October 2014 Elkhorn South High School 20303 Blue Sage Parkway Omaha, Nebraska 68130 402-289-0616 Volume 5, Issue 3 From the High School Principal- Mark Kalvoda The first quarter of the 2014-15 school year is well underway and we hope ESHS students are acclimating to the routines of being back at school. The year has been a flurry of activity as students adjust to being back on campus. I appreciate their efforts and perseverance as well the efforts of our staff and parents in setting high expectations for learning. While our students seem to be busier every year, their ability to manage time and balance academics and activities is astonishing. Our student’s academic success has been and always will be our ultimate focus. We will continue to challenge our students with relevant and rigorous curriculum in order to fully prepare them for their remaining high school years, post-secondary education and beyond. I look forward to seeing our students respond and succeed. While clearly our focus is academic achievement, I would be remiss if I did not mention how proud I am of the school spirit showed by this group of students. From rooting on friends at games, to actively participating in school activities, to creating posters of support, our students are showing school pride and representing their school with class. Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday, October 14th Wednesday, October 15th from 5:00-9:00 pm. 1 hour Early Dismissal Around mid-quarter progress report time, our students are in the routine of understanding classroom expectations with respect to homework and practice, note-taking, reading and writing, and critical analysis. Please encourage your student to do his/her best and to be prepared for classes by spending time studying and reviewing notes, assignments, textbook selections, and supplementary material. It is critical for students to develop favorable study habits that reinforce learning. I am very appreciative of the many hours our students designate to their schoolwork and for the high expectations that our parents set for students completing homework and being prepared for school. Undoubtedly, the habits they form today will serve them well in future high school classes, college classes and beyond. Elkhorn South High School faculty and administration continue to create and enhance school-wide intervention systems to support student learning. Our on-going interventions are intended to maximize student achievement by monitoring student progress and creating accountability within the learning process. Homework is essential to the learning process because it reinforces practice of new knowledge and content. Homework and practice are researched best practices that positively correlate to increasing student knowledge. I would like to inform our parents about two of our school-wide intervention systems that will help encourage learning and homework completion. The After-School Academy and the Guided Study Programs are described below: After-School Academy - The Student Assistance Team continues to offer a structured study environment after school, complete with tutors and teachers. Any student is welcome to stop by and seek help, get caught up on assignments, or form study groups. While students are encouraged to attend on their own, we are requesting help from parents to encourage or even require their student's attendance. If students get behind in their classes, attendance may become required by the school in an effort to hold students accountable for their learning. The After School Academy is held in the Media Center Monday-Friday from 3:304:30. In addition to After School Academy, Elkhorn South will often place students in Academic After Hours. Academic After Hours sessions run weekly on Thursday evenings from 3:30-6:30pm and Saturday mornings from 8:30-11:30am. This sustained block of time affords students a quiet, academic-focused area to complete missing assignments or prepare for upcoming assessments. Guided Study Program - The Guided Study Program is an intervention for students who need additional academic support during the school day. The Guided Study program operates in addition to traditional study halls. Regular education students are placed in Guided Study after a student has received two or more grades of 5 on a mid-term, quarter, or semester grade report. Students may return to regular study halls after he/she is passing all classes with a 3 or better on a mid-term, quarter or semester grade report and express confidence in his or her abilities to be successful without the program. Certified teachers and a student assistant work with the guided study students to encourage them to organize their work and improve their study habits, monitor student progress by reviewing mid-term reports and grades via PowerSchool, monitor usage of the student agenda for assignments, insist that students are engaged in constructive work each day, communicate with classroom teachers regarding student progress, provide academic support and assistance as needed and reinforce the importance of education. (continued on page 2…) (...continued from page 1) Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held at Elkhorn South High School on Tuesday, October 14th and Wednesday, October 15th from 5:00-9:00 pm. Students will be dismissed from school on these days at 2:20. I would encourage you to meet with your student’s teachers and discuss his/her academic progress. Parent- Teacher Conferences allow conversations between two very important stakeholders in the learning process. Please make note of the times and dates and make attendance a priority for your family. If you would like to contact me to discuss concerns, ask questions or comment, please call me at 289-0616 or email me at mkalvoda@epsne.org. I look forward to working together to maximize our students’ opportunities for educational excellence here at ESHS. Mark Kalvoda Principal Elkhorn South High School 402-289-0616 x3007 mkalvoda@epsne.org Mock Trial We hope everyone has had a successful start to the school year. Below is a reminder about your lunch accounts. If you have not received an email regarding your students accounts, please check with your school to make sure they have the most current email for your family. Emails are mailed daily when an account reaches -$.01, and monthly on the last day of the month regardless of how much is in the students account. Parents must set up their lunch accounts on line to receive email notifications prior to our automatic emails when your student’s accounts are low. This can be done on the District Website www.elkhornweb.org, click parent/student log in, click lunch and then under the red lettering access Lunchtime on line. You will need your students pin number and their birthdate. Your student should know their pin number or you can contact the Food Service office at 402-289-0443. Once the account is set up, under the notification part, you can select your student and at what dollar amount you would like to be notified the account is getting low, you will need to do this for each student. Account information such as purchases may also be viewed once an account is set up. Our system will allow students to charge one meal negative, after that our system does not allow us to ring the students account and your student will be offered an alternative meal consisting of a cheese sandwich, fruit/vegetable and a milk. If you have any questions regarding the new USDA Food Guidelines or questions in general, please contact our office. John Hermann Food Service Director Fifteen students comprise Elkhorn Public Schools 2014 Mock Trial teams: Josh Adams (ESHS), Sara Amavisca (EHS), Alison Clark (ESHS), Allie Copple (ESHS), Ethan Copple (ESHS), Megan Litjen (ESHS), Bri Davis (EHS), Dano Radicia (EHS), Jacob Gideon (ESHS), Kelly Wong (ESHS), Taylor Dynek (ESHS), Sophie Newman (ESHS), Hannah Donahue (ESHS), Molly Prochaska (ESHS), and Eme Kuner(ESHS). Both teams are preparing a criminal case for competition. Students evaluate information, develop character witnesses, learn to use legal language, practice courtroom procedures, and sharpen public speaking skills. Competition against other Omaha area schools takes place at the Douglas County Courthouse October through December. The NE State contest is held the 1st week of December at the Edward Zorinsky Federal Building. From the Nurse’s Desk... Health screening will be held on Tuesday, November 18th at ESHS! Screenings being done are measuring height, weight, vision, hearing and dental. Twenty-five volunteers will be needed to get this accomplished in a short period of time. Please call Kathy Vandergriend at 402-2890616 ext 3008. You will need to be there at 8:15 am (or as close as possible to that time) and the plan is to be done by 11:00 am. The success of this screening will depend on the volunteers so please consider helping! Your help is greatly appreciated! Page 3 News from ESHS Drama Department: ESHS Fall Play, “Get Smart”, will be October 30th, November 1st, and November 2nd. Advertise your business in the fall play program and/or order a Shout Out for your drama student. Prices are as follows: ¼ page - $15, ½ - $30, and full page $50. Deadline is October 15, 2014. Email ad to ESHSspeechdramaboosters@gmail.com and make checks payable to ESHS drama boosters. The next parent meeting will be Monday, October 6th at 7:30 in the ESHS choir room. We invite all parents of our incredible ESHS Speech and Drama students! Remember to check out the Speech and Drama Activities on the Elkhorn Public School Website. http://www.elkhornweb.org/storm/activities/ and then click “Theatre Arts” near the bottom of the page for all the latest news. Calling all parent volunteers! Parent/teacher conferences will be from 5:00 to 9:00 on October 14th and 15th. Once again you will have the opportunity to show your appreciation to the staff by providing them with a wonderful meal on those two evenings. If you are interested in being a part of this just follow the SignUpGenius link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0545aaab2ba46ptconference1 If you have questions, contact Janet Richards at the high school. Thank you for help - we certainly appreciate it. NHS Blood Drive The Elkhorn South National Honor Society is sponsoring a blood drive with the American Red Cross on Friday, November 21st in the ESHS main gym. Students age 16 and up and any adults in the community may donate; appointments are available from 7:00 am to 12:45 pm. Students will be scheduled to donate after they submit an application form to Ms. Muir or Mrs. Preble. SENIORS PHOTOS: Senior photos must be submitted for the Yearbook by Friday November 7th. Vertical head-and-shoulders photos only with no hands, hats, props, logos, or revealing clothing. Email photos to jsinclair@epsne.org or deliver them to school on a CD. See our website for more details wpsites.elkhornweb.org/stormalert/ SENIOR ADS: Senior ads can be purchased any time before Winter Break. Ad information was mailed home in September. For more information, visit our website at wpsites.elkhornweb.org/stormalert/ YEARBOOKS ON SALE! 2015 Elkhorn South yearbooks can be purchased now at the sale price of $50. Prices will go up to $60 at Thanksgiving. No books will be sold after January. Visit www.jostensyearbooks.com to order your book online. Counseling Center Newsletter October 2014 Counselors: Jason Gosnell A-G Meggan Coghill H-N Steve Patras O-Z Important Websites: http://www.elkhornweb.org/schools/eshs This site contains information for all students. http://connection.naviance.com/elkhorn Naviance is our college and career planning tool, complete with personality inventories, career information, college search tools, and more. Sophomores are introduced to the program in November. Juniors will be re-introduced in December. In the meantime, juniors can access their accounts by using their user name and passwords used to log in to the school computers. Seniors should be fully using Naviance for college planning and scholarship searching. See your counselor with any questions. Fall Testing Information Many juniors and parents wonder about when to take the ACT or SAT for the first time. We generally recommend testing for the first time in either February or April of the junior year. Visit www.actstudent.org or www.collegeboard.org for information on test dates and to register for the test. PSAT: October 18 The PSAT is primarily for juniors, but some sophomores take it too. The PSAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. Register in the counseling center by October 9. The cost is $20, payable to ESHS. We only have a limited number of tests, so register early. If there is still space available, late registrations will be accepted in the counseling center during the week of October 13; cost is $25. Families that qualify for free or reduced lunch should see Mrs. Coghill about fee waivers. ASPIRE: October 22/23 (freshmen) October 29/30 (sophomores) Aspire is a computer-based test put out by ACT. Students will test in the areas of English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is no fee for this test. ASVAB: October 23 Test offered to juniors and seniors. Given by the military, but not limited to students only interested in the military. This is a series of 8 tests that identify skills; when used along with the accompanying interest inventory, students gain knowledge about careers that match their skills. There is no cost, but students need to sign up in the counseling center by October 9. Test Prep Resources Visit the Counseling Center website (www.elkhornweb.org), click on Elkhorn South High School, Counseling Center, Test- ing, Test Prep Resources) or see your counselor for more information on test prep resources/classes. Upcoming College Fairs College fairs are a good source of information for students and parents about college planning. They are not just for seniors! Sophomores and juniors are encouraged to attend too. Greater Omaha College Fair (200 schools) Sunday, October 26 UNO Field House 1:00-4:00 Register for a barcode at www.nebraskacollegefairs.org to reduce time filling out paperwork at the college fair. Peter Kiewit Institute Fall Open House Sunday, October 26 UNO South Campus 1:00-4:00 Explore A Career! -- The Omaha Exploring program is an awesome opportunity for 9-12th grade high school students to learn about a career field through hands-on learning and meeting with professionals. Activities are starting so register NOW. To find out how the program works, go to www.omahaexploring.org or stop in the Counseling Center to gather more information. SENIORS: College Planning: Many colleges are in the process of accepting applications, hosting college visits, and having career days. Please take time to visit the websites of colleges of interest and contact the admissions offices to find out upcoming events. Scholarship Information: Check Naviance regularly for scholarship updates. Individual colleges are the source of the most scholarship dollars, so apply early and meet with the Office of Financial Aid on your college visits to ask specific questions unique to your student and your family. College Visits: When you set up your college visit, pick up a college visit form from Mrs. Krusemark (Counseling Center) one week in advance and turn it in to Mrs. Carlson (Attendance Office) BEFORE you go on the visit. Page 5 NATIONAL MERIT SEMIFINALISTS In September, 16,000 of the approximately 50,000 high scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT® were named National Merit Semifinalists in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,200 National Merit Scholarships, worth more than $36 million, that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. Congratulations to the following senior who has been named a National Merit Semifinalist. He will continue in the National Merit Competition this fall. Finalists in the competition will be named in the spring. The ESHS Semifinalist is Vishwanath Ganesan. NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED STUDENTS In September, about 34,000 of the approximately 50,000 high scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT® receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. Commended Students are named on the basis of a nationally applied Selection Index score that may vary from year to year and is below the level required for participants to be named Semifinalists in their respective states. Although Commended Students do not continue in the competition for National Merit® Scholarships, some of these students do become candidates for Special Scholarships sponsored by corporations and businesses. ESHS Commended Students are: Josh Adams, Elena Blusys, Alisha Dalal, and Mason Wright. Activity News! -Roger Ortmeier, A.D. ELKHORN SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULES ON THE WEB: Activity Website – www.elkhornweb.org/storm Conference Website - check the latest information on schedules by going to: www.easternmidconference.org All of the game schedules and calendars are available! Check it out! There are even links for driving directions to several schools on the schedule, and parents can have info directly downloaded to their smartphone! Including INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS OF SCHEDULE CHANGES! NSAA Website: For a more accurate and up-to-date display of information, please go to: nsaahome.org website. You can access district and state information, check wildcard points, and have immediate access to NSAA level events. FALL SPORTS ARE UNDERWAY! The sports teams at Elkhorn South High School are hitting their mid-season stride at this point! The Boys Tennis, Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Softball, and Volleyball Teams are off to great starts this fall, and all are in the hunt for state titles. I hope all of you can take the time to attend a match/game, as the athletes and coaches are working exceptionally hard to be successful. We have a fantastic group of coaches and athletes. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES IN OCTOBER! The performance of Get Smart! October 4th,5th, and 6th,by the drama department, Marching Band season is upon us! Make sure you make it to one of the many marching band festivals in October! Capital City Marching Festival – Oct. 4th Bellevue East – Oct. 11th OCI @Burke – Oct. 18th, NSBA @Millard South on Oct. 25th. Good luck to all of the vocal music students preparing for All-State, Journalism in college contests, and many other group activities participating in local and district level meetings/contests. Come out and support the many extra-curricular events that are available to the public! STUDENT AND ADULT ACTIVITY PASSES The Activities Office is continuing to sell both student ($30) and adult ($50) activity passes. These passes are good for ALL YEAR-ALL SPORTS and will permit the bearer to attend all home regular season contests free of charge. The only exception is EMC Conference and DISTRICT level games. Please call or stop by the Activities Offices to get your pass. UPCOMING CONFERENCE AND DISTRICT SPORTING EVENTS Cross Country- EMC Meet hosted by Norris, Thursday, October 9th – Pioneer Park, Lincoln District Meet - Hosted by Mount Michael High School – Thursday, October 16th State Meet– October 24th @Kearney Softball- District Trny – hosted by Duchesne High School –October 9th and 10th @Seymour Smith Fields State Tournament – October 15th-17th @Hastings Girls Golf- District Meet hosted by North Platte, Oct. 7th @Lake Maloney Golf Club State Tournament – October 13th and 14h in Lincoln Volleyball- EMC tournament-10/6 Seeds #8 vs #9 10/7-Hosted by Top 4 seeded teams-6:30 pm-10/9-Hosted by Top seeded team still playing-6:30 pm District Tourney – Hosted by TBA–Nov. 4th - Sub State November 8th Football- Playoff/State contest dates: 10/31, 11/7, 11/14 with State Final 11/25 @ UNL-Memorial Stadium Boys Tennis- State Tournament -October 16th and 17th at the Nebraska Tennis Center in Lincoln. The Fundamentals Of Sportsmanship - Character + Enthusiasm = Good Sportsmanship Page 7
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