Fall/Winter 2014-15 Mayor Tony R. Aikens City Council Harry G. Wampler, Vice Mayor Mike Henline Douglas “Buddy” Hines Bobby G. Johnson Jim Shields Eddie Simpson City Recorder/City Administrator Jim Wilburn City Judge Terry Vann City Attorney James K. Scott Important Phone Numbers City Hall 986-2715 / 986-7915 Police Department 986-2005 Fire Department 986-2310 Parks & Recreation Dept. 986-1223 Lenoir City Utilities Board 986-6591 Lenoir City School Board Office 986-8058 Lenoir City Planning Office 986-2715 Loudon County Economic Development Agency 458-8889 Loudon County Chamber of Commerce 458-2067 Loudon County Visitors Bureau 986-6822 From the Desk of the Mayor T he past few months have been filled with many exciting happenings! In the last edition, I shared with you that the City had made application for a Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Clean Energy Grant for $250,000. In early August, Governor Bill Haslam came to Lenoir City’s War Memorial Building to share this news with us (picture shown below). This matching grant will be used to upgrade interior lighting, windows, roof insulation, exterior gymnasium wall insulation, and HVAC System. We are continuing to seek additional grant opportunities, as well. If you or someone you know would be interested in donating to the project, you may do so by mailing a check to the City of Lenoir City at 600 East Broadway, Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771. Also, the City has opened an account at United Community Bank in Lenoir City in order to make donating easier for you. Please note that the check is for “Memorial Building Restoration.” We are looking forward to seeing this project unfold. In late August, we traveled to Nashville to meet with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Commissioner, John Schroer, as he presented the City with a check for $1,333,500 for a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant (photo on page 8.) The 100% grant was applied for in March of this year and will be used to install fiber optic lines along Highway 321 and Highway 11 (downtown) corridors, signalization, signal intercommunication, and traffic monitoring devices. This project will improve traffic flow within the two main corridors in Lenoir City. In addition to the aforementioned developments, I had the pleasure of Continued on page 8 2 Lenoir City Parks & Recreation Department 2014-15 Fall and Winter Events Breast Cancer Awareness Softball Tournament Saturday, October 18, 2014 and Sunday, October 19, 2014 Lenoir City Parks and Recreation is partnering with Calhoun’s to help raise awareness for breast cancer. All proceeds and donations will go to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. For more information or if you would like to participate in the event please contact our office by calling or sending us an email. Together the people of Lenoir City can make a difference. Lee Russell Recreation Complex Youth Basketball Registration Boys and girls ages 5 -14 are encouraged to come participate with our youth basketball program! Office Registration begins: October 20th, Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. After Hours Registration Dates: October 28th and November 4th & 6th from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. October 25th and November 1st from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. All registrations are held at the LC Parks and Recreation office located at SunTrust Building Hwy 321. Registration fees are $40 per child and $75 for family. This fee includes a reversible jersey. Practices will begin the first week in December and games will start the first Saturday in January Contact Information: Steve Harrelson, Director sharrelson@lenoircitygov.com Office: 530 Hwy. 321 N, Suite 301 Hours: Monday - Friday 8a.m. - 5p.m. Phone: 865-986-1223 Shelter Reservations: 986-1223 or www.lenoircitygov.com/calendar.htm Evening with Santa Halloween Festival Thursday October 30, 2014 This is a fun event for the whole family! Event will include costume contest, games, hayrides, face painting, fall pictures, and light refreshments. 5 - 7 p.m. Wampler-Keith Park Christmas Parade Saturday, December 6, 2014 Lenoir City Parks and Recreation is again bringing the Nighttime Christmas Parade to Downtown. We would like to invite you to participate in this great event which will begin on “C” Street and Broadway. Line-up will be held at the Yale Security Parking lot beginning at 5 p.m. Get your “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” themed float ideas ready! Participates can register for this great event by calling our office or sending us an email. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 11, 2014 Lenoir City Parks and Recreation would like to invite children and families to attend an evening with Santa. This event includes 1-1 time with Santa, light refreshments, a gift, crafts, games and a keepsake photo of your child with Santa and Mrs. Claus. This event is free. 6 - 8 p.m. Roane State Community College Youth Baseball Sign-ups Coach pitch and kid pitch baseball available for boys and girls ages 4-13. Practices and games will be at the Lee Russell Recreation Complex. On February 14th, 21st, 28th and March 7th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. we will have offsite registration at Lenoir City High School Gym. Office registration will be February 16th - March 13th: Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registration fees are $40 per child and $75 for family. This fee includes a jersey, baseball cap, and pants. 3 Update: Transportation Projects S ince our last edition of the City’s newsletter (Spring/Summer 2014), some progress has been made on several transportation projects in the City, and I will be reporting that progress to you. Let’s begin… LOCALLY MANAGED Town Creek Parkway Extension Project: • Connects Highway 321 with Harrison Avenue • $4 million funding in place for project • Partnership with developer • The roadway will be approximately 4,000 linear feet in length • Construction activities began in July 2013 • Roadway became open to the public in Summer 2014. Harrison Road Improvements Project at Lenoir City High School: • Intersection improvements • Widening of Harrison Road • $3.2 million funding in place for project (80/20 ratio; STP Funds) • Construction to follow after ROW (Right-of-Way) Phase is completed • Right-of-Way activities have begun in accordance with all TDOT regulations • Construction to follow after ROW Phase is completed Downtown Streetscapes Project: • $250,000.00 funding in place for project • Sidewalk improvements • New lighting • Traffic “calming” features/ landscaping, etc. • Construction to be completed in August 2015 CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality) Project • $1,333,500.00 in Grant Funds • 100% Grant (no cost to the City) • Intelligent Transportation System Project (fiber optic lines and camera system) • Highway 321 and Highway 11 • Consultant engineer selection process will begin soon Simpson Road Widening Project • Approximately $900,000.00 (80/20 ratio; STP Funds) • Widening the two-lane road from Simpson Road (off Highway 321 at Burger King) to Shaw Ferry Road • Approximately 0.7 miles • Includes sidewalks and turn lanes at various locations • Consultant engineer to be selected in October 2014 MANAGED BY TDOT New Bridge over the Tennessee River (and related sub-projects): • $69.3 million • Bid awarded in July 2012 • Awarded to Blalock & Sons Company • Some construction activities are underway • Estimated completion time of the project is June 2016 Intersection Upgrades at Highway 11 and Highway 321: • Upgrades to intersection as an atgrade intersection • $400,000.00 in CMAQ Funds in place for design • Preliminary Plans have been finalized Claire Donahue Aquatic Center The CDAC Winter Season will be Saturday, October 4, 2014 through Saturday, March 7, 2015. The pool will be closed for all activities on October 31st, November 27th and December 24th, 25th & 31st. The following activities will be offered to the general public. Pool Parties Saturdays: 5 - 7 p.m. or 7- 9 p.m. Sundays: 1 - 3 p.m. or 3 - 5 p.m. $200 for a 2-hour party (includes 2 lifeguards) Open Swim Every Saturday from 12 - 5 p.m. Open swim is available to the general public. $3 for students and seniors $4 for adults Water Aerobics/Lap Swimming Mondays - Tuesdays - Thursdays 9 - 10 a.m. Water Aerobics: $4 per session $120 Fall (Oct. 2-Dec. 30) Season Pass – good for all sessions $85 Fall Season Pass – good for two sessions per week $85 Winter (Jan. 6-Mar. 5) Season Pass – good for all sessions $60 Winter Season Pass – good for two sessions per week Lap Swim: $3 per session $85 Fall (Oct. 2-Dec. 30) Season Pass – good for all sessions $60 Fall Season Pass – good for two sessions per week $60 Winter (Jan. 6-Mar. 5) Season Pass – good for all sessions $40 Winter Season Pass – good for two sessions per week 4 Lenoir City Police Department T ypically at the beginning of the school year we focus on safety and security of the young people in our community. This year Lenoir City Police Department began preparing for the return of students in mid-July. The original idea for this specialized training was a collaborative effort with regard to school safety. The training exercise involved our school resource officers, supervisors, detectives, patrol officers and K-9 officer, as well as an independent training organization, Defensive Concepts Firearms Training. It is disturbing that we would ever need to give thought to protecting children from a shooter entering our schools. However, the tragedies of Columbine, Newtown, and Virginia Tech, just to name a few, indicate to law enforcement that we must prepare for actions of those who wish to harm others. With these tragedies, active shooter training is used to help protect our schools and educators. However, it can be put into practice in almost any situation involving an armed suspect. Active shooter training was developed to increase the ability of officers to safely and effectively respond to an emergency situation involving a shooter in a building. The training typically combines detailed classroom work with realistic role play scenarios. The intense training is both effective and necessary in today’s increasingly dangerous world. An active shooter is defined as “…an armed person who has used deadly physical force on other persons and continues to do so while have unrestricted access to additional victims.” Our officers participated in training exercises to familiarize themselves with the layout of the schools. They worked together completing simulated exercises involving active shooters in Lenoir City High School. The officers methodically swept through the hallways in search of their virtual target. As is shown in the picture, officers practiced clearing the building and seeking out their virtual shooter, thus eliminating any threat to our students and staff. Lenoir City Police Department officers complete many hours of training throughout the year. It is our believe that through this continuing education and training we are able to hopefully deter crime and eliminate potential threats to all that reside and pass through Loudon County. This summer we wanted to go the distance and additionally train officers that may be responding to protect our schools and those that work there. We are committed to preserve and protect the life and property of Lenoir City. Lenoir City Utilities Board Breaks Ground On September 10, 2014, several of- ficials and citizens came out to witness the ground-breaking for the new Lenoir City Utilities Board Complex and Community Center (see photo below). The complex will be constructed on 30 acres of land off Creekwood Park Boulevard, located between Highway 321 and Highway 70. This new location serves as a central location to LCUB’s service area, allowing LCUB to serve its customers more efficiently. Efficiency is an important aspect of LCUB’s service, since they are the sixth largest municipal utility in the Tennessee Valley. The complex will be made up of a 70,000 square foot administrative office building, housing a state-of-the-art dispatch center, with a 60-year growth plan in mind. Additionally, the site includes a 110,000 square foot warehouse with a pole yard in the rear. The most unique component of this site is the 30,000 square foot community cen- ter. In addition to LCUB meetings and other City meetings, the community center will serve as a venue for weddings, receptions, high school proms, and community organization meetings. Currently, many people have to leave Loudon County to have such gatherings, and the community center will virtually erase that need. Lenoir City is thrilled and excited to see this project come to fruition! S A F E H A L L O W E E N Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible. Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you. Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them. Limit the amount of treats you eat. Hold a flashlight while trick-ortreating to help you see and others see you. Always WALK and don’t run from house to house. Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent possible skin and eye irritation. Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible. Lower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative contact lenses. Only walk on sidewalks whenever possible, or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe. Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls. Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers. Enter homes only if you’re with a trusted adult. Only visit well-lit houses. Don’t stop at dark houses. Never accept rides from strangers. Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 May 2014. Web. Lenoir City Fire Department 5 Contact: Richard Martin, Fire Chief Phone: 986-2310 New ISO Rating of Class 4 The Insurance Services Office (ISO) is a nationwide nonprofit organization that provides rating and other services to property and casualty insurance industries. The latest revision of the ISO’s Fire Suppression Rating Schedule classifies fire protection into 10 categories, Class 1 recognizing the highest level of fire protection and Class 10 recognizing the lowest or no level of fire protection. The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule includes three major sections: Communications, Fire Department, and Water System. The Communications section includes the means for the public to report a fire, how the fire department receives the alarm of fire, and how firefighters and companies are alerted and dispatched to the fire. The Fire Department section considers apparatus, equipment, staffing, automatic and mutual aid, prefire planning, and training. The interrelationship of engines, trucks, rescues, and other companies is also considered. The Water System section considers the supply works, main capacity to deliver fire flow, distribution of hydrants, hydrant size, type, and installation, hydrant inspection and condition, and alternative water supplies. The Lenoir City Fire Department has been notified by the Insurance Service Office effective August 1, 2014 the fire protection rating for the department will be a Class 4. ISO has been evaluating and assigning fire protection ratings to fire departments since 1971. Insurance compa- nies use the fire protection ratings to determine home owners and business insurance premiums. ISO evaluates fire department equipment, station locations, training, fire prevention efforts, and many other factors to assign a protection rating. The LCFD has held a Class 6 rating for nearly 25 plus years but will now be improving to a Class 4 department effective August 1, 2014. According to information from ISO, of the 49,010 fire departments across the country, less than 8,436 obtain a rating of Class 4 rating or better. “To achieve this Class 4 rating is truly a testament to the continued hard work of members of the LCFD,” Lenoir City Fire Department Chief Richard Martin said. “Whether it is in training, responding to emergencies, or efforts in fire prevention, the push for excellence by our members is something that makes our department one of the best in Tennessee. Dedicated to continue to improve serving our citizens with the support and leadership of The City, Mayor, and Council. The improvement in the ISO rating will have an effect on homeowner’s insurance rates but a significant impact on commercial rates for business and industry, something that can be a tremendous recruiting tool for future development. In order to receive the full benefits of the Class 4 rating, a building has to be located within five miles of a fire station and have a fire hydrant located with 1,000 feet. For more information, call Chief Martin (865) 986-8870. 6 Lenoir City Codes Enforcement Department A s summer draws to a close, and fall and winter are just around the corner, there are several ways you can prepare your home for the coming seasons. In autumn, falling leaves can clog gutters which can cause several issues. Clogged gutters do not allow the water to properly flow away from your home which can allow water damage, or, the gutter can become so full with wet leaves that it will grow to be heavy and can separate from the house. In winter exposed pipes are venerable to the freezing temperatures which can cause them to burst and produce water damage. Protect yourself by insulating vulnerable piping and check guttering often for leaf build up. If your home has a crawl space, remember to check your foundation vents. By replacing old or damaged vents, and closing the vents for the winter, not only can you keep un-welcomed pests out from under your home, you can also save money on your heating bill. The Department of Codes Enforcement and Planning has many responsibilities under one department. Responsibilities of the department include: • managing the city’s MS4 Stormwater Program; • overseeing the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Board of Codes Enforcement Appeals; • planning services such as site plan review, subdivision plats, rezoning, and annexations; • building codes and inspections; and • property maintenance codes. One of the most frequent questions and complaints that the office tackles under the property maintenance codes is regarding keeping chickens inside the city limits. Chickens are allowed inside the city limits of Lenoir City, but there are some rules that must be followed. Just like other animals there must be adequate food, water, and shelter supplied. They must be contained to the property and must not cause an odor or noise nuisance. If you have a chicken issue, or have questions regarding them, please call the office at Lenoir City Hall at 865986-7224, or you may email the Codes Enforcement Officer at rbranam@ lenoircitygov.com. The department is stepping up its efforts in regards to Property Maintenance issues and encourages all citizens to take pride in their community by maintaining their property accordingly. The city’s MS4 Stormwater Program is excited to announce its collaboration with the University of Tennessee and Lenoir City High School on a creek restoration project. High school and college students along with professors, teachers, and city staff will work on restoring a tributary of Town Creek located in front of the high school. Home Depot and Wal-Mart have offered to donate plants and supplies for this venture. The city is excited to help provide a hands-on learning experience to the students and hopes this services learning opportunity between Lenoir City High School and the University of Tennessee is the first of more to come! You can follow the progress on this and other stormwater items on Facebook at LC Stormwater. Streets/Sanitation Department Contact Information: J.J. Cox, Superintendent Phone: 865-986-2715 I n the last edition of the newsletter, we announced the purchase of three (3) new flat bed trucks with dump beds and new mowing equipment. This new equipment is already being put to use working for our citizens. Recently, we ordered a new brush chipper to replace our old one, and we feel that the new chipper will work more efficiently and quickly than the one it is replacing. The brush chipper is an extremely important piece of equipment for the City because it decreases our waste stream to the landfill and saves money as the City decreases tonnage to the site, as well. Beyond working around the City using the new equipment, we have been filling potholes that may be present on our streets, roads, and avenues. Fall is in the air, and that means leaf season is just around the corner. We ask that you remember to place your leaves on the front streets and not in the alleys because our machinery and trucks are too large to enter and maneuver the City’s alleyways. Please note that although we will make every effort to collect your leaves on your regular household garbage collection day, there are times we may encounter more leaves than we are able to collect in a single day. In these cases, we will try to collect them on the following business day. Please make note that the Garbage Collection Schedule is included on this page. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact J.J. Cox, Street Superintendent, at 865-986-2715. 7 Garbage Collection Schedule Fall/Winter 2014-15 Monday Pick-up from D Street West to E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, N, and Q Streets; both sides of West Broadway from D Street to O Street; West 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Avenues; Crestwood Hills Subdivision; and Chestnut Ridge Subdivision off Harrison Road; Halls Ferry Road. Tuesday Pick-up from D Street West to C, B, and A Streets and East side of Kingston Street and Hill Street; East 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Avenues; Pine Ridge Apartments; and Pinewood Condominiums. Pick-up on Simpson Road; Twin Lakes Drive; Pinetop Street; Highland Park Drive; Pearl Drive; all of Harmony Heights Subdivision; Sharp Estates Subdivision; Carrington Subdivision; Myers Road; Town Creek Road West; and Loudon County Visitors’ Center. Wednesday Pick-up on Rock Springs Road; 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Avenues and West side of Kingston Street. Pick-up on A, B, C, D, E, F, and G Streets. Pick-up on Oakland Avenue; Coffey Circle; and Browder Hollow Road from Highway 11 to Finley Drive. Pick-up on Mincey Street and all of 10th Avenue. Pick-up on West Hills Drive; Emerald Court; Jan Way; and Oak Hills Subdivision. Thursday Pick-up on Johnson Drive from Finley Drive to West Hills Drive including Johnson Circle. Pick-up on Tracy Lane and Frances Drive. Pick-up on Church Drive and all dead ends off Church Drive. Pick-up in Hamilton Subdivision; Ivy Avenue; Candlenook Drive; Ash Avenue; and Rogers Circle. Pick-up on Harrison Road; Harrison Woods; Norwood Drive; Allenbrook Subdivision; Harrison Avenue; and Reeves Street. Pick-up on Wilson Street; Kirk Avenue; Harrison Glen Subdivision; Acadia Villas; Kennedy Drive; Coley Lane; Heape Road; and Tom Lee Road. Friday Pick-up on Nelson Street; Depot Street; Rear-side of town; and Bussell Ferry Road. Pick-up on Lee Drive; Hillcrest; Executive Meadows; Green Meadows Lane; Happy Hollow Road; Poplar Street; Pike Street; Locust Street; Bon Street; and Maple Street. Pick-up on Bell Avenue; North and South Cherry Street; and North and South Walnut Street. Pick-up on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Avenues off Highway 321; North and South Oak Street. Pick-up on Highland Circle; Hall Street; and Simpson Road (behind Bimbo’s Convenience Store). www.lenoircitygov.com Published by the City of Lenoir City for its citizens. Designed by K. Kimmey Design. ©2014 City of Lenoir City and K. Kimmey Design. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of the publisher. 600 East Broadway P.O. Box 445 Lenoir City TN 37771 From page 1 From the Desk of the Mayor announcing to the public some very exciting news. Lenoir City will be home to a movie theatre, scheduled to be completed and open for business in Summer 2015 (picture shown bottom right). The theatre, Marquee Cinemas, will offer a 10-screen venue with 3D technology and recliner seating. The move theatre will serve as the anchor for the entire development which will be located on the vacant land next to the Food City shopping center. Retail and/or eateries will be included in the new development anchored by the theatre. I think I speak for many in our community when I say this is long awaited and anticipated. I am proud and honored to serve as Mayor of such a strong, thriving City with citizens and businessmen/businesswomen that help promote that growth and make Lenoir City a place where businesses desire to locate. I am eager to see what the future holds for our City, and I vow to always keep the wants and needs of our citizens in mind in all that I do. If I may be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Have a wonderful Fall and Winter Season! Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit #210 Sweetwater, TN
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