TOP-DOWN SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF PROTEINS VIA ION-MOBILITY TIME-OF-FLIGHT MASS SPECTROMETRY Asish B. Chakraborty, Weibin Chen, and Jeff Mazzeo Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA 01757 OVERVIEW TOP-DOWN FRAGMENTATION OF G3PDH WATERS SYNAPT G2 HDMS Top-down Sequencing of LC after SEC Separation Top-down or middle-down MS methodology directly UV280 HC fragments intact proteins or protein subunit to obtain sequence information for protein characterization or identification. LC The many different types of fragments from direct MW: 36 kDa Top-down Fragmentation of rhGH to Probe the Sequence Variation rhGH,CAA23779.1 2+ to 5+ Salts rhGH,P01241 HC fragmentation of large proteins mean that spectral interpretation and sequence deduction is challenging. LC Salts TIC Waters SYNAPT® G2 HDMS™ System combines TOP-DOWN PROTEIN SEQUENCING BY SYNAPT G2 HDMS Top-down Fragmentation of LC followed by IMS Separation TOF Analyzer Antibody fragments from UPLC SEC Separation m/z Data Processing Drift Time Select a few charge states of protein or the light The LC/MS system was configured with a Waters ACQUITY UPLC® chromatography system and a Waters SYNAPT G2 HDMS quadrupole ion-mobility time-offlight mass spectrometer. Top-down spectra of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (precursor m/z 943.5, +38). Spectra contain multiple charge states that complicates the sequence interpretation. The 3D viewer (below) helps to disentangle some of the complexity by clarifying the view for the user. TOF mode (resolution mode) for all analyses. MassLynx™ 4.1 software was used for instrument control and data processing. The LC and HC of mAb were generated from a limited DTT reduction. Chromatographic separations were performed on a 4.6 x150 mm, ACQUITY UPLC® BEH200 SEC, 1.7 µm column. ACQUITY UPLC/TUV Column: SEC BEH 4.6 x 150 mm, 1.7 µm Flow Rate: 0.3 mL/min Solvent: 30% ACN in 0.1%TFA and 0.1%FA Column Temperature: 30 °C TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS POSTER, VISIT WWW.WATERS.COM/POSTERS b32 b34 b35 b36 3858.99 3988.03 3729.96 4059.07 0 GH FRACTION 6POSITION H6_TOF_MSMS_06AC 785 (13.428) M3 [Ev-763401,It50,En2] (0.050,200.00,0.200,1400.00,6,Cmp); Cm (1:1166) m/z TOF MSMS 1307.59ES+ 1.07e6 3391.74 100 +1 charge state 3262.71 Dr ift 2971.58 Tim e 3667.84 3134.65 3538.80 2870.54 y96 y967+ A y957+ y977+ y966+ a2 b4 b7 y976+ b6 y8 y9 2642.39 2755.50 y11 y13 2500 2600 2700 2800 3961.95 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 mass 4600 M -NH2 CONCLUSIONS We have demonstrated the performance of Synapt G2 C-term sequence: HQGLSSPVTKSFNRGEC y7 S 3867.94 Figure 5. MaxEnt 3 deconvoluted spectrum showing a portion of the spectrum, using the 2+ to 5+ charged fragment ions of rhGh. Comparison of the fragment masses reveals the sequence difference of the two GH variants. N-term sequence: DIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDR b3 3796.90 7+ 0 y978+ b5 - b31 3325.78 2799.56 2914.59 states, sizes and masses by ion mobility UPLC SEC Conditions for MS Analysis b33 3453.84 b28 3061.66 1: TOF MSMS 1302.40ES+ 2.88e5 3582.89 2686.44 Separate CID fragment ions based on the charge The SYNAPT G2 HDMS was operated in the mobility- b29 b24 the TRAP cell fragmentation data b27 b26 y968+ Process data with software tools to simplify the 3144.70 100 higher charge states chain or using the quadrupole Fragment the ions using CID in b30 091115-UCA012-WBC-08-GH 150 (4.965) M3 [Ev-633598,It50,En1] (0.050,200.00,0.200,1400.00,5,Cmp); Cm (148:154) 100513_UCA064_WCAC_LYSC_DIG_PEAK 1_LC_IMS_MSMS_02.raw : 1 Figure 1. Figure 4. Top-down sequencing of rhGH variants. % In this work, we demonstrate the top-down analysis of recombinant human growth hormone, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) and an antibody subunit (LC) for the structural characterization of the proteins on a SYNAPT G2 HDMS. Figure 2. Separation of LC from HC using Waters Acquity BEH200 SEC 1.7 µm column (p/n:186005225). % QuanTof™ technology and enhanced ion-mobility separation (IMS) to provide a unique instrument platform for successful top-down protein analysis. y15 y17 B Figure 3 (A). Spectrum of higher charge state fragment ions selected from the IMS display (DriftScope™); (B). Spectrum of 1+ charged fragment ions (precursor m/z: 1079.4, 22+) following ion mobility separation. HDMS for the top-down sequencing of G3P dehydrogenase, rhGH and the light chain of a monoclonal antibody. The post-fragmentation IMS separation enabled the separation of different charge states of fragment ions, produced easily interpretable spectra from selected ion fragments, and increased sequence coverage. The QuanTof technology offers improved MS resolution and accurate mass measurement for fragment ions with higher charge states. When coupled with enhanced IMS resolution, it offers a practical top-down methodology for comprehensive protein characterization.
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