Florida State Information Packet 2013-2015 | Cynthia Symanek, State Regent Virginia (Ginger) Poffenberger, State Vice Regent 2705 E. Gonzalez St., Pensacola, FL 32503-6311 Phone: (214) 289-3194 · Email: vpoffe1776@gmail.com STATE VICE REGENT DAR Handbook: Refer to pp. 203-204, 216 http://members.dar.org/publ_forms/?List=handbookbylaw Objective: To assist the state regent, and the Florida Daughters, as requested Duties of the Chapter Vice Regent: How do you serve? Of most importance, the chapter First Vice Regent performs the duties and responsibilities of the Chapter Regent in her absence or inability to serve. This includes representation at state board of management meetings and voting privileges if the State Regent has been notified in advance. For representation at Continental Congress, if the Chapter Regent is unable to attend the chapter first vice regent automatically votes in her stead. In case of a vacancy in the office of Regent, the First Vice Regent automatically becomes Regent, unless the chapter bylaws expressly provide otherwise. If a chapter has more than one Vice Regent, they advance accordingly. Additional duties may be specified as the chapter requires, refer to your chapter bylaws. Please ask your Chapter Regent to keep you apprised of all she does to ensure a smooth transition upon your election as the chapter regent. Duties of the State Vice Regent and How I Can Serve You: I am the executive committee liaison to 10 chapters. These chapters are scattered throughout the state to provide me with an overview of the Florida State Society. I am looking forward to working with these chapters and getting to know them better. I serve on the bylaws and finance committees and as the Florida representative on the Tamassee DAR School Advisory Board. I serve as state chairman for the Florida-Missouri Reception which precedes Continental Congress. You will have further information about the reception at a later date. I am available to visit chapters and give programs when requested. I also assist the State Regent when requested. I am looking forward to meeting and visiting with many of you as I serve “Florida Daughters Focused on Florida and Facing the Future” during the Symanek Administration. SIP 2013-2015 | page 2
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