Wildlife Action, Inc. Upstate Chapter Newsletter October 2014 Our Motto: Local Folks Solving Local Problems Our Slogan: To Put Back More Than We Take Websites: www.wildlifeaction.com and www.wlaupstate.org Chapter Meeting: Monday, October 13, 2014 at 6:00 PM at Lost Acres Bring a Covered Dish Program: DNR Officer Eric Quinn, Skeet Shooting for WLA Members Only Pioneer Day at Croft State Park Pioneer Day at Croft State Park continued This year’s WLA Upstate Chapter’s annual Pioneer Day was held at Croft State Park on Saturday, September 13th from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Thirty-one children from Spartanburg and the surrounding area participated in a fun-filled day at Croft State Park. Seventeen WLA Upstate members, four Friends of Croft members (our event co-sponsor) and local Kohl’s volunteers made Pioneer Day an enjoyable learning experience for all participants. Each child received gifts to take home consisting of a rod and reel donated by the SC Hunters and Landowners for the Hungry, fishing tackle donated by Academy Sports + Outdoors and a large backpack donated by Costco. Registration: Nancy Biggerstaff, Mott Hope and Jane Hughston registered 31 children. Included were members and their leaders from Girl Scout Troop 1501. Fishing: All of the children spent the morning fishing on the banks of beautiful Lake Craig. Friends of Croft donated worms. For many of the children this was their first experience baiting a hook and casting a reel. The photo on the left is of WLA Upstate member Guy Edge watching his grandson fish. Lunch: All of the participants and volunteers enjoyed a picnic lunch of grilled hot dogs topped with Leneda Cassel’s famous homemade chili, chips and a soft drink. The food, donated by Food Lion, Publix, Sam’s Club and Costco, was prepared and served by Friends of Croft members and Kohl’s volunteers. Afternoon Sessions BB Gun Target Practice was supervised by Ron Rutledge, John Harris and John Kirkland. Children and adults practiced shooting with their choice of BB pellet rifles or BB pellet guns and various targets. The photo on the left is of two children who are proudly displaying their targets. The Scavenger Hunt was led by Nancy Biggerstaff and Steven Anschel. Each child received a list of twenty naturally occurring items and a specimen collection bag. The items included mushroom and lichen samples, and specific leaves, seeds and bark from plants and trees. Twenty-four children were awarded the Scavenger Hunt certificate for collecting all of the items on the list. The photo on the left is of a sister and brother each with a certificate. The Skins and Skulls program was led by Linda Harris (left), Bill Tart and Polly Bennett. The specimens on display ranged from sharks to bears. The children learned about each animal’s habitat and unique behaviors. Following the presentation they could examine and handle the various skins and bones. The Birds and Bird Calls session was presented by Jim Biggerstaff and Barry Long. Children were taught to identify birds by appearance as well as songs and calls. They also learned about some bird behaviors. In the photo to the left, Jim (left) is playing a bird call while Barry (right) shows a picture of the bird. Feedback: Randy S. Alexander (Costco) – We are happy to help anytime we can. To view all of the Pioneer Day images on line see Continued on next column. www.wlaupstate.org/photo_gallery/PioneerDay%202014/album/index.html September WLA Upstate Chapter Meeting The September Chapter Meeting was held on September 8th at Lost Acres with 23 members attending. Thanks to everyone who brought a covered dish. John Harris showed the video produced by WSPA of Jane Hughston receiving the CARING for the CAROLINAS September 2014 award. See www.wspa.com/video?clipId=10565037. This was followed by a video of the Anschels’ orchid collection. See www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTpVjjAniz8 WLA Upstate Board of Directors Election The Upstate Nominating Committee received three nominations for the two WLA Upstate Board of Directors positions. The term for these two positions starts on January 1, 2015 and runs for three years. An election ballot with instructions accompanies this Newsletter. Mail your completed ballot to WLA Upstate Chapter to arrive at the post office by Friday, October 10th or bring your ballot to the October 13th Chapter Meeting. The election results will be announced at the October Chapter Meeting. 2015 Upstate Calendar Email your uncropped, color photos in JPEG format of WLA Upstate activities to Jim Biggerstaff at st jnbigg@att.net by the October 31 deadline. Images should show WLA Upstate members and/or activity participants. For each photo, include the photographer’s name, contact information and the photo title. The calendar will have a cover photo and twelve monthly pages. Each month will have one or more photos of an Upstate activity or event. WLA Upstate Upcoming Events Sat. Oct. 4 Sat. Oct. 11 Mon. Oct. 13 Tue. Oct. 28 Thu. Oct. 30 Fri. Oct. 31 Mon. Nov. 3 Mon. Nov. 10 Thu. Nov. 20 Fri. Nov. 21 Tue. Nov. 25 Mon. Dec. 8 Birthday Party for Peyton Hamblett, son of Jason & Katie Hamblett 1 PM at Lost Acres New Life Baptist Church, Roebuck 10 AM (15 participants ages 4 to 18). Contact: Kathy Brannon Activities: Leaf Prints, Archery & Bird Boxes. Volunteers needed WLA Upstate Chapter Meeting 6 PM at Lost Acres. Election of 2 WLA Upstate Board of Directors Members Program: Officer Eric Quinn, Skeet Shooting for WLA Members Only Chapter Board Meeting 6:30 PM at North Spartanburg Fire Dept., 8767 Asheville Hwy., Spartanburg, SC 29316 Westview Elementary 9 AM (80 Fourth Graders). Contact: Donna Brooks Activities: Eddie Eagle, Bird Boxes, Nature Trail & Skins & Skulls Westview Elementary 9 AM (40 Fourth Graders). Contact: Donna Brooks Activities: Eddie Eagle, Bird Boxes, Nature Trail & Skins & Skulls District 6 Schools 9 AM (39 Gifted Children). Contact: Sally Dover Activities: Eddie Eagle, Bird Boxes, Nature Trail & Skins & Skulls. Volunteers needed WLA Upstate Chapter Meeting 6:30 PM at Fuddruckers, 1509 John B White Sr. Blvd, Spartanburg, SC 29301 Program: Jack Roper Magic Show Fairforest Elementary School 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM (60 Second Graders). Will bring lunch. Contact: Lynn Brady Activities: Eddie Eagle, Bird Boxes, Nature Trail & Skins & Skulls. Volunteers needed Fairforest Elementary School 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM (63 Second Graders). Will bring lunch. Contact: Lynn Brady Activities: Eddie Eagle, Bird Boxes, Nature Trail & Skins & Skulls. Volunteers needed Chapter Board Meeting 6:30 PM at North Spartanburg Fire Dept., 8767 Asheville Hwy., Spartanburg, SC 29316 Chapter Year-End Banquet and Awards 6:30 PM at O'Charley's, 106 East Blackstock Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301 Members only Skeet Shooting at Lost Acres As part of the SC Department of Natural Resources Education Program, DNR Officer Quinn offers free Skeet Shooting Instruction. The program for the October WLA Upstate Chapter Meeting will be a Skeet Shooting session supervised by Officer Quinn. It will begin at 6 PM and is open only to WLA Upstate members and their families ages 8 and up. The Skeet Range will be set up at the Lost Acres Overnight Camping area. Officer Quinn will supply all of the equipment including shotguns, ammunition, traps and clay targets. The Nature Trail will be closed during the Skeet Shooting session. Order Your Wildlife Action Upstate Chapter T-Shirts & Sweatshirts John Harris is taking orders for WLA Upstate Chapter long or short sleeved tee-shirts or sweatshirts. National's Wolf logo in four colors will be on the back and a small one color logo will be on the front left chest area. You may order by size, color and style. Email johnlin3@aol.com or call John at (864) 576-1410. He will provide final pricing before placing the group order. 2014 Officers Dick Cassel Dr. Nancy Hughston Betty Anschel Nancy Biggerstaff Jane Hughston Dan McCall Charles Finkelstein Polly Bennett President Vice President Secretary Treasurer VP Education VP Hunting VP Fishing VP Environment 2014 Board of Directors 474-3004 576-7689 (864) 234-8137 579-3624 576-2236 541-8831 576-7689 574-6653 Jim Biggerstaff Jane Hughston Henry Grimsley Linda Harris Jesse Charles Ron Rutledge 3 Yr 3 Yr 2 Yr 2 Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 579-3624 576-2236 574-2133 576-1410 587-7876 576-6035 Vern Travaille, Webmaster, 529-0463 2 Fund Raising Buy or sell Business Card Ad space for our supporters’ page – $60 for 6 months; $100 per year. Buy or sell bricks for our building. For details call John Harris 864-576-1410. 8" by 4" by 2¼" Clay Brick $75 with 1- 3 lines of engraving (16 characters/line) 8" by 8" by 2¼" Clay Brick $125 with 1- 6 lines of engraving (16 characters/line) Make checks payable to: Upstate Chapter Wildlife Action, Inc. Mail to: P. O. Box 2394 Spartanburg, SC 29304 Characters per line include spaces and punctuation Maran Associates (864) 814-1888 mstamt70@yahoo.com www.maran-assoc.myshaklee.com www.mygetwealth.com Ask about FREE GIFT! – Work from Home You’re born with a lifetime warranty Let me help you extend it!! Order Your Wildlife Action Upstate Chapter T-Shirts & Sweatshirts Contact John Harris to Place Your Order (864) 576-1410 johnlin3@aol.com Specify Size, Color and Style 3 Additional Pioneer Day Photos by Steven Anschel BB with Ron Rutledge 4
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