF COLORADO BENNETT WAGNER GRODY ARCHITECTS CAD-1, INC. COLORADO REAL ESTATE JOURNAL FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. HASELDEN CONSTRUCTION WANT TO SPONSOR? INITIAL.AEC JVA, INC. KEN’S REPRODUCTIONS MARK YOUNG CONSTRUCTION, INC. STUDIO NYL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS THE RMH GROUP, INC. THE WEIDT GROUP USI COLORADO LLC Visit www.aiacolorado.org and download the 2014 Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors. You may also contact Nicolle Thompson, Director of Programs and Sponsorship, at nicolle@aiacolorado.org or 303.446.2266 x111. L PRE-SORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID DENVER, CO PERMIT NO. 5043 + REGISTRATION BROCHURE REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Please complete a separate registration form for each person attending, including guests. Name (as it will appear on badge): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Firm Name/School: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________ Member Affiliation (Check one. If no box is marked, affiliation will not be listed on conference name badge.) ❑ AIA Member ❑ Assoc. AIA Member ❑ Professional Affiliate Member ❑ AIAS/SA Member ❑ Allied Organization Member ❑ Other __________________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (check all that apply): FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION* Thursday, Oct. 9 – Saturday, Oct. 11 ❑ Full Conference Registration (excluding gala) ❑ Exhibit Floor Pass (for meals on Friday/Saturday, no session access) $ ___________ $ ___________ FLEXIBLE BLOCK SCHEDULING* (Please indicate which sessions you plan to attend) ❑ Block A (Thursday, 8:15 a.m. – 2 p.m.) ❑ Block B (Thursday, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.) ❑ Block C (Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.) ❑ Block D (Friday, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.) ❑ # of Blocks: ___________ x Price per Block ___________ = ❑ Block E (Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.) ❑ Block F (Saturday, Noon – 5 p.m.) $ ___________ *Please turn to back of this page and indicate which seminars and events you plan to attend. This step is required and registration forms sent in without filling out seminar and event choices will not be processed. AIA COLORADO AND LOCAL SECTION DESIGN AWARDS GALA Thursday, Oct. 9 ❑ # of Gala Tickets: __________ x Member Price per Ticket _________ = $ ___________ ❑ # of Gala Tickets: __________ x Non-member Price per Ticket _________ = $ ___________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $______ AIA COLORADO CONFERENCE PAYMENT PLAN Attendees have the opportunity to participate in a two-part payment plan to help ease the burden of registration costs. If participating in the payment plan, one half of the total amount due will be charged on Monday, Sept. 16, and the remaining half will be charged on Monday, Oct 7. Attendees wishing to take part may only register using this form (not online) and must turn in this form by Friday, Sept. 13. Any registrations received after Friday, Sept. 13, will not be eligible to take part in the payment plan option. Do you wish to take part in the Conference Payment Plan and agree to the above terms? ❑ Yes ❑ No Please list any special requirements you may have (i.e., wheelchair access, vegetarian meals, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BILLING INFORMATION Payment via: ❑ Check (Payable to AIA Colorado) ❑ MC ❑ Visa ❑ AMEX Account Number: __________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________ CVV2:______________ Name on Card: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address for Card: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ________________ Return registration form(s) to AIA Colorado by fax, mail, or email: (f) 303.446.0066 nicolle@aiacolorado.org 303 E. 17th Ave., Ste. 110, Denver, CO 80203 Questions? Contact AIA Colorado at 303.446.2266 or visit www.AIACOConference.org for more details. SESSIONS & EVENTS (Please check each session and event you plan to attend) THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 2014 Block A sessions 9 – 10 a.m. (choose one) ❑ Elling Myklebust ❑ Margaret Winch 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. (choose one) ❑ Mike Christianer, AIA ❑ Prof. Calvin Lewis, FAIA 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (choose one) ❑ Design Build Firm Panel ❑ Barbara Jackson, Ph.D., DBIA 12:30 – 2 p.m. ❑ AIA Colorado Business Meeting and Lunch 7 – 10 p.m. ❑ AIA Colorado and Local Section 2014 Design Awards Gala Separate registration required THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 2014 Block B sessions 12:30 – 2 p.m. ❑ AIA Colorado Business Meeting and Lunch 2 – 3 p.m. ❑ Kai-Uwe Bergmann, AIA 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. ❑ Reed Kroloff 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. ❑ Dan Rockhill 7 – 10 p.m. ❑ AIA Colorado and Local Section 2014 Design Awards Gala Separate registration required FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 2014 Block C sessions 9 – 10 a.m. ❑ Kermit Baker, Ph.D., Hon. AIA 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. (choose one) ❑ Behrokh Khoshnevis ❑ Ben Wintner 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (choose one) ❑ Jinhee Park, AIA ❑ Brian Healy, FAIA 12:30 – 2 p.m. ❑ Lunch on the Exhibit Floor 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. ❑ President’s Reception on Exhibit Floor FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 2014 Block D sessions 12:30 – 2 p.m. ❑ Lunch on the Exhibit Floor 2 – 3 p.m. ❑ Kirsten Ring Murray, AIA 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. ❑ Krista Ninivaggi 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. ❑ David Baker, FAIA, LEED AP 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. ❑ President’s Reception on Exhibit Floor SATURDAY, OCT. 11, 2014 Block E sessions 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. ❑ Kimon Onuma, FAIA 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. (choose one) ❑ Bob Borson, AIA ❑ Robert McCarter 11 a.m. - Noon ❑ Brian Korte, AIA Noon – 2 p.m. ❑ Lunch on the Exhibit Floor / Prize Drawings SATURDAY, OCT. 11, 2014 Block F sessions Noon – 2 p.m. ❑ Lunch on the Exhibit Floor / Prize Drawings 2 - 3 p.m. ❑ Thomas Phifer, FAIA 3:15 – 5 p.m. ❑ Thom Mayne, FAIA
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