FIRE UP YOUR FITNESS AT THE Y! REGISTER NOW! PROGRAMS FILL QUICKLY! FALL 2014 RANSBURG YMCA CENTER INFORMATION THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS RANSBURG YMCA 501 N. Shortridge Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 317.357.8441 Register online at WHAT’S INSIDE... ■ CENTER INFORMATION .................................... 2-3 ■ MEMBERSHIP ....................................................... 4-5 ■ AQUATICS ............................................................ 6-10 ■ ARTS / DANCE ....................................................... 11 ■ CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT ....................... 12-13 ■ HEALTH & WELL-BEING ............................... 14-16 ■ SPORTS .............................................................. 17-19 ■ TEENS ................................................................ 20-21 ■ YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST ........... 22 ■ ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ............................................ 23 REGISTRATION/SESSION DATES Facility Members - OPEN NOW! Program Members - Begins Mon, Aug 25 FALL I: Mon, Sep 8-Sun, Oct 26 FALL II: Mon, Oct 27-Sun, Dec 14 CENTER HOURS Monday-Friday: 5am-10pm Saturday: 7am-7pm Sunday: 11am-6pm Note: No new participants or members will be admitted to program areas or locker rooms 15 minutes before building closes. MEMBER SERVICES HOURS Monday-Friday: 8am-8pm Saturday: 8am-4pm Sunday: 11am-4pm BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Join Santa for a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast. EVENT GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY KEMBA CREDIT UNION Day: Sat, Dec 13 Time: 8:30-11:30am FREE FOR EVERYONE! HOLIDAY HOURS Labor Day Mon, Sep 1, 7am-5pm Thanksgiving Thu, Nov 27, CLOSED Christmas Eve Wed, Dec 24, 5am-3pm Christmas Thu, Dec 25, CLOSED New Year's Eve Wed, Dec 31, 5am-3pm New Year's Day Thu, Jan 1, 7am-5pm Please call or stop by the Center for any applicable Child Watch, Member Services Desk and/or Family Center Hours. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are essential to our YMCA! We have a host of volunteer opportunities such as child watch assistants, teen assistants aides, special event volunteers, coaches and more. Please contact Tina Wagner, Member Involvement Director, for more information at 317.357.8441. DROP OFF CHILD CARE (Ages 6wks-12yrs) Have errands to run and can't find a sitter? Let us help! As a Y member, you can take advantage of our Child Watch babysitting service for up to 3 hours while Child Watch is open. Different than utilizing Child Watch while in the building or participating in our programs, this babysitting service is for Y Members who wish to leave the building, run errands, etc. Service must be purchased at Member Services prior to use. Please call ahead for availability. | FM $5/hour per child THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS MISSION: 2 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. CENTER INFORMATION CHILD WATCH (Ages 6wks-12yrs) We offer age appropriate child care services to members and program participants while they are participating in a YMCA program or activity on-site. Individuals with household memberships may use up to two hours per day at no charge. | FM Free 2hrs | PM $5/hr first child, $3/hr each add'l child Day Time* M-F Sat Holidays 8am-2pm, 4-8pm 8am-12pm 8am-1:30pm *Closed if Center is closed. CHILD WATCH KIDS' FIT CLUB (Ages 6-12yrs) Make wellness a whole family activity. Your child will participate in a variety of health and fitness activities in our Kids' Fit Club! Children limited to 2 hours of care per day. Monday-Thursday: 5-8pm, Watch for special hours during Fall & Winter Break. YOUTH CURFEW Please help us make the YMCA a safe place. All children under 11 must be with a parent, in a supervised program, or in Child Watch. Please make certain that all children under the age of 16, not supervised by an adult, are picked up by 8pm on weekdays, and by posted closing times on weekends. CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU? Each Tuesday, our leadership team meets to better guide and focus our Center. Because of our Christian heritage, we begin every meeting with a prayer or positive thought. May we pray or send a positive thought your way? We also have a Bible study group that meets each Wednesday morning that will pray over your requests. Let us know ... drop your request in the prayer box located by the front entrance. IN08 PUTTING OUR PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE All YMCA members, program participants and staff are expected to interact with one another with caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. STAFF LEADERSHIP TEAM Colleen Horan, Executive Director Nancy Short, Associate Executive Director Joseph Kliner, Director of Building and Grounds Alice Weber, Sports & Family Director John Fero, Aquatics Director Matt Larson, Wellness Director Terry Reynolds, Director of Administrative Services Tina Wagner, Member Involvement Director Shanna Smiley, Membership Director Molly Gulley, Membership Specialist Natalie Woods, Teen Coordinator ... and all the OTHER STAFF MEMBERS who provide LEGENDARY SERVICE to all of our members EVERY DAY and make the RELATIONSHIPS WE BUILD possible. RANSBURG YMCA CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Anne O'Connor, Board Chair Jeff Bennett Joe Bowling Dr. Ed Brown Janet Charles Tim Hanson C. Douglas Jave Dwayne McCoy Scott Monteith Theresa Murray David Nidiffer Nick Petrone Marcus Schrader Denny Sheets Vanessa Stiles John Strachan Sharon Tabard Doug Walker FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 3 Y MEMBERSHIP GREETINGS FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Welcome to the YMCA! The heart of the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis can be found on the east side at the Ransburg Center. You are invited to participate as either a Facility Member or as a Program Member at any of our locations. Our mission to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all is inherent in all that we do. Sincerely, Colleen Horan, Executive Director, Ransburg YMCA LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK INTERCOLLEGIATE FALL CLEAN! Support the Intercollegiate YMCA, while getting some work done around the house! Our students will garden, clean, paint ….whatever you need! A payment of $125 will cover 3 hours of work performed by 2-3 Intercollegiate Volunteers. Once you register, a Y staff member will contact you with more information and instructions. Dates are below as well as the registration link: 2014 Fall: Sept 27, Oct 11 & 18, Nov 8 2015 Spring: April 11, 18 & 25, May 2 4 MEMBERSHIP AND PROGRAMS FOR ALL The YMCA is unique because membership rates and program fees are based on total household income. Generous donors help make possible this sliding fee scale so that we can be accessible to all. We seek to reflect the diversity of our service area in our members, volunteers and staff, and to create an environment where all people feel welcome and valued. FACILITY MEMBER BENEFITS • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee on Membership & Joining Fees. • Refer-A-Friend Program that allows you to earn $25 in "Y Bucks" to use toward program fees. • Free or Reduced fees for all programs. • Member Priority Registration. • 5 Guest Passes distributed throughout the year. • Free quality Child Watch while you work out. • Child Watch while away from the YMCA for up to 2 hours per day, available for a small additional fee (see Member Services Desk for details). • Free Land & Water Group Exercise Classes (excludes specialty classes) ages 11+. • Free Wellness Appointments with a YMCA Wellness Coach (up to 6 months including nutritional support). • Free Monthly Family Nights. • Free Body Composition Testing. • Reciprocating Membership at ALL Greater Indianapolis YMCA locations (with Association-wide Membership). • Free Member Appreciation Events. • Free Towel Service. • AWAY program-work out at other YMCAs across the country for free or at a reduced rate. • Special Member-only rates at Flat Rock YMCA Resident Camp FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Whether you are a Facility Member of the YMCA or participating in our programs, we pride ourselves on making you feel welcome. From the Member Services Representatives to the program staff, we are here to assist you in any way possible. Thank you for choosing to be part of our YMCA family. You can join anywhere, but at the Ransburg YMCA, you are family. THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS LOCATIONS Full Facilities Y MEMBERSHIP NORTH Jordan YMCA 8400 Westfield Blvd., 46240 • 317.253.3206 Fishers YMCA 9012 E. 126th St., Fishers, IN 46038 • 317.595.9622 NORTHEAST Avondale Meadows YMCA 3908 Meadows Dr., 46205 • 317.549.9622 Benjamin Harrison YMCA 5736 Lee Road, 46216 • 317.547.9622 NORTHWEST Pike YMCA 7114 Lakeview Pkwy West, 46268 • 317.297.9622 Witham Family YMCA 2791 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, IN 46052 765.483.9622 CENTRAL/DOWNTOWN YMCA at the Athenaeum 401 E. Michigan Street, 46204 • 317.685.9705 Indy Bike Hub YMCA 242 E. Market Street, 46204 • 317.612.3083 EAST Ransburg YMCA 501 N. Shortridge Road, 46219 • 317.357.8441 SOUTH Baxter YMCA 7900 S. Shelby Street, 46227 • 317.881.9347 WEST Hendricks Regional Health YMCA 301 Satori Pkwy, Avon, IN 46123 • 317.273.9622 Program Centers Intercollegiate YMCA Butler University, 46208 • 317.940.9542 Northern Hamilton County Programs run through the Fishers YMCA 317.595.9622 x122 Youth Enrichment YMCAs P roviding Before- & After-School Care to nearly 140 schools at more than 105 locations North District 9093 Technology Drive, Ste 101, Fishers, IN 46038 317.577.2070 • 866.577.2070 West District 615 N. Alabama St., Ste 400, 46204 • 317.226.9122 South District 7800 S. Shelby St., Suite 1, 46227 317.887.8788 • 888.500.9622 Central / East District 615 N. Alabama St., Ste 400, 46204 • 317.226.9122 Other IN08 Ruth Lilly YMCA Outdoor Center (Flat Rock River YMCA Camp) 6981 W. County Rd., 650 North, St. Paul, 47272 888.828.9622 Association Office 615 N. Alabama St., Ste. 200, 46204 • 317.266.9622 GET ACTIVE GET INVOLVED VOLUNTEER You can give meaningful service to multiply our effectiveness and allow more people access to what the Y offers. Contact your local center for a variety of opportunities to fit your interests! PROGRAM MEMBER BENEFITS You may enroll in YMCA programs (swim lessons, basketball, etc.) without being a Facility Member. There is a required Program Registration Fee for Day Camp, Before & After School and Preschool. • Program Members are invited to upgrade to a full service Facility Membership during the current program session. You will receive credit toward a YMCA membership joining fee of the difference between the rate you paid for classes and the member rate. • Use of locker room and shower facilities during your registered program times. • Program Member Card for facility access during registered program. • Accepted for registration at any Center of the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. GUESTS Guests may visit three times in a 12-month period when accompanied by a member or using a promotional Guest Pass. Guests must bring a photo ID. Daily fees are $5 children ages 5 and under, $10 for ages 6 and up, $18 for a family (2 adults and up to 3 children). ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Your gifts are needed to keep the YMCA open to all. With your help, kids can go to camp, families can enjoy the enriching environment, teens can learn valuable life skills, and seniors can find a place to socialize. FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 5 Y AQUATICS POOL CODES OF CONDUCT BE SAFE Walk! No running on the pool deck. • Children (ages 10yrs and under) must have adult supervision at all times. • All who enter the pool must stand firmly flatfooted (chin above the water) to be alone in the water. All others must have adult supervision within arm's reach at all times or use Coast Guard-approved flotation; unapproved flotation (toy floats, water wings) requires adult supervision. • A lifeguard administered swim test will determine a child's access to open areas. BE CONSIDERATE • Shower before entering the water. • Water fitness footwear and body clothes are permitted for class use. • Appropriate swim attire, with a lining, is required (no cut-offs, sport shorts, etc.) • Swim diapers and swim suits are required for nontoilet trained children. • No squirt/spray toys. • The decision of the lifeguard is final. WEATHER CONDITIONS The indoor pool will close at the sight of cloud-to-ground lightning, reopening 30 minutes past the last event; all in accordance with YMCA of the USA Aquatics Safety Guidelines, and by recommendations of the National Weather Service and National Lightning Safety Institute. PROGRAM AND POOL SCHEDULE We offer a variety of pool use options. Please refer to the current session program schedule for a listing of classes and swim times. The schedule can be viewed on-line and copies are available throughout the Center. AQUATICS FUN FOR ALL Each season offers exciting activities for Aquatics. Take part in these and other special events in the coming months. FAMILY NIGHT AT THE POOL Come join us each Friday evening; it's open swim fun for the whole family! FALL BREAK SWIM LESSONS Fall Break Swim Lessons are a condensed version of our progressive group lessons, offered weekly during the seasonal school breaks. Meeting Monday through Thursday, open to Day Camp and all membership, you can register for multiple weeks or use them as an enhancement to your current group lessons. A great experience for young swimmers of all ages. | FM $27 PM $52 BIRTHDAY POOL PARTY! Have your birthday party here at the YMCA! The 2 hour rental includes 1½ hours of exclusive pool time and use of our party room for gifts and refreshments the entire time. Events are held on Saturday afternoons in the indoor pool, affordably priced at $125 for up to 25 guests. Inquire through the Aquatics office or front desk to reserve your party date. POOCHES IN THE POOL! Wednesday, September 3th Benjamin Harrison YMCA | 6-8pm Saturday, September 6th Fishers YMCA | 1-4pm Benjamin Harrison YMCA | 12-3pm $10 per dog; human companions FREE All proceeds benefit the Y FOR ALL Annual Giving Campaign 6 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Fishers YMCA 9012 E 126th St | 317.595.9622 Benjamin Harrison YMCA 5736 Lee Road | 317.547.9622 Y AQUATICS PROGRESSIVE SWIMMING Did you know the YMCA has been teaching children and adults how to swim and be safe around water for over 100 years? We offer a program for every level of development: Y Swim School, Adult/Teen, Private/Semi-Private Swim Lessons and our adaptive WAVES program. Swimming builds confidence and character, and the YMCA does it best, incorporating our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility into each lesson. Swim programs are organized by sessions, designed for participant convenience and set by enrollment; classes may be added or cancelled based upon registration. Don't miss out on the fun-register early to hold your spot! RANSBURG SWIM CLUB Our Swim Club is for progressive swimmers, building stroke techniques and endurance, with an added emphasis on the sport of swimming. Participants must achieve "Fish" level in swim lessons or transition to the Stroking Onward class. Swim Club trials require the ability to swim 100 yards of freestyle and backstroke, non-stop, and demonstrate some proficiency in breaststroke and butterfly. Team apparel is included for those that compete in scheduled meets. Practice schedules and events are designed for seasonal goals, so young swimmers experience team fun and achievement. Club swimming is most successful as a season commitment and we encourage seasonal participation. Choose Developmental (2x Weekly) or Advanced (3x Weekly), paid monthly or on a recurring monthly draft for your convenience. Please check with the Aquatics Director before registration. PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS A complimentary skill level assessment allows your instructor to modify swim lesson plans to meet individual goals and abilities. Available in sets of 6 and 8 classes, we will pair you with an instructor that meets your schedule and developmental needs. Call or stop by the Aquatics office to arrange your lessons, 317.554.8081. Private (One-on-one) 6 classes 8 classes FM $105/PM $210 FM $138/PM $278 6 classes 8 classes FM $89/PM $181 FM $117/PM $235 Semi-private (2-3 participants) ADULT/TEEN (Ages 13+) 40 minutes Beginner: Designed to help non-swimmers feel comfortable in the water. Basic strokes will be introduced. Progress at your own pace and learn the enjoyment of water activities. Intermediate: For swimmers comfortable in shallow and deep water. You will work toward confidence/fitness goals by mastering swim strokes and beginning moderate swimming workouts. WAVES ADAPTED LESSONS Water Access for Very Exceptional Swimmers. (Ages 3+) This program is designed to benefit people with special needs by encouraging participants to use their physical attributes to the best of their abilities, while enhancing their spirits and minds with positive reinforcement. Paid monthly or on a recurring monthly draft for your convenience. *Parents may be encouraged to swim with younger participants. | FM $42 PM $87 Developmental | FM $40 PM $80 IN08 Advanced | FM $60 PM $120 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 7 Y AQUATICS Our progressive program is designed for all, from infant to adult, and every level of ability. We focus on five components: personal safety, personal growth, confidence in the water, stroke development, and aquatic activity. Each skill level builds to the next, and participants are allowed to progress at their own pace, using the fundamental cornerstone YMCA program. PARENT & CHILD (Ages 6-36mos) - Promotes water enrichment and aquatic readiness. 30 minutes filled with songs and games; you and your child learn about personal safety and water adjustment. Refer to schedule in this section. BEYOND PARENT & CHILD (Ages 2 1/2-4yrs) This 30 minute class will include both parents and child in the water for structured activities, that focus on the child gaining confidence and abilities in preparation for group lessons without the parent. PRESCHOOL (Ages 3-5yrs) 30 minutes. Children get their first experience in the pool without parental assistance! Bubble belts are used as aids to help the children swim safely and independently. Swimmers are divided into four skill levels and move up as they progress. Pike: This level is for the beginner swimmer. Children who are being exposed to water for the first time, have a concern of getting their face wet or being submerged are best placed in this level. In these classes, the instructor will work with your child to gain comfort in the water while working on basic swimming skills. Eel: In this level, your child must be comfortable in the water. They will jump in the water and have no concern of getting their face wet or submerging. The instructor will work with your child to move from a vertical swim position to a horizontal swim position. Ray: At this level your child is able to swim independently for at least 15 feet or 5 yards without any floatation device. In this level, we will work to improve stroke form and endurance for both front crawl and backstroke. 8 Starfish: The most advanced preschool level Starfish, is for a child who can swim 75 feet or 25 yards without assistance. Your child will refine their primary strokes and begin to learn the skills for more advanced swimming strokes. YOUTH (Ages 6-12yrs) 40 minutes. Personal growth, safety, stroke development, water sports/games and confidence in the water are the five components of YMCA Swim Lessons. Each skill level builds upon the preceding level and will help develop a lifelong interest in aquatics. Polliwog: This level is for the beginner swimmer. Children who are exposed to water for the first time, or have a concern of getting their face wet or being submerged are best placed in this level. In these classes, the instructor will work with your child to gain comfort in the water while working on basic swimming skills. Guppy: This level is for children who have no concern of getting their face wet or being submerged, and can swim 75 feet or 25 yards without assistance. Your child will refine their primary strokes as well as learn elements of the butterfly stroke. Minnow: This level is for the intermediate swimmer. Your child must be able to swim 50 yards on front and back without a flotation device using refined rotary breathing. We will begin to teach your child the sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke as well as learn how to swim the dolphin kick. Fish: In this level, your child must be able to swim 75 yards on front and back without a flotation device using rotary breathing and open turns. Your child will finalize their competency for sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke as well as learn how to swim the butterfly. Flying Fish: Your child must be able to swim front crawl and backstroke, for 100 yards, and elementary backstroke and side stroke for 50 yards. We will finalize the butterfly and begin to teach junior lifeguard skills. FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Y SWIM SCHOOL Y AQUATICS Y SWIM SCHOOL SCHEDULE Our sessions and classes are designed for the busy family, offering a variety options that work with school schedules and holidays. Many classes have a limited capacity, to meet our instructor:student quality ratio. Early registration is recommended. SESSIONS Session A September 8-October 2 Lessons meeting one day a week (8 cl/1x week) run through both A and B Sessions. Session B October 6-October 30 Session C November 3-December 4* Monthly Sep, Oct, Nov** *Excluding Thanksgiving week, Nov 24-28 ** Watch for holiday session, coming in Nov/Dec Class (Age) Waves (3+) Day Time (Length) Session/Classes/Meeting Fee Thu 5:50pm (40min) Monthly-recurring program* FM $42/PM $87 Stroking Onward (11+) IN08 Sat 10am (40min) Monthly-recurring program Swim Club (11+) Developmental Mon/Wed 6pm (60min) Monthly-recurring program Sat 9am (60min) Monthly-recurring program Advanced (Includes Developmental) Adult & Teen (13+) Beginner, Advanced Thu 6:30pm (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sun 5pm (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Parent & Child (6-36mos) Shrimp, Kipper, Inia, Perch Tue-Fri 11am (30min) Sessions A, B, C /4 cl/new class each week* Tue 5:50pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sun 4:30pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Beyond Parent & Child (2½-4yrs) Shrimp, Kipper, Inia, Perch Tue-Fri 11am (30min) Sessions A, B, C /4 cl/new class each week* Tue 5:50pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sun 4:30pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Preschool (3-5yrs) Pike, Eel, Ray, Starfish Mon/Wed 5pm (30min) Sessions A, B, C /8 cl/2x4 weeks* Tue/Thu 5pm (30min) Sessions A, B, C /8 cl/2x4 weeks* Wed 5:50pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sat 9am (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sat 10:30am (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sun 3:45pm (30min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Youth (6-12yrs) Polliwog, Guppie, Minnow, Fish/Flying Fish Mon/Wed 5pm (40min) Sessions A, B, C /8 cl/2x4 weeks* Tue/Thu 5pm (40min) Sessions A, B, C /8 cl/2x4 weeks* Mon 5:50pm (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sat 9:40am (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sat 10:30am (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek Sun 3:45pm (40min) Session A/8 cl/1xweek FM $20/PM $40 FM $20/PM $40 FM $40/PM $60 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $27/PM $52 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $27/PM $52 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM$102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM $53/PM $102 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 9 Y AQUATICS WATER FITNESS Our Water Fitness staff has a wealth of experience and knowledge, offering participants just what they desire. Each class is as unique and wonderful as its instructor. A listing of classes is available on our website or at the Member Services Desk. LAP SWIM & ADULT OPEN SWIM Our indoor pool opens and closes each day with 4 lanes of lap swimming. We also offer exclusive adult pool time, for an independent workout, swim, or just some relaxing time in the water. Check the Aquatics Program Schedule for more details. AQUA ZUMBA It's pool party time! One of the fastestgrowing fitness crazes in the country hits the water. Based on the Latin dance-inspired aerobic workout for total body fitness, people of all ages are falling in love with Aqua Zumba's infectious music and easy to follow dance moves. SHALLOW WATER FITNESS You will get out of this class exactly what you put into it! This is a moderate to highintensity workout in shallow water with a combination of cardiovascular and muscle conditioning. Water weights, noodles and paddles will be used for resistance. Offered many times throughout the week; this class is sure to meet your needs. DEEP WATER FITNESS Great exercise for all fitness levels! Deep Water offers a no impact workout that's as fun and intense as you make it. Perfect for anyone with joint problems. Float belts are worn in this class. STRETCH & FLEX For participants with arthritis, fibromyalgia or recovering from injury, the buoyancy of water can decrease pain and/or stiffness and improve joint flexibility. ACTIVE OLDER ADULT (AOA) A workout geared for the active older adult! Class includes walking, jogging and various exercises to strengthen and tone the muscles. Swimming skills not required, and exercise intensity is monitored. SILVERSNEAKERS® & ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION PROGRAMMING SilverSplash® offers LOTS of fun and shallow water moves to improve agility, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. No swimming ability is required; we use SilverSplash® float boards to develop strength, balance and coordination. The Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program is designed to reduce pain, increase muscle strength and improve joint function, for a better quality of life! SENSATIONAL SATURDAYS Jump-start your weekend with this upbeat, fast-paced, water aerobics class. A different instructor each week will challenge you with a variety of cardio moves and conditioning. BECOME A BETTER YOU! YMCA PERSONAL TRAINING Whether you’re a new exerciser or wanting to take your fitness to the next level, our YMCA Personal Training Program will get you results. Work with a nationally certified trainer, review goals, and develop a customized exercise program to meet your needs. Your trainer will guide you through each exercise offering feedback, motivation, and accountability. For your convenience payments will be processed using electronic funds transfer. Fees listed are per session. Minimum 3 sessions per month. 10 Semi-Private Training – 30 minutes $29 FM only (per person) Month-to-Month $24 FM only (per person) 3 Months $20 FM only (per person) 6 Months Semi-Private Training – 1 hour $43/$53 FM/PM (per person) Month-to-Month $38/$48 FM/PM (per person) 3 Months $35/$45 FM/PM (per person) 6 Months FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Duration Fee Individual Training – 30 minutes $35 FM only Month-to-Month $30 FM only 3 Months $25 FM only 6 Months Individual Training – 1 hour $55/$65 FM/PM Month-to-Month $50/$60 FM/PM 3 Months $45/$55 FM/PM 6 Months Y ARTS / DANCE DANCE DANCE I All classes run once a week for seven weeks. Weekend classes will not run Thanksgiving weekend. BEGINNING BALLET (Ages 3-4yrs) Builds upon ballet skills and introduces movements and more complete exercise to advances the child's understanding of ballet technique, musical awareness, and body positions. No previous training required. Fall I: Sep 8-Oct 26 Fall II: Oct 27-Dec 14 JAZZ (Ages 7-10yrs)Learn basic dance skills, leaps, turns, saches, splits and simple dance combinations. | FM $29 PM $59 HIP HOP (Ages 5-12yrs) Time to get your Hip Hop on! Hip Hop is designed for both boys and girls. Participants will learn a dance routine that will be preformed at the end of the session. It's a workout and a dance party! No previous dance experience needed. Fall Sessions l & ll Time 9:35-10:05am BALLET / JAZZ (Ages 5-6yrs) Covers the elementary exercises of ballet training, emphasizing creativity, posture, flexibility, strength, and musical & rhythmic awareness. This class is a natural progression from Dance I. | FM $29 PM $59 Day Sat Time 11:10-11:40am DANCE III Day Time Tue Tue 6:45-7:15pm 7:20-7:50pm 5-8 9-12 MOMMY AND ME This parent interactive class is for walking to age 3. Fall Sessions l & ll Thursdays, 5:30-6pm Saturdays, 8:30-9am | FM $29 PM $59 Sat DANCE II Fall Sessions l & ll Thursdays, 6-6:30pm | FM $29 PM $59 Age | FM $29 PM $59 Day BALLET (Ages 7-10yrs) Children will split their time between ballet and jazz, learning barre techniques, movement skills and simple dance routines. Builds upon the skills learned in previous dance classes. | FM $29 PM $59 Day Sat Time 11:45am -12:15pm TAP (Ages 5-10yrs) Children will learn the basics and fundamentals of tap dance. Tap is designed for both girls and boys. Fall session l & ll | FM $29 PM $59 Day IN08 Sat Time 12:20-12:50pm FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 11 Y CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT Our preschool provides a warm atmosphere in which children can experiment, explore, create and develop their skills. 2-Day rates (Tuesday/Thursday) Preschool: | FM $114 PM $152 (monthly) Explorers: | FM $65 PM $75 (monthly) 3-Day rates (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) Preschool: | FM $149 PM $184 (monthly) Explorers: | FM $90 PM $100 (monthly) 4-Day rates (Monday-Thursday) Preschool: | FM $172 PM $213 (monthly) 5-Day rates (Monday-Friday) Preschool: | FM $201 PM $232 (monthly) AGES 18-24MOS Your child will learn socialization, motor skills and activities that are easy and simple to create while using their imagination and having fun. Children must be 18 months by Aug 1st. Two or three day class options available. GROWING YOUNG MINDS RANSBURG KIDS! The YMCA at the Ransburg preschool gives you responsive teachers, engaging materials, friendship and community in a fun, active environment to nurture your young child! Registration now open for Fall 2014. Ages 18 months-5 Questions? Contact our office at 317.554.8576 for information. 12 AGES 2-3 CATERPILLARS Your child is invited to learn to share, make friends, enjoy stories, explore crafts, play games and experience gym and music with this introduction to preschool. Children must be 2 by Aug 1st. Two, three, four and five day class options available. AM class. AGE 3-4 BUTTERFLIES Welcome to the world of socialization and independence, self-esteem and being a friend. Stories, games, crafts, music, and gym. Children must be 3 by Aug 1st. Two, three, four and five day class options available. AM class. AGES 4-5 PREK Preparation for kindergarten through hands-on activities highlight this program. Curriculum centered on Warren Township requirements for kindergarten. Children must be 4 by Aug 1st. AM classes for two, three, four and five days available. AGES 2-5 EXPLORERS Expose your child to a wide variety of opportunities offered through our enrichment program. One, two, or three day class options available. 12-2pm. AGES 2-5 TWEEN TIME Designed to allow parents the extra time you may need while giving children a fun and safe experience. Can be used to extend your preschool day or to bridge the gap between an AM class and our enrichment programs. Held in our Child Watch area. Pack a nonperishable lunch. PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT SWIM LESSONS (Ages 3-5yrs) 30 minutes. Children get their first experience in the pool without parental assistance! Bubble belts are used as aids to help the children swim safely and independently. Swimmers are divided into four skill levels and move up as they progress. Paid monthly or on a reoccurring monthly draft for your convenience. Day Time Monthly Rate Mon 11:30am-12pm FM $27/PM $52 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 PRESCHOOL CLASSES 2014-15 Y CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT SCHOOL-AGE CHILD CARE Did you know the YMCA is one of the largest, most trusted providers of School-Age Childcare? The Youth Development Before and After School programs are committed to developing programs that give children the support they need to become successful adults. We use the YMCA of the USA's SchoolAge Curriculum that focuses on the following core content: • • • • • • • • • Arts and Humanities Character Development Health, Wellness and Fitness Homework Support Literacy Science and Technology Service Learning Social Competency Conflict Resolution ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: • Child Choice Centers (arts, games, science, cooking, drama, etc.) • Daily Snack and Homework Support • Physical Activities (indoor and outdoor) • KidzLit Reading Program • KidzMath Program • Character Development • Programs for early dismissal or delays • School's Out Camps Contact our office at 317.226.9122 for specific site program hours. BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 1. Visit your local YMCA center for a registration form, or register on-line at 2. Mail your form and a non-refundable registration fee to our registration center: YMCA of Greater Indianapolis 615 N. Alabama St., Suite 400, Indianapolis, IN 46204 3. You may also drop off your completed registration form and fee at any local YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. IN08 4. Once registered, you will receive a parent handbook with additional information. BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SITES Indianapolis Public Schools Center for Inquiry #2 Center for Inquiry #27 Fredrick Douglas IPS #19 Elder W. Diggs IPS #42 Louis B. Russell IPS #48 Eliza A. Baker IPS #55 Francis W Parker IPS #56 William A. Bell #60 Stephen Foster IPS #67 Theodore Potter School IPS #74 George W. Carver #87 George H. Fisher IPS #93 Meredith Nicholson IPS #96 Lew Wallace IPS #107 Paramount School of Excellence Avondale Meadows Academy Vision Academy Irvington Community Elementary Irvington Community Middle MSD of Warren Township Brookview Elementary Eastridge Elementary Grassy Creek Elementary Hawthorne Elementary Lakeside Elementary Liberty Park Elementary Lowell Elementary Pleasant Run Elementary Sunny Heights Elementary Creston Intermediate Raymond Park Intermediate Stonybrook Intermediate Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County Brandywine Elementary New Palestine Elementary Sugar Creek Elementary (also offering Y Preschool) Greenfield Central Community School Corporation Eden Elementary Harris Elementary (also serving Greenfield Intermediate School) J.B. Stephens Elementary Maxwell Intermediate Weston Elementary Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation Fortville Elementary (also serving Mt. Vernon intermediate) McCordsville Elementary Mt. Comfort Elementary FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 13 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING We have a state-of-the-art fitness center that allows you to work out individually on the very best fitness equipment. Additionally, we offer many group exercise classes, including these listed below. Many are FREE, and we also provide FREE Child Watch to members while you participate. Check Member Services for current schedules. FREE WELLNESS COACHING (Ages 16+, FM only) During this one-hour Wellness Appointment, a trained Wellness Coach will help you design an exercise program to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Using our unique FitLinxx® computer system, your coach will teach you how to get the most out of the exercise equipment. Appointment times vary. TEEN FITNESS APPOINTMENT (Ages 11-15yrs, FM only) A Wellness Coach guides you through a beneficial, onehour Wellness Orientation with parent participation. Age-specific safety and proper techniques are taught. Members ages 11-15 must complete this appointment prior to exercising upstairs. FITNESS EVALUATION A Certified Personal Trainer will help determine your current level of fitness. Areas of evaluation include: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body fat percentage. (By appointment.) | FM $31 PM $61 JUST WARM UP OR FEEL THE BURN! FIND YOUR PERFECT CLASS YMCA GROUP EXERCISE Also check out our NEW 30-minute express class options! Perfect for busy schedules! YMCA Group Exercise classes are FREE with your Membership! This includes Cycle, Cardio Pump, Zumba, Boot Camp, Strength & Endurance, and Much More! Check out the Group Exercise Schedule posted at the Y and on our Center web page at ALSO, note that our schedules now indicate NEW Intensity Labeling scales (green/light – yellow/ moderate – red/advanced) so you can create the best combination of day/time, class offering, workout intensity and instructor to achieve your perfect workout! DIABETES CAN BE PREVENTED YMCA DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM In a classroom setting, a trained lifestyle coach will help facilitate a small group of participants in learning about healthier eating, physical activity and other behavior changes over the course of 16 one-hour sessions. After the initial 16 core sessions, participants meet monthly for added support to help them maintain their progress. Class sizes are limited, so please call 266.9622 or email to reserve your spot now! 14 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 The YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program is part of the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program. Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING SPECIALTY PROGRAMS TRX - SUSPENSION TRAINING The TRX® Suspension Trainer is designed to build power, balance, strength and flexibility for people of all ages and at all fitness levels. Whatever your objectives, the TRX® staff are committed to helping you get stronger and reach your fitness goals. Feel confident with this small group exercise course. Cardio Circuit: Shape up fast with TRX® Cardio Circuit, a super-charged combo of strength and cardio training. Our unique interval program joins TRX® Suspension Training® with anaerobic, fat-burning benefits of mini interval sessions. With minimal equipment, TRX® can boost metabolism, improve heart and lungs, and tone up fast. 1x a week for 7 weeks | FM $54 PM $84 Flexibility: Improve your posture, increase range of motion and build greater stability from head to toe with the TRX® Flexibility workout. TRX® Flexibility takes you through a series of active stretches that counteract the effects of your day-to-day life. Designed for any level of fitness, this program is perfect for professional athletes and beginner fitness enthusiasts alike - anyone who wants to feel better day in, day out. | FM $42 PM $67 (Sign up early. Each class only has 5 available spots.) For our latest course offerings, check online at or call Wellness Director, Matt Larson at 317.554.8075. PILATES FITNESS CHAIRS BY PEAK PILATES The MVe Fitness Chair Workouts combine balance training, sports-specific training and core training in a group fitness environment. It includes elements of flexibility, coordination and strength training. Workouts are fun, energetic and produce great results. It is challenging for the beginner and the elite athlete alike. Not recommended for those over 250 lbs or women who are pregnant. Must be able to lift 35 lbs. 1x a week for 7 weeks | FM $46 PM $76 Contact Member Services or visit us online,, to see our latest class schedule for Pilates Chair. NUTRITION NUTRITION CONSULTATION Work with a Registered Dietician and learn tips and strategies to eat right for whatever your goal may be. The nutrition consultation includes two (2) free one-hour appointments with a Registered Dietician. Additional onehour appointments are only $50. Schedule at Member Services Desk or Wellness Center. Price: Free for first 2 appointments BODYGEM: COUNTING CALORIES Have you ever wondered how many calories your body needs each day? Based on your results from the BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter, our YMCA Registered Dietician can accurately determine a daily caloric range to reach your individual goals. This non-evasive test only takes ten minutes and includes personalized nutrition plan. Available at select locations, please contact Jenna Defore, 317.713.8557, or jdefore@ for information. IN08 | FM $62 PM $82 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 15 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING LOSE WEIGHT WITH SUCCESS! Weight Management Personal Training blends nutrition and personal training to help you reach your goals. This option is for members who are in Personal Training and can be added onto your current Personal Training Program at any time. Our Registered Dietician will help you set an individualized calorie goal based on your actual Resting Metabolic Rate using the BodyGem® Indirect Calorimeter. Fee includes 3 consultations with our registered dietician, BodyGem® screening, and anthropometric and nutrition monitoring. | FM only, $62 BODY FAT TESTING Using a bioelectrical impedance device, a wellness coach will determine your current lean body mass and body fat percentage. | FM FREE CPR HEARTSAVER CPR AED American Heart Association-certified instructors will train Infant through Adult CPR. Child - Adult AED and Choking prevention will also be instructed. Preregistration is required. Sign-up deadline is 5 days before training. Do not forget to ask us about our First Aid certification as well. Ransburg also does private classes at your company or offsite. | FM $37 PM $44 We do company onsite training. Contact Matt Larson at 317.357.8441 or Day/Date Time Mon, Oct 13 Sat, Oct 11 Wed, Oct 29 Thu, Nov 13 Sat, Nov 22 Wed, Dec 17 Sat, Dec 27 6-9:30pm 9am-12pm 6-9:30pm 6-9:30pm 9am-12pm 6-9:30pm 9am-12pm SALVA-CORAZONES RCP (CPR) CON EL USO DE DEA (AED) Instructores Certificados de la Asociación Americana del Corazón te entrenarán en como administrar RCP (CPR) y te capacitarán en cómo reaccionar a una emergencia de asfixia y responder a primeros auxilios básicos. El uso correcto del DEA (AED) también sera enseñado tanto en niños come en adultos. Pre-registro para la clase es necesario. Último día para inscripción es 5 días antes del entrenamiento. Este es un curso combinado y usted recibirá dos certificaciones por un solo precio. Obtenga su RCP (CPR) en su un solo curso. (En este curso no habrá un descanso parase almorzar, por favor traiga su propia comida para no tener que interrumpir la clase.) | FM $37 PM $44 Contact Matt Larson, 317.357.8441 or PARTNERS IN HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON! LET THE Y HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY AS A CANCER SURVIVOR! Participants work with Y staff trained in supportive cancer care to safely achieve their goals such as building muscle, mass, and strength; increase flexibility and endurance; and improve confidence and self esteem. By focusing on the whole person and not the disease, LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA is helping people move beyond cancer spirit, mind, and body. This program runs 12 consecutive weeks. Days and times vary. Held on the southside at the Baxter YMCA. For more information contact Mary Overstreet at | 317.865.6469 Held on the northside at the Fishers YMCA. For more information contact Marion Fowler at | 317.595.9622 16 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Y SPORTS YOUTH SPORTS PHILOSOPHY 1. Participation - Everyone Plays! 2. Fun - We play sports to have fun! 3. Fitness - Regular cardiovascular exercise is important! 4. Skills - Emphasize the fundamentals! 5. T eamwork - Focus on cooperation; not competition! 6. Fair Play - Fair play involves respect! 7. F amily - Youth Sports is a family program! 8. Volunteers - Volunteers are the Key! ATHLETES IN TRAINING Young Athletes are in their skill learning years. The body is primed for new information and ready to ignite new movement patterns. The curriculum places a high priority on technique, coordination, balance and relative strength. Strength and power training under the guidance of trained staff that will be working with weights, speed drills, footwork, bag drills, cones, ladders, specific positions and specialized skills. This program will meet once per week for 7 weeks. Fall Session l & ll | FM $44 PM $54 Saturdays, 9-10am, Ages 6-11yrs Saturdays, 10-11am, Ages 12-14yrs Saturdays, 11-12pm, Ages 15-18yrs FLAG FOOTBALL Registration for flag football is now available. This 7-week Coed session will include learning the fundamentals, fair play and good sportsmanship. League begins on Aug 23. Don't forget you can play BOTH flag football and soccer! The games will be on different days of the week. No practice or games Labor Day weekend. JUNIOR ROOKIES (Ages 3-4yrs, Coed) Games and practices: Sat, 9-9:45am Session: Aug 23-Oct 11 | FM $44 PM $80 ROOKIES (Ages 5-6yrs, Coed) Games and practices: Sat, 10-11am Session: Aug 23-Oct 11 | FM $44 PM $80 VARSITY (Ages 7-9yrs, Coed) Games and practices: Sat, 11am-12pm Session: Aug 23-Oct 11 | FM $44 PM $80 SEE YOU IN THE END ZONE! 2nd ANNUAL ALL-CITY YMCA FLAG FOOTBALL COMBINE (Coed, Ages 4-13yrs) Your child will have a blast competing in his or her age group through seven (7) different events such as the 40 yard dash and receiving/throwing accuracy. IN08 Please ask your Sports Director for more information. Date: Sep 14 Location: Park Tudor | FM $10 PM $15 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 17 Y SPORTS FALL SOCCER Y CHEERLEADING Registration for fall soccer is now available. This 7-week, Coed league will include learning the fundamentals, fair play and good sportsmanship. League begins week of August 18. (Don't forget you can play BOTH soccer and flag football!) The games will be on different days of the week! BASKETBALL CHEERLEADING (Ages 4-12yrs) Learn cheers, motions, jump and a dance routine. Participants will cheer each Saturday at 10am for our basketball league. DIVISION 1 (Ages 4-5yrs, Coed) Season begins Sat, Oct 25 | FM $44 PM $80 | FM $44 PM $80 FOOTBALL CHEERLEADING (Ages 4-12yrs) Learn cheers, motions, jump and a dance routine. Participants will cheer each Saturday at 10am for our flag football league. No cheerleading Labor Day Weekend. DIVISION 2 (Ages 6-7yrs, Coed) Season begins Sat, Aug 23-Oct 11 No cheerleading Labor Day weekend. Games and practices: Mondays, 6-7pm Aug 18-Sep 29 (weather permitting) | FM $44 PM $80 Games and practices: Tuesdays, 6-7pm, Aug 19-Sep 30 (weather permitting) Alternate night of the week of Labor Day (Tuesday 7pm) Please note time. | FM $44 PM $80 DIVISION 3 (Ages 8-10yrs, Coed) Games and practices: Thursdays, 6-7pm Aug 21-Oct 2 (weather permitting) | FM $44 PM $80 Y VOLLEYBALL (Ages 9-15yrs, Coed) Join us for our clinic style volleyball class. Learn the fundamentals of volleyball with participants scrimmaging each week. Begins Sat, Sep 6-Oct 18. Time: 10-11am | FM $32 PM $59 CHEER JUMPS & STUNTS (Ages 10-16yrs) Learn various jumps and stunts that will improve your cheerleading skills. Fall Sessions l & ll Saturdays, 11:10-11:40am | FM $29 PM $59 MARTIAL ARTS PRESCHOOL TAEKWONDO (Ages 4-7yrs, Coed) Develop confidence, coordination and self discipline while learning basic Taekwondo. Class is limited to 12 participants. Fall Sessions l & ll Mondays & Thursdays, 6:30-7pm 1 x week | FM $44 PM $80 2 x week | FM $59 PM $99 YOUTH TAEKWONDO (Ages 8-15yrs, Coed) This program is designed to develop speed and power in Taekwondo, build self esteem and improve confidence. Fall Sessions l & ll Mondays & Thursdays, 7:05-7:50pm 18 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 | FM $64 PM $104 Y SPORTS TUMBLING PRESCHOOL TUMBLING (Ages 3-4yrs) Introduction to basic gymnastics skills. This class also works on independence, listening skills, and following directions. This is not a parent participation class. Progression to the next level, prior to age 5, is by staff determination. Fall Sessions l & ll Tue 5:30-6pm, Sat, 9-9:30am | FM $30 PM $56 BASIC TUMBLING (Ages 5-6yrs) Learn progressive tumbling skills. Forward/backward rolls, bridges, cartwheels, round offs, and much more. Participants level will be determined on the first day of class. Fall Sessions l & ll Tue 6-6:30pm; Sat, 11:45am-12:15pm WE’VE GOT YOUR GAME! FALL/WINTER CLASSIC ALL-CITY TRAVEL BASKETBALL LEAGUE (Coed Ages 6-7, 8-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18) Participants will play games at other YMCA locations throughout the Indianapolis area. There will be weekly practices and Saturday games. Schedule and game locations vary weekly; please contact your Sports Director. Season Dates: Dec 15-Mar 15 Practice Begins: Week of Dec 15 Games Begin: Jan 31 | FM $71 PM $98 | FM $30 PM $56 ADVANCED TUMBLING (Ages 7-10yrs) A continuation of Basic Tumbling I. Participants will continue to learn forward/backward walk overs, back handsprings one handed cartwheels, and much more. Fall session l & ll Saturdays, 12:20-12:50pm | FM $30 PM $56 FUEL YOUR SPORT SPORTS NUTRITION COUNSELING Take your athletic performance to the next level. Learn your nutritional and hydration needs by working with a Registered Dietitian to develop a nutrition strategy for training, race day and recovery. Nutrition consultations include two sessions. Contact Jenna Defore, 317.713.8557, for more info. Y BASKETBALL PRESCHOOL BASKETBALL LEAGUE (Ages 3-4yrs, Coed) Learn the fundamentals of basketball during this four week session. Parent participation is needed. Session: Mondays, Oct 20-Nov 10 Meets in the family gym. | FM $29 PM $59 FALL BASKETBALL LEAGUE (Ages 4-18yrs, Coed) This 7-week league will be split into the following age groups: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-12, 13-15 & 16-18. The groups will meet on Saturdays and once through the week. Opening Day is Octobert 25th. | FM $44 PM $80 IN08 | FM $99 PM $149 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 19 Y TEENS If you need more information on the following programs, please call Natalie Woods, Teen Coordinator, 317.357.8441 x260. YOUTH AND GOVERNMENT (Grades 8-12) Indiana Youth and Government (INYaG) is a program with a three-day experiential learning conference in which students participate directly in the state's democratic process. Acting as Senators and Representatives, students will write, debate, and vote on legislation that affects them. As candidates, pages, or members of the media, students experience the rice spectrum of activity the constitutes our political process. As advocates and justices, students argue and judge legal cases in the actual Supreme Court chambers of Indiana. Offers elected by students serve as Governor, Chief Justice, Speaker of the House, and other conference leadership. Tuesdays, 7-8pm Program Fee: | FM $50 PM $90 Conference Fee: | FM $250 PM $300 Participants have the opportunity to fundraise fees associated with Youth & Government. LEADERS CLUB (Ages 11-18yrs) Teens help their community through service, volunteering, fundraisers, and more. Teen leaders receive Leaders Club gear. Fundraising is available to pay the program fee. Sep-May, Mondays, 7-8pm | FM $31 PM $62 TEEN LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Calling all youth groups! Do you participate in a youth group at your church? Sign up your youth group for an overnight teen leadership experience hosted by the Ransburg YMCA Teen Department. The leadership experience gives teens the opportunity to make democratic decisions, understand diversity and work together on team building projects while connecting it all back to the word of God. Contact Natalie Woods, Teen Coordinator, for a list of available dates and fees. SAFE SITTER® (Ages 11-14yrs) This nationally recognized instructional program is medically accurate, hands-on, and teaches boys and girls how to handle emergencies such as injury management and choking rescue while caring for children. Learn the basics of childcare through games, activities and role play. Course includes a kit with a manual, bag, etc. Please bring a sack lunch. Second Sat of each month. Participants must register by Wednesday prior to class date. | FM $48 PM $70 YOUR ADVENTURE AWAITS BRING FRIENDS. MAKE FRIENDS. BE HAPPY! FLAT ROCK RIVER YMCA CAMP PUMPKIN FESTIVAL September 5-7 • Pumpkin Patch • Pumpkin Decorating • Hay Rack Rides • Face Painting • Costume Contest • Haloween Candy Trail Women’s Getaway Weekend Contact Bobby Thomas for more information: 765-525-6730 Ext.204 October 11, 2014, 10am-4pm $4 Admission • Kids 3 & Under are free • Archery • Alpine Tower • Zip Line • Canoeing • & More 20 FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 Flat Rock River YMCA Camp: 888.828.9622, or Y TEENS GIRL SCOUT EXCLUSIVE SAFE SITTER CLASSES If you have a troop or a Girl Scout who needs to earn their babysitting badge, we have partnered with the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana to offer Girl Scout only classes. For more information on the Girl Scout only classes (including available dates and registration fees), please contact Alicia Martin at 924-6857. TUTORING/HOMEWORK HELPER YMCA employees and volunteer mentors will assist students in overcoming their personal challenges and achieving their academic goals. Subjects are math, reading, science, English, language arts, biology, social studies, and history. Monday-Thursdays, 4-7pm 7-Week session | FM $10 PM $20 TEEN NIGHT (Ages 11-18yrs) Evening of basketball, music, dancing, ping-pong, more! Enjoy our computer lab and mingle with friends. 3rd Saturday of each month. | FM FREE PM $5 BECAUSE EVERY MINUTE COUNTS YMCA MINUTES TO FITNESS September 22-28 * FREE IN08 Join us in a week-long challenge to track your time spent during fitness activities. We are encouraging everyone to obtain 150 minutes of physical activity this week. Join the fun! Count your minutes and receive a prize for reaching 150 minutes. Prizes are limited! See a Wellness Staff member for registration details. HELP STUDENTS ACHIEVE MORE Y-Achievers College Access & Success Program - The YMCA plays a major role in ensuring that students and families have an opportunity to continue their education beyond high school. The Y partners with higher education service organizations to build a pipeline of services that will assist students to achieve college access and success. Program activities include college planning and preparation for academic and financial success, homework assistance and tutoring, college tours, help with researching and completing scholarship applications, and assistance with FAFSA completion at College Goal Sunday. In order to accomplish these goals, the Y needs volunteer mentors to help guide students through their educational years and into careers where all persons may become self-supporting and active community members. Please work with us in a partnership that will improve the lives of youth and families in our community. For more information, please contact Courtney Crawley at WHEN SCHOOL’S OUT, WE’RE IN! Secure your Before & After School space, and don’t forget our special Fall and Winter Break Camps! • Before Care: 6:30am until the school day begins. • After Care: When the school day ends until 6pm. North: 317.577.2070 South: 317.887.8788 West, Central, East: 317.226.9122 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 21 Y YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST Dates: Aug 23, Sep 13, Sep 27, Oct 11, Oct 25, Nov 8, Nov 22, Dec 6 & Dec 13 Time: 5-10pm | FM First child $23, Add'l children $10 | PM First child $38, Add'l children $15 A late fee of $5 per child will apply when registering on the Saturday of the event. PARENTS’ DAY OUT (Ages 6wks-12yrs) Need some time to shop, have lunch with friends or just clean the house? Leave your children with us! Every Friday, 10am-2pm, Child Watch will host a Parents' Day Out. Please register no later than Thursday by 8pm to reserve your spot. Your child will need a non-refrigerated sack lunch. | FM only, $15 per child LEARN ABOUT INDIANA HISTORY Grab a cup of coffee and join us for surprising tales and fascinating facts from Indiana history. This group meets the third Thursday of every month in the Family Hub at 10am. TOASTMASTERS Originated by the YMCA! Men and women learn the art of public speaking, listening and thinking. Improve leadership qualities and self-esteem! | FM/PM FREE! (Additional Toastmasters fees do apply) Day Time Location Fri 6:30-7:30am Multi-Purpose Room BIBLE STUDY Join us in the family hub each Wednesday at 10am for an informal conversation about the Bible. Group discussion is lead by Marcus Schrader from Crossroads Bible College. 22 JOURNEY TO FREEDOM Developed for facing life's challenges, Journey to Freedom offers an inspiring, practical, and hopeful vision for strengthening your spirit, mind, and body. Whether you're wrestling with fitness goals, weight loss, fear, loneliness, grief, or addiction, this small group serves as a guide to finding hope. Journey to Freedom will show you: • • • • That lasting change is possible How to defeat obstacles and stay on course The tools needed for effective, permanent change Why blending your spirit, mind, and body is important for a balanced life. • How to write a personal plan of action to keep you focused on your journey Contact Nancy Short at COUPON CLUB Do you like to save money with interest? Join us each week for this new group that will offer tips to saving money with coupons and other online applications. Group meets in the family hub each Monday at 5:30pm. Stay tuned for more details. BRING YOUR MONSTERS (OR PRINCESSES!) Come to the Ransburg YMCA for a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween, sponsored by the Kemba Credit Union! Families are welcome to dress in costume for this event. Activities include campfire songs and stories, a haunted house, games, crafts, and more! Date: Fri, Oct 17 Time: 6-8pm Members: $3/Person $12/Max/Per Family 2 & Under - FREE Non-Members: $6/Person $15 Max/Per Family 2 & Under – FREE FALL 2014 | THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS | RANSBURG YMCA IN08 KIDS’ NIGHT OUT (Ages 6wks-12yrs) This is a great evening for kids to have a fun night without Mom and Dad. Activities include: swimming, gym time, crafts, games, dinner and a movie. Check with the front desk when registering for the theme. Participants must register by the Friday prior to the program date to allow for adequate staffing ratios. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN The Annual Campaign allows us to provide membership rates and program fees based on total household income. The YMCA is able to offer this sliding fee scale thanks to the generous donors whose contributions enable us to realize our mission of being open and accessible to all. The individuals and companies below have donated at the $250 level and above in 2014. A complete listing of all donors may be found online at Thank you to all who have helped! IN08 CHAIRMAN'S ROUND TABLE $1000+ Ali Cook Fun for Kids Fund American Senior Communities, Harrison Terrace Barbara Butz Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP Carol Mitchell Colleen & Brian Horan Denny Sheets Douglas Walker Dr. Robin Ledyard Hanson Family Fund JBG Realtors, Inc. JP Morgan Chase Kemba Credit Union Koorsen Fire & Security Larry & Nancy VanArendonk Leeann Walker Murray James & Mary Jackson Michael & Anne O'Connor Michael Barth, III Michele Goodrich NAPA Auto Parts Normand & Nancy Pinard Performance Tire R. Douglas Walker Rhonda Kittle for the Kittle Foundation Robert Buchanan Scott Monteith Somebody, Inc. Stephen A Cook Unique Home Solutions United Consulting Engineering Walker & Associates Insurance Valvoline SPONSOR OF YOUTH $500-$999 Cleo Sheets Donna Smithers Dr. Ed & Sarah Brown Dwayne & Beth McCoy Garland Graves Gary Short Greenfield Harris Elementary School Indianapolis Inner City Y's Men and Women Jeff Bennett John & Anna Nelson John Strachan Mary Ann Sullivan Nancy Short Nick & Amy Petrone Pro-Tek Photography Marus Schrader Sharon Tabard Steven & Krissy Bales Terry & Julie Reynolds The Hood Family PATRON OF YOUTH $250-$499 Central Electric Supply DM Smith DVM Corporation Janet Charles Kenny & Laura Ball Lou Drexler Sarah Riordan Tina & Lila Wagner Tracey & Neil Fitzgerald Vanessa Stiles TOGETHER, WE CAN DO SO MUCH ORE GIVE NOW Your gift to our annual campaign today can give another individual access to Y programs tomorrow. Donate online today at https://indymca.thankyou4caring. org/annualcampaign FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 23 015 Program Guides are also online. Visit our website, choose your location under “Centers” and then click “Forms + Program Guide” 2 Crane Bay Event Center 551 W. Merrill Street, Indianapolis Look for more info online soon! Saturday January 24, 2015 Dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions and more! Most importantly, the Revolution Ball is an evening of charitable giving to fund the mission of the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. Black Tie Optional ... Tennis Shoes Required! Mark Your Calendar! START THE YEAR OFF RIGHT 501 N. Shortridge Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46219-4911 317.357.8441 THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS RANSBURG YMCA PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 237 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE IN08
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