CV / CVA / CVS-14 CG-47 The USS TICONDEROGA Veterans’ Association OCTOBER 2014 NEWS VOLUME 41 NO 4 M I N N E S O T A Officers 2014-2015 Directors (continued) Directors (continued) Committees (continued) President: Lloyd Frank 2129 Bliss Comer St Henderson, NV 89044-0174 (702) 361-6660 Director John F. Deasy P. P. 560 Maple Ave. Doylestown, PA 18901-4451 (215) 348-9981 Director: Parker W. Patterson P. P. 4 Terrace Hill Road Pine Grove, PA 17963-9399 (570) 345-3344 Chaplain: Rev. Andrew Jenson 7 Tomahawk Dr. Marlton, NJ 08053-2126 (856) 424-4408 Director: John Rochford P. P. 1926 East Bancroft Camarillo, CA 93010-4510 (805) 484-1368 Public Relations Chairman Jerry H. Cole 17840 Oakwood Ave. Lansing, IL 60438-1934 (708) 474-9331 Director Victor Godfrey 138 Briarwood Dr. Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087-4018 609-294-0955 Executive Vice President: John B. Dupont 4590 Linwood Circle Deep Haven, MN 55331-9297 (952) 474-4731 Director Charles E. Hill 22 W. Hancock St. Lansdale, PA 19446-3812 (215) 855-5299 First Vice President: Fred Vance 5808 SW 27TH STREET Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 271-5900 Director Ronald W. Lee P. P. 8920 Dawes Point Dr. Mobile, AL 36695-9336 (251) 599-8559 Second Vice President: Steven Codding 9260 Hilltop Lane Bloomington, IL 61705 (309) 827-4017 Director John Lunsford P.P. 2504 McNutt Bakersfield, CA 93306-4469 (661) 872-8850 Secretary: Dennis SaBell 3930 Quay St Wheatridge, CO 80033 (303) 422-8690 Director Alfred F. McDonnell P.P. 1749 9th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 415-661-6753 Treasurer: George Passantino P. P. 2676 E 117th Way Denver, CO 80233-1406 (720) 929-1844 Directors Director: Joseph McDonnell P. P. 4141 Inola Trl. Ne Roswell, GA 30075-1658 (770) 335-1715 © Director * * Arthur Avery 1694 Fillner Ave. North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (716) 669-2678 Director: George Passantino P. P. 2676 E 117th Way Denver, CO 80233-1406 (720) 929-1844 Director Jerry H. Cole P. P. 17840 Oakwood Ave. Lansing, IL 60438-1934 (708) 474-9331 PLEASE HELP! Director: Doc Simon P. P. 803 Hartford Ave. White River Jct, VT 05001-8052 (802) 295-2851 Director: Edgar S. Trotter, Jr. 1150 Baywood Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010-3005 (805) 484-2930 Director: Calvin S. Turner P. P. 130 Silver Leaf Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30214-1055 (770) 461-4106 Committees Newsletter Editor: Cruiser Store Operator Edgar S. Trotter, Jr. 1150 Baywood Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010-3005 (805) 484-2930 Memorials Chairman Robert Hildebrand 2016 Reseda Way Antioch, CA 94509-5834 (925) 757-1836 Membership Chairman: David Litzinger 1101 Prariewood Ln Warwick, ND 58381 (612) 600-4160 Budget Chairman George Passantino P. P. 2676 E 117th Way Denver, CO 80233-1406 (720) 929-1844 Carrier Store Operator Art Casello 1737 Hoyt Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106-1328 (651) 774-1685 CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.BIGT.NET OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2014 - 2015 Historian David Graf 262 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360 (860) 6085943 Liaison USS HORNET CVS-12 Richard Radigonda 357 Jade Circle Vallejo CA. 94590 (707) 563-5556 New Sites Coordinator Joyce Frank 2129 Bliss Comer St Henderson, NV 89044-0174 (702) 361-6660 WebMaster: Gordon S. Humphrey, Jr. 15030 223rd Drive SE Monroe, WA 98272-9089 (425) 785-8094 We are always looking for Memorabilia for our Museum Rooms. Soon we will be starting one at the Mississippi Maritime and Warship Museum in Pascagoula, MS so keep us in mind as we will be starting with very little memorabilia. One thing we would like to find is some Military Payment Certificates "Funny Money" that was used to pay us during the Viet Nam war. If you have anything you want to donate contact Ed Trotter at Thanks for your help in keeping our memories alive to others through our Museum Rooms. PAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GREETINGS SHIPMATES, FAMILY AND FRIENDS, Another summer has come and gone and I hope that everyone had a great time. My wife Joyce and I just returned from a trip to Alaska with our daughter and grandson and had a great time. I want to thank all our members, families and friends who attended our reunion in Charleston, SC. We know everyone had a great time. I want to thank our past President, John Deasy for a job well done last year. We are continuing our work on the 2015 Reunion in Minneapolis with more information forthcoming. John DuPont has been very busy planning this event and will keep us informed. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to our Ticonderoga funds, all monies are appreciated. I have received feedback regarding our increase in dues. This had to be done to keep the association moving forward. As we all know many members are reaching the age of seventy and will be paying life time dues which stop the yearly flow of dollars coming in to the association. We encourage our younger shipmates from the CG-47 crew to join our group to keep this association growing. I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy upcoming Holiday Season. Lloyd Frank To all the Members of the USS Ticonderoga Veteran’s Association: Save the dates of May 14th for early arrival, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th in 2015 for the Morning Memorial Service. The Host Hotel will be the Crown Plaza near the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and Mall of America. Family and Friends of the Veteran’s Association are also welcome. Tentative Plans are for a “private Lake Dinner Cruise” on Friday the 15th. Saturday will be a visit to St. Paul’s Commemorative Air Force Museum in the morning with a Surprise Tour following the Museum visit. Sunday is being planned as a “Mall of America” Day. All of this is tentative as planning is still in the works for a Great Reunion in Minnesota. Registration Materials will be available in the January News Letter along with additional information on the tours being planned. John Dupont/Art and Kris Casella, Reunion Coordinators. PAGE 3 DINNER CRUISE ON THIS LAKE IN MINNEAPOLIS ANYONE? PAGE 4 LETS DO SPRING IN MINNEAPOLIS! PAGE 5 Treasurers Report: I want to put out a big “Thank You” to all the association members that have come through with generous donations to the BigT Veterans Association general fund. This generosity has enabled us to arise from a precarious financial situation, of almost no funds, to an association with financial stability with a bright future. Many of these donations came from our “Lifetime” members of which most are on fixed incomes. Lifetime members have no obligation to pay any more annual dues. I know the reality of trying to make ends meet, and it absolutely warms my heart to see this outpouring from our veteran brothers. These actions makes me very proud to be a part of this organization and re-enforces my commitment to do the best job that I can as Treasurer. We are now working on our next reunion which will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota from May 14th- May 18th, 2015. For the past several years we have seen a positive growth in our membership and in reunion attendance. This growth is mainly due to our members reaching out to other shipmates and introducing them to our organization, and the reunion events that we host. After seeing the quality of our newsletters and the enjoyment of attending a reunion, most new members attend the reunions every year thereafter. So, seek out an old shipmate, and invite them to join us. Best regards! George Passantino Treasurer NEW MEMBERS TO BIGT VETERANS ASSN (6/15/14 - 9/30/14) New Member Division Rate/Rank Yrs. Aboard City State Tom Robertson ONI Div LTJG 1969 – 1971 Newbury Park CA James Dickson OI Div LTJG 1967 - 1969 Atlanta GA Ron Morton VS-29 / X ADJ-3 1971 - 1972 Knoxville TN George Wallis S-6 Div AK-1 1965 – 1968 Elwood IN Paul Hamilton M Div MM-2 1967 – 1970 Norwalk CA DONATIONS MADE TO GENERAL FUND–THANK YOU (6/15-14–9/30/14) Member Name Division Rate/ Rank Yrs Aboard City State James Connolly OI Div RD-2 1957 - 1959 Harrington Park NJ Dahl McChristian M Div MM-2 1965 – 1967 Marana AZ Parker Patterson M Div MM-2 1973 Pine Grove PA PAGE 6 USS TICONDEROGA VETERANS ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT 5/1/14 – 9/30/14 TREASURERS REPORT BEGINNING BANK BALANCE AS OF 5/1/14 $ 4,850.10 INCOME RECEIVED: MEMBERSHIP RECEIPTS $ 968.92 Total $ 968.92 TRANSFERS Return of Charleston Startup Fund DONATIONS: General Fund Hornet (Ensign-Admiral) Memorial Fund Legal Fund $2,500.00 Total $2,500.00 $6,165.50 $1,500.00 $ 30.00 $ 15.00 Total $ 7,710.50 $ 968.92 $ 2,500.00 $ 7,710.50 $11,179.42 EXPENSES PAID: Printing Expense – Payment Envelopes $ 260.44 July Newsletter $ 1,842.08 Las Vegas Startup (partial) $ 900.00 Minneapolis Reunion Startup (partial) $ 1,000.00 Secretary Expense $ 276.32 Total $ 4,278.84 ENDING BANK BALANCE 9/30/14 $ 11,179.42 $ 4,278.84 $11,750.68 FOOTNOTES SHIPS STORE ASSETS CARRIER STORE CV-14 INVENTORY $ 2,659.00 STORE BANK $ 2,800.00 EXPECTED REVENUE Return Of Charleston Reunion Proceeds $ 4,823.76 Return Of Minneapolis Startup Fund $ 1,000.00 Return Of Las Vegas Startup Fund $ 900.00 Recovery Of Association Funds-Legal Process $15,000.00 TOTAL $21,723.76 PAGE 7 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,459.00 MALL AND MORE IN MINNEAPOLIS! PAGE 8 FROM THE GUESTBOOK MESSAGE BOARD & EMAIL Kelly Pearce 01-30-2013 Does anyone remember my Dad - Gerald Beers who served in the US Navy sometime around 19551959 on the USS Ticonderoga? He is currently deceased and unfortunately didn't know him that well but was wondering if anyone could tell me about him. My husband Ray Robertson served aboard Tico CVA 14 during the 60's as MM3. He passed away in 2008. I'm trying to locate anyone who served with him. Patricia Robertson 01-202014 Listed on CG-47 Message board. If you have info you can post it there or let webmaster know and we will try to locate her. Shawn M. Collins 06-12-2013 Hello, I am the nephew of AA/USN Paul Gregory Collins, he was killed on 21 Nov 1955. What I am trying to find is a photo of him. Can anyone please help out? Thank you Charles MacDonald 11-09-2013, My grandfather would have probably gone by his nicknames Charlie or Mac. He passed away in September of 2006. I'd like to hear from anyone who served with him. He was enlisted and an in the engine room. Keivn Brooks 12-29-2013 I need some help. I need to know if anyone who served the same time as I did remembers an accident that ended in another sailor dying from being crushed by a hatch. I can vividly recall but dates and the identity are blocked from my memory. Justin Jester 01-19-2013 My father’s name was Andy Earl Jester if anyone remembers him I would like to talk to you. All I know is he was a Tigo during Vietnam era he said he was on deck and pulled the wires to stop aircraft... Ship Mates: I am looking for anyone that has information on the USS Ticonderoga 19631964. If anyone remembers the 55 gal drums at Subic Bay Philippines when in port Feb. 2-10 ,1963, & March 8-13 ,1963 with the orange strips on them some of which leaked either on the dock at Subic Bay the Philippines or in the area we had to go through when we left the ship . Also 1964 does anyone remember the Gulf of Tonkin August 2-5, 1964. Does anyone have information of the USS Ticonderoga deck log books? Best Wishes, William A. Melton, 3278 Valley Woods Drive, Cherry Valley , IL. 61016 (815-978-7676 PAGE 9 Secretary’s Column. Mail has been pretty quiet lately. Holly (my better half) enjoys picking up the Tico mail at the local Post Office. So, shipmates, you are going to have to step it up! As always, check your dues date on your newsletter label. It tells you what date you are paid up through. Remember we had to increase annual dues to $30 starting with 2015. If you have articles, stories, etc; you would like to share (and wouldn’t mind seeing in print in the newsletter), feel free to send them to me. Hey! I have taken the chance of being caught telling lies, why not you? We do have to edit a little bit, so, keep it clean and don’t insult anyone too bad. Holly and I had a great time in Charleston (the WWII guys were terrific) and we are all looking forward to Minneapolis. If you have never attended a reunion (or haven’t for a while), give us a try, I think you will like it! There is always something new and special. I have to apologize for being a little slow in responding to recent payments and correspondence. I am still working (should have retired long ago – my bad) and the past few weeks have been a little crazy. I will get caught up soon. So, if you are wondering what happened to your payment or request, you should hear from me soon! Look inside the front cover. There are some great people listed there who have kept this Association going for so many years. We hope to keep it up for many more! Dennis SaBell - Secretary@BigT.Net PAGE 10 Haven’t got any new sea stories from you guys, so, I guess you will have to read one more of mine. I am sure many of you have “fond” memories of not being able to light a cigarette within 10 feet of the shower stall and the lovely tang of kerosene in the drinking water. Yup! That JP5 in the water usually had something to do with V-4 Division. We certainly weren’t careless, but you did notice it a little more when we were involved. In fact, Captain McInnis commented once that he thought we were: “doing a great job because he hadn’t seen anything on fire lately”. Now, before my “purple shirt” shipmates jump all over me for those comments, let me say that V-4 was an excellent group of guys who worked long and hard, with a lot of pride and efficiency. In the 4 years I served, I don’t remember V-4 really holding up flight operations because of a mechanical or human failure… Well… except once: And it wasn’t our fault…honest!! I am not real sure of the dates but I think it was during the 1968 WestPac cruise. We were early in a “routine” UnRep, taking on aviation fuel when the Impossible happened. Y’see, it was not supposed to be possible to get ship fuel (black oil) and aviation fuel (kerosene) hoses from the tanker to the carrier attached incorrectly. I am an Airdale so I am not sure how it was supposed to work or if it got messed up on the tanker end or on our end. Anyway, we took on a thousand gallons or so of black oil into 4 of our jet fuel storage tanks before the problem was discovered (when a tank sounder pulled up his tape and saw the wrong color oil on it). Everything was quickly shut down, we broke away from the tanker, and the brass huddled to ponder what to do about the contamination (even a small amount of fuel oil mixed in the jet fuel would have a detrimental and possibly fatal effect on aircraft performance). Here comes the part where you all had your water spiked... It was decided that we needed to act fast because critical air operations were being delayed. There wasn’t any provision to pump the contaminated fuel back to the tanker without further contaminating pumps, tanks, and flow lines…So…You guessed it…We dumped it! Into the Gulf of Tonkin…along with some JP5 from a couple of other tanks that may have been contaminated and then we drove back and forth through that lovely rainbow oil slick for the next 60 days. The evaporators couldn’t completely separate the fuel ambiance from the water. So we drank it, cooked with it, and showered in it. I wish that was the end of my story, but I was a skinny kid (5’10, 140 pounds) and they decided that I was one of the few who could be lowered into the tanks through the small tank top man-hole with a fire hose and nozzle under my arm, goggles on my eyes, and an air hose in my mouth, to wash the remaining oil off the walls and frames. Tanks were not just big open things, there were stiffening bulkheads within the tanks every 4 feet or so that looked like slabs of Swiss cheese (with holes for the fuel – and for me - to move from section to section). Well there I was 20 feet above the tank bottom, one foot in one bulkhead hole and the other in a facing bulkhead hole, with the ship rolling and the fire hose pressure trying to knock me off my perch. Long story short, I survived, we got the tanks washed out, and Tico went on to complete her line period with minimal delay. Sorry about the diarrhea shipmates!! For the environmentalists: It was war, and you probably drip more oil from your bike chains and windmill bearings than we dumped in the gulf! The evaporators removed almost all of the hydrocarbons but not the smell. Don’t start a campaign! Readers: If you have stories to share (that we can print and that don’t maliciously defame or degrade anyone), please send them to me. We don’t edit for political correctness. PAGE 11 It is with great sadness that we report the Deaths of the following shipmates: Robert Grysinski – Bob was a Life Member of the Association who passed away on July 15, 2014 in Pecan Grove Texas. Born in Chicago, he spent the rest of his life in Texas. Bob was a master electrician who retired from the Port of Houston Authority in 1986. While on board in 1944 he was a Chief EM in E division. Bob lost his beloved wife Fran in 1989 after 44 joyful years of marriage. John A “Doc” Davidson – Doc was a Life Member who died August 21 2012 at the age of 87 (ten days shy of his 88th birthday). We were notified of his passing by his daughter Jane. While on board Doc was a Petty Officer First Class Tail Gunner in VT-80 and was on the ship during the Kamikaze attack. He served from 1943-1946. Doc was a Senator from Illinois from 1973-1993. Buddie E. Livingston – Buddie was a Life Member who passed away on June 13, 2014. We were notified by his son Daren. He lived in Bristow, Oklahoma. While on board he was a Y2c in K Division from 1944-1946. Joseph Ott – SPF3 in R-Division on Tico. Joseph served with member Ron Lee while on board from 67-68. He left for shore duty in Vietnam in early 1968 and was killed there. Forrest “Rex” Gambrel – Rex was a Life member of the Association. He passed away peacefully on July 2, 2014 in Columbus OH at age 91. Rex was born Sept 1, 1922 in Continental OH. He enlisted in 1943. After Boot Training in Great Lakes, he was sent to Lakehurst NJ to join US Blimp Squadron 12 (Hedron 1). He then transferred to Norfolk VA to join the newly launched USS Ticonderoga Aircraft Carrier as a plank owner. While on board he was an AOM2 in V-5 Division and was on the ship during the Kamikaze attacks. Rex also witnessed the Japanese surrender signing in Tokyo bay from the deck of Tico. He was discharged in 1946 and returned home to Leipsic, OH where he met and married his wife Cleo. They moved to an 80 Acre farm in Hicksville OH in 1962. Rex is survived by Cleo, a daughter, two sons, and eleven grandchildren. Paul W Barnes Sr. – Paul was a Life Member of the Association who died May 2014 in Port Richey FL. We were notified by Walter Mallett. While on board from 1957 to 1958, Paul was a SN in X Division. He is survived by his wife Jackie. Other deaths that we have learned of: Houston Eugene Adams – AMM1 ACMM. Served on board 1944 Harry Patterson - AN. Served on board 1957-1959 Bruce Reagan - DP3, S7 Div. Served on board 1968-1970 John Yagesh – DP2, S7 Div. Served on board 1967-1970 Dana Denslow - OS2, OI Div. Served on board 1968-1972 Brian Barlow - OS2, OI Div. Served on board 1968-1972 Bernard Burnison - OS3, OI Div. Served on board 1969 Ron Giunta - SA. Served on board 1969-1971 PAGE 12 USS Ticonderoga Veterans’ Association Reunion: Minneapolis, MN Hotel Reservation Reunion Date: May 13, - Monday May 18, 2015 Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel Minneapolis, M.N. ROOM RATE: $115, + 14.275% tax. Rate is good 5/13 – 5/18. If anyone wants to spend extra days in Minneapolis, hotel can carry same rate, based on availability. CHECK IN: 3 PM & CHECK OUT: 12 PM FREE PARKING & AIRPORT SHUTTLE FREE FULL BREAKFAST BUFFET DAILY OUTDOOR POOL & 24 HR FITNESS CENTER 100% SMOKE FREE POLICY NO PETS ROOM COFFEE MAKER FREE IN-ROOM INTERNET & WIRELESS INTERNET IN LOBBBY HANDICAP ACCESS ROOMS AVAILABLE CUT OFF ROOM RESERVATION DATE: 4/22/15 CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event individual room reservations are cancelled less than 24 hours prior to 3 pm. arrival, the individual agrees to pay the Hotel a cancellation fee equal to the first nights room and tax. (All reservations must be guaranteed by credit card or first nights deposit) ß------------------------------------------PLEASE PRINT ---------------------------------------------à NAME: _______________________________________SHARING ROOM WITH: ________________________________ ADRRESS: _____________________________________CITY:_____________________________ST:______ZIP:_________ PHONE:_____________________________EMAIL:_____________________________________@_____________________ ARRIVAL DATE: ________________APPROX. TIME: ________________DEPARTURE DATE: ________________ #ROOMS: _____#PEOPLE EA. ROOM: ______HANDICAP ACCESS: ______KING BED: ______2 DOUBLES: ________ (In the event type requested is not available, nearest room type will be assigned.) ______AMEX______DINERS______VISA_____MASTER_____DISCOVER______OTHER CREDIT CARD #:__________________________________________________________EXP. DATE: ________________ SIGNATURE (Regardless of payment method.): _______________________________________________________________ Priority Club Membership Number: ____________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: Crowne MSP Airport Hotel, 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN 55425 ATTN: Reservations PHONES: (952) 876-8650 FAX: (952) 876-8657 ON LINE WEB: THIS FORM CAN ALSO BE PRINTED FROM: WWW.BIGT.NET REUNIONS PAGE! PAGE 13 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 RECRUIT CALL RECRUIT CALL RECRUIT CALL At the Charleston Reunion we heard these words often from our Membership Chairman, David Litzinger. He reminded us that the only way to grow the Association was to Recruit new members and the best way to do it was by making phone calls. To make it easier he had a SCRIPT for us to use when making the calls. The Script suggests what to say and what information to get if the person called was on USS TICONDEROGA. He will email or mail you a copy of the SCRIPT. You can contact him and tell him you will be glad to help make calls. His email is or you can call him at (612) 600‐4160. He will also provide you names to call. He has a master list of those who served on the carrier and can sort it by rank/rate or Division by year for those who prefer to call those of a similar rank/rate or Division. He will also try to provide phone numbers. You can search for people at or Dave would like to have some volunteers to do this phone look up work so it can be included when a list is sent to a call volunteer. If you would like to help in this part of recruiting please let him know. It is always encouraging to see new members at the reunion and they are happy to have found out about the Association. We do have a few shipmates who find us because of our reunion notices in the veteran’s magazines but the majority will be found by our making phone calls. Let’s all chip in and make some calls this year! PAGE 16 INVITATION FROM LLOYD FRANK TO GO! PAGE 17 SHIP STORE ORDER FORM: CRUISER ITEMS NO ITEM PRICE 1 Antique Bronze Coin $15 plus $5 shipping 2 Peter Hsu Drawing $10 plus $5 shipping 3 Color picture of ship $4 plus $1 shipping 4 Color collage of ship pictures $4 plus $1 shipping 5 Radar waveguide seal $4 plus $1 shipping 6 Cachet/Ship/Pascagoula Cancel $3 plus $1 shipping 7 Cachet/Decom Today/ Pascagoula $3 plus $1 shipping 8 Cachet/Last Day Postal Service Pascagoula $3 plus $1 shipping 9 10 11 #7 & #8 above signed by CO Cachet/Ship/Ticonderoga Cancel Cachet/Decom Today/Ticonderoga $6 plus $1 shipping $3 plus $1 shipping $3 plus $1 shipping 12 Cachet/Last Day Postal Service Tico $3 plus $1 shipping 13 #10, #11, #12 above signed by CO $6 plus $1 shipping 14 Flag flown over ship on 25 Sept 04 USS TICONDEROGA History/Educational Video Set (Just $3.00 per DVD!) 15 16 CG Holiday Ornaments (Need 250 orders first) PRICE $50 plus $5 shipping $55 plus $5 shipping Price same as CV PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! FOR ORDERS OF ITEMS 1‐16 ORDER AS FOLLOWS: On orders of $30 a Peter Hsu drawing will be included free of charge. Checks (if you are not ordering using PAYPAL) should be made to USS TICONDEROGA! VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION Orders should be mailed to: Ed Trotter 1150 Baywood Ave Camarillo, CA 93010‐3005 If you have an e‐mail address it is suggested that you include it here:____________________________________ and your phone number here:_______________________ in case we have to contact you for some reason. PLEASE check availability of products & SEE images of these items on the “Ship's Store” page at: PAGE 18 QTY Total: _______ SHIP STORE ORDER FORM: CARRIER ITEMS NO ITEM PRICE $12 + $9 Parcel Post $12 + $11 Priority/Track# $20 includes shipping ADD $2.25 for Scrambled 17 Ceramic Coffee Mug w/Logo & Tiger 18 Ball Caps–CV‐14 or CVA‐14 or CVS‐14 or CG‐47 19 USS TICONDEROGA Warship Pictorial Book 20 20 $20 includes shipping CV,CVA,CVS CARRIER CVA ATTACK CARRIER Blue Polo Shirt ‐ S,M,L,XL CG 47 CRUISER CV,CVA,CVS CARRIER Blue Polo Shirts – 2X,3X CVA ATTACK CARRIER CG 47 CRUISER $29 includes shipping $31 includes shipping 21 Round TICO Patch (5 inches) $11 includes shipping 22 TICO Tiger patch $11 includes shipping $5 for 1, $12 for 4, $8 for 2, $17 for 5, $10 for 3, $25 for 10 $10 for 1 $18 for 2 $24 for 3 Includes Shipping White W/Blue Letters 23 License Plate Frame(s): 24 Blue W/White Letters Carrier Holiday Ornaments Colors: BLUE, RED, GREEN 25 Gray Tee Shirts – S,M,L,XL 25 Gray Tee Shirts – 2X,3X 26 QTY CV CVA,CVS CRUISER CV CVA,CVS CRUISER 40th REUNION Commemorative booklet $20 Includes Shipping $22 Includes Shipping $10 plus $5 shipping PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE! FOR ITEMS 17-26 ORDER AS FOLLOWS: CHECKS: (if you are not ordering using PAYPAL) should be made to: USS TICONDEROGA VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION Orders should be mailed to: Arthur Casello 1737 Hoyt Ave. E. St. Paul, MN. 55106 Email: CarrierStore@BigT.Net If you have an e‐mail address, it is suggested that you include it here: _____ and your phone number here: in case we have to contact you for some reason or send you a tracking # PLEASE check availability of products & SEE images of these items on the “Carrier Store” page at: OR Email PAGE 19 Total: PRICE CHARLESTON WAS GREAT! MINNEAPOLIS WILL BE TOO! PAGE 20 WE HAD FUN IN CHARLESTON! LETS ALL HEAD TO MINNEAPOLIS ON MAY 14th TO 18th 2015 PAGE 21 $10,000 - FLEET ADMIRAL $5,000 - ADMIRAL $2,500 - VICE ADMIRAL $1,500 - REAR ADMIRAL $1,000 - COMMODORE $500 - CAPTAIN $250 - COMMANDER $100 - LIEUTENANT $50 - ENSIGN USS TICONDEROGA MUSEUM ROOM ON USS HORNET INDIVIDUAL PLANK OWNER BENEFITS NAME PERMANENTLY DISPLAYED ON THE SHIP X X X X X X X X X 10% DISCOUNTS AT USS HORNET'S GIFT SHOP X X X X X LIFE TIME 4 3 2 1 X X X X X X NUMBER OF YEARS FREE ADMISSION TO USS HORNET AND USS YORKTOWN LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN BIG T VETERANS ASSOCIATION SPECIAL GUEST PASSES TO ALL SHIP EVENTS STATEROOM STAY ON THE USS HORNET (2 NIGHTS PER YEAR) LIFE ONE TIME TIME YES, I want to support the USS TICONDEROGA Museum Room on USS HORNET. I have enclosed my tax deductible gift of $________to “The Big T Veterans’ Association”. Over the next three years I plan to reach the following plank owner level: $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 Ensign Lieutenant Commander Captain Commodore ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ $1500 Rear Admiral $2500 Vice Admiral $5,000 Admiral $10,000 Fleet Admiral ____ ____ ____ ____ Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: _____________________State: _____ Zip: ____________ Optional: Phone no._________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ I also want to volunteer my services or make the following donations, please contact me. I can help with or will loan/donate the following: PAGE 22 PLEASE SEND THIS FORM AND YOUR DUES TO: DENNIS W. SABELL - SECRETARY P. O. BOX 474 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034 Make Check Payable to Big T Veterans’ Association PLEASE PRINT NAME: DIVISION: RANK: (highest while aboard) YEARS ABOARD: APT. # / LOT #: to (reported ‐left) SPOUSE'S NAME: ADDRESS/ P.O. BOX: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Alternate Address: Above Alternate Address for Newsletters Mailed in: Jan Apr Jul Oct Optional Information: If the information below is provided you will be giving permission for this information to be shared with other members PHONE#: FAX #: E‐MAIL ADDRESS: CELL#: @ THIS FORM CAN BE PRINTED FROM WWW.BIGT.NET MEMBERSHIP PAGE. Dues Included for Period: ($20). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2014 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2015 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2016 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2017 ($30). . . Dues for Jan. ‐ Dec. 2018 . . . Or Lifetime Membership Amount (See Below) Personal Gift Contributions to: Memorial Fund General Fund USS Hornet Museum Room __________ USS CG‐47 Museum Room TOTAL Please Remember: For dues or contribution, notify treasurer and secretary of any change of address. Lifetime Membership Amounts: Age 29 & under= $ 1,100 Age 39 & under = $ 900 Age 49 & under = $ 700 Age 59 & under= Age 69 & under = Age 70 & older = PAGE 23 $ 500 $ 300 $ 100 USS Ticonderoga Veterans’ Association c/o 3930 QUAY STREET Wheat Ridge CO 80033-4954 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED CROWN PLAZA MINNEAPOLIS! MAY 14th–18th 2015 REGISTER BY APRIL 22, 2015! GO TO WWW.BIGT.NET REUNION PAGE FOR ITINERARY & REGISTRATION FORMS!
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