This Sunday - October 12, 2014 The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23 Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Service Times 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:00 a.m. Cake and Punch Reception to Welcome The Rev. Dr. Watson followed immediately by Church School for Children in the Trailer and Forum for Adults on the Sacraments in the Church Announcements Welcome the Reverend Dr. Martha Watson as New Interim! Sunday we welcome our new Interim Rector, The Rev. Dr. Martha Watson. She is a native of Texas where she earned her bachelor’s degree from Rice University and her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Texas in Austin. Her career as a university professor and administrator took her from Auburn University to the University of Maryland College Park and finally to an 11 year stint as Dean of the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Martha has served in both the Diocese of Washington D.C. and this diocese, most recently at St. Peter’s Ellicott City. Currently, she volunteers as a chaplain at the National Cathedral. On a personal level, Martha is married to George, who retired from Northrup Grumman and now takes as many art classes as he can. They share their home and their hearts with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a 4 ½ year old Catahoula hound who rescued them while she was in a local Animal Shelter. Martha has two daughters and all her grandchildren are, happily, nearby. Page 2 Urgent Need for Choir Members! The St. Barnabas Choir is in urgent need of some additional members. Not all of the members from this past and recent years are able to continue at this time making the already modest choir quite small. If you like to sing and would be inclined to add your voice to this special group, please see Lucy Chen as soon as possible. Thank you! Blessing of the Animals and Request for Readers – October 11th Please join us for our very special Blessing of the Animals this Saturday afternoon, October 11th, at 4:00 p.m. on the Church grounds. You are invited and encouraged to bring your pet(s) of any type to receive a blessing and help celebrate God’s creation. Let your friends and neighbors know as well so they can join in the fun and worship of St. Barnabas! Harvest Moon Festival – October 11th at 5:00 p.m. Also on Saturday, October 11th, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the church parking lot and trailer, we will be holding a Harvest Moon Festival, formerly our Annual Blues Night. Similar to last year, we will be making it a family-friendly evening with plenty of games, crafts, a moon bounce, Trunk-or-Treating and Corn Hole Tournament! Please note Main Street in Sykesville will be closed due to their Annual Fall Festival Monetary Donations of any amount to help defray overall costs and the cost of the Moon Bounce will be happily accepted! Trunk-or-Treating: Decorating your Vehicle’s trunk (or bed of a truck) for Halloween Providing candy for trunk-or-treaters Attendees will donate a $1.00 to vote on the vehicle(s) of their choice The Vehicle with the most money wins their ‘votes’ and the other contestants donate their ‘votes’ to St. Barnabas. Corn Hole Tournament: $20.00 a team to enter Winning team receives half of the total amount of entry fees. Sign up as team from now until one half hour before tournament starts. Please see Jason McMahan Before or After the 9:30 service to reserve your spot in the Corn Hole Tournament. If you have further questions please call or email Elizabeth McMahan. Many Thanks for your support of this FANTASTIC and FUN Autumn event. Hope you can join us! Page 3 Fundraising Committee Meeting – October 13th The Fundraising Committee is to meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 13th, in the Trailer. Executive Committee and Vestry Meeting – October 14th The Executive Meeting is scheduled to meet at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14 th. The Vestry is scheduled to meet at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14th, in the Trailer. E.S.C.A.P.E. Annual Meeting – October 14th The E.S.A.C.P.E. Ministries Annual Meeting is scheduled to meet at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14th, at Gaither UMC on Gaither Road. Worship Commission Meeting – October 21st The Worship Commission is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, October 21st, at 7:00 p.m. in the Trailer. Pack/Deliver E.S.C.A.P.E. Lunches – October 28th and 29th St. Barnabas is responsible for the E.S.C.A.P.E. lunches this month and will be packing them on Tuesday, October 28th, at 7:00 p.m. in the home of Helene Saylor on Brandenburg Circle in Sykesville. The lunches are to be delivered on Wednesday, th October 29 , by 9:30 a.m. Special Vestry Meeting – November 1st The Vestry is scheduled to meet on Saturday, November 1st, at 9:00 a.m. in the Trailer. Finance Committee Meeting – November 1st The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on Saturday, November 1st, around 10:00 a.m. in the Trailer. Updated Message from the Treasurer Donation Shortfall I would like to take the opportunity to THANK everyone who responded to the call to bring pledges current last month. This certainly helps us maintain the financial obligations of the church. While pledges are up $3000 from last month, we are still short $7000. Let this message also serve as a reminder to those who have yet to bring their pledge current. Thank you, Helene Saylor Page 4 Outreach Join the Pantry Project Team! The Pantry Project is in need of another volunteer. The time commitment is fairly small, just parts of 4 weekends a year near Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and July 4th. It is very satisfying to help people out in this way - and you get to go shopping with other people's money! Please contact Jill Singleton at or 410-552-4076. Volunteers Needed for Feedmore Van – November and December We provide this service on the first Wednesday of every month and currently have two openings: November 5th, and December 3rd from 5:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Volunteers must be 14 years or older and accompanied by an adult. Please note that this activity can count for community service credit and carpooling will be arranged if possible. For information or to volunteer, please call Karin Otto at 443-974-5415 or send an e-mail to Stewardship Commission Stewardship Commission It's Stewardship Time! We are looking for some new members of this very important Commission. Please let me know if you would like to join us, as we begin to investigate where this Stewardship Time will take us. Thank You, Amy Sussman 410-925-4438 Updated Message from the Treasurer Donation Shortfall I would like to take the opportunity to THANK everyone who responded to the call to bring pledges current last month. This certainly helps us maintain the financial obligations of the church. While pledges are up $3000 from last month, we are still short $7000. Let this message also serve as a reminder to those who have yet to bring their pledge current. Thank you, Helene Saylor Page 5 Restoration Project Update and Request Susanna Warfield Oil Portrait Restored After more than 167 years of "hanging around", the portrait of our benevolent patron of yesteryear, Susanna Warfield, has been restored and has received a facelift. Since moving from our former Parish House, where it was located for over sixty five years, Susanna's portrait received the tender loving care of a local professional restoration expert where the old varnish was removed, the crack and large hole were repaired, the entire picture cleaned, and a new coat of appropriate varnish applied. The old plaster frame was so fragile and damaged that it cracked and crumbled each time it was moved. The frame could not be restored, so it has been replaced with a beautiful new one. Lastly, we've added a piece of museum grade acrylic to protect this historic picture from damage. Susanna's mother, Rebecca Brown Warfield (daughter of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church founder Able Brown), mentions the portrait and gifts the portrait to her daughter Susanna in her 1847 Will. We are now the guardians of this legacy. Total costs for the project were just under $1,700. Already a pledge of $500 from the Holy Trinity Cemetery Association toward the restoration has been received. Additionally, two private anonymous pledges totaling $600 have been received. We now have less than $600 to make up the difference and bring Susanna home again. Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. A small gift of $25 by twenty five families or individuals will cover the remaining cost. Please be sure to write "Warfield Portrait" in the memo section of the check. The Warfields' commitment to Sykesville and St. Barnabas in particular is largely responsible for our existence today. The portrait will hang in a prominent location in our new Barnabas Hall. St. Barnabas Birthdays and Anniversaries David Britton Taylor Hodges This Week’s Birthdays Terry Britton Trish Crossett Tim King Jesse Weiss Harold & Esther Mercer This Week’s Anniversaries Dave & Sherri Patterson Cynthia Bess Ollie Hand Doris McDougal Janet Pappas Gary Smith Chase Whitecotton Prayers For The Sick Debbie Hand Dininno Deanna Grayson Peg Lawrence Lucy Lynham Betty Mercer Fred Mengers Dave Patterson Tom Rabenhorst Alan Tucker Brian Voyce Mehra Whitecotton Amie Gillaspy Steve Wolf Barbara Greer Don May Bill Oliphant Bobbi Schneider Ronald Voyce We will keep names of those other than parishioners on our prayer list until the end of each month. Please call the office on 410.489.2800 to update our information. Thank you. Church Contacts Senior Warden, Amy Sussman 410-795-2941 Junior Warden, Molly McEvoy 410-549-3413 Treasurer, Helene Saylor 443-277-2087 Secretary, Linda Pugh 410-795-7523 Sunday School, Nancy Myers 410-489-5086 Altar Guild: Esther Mercer 410-795-9536 Parish Admin., Kim Jubinski 410-489-2800 Becki Vasse 410-795-5872 Vestry Madeleine Blake Daisy Ewell Class of 2015 410-795-1819 Sherri Patterson 410-442-1091 Christine Schmitz 410-552-0109 410-795-5091 Chris Gunther Rick Martinson Class of 2016 443-340-8159 Grace Mercer 410-489-9345 Terry Willard 410-848-1375 410-552-3155 Dwight Baglin Lois Graham Class of 2017 410-552-3509 Dana Hess 410-549-9370 Steve Wolf 410-489-5086 301-414-5421 Office/Trailer: 13135 Forsythe Road, Sykesville, Maryland 21784 Church: 13135 Forsythe Road, Sykesville, Maryland 21784 Office Phone: 410-489-2800 Email Parish Admin: Email Rector: Website:
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