1 Content Production page 3 Services and Sale page 15 Farming page 23 Remarks page 28 2 Production COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL S.R.O. ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL A/S Managing Director Ján Kočan Jari Algars Contact person Zuzana Urbanová Mary Skov Address: Chemlonská 1 Glentevej 5-7 City: 066 01 Humenné Esbjerg E-mail: andritz-fb.sk@andritz.com andritz-fb@andritz.com Phone number: +421 57 290 9000 +45 7260 300 Fax number: +421 57 448 6188 +45 72 160 301 Website: www.andritz.com www.andritz.com Number of employees: 221 198 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL A/S - 100 % Sole Shareholder S.R.O. L.T.D. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler B6 Slovakia s.r.o. B6 A/S Managing Director Brian Stenbro, Peter Mlynarcik Brian Stenbro Contact person Peter Mlynarcik Address: Gemerska cesta 1 Tranåsvej 33 City: Lucenec DK-9300 Sæby E-mail: pml@b6.sk b6@b6.dk Phone number: +421 47 4330766 +45 99 89 10 00 Fax number: +421 47 4330736 +45 99 89 10 10 Website: www.b6.dk Number of employees: 90 Status of company: Line of business: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Production of furniture cushions 3 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Blika s.r.o. Blika A/S Managing Director Jesper Svender, Juraj Belej Jesper Svender Contact person Juraj Belej Jesper Svender Address: Industrial Park Trebisov, Cukrovarska 3034 Spangsbjerg Møllevej 100 City: 075 01 Trebisov 6705 Esbjerg Ø E-mail: js@blika.dk jbe@blika.sk js@blika.dk Phone number: +421 911 997 948 +45 79 14 21 22 Website: www.blika.sk www.blika.dk Number of employees: 70 Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100% Status of company: S.R.O. Line of business: Blika produces high-end quality products within the industry of cloakroom and workshop equipment. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Danfoss Appliance Controls Danfoss A/S Managing Director Sune Mygind Bisgaard Contact person Sune Mygind Bisgaard Gert Jakobsen Address: Továrenska 49 E3-1, Nordborgvej 81 City: 953 01 Zlaté Moravce 6430 Nordborg E-mail: Sune.bisgaard@danfoss.com gert.jakobsen@danfoss.com Phone number: +421 918 706 600 +45 40 373 370 Fax number: +421 37 6406 236 +45 7488 6995 Website: www.danfoss.com www.danfoss.com Number of employees: 300 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Manufacturing of Mechanical thermostats for household and light commercial appliances. 4 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler DKI Plast s.r.o. DKI Plast A/S Managing Director Jens Møller Contact person Jens Møller Carl Erik Nielsen, Jens Uhl Nielsen, Hans Christian Nielsen Address: Bytcicka 2 Erhversparken 7 City: 010 01 Zilina 4621 Gadstrup E-mail: jm@dkiplast.sk jun@dkiplast.dk Phone number: +421 41 700 25 61 +45 46 19 15 15 Fax number: +421 41 700 25 62 +45 46 19 03 77 Website: www.dkiplast.dk www.dkiplast.dk Number of employees: 170 60 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: The DKI Plast Group, produces advanced plastic components for the following industries; lightning, apparatus % machinery, electro technical, household appliances, computer, building, medico technical industry. DKI Plast s.r.o. holds a large production and assembling facility in clean room environment. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler ECCO Slovakia a.s. ECCO sko A/S Managing Director Mr. Jindrich Salajka Contact person Erika Mnichova Address: Dubravca 6103/6 City: 036 01 Martin E-mail: emn@ecco.com Phone number: +421 43 421 7061 Fax number: +421 43 4217 999 Website: www.ecco.com Number of employees: 1300 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Joint stock company a.s. Line of business: Shoe manufacturing business 5 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Eilersen Production Slovakia s.r.o. N. Eilersen A/S Managing Director Igor Paule Anders Juul Eilersen/Nils Juul Eilersen Contact person Igor Paule Anders Juul Eilersen/Nils Juul Eilersen Address: L.Štúra 904/43 Fabriksvej 2 City: 99001 Veľký Krtíš 5485 Skamby E-mail: igp@eilersen.sk aje@eilersen.eu / nje@eilersen.eu Phone number: +421 47 4331246 +45 24675712 Fax number: Website: www.eilersen.eu Number of employees: 30 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Production of furniture COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Glunz &Jensen s.r.o. Glunz & Jensen A/S Managing Director Henrik B. Brogaard Keld Thorsen (CEO) Contact person Henrik B. Brogaard, Michal Janek (Finance Manager) Keld Thorsen Address: Kosicka 50 Haslevvej 13 City: 08001 Presov 4100 Ringsted E-mail: HBB@Glunz-Jensen.com MJA@Glunz-Jensen.com GJHQ@Glunz-Jensen.com KET@GlunzJensen.com Phone number: +421 51 7563 811 +45 5768 8181 Fax number: +421 51 7563 801 +45 5768 8340 Website: www.Glunz-Jensen.com www.Glunz-Jensen.com Number of employees: 120 75 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Glunz & Jensen develops, manufactures and markets integrated and innovative solutions for the pre-press industry world-wide. This includes CtP plate processors, iCtP plate setters, plate-line equipment, punch & bend equipment, stackers, automation and software for monitoring and managing the complete pre-press processes. 6 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler JP Production s.r.o. JYDEPEJSEN a/s Managing Director Marian Sekel Benny Jensen Contact person Marian Sekel Benny Jensen Address: Pri rybniku 1862/15 Ahorsvinget 3-7 City: Stropkov Holstebro E-mail: sekel@jpproduction.eu bj@jydepejsen.dk Phone number: +421 904 154 364 +45 9610 1200 Fax number: +421 54 742 89 88 +45 9742 5216 Website: www.jpproduction.eu www.jzdepejsen.com Number of employees: 24 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. a/s COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler KEN Slovak s.r.o. KEN A/S Line of business: Managing Director Per Juul Nielsen Contact person Jan Labos (Plant Manager) Per Juul Nielsen Address: Juzná trieda 74 Børgebjergvej 60 City: 040 01 Kosice 5672 Broby E-mail: jla@ken.dk pjn@ken.dk Phone number: +421 911 238 222 +45 40 37 21 50 Fax number: +421 55 677 09 10 Website: www.ken.sk Number of employees: 9 www.ken.dk Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: KEN develops, manufactures and sells washer-disinfectors, bedpan washers and laboratory washers, as well as dishwashing systems for institutional kitchens and the food industry. 7 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Kipech Production Hotel s.r.o. Kipech DK Managing Director Ing.Jozef Ferenc Per Christiansen Contact person Ing.Jozef Ferenc Per Christiansen Address: Volgogradska 13B, 08001 Lupinvej 67 City: Presov Odense NV E-mail: jf@kipech.sk; kipech@kipech.sk per.christiansen@kipech.dk Phone number: +421517484750 +45 661 655 91 Fax number: +421517484752 +45 66165593 Website: www.kipech.sk www.kipech.sk Number of employees: 60 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Production and outsoursing Line of business: Welded constructions from steel, aluminium, stainles steel, sheetmetal oriented workshop. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Knudsen Plast s.r.o. Knudsen Plast A/S Managing Director Søren Nielsen Jens Thor Hansen Contact person Søren Nielsen Jens Thor Hansen Address: Herlanska 547 Industrivej 21 City: 093 03 Vranov nad Toplou 3300 Frederiksværk E-mail: son@knudsen-plast.dk jth@knudsen-plast.dk Phone number: +421 57 448 6137 +45 47 76 01 01 Fax number: +421 57 448 6139 +45 47 77 01 55 Website: Number of employees: www.knudsen-plast.dk 130 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Development partner and specialist in injection moulded plastic components for the healthcare sector. Assembly work, High frequency welding and printing. Production in clean room or controlled area. 8 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Kvist Industries A/S, organizačná zložka Slovensko Kvist Industries A/S Managing Director Egon Vestergaard Michael Kvist, Soren Kvist Contact person Egon Vestergaard, Martin Trebuňa Michael Kvist Address: Rožňavská 19 Siggårdsvej 2 City: 045 01 Moldava nad Bodvou 6818 Årre E-mail: ev@kvist.com, mt@kvist.com mk@kvist.com, sk@kvist.com Phone number: +421 55 466 32 93 +45 76 77 45 00 Fax number: +421 55 466 37 87 +45 75 19 25 45 Website: www.kvist.com www.kvist.com Number of employees: n/a n/a Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Organizational branch Line of business: Wooden furniture industry COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler LINAK Slovakia s.r.o. LINAK A/S Managing Director Torben O. Madsen Bent Jensen Contact person Torben O. Madsen Bent Jensen Address: Logistické centrum Maly Saris Maly Saris 486 Smedevænget 8, Guderup City: 080 01 Presov 6430 Nordborg E-mail: tom@linak.sk bsp@linak.com Phone number: +421 51 756 3400 +45 73 15 15 15 Fax number: +421 51 756 3410 +45 74 45 80 48 Website: www.linak.com www.linak.com Number of employees: 130 900 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Electric actuation 9 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Lumitech spol. s.r.o. Lumitech ApS Managing Director Hejne Andersen Contact person Marek Antala (Plant Manager) Heine Andersen Address: Priemyselný areal 2965 Odinsvej 2 City: 946 03 Kolarlovo 6950 Ringkjøbing E-mail: lumitech@stonline.sk ha@ch-armatur.dk Phone number: +421 35 777 5870 +45 97 32 39 40 Fax number: +421 35 777 5872 +45 97 32 48 99 Website: www.lumitech.com www.lumitech.com Number of employees: 85 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Lumitech develops, produces and sells technical lighting and related products. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Monarflex s.r.o. Monarflex a/s Managing Director Guillaume RAT Guillaume RAT Contact person Guillaume RAT Kim Rafen Jensen Address: Továrenska 1 Lyskær 5 City: 943 03 Sturovo 2730 Herlev E-mail: skgrt@icopal.com dkkrj@icopal.com Phone number: +36 3021 69 106 +45 44 88 54 85 Fax number: +421 36 7522188 Website: www.monarflex.com www.monarflex.dk Number of employees: 94 1 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited liability s.r.o. Line of business: Monarflex is Europe’s leading manufacturer of polyethylene reinforced and non-reinforced sheeting and membranes, as well as related accessories, used in the building and construction industry. 10 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Nissens Slovakia s.r.o. K. Nissens International A/S Managing Director Alan Nissen Alan Nissen Contact person Torben Sylvester Jeppesen (Plant Manager) Frank Thorup Knudsen (Vice President) Address: Malinovského 1275 Ormhøjgårdvej 9 City: 916 21 Cachtice 8700 Horsens E-mail: tsj@nissens.com ftk@nissens.com Phone number: (+421 32 770 8502; +421 32 770 8500; +421 918 340 783) (+45 7626 2626 ; +45 2171 6737) Fax number: +421 32 770 8599 (+45 7564 2205) Website: www.nissens.com www.nissens.com Number of employees: 320 700 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited Company Line of business: Nissens develops and produces industrial radiators and radiators for the automotive industry. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Oxymat-Slovakia, s.r.o. Oxymat A/S Jesper Sjögren Jesper Sjögren Jesper Sjögren Jesper Sjögren Vadovce 87 Fasanvej 18-20 916 13 Vadovce 3200 Helsinge sales@oxymat.com sales@oxymat.com +45 48 79 78 11 +45 48 79 78 11 +421 32 779 01 25 +45 48 79 78 13 www.oxymat.sk www.oxymat.dk 55 10 Distributor/wholesaler Managing Director Contact person Address: City: E-mail: Phone number: Fax number: Website: Number of employees: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100% Status of company: Line of business: Oxymat is a Danish based company specialized in designing and manufacturing on-site Oxygen and Nitrogen solutions, using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Technology. We have been designing, engineering and manufacturing Oxygen generator systems since 1978 and nitrogen systems since 2001. We posses first hand knowledge of the market, developments demands and possibilities the PSA technology holds. 11 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Partizanske Building Components - SK s.r.o VELUX A/S Managing Director Jørgen M. Laursen (Genereal Manager) Contact person Jørgen M. Laursen (Genereal Manager) Jacob Kjær Mortensen Address: Malobielicka 1/215 Ådalsvej 99 City: Partizanske Hørsholm E-mail: Jorgen.Laursen@velux.com Jacob.mortensen@velux.com Phone number: +421 918 607 250 +45 2671 1537 Website: www.velux.com www.velux.com Number of employees: 295 More than 10.000 Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100 % Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: The VELUX Group is an international company that produces and sells roof windows, sun tunnels, skylights and accessories for the same. The company is a daughter company of VKR Holding A/S. The VELUX Group has in Slovakia both production and sales activities. The production is locatated in Partizánske, while the sales company is located in Bratislava. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler ROCKWOOL Slovensko s.r.o. Rockwoll International A/S Managing Director Contact person Peter Vilina (Sales manager); Peter Kriško (Finance manager) Address: Rožňavská 24 Hovedgaden 501 City: 821 04 Bratislava 2640 Hedehusene E-mail: peter.vilina@rockwool.com; peter.krisko@rockwool.com info@rockwool.dk Phone number: +421 2 492 009 30 + 45 46 56 16 16 Fax number: +421 2 492 009 10 + 45 46 56 30 11 Website: www.rockwool.sk www.rockwool.dk Number of employees: 9 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Rockwool produces mineral wool products for insulation and renovation of buildings and insulation of technical installations. 12 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK / GERMANY Distributor/wholesaler Sauer - Danfoss a.s. Sauer-Danfoss GmbH & Co. OHG, Danfoss A/S Managing Director Milos Kraus Contact person Milos Kraus Address: Kukucinova 2148-84 Krokamp 35 City: 017 01 Povazska Bystrica 24539 Neumünster E-mail: mkraus@sauer-danfoss.com Phone number: +421 42 430 1101 +49 4321 871 0 Fax number: +421 42 430 1203 +49 4321 871 355 Website: www.sauer-danfoss.sk www.sauer-danfoss.com Number of employees: 750 employees in two facilities (Povazska Bystrica & Dubnica nad Vahom) Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Joint stock company a.s. Line of business: Sauer-Danfoss is a global leading manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic components and electronics to manufacturers of mobile machines, within agriculture and the construction industry. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Slavia Tools a.s. Scan-Slavia Engineering ApS Contact person Juraj Jakubec (CAO) Erdal Halil Parlar (CEO) Address: Dúbravy, Areál PPS 48 Pr. Alexandrines Alle 24 City: 962 12 Detva 2920 Charlottenlund E-mail: jakubecj@slaviatools.sk parlar@mail.dk Phone number: (+421 45 520 3201 ; +421 45 545 6385) +45 35 39 49 79 Fax number: +421 45 545 6337 Website: www.slaviatools.sk Number of employees: 195 Managing Director Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Design and manufacture of a wide array of special tools, construction of machines, instruments and technological equipment of manufacturing lines for rationalisation and automatisation of production processes. Purchase and sale of goods. 13 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Distributor/wholesaler Steelcon Slovakia s.r.o. Managing Director Bo Toft Hansen Peder Møller Andersen Contact person Bo Toft Hansen Peder Møller Andersen Address: Juzna trieda 82 Lillebæltsvej 62 City: 040 17 Kosice 6715 Esbjerg N E-mail: boha@steelcon.com steelcon@steelcon.com Phone number: 42 1 552 289 908 +45 75 14 20 22 Fax number: DENMARK +45 75 14 01 22 Website: www.steelcon.com Number of employees: 70 www.steelcon.com Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Steelcon is the leading manufacturer of factory-made steel chimneys. Steelcon deliver a total solution consisting of advice, calculations, construction, project progress, production, delivery and erection. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Tytex Slovakia s.r.o. Tytex A/S Managing Director Steen A. Henriksen Mogens Rüdiger Contact person Steen A. Henriksen Mogens Rüdiger Address: Chemlonská 1 Industrivej 21 City: 066 01 Humenne 7430 Ikast E-mail: sah@tytex.dk Phone number: +421 91 77 20 946 Fax number: +421 905 456 305 Website: www.tytex.com www.tytex.dk Number of employees: 422 40 +45 96 60 42 00 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: 14 Services and Sale COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler B & K s.r.o. Brüel & Kjær Sound and Vibration Measurment A/S Managing Director Peter Tirinda PhD Contact person Peter Tirinda PhD Address: Palisady 20 Skodsborgvej 307 City: 811 06 Bratislava 1 2850 Nærum E-mail: bruel@chello.sk info@bksv.com Phone number: +421 2 5443 0701 +45 77 41 20 00 Fax number: +421 2 5443 0692 +45 45 80 14 05 Website: www.bruel.sk www.bksv.com Number of employees: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited Liability s.r.o. Line of business: Brüel and Kjær is a world leading manufacturer and supplier of sound and vibration solutions. Brüel and Kjær help their customers solve their sound and vibration problems - from measuring traffic noise and vibration in car engines to evaluating building acoustics and performing quality control. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Coloplast A/S Coloplast A/S Managing Director Radoslav Stilla, Country Manager Contact person Katarina Roskosova, executive assistant Christian Husegaard, Vice-President, Emerging Markets Address: Dolna 62 Holtedam 1 City: 974 01 Banska Bystrica 3050 Humlebaek E-mail: skras@coloplast.com Phone number: +421 48 415 37 61 +45 49 11 11 11 Fax number: +421 48 415 37 62 +45 49 11 15 70 Website: www.coloplast.sk www.coloplast.com Number of employees: 14 7000 Lars Rasmussen, CEO Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Representative Office Line of business: Coloplast is a medical technology company who promotes innovative products and services in the area of intimate healthcare in Slovakia. A/S 15 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Convatec (Unomedical s.r.o) Unomedical A/S Managing Director Niels Frost Nielsen (Plant Director) Contact person Niels Frost Nielsen (Plant Director) Address: Priemyselný park 3 Kongevejen 2 City: 071 01 Michalovce 2460 Birkerød E-mail: niels.frost.nielsen@convatec.com Phone number: +421 56 681 5105 (Office) Fax number: +421 56 681 5103 Website: www.convatec.com ; www.unomedical.com Number of employees: 588 (end December 2011) Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: +45 46 42 79 12 (Office) www.convatec.com ; www.unomedical.com Unomedical A/ s.r.o. ConvaTec is a global company committed to serving healthcare professionals, hospitals and patients worldwide. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Danakta spol. S.r.o. Danakta-Group A/S Managing Director Dr. Viera Gregušková Stefan Petö Contact person Dr. Viera Gregušková Address: Černyševského 12 Wildersgade 38 City: 851 05 Bratislava 1408 Copenhagen K E-mail: office@danakta.com Phone number: +421 2 6252 0106 Fax number: 00421 6241 0615 Website: www.danakta.com Number of employees: 7 +45 2163 0208 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: DANAKTA-GROUP A/S was established in 1990 in Denmark as a trading company focusing on raw material for food industry and agricultural machinery. In 1992 DANAKTA extended its activities with the production of emulsifier – stabilizer for ice cream industry. Since 1991 it has been operating in Slovak, Czech and Hungarian market by daughters branch company DANAKTA, spol. s r.o., with focus on trading and distribution of raw material for food industry. In 2009 Danakta has been extending its activities into Austrian market. 16 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler DSV Slovakia, s.r.o. DSV A/S Managing Director Henrik Gydesen Jens Bjørn Andersen, CEO Contact person Eva Gasparovicova, Assistant to the MD Helle K. Hansen, Executive secretary Address: Dial´nicná 6 Banemarksvej 58, P.O. Box 318 City: 903 01 Senec 2605 Brøndby E-mail: eva.gasparovicova@sk.dsv.com Phone number: 00 421 2 402 018 47 +45 43 20 30 40 Website: www.dsv.com/sk www.dsv.com Number of employees: 156 Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100 % Status of company: Line of business: Global Transport and Logistics DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics services. DSV has offices in more than 60 countries all over the world and an international network of partners and agents, which makes DSV a truly global player offering services worldwide. By our professional and advantageous overall solutions, the approx. 21,000 DSV employees recorded worldwide annual revenue of 5.7 billion euro for 2010. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Eurowater .s.r.o Silhorko –Eurowater a.s. Managing Director Juraj Kalafut Torben Buhl Contact person Juraj Kalafut Henrik M øller Address: Jantárova 33, Aarhusvej 79 City: 85110, Bratislava 8660 Skanderborg E-mail: jk@eurowater.sk hm@eurowater.com Phone number: 42162860115 45 86 57 12 22 Website: www.eurowater.sk www.eurowater.com Number of employees: 14 120 Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Private stocks Delivery, instalation and commitioning of industrial water treatment equipment 17 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Falck Zachranna a.s. Falck Danmark A/S Managing Director Ivo Krpelan Anders Larsen Contact person Regional Director CEE Senior Vice President Address: Galvaniho 7/D Falck-Huset, Polititorvet City: 821 04 Bratislava 1780 København V E-mail: ivo.krpelan@falck.sk adl@falck.dk Phone number: +421 2 3266 3501 +45 29 29 89 90 Fax number: +421 2 3266 3535 +45 33 91 00 26 Website: www.falck.sk www.falck.dk Number of employees: 2000 27,000 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: majority Status of company: Line of business: Joint stock company Falck Zachranna operates 91 emergency stations in Slovakia, Falck Fire Services operates 5 Fire Safety Units, Falck Healthcare provides preventive health care and rehabilitation in 3 Clinics, Falck Academy provides firs aid courses. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler ISS Facility Services spol. s r.o. ISS World Services A/S Managing Director Jan Boháček Contact person Mária Lukačovičová Henriette Schondel Address: Mokráň Záhon 2, 821 04 Bratislava Bredgade 30, 1260 København K, Denmark City: Bratislava København K E-mail: maria.lukacovicova@sk.issworld.com Henriette. Schondel@group.issworld.com Phone number: +421 905 50 74 50 +45 38 17 63 21 Fax number: +421 2 3263 0199 +45 38 17 00 11 Website: http://www.sk.issworld.com http://www.issworld.com Number of employees: 4500 534 500 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100 % Status of company: Active Line of business: Facility Services 18 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Jantzen Development s.r.o. Jantzen Development A/S Contact person Erik Jantzen, Branislav Pacak Erik Jantzen Address: Bajkalska 22 Karlslundvej 14 City: 821 09 Bratislava 8330 Beder E-mail: bp@jd.dk ej@jd.dk Phone number: +421 2 5930 8050 +45 42 100 100 Fax number: +421 2 5930 8059 Website: www.jd.dk Managing Director www.jd.dk Number of employees: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited liability Joint stock Line of business: Development of agri-projects in the CEE. Purchase, consolidation and sale of farmland in the CEE. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Jumbo Transport Slovakia, s.r.o. Jumbo Transport Eastern Europe ApS Managing Director Mariana Hodasova Verner Nielsen Contact person Mariana Hodasova Verner Nielsen Address: Kamenna 19 Gammelager 1 City: 010 79 Zilina 2605 Broendby E-mail: mariana@jumbotransport.sk vnielsen@jumbotransport.dk Phone number: +421 41 5000 484 +45 36 86 88 20 Fax number: +421 41 5000 485 +45 36 86 88 30 Website: www.jumbotransport.sk www.jumbotransport.dk Number of employees: 5 60 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Ltd. Line of business: Jumbo Transport Slovakia is a member of Danish based Jumbo Transport Eastern Europe. Jumbo Transport Group is with own branch office represented in Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania/Poland/Czech/Slovakia/Hungary/Romania. Providing global transport, forwarding, logistic services, special services worldwide through own organization and international network of agents. 19 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Lundbeck Slovensko, s.r.o. H. Lundbeck A/S Managing Director Vladimir Marko Contact person Vladimir Marko Address: Zvolenska 19 Ottiliavej 9, Valby City: 821 09 Bratislava 2500 Kobenhaven E-mail: vma@lundbeck.com Phone number: +421 2 5341 4218 +45 36 30 13 11 Fax number: +421 2 5341 7318 +45 36 30 19 40 Website: www.lundbeck.sk www.lundbeck.com Number of employees: 15 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited liability (s.r.o.) Line of business: Marketing of pharmaceuticals COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Marius Pedersen, a.s. MARIUS PEDERSEN A/S Managing Director Šujan Oliver Christian Moller Contact person Šujan Oliver Address: Opatovská 1735 Ørbækvej 851 City: 912 50 Trenčín 5863 Ferritslev E-mail: ondrackova.v@mariuspedersen.sk , hascakova.z@mariuspedersen.sk Phone number: +421 32 743 7543 +45 63 90 99 09 Fax number: +421 32 743 7542 +45 63 90 99 10 Website: www.mariuspedersen.sk www.mariuspedersen.dk Number of employees: 535 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100 % Status of company: Joint stock company Line of business: Business in the field of dealing with dangerous waste. Business in the field of dealing with other than dangerous waste. Mediation of trade and services. Purchase of goods for the purpose of sale to end user within the scope of free reported trades. Purchase of goods for the purpose of sale to other operators of trades within the scope of free reported trades. Engineering except for selected activities in civil engineering. Domestic road cargo transportation. Montage, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Technical advisory in the field of environment. Operation of non-public wastewater treatment plant. Making of engineering constructions (including equipment of residential sites) and other land and engineering constructions. Water-management constructions. Preparation work for constructions. Terrain adjustments and reclamation. Accounting maintenance. Work of organisational and economic advisors. Lease of motor vehicles and equipment for dealing with waste. Cleaning of roads. Winter maintenance of roads. Sewerage cleaning. Operation of parking places. 20 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Novo Nordisk Slovakia s.r.o. Novo Nordisk A/S Managing Director Mgr. Roman Russocki Contact person Mgr. Roman Russocki Novo Alle Address: Žilinská 7-9 City: 811 05 Bratislava E-mail: SkbrContact@novonordisk.com Phone number: +421 2 57 10 30 11 +45 44 44 88 88 Fax number: +421 2 57 10 30 00 +45 44 49 05 55 Website: www.novonordisk.sk www.novonordisk.com 2880 Bagsværd Number of employees: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Novo Nordisk develops and produces insulin products and accessories to diabetes care. Novo Nordisk Slovakia s.r.o. is covering marketing and administrative functions within Slovakian territory. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler SAM Headhunting Slovakia s.r.o. SAM Headhunting Group A/S Managing Director Dusan Elko Niels Schreiner Andersen Contact person Dusan Elko Niels Schreiner Andersen Address: Vysoka 30 Hollufgaards Allé 1-3 City: 811 06 Bratislava 5220 Odense SØ E-mail: de@sam-int.com nsa@sam-int.com Phone number: +421 905 536 001 (+45) 66 15 22 27 Website: www.samheadhunting.sk www.samheadhunting.com Number of employees: 5 40 Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: 51% of Slovak entity is owned by SAM Headhunting Group A/S Line of business: Headhunting is an executive search and headhunting firm with office in more than 23 countries. 21 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Velux Slovensko spol s.r.o. Velux A/S Contact person RNDr. David Broz (General Manager Jacob Kjær Mortensen Address: Galvaniho 7/A Ådalsvej 99 City: 821 04 Bratislava 2 2970 Hørsholm E-mail: david.broz@velux.com Jacob.mortensen@velux.com Phone number: +421 233 000 525 +45 45 16 45 16 Website: www.velux.sk www.velux.com Number of employees: 16 More than 10.000 Managing Director Fax number: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Velux sells roof window systems, skylight systems, solar energy systems and sunscreening products. The VELUX Group is an international company that produces and sells roof windows, sun tunnels, skylights and accessories for the same. The company is a daughter company of VKR Holding A/S. The VELUX Group has in Slovakia both production and sales activities. The production is locatated in Partizánske, while the sales company is located in Bratislava. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler WIDEX – SLOVTON Slovakia s.r.o. WIDEX A/S Managing Director Ing. Kamil Seginko Contact person Ing. Kamil Seginko Mr. Palle Rud Pedersen Address: Revolučná 19 Nymoellevej 6 City: Bratislava Lynge E-mail: info@widex-slovton.sk widex@widex.com Phone number: +421 2 43294562 +45 44 35 56 00 Fax number: +421 2 43425992 +45 44 35 56 01 Website: www.widex-slovton.sk www.widex.com Number of employees: 16 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Limited liability company Line of business: Hearing aids retail A/S 22 Farming COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Agrospol 5 TM. s.r.o. Managing Director Henning Larsen Henning Larsen Contact person Marek Kostolani (manager) Henning Larsen Address: Hlavna 142 City: 951 76 Tearske Mlynany E-mail: agrospol5tm@yahoo.com Phone number: +421 91 86 32 088 +421 918 638 565 Fax number: Website: Number of employees: 22 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Agrospol 5 TM is an agricultural company with focus on plant production. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Dan-Farm s.r.o. Redet v/Per Christensen Managing Director Jozef Snegon Per Christensen (Direktør for det danske moderselskab Blahova Aps.) Address: Hlavna 65 Tryvej 14 City: 930 52 Blahova 9320 Hjallerup E-mail: dan-farm@madnet.sk per@redet.dk Phone number: +421 918 611 849 +45 98 28 28 77 Contact person Fax number: Website: Number of employees: www.redet.dk 37 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Dan-Farm is an agricultural company focusing on plant production 23 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Dan-Slovakia Agrar a.s. Slovakia Invest A/S Managing Director Mogens Hansen Mogens Hansen Contact person Mogens Hansen Address: Novy Dvor Aabogade 15 City: 3201 Velky Meder 8200 Aarhus N E-mail: mail@dsa.sk / mh@dsa.sk Phone number: +421 31 5903411 / +421 903 276 508 Fax number: +421 31 5903429 Website: www.dsa.sk Number of employees: Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: Line of business: Dan-Slovakia Agrar a.s. is an agricultural company specialized in pig, dairy and plant production. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Company name Farma Majcichov a.s. Eskelund A/S Managing Director Erling Lerche-Simonsen Gitte Lerche-Simonsen Contact person Erling Lerche-Simonsen Gitte Lerche-Simonsen Address: Majcichov 50 Hovvej 56, Håre City: 919 22 Majcichov 5591 Gelsted E-mail: els@eskelund.dk gls@eskelund.dk Phone number: +421 918918 921 +45 64 78 10 76 Fax number: +421 592 2320 +45 64 78 14 00 Website: www.farma.sk www.eskelund.dk Number of employees: 180 25 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: 100 % Status of company: Joint stock company a.s. Line of business: Farma Majcichov is an agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on milk, dairy and plant production. 24 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler FirstFarms Agra M s.r.o. FirstFarms A/S Managing Director Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Contact person Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Address: Kozia 2243 Aastvej 10B City: 901 13 Malacky 7190 Billund E-mail: pv@firstfarms.dk an@firstfarms.dk Phone number: +421 34 772 2021 +45 75 86 87 87 Fax number: +421 34 772 2029 +45 75 86 87 83 Website: Number of employees: www.firstfarms.dk 135 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on milk and plant production. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler FirstFarms s.r.o. FirstFarms A/S Managing Director Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Contact person Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Address: Kozia 2243 Aastvej 10B City: 901 13 Malacky 7190 Billund E-mail: an@firstfarms.dk an@firstfarms.dk Phone number: +421 34 772 2021 +45 75 86 87 87 Fax number: +421 34 772 2029 +45 75 86 87 83 Website: Number of employees: www.firstfarms.dk 18 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. Line of business: Agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on milk and plant production. 25 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler FirstFarms Mlyn Zahorie A/S FirstFarms A/S Managing Director Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Contact person Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Address: Kozia 2243 Aastvej 10B City: 901 13 Malacky 7190 Billund E-mail: an@firstfarms.dk an@firstfarms.dk Phone number: +421 34 772 2021 +45 75 86 87 87 Fax number: +421 34 772 2029 +45 75 86 87 83 Website: Number of employees: www.firstfarms.dk 4 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: a.s. Line of business: Agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on milk and plant production. COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler FirstFarms Mast Stupava A/S FirsFarms A/S Managing Director Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Contact person Anders H. Nørgaard Anders H. Nørgaard Address: Kozia 2243 Aastvej 10B City: 901 13 Malacky 7190 Billund E-mail: an@firstfarms.dk an@firstfarms.dk Phone number: +421 34 772 2021 +45 75 86 87 87 Fax number: +421 34 772 2029 +45 75 86 87 83 Website: Number of employees: www.firstfarms.dk 30 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: a.s. Line of business: Agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on milk and plant production. 26 COMPANY THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DENMARK Distributor/wholesaler Pigagro s.r.o. Slovakian Farm Invest A/S Managing Director Peter Munk Laursen Svend Erik Busk Contact person Peter Munk Laursen Mogens Lund Nielsen Address: Teresov 4 City: 92003 Hlohovec E-mail: pml@pigagro.sk mln@pigagro.sk Phone number: +42 1908 6767 10 +45 40 88 91 09 Fax number: +42 147 569 8901 +45 87 26 41 26 Website: www.pigagro.sk Number of employees: 110 Danish ownership interests in the Slovak Company: Status of company: s.r.o. A/S Line of business: Pigagro is an agricultural company, owned by Danish investors, focusing on pig and plant production. 27 Remarks The Embassy of Denmark in Bratislava has been in contact with 4 additional companies operating in the Slovak Republic with Danish (part) ownership, who do not want to figure on the List of Danish subsidiaries. The Embassy is aware of another 3 Danish companies operating in the Slovak market, but from external offices. 3 companies are no longer Danish owned, and thus do not figure on this list. The Embassy does not guarantee that the List of Danish subsidiaries is exhaustive. 28
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