AMPS Symposium, Copenhagen 2012 First name Fiona Yu Kirstine Jette Ulla Hanne Brandt Rhona Susanne Bay Mette Bente Amanda Jo Hans Jørgen Brett Karen Margit Lisette Birgitta Heidi Karen Jenna Matt Henriette Andreas Charlotte Jenny Jeanette Lauren Gill Malene Bæk Mette K. Mette Jacqueline Rachel Tanja Karina Lone Rebecca Vibeke Stærup Leslie Sine Marie Hummelgaard Pernille Family name Adcock Aeri Amris Andersen Andersen Andersen Anderson Andresen Andresen Bach-Laursen Baum Becker Bendixen Berg Berget Berggren Berner Bernsprang Birkemose Bjerggaard Blythe Blythe Bottos Brandt Broberg Börjesson Baagø Campbell Chard Christensen Christensen Collins Coppers Dadswell Dalgaard Dancza Decker Devlin Dinesen Duran Edwards Ellefsen Participant list Titel Occupational Therapist KOT Consultant MD OT Programme Coordinator Deputy Manager Occupational Therapist AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Lecturer AMPS Faculty Section Manager Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Ot Student Section Manager AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist/lecturer Occupational Therapy Graduate Student AMPS/ESI Faculty Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist School AMPS Faculty Lecturer Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist AMPS Faculty SchoolAMPS FIT Occupational Therapist Organization Surrey, United Kingdom Seoul, Korea Parker Instituttet, Frederiksberg Hospital UCN, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Genoptræningscenter Skovbrynet, Rudersdal Kommune Rigshospitalet Toronto, Canada Frederiksberg Hospital Rigshospitalet Hjerneskadecentret, Odense North Branford, USA Fort Collins, USA PH Metropol Windsor, CO 80550, USA Rigshospitalet Odense Kommune, Center for Inklusion, Børneterapien, Team C, Amager Hospital Umeå, Sweden Rigshospitalet Rigshospitalet Fort Collins, USA Fort Collins, USA Pædagogisk Udviklingscenter, Rødovre PH Metropol Rigshospitalet Umeå, Sweden VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Somersworth NH; USA Lancaster, United Kingdom Rigshospitalet Rigshospitalet Træningsenheden i Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune Gouda, The Netherlands Basingstoke Hampshire, United Kingdom Aarhus Kommune, Magistraten for Sundhed og Omsorg Kent, United Kingdom PH Metropol Worstester, United Kingdom Frederiksberg Sundhedscenter, Courtenay, BC V9J 1V5, Canada Pædagogisk Udviklingscenter, Rødovre Kommune Amager Hospital Jorunn Pernille Qvist Judy Anne Jette Lotte Zenta K. Brigitte Rebekka Natalie Hortensia Else Anette Lou Ann Agneta Bettina Lee Inge Skovby Pia Even Bridget Mai Rohde Mette Annicka Nanna Diane Clare José Melanie Claire Helene W. Kristina Vicki Ulla F. Marianne Annalise Jytte Rose Birgitte Jelka Anne Heide Sif Jette Fischer Rikke Møller Mette Dam Vanessa Bente Würtz Kristin Sine Birkelund Ellingsen Engstrøm Ericksen Fisher Fog Frederiksen Frerks Gantschnig Garby Gatlin Gimeno Glinvad Granhøj Griswold Gustavsson Gutierrz Haein Hansen Hansen Harney Hass Hedeboe Hedman Hejselbæk Henare Henningan Hensgens Hessenauer Holmes Holst-Stensberg Hultman Hume Højgaard Høllund Jacobsen Jakobsen Jakobsen Jansa Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jewel Jochumsen Jones Jørgensen Occupational Therapist Senior Lecturer School AMPS Faculty ScD, Professor, Director of AMPS Project International Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Lecturer MScOT Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist AMPS/School/ESI Faculty AMPS/School AMPS Faculty Ot Student Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist/lecturer Senior Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist, PhD Student Ot Student AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist AMPS Faculty AMPS Faculty AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist/Lecturer AMPS Faculty AMPS/School AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist Lecturer Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Head of training unit AMPS country coordinator Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist/Clincal Supervisor Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist/Senior Lecturer AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist Nesttun, Norway VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA Fort Collins, USA Hjerneskaderådgivningen, Fyn Hospitalsenheden Horsens VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Romanshorn, Switzerland Rigshospitalet Framingham, MA 01701, USA London, United Kingdom Rigshospitalet Børnecenter for rehabilitering, Virum Lee, NH 03861, USA Borås, Sweden PH Metropol Seoul, Korea Frederiksberg Hospital VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Dublin, Ireland Psykiatriske Center København Træningcentret Rødovre Kommune Âlvsjo, Sweden PH Metropol Bay of Islands, NZ Dublin, Ireland 6371 BL Landgraaf, The Netherlands 83139 Söchtenau, Germany VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Umeå, Sweden Woodville Park SA, Australia Greve Kommune – Hjælpemiddelafsnittet. VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Hjerneskadecentret, Odense Sclerosehospitalet Haslev Rudersdal Kommune Grosuplje, Slovenia Nykøbing F. Sygehus Hillerød Kommune, Træningssektionen Glostrup Hospital Hospitalsenheden Horsens La Crosse, WI 54601 USA VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Danville, USA Mari Susan Piia Charlotte B. Lasse Rikke Anders Beate Kristina Frank Karen Tina Nør Louise Sussi Rasmus Tiina Kyoungmin Robyn Monica Widman Tine Bieber Line Malene Lone Kastrup Bodil Lodahl Lisbeth Vinding Mayumi Rosa Martilla Brenda Sue Camilla Mette Egelund Jude Janice H. Anne-Le Mette Megan Marie Amalie Negar Oraei Gitte Damlund Louise M. Tove Lise Hanne Grethe Rikke Kristina Tomra Ingeborg Kerrin Lone Kantanen Kehoe Kiuru Kjeldsen Klarskov Klysner Kottorp Krieger Kristiansen La Cour Langanger Lauesgaard Lauridsen Lauritsen Lautamo Lee Low Lundmark Lunn Lyneborg Lyngesen Madsen Madsen Madsen Marai Martilla Merritt Mesa Moesgaard Mondrup More Mortensen Morville Murmann Murnane Møldrup Mørch Namzadi Nielsen Nielsen Nielsen Nielsen Nielsen Nielsen Nilsson O'Leary Olesen AMPS Faculty Säynätsalo, Finland Occupational Therapist Ashford, Ireland Occupational Therapist Vakkaala, Finland Occupational Therapist with responsibility for development Regionshospitalet and quality Viborg, Regionsenhed Midt Ot Student PH Metropol Occupational Therapist Psykiatrisk Center København Stockholm, Sweden Associate Professor Occupational Therapist Zürich, Switzerland Occupational Therapist Brønderslev Psykiatriske Sygehus Senior Lecturer Syddansk Universitet, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning Consultant Ergoterapeutforningen Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Lecturer PH Metropol Occupational Therapist Psykiatrisk Center København AMPS Faculty Jyväskylä, Finland AMPS Faculty Yongin-Si Gyeonggi-do, Korea Alphington Victoria, Australia AMPS Faculty AMPS Faculty Umeå, Sweden Senior Lecturer UCN, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Occupational Therapist Sønderborg Sygehus Occupational Therapist Genoptræningscenter Skovbrynet, Holte Occupational Therapist Nykøbing F sygehus, Reuma-Rehab, ergoterapien Lecturer VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Head of Occupational Therapy Department UCN, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen AMPS Faculty Kagoshima, Japan AMPS Faculty Madrid, Spain AMPS Faculty Nova Scotia, Canada London, United Kingdom AMPS Faculty Occuaptional Therapist Occupational Therapist with responsibility for development Hospitalsenheden Horsens AMPS Faculty Middlesex, United Kingdom Occupational Therapist Ishøj Træningscenter Nord Senior Lecturer, phd. stud Parker Instituttet, Frederiksberg Hospital Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet MS OT Student NJ 07821, USA Occupational Therapist Hospitalsenheden Horsens Ot Student PH Metropol Occupational Therapist Psykiatrisk Center Nordsjælland, Frederikssund Occupational Therapist Træningsenheden – Greve kommune Lecturer VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Senior Lecturer VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Senior Lecturer VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet MScOT student, lecturer, AMPS Faculty UCN, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen PhD, Assistant Professor Umeå, Sweden Occupational Therapist East Freetown MA 02717, USA Occupational Therapist Regionshospitalet Horsens Thea Hanne Anette Thirstrup Rikke Mirna Randi Helle Krogstrup Signe Jette Vejdik Ilse Ellen Mia Vølund Birte Vera Ellen Nana Maria Antonieta Ortega Pia Anne Sofie Bach Ji Almut Anne-Grete Anita J. Pearl Peoples Petersen Petersen Pizzoni Plannthin Prior Quist Qvistgaard Ramsdal Rasmussen Reinkilde Riedel Riley Romein Rømer Santamaria Schou Schou Seokyeon Spaeth Stride Strøbek Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Research Occupational Therapist Hvidovre Hospital, Fysio - og Ergoterapien Occupational Therapist Egedal Genoptræningscenter, Stenløse Occupational Therapist with responsibility for development Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus AMPS Faculty Premariacco, Italy Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Occupational Therapist Hospitalsenheden Horsens Occupational Therapist Børnecenter for rehabilitering, Virum Occupational Therapist with responsibility for development Fysio og ergoterapiafdelingen, Bispebjerg Hospital Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Head of occupational therapy and physioterapy Rødovre kommmune AMPS Faculty Floreal, Australia MSc OT Gilhoc sur Ormèze, France Neurologi og Rehabiliteringscenter København AMPS Faculty London, UK Occupational Therapist Hillerød Kommune, Træningssektionen Lecturer VIA University College, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen AMPS Faculty Seoul, Korea MAcOT Duebendorf, Switzerland Occupational Therapist in paediatrics Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune Occupational Therapist Amager Hospital Mette Buur Vickie Helene Mette Anne Lundager Lisbeth Villemoes Helle Tauby Marika Tina Patricia Anne-Mette Anne Marie Samantha Alexis Gritt Marcia Mette Espen Harmke Sonja Cecilie Sussi Lorna Charlotte Ulbæk Belinda Svenningsen Swensson Søndergaard Sørensen Sørensen Sørensen Saariaho Taule Terrer-Perez Thomsen Torsting Townsend Tranah Uhlmann-Hansen Underwood Vad Valle Van Den Akker Vinkler Von Bülow Waldemar Wales Wengel Williams Occuaptional Therapist Træningsenheden – Greve kommune Occupational Therapist MScOT, Research Assistant, AMPS/ESI faculty Parker Instituttet, Frederiksberg Hospital Occupational Therapist Genoptræningcenter Solbrynet, Holte Research Occupational Therapist Rigshospitalet Section Manager Rigshospitalet Occupational Therapist Vaasa, Finland Bergen, Norway Occupational Therapist; Stipendiat AMPS Faculty London, United Kingdom Occupational Therapist Regionshospitalet Viborg, Fysio-og ergoterapien Head of Occupational Therapy Psykiatrisk Center København MS OTR/L Arlington VA 22201 Occupational Therapist London, United Kingdom Occupational Therapist Pædagogisk Udviklingscenter, Rødovre AMPS Faculty Ruakaka 0116, NZ Occupational Therapist Amager Hospital Occupational Therapist Bergen, Norway Occupational Therapist Tranehaven, Gentofte Kommune Occupational Therapist with responsibility for development Træning og Aktivitet, Ballerup Kommune Occupational Therapist/research assistant Parker Instituttet, Frederiksberg Hospital Occupational Therapist Klinik for skizofreni, Psykiatrien Esbjerg-Ribe Occupational Therapist Surrey, United Kingdom Occupational Therapist Region Sjælland, Psykiatrien Øst afd. Ø6 Occupational Therapist Hampshire, UK Linn Eva Tamara Niloufar Niels Rønne Woytal Wæhrens Zamparo Zarrehparvar Ørtved Occupational Therapist PhD, Postdoc, AMPS faculty AMPS Faculty Occupational Therapist / Clinical Supervisor Rigshospitalet Parker Instituttet, Frederiksberg Hospital Bagnaria Arsa, Italy Neurologi og Rehabiliteringscenter København Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus
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