Software Innovation Ivan Aaen Institut for datalogi – Aalborg Universitet 23. oktober 2012 tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Nogle grundbegreber • • • • • tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Ide Kreativitet Innovation Problem ≠ opgave Metode ≠ metodologi Emphasis on Structures • Roles: Personal responsibilities and knowledge • • Views: Defined common viewpoints tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Vision: Representation and maturation of research and project vision 196 _____________________________________________________________ Components The Generic Architecture Pattern You can use the layered architecture to elaborate basic systems that include interface, function, and model components. The model component, containing the model of the object system, can be the lowest layer, followed by a system functions layer and, on top, the interface component. You can often decompose the interface layer into two separate parts: user interface and system interface. Figure 10.5 shows this simple and basic architecture. «component» Interface «component» User interface «component» System interface «component» Function Project «component» Model «component» Technical platform «component» «component» «component» _______________________________________________________________ UIS DBS NS Prioritize _______________________________________________________________ 185 9.4 Prioritize Method Having considered the general object-oriented criteria and the specific conditions, you can now prioritize which criteria should govern your design activity. This helps you convert OOA&D to a specific strategy for your project, supports the planning of evaluation activities, and helps you decide when the design process is complete. The table in Figure 9.4 can serve as a checklist in this process. You can assign priorities to the classical software-quality criteria, and add criteria that reflect your specific design conditions. Users Other Figure 10.5: The generic architecture pattern for asystems system In most cases, it is a good idea to incorporate components that serve as well-defined interfaces to certain parts of the technical platform. With the basic architecture, you can, for example, have an interface to the library that implements the user interface. This library can be encapsulated in a separate user-interface system component (UIS). You can do the same thing with a database system (DBS) that stores the model contents, and with communication or network software (NS) that implements the systems interface. You can construct these three components as parts of a layInterface er, which at the lowest level makes up the interface to, and thus encapsu- Very important Functions Model System 70 ________________________________________________________________ Structure Figure 1.2:1 A general system architecture Customer Important Less important Irrelevant Easily fulfilled Usable Process Product Criterion Secure Efficient Correct Reliable Maintainable Testable Flexible Comprehensible r concentrate our efforts on points of uncertainty in the system6s imReusable 0..∗ 0..∗ to the programming activities. ntation and leave the rest Portable Appointment reasonable architecture gives us an overview of the system. Even 1 Interoperable systems contain so1 many classes and objects that the system easily Additional \ 1 1..∗ mes unwieldy. AsEmployee a tool for handling system Day Schedule complexity, OOA&D uses criteria \ \ 1 onents, which are groups of classes and objects. \ entifying the relevant components in a concrete system is a crucial is1..∗ Figure 9.4: Checklist for prioritizing design criteria object-oriented The choice of architecture will always reflect Apprenticedesign. Assistant 26 ____________________________________________________________ System Choice 164 _______________________________________________________________ Interfaces Time Period ncrete situation, and selecting one is a highly iterative process. In Quality assurance follows classical plan-do-check-act cycles. These activiDescribe the Situation &D, we start with a very basic architecture with three components: a ties 2.3 underline the iterative nature of system development and especially of Our understanding of the users8 situation must be rich and abundant. To ______________________________________________________ 1 design. They are repeated for different parts and versions of the design, and component, a function component, and an interface Behavior component. achieve this, we must be open and disposed toward discussion. Thus, we the termination of one cycle initiates the planning of the next. At this stage, Free which reflects Other gure 1.2 shows this basic Work architecture, the system6s emphasize the following principle: you should consider how to evaluate (check) the system and its parts. Basixt. The model component contains a dynamic model of the system6s the situation. cally, twoPrinciple: methods Appreciate are relevant: reviews and experiments. Given these Gardener Figure 4.1: Class diagram for the Hair Salon System (Chapter 20) tomer em domain. We structure the model component to agree with the usmethods, several questions arise. Which quality criteria and which parts of account opened By working with Erich pictures,F we can explicate important user views of a System ew of thetural problem domain, and update important changes ocrelations between the(date) classes and objects it in when our model. Figure 4.1 situation, facilitate debate, and get an overview of the situation quickly. Application shows an example of adomain class diagram. n an air traffic control system, the model component contains a repreThe purpose here is not to create a detailed description of all possible ciraccount closed cumstances, but rather to obtain an overview. tion of planes, flight departures, flight corridors, positions, and the re4.1 Object-Oriented Structures(date) Open s amongWhen them. we extend our problem-domain model with object-oriented strucRich Pictures tures, we continue to employ the fundamental distinction between object he function component contains the facilities through which users upA rich picture is an informal drawing that presents the illustrator8s underand class introduced in Chapter 3. the concrete object level, we ask: What are the specific relations bend use theOn model component. When planes change position in the airstanding of a situation. Figure 2.2 shows an example of a rich picture from tween objects in the problem domain? To answer this, we view a phenomea hospital8s system development project. The rich picture describes a air space, detects the movement andproperties sendsthat a signal to a system Problem domain nonradar in the problem domain as an object, with certain deterchange from six autonomous wards to a new structure in which the wards amount deposited amount withdrawn Greenhouse1 mine its identity, state, and behavior. For example, we might consider a e function which changes the model component6s state. If the model become part of a larger unit. The purpose of this organizational change is to amount) (date, person (date, as a company employee, butamount) not as a family member or a person Find Actors and Use Cases _______________________________________________ 127 improve coordination and resource sharing among the wards. onent6s state shows hobby. thatIntwo planes are about toobject, collide, a warning with a particular viewing this person as an employee we 122 ___________________________________________________________________Usage Figure 8.15: The context for a greenhouse-monitoring system on her name, address, department, and salary. At the same time we on sendsfocus a signal to air traffic controllers that the planes6 flight coursignore such properties as spouse, hobbies, political opinion, and so #1 1: A simple statechart diagram forchildren, a class JCustomerL in aclasses bank During execution, one object from each of these two typiTradition vs. This illustrates how, through what is denoted as abstraction, we simpliuld be changed immediately. insert card Card inserted cally exists for each of the devices that should be read. When the device obchange Choosing the System______________________________________________________ 25 ject performs a read, it calls the operation CmeasurementD in the memory payment prompt for code Individual info. he result iswhich expressed graphically in athat statechart diagram, as #2 object, takes care of storing the value was read. With regards to the rest of the system, the memory object serves as the interface to the exFigure 5.1. Waiting for code «actor» Paradigm ternal device through a call to the operation Clatest-value,D which returns a desired readingFtypically the latest. If more readings must be stored, the vioral Pattern and Attributes reject Exit name n entityGreenhouse with identity, state, and behavior. In the class activiClicking here terminates Greenhouse 1set of second the system’s execution an havior simply as the unordered events that involve Temperature display Theactivity, temperature is shown behavior we describe behaviorminute more precisely by add15 min. in both digital and analog 24 Choice of period ve timing is defined by an event formof events. An objectFs behavior hour User chooses the time over which the Choice of display hibits a certain ordering of events over time: interval current average average should be User chooses whether to continuously show the «actor» Account owner enter code calculated race: Acurrent sequence value or the of events involving a specific object. Waiting for amount choose amount Liquidity monitor Situation #3 Ideas cancel payment Amount approved approve amount «actor» Creditor Standard info. #4 account information registration tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Resources #5 Systems «actor» Administrator Amount chosen monitoring ce is unique for a specific object; it is the precise event amount se- not approved Figure 8.16: diagram for a greenhouse he object is involved in Window during a time interval.system For example, Figure 6.5: Statechart diagram for Ocash withdrawalP error correction he class JCustomerL in Figure 5.1 might have the following uring its lifetime: in the target system. We delimit a use case based on the specific actors? Figure 6.3: Use-case diagram for the automatic payment system object-oriented problem-domain analysis is on objects, Reorganizing Personnel info. credit information System definition Plans #6 average over the selected period pened M amount deposited M amount withdrawn M t deposited M account closed Pool money transfer Code entered code accepted cash withdrawal Coordinating New entity Figure 2.1: Subactivities in choosing a system viewpoint and application-domain tasks. The goal is to collect the many an actor table or a use-case diagram. We prefer the actor table, as it possible ways of using the target system in a few well-chosen either use cases. consumes less space; UML recommends the use-case diagram. Taken together, your use cases should give an overview; individually they The account owner is involved in four use cases: payment, cash withshould be abstractions that are both logical and meaningful to the involved drawal, money transfer, and account information. Credit card payments alAs Figure but for actors. ways occur through the creditorEan interactive process involving both actors. Cash withdrawals occur at publicly accessible ATM machines, which You can produce a list of possible use cases by examining the applica- 2.2 Choosing the System 2.1 shows, system choice is based on three subactivities. The first Figure 2.2: Example of a rich picture with focus on change Report Paradigm tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Little Red Riding Hood App • Little Red Riding Hood is either at home or at her friends’ home. Both places are too far away from Granny’s house to walk, so she has to take a bus • If Little Red Riding Hood fails to show up at her Granny’s house at the expected time, Granny will get very upset and call anyone from the King down • There are three busses available to the woods, lines A, B, and C • • She must avoid Mr. Wolf and not come near his house, but some trails in the woods come dangerously close to it The parents want to know how things are going when she is under way to Granny • The parents use laptops and mobile phones • She is great friends with Mr. Hunter, and he will come to her rescue if alarmed • • Granny is old but young at heart. She is used to text messages and computers Little Red Riding Hood is a dashing young lady sporting a posh, top-of-the-line smartphone with compass, GPS, gyroscopes, accelerometers, etc. • Still, she is very young and not used to busses. She might miss a stop, take a wrong direction, get off the bus too early, etc. • And even though she has a sophisticated smartphone, she is not a seasoned user of it • tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Granny dislikes unexpected knocking on her door, and wants guests to make an appointment first Example: Paradigm tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Paradigm iPhone 10:15 PM iPhone 10:15 PM NO! NO! Ta k el e ft Ta k tra il Take GrannyTrail Silent Alarm tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 el eft tr a il Take GrannyTrail Go normal Example: Paradigm In the woods Safe Scared Departure Arrival On track Lost Scared Visible tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Hidden Product tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Product tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Project tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Project tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Project Research Strategy tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Poka Yoke strategy? Feasibility: Can NFC validate bus and payment? Avoid wrong bus Validate bus and payment and enforce response Example: Project Research Strategy tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Can Fast Fourier Transformation be used? Feasibility: Can we see if she is hurtling? Can we use gait to determine if she is scared? Hurtling detection Example: Project -Vision as Elevator Pitch For Little Red Riding Hood and family Who wants to ensure a safe visit to her granny The LRRH Travel Aid is a smartphone app That guides her way, helps calling for help, and keeps her family informed Unlike ordinary travel aid apps Our product has a dual focus on travel aid and safety tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Toulmin Structure Vision Challenge Grounds Qualifier Warrant tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Rebuttal Idea Process tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Process tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Example: Process Evaluation © 2012 Ivan Aaen, draft - do not quote without permission Strengths Simple to implement Effective Poka-Yoke solution Weaknesses Requires NFC enabled smartphone Requires NFC-based ticketing systems Might frustrate user Bus data might be inaccurate Opportunities Threats Can prove useful for later travel apps if Privacy and security issues? we identify a broader market The bus company may not cooperate NFC-based ticketing may not be available yet Figure 6.2: SWOT analysis of Near Field Communication (NFC) research Value Analysis tries to identify potential gains from the research and this method therefore is more focused than SWOT. Our example (Figure 6.3) evaluates the potential in researching panic identification based on step detection.We are contirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Using PMI (Figure 6.5) we list what we think are strengths (Plus), weaknesses (Minus) and what could be interesting aspects and features (Interesting) of these three ideas. Our analysis shows that none of these ideas can detect hiding behavior alone. Each idea has severe weaknesses and important strengths, and each of them may be combined with the others. Evaluation Idea Plus No movement Step detection Standing still may (few or slow steps) not imply hiding Stationary GPS May be combined with the other two ideas Location good for hiding Combines GPS and maps Position accuracy Map accuracy May be combined with the other two ideas Does not detect hiding with no movement May be combined with the other two ideas Furtive movements Step detection (unique pattern) GPS (furtive means slow) Minus Interesting Figure 6.5: PMI-evaluation of ideas for identifying hiding Based on these observations, the recommendation could be to go on by combining two or three of these ideas into one. No movement and furtive movement could easily be combined into one feature. The location idea relies on extirsdag 23. oktoberprobably 2012 Afrunding tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Nogle grundprincipper • • • • • tirsdag 23. oktober 2012 Learning by doing Diversitet Eksperimentel udvikling Inkrementel udvikling Usikkerheder Eksempler til undervisning • Fysioterapi i hjemmet ved brug af Kinect eller WII og Skype • Rundvisningsguide til frilandsmuseum baseret på smartphone tirsdag 23. oktober 2012
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