STAC67H: Regression Analysis Fall, 2014 Instructor: Jabed Tomal Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Toronto Scarborough Toronto, ON Canada October 9, 2014 Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 1 / 32 Regression through Origin: 1 Sometimes the regression function is known to be linear and to go through the origin at (0, 0). 2 Example 1: X is units of output and Y is variable cost, so Y is zero by definition when X is zero. 3 Example 2: X is the number of brands of beer stocked in a supermarket and Y is the volume of beer sales in the supermarket. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 2 / 32 Regression through Origin: Model The normal error model for these cases is the same as regression model Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + i except that β0 = 0: Yi = β1 Xi + i where: 1 β1 is a parameter 2 Xi are known constants 3 i are independent N(0, σ 2 ). Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 3 / 32 Regression through Origin: The regression function is E(Yi ) = β1 Xi which is a straight line through the origin, with slope β1 . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 4 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences The least squares estimator of β1 is obtained by minimizing: Q= n X (Yi − β1 Xi )2 i=1 with respect to β1 . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 5 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences The resulting normal equation is: n X Xi (Yi − β1 Xi ) = 0 i=1 leading to the point estimator: P Xi Yi b1 = P 2 Xi Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 6 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences The maximum likelihood estimator is: P Xi Yi βˆ1 = P 2 Xi Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 7 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences ˆi for the ith case is: The fitted value Y ˆi = b1 Xi Y Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 8 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences The ith residual is defined as the difference between the observed and fitted values: ˆi = Yi − b1 Xi ei = Yi − Y Is Pn i=1 ei zero? Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 9 / 32 Regression through Origin: Inferences An unbiased estimator of the error variance σ 2 is: P 2 P ˆi )2 ei (Yi − Y SSE = = s = MSE = n−1 n−1 n−1 2 The reason for the denominator n − 1 is that only one degrees of freedom is lost in estimating the single parameter in the regression function. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 10 / 32 Regression through Origin: Table: Confidence Limits for Regression through Origin. Estimate of β1 Estimated Variance MSE s2 {b1 } = P X2 Confidence Limits b1 ± ts{b1 } i Xh2 MSE P 2 Xi E{Yh } ˆh } = s 2 {Y Yh(new) s2 {pred} = MSE 1 + ˆh ± ts{Y ˆh } Y X2 Ph 2 Xi ˆh(new) ± ts{pred} Y Here, t = t(1 − α/2; n − 1) Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 11 / 32 Cautions for Using Regression through Origin: P Here, ei 6= 0. Thus, in a residual plot the residuals will usually not be balanced around the zero line. P Here, SSE = ei2 may exceed the total sum of squares P ¯ )2 . This can occur when the data form a curvilinear (Yi − Y pattern or a linear pattern with an intercept away from the origin. The coefficient of determination R 2 has no clear meaning and may turn out to be negative. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 12 / 32 Cautions for Using Regression through Origin: Evaluate the aptness of your regression model; the regression function may not be linear or the variance of the error terms may not be constant. It is generally a safe practice not to use regression-through-the-origin model (Yi = β1 Xi + i ) and instead use the intercept regression model (Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + i ). Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 13 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in Y Measurement errors could be present in the response variable Y . Consider a study of the relation between the time required to complete a task (Y ) and the complexity of the task (X ). The time to complete the task may not be measured accurately due to inaccurate operation of the stopwatch. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 14 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in Y If the random measurement errors on Y are uncorrelated and unbiased, no new problems are created. Such random, uncorrelated and unbiased measurement errors on Y are simply absorbed in the model error term . The model error term always reflects the composite effects of a large number of factors not considered in the model, one of which now would be the random variation due to inaccuracy in the process of measuring Y . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 15 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X Measurement errors may be present in the predictor variable X , for instance, when the predictor variable is presure in a tank, temperature in an oven, speed of a production line, or reported age of a person. Interested in the relation between employees’ piecework earnings and their ages. Let Xi be the true age and Xi∗ be the reported age of the ith employee. Hence, the measurement error is: δi = Xi∗ − Xi Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 16 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X The regression model under study is Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + i We replace Xi by the observed Xi∗ Yi = β0 + β1 (Xi∗ − δi ) + i We rewrite the regression model as: Yi = β0 + β1 Xi∗ + (i − β1 δi ) One can consider this model as a simple linear regression model with predictor Xi∗ and error (i − β1 δi ). But, here, Xi∗ and (i − β1 δi ) are not independent. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 17 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X Let us assume that Xi∗ is an unbiased estimator of Xi E(δi ) = E(Xi∗ ) − E(Xi ) = 0 As usual, we assume that the error terms i have expectation 0 E(i ) = 0 Let the measurement error δi and the model error i are uncorrelated σ{δi , i } = E{δi , i } − E{δi }E{i } = E{δi , i } = 0 Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 18 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X σ{Xi∗ , i − β1 δi } = = = = = ∗ E Xi∗ − E(X 1 δi ) − E{i − β1 δi }] i ) [(i − β E Xi∗ − Xi (i − β1 δi ) E {δ i (i − β1 δi)} E δi i − β1 δi2 −β1 σ 2 {δi } This covariance is not zero whenever there is a linear regression relation between X and Y . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 19 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X If we assume that the response Y and the predictor X ∗ follow a bivariate normal distribution, then the conditional distribution Yi |Xi∗ , i = 1, · · · , n, are independent normal with mean E{Yi |Xi∗ } = β0∗ + β1∗ Xi∗ and variance σY2 |X . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 20 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X It can be shown that h i β1∗ = β1 σX2 /(σX2 + σY2 ) where σX2 is the variance of X and σY2 is the variance of Y . Hence, the least squares slope estimate from fitting Y and X ∗ is not an estimate of β1 , but is an estimate of β1∗ ≤ β1 . If σY2 is small relative to σX2 , then the bias would be small; otherwise the bias may be substantial. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 21 / 32 Effects of Measurement Errors: Measurement Errors in X One of the approaches to deal with measurement errors in X is to use additional variables that are known to be related to the true value of X but not to the errors of measurement δ. Such variables are called instrumental variables because they are used as an instrument in studying the relation between X and Y . Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 22 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: Consider, the normal error regression model Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + i ; i = 1, · · · , n We will not present any new results, but shall only state in matrix terms the results obtained earlier. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 23 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: We write the limple linear regression model in matrix terms as following Y = X n×1 β + n×2 2×1 n×1 where Y1 Y2 Y = . n×1 .. Yn Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 24 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: 1 X1 1 X2 X = . . n×2 .. .. 1 Xn β β = 0 β1 2×1 Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 25 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: 1 2 =. n×1 .. n Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 26 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: The vector of expected values of the Yi observations is E(Y) = Xβ n×1 n×1 The condition E{i } = 0 in matrix terms is: E{} = 0 n×1 Jabed Tomal (U of T) n×1 Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 27 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: The condition that the error terms have constant variance σ 2 and that all covariances σ{i , j } for i 6= j are zero is expressed in matrix terms as following 2 σ 0 0 ··· 0 0 σ2 0 · · · 0 2 Var{} = 0 0 σ · · · 0 = σ 2 I n×n .. .. .. . . . n×n . . .. . . 0 Jabed Tomal (U of T) 0 0 Regression Analysis · · · σ2 October 9, 2014 28 / 32 Simple Linear Regression Model in Matrix Terms: Thus the normal error regression model in matrix terms is Y = Xβ + where, is a vector of independent normal random variables with E{} = 0 and Var{} = σ 2 I. Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 29 / 32 Least Squares Estimation of Regression Parameters: The normal equations in matrix terms are X0 X b = X0 Y 2×2 2×1 2×1 where, b is the vector of the least squares regression coefficients: b b = 0 b1 2×1 Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 30 / 32 Least Squares Estimation of Regression Parameters: Estimated Regression Coefficients The estimated regression coefficients are b = X0 X 2×1 Jabed Tomal (U of T) −1 2×2 Regression Analysis X0 Y 2×1 October 9, 2014 31 / 32 Least Squares Estimation of Regression Parameters: Exercise 5.6 Refer to Airfreight breakage Problem 1.21. Using matrix methods, find (1) Y0 Y, (2) X0 X, (3) X0 Y, and (4) b. 1 Y0 Y = 2194 2 10 10 XX= 10 20 0 3 142 XY= 182 0 4 10.2 b= 4.0 Jabed Tomal (U of T) Regression Analysis October 9, 2014 32 / 32
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