IMPORTANT CHANGES DETAILED INSIDE ACTION REQUIRED! NAVIGATING YOUR BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT • EXPLORE WHAT’S NEW FOR 2015 HRNAVIGATOR BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT October 14 – November 14, 2014 NEW: Medical and Dental plan offerings NEW: Online Coverage Advisor tool for Medical insurance ACTION REQUIRED: All faculty and staff currently enrolled in medical and dental plans must take action. WHAT’S INSIDE EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS MEDICAL4 Within New England CHOOSING YOUR PLAN Coverage Advisor Tool 7 ATTEND THE BENEFITS FAIR! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. CSC BALLROOM MEDICAL8 Outside New England MEDICAL PLAN GLOSSARY 10 DENTAL11 LEARN MORE Attend a Coffee Talk, Q&A, and/or Drop-in Session! LIFE INSURANCE 12 KEY DATES 13 members of HRM’s Benefits Team and representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Learn about your new medical plans and what you need to do to take advantage of all your benefit options. Get answers to frequently asked questions and take home a free travel mug! 14 Drop-in Session: Stop by for answers to your questions and use our computers to SET YOUR COURSE ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS CHECKLIST15 Coffee Talk Information Session followed by a Q&A Session: Get the scoop from complete your online enrollment. HRNAVIGATOR E X PLO R E YO U R O P TIO NS Northeastern is committed to providing you with competitive benefits programs that offer value, quality, and choice. We are also dedicated to supporting your health and wellness. That is why we are introducing important benefit changes effective January 1, 2015. This guide is designed to help you understand what is changing, what is not changing, and what actions you need to take. Five things to know for open enrollment TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EASY PATHS TO A HEALTHY YOU AND A HEALTHIER POCKETBOOK! »Enroll in the Healthy You Virgin Pulse program and earn up to $75 each quarter just by walking » Use a Hubway bicycle » Join a gym LEARN MORE » Visit 1 Medical and dental programs are changing in 2015 Broader range of choices, including plans with lower premiums in exchange for higher » out-of-pocket costs » New online Coverage Advisor tool for medical insurance can help you determine the medical option that’s right for you Required action: Anyone currently enrolled in a medical and/or dental plan must make active » selections or be automatically enrolled in a plan 2 All medical plans cover the same services, including preventive care and screenings at no cost 3 You can keep your same doctors since all medical plans remain with Blue Cross Blue Shield » Attend a Coffee Talk followed by a Q&A information session » Attend the Benefits Fair, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., CSC Ballroom » Email or call the HRM Open Enrollment Info Line at 617.373.7706 Remember: The HRM Team is here to support you in making the best choices for you and your family. 4 If you enroll in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), Northeastern’s contribution to the Health Savings Account (HSA)—$500/Individual, $1,000/Family—will be provided in full at the beginning of the calendar year 5 Life insurance benefits are changing Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 3 EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS MEDICAL » IF YOU LIVE IN NEW ENGLAND What’s changing for 2015? What’s not changing? » Replacing HMO and POS plans with a » Medical plans will remain with Blue Cross Blue Shield, which means you can keep your same doctors Core plan and an Enhanced plan » More meaningful differences in plan design and per-paycheck costs » ALL plans allow you to see any provider who has a payment agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield (both locally and across the United States) without a PCP referral (higher out-of-pocket costs apply for Core and Enhanced plans) » Check-ups and preventive screenings are covered 100% » Dependents are covered to age 26 » High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) » Flexible Spending Accounts that allow you to contribute up to $2,500 annually on a pre-tax basis Consistent premium contribution Our 70% premium contribution will continue. In 2015, we will offer a fixed-dollar premium contribution » that is equal to 70% of the cost of the Core plan. » Northeastern’s contribution to the Health Savings Account (HSA), which is paired with the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), will be provided in full at the beginning of the calendar year How your plans compare All three plans cover the same services. It’s up to you to choose the plan that best meets your needs and preferences. 1.CORE PLAN: Lower premium, moderate deductible, and coinsurance for certain services 2.ENHANCED PLAN: Similar to the current POS plan, with no deductible or coinsurance, but a higher premium than the Core plan 3.HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) WITH HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA): Plan with the lowest premium and highest deductible; Northeastern makes a $500/Individual or $1,000/ Family contribution to your HSA in full at the start of the calendar year 4 For more information, make your way to HRNAVIGATOR E X PLO R E YO U R O P TIO NS How your plans compare 2014 Election 2014 Monthly Premium 2015 Election 2015 Monthly Premium $ Change % Change » » Currently enrolled in the HMO or POS plan? You will have a lower premium cost option in 2015. Enhanced Plan HMO S HORTCUT UNDERSTANDING YOUR COSTS Individual $193.13 Individual $212.50 $19.37 10% » » Are you in the POS plan? You will have Family $511.80 Family $564.58 $52.78 10% reduced premiums in 2015 no matter which plan you choose. Core Plan » » Are you in the HMO? Choosing the Core Individual $181.80 -$11.33 -6% Family $480.60 -$31.20 -6% Individual $131.50 -$61.63 -32% Family $349.58 -$162.22 -32% plan may save you money due to a lower premium, coupled with similar copays for office visits and prescription drugs. HDHP Enhanced Plan POS Individual $222.35 Individual $212.50 -$9.85 -4% Family $588.56 Family $564.58 -$23.98 -4% Individual $181.80 -$40.55 -18% Family $480.60 -$107.96 -18% Individual $131.50 -$90.85 -41% Family $349.58 -$238.98 -41% Core Plan HDHP Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 5 EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS SHORTCUT UNDERSTANDING EXPANDED PROVIDER ACCESS How out-of-pocket costs compare ALL plans now allow you to self-refer in Massachusetts and across the United States: » Current HMO participants will enjoy expanded provider access and access to care without a referral from a PCP » If you enroll in the Enhanced or Core plan, you have the option to self-refer; however, you will have higher out-of-pocket costs than if your PCP coordinates your care » Enhanced and Core plan members must seek care from providers that have a payment agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield » HDHP continues to provide in-network and out-of-network coverage without any referral requirements » For complete information about network options, please visit Enhanced Core HDHP w/ HSA PCP Referred/ In-Network PCP Referred/ In-Network In-Network HSA University Funding N/A N/A $500 Individual $1,000 Family Annual Deductible None $250 Individual $500 Family $1,500 Individual $3,000 Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum $2,000 Individual $4,000 Family $2,500 Individual $5,000 Family $2,500 Individual $5,000 Family Hospital Inpatient Covered in full 90% after deductible 90% after deductible Outpatient Day Surgery Covered in full 90% after deductible 90% after deductible High-Tech Imaging Freestanding: covered in full Hospital: $100 copay 90% after deductible 90% after deductible Emergency Room $100 copay $100 copay 90% after deductible Preventive Care Covered in full Covered in full Covered in full PCP Visit (non-preventive) $20 copay $25 copay 90% after deductible Specialist $30 copay $35 copay 90% after deductible Prescription Drugs - Retail $5 / $30 / $50 $5 / $30 / $50 $5 / $30 / $50 after deductible Prescription Drugs - Mail $10 / $60 / $100 $10 / $60 / $100 $10 / $60 / $100 after deductible Office Visits Employees pay HIGHER premium than Core plan 6 For more information, make your way to 70% University contribution Employees pay LOWER premium than Core plan HRNAVIGATOR E X PLO R E YO U R O P TIO NS CHOOSING YOUR PLAN Looking for good directions? Use the new Coverage Advisor tool for medical insurance. » Access the online Coverage Advisor tool for medical insurance on HRM’s website YOU’RE IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT! Remember: If you’re currently enrolled in a medical plan offered by Northeastern and you don’t make an election by November 14, 2014, you will be automatically enrolled in the Core plan (unless you’re currently in the HDHP, in which case your choice will carry over into 2015). » Enter your information; this takes less than 15 minutes » Receive a medical plan recommendation based on your stated needs and preferences SHORTCUT Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 7 EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS MEDICAL » IF YOU LIVE OUTSIDE NEW ENGLAND If you reside outside of New England, your plan options remain the same: HDHP with HSA and a PPO. You still should review your options and enroll or re-enroll no later than November 14, 2014. If you select the HDHP with an HSA, Northeastern’s contribution to the HSA will be provided in full at the beginning of the calendar year, $500/Individual, $1,000/Family. Medical: Monthly premiums HDHP 2014 HDHP 2015 $ Change % Change Outside of New England 8 PPO 2014 PPO 2015 $ Change % Change Outside of New England Individual $120.14 $131.50 $11.36 9.5% Individual $232.42 $231.80 -$0.62 -0.3% Family $316.80 $349.58 $32.78 10.3% Family $615.88 $616.60 $0.72 0.1% For more information, make your way to HRNAVIGATOR E X PLO R E YO U R O P TIO NS How out-of-pocket costs compare HDHP w/ HSA PPO In-Network In-Network HSA University Funding $500 Individual $1,000 Family N/A Annual Deductible $1,500 Individual $3,000 Family None Out-of-Pocket Maximum $2,500 Individual $5,000 Family $2,000 Individual $4,000 Family Hospital Inpatient 90% after deductible Covered in full Outpatient Day Surgery 90% after deductible Covered in full High-Tech Imaging 90% after deductible Freestanding: covered in full Hospital: $100 copay Emergency Room 90% after deductible $100 copay Preventive Care Covered in full Covered in full PCP Visit (non-preventive) 90% after deductible $25 copay Specialist 90% after deductible $25 copay Prescription Drugs - Retail $5 / $30 / $50 after deductible $5 / $30 / $50 Prescription Drugs - Mail $10 / $60 / $100 after deductible $10 / $60 / $100 Office Visits Employee pays LOWER premium Employee pays HIGHER premium Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 9 EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS SHORTCUT UNDERSTANDING TERMS MEDICAL PLAN GLOSSARY A PREMIUM is the amount you pay for insurance, using pre-tax dollars paid via automatic paycheck deductions. A COPAYMENT (copay) is a fixed amount you pay for a healthcare service. A DEDUCTIBLE is the amount you owe before your insurance begins covering certain services such as hospitalization or outpatient surgery. COINSURANCE is the amount you pay, as a percentage of the cost of your services, after you reach the deductible. AN OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM is the most you pay per plan year for health expenses, including prescription drugs, before the plan pays 100%. A HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) features a higher deductible than traditional insurance plans and can be combined with a Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for qualified out-of-pocket expenses on a pre-tax basis. All non-preventive services (including prescription drugs) are subject to the plan deductible. A HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) is a medical saving account that’s available to employees who are enrolled in an HDHP. Funds are used to pay for eligible healthcare expenses on a tax-free basis. Northeastern contributes $500 for Individual coverage and $1,000 for Family coverage. A POINT OF SERVICE (POS) PLAN allows members to self-refer to any provider who has a payment agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield. 10 For more information, make your way to HRNAVIGATOR E X PLO R E YO U R O P TIO NS DENTAL CHOOSE YOUR OWN DIRECTION! Remember: If you are currently enrolled in the dental plan offered by Northeastern and you don’t make a dental plan election by November 14, 2014, you will be automatically enrolled in the Value plan. What’s changing for 2015? » Choose from two dental plans What’s not changing? » Dental program remains with Delta Dental, which means you can keep your same dentists » Diagnostics and preventive care are covered at 100% » Dependents are covered to age 26 Consistent premium contribution Our 70% premium contribution will continue. In 2015, we will offer a fixed-dollar premium contribution » equal to 70% of the cost of the Value plan. Choose from two dental plans: 1.NEW: VALUE PLAN: Lower premium costs, annual benefit maximum of $750 per covered family member. Covers preventive and basic services only. No coverage for major services or orthodontia. 2.ENHANCED PLAN: Similar to current plan; the annual benefit maximum will increase by $500 from $1,500 to $2,000 per covered family member. How out-of-pocket costs compare 2014 Election 2014 Monthly Premium 2015 Election 2015 Monthly Premium $ Change % Change » » Families who select the Enhanced plan Enhanced Plan Dental S HORTCUT UNDERSTANDING YOUR COSTS Individual $11.03 Individual $19.95 $8.92 81% Family $34.30 Family $62.04 $27.74 81% Individual $7.69 -$3.34 -30% Family $23.90 -$10.40 -30% will pay an additional $333 in annual premiums for an additional $500 in benefits per covered family member. Value Plan Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 11 EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS LIFE INSURANCE Northeastern provides you with a basic life insurance benefit at no cost to you. You also have the option to purchase additional coverage for yourself, your spouse, and children.* What’s changing? University-paid basic life insurance equal to 1x your annual base salary. This is a change from the current » benefit of 2x your base salary. This year, you will have a one-time opportunity to purchase an additional 1x coverage with no Statement of Health required.** Supplemental life coverage increased to 5x your annual base salary. You may now purchase up to 5x » (from 4x) your annual base salary in supplemental life insurance. Increased maximum on supplemental life coverage. The maximum coverage is increasing to $750,000 » (from $500,000). The combined maximum of employer-paid basic life ($500,000) and employee-paid supplemental life ($750,000) is also increasing to $1.25M (from $1M). SHORTCUT UNDERSTANDING LIFE INSURANCE RATES » » Rates for the supplemental employee and optional spouse/same-sex spousal equivalent insurance are based on an age-banded schedule and coverage amount. The optional spouse/same-sex spousal equivalent insurance is also based on the spouse/ same-sex spousal equivalent age. The rates will increase the first of each year following a salary increase and/or movement to a different age band. The age reduction schedule continues to apply at ages 65 and 70; benefit reduced to 65 percent at age 65 and 50 percent at age 70. 12 For more information, make your way to Age Monthly Rate per $1,000 Under 25 0.067 25-29 0.060 30-34 0.080 35-39 0.090 40-44 0.117 45-49 0.184 50-54 0.290 55-59 0.443 60-64 0.773 65-69 1.270 70-74 2.388 75 and over 4.696 How do I calculate the cost of buying 1x life insurance? For example, a 51 year old with an annual base salary of $60,000 would pay $17.40/month (60 x $0.29 = $17.40). Children rates, to age 26 Optional child life insurance provides the opportunity to purchase $10,000 or $20,000 in coverage for children to age 26. The rate is $1 per $10,000 of coverage per month. Please note that separate elections for each child are not necessary; one election will cover all eligible children. Benefits for infants under six months of age are limited to $1,000 in coverage. Statement of Health is not required. * Subject to underwriting and plan maximum. ** Subject to plan maximum. LEARN MORE » INFORMATION SESSIONS MAP LEGEND ATTEND A COFFEE TALK, Q&A, AND/OR DROP-IN SESSION! COFFEE TALK INFORMATION SESSION FOLLOWED BY A Q&A SESSION: Get the scoop from members of HRM’s Benefits Team and representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Learn about your new medical plans and what you need to do to take advantage of all your benefit options. Get answers to frequently asked questions and take home a free travel mug! COLUMBUS PLACE DROP-IN SESSION: Stop by for answers to your questions and use our computers to complete your online enrollment. OCTOBER MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 10 COFFEE TALK / Q&A CSC 333, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 14 BENEFITS FAIR 17 COFFEE TALK / Q&A CSC BALLROOM, 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Representatives from the HRM Benefits Team and Blue Cross Blue Shield will be available in CSC 333 to answer questions about the new medical plans. 21 C OFFEE TALK / Q&A CSC 442, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 28 D ROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY CURRY STUDENT CENTER MONDAY TUESDAY CSC 442, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 22 D ROP-IN SESSION 29 C OFFEE TALK / Q&A Dodge Hall 450, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 3 D ROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CP 250, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 30 D ROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. THURSDAY FRIDAY 6 COFFEE TALK / Q&A CP 250, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 10 DROP-IN SESSION 24 D ROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 7 D ROP-IN SESSION CSC 442, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 12 DROP-IN SESSION CSC 442, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. C OFFEE TALK / Q&A CSC 442, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 13 DROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CP 250, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 14 L AST DAY OF BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT D ROP-IN SESSION CP 250, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Online enrollment system closes at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 13 SET YOUR COURSE NAVIGATE YOUR WAY TO A BETTER FUTURE Select your 2015 benefits using the online enrollment tool » » Enroll in a medical and dental plan » » Enroll in supplemental life insurance and verify and/or change your beneficiaries » » Select pre-tax amounts to contribute to your reimbursement account(s) Ready to take control? Let’s get started! 1. Go to myNEU 2. Enter your username and password 3. Click on the Services and Links tab 4. Click on Benefits Open Enrollment 5. A welcome screen provides enrollment instructions and displays your benefits status Want more info? Get step-by-step online enrollment instructions available at Annual Notices The HRM website contains the Summary Annual Reports for the university’s welfare benefits and retirement plans and CHIP Notice. 14 For more information, make your way to OPEN ENROLLMENT IS OCTOBER 14 – NOVEMBER 14, 2014 BENEFITS CHECKLIST GO �Explore your options at �Use the new online Coverage Advisor tool for Medical Insurance �Attend the Benefits Fair October 14, 2014 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Curry Student Center Ballroom �Attend a 30-minute Coffee Talk followed by a Q&A; Get your free travel mug by attending! �Email or call the Open Enrollment Info Line, 617.373.7706, with questions DECIDE �Select a medical plan DO �Take full advantage of the retirement plan—including a 10% employer contribution if you contribute 5% and have completed two years of benefits-eligible service �Choose a dental plan �Enroll in Reimbursement Accounts: Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and/or Dependent Care Account �Use a Healthy You Virgin Pulse digital pedometer; earn up to $75/quarter by walking �Consider additional life insurance; provide required documentation (if necessary) �Be reimbursed for gym membership and/or weight management expenses �Verify and/or change your life insurance beneficiaries �Utilize the medical program for: TIP: If you elect the HDHP with an HSA for 2015, you’ll need to deplete the balance in your 2014 healthcare FSA by December 31, 2014 in order to make or receive contributions. • Pharmacy mail orders • Free medical and vision check-ups and preventive screenings SAVE �Receive insurance discounts for your home, apartment, and/or car �Save on commuting costs using pre-tax dollars for public transit passes and parking �Buy or refinance a home with a preferred mortgage provider � Get confidential guidance on legal matters, elder care, grief counseling, and more—at no or reduced costs through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) �Get on the path to wellness; participate in the Healthy You programs Have questions? Email or call 617.373.7706 15 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT: • • 617.373.7706 HRNAVIGATOR
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