Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law

Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
NIH: National Institute on
Secondary analyses of
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism existing alcohol epidemiology
data (R03)
Funding Available
These R03 grants support investigator-initiated research projects that $100,000
either analyse previously collected data in order to address key
issues that have emerged from recent findings in alcohol
epidemiology and prevention research, or develop new analytic
techniques for conducting studies in alcohol epidemiology and
prevention research. Grants are worth up to US$50,000 per year for
direct costs over a maximum period of two years.
Newton advanced fellowships These aim to develop science and innovation partnerships that
promote the economic development and welfare of developing
countries by supporting leaders in partner countries to develop their
research by linking them with some of the best research groups and
networks in the UK.
Each fellowship is worth up to £37,000 per year over a maximum of
three years, to cover research support, travel and subsistence and
training costs.
NIH: National Institute on
Secondary analyses of These R01 grants support investigator-initiated research projects that
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism existing alcohol epidemiology 14-338.html
either analyse previously collected data in order to address key
issues that have emerged from recent findings in alcohol
data (R01)
epidemiology and prevention research, or develop new analytic
techniques for conducting studies in alcohol epidemiology and
prevention research. Application budgets are not limited but need to
reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum
project period is five years.
International Reading
Elva Knight research grant This supports promising research that addresses significant
questions for the discipline of reading or literacy research and
practice. The grant provides up to US$8,000 for up to two years,
although a one year extension may be considered.
Cancer Research UK
Population research These support projects that address clinical and public health
committee project grants
researchers/our-funding-schemes/population- epidemiology, educational and behavioural research in areas of
prevention, screening and early diagnosis, clinical trials
methodologies or statistics, and secondary physical effects of
treatment. Grants are worth up to £100,000 per year for a maximum
of three years.
Engineering and Physical
Future manufacturing
This call seeks to establish large-scale, multidisciplinary research Research Council
research hubs
hubs to address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing
industries, as well as capture opportunities from emerging research
areas. All proposals must be led by UK higher education institutions.
The total budget of £20 million supports two hubs for a period of up to
seven years.
Major bids
A major bids process is in place for this call. RED have arranged
an open meeting 14th October, 12-2pm, Queens Building, room
1.69 to scope a University of Bristol bid. If you wish to attend, or
you are interested in this call, please e-mail, Emily Thomas,
emily thomas@bristol ac uk
Directorate-General for Justice Establishment of three-year This call will provide support for activities and operating costs of EUframework partnership
level networks for the period 2015 to 2017, whose statutory aims fall
agreements with EU-level
under or contribute to the specific objectives of the justice
networks and operating grants
programme and the rights, equality and citizenship programme. The
for 2015
grant will cover the costs for the applicant’s financial year starting in
2015. The total budget is €9.08 million.
To note, in most cases funding from Directorate Generals outside the
DG for research and Innovation will require co-financing from the
applicant institute
Royal Society for Asian Affairs Sir Peter Holmes memorial
This award assists young people who travel to Asia to undertake
research relating to the geography, history, politics, environmental
conservation, culture or art of the area visited. The award, worth
£1,000 and two year’s free membership to the society, may be
divided between two candidates if appropriate.
Scottish Government
Health informatics research
These grants aim to apply and facilitate the use and linkage of
office-nhs-scotland-health-informatics-research- information from health, biomedical and non-biomedical sources for
research to support improvements or greater efficiencies in health
and understanding of disease. Approximately 10 grants, worth up to
£30,000 each, are available.
Royal Society
16 Oct 14
22 Oct 14
Not specified
24 Oct 14
01 Nov 14
07 Nov 14
11 Nov 14
Not specified
14 Nov 14
14 Nov 14
14 Nov 14
American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention
Pilot research grants
The purpose of this grant is to provide seed money for projects that
show promise in opening up new areas of suicide research. Each
grant is worth up to US$30,000 over a period of one to two years.
15 Nov 14
American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention
Distinguished investigator
These support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines
including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology,
neurobiology, sociology, nursing and health services administration.
Each award is worth up to US$50,000 per year for up to two years.
15 Nov 14
Department of Health
including NIHR
Improving quality of care: a
strategic research initiative on
policy responses to the
Francis inquiry
ESRC celebrating impact
Research will evaluate the government’s response to Robert
Francis’s report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public
inquiry and help to inform future policy in this area. The budget for
this call is £2.4 million.
This recognises and rewards ESRC-funded researchers who have
achieved, or are currently achieving, outstanding economic or
societal impacts through their research and collaborative working,
partnerships, engagement and knowledge exchange activities. A
prize of £10,000 will be made to the winners of each category.
Second prizes are worth £5,000.
18 Nov 14
Economic and Social
Research Council
Arts and Humanities Research Digital transformations small
Royal Geographical Society
(with the Institute of British
Neville Shulman challenge
Japan Foundation
Japanese studies fellowships
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution
Colby College
Oak Institute for the study of
international human rights
These support projects in which practice-based researchers work
with colleagues in other arts and humanities disciplines to explore
how the use of digital technologies is transforming engagement with
cultures and societies. Grants cover 80 per cent of each project’s full
economic cost, up to a maximum of £40,000, over a maximum term
of 12 months. This aims to further the understanding and exploration of the planet
+fieldwork+and+independent+travel+grants/Ne and its cultures, peoples and environments while promoting personal
development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved
in the completion of research or an expedition. The award is worth
These enable scholars and researchers in the field of Japanese
studies to conduct research in Japan. The fellowships cover round
trip airfare, a maintenance allowance and other research-related
allowances, and insurance.
These enable graduate and predoctoral students as well as postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct independent study or
research at one or more of the Smithsonian’s 19 units and research
centres. Fellowships are awarded for periods between 10 weeks and
12 months, and they may include a stipend worth up to US$48,000
per year, a research allowance of up to US$4,000, and a separate
relocation allowance.
Funding enables a prominent practitioner in international human
rights to take sabbatical leave from front-line work to spend the fall
semester in residence at Colby. The fellowship is worth US$33,000.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
20 Nov 14
27 Nov 14
30 Nov 14
Not specified
01 Dec 14
Not specified
01 Dec 14
05 Dec 14
Page 1 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Stanford University
Shorenstein postdoctoral
fellowships in contemporary
Joint Research Call On
Epigenetics 2014/15
Society in Science
Branco Weiss fellowship
Economic and Social
Research Council
Future research leaders
This scheme supports outstanding early-career researchers to carry out excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research
and knowledge exchange skills. Grants will last a maximum of three
years with an overall limit of £350,000 at 100 per cent full economic
cost of which the ESRC will pay 80 per cent.
There is a major bids process in place for this call. For further
information please contact Patrick Lansley
20 Jan 15
Wellcome Trust
New investigator awards in
society and ethics
23 Jan 15
Wellcome Trust
Senior investigator awards in
society and ethics
23 Jan 15
Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Postdoctoral awards
31 Jan 15
Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Residential awards These enable new researchers to address important questions about
health and disease and their social, political and historical contexts.
society/funding-schemes/InvestigatorAwards range from £100,000 to £200,000 per year over a maximum
period of five years. These enable senior researchers to address important questions
about health and disease and their social, political and historical
society/funding-schemes/Investigatorcontexts. Awards range from £100,000 to £200,000 per year over a
maximum period of five years.
Applicants may be young science and humanities graduates who
http://www.klassikhave already completed their doctoral thesis and published in
relevant journals. Funding is worth €1,500 per month for a maximum
of six months
These offer graduates, scientists who have completed their doctoral
http://www.klassikthesis and habilitated scientists whose monthly net income exceeds
€1,500 the opportunity to conduct research in Weimar. Applicants
must have a monthly net income of €1,500 or more. Funding is worth
€500 per month for a maximum of six months. The award winners
will also benefit from a generous book allowance and a variety of
concessions. These R21 grants support investigator-initiated research projects that
either analyse previously collected data in order to address key
issues that have emerged from recent findings in alcohol
epidemiology and prevention research, or develop new analytic
techniques for conducting studies in alcohol epidemiology and
prevention research. Grants are worth up to US$275,000 in direct
costs over a maximum period of two years.
Not specified
31 Jan 15
16 Feb 15
Vinnova Verket för
VINNMER Marie Curie
Innovationssystem – Swedish incoming
Governmental Agency for
Innovation Systems
Not specified
17 Mar 15
International Initiative for
Impact Evaluation
The purpose of this call is to strengthen qualification opportunities for international researchers through increased mobility opportunities, by
visiting and working in Swedish host organisations. Vinnova funding
for the programme as a whole will amount to SEK120 million, with an
additional €10m in EU funding through Marie Curie actions. Cofinancing from applicants is expected to amount to SEK100m to
Replication window 3: HIV This supports internal replications of influential, innovative, or
controversial impact evaluations of biomedical, behavioural, social
on-window/replication-window-3-hivand structural HIV prevention interventions. There is no pre-set
funding limit, however, all proposals will be judged on costreasonableness.
Research project grants These support innovative and original research projects where the
choice of research theme and design lies entirely with the applicant.
Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of
Visiting professorships These enable distinguished academics based overseas to visit a UK
university, primarily to enhance the skills of academic staff or
students at the host institution. Funding covers maintenance, travel
expenses and research costs and supports visits that last between
three and 12 months.
Research group project proposals
This supports the establishment of interdisciplinary research groups
in the natural sciences, humanities or social sciences. Funding of
either Euro250,000 or Euro500,000 is available to support projects of
five or 10 months, respectively.
Not specified
31 May 15
Not specified
Not Specified
09 Oct 14
Collaborative computational
projects networking and core
Not specified
NIH: National Institute on
Secondary analyses of
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism existing alcohol epidemiology
data (R21)
Leverhulme Trust
Leverhulme Trust
Bielefeld University
Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council
Funding Available
These residential fellowships support junior scholars with research
and writing on Asia. Two fellowships, each of which carries a stipend
of US$50,000 plus US$3,000 for research expenses over a 10-month
period, are available.
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Biotechnology and
up to £3m
Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) are pleased to announce a
joint call for research projects in the area of Social and Behavioural
Epigenetics. Up to £3 Million is available for this call.
The goal of this call is to encourage new, innovative and collaborative work
between the social and biological sciences in the area of epigenetics. We
are seeking truly interdisciplinary proposals which will make a significant
contribution towards the development of this emerging field.
Networking event
In order to enable potential applicants to network with each other and for
us to provide more information about this specific call, a one day meeting
will be held on 5 November in London (Location TBC). Places at this event
will be limited so we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible if
you are interested in attending this event.
Please contact to express an interest in attending
this by 20 October.
This enables researchers who have recently completed their PhD and SFr.500,000
who have a strong record of achievement in their chosen field to
undertake research in a scientific topic of their choice. The amount
granted is CHF100,000 per year over a maximum of five years and
the programme aims to award up to 10 fellowships each year.
15 Jan 15 Funding enables major UK groups in a field of computational
research to tackle large-scale scientific software development
projects, maintenance, distribution, training and user support. This
call supports networking, widening participation and core support
activities. The total budget is worth up to £2 million. In addition, 15
FTEs per year of technical computational support is available.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
19 Dec 14
Page 2 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
World Cancer Research Fund Regular grant programme
Funding Available
Comments This provides funding for research on the link between diet, nutrition, £250,000
body fatness, physical activity, and cancer incidence and survival.
Two types of grants are available:
investigator initiated grants, worth a maximum of £250,000 for up to
four years, and pilot grants, worth up to £60,000 for up to two years.
British Council for Prevention of
Research mentorship awards
These seek to build research capacity in low-income countries by
funding research and training links between institutions in the lowincome countries and the UK. Awards will be paid to the host
institution in the UK, which must agree to hold the award and manage
the funds. Awards are worth between £5,000 and £15,000 for any
period from six months up to a maximum of two years.
Innovate UK
Connected cities innovation
cted-cities-innovationcontest?p p auth=UP4WlklF
This competition encourages innovation around the changing urban
landscape across the themes of digitally connected buildings,
communities, environment and services. Six grants, worth up to
£35,000 each, are available. The total budget is up to £210,000. If
you would like advice on an application, please contact Andrew
This call aims to generate innovative ideas and new proposals for a
package of employment and skills initiatives, focusing on progression
from low paid work, which could be implemented within the Leeds
city region. One project is funded for nine months, starting November
These support young researchers wishing to develop an individual
research profile early in their career. Fellowships are available for
five years and, depending on the field of research and experience of
the candidate, are worth up to €1 million. 10 to 15 fellowships will be
Grants are available to support primary research in the humanities
and social sciences.
The maximum grant is £10,000 over two years. Applications for
collaborative or individual projects are equally welcome under this
scheme. Applications from international groups of scholars are
welcome, provided there is a UK-based scholar as lead applicant.
Highlight notice: Call to open 3rd September 2014
(British Academy website to be updated)
Grants are available to support primary research in the humanities and
social sciences. The first recourse for funding should be to your own
institution (where applicable). Applications will not be considered for less
than £500. The maximum grant is £10,000 over two years. Applications for
collaborative or individual projects are equally welcome under this scheme.
Applications from international groups of scholars are welcome, provided
there is a UK-based scholar as lead applicant.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Jobs and skills in the Leeds
city region
Volkswagen Foundation
Freigeist fellowships
British Academy
Small Research Grants
British Academy
BA/Leverhulme Small research
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Database grants
for International Scholarly
These support the collection and processing of database research
materials related to Chinese studies in humanities and social
sciences that will be made available to the scholarly community.
Grants are worth up to €120,000 over a maximum of three years.
10 Oct 14
14 Oct 14
14 Oct 14
15 Oct 14
Not Specified
up to £10,000
15 Oct 14
Department of Health including
Programme development grants for These are designed to increase the rate and number of successful
applied research -including longapplications for a full programme grant by supporting the completion
term conditions in children and
of the necessary preparatory work involved in a competitive stage-2
young people themed call
grant application. Applications for the long-term conditions in children
University Association for
Contemporary European Studies
NIH: National Human Genome
Research Institute
Legal, ethical and social of genomic research 14-277.html
small research grant programme
NIH: National Human Genome
Research Institute
The purpose of this R21 funding opportunity is to study the ethical, legal
and social implications of human genome research. Application budgets
are limited to no more than US$275,000 in direct costs for up to two years,
with no more than US$200 000 in direct costs in a single year
£50,000 This aims to provide flexible short-term support for small-scale
research and networking activities, with the objective of establishing
sustainable collaborations between UK and Brazilian researchers,
helping to build a community that will be better equipped to develop
excellent research outcomes through this and future funding
opportunities. The awards will be up to 12 months in duration and
funded to a maximum of £50,000.
16 Oct 14
Department for Business,
Innovation & Skills
Legal, ethical and social
implications of genomic research
research programme (R21)
RCUK-CONFAP research
partnership call for projects
University of Bristol/ ESRC
Impact Acceleration Account The ESRC IAA open to proposals from all disciplines and all Faculties of the Not specified
University. The projects should have a strong connection between the
proposed activities and one or more social science research projects or
doctoral awards, funded from any source or none. We encourage you to discuss your ideas with
Andrew Wray@bristol ac uk or Nikki Hicks@bristol ac uk in RED in order
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
These enable existing postgraduate students to undertake research in £1,500
another country. Research projects must be within the area of
contemporary European studies, that is, post-WW2 and typically on
an aspect of European integration or a related area. Four
scholarships, worth £1,500 each, are available.
The purpose of this R03 funding opportunity is to study the ethical, legal
and social implications of human genome research. Application budgets
are limited to no more than US$50,000 in direct costs per year. The
maximum project period is two years.
16 Oct 14
17 Oct 14
Page 3 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Arts and Humanities Research Engaging with government
Health Foundation
Efficiency research
Medical Research Council
Joint global research
programme – women’s and
children’s health
Economic and Social Research
ESRC/TSB Innovation Caucus Thought leader
Innovation Caucas - Thought
National Maritime Museum
Sackler short-term research
Funding Available
This programme is a three day course designed to provide an insight
into the policy making progress, and to enable academics to apply
this to their own research. The costs of the course, accommodation
and travel and subsistence will be paid for according to AHRC’s
standard terms and conditions.
Not specified
20 Oct 14
This supports research which has potential to make a
transformational difference to health and social care provision. The
budget is worth £800,000. Each project is expected to receive
between £250,000 and £500,000 over three to five years.
20 Oct 14
This programme aims to address major health needs of women and
children in low resource settings, with a focus on issues relating to
topics such as maternal, new born and child health, nutrition, and
infectious diseases. Unless the proposal is a clinical trial, the total
cost projects will not usually exceed £1 million over a maximum
period of three years. The total budget is £10m.
21 Oct 14
nding+Opportunities%29&utm content=FeedBu
This programme will represent a range of organisations and social science Not specified
disciplines to ensure a balance of expertise and advice is available.
Members will engage with social science research, set out a strategic plan
for increasing the uptake of ESRC funded research by the TSB and other
policy-makers and identify policy windows and opportunities. Funding
covers salary costs and can be used to buy-in research assistants for
specific projects
We anticipate the Innovation Caucus will consist of five Thought
Not specified
Leaders from social science fields and sectors relevant to the
management and implementation of business and organisational
innovation strategy, management and practices. These will be senior
appointments and the opportunity is open to both academics and nonacademics; a social science background and strong record of This supports short periods of research into the history of science and
technology, with a special focus on historians and scholars from other
and-internships/sackler-short-term-researchdisciplines who are interested in broader cultural, social and political
aspects of maritime history. The fellowship is worth £1,600 per month
and is tenable for a predetermined two or three months commencing
from the October appointment.
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for
International Scholarly Exchange
Senior scholar grants: European
These support full professors or senior scholars based in Europe who Euro40,000
wish to take one year's sabbatical leave in order to do research and
writing within Chinese studies in the humanities and social sciences.
Grants are worth up to Euro40,000.
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for
International Scholarly Exchange
Research grants - European
These provide support for research in the field of Chinese studies in
the humanities and social sciences. Grants are worth a maximum of
Euro120,000 over a period of up to three years.
Directorate-General for the
LIFE - preparatory projects This call aims to address specific needs for the development and
implementation of Union environmental or climate policy and
legislation. Three grants will be awarded. They are worth between
€453,000 and €700,000 depending on the subject.
Fulbright Commission
University of South Florida
postdoctoral scholar award
MAPI Research Trust
Catherine Pouget award
ESRC Future Research Leaders
Nuffield Foundation
Grants for research and
innovation These support research, practical experiments or development work
families-law-society-education-and-open-door in the areas of children and families, education, law in society and
social wellbeing. Grants normally range from £10,000 to £250,000,
with the majority worth between £50,000 and £150,000.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
23 Oct 14
29 Oct 14
This enables a British postdoctoral researcher to carry out research at $45,000
the University of South Florida in applied anthropology; applied
physics; cell, micro and molecular biology; chemistry; computer
science and engineering; criminology; integrative biology; marine
science; or psychology. One award is available for up to two years.
Support includes US$45 000 per year towards salary and living costs
This aims to support projects that improve the quality of care
received by patients with terminal illness. Funding is worth up to
US$10,000 over a period of maximum two years.
31 Oct 14
To support outstanding eary career researchers to carry out a programme
of research over three years.
A major bids process will be put in
place for this shortly. Please contact Jude Hill ( if
you are interested in applying
31 Oct 14
Page 4 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Getty Foundation
Getty scholar grants
Getty Foundation
Leverhulme Trust
Leverhulme Trust
Pre- and postdoctoral
Research fellowships
International academic
Funding Available
Comments These enable established scholars or writers with attained distinction
in the arts, humanities, or social sciences to pursue projects at the
Getty Research Institute. Each grant includes a stipend of up to
US$65,000 for periods of three to nine months, an office, research
assistance, an apartment and return airfare to and from Los Angeles.
Not specified
The residency period ranges from three to nine months. These enable emerging researchers to complete work on projects
sidential/ related to the Getty Research Institute’s annual theme. Fellows will
receive a stipend worth up to US$30,000 over a nine-month period, a Not specified
workspace, an apartment and return airfare to Los Angeles. These support experienced researchers, particularly those who are or
have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme
of original research. Fellowships are worth up to £50,000 for a period
of three to 24 months. These provide established researchers with a concentrated period
based in one or more research centres outside the UK. The
maximum value of a fellowship is £30,000 for a period of between
three and 12 months.
03 Nov 14
03 Nov 14
06 Nov 14
06 Nov 14
Cancer Research UK
CRUK and Bupa Foundation prevention fellowships researchers/our-funding-schemes/the-cancerresearch-uk-and-bupa-foundation-cancerprevention-fellowship
Department of Labor (DOL)
Closing the child labour and
forced labour evidence gap –
impact evaluations
Jean Monnet fellowships
Not specified These allow postdoctoral research for one to two academic years.
micService/Fellowships/JeanMonnetFellows The fellowship carries a monthly stipend of Euro2,000, plus up to
Euro300 per month if the fellow has a cohabiting partner and Euro200
per month for each dependent child. Fellows, but not their families,
receive one return trip from their home town to Florence, worth up to
Euro1,200 for return travel.
07-Nov-14 Proposals shall focus on best practices to prevent and combat
racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and
on monitoring and reporting hate crime and online hate speech. The
total budget for this call is €5.35 million over two years.
12 Nov 14
European University Institute
Directorate-General for Justice Actions grants to support
projects to prevent and
combat racism, xenophobia,
homophobia and other forms
of intolerance
These provide support for outstanding and innovative postdoctoral
researchers and healthcare professionals who are interested in
research into behavioural and lifestyle changes that can prevent
people from getting cancer. The funding amount will cover salaries
for the fellow, a research assistant, research expenses and, where
appropriate an equipment grant
This aims to implement impact evaluations globally to expand the
evidence base on child labour and forced labour. Funding is expected
Not specified
to range from US$250,000 to US$1 million.
NIH: National Institute on Drug Interventions for youth who The purpose of this U01 funding opportunity announcement is to
misuse and abuse prescription DA-15-010.html
conduct either hypothesis-driven or hypothesis-generating controlled
stimulant medications in high
research to build an evidence base to address the problem of
school or college-attending
prescription stimulant medication misuse in youth. The institute
youth (U01)
intends to commit US$1 million to fund up to two awards. The
UniCredit Foundation
Foscolo Europe fellowship Unicredit & Universities is offering one European fellowship in economics
and finance for university graduates from any country where UniCredit is
This will enable a graduate to continue his or her research at any European
university located within the EU group perimeter. Funding is worth €60,000
per year for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a further two
years Applications must be written in English
Commonwealth Fund
Harkness fellowships for These enable mid-career professionals from the Germany,
Germany, the Netherlands,
Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, UK or Canada to work
Sweden, Norway, Switzerland,
with leading US experts to study a critical issue on the health policy
UK d C exchanges
d i b h new
h US
d h i h within the natural
F ll sciences
Royal Society
scheme - This stimulates
British Academy
Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council
Ireland cost-share programme
BA/Leverhulme Trust Senior
Research Fellowships
RCUK Digital Economy
Theme - Telling Tales of
Engagement Competition
Cancer Research UK
Population research committee
programme grants
Israel Institute of Advanced
Research groups
Modern Law Review
07 Nov 14
13 Nov 14
15 Nov 14
Not specified
17 Nov 14
Not specified
between scientists in the UK and Ireland. The Royal Society provides
up to £12,000 for the UK team's airfare and the Irish team's
subsistence whilst in the UK. An additional £12,000 equivalent is
available from Royal Irish Academy to to the Irish team's airfare to the
UK and the UK team's subsistence whilst in Ireland.
Highlight notice: Call to open 15 October 2014
The Academy continues to offer the Senior Research Fellowship scheme,
with funding generously provided by the Leverhulme Trust (on a non-FEC
basis). This enables mid-career scholars to have one year's research leave
with funding being provided to cover the costs of replacement teaching
Expressions of Interest
The RCUK Digital Economy Theme is running a competition designed to help capture and promote the impact that your digital
economy research is having.
s2014/ These support research in clinical and public health epidemiology;
find-grant/all-funding-schemes/populationeducational and behavioural research in areas of prevention,
research-committee-programmescreening and early diagnosis; proposals concerning clinical trails
methodologies or statistics; and proposals concerning secondary
These enable groups of up to eight researchers, plus additional
guests, to convene at IIAS for periods of up to 10 months. Three to
four collaborative groups will be hosted each year.
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
23 Nov 14 Funding is available to support the organisation of scholarly seminars £6,000
on any subject broadly within the publishing interests of the review.
Up to £35,000 in total is usually available, although individual awards
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
07 Nov 14
Page 5 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
International Council for
Canadian Studies - Conseil
International d'Etudes
Lady Davis Fellowship Trust
Graduate student scholarships
Visiting professorships
Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Northern Ireland programme
Funding Available
These enable master's or PhD students to spend four to six weeks at £4,000
a Canadian university or research site, other than their own,
conducting research related to their thesis or dissertation in the field
of Canadian studies. The stipend is worth up to CA$4,000. 12 awards
These enable full or associate professors to visit Hebrew University for periods of between two and four months. Awards are worth
between US$2,250 and US$2,600 per month. The trust also provides
a return flight from the fellow's country of origin to Israel and half of
the medical insurance.
These fund work that contributes to the ongoing transformation of the
Northern Ireland conflict. The grants have a nominal average value of
£50,000, but in actuality grants may range from a few hundred
Not specified
pounds to £100,000 and last up to three years.
Department of Health
including NIHR
Public health research
programme - researcher-led
call for proposals
This supports research that evaluates public health interventions,
specifically to provide new knowledge on the benefits, costs,
acceptability and wider impacts of non-NHS interventions intended to
improve the health of the public and reduce inequalities in health.
International Council for
Canadian Studies - Conseil
International d'Etudes
Canadian studies postdoctoral
These enable young Canadian and foreign academics who have
completed a doctoral thesis on a topic primarily related to Canada to
visit a Canadian or foreign university with a Canadian studies
programme for a teaching or research fellowship. Grants will not
exceed CA$10,000.
Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Rights and justice programme
Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Peace and security
programme grants
Power and accountability
programme grants
Joseph Rowntree Charitable
Sustainable future programme
Department of Health including
Health technology assessment commissioned calls: 14/157,
14/160, 14/161, 14/166, 14/168
Postdoctoral research
Lady Davis Fellowship Trust
Parliamentary Office of
Science and Technology
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Technology Strategy Board
Integrated future for cities
Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Innovation Training Networks
Economic and Social
Research Council
ESRC Impact Acceleration
Account awards
Lady Davis Fellowship Trust
Postdoctoral fellowships
Leverhulme Trust
Emeritus fellowships
NIH: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
Leverhulme Trust
Understanding factors in
infancy and early childhood
that influence obesity
development (R01)
Early-career fellowships
These aim to support projects on the rights of vulnerable racial and
ethnic minorities, to hold governments to account and to strengthen
the hand of those advocating with and for these communities. The
grants have a nominal average value of £50,000, but in actuality
grants may range from a few hundred pounds to £100,000 and last
up to three years.
These support charitable work on issues of peace and security. The
grants have a nominal average value of £50,000, but in actuality
grants may range from a few hundred pounds to £100,000 and last
up to three years.
11 Dec 14
Not specified
15 Dec 14
Not specified
15 Dec 14
These support projects on developing and promoting sustainable, low- carbon alternatives to the current consumerist and growth-based
paradigm. The grants have a nominal average value of £50,000, but
in actuality grants may range from a few hundred pounds to £100,000
and last up to three years.
Proposals are sought on the following topics: mproving the mental health Not specified
of children and young people with long term conditions; treatment of firsttime traumatic shoulder dislocation; fibre for uncomplicated symptomatic
These enable postdoctoral researchers to perform research for
Not specified between nine and 12 months at the Hebrew University in
Israel. Awards are worth $ 5,404 per month for fellows who have held
The fellowship enables a PhD student to work with POST on a three month placement. Total funding will be capped at £6,000.
15 Dec 14
15 Dec 14
18 Dec 14
31 Dec 14
05 Jan 15
07 Jan 15
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
05 Feb 15 The purpose of this R01 funding opportunity announcement is to
characterise or identify factors in early childhood that may increase or
mitigate risk for obesity or excessive weight gain or to fill
Not specified
methodological research gaps relevant to the understanding of risk
for development of obesity in children. Application budgets are not
limited, but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
The maximum project period is five years. These provide career development opportunities for those who are at
a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a
proven record of research. Approximately 80 fellowships are
available to support full time work for three years or proportionally
longer periods part time. The trust will contribute 50 per cent of each
fellow's total salary costs, up to £24,000 per year. Fellows may also
request research expenses of up to £6,000 per year.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
01 Dec 14
These support projects that aim to create a world in which power is
more equally shared, and in which powerful institutions are
responsive and accountable to wider society and aligned with the
long-term public interest. The grants have a nominal average value of Not specified
£50,000, but in actuality grants may range from a few hundred
pounds to £100,000 and last up to three years.
This aims to develop innovative solutions that can help cities plan more
successfully for the future and encourage new ways of achieving better
integration of infrastructure and services across a city by improving
understanding of how elements of these systems interact with each other.
The value of contracts is expected to be between £1 5 million and £2m
The ITN scheme supports a joint research training or doctoral
programme across a minimum of 3 different organisations throughout
Europe (other than the European Industrial Doctorate scheme which
has a minimum of 2). Please could potential applicants let the RED EU Team, (eu RED is running an open call for four types of project within our ESRC
Impact Acceleration Account; Impact Travel awards up to £300 for
visits to explore impact opportunities; Exploratory Impact awards of
£1,000-£3,000 to identify the potential impact of research and first
steps to impact; Impact Project awards up to £20,000 to develop the enable postdoctoral researchers to undertake research at the
information/technion-fellowships/postTechnion Institute in Israel. Fellowships are granted for one year with
the possibility of an extension for an additional year. The monthly
stipend is US$1,250 with a housing allowance of US$100 and a
return airline ticket. These assist retired senior researchers to complete a research
project and to prepare the results for publication. The fellowship is
worth up to £22,000 for a period of three to 24 months.
30 Nov 14
£10,000 p auth=1HPZuD0m
05 Feb 15
05 Mar 15
Page 6 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
2015 Consolidator Grant
Gerda Henkel Foundation
Special programme on Islam, modern nation state and
transnational movements –
research projects
Gerda Henkel Foundation
Special programme on Islam, http://www.gerda-henkelthe modern nation state and movements –
research scholarships
Funding Available
Highlight Notice Information about this call is due to be published in € 2m over 5 years
mid-November Consolidator Grants are intended to enable
exceptional researchers between 7 and 12 years from PhD
completion to become fully independent research leaders. They are
particularly intended to enable the researcher to strengthen their own
research team or programme. Proposals to the call will be handled
though the University's Major Bids process. Applicants are
required to complete a brief University stage application form for
internal review, available on the RED website (see weblink)
Further information on the Consolidator Grant scheme is also
Funding supports research projects in the following fields:historical
and present day Islamic systems of society and state; the concept of
nation, national movements and nationalism in Islamic civilisation;
Islamic fundamentalism or Islamic emancipation; transnational civil
Not specified
society movements in the Islamic world; Islamic states in the
international world system. Grants cover costs for personnel, travel,
materials or other expenses including visiting scholar costs.
Funding supports research scholarships in the following fields:
historical and present day Islamic systems of society and state; the
concept of nation, national movements and nationalism in Islamic
civilisation; Islamic fundamentalism or Islamic emancipation;
transnational civil society movements in the Islamic world; Islamic
states in the international world system. Projects are generally funded Not specified
for one to 24 months.
29 May 15
29 May 15
Capital funding for public
engagement and medical
Great Britain Sasakawa
Butterfield awards
Not specified These aim to encourage and facilitate exploratory exchanges and
collaborations between qualified professionals in Japan and the UK,
as well as investigation of scientific, clinical, social and economic
aspects of medicine in which Japanese and British scientists,
practitioners and policy makers may learn from each other. A number
of awards are available, worth up to £5,000 per year over a
maximum of three years. Applications for smaller and, exceptionally,
larger sums may be considered.
Dowager Countess Eleanor
Peel Trust
Major medical research grants
These grants support medical research, mainly focussing on
improving the well-being and health of the elderly. Major grants are
worth at least £10,000 and up to £50,000 per year, over a period of
one to three years.
Agency for International
Development (USAID)
Call for partnership concept papers
in support of Power Africa Initiative
under existing Global Development
Alliance Annual Programme
Funding is available for programmes that support economic growth
and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Grants are worth a
maximum of US$7.5 million.
Allen Lane Foundation
Institute of Chartered
Accountants Scotland
Pro-active funding These aim to support general charitable causes across the UK with a £15,000
focus on asylum seekers and refugees, homosexual and transgender
people, migrant workers, offenders and ex-offenders, elderly and
people experiencing mental health issues or abuse. Single grants or
multiple grants for up to three years will be awarded, ranging
between £500 and £15 000
This provides researchers and institutions from anywhere in the world Not specified
with the opportunity to focus on a number of specific topics of interest
that will maximise the impact of the resultant research and be
beneficial to the researchers, ICAS and policy makers. There is no
upper or lower funding limit for these grants.
Bright ideas research fund
Wellcome Trust
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
research awards
- Alexander von Humboldt
Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst - German
Academic Exchange Service
Research stays for university
academics and scientists
Impact Acceleration Account
This scheme provides capital funding for large-scale projects that
support public engagement or medical history. Awards are normally
worth over £200,000.
These grants aim to fund good new ideas related to innovation and
innovation policy and develop research projects and policy proposals in
fields that relate to innovation but where Nesta does not have big
programmes already in place. Nesta will fund up to £10,000 per project.
Not specified
29 May 15
02 Jun 15
These are given to internationally renowned academics in recognition Not specified
of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their
exceptional promise for the future. Up to 25 awards are available,
worth Euro45,000 each. Award winners are also invited to conduct a
six to 12 months research project of their own choosing in Germany These enable university academics and scientists to carry out a
research project at a university or state recognised higher education
datenbank/en/21148-findingscholarships/?status=2&origin=&subjectGrps=& institution in Germany. Grants are worth Euro2,000 per month for
daad=1&q=research%20stays&page=1&detail=1 assistant professors and lecturers and Euro2,150 per month for
professors for a duration of one to three months.
--- These are block awards to Research Organisations to accelerate the Various
impact of research. The University of Bristol’s IAA will allow us to
respond to knowledge exchange and impact development
opportunities in flexible, responsive and creative ways. There are four
competitive schemes: Impact Travel Awards - £100 - £300 for visits
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Page 7 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation
Support for the translation of
Russian fiction, poetry and nonfiction
European Research Council
European Starting Grants 2015
Funding Available
Not specified Grants support the translation of Russian texts in the liberal arts,
including history, philosophy, political science and sociology, as well
as fiction, poetry and children's literature. Funding covers full or
partial acquisition of rights and full or partial payment for translation.
For non-fiction, grants also cover partial payment for the editorial and
printing expenses linked to the publication.
Not specified Highlight notice:
ERC Starting Grants are intended to enable exceptional researchers
between 2 and 7 years from PhD completion to become fully independent
research leaders. They are particularly intended to enable the researcher
to create or strengthen their own independent research team.
Internal process:
Applicants are required to complete a brief University stage application
Open call for seed funding CCN+ are issuing an open and response-mode call for seed projects
of £1-4k per project (£25k per annum) to fund small discrete projects
within the remit of the Communities and Culture Network+ (engage
with digital transformations, bring them together with a wider public
through direct engagements, innovative methods and digital
resources). This is an open call for collaborative or academic
projects, for post-doctoral up to experienced researchers. The
projects should develop an idea or project, test a concept or theory,
be creative or concept driven, and/or develop partnerships through
If you are interested in applying for this call, please contact
Workshop Funding, Catalyst
The EBIH Research will support interdisciplinary workshops. Ideally
Funding, Early Career
these workshops should be at a new or emerging interface between
Fellowships, Senior Fellows,
two or more disciplines, which means that innovative applications
Clinical primer Scheme, Women
that (i) cross Faculty boundaries and (ii) are of the greatest strategic
Returners to work, Collaboration
impact on the University research community are the most likely to
with Industry
succeed in being supported. Successful applicants will receive
support in arranging, facilitating and funding their workshop. Awards
will support workshops on topics that is either new to the applicant,
involve a new collaboration or the application of a new technique to
existing work.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Nina
Couzin, Institute Manager,
Humboldt research fellowships for These enable scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to conduct
postdoctoral researchers
research at a laboratory of their choice in Germany for a period of six
to 24 months. The fellowship is worth EURO 2,650 per month, plus a
research allowance of up to EURO 800 per month. Travel costs, a
language fellowship, family allowances and a Europe allowance are
also available.
Not specified
04 -Nov-14 Internal
Not specified
30 May 2014 &
29 August 2014
Various amounts
Applications can be
submitted at any time and
will be reviewed on a
monthly basis.
Not specified
Not specified
Alexander von Humboldt
Humboldt research awards to
outstanding scholars residing
outside Germany
http://www.humboldtThese enable foreign scientists and scholars from all disciplines and countries, with internationally recognised academic qualifications, to
conduct an original research project in close collaboration with an
appropriate colleague in Germany. The maximum award is €60,000.
€ 60,000
Not Specified
Alexander von Humboldt
Humboldt research fellowship for
experienced researchers
Alexander von Humboldt
Humboldt research fellowships
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Humboldt research fellowship for
experienced researchers
Arts and Humanities Research
Fellowships - standard
Arts and Humanities Research
Fellowships - early career
Communities and Culture
Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for
Health Research
Alexander von Humboldt
Not specified
Funding enables scientists and scholars from all disciplines and
countries to conduct projects lasting for six to 18 months at a
research institution in Germany. Funding is worth €2,450 per month,
including a mobility lump sum and contribution towards health and
liability insurance, plus an allowance for research costs of €800 per
Not specified This enables scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to conduct
research at a laboratory of their choice in Germany for a period of six
to 24 months. The fellowship is worth €2,250 per month, plus a
research allowance of €800 per month for natural sciences and
engineering projects or €500 per month for humanities and social
sciences projects.
Not Specified
This enables scientists and scholars from all disciplines and countries Not specified
to conduct projects lasting for six to 18 months at a research
institution in Germany. Funding is worth EURO 3,150 per month,
including a mobility lump sum and contribution towards health and
liability insurance, plus an allowance for research costs of EURO 800
per month for projects in the natural sciences and engineering or
The scheme provides salary and associated costs for periods of six to £250,000
18 months, to enable an individual researcher to work on a specified
research project or programme. Proposals for full economic costs of
between £50,000 and £250,000 are invited.
Not specified
The scheme provides salary and associated costs for periods of six to £250,000
24 months, to enable an individual researcher to work on a specified
research project or programme. Proposals for full economic costs of
between £50,000 and £250,000 may be submitted.
This provides funding for innovative and creative engagements with £100,000
new audiences and user communities that stimulate pathways to
impact. Awards will be worth up to £100,000 over a maximum of 12
Not specified
Arts and Humanities Research Follow-on funding for impact
and engagement scheme
Arts and Humanities Research
Follow-on funding for impact and
engagement scheme
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
The scheme provides funding for innovative and creative
engagements with new audiences and user communities which
stimulate pathways to impact. Awards will be worth up to £100,000
over a maximum of 12 months.
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Page 8 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Arts and Humanities Research
Collaborative research grantsÃo Paulo Research Foundation Opportunities/Pages/S%C3%A3o-PauloResearch-Foundation%28FAPESP%29.aspx
Funding Available
The scheme is designed to encourage and enable discussion and
development of ideas on a specified thematic area, issue or problem
through new research networks or running a short-term series of
workshops, seminars or similar events. Proposals of up to £30,000
This scheme enables transnational teams to apply for funding for
collaborative research projects. The total of the whole proposal
should not exceed £2 million.
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
Cultural Value Project
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
The Cultural Value Project seeks to establish a framework that will
advance the way in which we talk about the value of cultural
engagement and the methods by which we evaluate that value. The
first part of the framework will be an examination of the cultural
The Fellowships scheme provides salary and associated costs for
periods of between 6 and 18 months. Proposals with a full economic
cost of between £50,000 and £250,000 may be submitted.
Applications for Fellowships will be welcomed for research in any
subject area within the AHRC’s remit. The scheme provides
opportunities for mid and senior career researchers who meet the
eligibility criteria.
Potential applicants should contact Jean Pretlove
( or Valerie Aspin
( at the beginning of the development of
the grant application.
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
Fellowships for early career
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
Follow on fund This can provide up to £120,000 over 12 months to facilitate
interactions with user communities including business, third sector,
heritage sector, community groups and the general public. Projects
should follow a recent or current AHRC grant.
For further information, please contact Andrew Wray
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
Research Grants - Standard
Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC)
Research Grants - Early Career
Asian Development Bank
Visiting researchers and fellows
Austrian Science Fund
Lise Meitner programme for
scientists from outside Austria
Autism Speaks
Arts and Humanities Research
Research networking
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
The scheme provides salary and associated costs for periods of six to £250,000
24 months, to enable an individual researcher to work on a specified
research project or programme. Proposals for full economic costs of
between £50,000 and £250,000 may be submitted.
Potential applicants should contact Jean Pretlove
( or Valerie Aspin
( at the beginning of the development of
the grant application.
Not specified
Not Specified
Intended to support well-defined research projects enabling individual £1,000,000
researchers to collaborate with, and bring benefits to, other
individuals and organisations through the conduct of research. This
scheme is not intended to support individual scholarship
Not Specified
This route assists new researchers at the start of their careers in
gaining experience of managing and leading research projects.
Intended to support well-defined research projects enabling individual
researchers to collaborate with, and bring benefits to, other
individuals and organisations through the conduct of research. This This programme is open to researchers from ADB member countries Not Specified
who have a record of research on economic development in Asia.
Not Specified
Not Specified
Suzanne and Bob Wright
trailblazer award programme This enables highly qualified postdoctoral scientists in any discipline Euro 139,340
to work at an Austrian institution for 12 to 24 months. Applicants must
have been published in international scientific publications.
$100,000 Awards support highly novel research relevant to autism that can
open new avenues to understanding the causes, diagnosis,
subtyping, prevention, treatments and cure of autism spectrum
disorders. Awards worth up to US$100,000 over a maximum of 12
AXA Research Fund
Help in disseminating research
Grants for help in disseminating research work. These support
scientific publications, the setting-up of efficient databases and the
organisation of symposia and conferences. Four to 10 grants are
available annually worth up to a total of 50,000 euros.
Not specified
Not Specified
British Heart Foundation
Programme grants
Not specified
The foundation supports research into the causes, prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and circulation.
Awards are on a five-year rolling basis and may cover staff, research
consumables and equipment.
Not specified
British Heart Foundation
Strategic capital grants
Not specified
Brocher Foundation
Building and Social Housing
Research funding
These support major research institutions with large capital needs for Not specified
their cardiovascular research strategy. It is unlikely that more than
one such award will be made to any institution in a five-year period.
There is an internal selection process in place for this scheme.
These enable researchers to stay at the centre for one to four months 09-Mar-14
to start or complete a research project on ethical, legal and social
implications of recent medical research and new medical
technologies. Successful applicants are offered a workplace and an
accommodation on its premises. Breakfast and dinner are also
provided every day.
£36,000 Proposals for research funding must be relevant to one of the
following research priorities: building a more sustainable future;
transferring good housing practice; innovative housing in Europe. The
maximum funding for any project is £12,000 per year for a maximum
of three years.
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Research and development
Applications must address projects or ideas under the foundation's
three main strategic aims: cultural understanding, fulfilling potential
and environment. Grants average between £10,000 and £30,000.
Not specified
Not specified
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Research and development
Applications must address projects or ideas under the foundations
three main strategic aims of cultural understanding, fulfilling potential,
and environment. Not-for -profit organisations based in the UK or
Republic of Ireland may apply for funding to allow them to work with
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Not Specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Page 9 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Charles Hayward Foundation
Small grant programme
Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants
Visiting professorships
Citizen Science Alliance
Citizen science projects
Department of Health including
Health reform evaluation
programme: supplementary
research call
This seeks to fill gaps identified across the main reform themes in the 04-Feb-14
original health reform evaluation programme call. The budget for this
call is £7.5 million. Studies are expected to last for a maximum of
three years. Costings can include up to 100 per cent full economic
costs, but should exclude output VAT.
Not Specified
Department of Health, Social
Services and Public Safety,
Northern Ireland
Conference and workshop
This grant will support the running and organisation of research
workshops and conferences promoting evidence-based practice and
research dissemination relevant to health and social care. Awards will
not normally exceed £2,500.
Not specified
Directorate-General for Economic Economic seminar programme
and Financial Affairs
Directorate-General for Economic Visiting fellows programme
and Financial Affairs
Funding Available
This programme supports charity organisation that undertake projects £7,000
in the fields of criminal justice, heritage and conservation, and the
elderly. Grants of up to £7,000 are available.
This programme offers financial support to academics and
practitioners involved in leading edge management accounting
research and development work, for short visits to the UK. The
purpose of these visits is likely to be the exchange of ideas and Proposals are invited from researchers who wish to develop citizen
science projects that take advantage of the experience, tools and
community of the Zooniverse. The goal of the Zooniverse is to
enable researchers to engage with a large community of volunteers,
in order to produce results that would otherwise be impossible or
impractical to achieve.
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified Funding enables leading economists in academia, international
organisations, governments and top research institutions to visit
ECFIN to attend a seminar. Non-EU government officials are paid a
fee of approximately 500 euros, a daily subsistence of 92 euros, an
Not specified Funding enables leading economists in academia, international
organisations, governments and top research institutions to visit
ECFIN for normally between two and three weeks in order to present
and discuss original work. Non-EU government official speakers
receive: a fee; a daily subsistence allowance of 92 euros; an
accommodation allowance of 100 euros per night; travel costs.
12-Mar-14 These promote the development of a European society based on
respect for fundamental rights, fighting against racism, xenophobia
and anti-Semitism and promoting better interfaith and intercultural
understanding and improved tolerance in the EU. The indicative
budget for this call is Euro 10.9 million and each project may request
a minimum of Euro 75,000.
Not Specified
£150,000 These are intended to fund the testing of a novel idea that comes
er.asp?page=serendipidity+awards&pid=13 from an unexpected clinical or laboratory observation, or from wellgrounded practice, with the objective of obtaining proof of concept.
There are no definite funding limits, but most awards are in the region
of £10,000 to £50,000 per year. Awards will initially be made for up to
18 months and may be in any area of medicine/medical These grants are available to fund work other than primary research, Up to £1,000,000
under the following categories: building grants equipment grants;
core costs/staffing grants; small grants under £10,000. Applications
that address the following are of particular interest to the Trust: the
care and environment of older people the delivery of solutions that
address disability, disease and frailty related to ageing.
Not specified
Not Specified
Directorate-General for Justice
Fundamental rights and
citizenship action grants
Dunhill Medical Trust
Serendipity awards
Dunhill Medical Trust
General grants
Dunhill Medical Trust
Medical research grants The aim is to encourage and support high-quality research with focus £500,000
on improving the health and wellbeing of older people. Grants are
worth between £10,000 and £500,000 for a period of up to three
years for project grants and up to five years for programme grants.
Not Specified
Economic and Social Research
Understanding the challenges of
the food system
Not Specified
Economic and Social Research
Pilot urgency grants mechanism
Funding will support research around the safety and confidence
effects of different approaches to food provision, supply chain
management and organisation, and how any findings might lead to
policy interventions and influence consumer, regulator and industry
behaviours. Joint funding of £1.87 million at 100 per cent full
This seeks to respond to urgent events, where there is a strong case £200,000
for immediate research (NB EOIs need to be submitted no more than
4 weeks after the 'event'). Grants are worth up to £200,000 at 100 per
cent full economic cost for up to 24 months.
Economic and Social Research
ESRC/Austrian Science Fund
collaborative projects
Proposals may be submitted in any area of the social sciences within Not specified
the remit of both agencies. The grants are worth a minimum of
Not specified
Economic and Social Research
Knowledge exchange
opportunities scheme
Economic and Social Research
Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC)
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
This supports knowledge exchange activities at any stage of the
research life cycle, and is aimed at maximising the impact of social
science research outside academia. Applications can be for a
maximum of £125,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost. Partners
RCUK-FAPESP (Sao Paulo this scheme, collaborative research proposals may be
Research Foundation) bilateral
guidance/funding-opportunities/16961/rcuk- submitted in any area of the social sciences within the remit of both
agreement for the research grants fapesp-bilateral-agreement-for-the-research- ESRC and FAPESP. The combined cost of the entire collaborative
grantsproject should be a minimum of £200,000.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Research grant
Not specified
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
These support individuals or teams at eligible institutions to conduct
research projects, large-scale surveys and other infrastructure or
methodological developments in any area within the council's remit.
Grants range from £200,000 to £2 million and cover 100 per cent of
economic costs.
Page 10 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC)
Digital social research community activities funding
Funding Available
Comments The digital social research community activities funding scheme aims £5,000
to provide researchers with funds to support ideas exchanges,
training in digital social research tools and methods, outreach events
and partnerships. Funding is worth up to £5,000 per application.
Not Specified
Education, Audiovisual and
Culture Executive Agency
Erasmus Mundus action two
Not Specified
Embassy of the Republic of
Poland in London
Short-term study visit grants
ERA Foundation
Commercialisation projects
03-Mar-14 Projects will foster structured cooperation between European and
third country higher education institutions through the promotion of
mobility at all levels for students, candidates, researchers, academics
and administrative staff. The overall budget for this call is
approximately Euro 78.7 million, to fund a minimum mobility flow of
Not specified These support UK academics and other professionals wishing to
establish new contacts, develop programmes of joint research,
exchange scientific information or gather material for their academic
research in Poland. Each visit normally lasts from one week to one
month. The age limit for applicants is 50 years. Candidates should be
experienced academics in their professional field. The grant will
Projects should build on innovative research outcomes and be based £50,000
on well-founded business ideas. The foundation will provide between
£25,000 to £50,000 to develop a good idea, explore market
opportunities, develop a business plan and identify a potential team
to commercialise the idea.
Esme Fairbairn Foundation
Food strand
Not specified
Not specified
ESRC Pilot Urgency Grants
EU Joint Programme –
Neurodegenerative Disease
Research (JPND)
European Association for the
Study of Gambling
Young researchers grants
European Cultural Foundation This strand aims to promote an understanding of the role of food in
enhancing quality of life. The strand supports work that influences
policy and practice across a range of food-related areas. It will
prioritise the enjoyment and experience of food rather than its
production and we seek to enable as many people in the UK as Urgency Grants Mechanism is a pilot launched by ESRC, on
guidance/fundingbehalf of RCUK, to enable us to respond to urgent or unforeseen
opportunities/27006/urgency-grantsevents (for example the August 2011 UK riots), where there is a
strong case for immediate research.
Not Specified
Not specified
Up to £200,000 (100 FEC) Not specified
Not specified transnational call, co-funded by the ESRC, aims to establish a
guidance/funding-opportunities/24421/latest- limited number of ambitious, innovative, multi-national and multiopportunity-8.aspx
disciplinary collaborative research projects that will add value to
existing research by assessing and comparing pathways to care,
through evaluating access to, the quality and the cost effectiveness of
care provision and support for patients with neurodegenerative
Euro5,000 Funding enables institutions and individuals worldwide to conduct
research in the following areas: social and economic costs and
benefits of gambling; prevalence studies on the population; new play
features; role of banking industry in offshore gambling; communitybased research, particularly with younger populations; means of
promoting community involvement. Grants are worth up to
Not specified
Balkan incentive fund for culture Funding supports collaborative artistic and cultural projects delivered € 30,000
by organisations within, and cooperating with, the Western Balkan
region. The average grant is worth €15,000 and the maximum is
worth €30,000. Funding covers up to 80 per cent of eligible costs
over 18 months.
Not Specified
European Molecular Biology
Science and society lectures
European Science Foundation
Evolution of social cognition:
comparisons and integration
across a wide range of human
and non human animal species
expert workshops
European Science Foundation
Not specified
€ 2,000
Not Specified
€ 164,000.00
Not Specified
Evolution of social cognition:
comparisons and integration
across a wide range of human
and non human animal species
lab visits
Not specified These enable pre and postdoctoral students to undertake intensive
om_content&view=article&id=57&Itemid=54 research training over the course of a one week lab visit. CompCog
supports 10 lab visits, covering the costs for six students participating
in each visit.
Not Specified
European Science Foundation
European child cohort network
short visit and exchange grants
Not Specified
Ford Foundation
Community development grants
These enable pre- and postdoctoral researchers to apply to stay in a € 10,100
country outside their own. Short visit grants provide a per diem of €85
over a maximum of 15 days, while exchange grants provide a per
diem of €57 over 15 days to six months. Travel expenses worth up to
€500 are reimbursed for both awards At least one partner in the
Grants support innovative thinkers, leaders and organisations that are Not specified
working to reduce poverty and injustice and to promote democratic
values, free expression and human achievement.
Forum Transregionale Studien
Postdoctoral fellowships
Not Specified
Foundation for the Sociology of
Health and Illness
Research initiation grants
15-Jan-14 These are intended primarily for scholars of art history, history,
literature, museology, philology, political philosophy, political science,
religion and sociology who want to carry out their research projects in
£10,000 These provide pump-priming funds for the development of highquality, innovative and multi-disciplinary research in the field of
medical sociology or the sociology of health and illness. Grants are
worth up to £10,000 each.
Freiburg Institute for Advanced
Individual fellowships
Not Specified
Help the Hospices
Wolfson UK bursaries
These offer workshop organisers the opportunity to include a nonscientific talk from scientists, sociologists, ethicists, journalists and
science communicators. The lecturer must hold a presentation on
science and society issues. Maximum funding is worth €1,000 for
European speakers and €2,000 for overseas speakers. Two types of action are available: up to six regular workshops may
om_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=30 request a maximum of Euro10,000 each to bring together 12 to 15
experts over three to four days; up to 13 discussion meetings may
request a maximum of Euro8,000 each to enable 12 experts to meet
for two day to discuss a specific topic.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
These support research projects in the humanities, social sciences,
natural sciences, engineering and medicine. Each fellow will receive
a living allowance, mobility allowance and a research cost
contribution, worth up to a maximum of Euro 12,500.
The purpose is to improve the quality of care given to patients in
need of palliative care, and to their families and carers. Individuals
may apply for up to £3,000 over three years. The maximum a hospice
can receive is £7,500.
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Page 11 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Higher Education Funding Council Catalyst fund
for England
Funding Available
Not specified This will help deliver strategic aims for higher education across
research, teaching and knowledge exchange in the new fees and
funding system. HEFCE will commit up to £45 million in annual
Not specified
http://www.inspireGrants are available to support projects designed to help and improve the quality of life of the spinal cord injured. Funding is limited
and will cover only essential costs.
Not specified
Not specified The foundation encourages submission of innovative research
proposals in the area of accounting and finance by both academics
and practitioners. Payment to research assistants, purchase or rental
These enable individuals from all over the world to attend and present 21-Feb-14 at the international symposium on forecasting. Grants do not
typically cover all expenses.
Not specified
Inspire Foundation
Medical research grants
Institute of Management
Research grant programme
International Institute of
Travel grants
International Network for the
Availability of Scientific
Evidence-informed policy making These grants support activities with policy makers or influencers.
small grants for research
Grants are worth up to US$10,000 for larger projects.
Jerwood Charitable Foundation
Small grants
Leverhulme Trust
International networks
Leverhulme Trust
Research project grants
Leverhulme Trust
Artists in residence
Medical Research Council
Environmental exposure and
chronic disease highlight notice
Medical Research Council
Multiple testing and subgroup
analyses - deriving minimally
biased estimates
Medical Research Council
Methods research to support the
use of observational data in
clinical decision making These support one-off projects to explore new relationships, take
risks, support research and development and influence sector
developments and policy making. Grants are usually worth up to These enable a principal investigator based in the UK to lead a
research project where its successful completion depends on the
participation of relevant overseas institutions. The network award is
normally worth up to £125,000 for a maximum of three years, though These support innovative and original research projects where the
choice of research theme and design lies entirely with the applicant.
Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of
£500,000. The great majority of these grants are awarded for sums of
up to £250,000 over a duration of two to three years. The programme supports the residency of an artist of any kind or
nationality in a UK institution to foster a creative collaboration
between the artist and the institution's staff or students. The
maximum total cost can be up to £15,000 overall for a typical
residency of 10 months.
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
This supports research that will offer a better understanding of the
associations between environmental exposures and health effects to
inform risk assessment by policymakers and individuals, and facilitate
the development of strategies for the prevention of diseases.
Proposals are welcomed across the range of areas specified,
23-Jan-14 This supports methods development research aimed at better
understanding the effect of bias in randomised controlled trials,
particularly in multiple testing and subgroup analysis.
Not specified
Not Specified
This supports the development of innovative methods for identifying,
synthesising, interpreting and presenting observational data for use in
guidance development and clinical decision making.
Partnership awards
The awards offer both financial and advisory support for existing
MRC fellows. These aim to stimulate collaborative, mutually
beneficial research and partnership between industry and academia
and to enhance MRC fellows' development as research leaders.
Environmental exposure and This is for research that will offer a better understanding between
chronic disease highlight notice
environmental exposures and health effects, The relationship
between humans and the environment in areas such as air and water
pollution, changing patterns of infectious disease, allocation of natural
resources, housing, food security, obesity and traffic all require crossdisciplinary solutions, to inform risk assessment by policymakers and
individuals, and facilitate the development of strategies for the
Alexander Fleming dissemination Funding is available to support the dissemination of MRC- and
Medical Research Foundation-funded research results beyond the
scientific peer-reviewed press, to patients, participants, practitioners
and policy-makers. Awards are worth up to £30,000.
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Medical Research Council
Industry collaboration awards
Not specified
Not specified
Ménière’s Society
Research grants
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Medical Research Council
Medical Research Council
Medical Research Council
National Geographic Society
National Institute for Health
Research (NIHR)
New Zealand Government
This funds collaborations between academia and industry which aim
to translate research into healthcare improvements. MRC welcomes
both basic and applied research projects. These are for research into the cause and cure of Ménière’s disease.
Grants can support research, travel, training and purchase of
Expeditions Council grants Funding is available for exploration of little-known areas of the world,
as well as regions undergoing significant environmental or cultural
change. Grants generally range from US$5,000 to US$35,000.
Antimicrobial Resistance Themed This call is intended to cover all aspects of translational, clinical and
public health research that could through new developments or
changes in practice, contribute to a reduction in the development and
spread in humans of organisms with antimicrobial resistance, and
Visiting research fellowships Typically from 3 to 12 weeks, but may take the form of a sabbatical of
six months or more. In some cases, the Fellow works on their own
project - but one which is of interest to the Treasury - and interacts
with staff during his or her stay. In other cases, the Fellow works
directly on a specific Treasury project with Treasury staff. Typically,
the salary costs of the Research Fellow are met by their home
institution, while Treasury contributes some funding towards travel,
living or research costs.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Page 12 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
NIH: National Institute of Mental
Rapid assessment post-impact of (R03)
Funding Available
This R03 funding opportunity announcement provides a rapid funding $100000
mechanism for research in the aftermath of disasters and mass
casualty events. Budgets for direct costs of up to US$50,000 per year
and a project duration of up to two years may be requested.
Not specified
NIH: National Institute of Mental
Rapid assessment post-impact of (R21)
This R21 funding opportunity announcement provides a rapid funding $275000
mechanism for research in the aftermath of disasters and mass
casualty events. Direct costs are limited to US$275,000 over an R21
two-year period.
Not specified
Nippon Foundation
Grants for non-profits
http://www.nipponThese grants are aimed at regional or international non-profit organisations, including educational and research institutions, on a
worldwide basis. Funding areas are: 1. Improvement of Basic
Human Needs 2.Human Resources Development 3. Promotion of
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Advanced networking workshops The following types of activity are funded: training networks, policy
workshops, and expert meetings. Workshops are normally of two to
five days' duration, involving between 20 and 50 participants.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Advanced training course
Not specified
Not Specified
€ 23,000
Not Specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified This scheme supports projects that embody joint initiatives of think
tanks in at least two EU member states combining comparative
research, advocacy and communication efforts to tackle various
forms of intolerance. Funding is worth up to US$75,000 per project
Not specified These support efforts to reform legal frameworks and policies to
make the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities a
reality. Funding is granted to support efforts to highlight or advocate
for effective service delivery programmes, or to make changes in the
legal framework that would facilitate service delivery. These support civil society groups that are working to promote the full Not specified
implementation of right to information laws. Funding supports efforts
in the areas of centres of expertise; proactive disclosure; issue-driven
campaigns; and documenting, research and networking.
Not specified These support projects that are consistent with the foundations
education purposes in the built environment.
Not specified
Not specified
Education and learning open
grants scheme
Private Physiotherapy Educational Research awards for novice
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Private Physiotherapy Educational Research Awards
These grants are for full projects, pilot projects or pump-prime
projects on any topic relevant to physiotherapy. Awards are worth up
to £30,000. These are for practising professionals whose projects focus on
center/residency-program/practitionerimproving the wellbeing of humankind, or connect with the
foundation's issue areas of advance health, revalue ecosystems, These enable designers, economists, technologists, artists and social
innovators to collaborate on a project around critical topics relevant to
center/residency-program/bellagio-poptechthe lives of poor and vulnerable populations. Five to six fellows will
be selected, each of them receiving travel, lodging and facilitated
support onsite at the Bellagio Center between 18 and 29 August These are for working professionals whose projects focus on
center/residency-program/practitionerimproving the well-being of humankind, or relate to global health;
climate and environment; urbanisation; social and economic security;
or health, water and housing. Residencies typically last four weeks
although shorter stays may also be requested.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified These are designed to enable specialists in NATO countries to share
their expertise with trainees from partner and Mediterranean dialogue
countries. Funding for each training course is, on average, worth
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Collaborative linkage grant These provide opportunities for collaboration on research projects to
members of research teams in universities or research institutions in
countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the
Mediterranean dialogue. Amounts awarded are worth a maximum of
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Programme for security through These aim to contribute to the critical assessment of existing
science: advanced research
knowledge on important topics in security-related civil science, and to
build networks between scientists from NATO and its partner
countries to find solutions for today’s security challenges. Funding is
worth an average of €30,000 per meeting.
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Programme for security through These are high-level teaching activities in which a carefully defined
science: advanced study institutes vities/grant_mechanisms/asi-nfa.htm
subject in security-related civil science is treated in depth by lecturers
of international standing, and new advances in a subject are reported
in tutorial form. The award covers direct organisational, travel and
living expenses for up to 15 lecturers, and subsidises attending
students. Funding is worth an average of €60,000 per meeting.
Oak Foundation
The Foundation aims to address issues of global social and
environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact
on the lives of the disadvantaged. The foundation does not support
funding requests for under US$25,000.
Open Society Foundations
Working together for tolerance in
Europe projects
Open Society Foundations
Disability rights initiative grants
Open Society Foundations
Right to information fund grants
Ove Arup Foundation
Project grants
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
This funds projects in the following fields: supplementary education;
developing speaking and listening skills for 11- to 19-year-olds;
These grants are for full projects, pilot projects or pump-prime
projects for novice researchers on any topic relevant to
physiotherapy. Awards are worth up to £15,000.
Not specified
Not specified
Rockefeller Foundation
Practitioner residencies
Rockefeller Foundation
Bellagio Center/PopTech
Rockefeller Foundation
Practitioner residencies
Rockefeller Foundation
Foundation grants These support projects that clearly fit within the foundations goal of
creating meaningful and measurable impact for poor and vulnerable
communities through smart globalisation.
Not specified
Not specified
Sir Halley Stewart Trust
Medical research
Not specified
Sir Halley Stewart Trust
Social and educational research
Not Specified Projects should be simple, not molecular, and capable of clinical
application within five to 10 years, which may include a social or
ethical element. Grants are normally given in the form of a salary and
Not Specified Applications are welcomed for research, feasibility, pilot studies or
development projects that are likely to improve the conditions of a
particular group of people, as well as having wider implications.
Small grants are also available.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Not specified
Page 13 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Society for Education, Music and
Psychology Research (Sempre)
Arnold Bentley new initiatives fund
South African Institute of
International Affairs
Scholarly exchange programme
Spencer Foundation
Initiative on philosophy in This supports research projects in philosophy as it relates to
educational policy and practice y-in-educational-policy--practice-rfp
educational policy and practice. Awards are worth up to US$40,000
Spencer Foundation
Initiative on philosophy in
educational policy and practice
Spencer Foundation
Major Research Grants
Spencer Foundation
Major strategic grants
Funding Available
This supports new, interdisciplinary initiatives concerned with the
advancement or promotion of research in the psychology of music or
music education. Examples may include support towards a project,
conference, seminar, workshop, exhibition or publication that is
This initiative will host regional and global scholars whose research Not specified
agendas are aligned with those of the Great Powers and South
African Foreign Policy and African Drivers programmes. Exchanges
last for up to two months.
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified This provides funding for research projects in philosophy as it relates $40,000
to educational policy and practice, including issues that directly relate
to K-12 schools or higher education institutions, but also concerning The program supports high quality investigation of education through Not specified
its research programs. The foundation supports work that shows
promise of contributing new knowledge or understanding that may
contribute to improvement of educational thought or practice. The
specific areas of interest are:
•the relation between education and social opportunity;
•organizational learning in schools, school systems, and higher
education institutions; The program supports short-term research projects that require more Not specified
than $40,000 to complete. The foundation supports work that shows
promise of contributing new knowledge or understanding that may
contribute to improvement of educational thought or practice.
Not specified
Suomen Pankki - Bank of Finland Visiting scholar grants These aim to enhance the bank's research excellence in the key area Not specified
of interaction and stability of macro economics and financial markets.
The duration of visits generally varies from a few months to one year.
Not specified
Technology Strategy Board
India-UK collaborative industrial
research and development
Not Specified
Technology Strategy Board
Knowledge transfer partnerships
Technology Strategy Board
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
The Broad Foundations
Differences in IBD incidence
between developing and
developed countries grants These support innovative research into the possible reasons for low Not specified
and high incidence of IBD in different areas of the globe. Funding can
be requested for up to two years, but grants are generally funded only
one year at a time.
Not specified
The Leverhulme Trust
International networks Collaborations enable a principal investigator based in the UK to lead £125,000
a research project where its successful completion depends on the
participation of relevant overseas institutions. A significant research
theme must be identified at the outset that requires for its successful
Not Specified funding for a series of strategic investments designed to broaden
practice and sustain innovation. These investments are being driven
by the community through competitive bidding which prioritises
impact and sustained capacity under the following mechanisms: calls
for demonstrators and sustainability; partnerships fund; visitors fund;
training and events fund; task forces; agenda-setting workshops;
deep-think workshops; sustainability training.
Not specified
the National Strategic Directorate Digital Social Research
for e-Social Science (NSDeSS)
and the ESRC
Tropical Health and Education Strategic start-up grants
University of Edinburgh
Nominated fellowships
VolkswagenStiftung - Volkswagen Summer schools
This supports business-led collaborative R&D projects between
Indian and UK companies, working with academic organisations
where appropriate. Proposals are sought in the areas of Cleantech
with a focus on energy systems & Affordable healthcare. The Indian
Not Specified
These facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology and skills
between a company and an academic institution. Each partnership
employs one or more recently qualified associate to work in a
company on a project of strategic importance to the business, while
also being supervised by the knowledge base partner. Average
annual project costs are around £60,000 and projects vary in length
between 12 and 36 months.
Please contact if you are interested in
Bristol has been invited to apply for more KTPs. 1-3 year projects that £75,000 per year
meet a strategic business need and recruit a postgrad/postdoc to
work at the company. May follow a PhD or be at Masters level.
Grants provide 67% (SMEs) or 50% (large companies) of costs.
Please contact or if you would like to discuss the
possibilities of this call further.
These grants aim to facilitate the development of new health partnerships, including the completion of needs assessments and the
development of project plans, with the goal to strengthen the capacity
of overseas countries’ health services. Grants ranging between
£3,000 and £7,000 are available for up to nine months duration. This scheme encourages schools within the college of humanities
and social sciences to nominate scholars from other universities
whose research will contribute directly to the research plans of the
sponsoring unit and the current research themes of the institute.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Funding is available for events where new knowledge important for
the further development of a particular research area will be taught to
selected young academics, doctoral candidates and post doctoral
researchers, from Germany and abroad. The number of participants
should not exceed 60 persons.
Not specified
Page 14 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Wellcome Trust
University awards in society and
Funding Available
Comments These allow universities to attract or retain outstanding research staff 20-Jun-14
at an early to mid-stage in their careers by providing support for up to
society/funding-schemes/Universityfive years, after which time the applicant takes up a guaranteed
permanent post in the university. Up to five years' support is
available, providing a full salary for three years, 50 per cent in the
fourth year and 25 per cent in the fifth year. The trust provides travel
costs to attend meetings for five years and other research expenses
for the first three years of the award. Public engagement costs may
also be included.
Wellcome Trust
Small grants
Not specified
Wellcome Trust
Society and ethics small grants
Not specified
Wellcome Trust
Strategic awards in biomedical
science This scheme supports small-scale research projects, scoping
history-and-humanities/Fundingexercises or meetings in the medical humanities, including projects in
research resources. The normal maximum that can be applied for is
£5,000. These support small-scale research projects, scoping exercises or
and-society/funding-schemes/Smallmeetings whose subject matter falls within the remit of the ethics and
society programme. The normal maximum that can be applied for is
£5,000. These provide flexible forms of support to excellent research groups
cal-science/Funding-schemes/Strategicwith outstanding track records in their field. Awards are funded in
partnership with the host institution. Awards are normally for five
years and can provide funds for: equipment, support staff,
consumables, networking, biological, clinical or epidemiological
research resources.
Limited capital building or refurbishment essential to the programme
can also be requested. This scheme supports small-scale research projects, scoping
history-and-humanities/Fundingexercises or meetings in the medical humanities, including projects in
research resources. The normal maximum that can be applied for is
£5000. This scheme supports experienced researchers who wish to carry out
history-and-humanities/Fundinga modest programme of study on a specific topic in the medical
humanities within the UK and Republic of Ireland. Awards may also
provide assistance with research expenses for self-funded
postgraduate students registered for a doctorate on a history of
medicine topic.
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not yet known
Not yet known
Wellcome Trust
Small grants
Wellcome Trust
Research expenses
Economic and Social Research
Research grants
These support individuals or teams at eligible institutions to conduct
research projects, large-scale surveys and other infrastructure or
methodological developments in any area within the councils remit.
Grants range from £200,000 to £2 million and cover 100 per cent full
economic cost.
Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research fellowship
Proposals should be consistent with the institute's objective of
promoting research of strategic importance to Hong Kong and the
regional economies. The fellowship offers an internationally
competitive remuneration package, including travel and
accommodation allowance. Visits usually last for one month.
Open Society Foundations
Freedom of communication in the This aims to advance policies that protect free expression, privacy
digital environment initiative
s/freedom-communication-digitaland due process in the new communications environment.
Open Society Foundations
Intellectual property reform This aims to bring global intellectual property rules back into balance
by concentrating on reforming the World Intellectual Property
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Humboldt research awards to
http://www.humboldtThese enable foreign scientists and scholars from all disciplines and
Alexander von Humboldt
outstanding scholars residing countries, with internationally recognised academic qualifications, to
outside Germany
conduct an original research project in close collaboration with an
appropriate colleague in Germany. The maximum award is
Economic and Social Research
Centres and Large Grants
Highlight notice: (ESRC)
guidance/funding-opportunities/3672/centres- This call will open in mid-April. As in previous years we expect that, in
addition to the open route, the competition will feature steers in areas
of strategic priority, as identified by the ESRC Council. These steers
will be announced when the competition opens.
The upper threshold for any single award is £10 million (100 per cent
fEC). It is currently anticipated that the budget for the next round will
be £22 million. The ESRC Council expects to make around four
Please note that a major bids process will be in place - further
information to follow.
Faculty of Social Sciences And
FSSL Academic Staff Travel
Scheme, FSSL Strategic
Research Initiatives Scheme
Department for Business,
Innovation & Skills
Newton Fund: building science
and innovation capacity in
developing countries
Department of Health
including NIHR
Highlight notice: Long term
conditions in children
REACT (Research and Enterprise Objects Sandbox
in Arts and Creative Technology)
Various amounts This scheme helps FSSL academics develop the new ideas that
contribute to future research successes. It provides seed funding a
wide range of initiatives that address Faculty and University research
priorities, including pilot research projects, conferences, workshops
and stakeholder events.
The Research Support Schemes are managed by Professor Judith
Squires (Dean of Social Sciences and Law) and Professor Wendy
Larner (Faculty Research Director). Applications and queries should
go to the Senior Executive Assistant, Catriona Maclean-Eltham, in the
Faculty Office in the first instance: tel: 87797 (internal), email:
Funding available to develop science and innovation partnerships that
promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries.
The countries include: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India,
Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa and
wider Africa Thailand Turkey Vietnam For more information please
In February 2014 the NIHR will issue a call for evaluative research for Not specified
long-term conditions in children and young people. The research will
aim to provide the evidence base to improve the health outcomes for
children and young people that result from long-term conditions. The
call is in support of the 2012 annual report of the Chief Medical
Officer entitled “Our Children Deserve Better: Prevention Pays”.
On 5 February 2014, the NIHR will be holding a workshop in central
London. The purpose of this workshop is to inform the research
community about research funding opportunities presented by the
themed call.
Not specified This Sandbox seeks to bring the skills of artists, makers and
researchers to explore the look, feel and potential of an area of work
often referred to as the 'Internet of Things'. The call will be relevant to
Arts and Humanities research fields concerned with material culture,
objects, their histories and contexts. Creative humanities, art and
design will also have much to offer in helping us to understand what
kind of communicative objects might be useful, exciting or inspiring.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
Not Specified
Open deadline
This theme will be in
development developed
Jan - March 2014, with
production running April
through June 2014.
Page 15 of 16
Funding Opportunities for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants
Funding Available
ERC Starting Grants are intended to enable exceptional researchers €1.5m
between 2 and 7 years from PhD completion to become fully
independent research leaders. They are particularly intended to
enable the researcher to create or strengthen their own independent
research team.The ERC deadline for applications is 3rd February
2015. There is an internal review bids process is in place for this
funding please contact Helen Jordan,, or Tom Bowker, for more information.
Tuesday 4th November
2014 at 12pm.
Horizon 2020
Various Horizon 2020 is a funding programme designed for all people
involved in research and innovation - academia, research, industry
and other stakeholder organisations. It contains a number of different
funding programmes and mechanisms, and is based on a structure of
three pillars: Excellent Science; Industrial Leadership & Societal
Within these pillars there are opportunities for individual researchers
and groups of researchers to apply for funding. The choice of pillar
and underlying programme depends on what a researcher is looking
for funding for in terms of the size of the planned project, whether it is
basic or applied or whether someone is interested in moving to
Bristol from another country.
The RED website has a wealth of information available on Horizon
2020 as well as details of who to contact.
UInstitute for Advanced Studies
c/o University of Bristol
Fellowships (various schemes)
University Research Fellowships (URFs), University Senior Research Various
Fellowships (SRFs), IAS Research Fellowships (IASRF), and
ranslational Neuroscience Research Fellowships (TNRFs).
See website for specific fellowship details.
Department for Business,
Innovation & Skills
Newton Fund: building science Highlight notice:
Not Specified
/newton-fund-building-science-andand innovation capacity in
Information on forthcoming £375 million Newton Fund and the
innovation-capacity-in-developing-countries partner countries under the fund. It also sets out 3 broad categories of
developing countries
activity: people: improving science and innovation expertise (known
as ‘capacity building’), student and researcher fellowships, mobility
schemes and joint centres; programmes: research collaborations on
development topics; translation: innovation partnerships and
challenge funds to develop innovative solutions on development
Grants These aim to support academic institutions with education, research Not Specified
and training in the commercial sector. The main focus is on trade and
business activities such as marketing, international trade, accounting,
commercial law and business language.
Elof Hanssons Stiftelse
ESRC/ University of Bristol
Transformative Social Science
Seedcorn Scheme The ESRC has awarded prize funds to the University of Bristol in order to
Not specified
foster and encourage transformative research across the social sciences.
Transformative research is defined as research at the frontiers of the social
sciences, which challenges current thinking. These awards are to enable
preliminary or developmental projects which have significant
transformative potential, and which lead to the development of a funding
bid to an appropriate external funder.
University of Bristol
Transformative Social Science Two new calls have now been made live under the University of
Not Specified
portunities/transformativesocialscience.html Bristol's Transformative Social Science scheme. They are:
Networking Awards
together university researchers with stakeholders, policy makers,
Sandpit Awards
practitioners etc from outside academia to share information and
develop new collaborations.
Sandpit Awards - funding to bring together a group of academic staff
to develop research projects on a chosen theme. Seedcorn funds can
be made available for projects resulting from the sandpit events.
Both of these calls are to be run on an open basis, without deadlines.
However the total funding available is limited.
Collated by the Research Development team, RED
Please address queries to Emily Thomas,
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