NEWSLETTER 15 9 October 2014 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE - Mr Craig Holmes If the love of God really reigns in your heart, it will quickly show itself in the exterior.’ Catherine McAuley At Sacred Heart College we provide many opportunities for our students and community to participate in Mass. Our next opportunity will be the Year 12 Graduation Mass, followed in December by our final school, end of year Mass. I invite our community to participate in these celebrations as a means to personally and communally respond to the call to active participation and prayer. The College is abuzz with the preparation for our Twilight Open Evening. Staff and students have been busy preparing the great range of activities that will be on show this evening, including College Tours, the Year 9 Trade Fair, the Year 8 Portfolio Learning Night, Unit 4 Arts exhibition, and informative and vibrant displays by all our key Learning Areas. This event will be held on Thursday 16 October from 4.30 to 7.30pm. We openly invite all members of the community to be part of this event, which has been advertised in local newspapers. Our College re-union takes place on Saturday 18 October in the form of a ‘Back to Weekend – Gala Dinner’. We encourage all past students to purchase a ticket and come along – refer to College Website. This week Mr Edwards and I will speak to our senior students in Year 11 encouraging them to nominate for College Leadership positions for 2015. The College Captains in particular, must be visible leaders within the College community and must lead by example. They must endeavour to be available to others and to be willing to give of their time. They must have a pride in their College and live our Mercy values, endeavouring to develop these in all our students. Next week is the final week for formal classes for our Year 12 students. Their focus will be on their upcoming examinations and future pathways. We will be celebrating this important milestone in their education with a Graduation Breakfast and the Graduation Mass. Once again we wish all our senior students every success for these coming weeks. I recommend that we all look at a resource “Staying Sane in VCE” which is linked to the SHC homepage. We need to recognise the incredible effort Stephanie Limm, a 2013 Year 12 student at the College made, and her generosity in putting her experience toward something others can benefit from. Stephanie has been published in a Government publication: INSPIRING STORIES By young Victorians. Please see links below: news/documents/2013/ SG_Staying_Sane_In_VCE.pdf government-info-assistance/youthprograms/inspiring-stories-by-youngvictorians CALENDAR DATES Thur 9/10 - SSV - LMR Athletics Bendigo U2 Chemistry SAC ’Study of the Atmosphere’ at Ecolinc U4 Drama Performance 6.30pm Mon 13/10 Wed 15/10 - SSV - Goldfields Cricket Intermediate boys Round 1 Year 12 ‘Looking after your mates’ program P2 GVBR Training Woodend Finish 3.40 6.00pm SSV - Goldfields Cricket Intermediate boys Round 2 Year 7 2015 Testing Program catch-up 3.40 - 6.20pm Thur 16/10 - COLLEGE TWILIGHT OPEN EVENING including the Year 9 Trade Fair Fri 17/10 SSV—Goldfields Super 8s Cricket 7/8 boys and girls U4 Media Screenings 7.00pm - Sat 18/10 Sun 19/10 - 125th ‘BACK TO’ REUNION DINNER 7.00 PM - 125th Celebrations - College Tours 10.30am to 3.00pm 2 Mon 20/10 - College Captain and Student Leader Interview week - U2 O&ES Mt Biking Tues 21/10 - Year 12 Awards Assembly P5 - SSV - State Athletics Wed 22/10 - Thur 23/10 - Immunisations Year 7 Girls/Boys & Year 9 Boys - U4 Exam Preparation & VCAL Completion of Modules - MEL Seeds of Justice Student Conference Templestowe - returning Friday 24 October - Year 10 Environmental Geography Fieldtrip Anglesea - returning Friday 24 October - U4 Hospitality Melbourne Market & Langham Tour - Year 12 2015 Careers Library Visits Fri 24/10 - LMR 7/8 Intermediate boys and girls Basketball Bendigo Year 12 Breakfast 7.30am to 9.00am Year 12 Graduation Mass 7.30pm GVBR Training DEPUTY PRINCIPAL - STUDENT WELLBEING - Mr Tim Edwards Welcome back Welcome back to the final term of the year. Again, we look forward to a term filled with excellent opportunities for our students to thrive. We look forward to the upcoming Trade Fair Evening, MAD Folios, Year 8 Camp and the excitement that goes with the completion of many years of hard work for our Year 12 students. I am sure that these, along with many other planned activities and programs this term, will be a great success. Term 4 Learning Walk Our Term 4 Learning Walk will take place at the College on Friday 7 November from 9:00am to 10:30am. ‘Learning Walks’ are designed to allow parents to learn more about what is happening in a day to day class at our College. In this session, parents will have the opportunity to gain a firsthand understanding of how the College works and how the students are learning. After the visits the group will be asked to reflect on this session and share their observations with other participants. As a vibrant College community, we continue to develop and foster active partnerships with our families as we work with you to support the growth and learning of our young people. This is a wonderful chance for families to come into the classrooms and experience learning in the world of our students today. Interested in attending? Please RSVP to Ms Debbie Meldrum ( or 5421 1267) at Sacred Heart College by Friday 31 October. Uniform – change of term Please note that the College Blazer is optional before the Labour Day long weekend (March 10) and after Kyneton Cup Day (November 5). The College Blazer is compulsory for every school day between these dates. Students are permitted to wear their College Jumper as the outer garment in times where the blazer is optional. MUSIC NOTES - Mr Terry Carrick Welcome to Term 4 - traditionally another truly busy time for our department! As this newsletter goes to print, our Year 12 Music students are undertaking their performance assessments, where a 20-minute performance accounts for 50% of their complete year's mark. I hesitate to wish them luck. - luck plays no part. They are all very well equipped to do well with these performance assessments through sheer hard work. Congratulations Year 12! Applications are now open for students applying for a 2015 SHC Music Scholarship. All current and incoming students should complete a Scholarship application form available through the Music Office in order to audition for the scholarships. Recently, Mrs Rae Henry left Sacred Heart to pursue other avenues. Her contribution to the College has been immense and she has helped many students and staff become far more confident musicians. We are indebted to her for her efforts in making the college a more musical environment! We welcome Ms Polly Christie to the College as our new voice teacher. Polly has a wealth of knowledge and experience in her field. She directs her own local community choir, the Pollyphonics. Please join us in making her feel very welcome to our vibrant musical environment. All parents are invited to attend our next FOMP (Friends Of the Music Program) meeting on Tuesday 28 October at 7pm. Please contact me for more details. SCIENCE SNIPPETS - Mrs Marika Payne At the end of last term the Year 12 Biology students were fortunate enough to have a guest speaker from Thalassaemia Australia. Jim is a thalassaemia sufferer and spoke to students about the genetics of the disease, and about his personal experience. Tyson Lopez (Year 12) shares what he learnt in the article below. Jim, a thalassaemia sufferer, came to speak to us about the hardships and trials his illness has caused him throughout his life, and how he has overcome them. He began by explaining how many people are affected around the world, which gave us an idea of the challenges that could be faced by future generations if this growing disease isn’t stopped. He then began his heartfelt story of how the disease affected him. I’m sure what he told us struck a chord with everyone in the room. He let us know what it was like to be abused at school by his fellow peers, having to wear a pump strapped to his waist just so that he could live, and lastly, his moral dilemma of his son being a carrier of the disease. Overall, Jim’s presentation was both informative, entertaining and gave us an insight into the lives of people who have to live with thalassaemia. 3 Careers Day at the Zoo Six of our students from Years 10,11 and 12 attended a Careers Day at the Zoo in August. They were Ashlea Kielty, Abbie Bennetts, Kailee Savoia, Tallulah Duffy, Hayley Stanford and Allesandra Allan. The day was designed to enable students to see what career pathways are possible in the areas of animal management and environmental engineering. The students found it very interesting and helpful as you can read in the article by Kailee Savoia (Year 11). On 8 August there was a Careers Conservation Day at the Zoo and six students from Sacred Heart College attended. It began with several guest speakers who worked in different roles within the zoo including Marissa Parrott the reproductive biologist for all three major zoos in Victoria. We then watched the seal show and learnt about the jobs of the trainers who ran the show. In the afternoon we got a tour of the zoo not open to public including the kitchens where they prepare the food for the animals. We were able to get up close to the giraffes and have a look inside their enclosures. The most interesting fact I learnt is that there are more animals behind the scenes than there is actually on display in the zoo. We all had a really great day and benefited from what we learnt about our career options in this field. Thanks Mrs Payne for letting us know about this and I recommend anyone who has even a slight interest in this to go along next year because it could really help you to get an idea of what you might like to do. MEDIA NEWS - Mr Andrew Dunne Year 11 Media: Foley Artist Gerry Long’s Visit - Tim Winkels 11E On Wednesday 20 August, our Year 11 Media class was visited by Gerry Long, whose career involves recording sound for texture in films after shooting. This production role is called Foley after the man who invented it. Upon arriving in the media class we observed him preparing two large microphones; a ‘figure eight’ microphone and a shot gun microphone. He set up a stereo on the teacher’s desk, so I knew he was really serious. Then, introducing himself, he began sharing his passion for sound. He explained how all of his career equipment is principally set in his home studio, with what he termed as ‘junk’ all around him. Using highly sensitive microphones (presumably, some of which were in the class which he set up), he then would record the simplest sounds; whether it be footsteps (using old shoes walking on the spot) on paths or gravel, ocean sound, shirts rustling, doors opening and even sci-fi special sound effects, he did the lot. After a well-crafted documentary on Gerry was played explaining much of the terms and conditions of recording sound for motion pictures, he continued to explain his career. Gerry stated that though it goes unnoticed and he doesn’t see many celebrities though his life, foley is satisfying for him to complete. I’m most grateful for Gerry Long’s visit, because he revealed the less glamorous side of film-making, while maintaining an idea of actually working with a passion, and not appearing like some huge celebrity in the film industry; despite him having won many international awards for foley. Gerry’s credits include Babe, Romeo and Juliet, Strictly Ballroom and many many more. Gerry Long and our class 4 COLLEGE NEWS Bereavements - Your prayers are asked for the following families who are mourning the passing of a loved one recently. The Simpson family on the passing of Mrs Mary Kemp, great aunt of Jessie 7E and Jaryd 10E. The Jedwab family on the passing of Mrs Rebecca Jedwab, grandmother of Hamish 8A and Jack 10A, and the Cole family on the passing of Mrs Ruby Semmel, great grandmother of Jade 8C. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. Jewish Holocaust Centre and Jewish Museum — Jodie Nyberg (11D) & Nerida Keenan (11E) - Year 11 students completing Unit 2 in Texts and Traditions were recently studying the issue of human dignity. As part of their study they were required to look into the loss of the Jewish communities’ human dignity during World War 2. On Thursday 4 September, students travelled to Melbourne to visit the Jewish Holocaust Centre and Jewish Museum. The day was split into two parts, the first part involved a tour around the Jewish Museum, learning about the rich history and traditions of Judaism. We then entered a synagogue where two students of the local Jewish day school taught us how their prayer sessions are performed. We also had the opportunity to taste some of the foods that Jews eat during their religious holidays. The second part of the day saw us visiting the Jewish Holocaust Centre. Although confronting, we would all agree that it was a great experience. We listened to detailed stories from a Holocaust survivor, as well as being shown primary evidence including photos, personal belongings and other artefacts that had been saved from the war. The day then concluded with the lighting of candles to pay our respects and remember those lost. Uniform News - Mrs Carmel Walsh YEAR 12 - 2015 Jumper The Year 12 2015 Jumper fittings will take place on the following dates at Lunchtime ONLY. 11A Tuesday 14 October 2014 11B Thursday 16 October 11C Tuesday 21 October 11D Thursday 23 October 11E Tuesday 28 October On ordering FULL payment is required. Prices are: Sizes 80 - 95 $ 90.00 95 - 110 $ 95.00 115 - 125 $100.00 Question: MA Baker made some pizza dough using extra strong yeast. When left in a warm place it always doubles in size every 24 hours. If it takes 4 days to rise to the top of her extra large bowl, after how long would it be exactly half way up the bowl? Answer next week 5 Parenting Perks Michael Grose Forming connections with others makes us human, and is the source of sustained happiness over time. Your child has an in-built timetable that helps him form the necessary connections to others as he is ready. CROSS COUNTRY FUN DAY! Cross Country - Jenna Davies, Sports Captain - On Friday 19 of September we had our 2014 Cross Country Day. Classes ran as normal in the morning, but come Recess we were all ready for the day ahead filled with novelty events and, of course, the cross country run itself, taking us through and around the Botanical Gardens in Kyneton. The day was very successful with many people competing in the big race and everyone having a go at the novelty events such as the army-style obstacle course, tug-of-war and sack races! Houses placed with: 1st Nightingale 2nd McAuley 3rd Chisholm 4th O’Neill 1177 Points 1061 Points 933 Points 780 Points Age Champions: Year 7 Chantelle Takos & Baxter Slater Year 8 Cassandra Hocking, Isobel Grech & Edward Revell Year 9 Siobhan Redmond & Patrick Bradfield Smith Year 10 Anna Griffiths & Matt Le-Nepveu Year 11 Kailee Savoia & Jack Lindner Year 12 Georgia Dunstan & Tyson Lopez Big congratulations to everyone who participated on the day and especially to those who were able to make it to the finish line and take a medal home with them! 6 Health & PE Week 2014 - Mr Brett Gardner The last week of term 3 started early in a festive atmosphere with 100’s (15kg worth) of pancakes cooked on the BBQ’s for the hungry students and staff of SHC. With natural honey, strawberries and bananas as the ‘go to’ toppings, this was the ‘healthy’ twist for the start of the week. It was great to see some Year 7’s helping out with the preparation of the fruit and Georgia Dunstan trying her hand at cooking and flipping some pancakes. Only dropped one, which is a good effort! The mornings were very competitive with tennis balls being hit to all parts of the school. As much as we had some very talented and keen bowling from the students this year, I think overall, the staff came out on top. Our top order of O’Shannessy, White, Matthews, Short, Mika, Lefebvre, Kouts and our district cricket star Edwards were a bit too strong. The netball shootout saw our basketball and netball stars out in force and with canteen vouchers up for grabs there was definitely some quality shooting taking place. On most days the winning scores were about 8-10 which is a quality effort when you consider they only had 20 seconds to shoot. The dodge ball competition was a hit with over 60 students being involved and more watching from the sidelines. As was the basketball on Tuesday with a Year 7 team taking the win and the soccer competition on Thursday which was very well supported by the older students and the final was a classic with the ‘face of Service’ starring and helping his team to a win. But as everyone knows, the week is about the staff vs students netball match. There were a few late exclusions from the staff due to other commitments but this didn’t make any difference. The two big in’s from last year’s team were Benkenstein and Chilton. They dominated the court and really showed the students how to play. As Tom Guy-Hough said “I was clearly out of my depth at this level, I just couldn’t get the ball. All I could wish for was Rancy or Cotch on my team”. The week was concluded with an excellent cross-country event and congratulations to Mr Lindner and his team of helpers for a wonderful finish to the term. Thank you to all staff and students involved in Health and PE Week for 2014 and a massive thank you to the HPE staff for their assistance during the week. Student Achievements 9E Ned Sullivan - Ned has been recruited by NSR Australia because of his golfing ability. This means he will be supported, tracked and guided until he completes his secondary schooling, then hopefully head to the US to play College Golf while studying. Patrick Bradfield-Smith - Patrick competed in the Australian Schools Orienteering Championships in Perth during the holidays. He has progressed well especially as he is new to the sport and is to be congratulated on his achievements. 7 Sacred Heart College Back-To-Weekend Saturday 18 October – Gala Dinner 3-course Meal, Live Band 7pm-Arrival and Finger Food Tickets $50 Book online: or Phone the College 54 211 273 All past Students, Parents, Staff and anyone who has been involved with the College are warmly invited to attend. A Night of Fun and Nostalgia Sunday 19 October - College Tours 10:30am – 3pm Toy Story Movie Night - On Thursday 18 September, Year 11 VCAL hosted a movie night in the Arthurson Atrium, the night was a well-deserved success as we had worked extremely hard to put the night together. The night was held to raise money for Eden Alford and Erin Ferraro’s relatives who have lost a close family member. The movie Toy Story was shown and was a very good night. We had 55 people attended our event. Disney kindly donated the film and film rights, on top of that they also donated other Disney movies which were then actioned off. Throughout the night we held many different events such as raffles, silent auctions, kids lucky dips and give away prizes for the people who came best dressed on the night. Throughout the evening we had the VCAL students working to prepare food for the people who attended. We raised just over $1,000 on the night and had fabulous feedback for everyone who attended. We would like to thank Kyneton Subway, Kyneton Drycleaners, Cottage Flowers, The Sweet Shop, the Barker family and Blackbird Cakes. Also thanks to staff members Marika Payne, Alex Smith, Paula Thompson, Chris White and Vin Lakey for your help with this event. Any further donations would be greatly appreciated and can be handed into the Main Office. The Building and Construction students have generously built a cubby house that will be auctioned off on eBay so remember to keep an eye for this item if you are interested. CAREER NEWS - Ms Karina Wheeler ADFA - Army, Navy and Air force are hosting an ADFA Facebook chat on Thursday 23 October at 6:30pm. Any students interested in joining the Facebook chat the link is: NECA Skills Centre (traineeships in Electro technology) are hosting an Open Day on Thursday 16 October 10:00am7:00pm at 1024 Lygon Street, North Carlton 3054 for further details contact VTA Logistics Cadetships - The Victorian Transport Association is offering a number of cadetship opportunities for students interested in a career in the transport and logistics industry. For further information call Leni Carrion on 9646 8590 or visit or email La Trobe University - Information evening for Year 11 Students and Parents at 6pm on Thursday 16 October at West Lecture Theatre 2, La Trobe University, Bundoora campus. For further information call 1300 135 045. 8 College Service Scheme - Mrs Jane Pickett Cricket Coaches The College requires the assistance of coaches and helpers for the last few sports of the year. Coaches are required for the Year 7 Boys, Year 7 Girls and Year 8 Girls cricket teams. Your role would be to help out at training after school for the next two Wednesdays and, if possible, attend the day of Competition on Friday 17 October to beheld in Castlemaine. If you can assist with this please contact Peter Lindner directly by email or telephone him at the College. Twilight Evening Parents are required to assist with the preparation and cooking of the BBQ during the evening. If you can assist with this please contact Lu Thomas directly by email or telephone me 5421 1288. Year 9 Trade Fair BBQ lunch Two parents are required to assist with the preparation and cooking of the BBQ lunch for the Year 9 Trade Fair on Friday 17 October from 11.30a.m. until about 2 p.m. If you can assist with this please contact Lu Thomas directly by email or telephone me 5421 1288. Back to SHC Weekend Parent help required on Friday 17 October to assist with the setup of Quambi for the dinner on Saturday 18 October from about 2 p.m. Assistance is also required during the afternoon and the evening of the dinner on 18 October to help with various tasks. If you can assist with this please contact me directly by email or telephone 5421 1288. Graduation Mass Supper Parent help required on Wednesday 22 October to assist with setup and clean up for the Graduation Mass supper from about 7 pm at St Mary’s Hall behind Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Huton Street Kyneton. If you can assist with this please contact me directly by email or telephone 5421 1288. Parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure they have completed their Service Scheme for the year. If parents need to make up hours they can donate cans of soft drinks in lieu of their Service Scheme. If you wish to take up this option please contact me at the College. COMMUNITY NEWS KERRIE HALL EVENTS - ART SHOW - Kerrie Hall Committee - October 17, 18 & 19 - Pre-selection: Friday 17 October, 7:30pm Exhibition Hours Saturday & Sunday 10:00am. to 5:00pm. Further Information Tel: Marlene 5427 0202, OR Jacky 5427 0576. Also at the Kerri Hall “FIRE ‘N’ FRIENDS” SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER 2014 - 6pm-late - Bonfire Night - Featuring banks performing by the fire. Fundraiser for our Hesket Kerrie fire brigade and Kerrie Hall. Great bbq dinner, burgers, sausages, vegetarian etc. 6-8.30pm local wine, beer, soft drink, tea & coffee available. Enquiries: Jacky 5427 0576/0417 722575 or Chris 0427 100081 Macedon Ranges Shire Council, FReeZA and YMCA are running a Skate/BMX competition event on Saturday 25 October from 9am – 4pm Gisborne Skate Park - Free Entry - All ages - Come n try clinics. Food and Drinks available Fully Supervised. All enquiries please call Natalie Korinfsky on 5422 0242 M 0439 642 192 Trentham Cricket Club - PLAYERS WANTED! - The Trentham Cricket Club is seeking both senior and junior players of any ability which competes in the Castlemaine District Cricket Association, we also run a Milo Cricket session which has vacancies for boys and girls wishing to learn the game of cricket, so get behind your local club in any way; as a player or supporter. For further information please contact club president Paul Keane on 0419330571. Vollyball Returns - Enter a team NOW - Tuesday evenings, beginning October 2014 - Registrations are now being taken for Mixed Volleyball at Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre. Volleyball is an exhilarating sport which provides many rewarding opportunities; it is fun, competitive and very social. Register yourself or your team by contacting Karyn Aumont, Fitness Team Leader Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre T 03 5421 1491 M 0428 564 202. Carlsruhe Fire Brigade Outdoor Movie Night - Saturday 22nd November - The Carlsruhe Fire Brigade invites you to our Outdoor Movie Night featuring “Disney’s Planes Fire & Rescue“. A great movie experience for the whole family to be held at the Carlsruhe Annex of Woodend Primary School, Nicholson Street, Carlsruhe. Gates open at 7pm with a pre-movie presentation and the feature movie to start at last light approx. 8.45pm. Pre-movie entertainment includes paper plane throwing competition and face painting, BBQ, soft drinks, fairy floss, popcorn, coffee, tea and cakes. Bring blankets and chairs for your comfort. All enquiries to Michelle 0411 076 698 or search Carlsruhe CFA on Facebook. Community Health Expo - Supporting those affected by recent bushfires in preparation for the up and coming fire season. Wednesday 29 October at Romsey Community Hub, Main St Romsey. 5.00pm to 9.00pm. Free event with light supper provided. Fire preparedness, coping strategies, Where to go, Signs of Stress, Action Plans and more. All enquiries to Shantelle 0411444447. 9 10
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