From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 218-226 Probing the pathobiology of response to all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia: premature chromosome condensation/fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis RC Vyas, SR Frankel, P Agbor, WH Jr Miller, RP Jr Warrell and WN Hittelman Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Probing the Pathobiology of Response to All-Trans Retinoic Acid in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: Premature Chromosome Condensation/ Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Analysis By Rohini C. Vyas, Stanley R. Frankel, Phylisha Agbor, Wilson H. Miller, Jr, Raymond P. Warrell, Jr, and Walter N. Hittelman The response of acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL) peripheral blood and bone marrow cells to trans-retinoic acid (RA) was cytogenetically characterized during RA treatment using thetechniques of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Before treatment, the predominant immature bone marrow cells were found to have t(15;17), whereas the residual mature granulocytes were diploid and lacked evidence of the translocation. In response to RA treatment, an increase in the leukocyte count was noted. The majority of these cells exhibited a t(15;17). Subsequently (eg, between days 6 and 23). 32% to 91% of the maturing myeloid cells still exhibited t(15;17). The appearance of t(15;17) in gradually maturing elements suggests that RA contributed to a release of the maturation block of the leukemic elements. As responding patients obtained complete remission, diploid elements without evidence of the translocation prevailed in the blood and bone marrow. In 16 patients studied after 1 month in complete remission, all but 2 showed all diploid cells. The residual t(15;17) cells disappeared 18 days later in 1 patient, whereas the second patient exhibited clinical evidence of relapse 20 days later. These results suggest that response of patients with APL to RA is associated with maturation, subsequent loss of the matureleukemic elements, and preferential regeneration of normal diploid hematopoietic elements. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. A RA administration (ie, between days 5 and 20) in which peripheral white blood cell (WBC) counts sometimes increased strongly to high levels. Second, upon continued RA treatment, a gradual decrease in the fraction of immature elements along with a concomitant increase in the fraction of maturing elements both in the blood and bone marrow was o b ~ e r v e d . ' ~All . ' ~ this occurred without an interceding hypoplastic bonemarrow phase commonly observed after cytotoxic chemotherapy. Finally, complete remission was obtained with full restoration of granulocyte andplatelet count. The pathobiology of response of APL to RA is not well understood. However, because in vitro studies indicated that RA could induce leukemic cell maturation, it was assumed that this was a case of true-differentiation therapy."." Indeed, preliminary studies have supported the case for induced cyto-differentiation,".'" and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies showed that maturing cells during RA treatment were derived from leukemic cells bearing t( 15; 17). Similar findings were also obtained after RA treatment of a patients with promyelocytic variant of chronic myelogeneous leukemia." Although the preliminary results were exciting in that they suggested that RA treatment resulted in the differentiation of leukemic elements, we now extended the cytogenetic studies to include 30 patients with APL who have been treated with RA to better characterize the pathobiology of response and complete remission. CUTE PROMYELOCYTIC leukemia (APL) is characterized by a distinct translocation between chromosomes 15and 17,[t(15;17)(q22;q12-21)], in 70% to 100% of the reported cases. Thus, the translocation can usually be used as a marker for the leukemic compartment."' Recent molecular characterization of the breakpoint on chromosome 17 has identified the involved region as the gene for nuclear retinoic acid (RA) receptor a.',' The breakpoint on chromosome 15 has been identified as the PML gene, whichis thought to encode a transcriptional regulatory factor that might be active in early myeloid cells.'.'' Treatment of APL patients with RA has been associated with a 64% to 90% rate of complete remission and reduced coagulopathy and bone marrow hypoplasia."-I4 The clinical nature of response to RA wasfound to besomewhat different from that normally observed cytotoxic chemotherapy. First, most patients experience a period of leukocytosis early after From the Department of Clinical Investigation, The University o j Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston: and Leukemia and Developmental Chemotherapy Services, the Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. Submitted December 27, 1994: accepted August IO, 3995. Supported in part by Grants No. POI CA-55164, CA-27931, CA57645, and CA-45746 from the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute and grants fromthe Food and Drug Administration (FD-R-000674), the American Cancer Society (PDT-381, and the Markey Trust (88-23). S.R.F. was EDT-47, and IM-551), supported by the Mortimer J. Lacher Research Fundandisthe recipient of a Cancer Chemotherapy Training Grant (CA-09207-14) from the National Cancer Institute. W.N.H. is a Sophie Caroline Steves Professor in Cancer Research. Address reprint requests to Rahini C. Vyas, PhD, 6323 Vedanta Terrace, Los Angeles, CA 90068. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby murked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/96/8701-0128$3.00/0 218 MATERIALS AND METHODS Patient population. Thirty patients with APL who received RA treatment (45 mg/m2/d)attheMemorialSloan-KetteringCancer Center (New York, NY) form the basis of the present study. The clinical trial was an extension of that trial previously described in greater detail.'? APL patients undergoing a phase I1 trial of RA for treatment gave informed consent for serial testing of bone marrow and blood during therapy. Peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens. Peripheral blood specimens were obtained by venipuncture and placed into heparinized tubes. Bone marrow aspirates wereplaced into tubes containing Blood, Vol 87, No 1 (January l ) , 1996: pp 218-226 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 219 NATURE OF RESPONSE OF RA IN APML BY PCC/FISH phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 5,000 IUlmL preservative-free heparin (Fisher, Houston, TX), and 1 % fetal calf serum (Flow, Costa Mesa, CA). The specimens were obtained from patients with APL receiving 45 mg/m2/d RA at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The samples were shipped in cold boxes by overnight courier to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX). Mononuclear and polymorphonuclear fractions were enriched using a two-step FicollHypaque gradient system” in which mononuclear cells were collected at the top interface, polymorphonuclear cells were collected at the intermediate interface, and erythrocytes were collected in the pellet. Fractionated cells were washed twice inHanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS; GIBCO, Grand Island, NY), and aliquots were placed on slides using a cytocentrifuge (Shandon, Pittsburgh, PA), fixed in methanol, and stained with Wright’s-Giemsa for morphologic characterization. The remaining cells were used in cell fusion studies. Cell fusionandpremature chromosome condensation (PCC). The procedures for cell fusion between mitotic Chinese hamster cells (CHO) and peripheral blood or bone mmow cells have been previously described in detail.” Briefly, CH0 cells were grown in Hsu-modified McCoy’s 5A medium containing 10% calf serum, 100 UlmL penicillin (GIBCO, Santa Clara, CA), and 100 pg/mL streptomycin (GIBCO). Before their use as mitotic inducers, CH0 cells were grown in the presence of 120 pg/mL BrdUrd for one cell cycle time and then incubated in colcemid for 3.5 hours. Mitotic cells were selectively detached. Mononuclear or polymorphonuclear fractions were mixedwith approximately equal numbers of CH0 mitotic cells and washed twice in HBSS. The cell pellet was resuspendedin 0.5 mL serum-free medium containing approximately 3000 HAU UV-inactivated Sendai virus. The fusion mixture was incubated at 4°C for 15 minutes to promote cell agglutination, and then 0.05 mL 20 mmoVL MgCI, and 0.05 mL of 5 pg/mL Colcemid were added. The fusion reaction was performed at 37°C for 75 minutes in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator. Slide preparation and storage. At theendofthe incubation, the fusion mixtures were treated with 0.075 molL KCL hypotonic solution for 10 minutes at room temperature and then fixed twice in a 1O:l mixture of methano1:glacial acetic acid (vol:vol) for IO minutes each at room temperature. The pellet was resuspended in a small volume of fresh fixative (3:1, methano1:glacial acetic acid), and drops of cell suspension were placed on clean wet slides and allowed to air dry. The slides were then washed in PBS to remove traces of residual acetic acid (3 times each for 3 minutes), dehydrated in an ethanol series (70%, 90%, and loo%), air-dried, and stored in a box at -2O’C. FISH with chromosome 17probe. A phage DNA library derived from sorted human chromosome 17 (LN17NS03) was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Rockeville, MD). The phage library was amplified using Escherichia coli LE 392 as the bacterial host, as described by Maniatis et al.’’ Purification of phage and extraction of phage DNA was performed as described by Ziai et al.” Briefly, intact bacteriophage particles were precipitated with ammonium sulfate, digested with proteinase K, and treated with an alkaline solution. Phage DNA containing human library inserts were labeled with biotinylated 11-dUTP by nick translation according to the manufacturer’s directions (Fisher, Houston, TX). In some cases, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-generated probe from sorted human chromosome 17” was used. The efficiency of biotin labeling was checked using a dot blot procedure withan immunoperoxidase and diaminobenzidine reaction. Hybridization. Slide preparations were first baked at 8O‘C for 5IO minutes to maintain chromatin morphology during subsequent hybridization procedures. The chromosome substrates on slides were denatured in 70% formamide/2~SSC, pH 7.0 at 80°Cfor 5 minutes, dehydrated in an ice-cold ethanol series, and air-dried. The hybridization probe mixture contained 1 pg/mL labeled chromosome 17 probe DNA, 20-fold excess of unlabeled competitor total human genomic DNA, IO-fold excess sonicated salmon sperm DNA, 9% dextran sulfate, and 2 x SSC in 50% formamide, pH 7.0. The hybridization mixture wasplacedunderan 18 X 18 mm glass coverslip and the edges were sealed with rubber cement. Hybridization was performed for 12 to 72 hours at 37’C in a humidified chamber. The coverslips were then removed. The slides were washed three times for 5 minutes each in 50% formamide, 2X SSC, pH7.0at 45’C, three times for 5 minutes each in 2X SSC, pH 7.0 at 45’CC, and then in 4X SSC, 0.1% Tween 20, pH 7.5 for 5 minutes. Visualization of hybridizationproduct. The hybridized slides were incubated with fluoresceinated avidin (DCS grade, 5 pglmL in 4X SSC with 5% nonfat dry milk) for 20 minutes at room temperature in the dark. Signal amplification was accomplished, when necessary, by successive treatments with biotin-labeled goat antiavidin (Vector, Burlingame, CA; 5 pg/mL in 4X SSC with 5% nonfat dry milk) for 20 minutes at roomtemperature and fluoresceinated avidin. Nonspecific binding wasblocked with 5% nonfatdry milk. After the last washin 4X SSC and tween 20, the slides were counterstained with 0.5 pg/mL propidium iodide (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and mounted inan antifade solution containing 1,4-diazibicyclo[2,2,2]-octane (Sigma) and glycerol. The preparations were visualized on a Nikon (Tokyo, Japan) epifluorescence microscope equipped with the appropriate filters for visualizing both fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and propidium iodide. Photographs were taken with Kodakektachrome 400 ASA film(Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY). Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay for PMLJRAR expression. Leukemic cells from APL patients were examined for the presence of PMLRARa fusion mRNA. Experimental protocol remains the same as described earlier.23 RESULTS A summary of the clinical response of the 30 patients studied is shown in Table 1. The patients ranged in age from 9 to 75 years of age and included 17 male and 13 female patients. Complete remission (CR) was obtained in 26 of the 30 patients studied (87% CR). Four patients did not respond to RA and died during the early treatment course. The time to clinical evidence of CR in this set of patients was highly variable and occurred between days 23 and 77. Cytogenetic studies before treatment. Of the 30 patients studied by conventional cytogenetic analysis at mitosis, 20 patients exhibited the common t(l5; 17) and 2 patients showed a complex translocation still involving chromosomes 15 and 17. In 3 patients, conventional cytogenetic analysis failed to show any results and only diploid cells were observed in the remaining 5 patients (Table 1). In contrast, molecular analysis (by Northern blot, Southern blot, and RTPCR) showed either an aberrant transcript or a rearrangement of the RARa gene in all but 2 of the patients (ie, patients no. 10 and 11; Table 1). Using the techniques of PCC and FISH with a chromosome 17 probe, cells with rearrangements of chromosome 17 could be easily distinguished from those with a diploid karyotype (Fig 1A and B). Using this approach, all patients examined showed evidence of rearrangements of chromosome 17 in at least a fraction of their cells. Patient no. 26 exhibited a consistent isol7q abnormality, which is sometimes found in patients From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 220 W A S ET AL Table 1. Summary of Patients' Characteristics and Response to RA ~~~ Patient Age1 No. Sex Conventional Cytogenetics 1 66/M 46XY,t(15;17)+8 2 10/M 46XY,t(15;17) 3 35/F 46XX 4 21/F 46XX 5 17/F 46XX,t(15;17) 6 46X,-X,t(4,5,1 38/F 7 75/F 46XY,t(15;17) 8 16/M 46XY.t(6,15,17 9 52/M Failure 10 51/F 46XX 11 53/M 46XY 12 29/M 46XY,t(15;17) 13 43/M 46XY,t(15;17) 14 44/F 46XX,t(15;17) 34/M 46XY,t(15; 17) 15 9/M 46XY,t(15;17) 16 33/M 46XY,t(l5;17) 17 61/F 46XY,t(l5;17), 18 -2,de17q 27/M Failure 19 65/F 46XX,t( 15; 17) 20 17/F 46XX 21 54/M 46XY,t(15;17),+8 22 61/F 46XX,t(15;17),+20 23 66/M 46XY,t(15;17) 24 29/M 46XY,t(15; 17) 25 28/M 46XY,t(15;17), 26 der1,delllq. +Marl, +MarZ, +Mar3 17/M 46XY,t(15;17) 27 28 50/M 29 47/F 30 61/F 46XY,(15;17), +Marl;46XY, t(15;17) 45XY,t(15;17), -22 Failure ~~ ~ Molecular Analysis* RARa Gene PCC/FISH + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t(15;171 Analysis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + is0 17q CR on Day 43 ED 23 49 41 35 46 35 56 ED 44 37 29 41 28 43 31 24 33 24 53 ?77 47 33 28 ED + Complex t(15;17;A?) 50 + + 29 + + 28 + + ED Abbreviation: ED, early death. * Molecular analyses include Southern, Northern, and RT-PCR analyses. with APL.24As shown in Fig 2A, using a total chromosome 17 probe, the centromere in the isol7q chromosome appeared more central than on a normal chromosome 17. This centromere location was confirmed using an cy satellite DNA centromere-specific probe for chromosome 17 (Fig 2B). Patient no. 27 was found to have a complex translocation involving one intact and three broken parts of chromosome 17. Using a total chromosome 17 probe, the PCC of these cells could still be easily distinguished from diploid cells (Fig 2C). In patients no. 3, 4, and 21, molecular analysis showed rearrangements within the RARa gene, whereas conventional cytogenetic techniques failed to show cells with t( 15; 17). However, PCCFISH analysis successfully identi- fied a t( 15;17) subpopulation in all 3 cases. These 3 cases were positive for the PML/RARa rearrangements by RTPCR (Table l). For patients no. 10 and 11, conventional metaphase analysis had shown only diploid cells and molecular analysis showed no detectable arrangement within the RARcy gene. On the other hand, PCC/FISH analysis showed a chromosome 17 rearrangement, but only in a minority of cells examined (2 of 39 cells and 2 of 24 cells examined from patients no. 10 and 1 l, respectively). Thus, it appears likely that this low level of abnormal signals represents background noise and sets a limit as to the specificity of IOW frequency of positive signals. Alternatively, cytogenetic analysis of interphase cells by PCC mayaugment the genetic evaluation of patients with leukemia. A proportion of the patients withAPLat presentation exhibited a residual fraction of apparently fully mature granulocytes in the peripheral blood. Because APL represents a condition in which partial maturation is apparent, it was of interest to determine whether these morphologically normal granulocytes were derived from the leukemic clone or from residual normal elements. Because mature granulocytes are nondividing, conventional mitotic analysis was not feasible. However, the PCC technique allows visualization of the chromosomes of these nondividing cells and the FISH technique allows an easy distinction between leukemic and normal karyotypes. We used these techniques to determine the origin of normal granulocytes in 6 patients (ie, patients no. 3, 6, 15, 23, 2.5, and 28) who exhibited sufficient numbers of granulocytes for analysis (Table 2). Because the peripheral blood samples contained a mixture of immature and mature elements, a two-step Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient was used to enrich each fraction before PCC." Overall cytogenetic analysis of the light-density fractions (mononuclear cells) from these 6 patients showed that 6% to 89% of the scored PCC exhibited a t(l.5; 17). In contrast, as shown in Table 2, the mature granulocyte fractions in these patients were dominated by diploid cells, and the minor fraction of cells in patients no. 25 and 28 exhibiting a t(l5; 17) could be accounted for by morphologic evidence of contaminating immature cells in the heavy density fraction. These results thus suggest that the mature granulocytes observed in these patients before treatment were derived from residual normal elements and that the maturation block of leukemic elements before treatment was intact. Therapy-associated leukocytosis. In these patients, increased WBC counts were first noted between days 4 and 23 of treatment, and the counts remained increased for 4 to 16 days during RA treatment. Earlier, similar findings have been reported by To determine the origin of the circulating cells during the leukocytosis phase, peripheral blood specimens were obtained from l 1 patients during this period, 6 of whom showed white blood counts greater than 40 X IO9 cells& (Table 3). An example of the leukocytosis phase is shown for patient no. 1.5 (Fig 3A). Before treatment, the WBC count was 1.6 x lo9&. WithRA treatment, theWBC count reached a maximum of 17.4 X 109L on day 16, remained increased From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 221 NATURE OF RESPONSE OF RA IN APML BY PCC/FISH Fig 1. PCC painting using a chromosome 17-specific probe. (A) PCC with a t(15;17) showing one intact and two translocated products of chromosome 17 (arrows) exhibit yellowish-greenflourescence. (B)Diploid PCC with two intact chromosome 17s. for 2 days, and then decreased back to the normal range within1week. The pretreatmentperipheralblood sample showeda predominance of blastsand promyelocytes, of which 50% exhibited a t(l5; 17). Bone marrow specimens on days 4and8showedthat90%and98% of the cells harbored the t(l5; 17). Similarly, at the time of maximum -i leukocytosis on day 18, 82% of the bone marrow cells and 72% of theanalyzed peripheral blood cells werederived from cells exhibiting t (15; 17). As illustrated in Fig 3B(and Table 3), patient no.5 experienced ahigh degree of leukocytosis after RA treatment. Before treatment,theWBC count was9.4 X lo9& was is0 17q I 6 3 e Fig 2. Chromosome abnormalities observed other than t(15;17). (A) isol7q detected by a whole chromosome 17 painting probe. Note the centromeric location differences on thetwo chromosome 17s (patient no. 26). (B)Chromosome 17 centromeric probe confirming the isol7q in patient no. 26. (C) Complex translocation (arrows) in patient no. 27 involving chromosomes 15 and 17 and an 'A' group (7) chromosome. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. VYAS ET AL 222 Table 2. PCC-FISH Analysis Before Treatment Mononuclear Cells Patient No. 73 6 1550 23 25 28 7 % Diploid Cells Cells Scored 93 94 50 11 22 93 16 100 100 8 Polymorphonuclear Cells %Cells With 100 100 100 92 t(15;17) Cells Scored % Diploid Cells 16 20 50 23 100 10 100 6 89 78 20 dominated by blasts and promyelocytes, and exhibited t( 15; 17) in 67% of the cells analyzed, whereas too few cells (TFC) were available for cytogenetic analysis from highdensity gradient fraction. By day 9, the count increased to 71.9 X IOy/L, of which 92% of the cells exhibited t(l5; 17). By day 25 of treatment, the WBC count had returned to 8.9 X 10~1~. All of the patients with leukocytosis showed a preponderance of cells with t(15; 17) during the height of leukocytosis. Although the time of occurrence and degree of leukocytosis varied from patient to patient, the cells were nearly always of leukemic clone origin. These observations suggest that RA might selectively allow egress of leukemic cells from tissue stores and their transient proliferation. Therapy-associated maturation of leukemic elements. Continued treatment with RA was associated with a gradual decrease in the frequency of immature bone marrow cells and an increase in the frequency of cells exhibiting morphologic features of maturation (ie, the nucleus became lobulated and the cytoplasmic granular content was altered; Fig 4A through D). Auer rods were often observed in maturing cells. This apparent maturation process occurred at variable times (range, 6 to 60 days) after the initiation of RA treatment, and it appeared to be a continuous process culminating in the disappearance of immature cells and the emergence of fully mature granulocytes in the peripheral blood. To determine the origin of the maturing myeloid elements % Cells With t(15;17) 0 0 0 0 80 during this response transition, mononuclear cells and maturing granulocytes from the peripheral blood of four patients were enriched by a two-step Ficoll Hypaque gradient and examined by the PCC/FISH technique. As shown in Table 4, the mononuclear fractions exhibited 17% to94% cells with t(1S; 17),whereas the polymorphonuclear fraction showed 33% to 91% of the cells with t( 15; 17). For example, onday 6, the peripheral blood cell count of patient no. 4 was 14.4 X 109/Lwith 95% immature blasts and promyelocytes. After fractionation, 85% of the mononuclear cells exhibited t( IS; 17), whereas 50% of the polymorphonuclear fraction exhibited this translocation. Similarly, for patient no. 23 on day 18 of treatment, 83% of the lobulated cells exhibited the t(15; 17). These observations suggest that RA treatment was associated with a gradual maturation of the leukemic clone. As RA treatment continued, the fraction of immature cells decreased and the fraction of mature elements increased. However, the fraction of both the immature and mature elements exhibiting a t(l5; 17) also decreased. The morphology of the cells examined also exhibited unique changes during this transition. For example, on day 4 of treatment, the bone marrow of patient no. 15 contained mostly blasts and promyelocytes, of which 90% harbored a t(l5; 17) (Fig 4A). By day 8 of treatment, although 98% of the cells still showed a t( 15;17), the majority of cells began to show some lobulation of the nucleus and granulation in the cytoplasm (Fig 4B). By day 22, the degree of lobulation Table 3. Patient's WBC Count and PCC-FISH AnalvsisDurina Leukocvtosis PCC-FISH Analysis at Peak of Leukocytosis (mononuclear cells) WBC 1 x 1 0 ~ ~ ) Patient No. Before Treatment 2 4 5 10 14 15 16 19 23 25 26 31 1.5 Abbreviation: NE, not evaluated. Maxtmum (on day) 166.0 (71 31.5 (8) 71.9 (9) 36.4 (18) 14.0 (16) 17.4 (16) 26.0 (23) 47.7 (16) 41.3 (3) 41.3 (11) 70.5 (13) Normal (on day) 10.0(14) 6.0 (13) 8.9 (25) 5.9 (23) 8.1 (23) 5.1 (36) 5.5 (28) 3.3 (27) 7.5(8) 8.6 (17) % Diploid Cells % Cells With t(15;17) Duration of Leukocytosis Cells Scored 07 05 16 NE - 53 96 91 06 08 95 94 92 05 NE - - 29 25 100 100 28 16 09 11 72 84 91 89 NE - 65 00 07 07 13 12 16 05 04 l00 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. NATURE OF RESPONSE OF RA IN APML BY PCCFISH 10 - - 223 WBC GRANULOCYTES BLASTS +PROS 1- .l7 Q ! I -1 5 15 .01 I I 75 45 135105 T a CI a W Fig 3. Demonstration of the leukocytosis phase during RA treatment. The fractionof cells exhibiting t115;171 is highlighted at different times &er treatment. (AI Patient no. 15. Note a moderate degreeof leukocytosis (WBC count, 17 x 10s/L) on day 16. (B) Patientno.5. Note a highdegree of leukocytosis (WBC count, 71 x l@/L) on day 9. 0 .014 -15 I 0 15 30 45 I I 60 75 90 Time on treatment(Days) had increased, but 82% of the cells still exhibited a t(15; 17).interest, 1of these 4 patients (no. 26) did not exhibit t( 15; 17). Moreover,thecellsappearedvacuolated,and 2%of the Patient no. 26, who had an isol7q abnormality, exhibited cells had a morphology characteristic of cells undergoing evidence for maturationof the leukemic clone on day 16of apoptosis (Fig 4C and D). Similarly, 7.4% of the peripheral treatment (Table 4) but did not achieve CR. blood cells of patient no. 26 appeared to be apoptotic on day Of the remaining 26 patients, PCC analysis was performed 8 of treatment, and gel electrophoresis of the cellular DNA on the peripheral blood of 17 patients during CR. In 13 of showed a fragmentation pattern typical of populations under-these 17 patients, CR was associated with disappearance of going apoptosis (data not shown). These results therefore cells with t( 15; 17) and a return of diploid granulocytes to suggest that RA-induced maturation of the leukemic clone the peripheral blood. However, 4 patients who entered cliniis associated with an upregulation of the apoptotic pathway cal CR showed a different pattern of response. Data from and eventual elimination of these cells from the bone marrow RT-PCR and PCC/FISH analyses to detect minimal residual and blood. disease at respective time after CR in 4 patients are shown Restoration of n o m 1 hematopoiesis. As a result of RA in Table 5. Patient no. 1 achieved a CR on day 43, but on treatment (Table l), 87% of this patient group obtained CR. day 48, PCC/FISH analysis of the mononuclear peripheral Three patients (no. 2, 26, and 30) died during induction, andblood fraction still showed 1.4% of the cells with t(l5; 17), 1 patient (no. 10) was taken off study without response. Of whichwasconfirmedbyRT-PCRanlysis.Patientno.14 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. W A S ET AL 224 B Fig 4. Morphologic changes observed in bone marrow cells during RA treatment (patient no. 15). (A) Day 4. Note the predominance of blasts, of which 90% harbored the 15;17 translocation. (B)Day 8. A majoramof cells exhibit a slightly perturbed cytoplasm; 9846 of the cells analyzed exhibited the 15; 17 translocation. No cells with typical apoptosis-like morphologywere observed. (C and Dl Day 22. Note thepresence of vacuolated and lobulated cells. Two percent of the cells showed a morphology typical of apoptosis (arrow). achieved CR on day 41, but on day 58, 2% of the mononuclear fraction still exhibited the leukemic karyotype and presence of PML-RARa transcript detected by RT-PCR. In patient no. 24, 13 days after CR.14%of the mononuclear fraction exhibited t(15; 17) was confirmed by RT-PCR data; however, these abnormal karyotypes were not found on subsequent bone marrowand peripheral blood specimens on days 59,71, 85, 121, 126, 160, and 174. Similarly, in patient no. 28, RT-PCR data showed the presence of abnormal cells and PCC/FISH analysis showed 6% of the mononuclear cells from bone marrow with t( 15; 17), even after 12 days of CR, but subsequent granulocyte specimens exhibited only diploid karyotypes. Taken together, these results suggest that, whereas early granulocyte maturation after RA treatment of APL patients produces maturing leukemic cells, normal hematopoietic elements predominate in the bone marrow and blood by the time CR is achieved. DISCUSSION Although the administration of RA to APL patients likely results in differentiationof malignant cells and ultimately restoration of normal hematopoiesis, the exact mechanisms responsi- Table 4. Evidence for Leukemic Maturation During RA Treatment Mononuclear Cells Patient No. 4 14 23 26 Days on Treatment 14 23 18 Polymorphonuclear Cells Cells % Diploid % Cells With Cells % Diploid 96 Cells With Scored Cells t(15;17J Scored Cells t(15;17) 10 50 67 17 09 50 33 83 91 40 52 23 29 42 34 15 83 13 06 85 17 87 94 12 12 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 225 NATUREOF RESPONSE OF RA IN APML BY PCC/FISH Table 5. Detection of Minimal Residual Disease by PCClFlSH and RT-PCR Analysis in Patiants With CR ~~~~~~ ~~~ Patient No. 1 14 24 28 ~ ~ Day After CR 5 17 13 ~ PCC-FISH % Cells With t(15;17) RT-PCR PMURARo Transcript 1.4 2.0 14.0 6.0 + + + + bers of maturing granulocytes was observed. Subsequently, the matured leukemic cells were replaced by cells derived from the residual normal hematopoietic elements. Thus, response to RA can be considered to be a result of a release of the maturation block experienced by the leukemic elements before treatment. Although this type of response might be considered differentiation therapy, it needs to be noted that maturation of the leukemic cells was associated with preferential cell loss of these cells, possibly through an apoptotic pathway." Although RA can induce remission in patients with APL, patients who receive RA therapy develop resistance to RA and ultimately relapse. This scenario suggests that residual leukemic cells remain in the body. Although it is likely that the induction of terminal differentiation and apoptosis of the majority of leukemic cells by RA allows the restoration of normal hematopoiesis, the detection of some mature diploid cells before the disappearance of the leukemic population suggests that RA might induce the repression factors from the leukemic cells that negatively influence normal hematopoiesis. This group of patients was notfollowed-up closely enough by PCC/FISH to determine the technique's value in the detecting minimal residual disease or in predicting the reemergence of cells with t(15; 17). Moreover, this group of patients was treated in a heterogeneous fashion during remission. Nevertheless, although PCR techniques are highly sensitive to detect the presence of abnormal cells in population, it is still difficult to quantitate disease trends using bulk analyses of cell populations. Thus, just as the PCC/FISH techniques was found to be extremely useful for defining the pathobiology of response in patients with undergoing RA treatment, it might also be useful for defining the pathobiology of relapse, especially in those patients whose cells are difficult to recognize by other means. The response of APL patients to RA is a multifactorial process involving upregulation of leukemic cells, induction of maturation of leukemic cells, upregulation of cell loss in the maturing leukemic cells, and preferential repopulation with normal diploid elements. A better understanding of these processes will hopefully lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies to overcome the inhibitory activities of the leukemic burden that cause bone marrow failure as well as induce preferential loss of the dysregulated leukemia cells. ble for this process are undefined. The results reported here using the techniques of PCC and FISH supportthis contention and offer a wider understanding of the regulatory processes occurring in APL patients duringRA treatment. PCC/FISH is a useful technique to evaluate and followup patients with APL undergoing therapy. PCC/FISH as well as molecular analyses show the presence of genetically abnormal cells in cases in which they were missed by conventional cytogenetic analysis. PCC/FISH analysis was able to detect cells witha t(l5; 17)in 3 cases (patients no. 3, 4, and 21) that were reported to be diploid by conventional cytogenetics. The above finding points out several positive attributes of the PCC/FISH approach. First, one can cytogenetically analyze cells in interphase that might not reach metaphase and would not be available for detection by conventional cytogenetic analysis. Second, PCC/FISH allows the recognition of a subpopulation of cells that might not be detectable by Southern blot analysis (due to their dilution by cells without genetic rearrangement) or by RNA analysis (due to lack of transcriptional activity of the rearranged gene at the time of study). Third, one can study chromosome translocation using a single painting probe that might not be determined by interphase cytogenetics because it is difficult to distinguish chromosome translocation from chromosome break in the interphase cell. However, more recently, RT-PCR technique has opened a new avenue in exploring the genetic alterations and can be used as a molecular tool for diagnosis of APL in t( 15; 17)-negative cases. By using PCC/FISH analysis, we were able to determine the origin of granulocytes in patients with APL at diagnosis and during the course of RA therapy. The absence of the t(l5; 17) in granulocytes found in APL patients before therapy indicates that the maturation block in the leukemic component is intact before treatment, and the limited degree of maturation observed in some patients was due to an incomplete leukemic inhibitory activity on normal hematopoiesis. 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